#cough cough etho starts wearing gloves after this
shepscapades · 2 years
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This idea had been floating around in my head for a while so I’m happy to finally put it on paper >:] y’all have officially kickstarted the dbh au brainrot again
For anyone unfamiliar with dbh, androids can “sync” or “interface” with each other physically as a way to directly share info/memories, and. to my understanding, it’s one of the few ways androids can intimately connect with each other :-)
Part 1
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duttasoumyajit · 4 years
Corona Outbreak | Pandemic | The Future
Outbreaks are not very new to us if we take a close look at the history of mankind there have been such outbreaks like SARS, MERS, Ebola, etc. Before we dive deep into the noise and mess set by media lets clarify the basics. COVID-19 is a disease caused by the Corona Virus, it is a specific subset of a virus. They have some unique characteristics, they use RNA instead of DNA as their genetic material, they are covered with protein spikes which looks like crowns henceforth synonymous with Corona which they use to invade cells. About novel Corona Virus, until December 2019, we had heard about only six coronaviruses, it is the seventh with a new gene sequencing and got its name. COVID-19 is similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome those were coronaviruses. That’s what coronaviruses do, they go for your lungs, they do not make you puke, they do not make you bleed from your eyeballs or do not make you haemorrhage, they head towards the lungs.COVID-19 causes a range of respiratory syndromes starting fro dry cough, fever, fatigue, aches, shortness of breath, sore throat to even fatal viral pneumonia. This is the prime reason why it is so much hard to track because the symptoms are so mild and are similar to a common cold hereby people ignore and they do not go for a medical checkup. Corona Viruses are zoonotic, which is hard to get rid off because it has an animal reservoir, it is likely that it has been originated from a wet market in Wuhan, China. Some evidence shows that it might have jumped from a bat to a pangolin before infecting humans. Wildlife farming has enacted by the Chinese Communist regime to back up the Big Famine in the 1970s. “China's Wildlife Protection Law was originally enacted in 1989 and espoused a strong ethos of “breeding, domestication and utilisation” of wildlife, including endangered species that were listed as having the highest levels of protection”. If we may consider outbreaks are the repercussions of how we humans are interacting with our own planet for the choices we have made. Part of that is the climate change that makes the planet more hospitable to viruses and bacterias. We burn and plough the Amazon Rain Forest to have cheap land for ranching, African bushes gets converted into farms, wild animals are hunted to extinction in China, humans come into contact with the wildlife as we invade the wild places of our planet. I remember a TedX Conference by Bill Gates back in 2015, a few years after the Ebola outbreak, where he expresses his fear about a global catastrophe that kills more than 10 million has less likely to be Nuclear Weapons but a highly infectious virus. Be it an outbreak or bioterrorism, not missiles but microbes. He identifies the flaws of the choices we made, more like a prophecy that COVID-19 exposed in 2020. We humans have invested more in nuclear deterrents and a very little in strengthening Global Health Care System, in Research and Development or preparation for a pandemic. COVID-19 exposes the flaw in our Global Supply Chains i.e. the scarcity of equipment, tools, trained professionals and logistics. COVID-19 challenged the medical science the world has never seen before even if, with the most advanced technologies, we are still loosing. Bill Gates, discussed some of the important options back in 2015, which we have failed to implement. Like, building professional medical corps. Pairing the medical system with the military for their abilities to move fast, do logistics and secure areas. Running simulations of Germ Games as we invest in War Games. Strengthening the health care infrastructure, investing in disease surveillance, R&Ds, vaccines and diagnostics. COVID-19 is completely changing the world dynamics, already sent the world into lockdowns and quarantines, crumbled the global economy. Now, it’s stupid to give any statistics about unemployment, crashing stock markets or death rates as the demographics are changing constantly. It has triggered shameful xenophobia against the Chinese, panic, agoraphobia and authoritarianism. Some suggestions by the medical experts to combat COVID-19 are - washing hands regularly, more frequently, refrain from touching faces, biting fingernails, sanitizing phones, wearing gloves, N95 masks and implementing social distancing.
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