aquaeques · 6 years
( @cosmicdvst // ☆ )
The comment pulls a dry laugh from his mouth; haunted. While he now understood a mortal’s fear of the ‘other side’ and all supernatural beings that might entail, it seemed almost crazy that Lance would fear a haunting.
His soul had already been signed off to the worst.
“You’re afraid of a few ghosts, but not ME?” Keith asks, violet flashing in a brief and yellow light that simmered with his ungodly power.
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              “well excuse me, mr. powerful demon! not all of us have your magic!”
it didn’t occur to him that he would be afraid of keith. with keith, he already knew what was to be expected. keith was going to take his soul ( at some point ) & until he did, he would stay by his side. ( which, okay, he hadn’t heard of before, but he wasn’t going to complain. ) but with ghosts, he had no idea what they were thinking, what they could possibly want.
he felt infinitely safer with keith than with some random possibility of vengeful ghosts.
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silentconfliction · 6 years
dropping in to request shiro & keith if you haven't already done them (8
brotp/platonic ship “who does ___”  / /  accepting!!!                 »» @cosmicdvst
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who steals french fries off the other’s plate
keith. he has no regard for what food belongs to shiro, he’ll steal the entire meal if he can get away with it. thankfully, shiro draws a line and will eventually start swatting him away.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple
shiro. it happened once and it was literally just to fuck with keith.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail
do i even have to answer this one? obviously shiro has to bail keith out. way more frequently than shiro likes. he threatens a lot to just let keith stay in jail for a few days so he’ll learn a lesson, but he’s never actually acted on said threat. he has made friends with the receptionist at the police department, though.
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues
shiro. as he is with any issue, he’s there to offer advice and comfort when it comes to dating issues. if keith has a really bad breakup, shiro is there as soon as he hears about it with keith’s fave takeout in hand. he’s spent the night on the couch once to make sure keith’s doing better in the morning, and he’s always willing to do it again.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes
both, but keith does it more often. shiro will mostly revenge-cheat.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk
keith. shiro doesn’t care and he figures keith is like a cat and just feels more secure in high places.
who starts and who wins the pillow fights
both. keith is guilty of starting more pillow fights but shiro’s never stopped himself when he’s felt the urge to smack keith in the face with a pillow. shiro tends to win, given the advantage of his size and strength, but keith’s pulled a few wins for himself.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush
shiro, though keith’s done it once or twice just to make a situation awkward for shiro, no actual crush involved. when shiro does it, it’s done similarly, simply to mess with keith – if he manages to make a situation genuinely awkward for the other party though, he’s always quick to apologize profusely.
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goofbcll · 6 years
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     “Woah, I’m not sure which wanted poster looks more edgier. Yours or Lance’s.” Hunk inspected their wanted posters with intrigue. They shouldn’t even be staring at it in the first place. It was begging for them to get arrested. However, curiosity took over and he just had to look, “I don’t look half bad either?” 
@cosmicdvst // starter.
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starwreathed · 6 years
“ don’t look at me like that, i’m just trying to steal your body heat. it’s cold down here, okay? ”
「 — ☪ Hogwarts Ask Meme: ACCEPTING! 」
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◜⋆ ✧ - ❝ Then maybe you SHOULDN’T have pulled me into this broom closet.  ❞ 
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binarytinker-a-blog · 7 years
@cosmicdvst / sc.
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“Keith. You’ve... you’ve used a knife or a sword before. Teach me.” The fact of the matter, Pidge was more a brawler than anything else -- even her bayard reflected that... and she wanted to be prepared in case she had to use something besides her bayard or her bare hands.
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battlewaves · 7 years
( @cosmicdvst // ★ )
the mission details were simple enough. even with her paladin & red’s bickering, she was sure nothing would go wrong.
honestly, she should have known better to assume such things. the probability of failure was always there, always a forefront of her mind ( & while her sensors & circuitry were no where NEAR as efficient as green’s, the basics were the same & she SHOULD have known better ) so it shouldn’t have been such a surprise to see the red paladin bursting through the trees carrying her pilot in his arms.
she didn’t need words for the red paladin to understand her growls.
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                 what. happened.
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starspat-blog · 7 years
♔ // shamelessly requests pidge & keith aesthetic if ur still doing these??
keith & pidge aesthetic ! 
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silentconfliction · 6 years
[text:]  we had sex but it wasn’t that great bc i had banana bread in my car & i couldn’t stop thinking about it. he was trying to be sexy & asked ‘what do you want’ & i was like, 'my fuckin banana bread.' he left really confused.
texts!!! / /  accepting                    »» @cosmicdvst
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[ text: grumpy cat ] you know, I feel like if I ever had sex,                      that’s exactly what it’d be like[ text: grumpy cat ]“I don’t really care, I just want my banana                      bread”[ text: grumpy cat ] if he left confused, I’m guessing you didn’t                      even offer to share any with him afterwards[ text: grumpy cat ] a little rude, but probably a good call[ text: grumpy cat ] maybe make sure you don’t have any snacks                      in your car next time you go out, though.
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starwreathed · 7 years
◜✧◞  --  Soul Marked. 
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✧ * .゚。━ It's with the impact of a sucker punch and a dawn so blinding he could still see stars that the reality of the moment clicks into existence. A perfect image mirrored through the intricacies of a soul down to the flourishing blush of skin. Their marks unequivocally made for the other. After an existence dictated by a to-do list longer than the space between training and trophies there, blazing in consequence to universal destiny lays his other half in the embodiment of fire.
Of course. Of course, it is. After all, what is fire without a breath of life? When you strike a match or will fire into a blaze, it's coaxed, willed into existence with slow, steady breath. Likewise, the fastest way to extinguish was to deprive oxygen of the blaze. An elegant metaphor woven by fate itself. It was only fitting, wasn't it? Ebony emphasizing crimson. Mercurial hues found violet as relief clenched fast in breathlessness. A soul mate. Dictated by legend that only the most valiant and steadfast would gain another half destined to chase one throughout the space between now and eternity.
But for one, perfect moment he stood tall at his side. In the chaos and miasmic war of the present, standing still was a gift in and of itself. Though, riddled and rotten with imperfections he was, rust and corrosion evident in every crack and crevice of war that etched itself on to alabaster, a list of regrets twice as long as accomplishments there was little to aspire to or desire about him. 
If one truth existed for Takashi Shirogane though, it was his pure and complete trust in the man on his immediate right. As radiant as fire and twice as hypnotic, their souls called one to the other like proverbial magnets. It was unfortunate, but if Keith wanted it, Shiro would rip stars from alignment to lay them at his feet.
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It's with an incredulous gape that follows Keith's words. His heart hammering at the speed of sound as he turns to meet his gaze. His words slip from his lips in a breathless gasp. ❝ ...Of course, I do...❞ He shakes his head quickly, soft locks quaking in consequence to the action.   ❝ ...There's never been a time where I didn't, Keith. ❞ notthatideserveit.  It's with a reddening pallor that he clears his throat at the blunt honesty behind such simple words.  ❝ Whatever way you want this...is your choice.❞
( @cosmicdvst )
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binarytinker-a-blog · 7 years
[ select contact: keith ]
[ text ]: i can’t reveal the source but
[ text ]: if u want poptarts
[ text ]: i got poptarts
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lionaut-blog · 7 years
😴 give me thi s pls
Send ‘😴’ To Fall Asleep In My Muse’s Arms (no longer accepting)
or send  😴 + reverse for a sleepy lance!
          For all the high-tech, rock-solid architecture the Castle Ship boasts, the walls between their bedrooms are surprisingly THIN. It’s a precaution, the Princess tells him— so that, if any of the rooms’ occupants are attacked it won’t go unnoticed... but Lance thinks that they just spent too much of their budget on the weird ALTEAN POOL. Although, in their defense, he’s sure the rooms were not designed to permanently hold the Paladins of Voltron… not Paladins that are this loud. Whether it’s Pidge swearing at something electronic, Hunk snoring, Shiro grunting through a set of push-ups, or Lance singing Shakira at the top of his lungs, there is almost some sort of noise percolating through the corridor. Lance would say that Keith is the quietest one of them all (simply because the red Paladin is scarcely ever in his room) if it weren’t for the nights that he wakes up screaming. 
          Tonight was one of those nights. 
          —And so here he finds himself; sitting side by side with Keith on a bed that is not his own, running his mouth about everything from his EX-GIRLFRIENDS to bios of all the characters that star in The Office and celebrities that he knows have had work done. At first, he wasn’t sure his anecdotes were working… wasn’t sure that he should even be here at all because nightmares are Shiro’s territory, and maybe he’s just sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. But Shiro is gone and Keith had held him as he bawled his eyes out not even a week before. He owes it to the red Paladin— to his friend— to at least try to do the same. 
          He has since been distracting Keith for twenty minutes— bolstered by the slow relaxation of the his breathing pattern—and he’s midway through a story about the time he and his family went on vacation to Disney Land, when Keith’s head drops onto his shoulder. 
       ❝     —'Cause, c’mon; who didn’t have a crush on Tinkerbell??           My parents can’t blame me f—...    ❞
          And maybe he should be insulted, but he’s too relieved to see that Keith is sleeping soundly again... even if it means that now he’s pinned here. With NO CHOICE but to stay where it’s soft and safe and indulgently warm. Very slightly, he relocates the two of them— nuzzles deeper into the nest of pillows that’d formed around their bodies before shutting his eyes; a smile on his lips. 
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          Both literally and figuratively, it’s about time Keith started to lean on him.
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n-ice-shot-a-blog · 7 years
@cosmicdvst, continued from here.
Lance had completed his nightly routine, all refreshed and ready to catch some z’s. Only as soon as he got to his bed he was interrupted by two text message notifications -- from Keith of all people. Sure, it wasn’t uncommon for the two of them to text, but he didn’t expect Keith to even be up at this hour. He was probably just as tired as the rest of the team from today’s shenanigans.
When he opened the texts as he crawled onto his bed, his eye mask on his forehead and his ear muffs on, he perked an eyebrow. Probably in one of those contemplative moods, he figured. He was all right with humoring him every now and then -- just as long as he ended up getting his typical 8 hours.
[ sms: Keith ]: i would expect such. maybe we can ask the princess about them tomorrow morning.  [ sms: Keith ]: hey, man, is anything else on your mind? you’re usually out like a light as soon as you get to your room for the evening.
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adamancer-blog · 8 years
& @cosmicdvst
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     ❛  i’m  SURPRISED  you have so many questions.  ❜    the admission tumbles,  a solid  THUMP  of piqued reasoning off his tongue.  the flex of his brows knits up like a freshly-stitched wound.  he thumbs over his chin,  nodding into the checkmark of his hand.    
     ❛  –—  most  don’t care  to ask about the galra,  though i don’t  blame them.  ❜
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aquaeques · 7 years
💏 // imma be laughing if we still get angst
@cosmicdvst // KISS KISS !! // NOT ACCEPTING.
36. …to give up control.
dragons were dangerous, formidable creatures that both terrorized & protected the earth so many years ago. they roamed the lands, claimed the skies, lurked the seas, & commanded every domain. they bowed to no one, sought company in nothing & no one else but themselves. they were warriors, beasts, healers, rulers, hunters & all things in between.
but a familiar? a servant — a slave? many scoffed at the weak ones who bound their lifeblood to mortals who weren’t deserving of their prowess.
only a rare, selected few became familiars to humans who carried the core of astrals in their blood, their magic resonating within the blood of creatures far greater, stronger, than they. 
& lance — lance carried the blood of the dragonborne, his magic crackling at the seams & demanding to be released, draconic features already manifesting atop his form. he crouched protectively over his witch, a low growl rumbling from his throat as his already slitted irises constricted & dilated, the glowing blue of his eyes nearly drowning in the gold.
they were a powerful pair, their bond reinforced again & again throughout the years & one would think that many would stay clear of their prowess. yet power always sought power & this fight was no different, this pair wanting, needing, to claim & boast over keith & lance’s defeat —— a defeat which would end with keith with more injuries, more wounds ( he refused, refused, the possibility of keith dying because he was NOT going to let that happen ). 
lance tightened his grip around keith’s shoulders, pulling him closer, keeping his gaze around them, his senses spread open.
            “keith, i — i’m gonna shift.”
           “what? what’s that gonna — oh. lance, no — ” 
ever since that fight, keith had all but forbade him into shifting into his full, draconic form, a decision that he was secretly grateful for. lance still had nightmares about that night, still held breathless & anxious & seeing nothing but the carnage he wrought until keith was able to pull him back into reality. & even now, the very thought of slipping into unconsciousness, sinking into the instincts of old & having no conscious decision of his actions terrified him more than he ever cared to admit.
but keith was his witch, keith held the power to control him, his form, his actions, his magic. 
           “i trust you.”
           “i trust you.”
he trusted him with his life, with everything he had. he trusted him to keep him safe, to keep them both safe, trusted him with every fiber of his being. how could he not, when he so willingly bound himself to this human whose soul sang opposite his own: an ardent, passionate blaze that threatened to burn, burn, burn all in its way in order to protect, soothe, & warm the heart like a welcoming hearth of home.
so lance could only smile, a small adoring thing, & leaned forward, pressing his lips to his witch’s forehead, his partner, his love —— & let go, willingly falling into dark oblivion & roared.
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silentconfliction · 7 years
[text] woke up to the trail of sugar cubes leading to my bed........was i that uncooperative last night
tfln  / /  accepting all day long for one more day, my dudes                    »» @cosmicdvst
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[ text: grumpy cat ] you were. you had yourself tucked                      away behind the couch so i couldn’t                      just grab and carry you[ text: grumpy cat ] i have no idea how you managed to fit                      yourself back there, but you did it[ text: grumpy cat ] i tried the trail of sugar cubes first,                      but clearly that didn’t work[ text: grumpy cat ] then i tried spraying you with water.                      that got your attention.[ text: grumpy cat ] let’s just say that last night made me                      realize how accurate the name i have you                      under on my phone really is.
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binarytinker-a-blog · 8 years
@cosmicdvst (x)
Pidge’s bayard already in hand, she barely spares a glance at Keith before shooting a worried look down the hall. “You better be right behind me.”
And then she takes a running leap, jets in her armor whispering the tiniest bit of flame as her boot lands in Keith’s palm. The faster she can launch herself into the vent, the faster she can reposition and help Keith in.
Pidge was certain if she so much as stopped moving for a second, everything would catch up and weigh her body down. Her chest burned; she didn’t remember it ever being this hard to breathe since dodgeball in school--and that was a fun kind of ache. This was not.
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Though even the ducts are a reprieve, not a surefire solution. It would buy them enough time to try to figure out what to do. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that eventually, the Galra would figure out how to flush them out.
The trick would be getting away from them before that happened.
The whine of plasma weapons are recognizable, immediately, even distorted by the duct, and the paladin’s armor clattered as she forced herself around in the duct, reaching out. If Keith went and got himself captured, she swore she’d kill him when she rescued him. Kill him, stuff him in one of the pods, and then kill him again when he came out of it--just for putting her through that hell.
He was family now.
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