cosmicchats · 10 months
July 22nd: Venus Rx in Leo
Posted on 07/11/23 @ 12:
Venus Rx will begin on July 22nd @ 28° (Cancer degree), emphasizing the contemplative period we are beginning. You may feel a little defensive right now, and trying to protect yourself. Do not hide from conflict, face it head on and fight. During this transit it is essential for you to practice discernment between what is happening in the material world and your feelings. Although relationships will change, it’s important to know which ones are worth keeping, and which ones have run their course. What lessons have you learned? Think about who you were and what you were doing during the last Venus Rx in Capricorn during December 19, 2021- January 29, 2022.
If you are a Leo rising, this Venus Rx is happening in your 1H (I am), dealing with your identity, the image you project, and outlook. Is the way you project yourself aligned with your values? You as a person are about to change.
Wherever Leo sits in your chart will be highlighted during this Venus Rx. Look below to see which house Leo sits in your chart based on your rising sign and what themes may come up during this transit.
Leo in your chart
Aries Rising: 5th House; I serve (personal creativity) 
-For Aries rising, I see this Venus Rx shaking up how you express yourself. With Venus being in Leo, I think many of you will be taking the initiatives that put you center stage in your life. This will be a time where you reflect over your values in and how you express yourself. Romance may be in the air for meaning of you as well. Since 5H deals with fertility, children= Leo=vitality, if you do not want to get pregnant make sure you are taking all precautions.
Taurus Rising: 4th House; I nurture
-Changes to your home life are arriving. Home in the literal sense like where you live and also home as in your roots. You maybe moving or re-decorating your home. You may reconnect with family (your foundation), and reflect over how you want to take action in how you nurture yourself specifically.
Gemini Rising: 3rd House; I think
-Your mind and thinking process will be changing during this transit. The Rx will cause you to reflect over how you communicate with others and whether or not you find it useful and productive. Test (conflict) may arise calling on you to address confrontation in your social settings and activities. Remember, you don’t have to engage. If you do engage, think before you speak. Mercury will have entered Leo on July 11th, increasing heated conversations. How can you communicate your values to people? What boundaries will you enforce?
Cancer Rising: 2nd House; I have
-Material possessions (cash/commodities/work) will be a focal for you this transit. Where do your values align and are you living that value? What new steps do you need to make? This is the time to be patient, reflect, and be open to reassessing what you are seeking to have. You may change jobs or have change in your income. Changes to your daily habits are expected to take place as well. Adjustments to your daily habit that center you and your priorities.
Virgo Rising: 12 House; I dream
- Ex’s may appear in your dreams during this transit or be on your mind (subconscious). Do not think that an ex appearing in your dream means you miss them. You may be processing how things ended. They may also be thinking about you. You could be officially ending cycles and relationships. Childhood triggers of not having control may arise. Pay attention to your dreams during this transit because you will learn more about yourself. Write down your dreams to help you look at possible patterns or themes occurring.
Libra Rising: 11th House; I aspire
- Are you starting a new venture? Or trying to stabilize a current project? Who are the people you have in your corner supporting you? Tap in to the people who you trust, and support you during this transit. You may be thinking about the future during this transit. Also pay attention to any possible technology issues that may arise. 
Scorpio Rising: 10th House; I achieve
- You are thinking about your future and legacy you want to have. What steps do you need to take? Thoughts about your reputation are likely to come to the forefront. New career or job offers. If it’s not an immediate, YES, then its a no, and that is okay. 
Sagittarius Rising: 9th House; I explore
-You may be exploring feelings related to your inner child. Many of you may meet a new person while traveling abroad, or in higher education. Pay attention to any flags, now is not the time to ignore them. This Venus Rx will transform your philosophy. Leave you with different values and wisdom. Some of you may be exploring religion or reflecting the way religion has impacted you. 
Capricorn Rising: 8th House; I circulate
-As a Saturn ruled placement, you often face many restrictions. You may feel like you are held to a higher standard than others. During this transits, people who have wronged you may come back. You could inherit energy from other people so make sure you step up your spiritual protection. Debts are being paid.
Aquarius Rising: 7th House; I partner
-Big changes to your relationships. If you are in a relationship, check in with your partner. Are your values aligned? The word relationship is not limited to romantic ones either. How are you caring for yourself during this time. This Venus Rx in Leo wants you to think about how your relationships make you feel and benefit you. Do you feel supported by your partner or other interpersonal relationships. Are your relationships helping you grow as a person? 
Pisces Rising: 6th House; I serve (daily life/others)
-Check in with your health. Your vitality is being highlighted during this transit. What care are you in need of? Changes to appearance based on your overall health could take place. You are more analytical about subjects of the heart, and work ethic (habits). What habits do you need to keep or let go? On the body, Leo represents the heart so make sure you monitor your heart health during this time.  
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afrosatanist · 3 months
The astrological philosophical perspective I hold is one that combines several different philosophies at its foundations. It is a polytheistic, cosmobiological, panenthiestic, panpsychic, phenomenological approach. It blends understanding through the application of mathematical-spiritual techniques & interpretations to help querents and astrologers alike come to a deeper reverence, purpose, clarity, and awakenings while engaging with and interpreting the chart.
The polytheistic cosmobiological portion helps us render truth from the power-obsessed and Imperial-minded monotheistic conception of spiritually, and the cosmos itself. This philosophical portion combats the notion that Divinity is a singular entity creating and destroying as it sees fit based on some ancient religion and it's particular precepts, or some other temporal religious/mystical/cultural instantiation of orientation of the divine in it's regional-historical scope.
The polytheistic-cosmobiologal portion discussed how in the multiplicity of Divinity's manifestations truth is everything but singular. Truth, if I must make an axiom, is multiplicity itself. This thus means there are now an expansive, yet finite relevant logics that can offer us a spiritual clarity as we remove the impetus to find a hill to war and die in with our individual conception of the Divine Mystery. It speaks it's truths in ways that create, deeper, and resolve dualities, dichotomies, and tensions through a logic that is alive, conscious, and in inextricable relationship to Time. The celestial bodies of our solar system become a relevant discussion for our understand of the methodology of his astrology is capable of functioning as a diviner's tool, but also as a spiritual/cosmically intelligent arithmetic that provides a language and logic for the material and metaphysical events that happen in our human lives on our own celestial planetary home.
In Western Astrology, we liken the planets unto mythic deities, with desires, tendencies, domains, and intentions and then track what those may manifest as when interpret placements, aspects and other patterns in the slew of different charts we have for our different analyses. If in our practices, both now as a divination tradition passed down historically with it's particular philosophical schools, and as a functional language when applying said philosophical schools notions for interpretations, it's smooth and consistently accurate when we give (divine) consciousness to multiple celestial bodies, we reinforce the logical proof of the next portions of my philosophical foundation, Panpsychism and Panenthiesm.
This becomes logically overlapping and expansive with ideas above. If it makes sense, spiritually through meditative practice or enhanced perception, if it makes sense linguistically and practically through interpretations that lend clarity and healing, and it makes sense logically and atithmetically through the mathematical techniques applied that gave us the interpretative clarity, we run into territory of Panenthiesm's logical forms. Panenthiesm asserts that Divinity is in all things, and all things are within Divinity. There's is nothing that exists that doesn't contain or isn't made up of the same celestial-conscious materials of the very deified cosmos themselves. This also becomes an important backdrop by which can show that no matter the occurrence, it's form, it's energetic presences, it exists and belongs within the cosmos. All things have a significance and purpose under this understanding, taking us to our explanation of Panpsychism. The Deified Consciousness of the cosmos is itself the ground floor of all of materiality, Panpsychism's philosophy asserts. That all things are conscious in varying degrees, but still built of the very same Divine Intelligence that allows our astrological (or any divination tradition/tool/technique) to be capable of provide any worthwhile, meaningful application and answer.
The mathematical, the biophysical, the cosmic/astronomical, the spiritual, the psychic/emotional all become interconnected and layered over each other multidimensionally in this perspective. It becomes the logical tracks that Divinity can communicate to itself, i.e. whether through humans practicing divination or plants growing in predetermined (and also dynamic) shapes and forms.
Next becomes a very important philosophical portion for those practicing and receiving astrological divination. The phenomenological approach of the utmost importance when it comes to both a diviner and a querent. The phenomenological approach asserts that this is matter of cross-paradigmatic navigation every time we communicate anything, let alone what are supposed to be Divined Communiques from Cosmic Deific Forces themselves. The Phenomenological portion reminds us that in the multiplicity of truth, power is humility, grace, an open heart and mind, because in the lack of understanding language, our bodies are attuned to respond to feelings/energetic resonances. What may not make sense in my worldview, individually or culturally, is still capable of being received, heard, and felt (again, even if nonsensically), meaning that spiritual practice and one's personal worldview is inevitably and inextricably linked to the ability to divine, interpret, or receive the fullness of any understanding or awareness. We speak through semiotic veils at all moments, and the more complex of a topic or logic we get to the more paradigmaric curtains must be acknowledged, and to the best of our ability, pulled back. This keeps us from an arrogant assumption of a singular divine truth needing to break through another's world for value and integration, no psycho-colonialism needed, just an open hand and clarified awareness of the moment and the information for the sake of healing, evolution, and further awakenings.
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astrolocherry · 10 months
When we are in tune with our cosmobiological selves, the sun and the moon, natural life all surrounding us ; then the Summer Solstice should bring a lift in vitality, love, appreciation, outlook, & general mood. The Sun is rising again in us and we are rising and shining with it,
In the southern hemisphere the opposite is simultaneously taking place now, the Winter Solstice brings an inner chill, life is wilting and so are we. It’s hibernation and harvest. These old rituals are still so alive and well in us
- Cherry
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witchblade · 1 year
watch as a semi-closeted entj redditor barks at people for 30 minutes per episode while occasionally healing patients through ebertin cosmobiology
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kai-sija · 10 months
2. 7-14-23 | Notes on Suhail Malik's "Nihilism and Life: Cosmobiology and Ontopoiesis in Heidegger’s Nietzsche"
"The body feels the "throng of sensations", and through internal and external stimulus, it indicates the chaos of whatever it encounters, creating the living perception …The body is "in" the chaos, "is" the chaos", or, at least, it is of chaos." (Pearson et al. 96)
The body is an example of a chaotic system, albeit proximately balanced and homeostatic. In my rationale, the body hosts the psychological and the physiological in two interlinked yet separated 'houses'. However, let's consider these chaotic reactions as an emotional response. Chaos can exist far more unbounded within the mind, forcing the body in on itself, constructing a labyrinth of thought with unending possibilities. (We can consider these internal possibilities when looking at case studies conducted by therapists, each unique). Such reasoning explains rash decisions, reactions, and ideas; mentalities such as nihilism or depression. Is our response to stimulus always chaotic (e.g. fight, flight, freeze), even if it is calculated? Are we, frankly, perpetuating chaos? If we are chaos and produce chaos, is the world not chaotic? Then, is there such a concept as order, or more realistically: 'acceptable' chaos? This can keep upending itself, so I digress… (Kai)
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seveneyesoup · 10 months
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supplemental to taking of planet five! how about that EDAs vs VNAs theory of the time war huh (transcript below the cut)
[Begin transcript:
Extracts from a cosmobiology report by Simon Bucher-Jones
The theoretical argument goes like this. The end state of an open (1) universe will, given absolutely infinite past time, extend to infinity. (2) Our universe is open. (3) Therefore at some future point it will expand to infinity. An infinitely expanded universe will exhibit the following characteristics: zero local Einsteinian space-time curvature (4), and little, if any, matter over vast ranges of space-times. (5)
Such an area of space-time can be regarded mathematically as a domain of De Sitter space. (6) An empty De Sitter space can be shown to lead without additional causal interaction to the creation of a further universe similar to our own. (7) Thus as our universe approaches heat death, it will naturally 'give birth' to one, or more, successor universes.
As the characteristics required for the formation of a quasi-flat De Sitter domain will be reached within a merely large (but not infinite) time, it is possible that this process has in fact occurred, and that our universe is itself a 'successor' universe to an older open structure. (8) Further, if it has occurred once, it may well have occurred multiple times and a number (either large or infinite) of universes have come into existence after our own. Those universes will themselves expand, either to end as open universes, eventually budding themselves, or as failed closed universes opening out from only to 'fall back' to the surface of the original space-time. It should be noted that these universes are not the quantum universes predicted by the Many Worlds Interpretation of of Quantum Mechanics. (9) It is therefore theoretically possible that their existence could be detected or that they could be contacted. It is in this theoretical 'metaverse' of universes that Swimmers, in their essence, predator universes, exist.
The approach of a Swimmer to a 'normal' universe could exert a force analogous to gravity between the universes accelerating its expansion in the way detected by Pearlmutter & Schmidt (see footnote 3). We may, therefore, conclude that our space-time may shortly (10) impact another.
So constituted that the gravitational fields of the totality of its mass and energy will not suffice to cause it to collapse inwards after reaching after reaching the limits of expansion. A closed universe, one that does so collapse, is mathematically equivalent to a very large black hole.
'"Given an infinite past prior to P* ...the past light cone of P will already contain an open bubble universe that has already expanded to infinity.' Barrow and Tipler The Anthropic Cosmological Structure, commentary by William Laig Craig The Caused Beginning of the Universe.
Perlmutter & Schmidt's work at the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory in California, and the Strombo and Siding Spring Observatory in Australia respectively, confirmed in 1998 that the universe's expansion is not only not slowing, but has in fact speeded up since 15% since the universe was half its current age. The reasons for this expansion are not yet known - the term 'quantum gravity' has been tagged to a supposed accelerating force, but its nature is undetermined. However the theory proposed above predicts and offers an explanation for this effect - namely an inter-universal force analogous to gravity. Perlmutter & Schmidt's findings therefore support (do not falsify) this paper.
Imagine a balloon with an infinite diameter, the apparent curvature of its surface would tend to zero.
There are substantial areas of starless space: so called 'voids' which are surrounded by walls or strings of galaxies. These have been detected by the Hubble Deep Field Programme. While voids may of course be dark matter dense, they may already display the characteristics sought above, and if they do not do so now, the combined processes of expansion and [possible] protonic decay will certainly work to produce such 'real voids' over an infinite (or sufficiently large) timescale.
De Sitter space is a theoretical geometric space used in mathematics, it has whatever number of dimensions (n) are necessary for the solution of any particular problem. This step is frankly speculative, however it appears to me to be assumed in F Tipler 'Causality Violation in Asymptotically Flat Space-limes' Physical Review 37 (1976): 979.
Gott, for example, theorises that our universe arises in a way analogous to vacuum fluctuations in 'empty' space-time. J R Gott. 'Creation of Open Universes from Dc Sitter Space', Nature 295 (1982), 304-7.
The question as to whether an absolutely infinite time can end is a moot one, many philosophers of mathematics have denied that an absolutely infinite amount of time could exist in the past, since if it did we would never have reached the present. However as a merely large period will produce nearly the same degree of flatness of curvature and absence of matter as an infinite period it is not in fact necessary to demonstrate that this has in fact happened. That said, I consider that the existence of apparent singularity discontinuities at the creation points of each universe would have the effect of making it possible for finite periods of time to he defined defined within each universe, while the ongoing time of the original, or Ur universe, could be regarded as infinite (or larger) that than within any one successor universe.
According to which, every action which can be depicted as a mixed state in Quantum Mechanics results not just in the one real result which we see when the mixed state ceases to be a probability field and becomes measurable upon observation, but in every possible result, the others merely happening in different universes. The Copenhagen Interpretation denies the 'real' existence of such universes and no theoretical methodology exists by which they could be detected.
Within the next billion or so years.
End transcript.]
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zodiacjewelry · 1 year
Chinese Astrology Blog
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In Chinese astrology, your Chinese animal sign can tell you a lot about your life. It can give you insights into your karma, your strengths, and your weaknesses. It can also help you refine your gifts and challenges to make your life flow more smoothly. The Daoist concept says that your life is not determined by your destiny, but by your karma. By utilizing the animal signs and their symbols in your daily life, you can cultivate the gifts and challenges you have and improve the quality of your life. You can read more about the Chinese zodiac on this website.
The Chinese zodiac has twelve signs, or animals. The signs are linked to the five elements and form a 60-year cycle. Every five years, a new element or force influences the zodiac. The Chinese zodiac is based on a lunar calendar. As such, the Chinese year begins on the new moon before the winter solstice.
The tiger represents strength, courage, and good luck. It is also considered a wood element. In Chinese astrology, it is fed by water, which is a powerful force, sensitive, and supportive of growth and vitality. Water tigers are bold and independent, but they are also cautious when making important decisions.
Chinese astrology predicts that the year 2020 will be a year of opportunity and happiness. Those who are in a relationship may find this year ideal for taking their relationship to the next level. Singles should find partners with qualities that match their ideals. The opposite sex may also attract. The year 2020 looks good for your career, as you'll be appreciated for your hard work and rewarded with a huge pay hike.
The Chinese zodiac 2023 is based on a different system than Western astrology. Instead of using the zodiac to calculate your birthdate, Chinese astrology makes use of the five elements. This order also applies to Chinese numeration. This order helps you define your personality traits. Using this system, you can learn how to balance your elements and signs to create the most harmonious life.
Using the Chinese zodiac is a wonderful way to understand your life. Chinese astrology will teach you about your unique characteristics and how to deal with any difficulties that may arise. This ancient science has a wide variety of applications for everyone. If you'd like to learn more, check out the Chinese astrology blog today.
You can also join the Uranian Society, a special interest group of the N.C.G.R. which promotes Uranian Astrology, Cosmobiology, and Uranus. You can also learn astrology from Michael Erlewine's Heart Center Library, a Tibetan KTD Dharma organization located in Big Rapids, MI. You can also learn medical astrology from Judith Hill. She offers some of the best correspondence courses available on medical astrology. If you want to know more about this topic, then click here: https://www.britannica.com/topic/zodiac.
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thecosmosconection · 3 years
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La conexion a tierra es tan importante como el pan de cada dia
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venusian5 · 6 years
a list of [just a few] different types of astrology
Astrocartography -- The astrology of place. It examines how people respond to the various energies available to them across the globe. Astrologers that practice this type of astrology help others find spots where they can better engage with specific themes in their lives by examining a special type of astrological map.
Chinese Astrology -- A group of traditions that arose independent of those in the west with their own mythos, techniques, and philosophy that bloomed throughout the long history of Chinese cultures.
Cosmobiology -- A school of astrology credited with popularization by German astrologer Reinhold Ebertin that is related to the Hamburg School of Astrology. There is a primary emphasis on mid-points and 8th Harmonic aspects, and the significant expansion of medical astrological principals.
Egyptian Astrology -- A retrospective school of astrology that uses the rich Egyptian mythos to examine Zodiacal relationships. This should not be confused with the type of astrology practiced in ancient Egypt from roughly 2000BC-100BC that served as a foundational precursor to the Hellenistic tradition, since the concept of the Zodiac was developed elsewhere.
Electional Astrology -- Also known as Inceptional Astrology, this branch of the tradition is focused on finding the best time to start new projects so that they meet with the greatest success and abundance. 
Esoteric Astrology -- The types of astrology that examine spiritual principals and seek to build corpus knowledge of esoteric ideologies by examining the mundane motion of the planets and stars as well as their hidden relationships.
Evolutionary Astrology -- Astrology that focuses on the supposed evolutionary path of the soul. It is used to foster individual growth and spiritual expansion in accordance with many new age principals. 
Financial Astrology -- Astrology that examines financial markets and their timing according to transits in order to forecast market changes. This branch of astrology also examines natal potential for money making, as well as uses astrology as a tool for discourse about global economic trends.
Hellenistic Astrology -- The type of astrology practiced in the Mediterranean from roughly 100BC to 600BC that reached its height during the Roman Empire. It is the first western system to incorporate the 4 fold system of astrology that became the foundation of all later practices.
Horary Astrology -- Divinatory astrology that examines the moment in which a question is understood by an astrologer in order to find an answer for the querent.
Jyotish -- Commonly conflated with Vedic Astrology, Jyotish is the main form of astrology practiced in the Indian subcontinent in the modern era. It represents a hybrid of indigenous Indian astrology with Hellenistic techniques. This type of astrology is sidereal, or constellation based.
Magi Astrology -- A secretive form of astrology that examines relationships and their timing according to a different set of astrological standards.
Mayan Astrology -- The tradition of astrology practiced in the Mayan culture that arose independently of western influence and ideology.
Medical Astrology -- Astrology that examines the relationship of the human body with the alignment of the cosmos. Used to forecast and diagnose predispositions to certain health issues, as well as provide recommendations for greater over all health and wellness according to the natal potential.
Modern Astrology -- The various forms of astrology that have been practiced since its revival in the late 1800's. There has been a marked increase in the importance placed on the Sun sign, and a focus on the psychological potentials indicated by the natal chart.
Mundane Astrology -- The astrology of large groups of people and their interactions. Transits are examined in order to explain and forecast global trends and events.
Natal Astrology -- Astrology centered on the natal chart of individuals. In the modern era this is the most widely used form of astrology.
Psychological Astrology -- The examination of the natal chart as a set of psychological predispositions. Based on this foundational premise the astrologer can help guide and counsel the native with traditional psychological techniques.
Rectification -- An extraordinarily advanced astrological technique that examines the events of a native's life and works backward in order to produce a time of birth for those that do not possess it. A time consuming and expensive process that is a necessary precursor for all advanced forms of astrological work.
Relocational Astrology -- The supposition that natal capabilities are amenable to the influences of locality. Examines the shift of potential that a native faces when living in different areas.
Synastry -- The astrology of relationships. Two charts are examined concurrently in order to reveal themes and potentials that may be present as the relationship progresses.
Traditional Astrology -- The various forms and traditions of astrology that were practiced during the almost 3000 years of its history prior to astrology's revival in the late 1800's. There is a marked focus on mundane astrology and examining the lives of natives from a deterministic standpoint.
Transit Astrology -- The examination of the current or future positions of the planets in relation to a natal chart order to see the themes that are currently active in a native's life, as well as forecast future trends and events.
Uranian Astrology -- Another branch that is related to the Hamburg School of Astrology that focuses on midpoints and uses theoretical planets as part of it's arsenal of techniques. It is sometimes said to be the true successor of the Hamburg legacy.
Vedic Astrology -- The indigenous forms of astrology of the Indian subcontinent that arose independent of those of the west. There is a distinct lunar focus (as there are with many of the oldest forms of astrology). This system was eventually merged with ancient Hellenistic techniques in order to form what is now known as Jyotish.
Vocational Astrology -- A specialized form of astrology that examines the inherent potential within a natal chart in order to recommend potential career paths for a native and help them navigate their professional life.
Weather Forecasting Astrology -- The type of astrology that is most popularly used in almanacs. More advanced techniques and philosophies in use by astrologers range from every day forecasting to major climate prediction.
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lanafate · 4 years
What do aliens look like?
Yang contains five elements and meridians. The five elements, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, correspond to the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney, which are his five organs. Stomach and liver belong to digestive system in western medicine. According to traditional Chinese medicine, liver belongs to wood and spleen and stomach belongs to soil, which are two different systems. It looks like a tree of life, with an Olympic rings on it.
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cosmicchats · 6 months
Lunar Partial Eclipse in Taurus 
On Saturday, October 28th @ 1:24 AM there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This will be the last eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio axis till 2031!! We are finishing up a cycle that began in November 2021. Think about where you were, what you were doing, and how did you feel during that first set of eclipses? 
This eclipse will be happening @ 5° of Taurus. Check your chart for where Taurus sits to give you insight to the area this eclipse will be impacting you. Unlike the Annular Solar Eclipse we had on Oct 14, this Lunar Partial will be a Full Moon, so the same Full Moon energies are on a larger magnitude. Endings. What are you letting go? What lessons have you learned in the past two years that you can incorporate to help you grow? 
With a Lunar eclipse this means the Sun is opposite the Moon. Sun in Scorpio is opp Moon in Taurus @ 5°. How are you balancing what you say/need on the surface level with what your subconscious think about or may obsess with? For example, are you searching for material possessions (Taurus) because you obsess over (Scorpio) lacking or not having security/stability? This also happening at 5° (Leo degree), which may bring up feelings and conversations about your father/male or an authority figure in your life. Check in with you heart, literally. Think heart health. Do you need to go to the doctor? Are you worried about your health?
This eclipse is happening in the 3H in this forecast, so what communication/conversation (3H=gemini) will you be having? The Sun (self) will be in the 9H, so your mindset and outlook (philosophy) may change six months from now. Depending on where this eclipse sits, you may be thinking about going back to school (higher education). Some of you maybe moving or doing some long distance travel (9H=sagittarius). Others may be beginning their spiritual journey (9H=Jupiter). Again, this will also depend on where this eclipse sits in your chart. The chart for this transit is a snapshot.
People in the spotlight, celebrities, monarchies, and politicians may fall from grace. Full Moons are still about illuminating, and although the moon is moving into Earth’s shadow, it is highlighting what is behind the surface. Highlighting, what is hiding literally in the shadows. Especially with this eclipse happening in 5°, more news may come out heads of countries. Someone may die and it may bring suppressed information to light.
On this day, we also have Neptune in Pisces @ 25° semi-square to Jupiter in Taurus @ 11°. How can you turn your dreams into reality? What actions do you need to set into motion? Semi-squares are about internal frustration or conflict. What is stirring inside you that you need to change? The Neptune in Pisces @ 25° is signaling a new beginning, new step being taken (25°=Aries=Cardinal degree). The expansive Jupiter in Taurus at 11° is letting us know you may be taking an unorthodox way of achieving your dreams. Neptune and Jupiter co-rule Pisces, which is in the 2H for this transits chart. Cash flow (income) may change following this transits. Maybe you are purging material possessions, and letting go of old habits, to reprioritize what you truly desire. This might be a highly emotional time.
Mercury @ 10° and Mars @ 11° will form a conjunction in Scorpio. This eclipse will be an ideal time to journal and think about whatever is on your mind. Are you thinking about work? Relationships? Family? Your career? Health? You are more attuned to your thoughts, try not to engage in obsessive thinking  during this time though. With Mars sitting in the sign that it rules, Scorpio (traditional astrology) you may feel a little more energized, and fiery. Be mindful of your words as you and others may be more argumentative during this transit. However, this is a great time if you are researching a topic, this conjunction in Scorpio may help you have more depth in the topic. Channel any buildup energy into action. 
This conjunction will make an opposite to Jupiter in Taurus @ 11°. Mars in Scorpio making an exact opposition. What do you ultimately want? Think of Taurus as the surface level appearance/ideas whereas Scorpio is the feelings below the surface. Ex. Valuing (Taurus) relationship security because fear (underneath feeling=Scorpio) of abandonment. When there is an opposition in a transit, we will be dealing with the duality of the two energies (Taurus & Scorpio). How can we cooperate? Or do we need break away? Maybe your relationship isn’t giving you the security you need. You can either take action to get their security or walk away. I see anything with Mars as dealing with action. If you are wanting more, you may be inclined to take risk to achieve it. However, be deliberate, don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. Understand when to fight or flight. Pick your battles during this transit. Since we are dealing with Jupiter, new opportunities may be offered to you. Do not overextend yourself. Again, balance the energies. 
Neptune in Pisces @ 25° will form a sesquiquadrate with Mercury in Scorpio @ 10° you may be confused because of external friction happening around you. A shift in your perception/thinking (Mercury) may be challenged and changed. You may be put in a position to assert yourself, make your presence known. Do it. This is an opportunity for personal growth. 
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starlenebreiter · 4 years
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Some quarantine reading 📖 . Applied Cosmobiology ✨ . #cosmobiology #reinholdebertin #astrology https://www.instagram.com/p/B-lJRPzHqXi/?igshid=1anafyahs43p1
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astrolocherry · 4 years
While Neptune provides marvellous visions, magical abilities, and dreams, it can only manifest for a short moment in this world. sometimes we are are unaware that anything is happening at all. When Neptune is forced into the mundane reality, the typical response is escape. It’s what we escape from.
Sun in Pisces - The Sun can be watered down, lonely, and leak the identity so the light is suppressed from shining Moon in Pisces - The sweet escape of nostalgia constantly calls to take them away from reality, time is almost impossible to grasp Mercury in Pisces - The mind is not ‘awake’ just because they are Venus in Pisces - Must consciously work on developing interpersonal boundaries Mars in Pisces - Energy is exhausted in fantasising about conquering the dream, goals can become nothing but intentions
Neptune in the 1st - Generally seeking an existence, identity, and purpose beyond human, the early years may be confusing with a heaviness or fog that lifts as life goes on, energy is rarely available when needed, the day is exhausting, strange headaches that evade medical explanation
Neptune in the 2nd - May feel overly confined or not completely present in the physical body, senses weakly tuned to the physical and may cause a lack of self-care or apparent negligence because they never ‘felt’ anything
Neptune in the 3rd - Sleepy head. The mind is slow to wake and eventually operates, though sedated or lapsing into trance. The energy for general conversation can be weak, like a heaviness on the head and inability to get the words out. essays, exams, and grades rarely reflect this intelligence
Neptune in the 4th - Can feel disconnected from the ‘core self’, the childhood, the identity, name, and condition of being ‘human’. A lack of inner stability and feeling of being neglected from the external world produces a sense of being trapped in the nowhere with no way of return but complete dependence on those who seem to validate or sooth any need
Neptune in the 5th - The living reality rarely meets the ideal, so it’s possible that over time their expectations continue to lower until the colour and spice of life is drained completely. The activities they feel little or no energy for tend to be the ones they should be doing-like creating, socialising, spending time with children, romantic and sexual ventures, and general self-appreciation
Neptune in the 6th - Generally uninspired by daily life. negligence with daily routine and duties, health, self-care, and responding to needs of the body. May suffer psychological distress that endures for longer than necessary due to a victim mentality or sense of being unable to change themselves. Stress causes a weakened immunity that exaggerates the effects
Neptune in the 7th - This can be a case of ‘I dont want to think or talk about myself because I dont really know who that is’, the tragic Neptune love story recites in those lacking the inner work and self-understanding. If they do not ‘know’ themselves deeply enough, they do not know what they need from others and relationships too
Neptune in the 8th - Understanding the person that they are is like staring into a black abyss, it seems too much. Can become controlled or hypnotised by spiritual activity and unconscious forces, death or the closest impression appears more appealing than being present in reality and bearings are lost
Neptune in the 9th - In such tune with cosmobiological law that synchronicities, spiritual messages and gestures occur constantly in their presence, but it’s possible for the unopened or skeptical mind to blind these and cause nothing but an itch behind the eye
Neptune in the 10th - Reservoir of gifts and unique qualities that make a marvellous contribution to the world, but the tragedy is when these are left inactive due to shyness, being overwhelmed by choice or multiple callings, a self-fulfilling prophecy that failure is inevitable or they could never actually meet their true ideals
Neptune in the 11th - Profound need to form deep connections, collaborations, and friendships, though becomes too overwhelmed or hesitant to involve themselves when the moment arrives, it can be like that small child staring out the window at the children playing outside and longing to join them
Neptune in the 12th - A complete sixth sensory experience, the closest contact to soul,spirit, and eternity inherently possible in this reality. But sometimes this person is not spiritually inclined or inspired at all, the divine exists in everything around us, though as that saying goes, ‘does the fish know the water that it swims and exists in?’ and this is the puzzle they must figure out without being told it existed
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earworkinggroup · 4 years
Hand-Antennas: Protocols from Extrasensory Aesthetics | 2017
20/10–19/11 2017 Exhibition @ Josef Sudek Studio, Prague Part of Fotograf Festival 2017  
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How to understand each other without words? How to perceive without the senses? How to change something from the inside? How to move someone remotely? 
When Vilém Flusser – in his book Do universa technických obrazů (To the Universe of Technical Images) – says that today, when the world has disintegrated into abstracted points, we do not take things in our hands but rather control them by pressing buttons and keyboards, he actually describes new manual economics and a new attitude toward the world booming with the expansion of digital technologies. Hands represent a model of simple tools. They are extended by the form and function of these tools. But what if some devices are similar to hands, whether morphologically or functionally? The RUKA (Hand) antenna, whose name is an abbreviation of the names of its Czech inventors, František Kahuda and Aleš Rumler, resembles a hand not only with its name. As its creators say: “All psycho-energetic experiments prove that the head and hands–palms are parts of the human body emitting the most radiation [...].”  Under certain circumstances, “a hand with outstretched fingers acts like an antenna”. For “psycho-energetics” or “psychotronics”, the special relationship between the biological and the technical is symptomatic. Like Flusser’s buttons, psychotronic technologies and devices ask for a different way of dealing with things. The materialistic approach to seemingly immaterial phenomena brings unprecedented possibilities for communication and manipulation. In a way, the dreams of telepathy, telekinesis and telegnosis or clairvoyance come true in technical apparatuses available today. From the perspective of psychics, however, the current state does not mean meeting their goals, but rather a new challenge.
Psychotronics is trying to establish itself as a new science and meet the methodological, discursive and institutional requirements to do so. In Czechoslovakia, the most ardent promoters of psychotronics included František Kahuda and Zdeněk Rejdák. The local parapsychological tradition adapted to new conditions, absorbing many ideas from the USSR. The very term of psychotronics expresses the intention to take a “more scientific” approach to the studied phenomena. While similar phenomena were historically explored mostly by curious individuals or interest groups, new professionalism reached official institutions as well. Since the late 1960s to the early 1990s, there was a number of psychotronic institutions in Czechoslovakia, including the Coordinating Group for the Research of Psychotronics, the Psychoenergetic Laboratory (PEL) at the Technical University (ČVUT) in Prague and later at the Institute of Chemical Technology (VŠCHT) in Prague (headed by Kahuda), the Research Institution for Psychotronics and Juvenology at the same institution (headed by Rejdák), the Section for the Research of Psychotronics at the Committee of Applied Cybernetics of the Czech Science and Technology Society (ČVTS), the Department of Experimental Psychotronics at the Research Institute of Animal Production, the Commission of Psychotronics of the Gerontological Society of the Slovak Medical Society, the Commission of the Slovak Council of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technological Society for Psychotronics, and more. Since 1973, there were also conferences of the International Society for Psychotronics. The first edition was held in Prague on 18–22 June 1973.
In Czechoslovakia, the term psychotronics is promoted by Zdeněk Rejdák who refuses the term parapsychology. According to Rejdák, psychotronics includes telepathy, telekinesis and telegnosis. Rejdák also refers to his French colleague Fernando Clerc who says: “We already have electronics, cybernetics, stereotronics – and what do we still lack? We can suggest the term psychotronics for the phenomena using the energy emitted during the thought process and the energy carrying the impulse of the human will.” According to Clerc, “every one of us has the ability of certain, though extremely weak action at a distance. It will not be long before we can focus our will, safely protected from external influences, to run relays and servo motors.” František Kahuda distinguishes between the Western psychotronics, which tries to explain the phenomena studied with “known forms of energy”, and the Czechoslovak and Soviet psychoenergetics, which assumes the existence of a distinctive psychic or mental energy. However, Kahuda did not maintain this distinction consistently and even he later resorted to the concept of psychotronics. The idea of the specific nature of the Eastern concept of mental energy compared to the Western one is somewhat misleading: although the Soviet scientist N. I. Kobozev came with the theory of bio-energetic particles, the so-called psychones, the Soviets generally concentrated on physically explainable psychotronic phenomena (such as electrostatics and electromagnetism) and explored the relationship between parapsychological phenomena and the known types of radiation. Kahuda resonates with the Leninist theory of reflection, which sees the psyche “as an image (projection) of the objective reality”, as “the supreme product of the matter organized in a special way” which is “the result of the transformation of the energy of an external stimulus into to the fact of consciousness.” Moreover, Kahuda, referring to V. M. Bechterew and P. P. Lazarev, assumes that “the interactions in the process of thinking in the human nervous system energetically manifest themselves also outside the human brain”, as attested by cases of telekinesis or telepathy. The theory of mentions is supposed to complement scientific knowledge: it describes the “third signal system” (in addition to the two signal systems defined by I. P. Pavlov), “the fifth type of interaction” (in addition to the four types of interaction – nuclear, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and gravitational – studied by physics), and “the sixth sense” (called “temp” by Kahuda). Kahuda’s belief in the material mention character of mental energy is still a subject of disputes among those who are interested in psychotronics, as can be seen chielfy in the discussion about the nature of the telepathic transmission.
Rejdák describes psychotronics as an interdisciplinary discipline and puts it into the context with other sciences studying the aspects of psychotronic phenomena: physics, communication science, mathematics, cybernetics, psychology, psychiatry, medicine, neurophysiology, physiology, anthropology, geology, cosmobiology, sociology, and bionics. The “limit” nature of the studied phenomena asks for a certain interdisciplinary approach as the interdisciplinary dimension of research is emphasized both by Rejdák and Kahuda. Kahuda frames the discipline by the Marxist notion of “one science”, which includes physics, psychology and psychophysiology, biology and sociology. Like his Soviet colleague P. K. Anochin, he believes that the research on the brain must combine the findings of neurophysiology and behaviourism. He finds the “systemic approach” particularly suitable.
According to its proponents, psychoenergetics will substantially influence the ongoing scientific and technological revolution. Kahuda predicts “that the first half of the twenty first century will be the age of a new, yet unknown, though existing mental energy. Its control as the highest value of man should have the form of an active intervention into the confident shaping of mental processes to form the human for the benefit of the future society in a more rational way than ever before.” Scientific knowledge and rational application of this mental energy will then ensure “not only technical and economic development, but also the elevation of interpersonal relationships in the advanced socialist society to the highest attainable level. The scientific and technological revolution also and, perhaps above all, concerns the man and all workers who make it possible.” A different view is held by Břetislav Kafka, sculptor and hypnotist from Červený Kostelec, in his book Člověk zítřka (The Man of Tomorrow, 1947): “Technical sciences take the man away from the human. They confirm his notion that progress is about having more perfect machines, not about being better today than we were yesterday.” According to Kafka, “the aim of humanity” is “material and spiritual well-being. Industrial civilization defers this aim. Modern civilization sacrificed the sense to the matter. The man had become accustomed to his life by repeating the same movement every day, by processing one element.” Zdeněk Rejdák, who used to visit Kafka like many others, later speaks of the need for a “scientific and human revolution”, which should complement and counterbalance the ongoing scientific and technological revolution if we do not want to “flood the world in the next century with mechanical and human robots and enhance the alienation and social decay”. In Rejdák’s model, the man and mankind stand in opposition to the dehumanizing technology although they are complementary with it. Kahuda’s psychoenergetic dialectical materialism and Rejdák’s psychotronic socialist humanism are quite similar.
Most generally speaking, psychotronics deals with unusual or unexplained types of information transmission. According to Valdemar Grešík, the last director of the Psychoenergetic Laboratory (PEL), closed in 1991, psychotronics “is based on the assumption that man is able to acquire and transmit information in other, so far unknown ways or paths. [...] To a great extent, diagnosing and looking for various objects and healing, all represent kinds of information transmission – in an energetic form, of course.” In this context, Kahuda speaks of “mental information science” which “lies in decoding the information encoded in substances. Such use of mental energy emitted by a psychic as a subject of an information process, when the energy has a similar role like the quanta of electromagnetic energy broadcast by an antenna in short wavelengths (radio microwaves) to the target subject, from which the wave is reflected and received in intermittent broadcast by an image tube which then receives the information about the observed object [...]. In this process, the quanta of mental energy function as a mental radar while the emitted clusters of mental energy are qualitatively directed to the object of the process, i.e. contain the required information in the form of instruction and query on the way to the target, and in the form of feedback response on the way back to the source (brain). The detection of the target during the mental reflection is not only about a mere physical reflection, but also about finding the qualitative characteristics of the detected object.” Moreover, according to Kahuda, the mentions – unlike the known particles – can penetrate any obstacle, which makes them suitable for the “action at a distance”. Before Kahuda, the striking parallelism of telepathy and radiocommunications was mentioned also by Upton Sinclair in Mental Radio (1930) and B.B. Kazinskij in Biological Radio communications (1962). The effort to clarify the physical nature of parapsychological phenomena and the recurrent recognition of similarities between these phenomena and technological apparatuses is also noteworthy. 
Kahuda says that “the use of a variety of devices for contactless communication with both the living and nonliving matter, using a psychophysical method, will certainly be very important one day”. According to Kahuda, the role of mentions is to transfer “quality-oriented information in various types of nonverbal mention communication”, including communication with animals and plants. Mental energy is supposed to be useful “especially in the area of communication, control, management, influencing various events”. This statement is strikingly reminiscent of the definition of cybernetics by Norbert Wiener as a science of control and communication in living organisms and machines. Besides the contemporary fascination with cybernetics (developed in the Easter Bloc since the late 1950s), there is also a certain structural similarity attracting the psychics. If hands in the eyes of psychics resemble antennas, the second key part of the human body, the head – and namely the brain, is obviously associated with computers. This comparison often occurs in the texts. Kahuda concludes that “man is not [unlike computers] only a ‘product’ of the social environment, a passive object of the internalized (interiorized) effects of the external environment, but uses its own self-regulatory system to create and change the external stimuli, to exteriorize them with ideas and work, thus actively influencing the world and acting as an active creature”.  At the First International Conference of Psychotronics, Rejdák presented his paper “Psychotronics reveals new possibilities for cybernetics” which concluded that psychotronics “can help cybernetics solve one of the most difficult tasks – to help teach machines to create”.
The context of psychotronics and cybernetics can be detected at multiple levels, as shown by American researchers Lynn Schroeder and Sheila Ostrander who described the state of Czechoslovak psychotronics in the late 1960s in Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain, describing the Czech experiment whose executors decided to “think of telepathy as a channel with such a high degree of noise that it almost drowns the entire message. Information theory knows the means to overcome the problem of noise, such as calculations indicating, among other things, how many repetitions of one bit of information is necessary for proper reception. The Czechs used these calculations when they asked two people to try to telepathically send messages in a binary code back and forth while the computer found the necessary formula according to information theory.”  In the experiment, telepathy reportedly proved to be more reliable than a field radio.
Although psychics announce the immense impact of their discoveries in the near future, the practical application of the research is limited to relatively marginal cases. In 1959, one of the most important representatives of Czech psychotronics, radio engineer Karel Drbal won a patent for the “method for maintaining shaving knives and razors sharp” using small pyramids, made from for example, cardboard or plastic. To achieve the desired effect, it was necessary to orient the pyramids of certain shapes with respect to the Earth’s magnetic field. Drbal’s repeatedly applied for the patent which was allegedly granted to him only after the sceptical director of the Patent Office successfully used the invention himself. 
The present results exceed the expectations and concern. The most attention is raised by the possibility to use mental energy for military purposes. Psychotronics seems to be a very strategic weapon for the cold war. A CIA report says that psychotronic weapons would mean a “serious threat to the military, diplomatic and security functions of the enemy. Transmitted energy would be quiet and hardly detectable by electronics (although the Soviets claim to have developed efficient sensors of biological energy) and the only needed source of energy would be a human operator.” Given the scarcity of available information, the US agents took the East European psychotronic research very seriously.
In this regard, CIA reports and the StB (Czech state police) were considerably interested in the so-called psychotronic generators produced by Robert Pavlita in his workshop in Lázně Bělohrad since the 1940s. These are mostly metal objects of various sizes and shapes that can be charged with biological energy under certain conditions. The efficiency of the generator depends on the form and material. Pavlita sees his generators as a kind of bioenergetic batteries that can be effectively controlled and regulated thanks to this technical extension. Using the generators, he can, for example, magnetize wood in a scientifically inexplicable way. Pavlita, who works as a textile technician, suggests that the generators can be used to purify water heavily polluted, among other things, during the production of textiles. Pavlita and his daughter Jana demonstrated the generators at the First International Conference of Psychotronics in Prague in 1973 as part of the lecture titled “The inductive effect on the human body mass”.
In 1991, physicists Luděk Pekárek and Milan Rojko published an article where they wrote: “In the past few years, the promotion of dowsers on TV and the radio, in daily press and entertainment and popular magazines in our country has caused that the national committees issue trade licences even to dowsers. Recently, geopathic zones on land and in flats are marked not only by individuals but also cooperatives and private companies. During the First Republic, dowsing was not even listed as a recognized craft by the Trade Chamber.”  Since the late 1970s and 1980s, The Psychoenergetic Laboratory (PEL) conducted research on the possible use of dowsers in coalfields, and carried out projects like “Research of non-traditional methods of searching of anomalies in the mining front and quarry foothills and non-traditional forms of care for people in the North Bohemian brown coalfield” (for the North Bohemian brown coal mine in Most) or “Research on the protection of people in difficult mining conditions using mental energy”  (for the Research Institute in Ostrava-Radvanice). These projects reportedly belong to the most successful PEL projects. Based on one of Kahuda’s suggestions to “implement the psychoenergetic research in the 8th Five-Year Plan”, a “scientific and production telesthesic association Ostrava Most, with a joint scientific council and specialized workplaces in the Research Institute in Ostrava-Radvanice (VVUÚ) and the Research Institute of Brown Coal in Most (VÚHU)”, was supposed to be established. The attitude of psychics to dowsing is still far from clear and depends on its application, as evidenced by Zdeněk Rejdák who joined the discussion in the Education Club of the Revolutionary Trade Union Movement (ROH) on physics and modernized superstition, held on 16 February 1989 by the Prague branch of the Union of Czechoslovak Mathematicians and Physicists. He said that marking “pathogenic zones in flats and prefabricated houses is for absolutely ‘untrustworthy and nonsensical’ and he thought that such activities should not be allowed and one should against protest against their authorization.”.
The techniques deployed in psychotronic research also include photography. Attention is also paid to various forms of autography and electrography that makes invisible forms of radiation visible. In the Czech society, there were some prerequisites for such an interest, as evidenced by references to the pioneer of autography, Bartoloměj Navrátil, who discovered the “New kind of electrical patterns” (published in Časopis pro pěstování matematiky a fyziky in 1889). A special place belongs to Kirlian photography, which was the subject of lectures of many speakers at the First International Conference of Psychotronic in Prague in 1973, including the Kirlians themselves. According to Kahuda, to explain the Kirlian effect, though proven in many experiments, one needs the “materialistic mention theory of fundamental material radiation”. Kahuda’s materialism, however, still pays attention to the social dimension, stating that the intensity and colouring of pictures of human organs depend on the mental state of man and vary “particularly according to the function of the man in nature and the society”.
One of the PEL research groups attempts to capture the mysterious radiation from Pavlita’s bio-generators on photosensitive material and experimentally prove the existence of mentions. These experiments are inspired by the research led by psychiatrist Jule Eisenbud in the Colorado Psychiatric Hospital in Denver in the 1960s. Eisenbud worked with psychic Ted Serios who used his psychic powers to create “thoughtography” on Polaroid film. Milan Smrž describes a series of experiments trying to capture mental energy on photosensitive paper in his research report for the project entitled “Physical chemical detection of mental energy” carried out by the PEL in 1980. On some photographic materials, there were strange spots, including “characteristic colons”. Although the report, written by Milan Smrž, mentions a number of inconclusive tests and does not provide a definite conclusion about the origin of the mysterious patterns, Kahuda summarizes the experiment in the darkroom in the following way: “To avoid doubt that it is the interaction of aura, existing in the space around the head of the psychic, with the film emulsion, and not a direct contact of the emulsion with the head surface, a film strip was inserted into a ‘crown’ made of stiff/drawing paper and deposited in the emulsion to the outside circumference of the crown, so that the fundamental primary mention radiation first passed through a strong paper barrier, then ionized the air in the gaps before the film emulsion, and continuously exposed the film emulsion with the resulting secondary photon radiation. This action took place simultaneously in the space around the head of the emitter. Different colours in different places of the film strip indicate various actions and functions of the human brain tissue at the time of exposure under the psychological and medical condition of the emitter. This function of the human aura could also be used in practice to distinguish between different kinds of the brain activity, similarly to the AG and EG [...].”
Vojtěch Märc
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objecteiespai · 4 years
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