#could have put gone angels by mili
noxtivagus · 2 years
HELLO LUNE ZZZ I JUST WOKE UP oh dear god its already 3pm this is the latest that i have been awake recently oh my ... BUT i hope you are having a great day ahead nd you already ate wadawada hehehe (*´ω`*) i will respond to your ask later after this btw i was kinda shocked when you flooded it /pos but it made me vv happy!!!
gone angels is a beautiful song, one of my favorites in the library of ruina vocals ost after string theocracy and ehem from a place of love. hehe i was gonna ramble how beautiful this song is BUT!! that would be somewhat big spoilers to the library of ruina game HELP practically speaking, the song itself is a HUGE SPOILER even to the title alone, but the song is the protaganist's theme song/boss fight ost (yes he became a boss spoiler alert!!!) and it hurts even more when you played the protagonist's side episode and found out the true context behind this song because it hits like a truck. huhu roland you deserve better
what's interesting about this song is because the protagonist's pages (you can call them skills as well) is named “a waltz in black” while his late partner is “a waltz in white” respectively and gone angels is in a 3/4 time signature, which is often used for waltz songs!! and the irony because the piano (or pianist spoiler alert again) is the reason why the protaganist's life is in shambles and the reason why his partner passed away and the only reason what drives him the most. the song's instrumental is only the piano! you can really tell mili put a lot of care and love to this to match up to the theme of the game. the song can be also viewed in two perspective, the first half belongs to the first protagonist, roland while the second half belongs to the other protagonist, angela. i want to discuss about the lyrics as well BUT!!! thats major spoilers huhu but yes the lyrics for gone angels are beautiful. oh dear im rambling sm please forgive me!! i certainly adore project moon's works and mili's songs vv much (;ŏ﹏ŏ) HELP i kinda spoiled you a bit i hope you dont mind hehe
children of the city is another favorite of mine and another good song from the library of ruina ost! please do listen to it if you haven't. i love the library of ruina ost because you could listen to them outside of context (except for gone angels because that is a literal spoiler) even if you haven't played the game yet. like from a place of love who seems like a song about toxic relationships and the peer pressure of getting married/settling down with a family on the outside but hides a darker and dreadful meaning once you know the context, children of the city seems like your song about depression and not being able to cope with failure and about complete apathy, wanting to change but can't seem to do so. this youtube comment that i found on the official video perfectly describes what the song looks like on a outsider's perspective but also relates to the actuall meaning of the song, which is kinda sad since this is a theme song of a character who wanted to break free from a never-ending cycle he had been living with his whole life only to find out that he has lost his way while doing so and he was the one being played at in the end. all his attempts to ascend in the system and change it were futile and hopeless as the system he was fighting against was omnipotent and stuff.
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oh another interesting fact, children of the city is at the same beat/tempo as a human heart! hehe another small detail that i adore!
speaking of osts, i love the kh ost sm!! especially the orchestra versions of the songs hehe i love orchestra vv much!!! they gave me sm joy nd comfort. fun fact, i first learned of kh because of their osts and my first one was actually xion's theme! xion is a very special character to me and haha dyk? before having the name fei/yori, people used to call me xion! and guess where i got the name? right, from xion on kh! i sometimes relate to her on a personal degree (。ノω\。) indeed!!! kh is very nostalgic and made the rest of my childhood a memorable one. OH SO KH1 WAS YOUR FIRST KH GAME??? HELP ME TOO!!!! omg thats so surprising to hear.
i hope you are having a good day ahead!! please do enjoy the weekends to the fullest nd yes they r very short zzz its already sunday and tomorrow its monday again huhu (╥﹏╥) BUT a new week to overcome is a very rewarding experience because it reminds you that you made progress and that you are slowly making a mark for yourself in this world. its good to learn a lot of new things. indeed, you should keep those imporant to you close and hold them dearly and you have so much more to do, i'm excited to see where your journey takes you in the future. i believe you have the potential to go even beyond your limitations. i believe in you, lune!!! you can do it ❤️◝(⁰▿⁰)◜❤️
GOOD EVENING (early morning oops) YORIIII i'm so sorry i got to this so late, i read it n wrote most of the following the day you sent this (4 days ago iirc?) but i got busy. n. yh 😭😭 that said i hope you slept well that day! n hopefully hopefully the past few days too 🥹 you deserve that rest. there's a lot more i want to write in addition to what i have from days before alrdy so i'll get started w that >< (n dw take as much time as you want on the asks, no rush whatsoever <3) (。・∀・)ノ゙
LIBRARY OF RUINA UWAHHH god i'm even more interested in it now, n it's thanks to you so THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! o((>ω< ))o in the past few days i've been listening to a lot of mili ehe, esp those you mentioned bcs they're now my favs too >.> ANGELS. WALTZ. PIANO. ngl i freaked out when i read that explanation from you bcs oh my god i love those themes sm !?! i cld. i cld ramble about that for ages HDFKLADJKFSDK >︿< i love details so much….& meaning…. & themes…. YORI YOU'VE GOTTEN ME SO CURIOUS N INTRIGUED damn i already love the lyrics sm on an out of context perspective n i'm nervous /pos n really excited to learn about it w context >< n. i really wna hear your own rambles i am genuinely so excited to analyze n learn more about the game myself n brainrot about it !!!! & mili's probably gna be one of my fav artists now (thank you for all this) & DW IDM THESE LITTLE SPOILERS i think they've made me oven more excited rn hehe 🥺
i love all the songs sm…. when i read you starting to talk about children of city my heart ached a bit oh my god. HDJFAJLKSDF i got hurt a bit from reading the first part of the comment already that i stopped to leave it for later since i skimmed your ask at first to write down certain points i want to take note of (i reply to asks like writing a draft for an essay) 😭😭 reading back n >< oh my god coping w failure n apathy, wanting to change but can't seem to do so HFJKDASLFJSD SOB THAT. UWAH THAT CAUGHT ME SO HOOKED . i hear it's a sequel though yeah n when i was talking to a friend earlier on the games we want to buy i brought it up n he mentioned he has the first game so. maybeee. n i saw from your twt that. the game's on sale. MAYBE MAYBE HOPEFULLY V SOON…. I'M REALLY HYPED. THAT'S SO SAD UWAHH 'losing your way n wanting to still be a part of it' 🥹 reading back on this ask after listening to the song a lot these past few days hit different. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. THANK YOU YORI
from a place of love was the first that caught me bcs it was the one i first saw on your account then string theocracy bcs it's the first in the playlist n i listened to all of them in order in the playlist & then gone angels caught my eye bcs ANGELS n while there's no lyrics on spotify i heard some stuff that really interested me so i searched up the lyrics n. YES. i remember at first the numbers in children of the city intrigued me sm (if there's meaning in them then. i'm so excited to learn if there is ?!?). n then YEAH i rmber this also was one of the top ones that caught my interest. i love the beat /tempo so goddamn much i rmber that was one of my first thoughts so mwah mwah you're so right >< HUMAN HEART. THAT'S SO GOOD. it's actually been one of the songs that have comforted me recently it sounds so calming. thank you so much i hope to be able to brainrot n hyperfixate on this soon 🫶🏼
KH & ORCHESTRA. oh my god yes same. xion's theme…. OH MY GOD I RELATE W YOU ON THAT (/≧▽≦)/ 🤍 >< i played kh1 first bcs of my aunt but i never got off the island i think, i was really too young to actually play. but i still remember the beginning so well n the paopu fruit (which i kept on calling star fruit for quite a long time after until i really knew its actual name) 🥹 kh3 was basically gifted from my aunt bcs it's not really her type of game so oh my god i barely know anything about xion but i relate with her too from what i know t_t (っ´Ι`)っ(i actually ended up changing my discord pfp to her like. yesterday i think !!!! ><) THAT'S SO COOL…. xion's really such a beautiful name n that's so beautiful to hear too. uwahh thank you for reminding n adding more to my kh interest recently (bcs i've been seeing a lot more of it recently again w dearly beloved, listening to more of the ost again these past few months, n some moots on twt)! it's my childhood so i've wanted to know more abt it for a while but i've been busy n struggling a bit w my mental health but really really soon i wna yk get back more n learn more actively so c: & w gbf too actually THANK YOU
feels kinda like fate !?! bcs these things r aligning not only here on tumblr w you but also more moots i made recently on twt & an irl >< i'll have a lot more time soon w sembreak so there's a lot i wna do n then sob bday so i wna get a lot more stuff done n yeah new start, new drive, renewed passion n determination n purpose so. i want to say here thank you for being a part of that actually. i appreciate your existence a lot n it's really nice making a new friend. I WANT TO SAY MORE BUT MY SLEEP-DEPRIVATION IS RUINING MY COMMUNICATION SKILLS 😭😭 but i really just want to say how grateful i am for you? n we've only known each other for a while but i genuinely do care for you. for the individual and unique person you are. i'm not really sure what more to say but yeah. i hope the sentiment gets across.
& i think i said this before but. on me writing a lot (Genuinely hope you dm!!!!) it's nice communicating here via asks it reminds me of writing a letter !?! which is pretty comforting in itself already. N. 😭😭 THANK YOU FOR THAT YORI. n remember you too, alright? you're human like me n you deserve that as much too (^^ゞ uwahh i've been reading your vents lately n. i've been wanting to say smth in return for the kindness you've given me as well as. just out of unconditional care. 🥹 i just. sob wait as i'm writing this i forgot all the things i wanted to say ≧ ﹏ ≦ i've been struggling w finding the right words to say n the energy to reach out even though i really want to do what i can to help the people i care about so. i can only hope that even some of this might reach you. as long as there's tomorrow there will always be hope n possibilities for things to be better in so many different ways. time may be pressuring but in the end. in the inside. we can always take as much time as we can to get better n. yeah do things. as humans we'll always be deserving of something better. n there'll always be someone or something out there that means so much more than we'll ever know. (whether it be something we ourselves love, or vice versa) idk where i'm trying to get w that bcs maybe the words of comfort i try to give others r words i mean to say to myself. i'm rambling but there's a sort of beauty in how we relate to others like that? in the own words you've said to me, i hope you yourself find you in them.
please remember to take time to rest properly. you deserve that. n i hope things will get better for you, with whatever you're dealing with. it's nearly 4 am oh my god hopefully you're sleeping rn but yeah! (つ´∀`)つ 🤍
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hissterical-nyaan · 3 years
The Promise
Pairing - Bucky Barnes/Desi! Female reader
Warning - Angst, sad ending, more angst
Summary - Bucky Barnes broke one promise that meant the most to Y/N
Word count - 1.5K
A/N - This is my first ever fanfic, I am very anxious so please be gentle with me :) This was created purely to make y'all cry lol. This is a songfic of "Lag ja gale" of Lata Mangeshkar ji. I absolutely adore that song and found it quite fit for this story!!! Also English isn't my first language and there might be grammatical mistakes. Thanks to @soradragon for beta reading this and helping me complete it, you are a blessing. Love you 💙 happy reading folks!
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It was  peaceful in Wakanda, a cool night had taken its place from the hot humid air of the day, the stars were shining bright and serenity hung in the air.  It was impossible to imagine what the next day would have in store for everyone. No one had a clue that tomorrow was the day that would change everyone's lives forever.
There was the sound of soft humming coming from the modest hut which housed the one and only the White Wolf and his lover.
Inside was you, singing songs softly in your mother’s tongue before the two would go to bed for the night. It was a nightly ritual the two of you shared. For Bucky had found your voice so soothing it would chase away the recurring nightmares that would haunt his sleep every night. Bucky Barnes was unable to sleep without his love in his arms, without her angelic voice singing for him, and without her soft hand weaving through his hair. 
You had an awful day today, throughout the day you felt anxious and restless. As if your mind has been screaming at you that something bad was about to transpire. You had no idea what, but it was bad. if there is one thing you hated most, it would be not knowing what will happen next.
You liked being prepared for everything! Your distressed state made you itch for your ma's presence and her wise words. So the next best thing to feel like she was there was to sing your ma's favourite song. It was a song you had  beautiful emotional memories attached to.
Lata ji's masterpiece ‘Lag ja gale’. The song that always left you peaceful.
"What's on your mind, chaand? No cheesy love songs today?" Bucky teased lightly, slightly puzzled by the song choice. Normally, you would sing more happy, sweet love songs when you were in a good mood, not to forget how out of character you acted the entire day. 
"Acha? You said you don't like my cheesy songs na, so I thought today I will comply with your wish and not sing my ‘overly romantic, Shona Babu songs.’”  You shot back, poking your tongue out as not to worry him. Bucky pouted slightly.
"Arre baba okay now don't pout, I was just joking. I will sing the cheesy songs again tomorrow, right now this song just feels right to me.” Hearing that, Bucky mumbled a quiet yes and snuggled deeper into you, holding you tightly and moving his head ever so slightly to listen to your voice.  
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hasin Raat Ho Na Ho
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Jaa Gale Ae Ae… (Embrace me, dear, who knows whether or not this beautiful night will ever come again. Maybe in this life we may or may not meet again)
You remember the first time you met Bucky, in Shuri's lab. You were a   good friend of Shuri. You were a researcher staying in Wakanda with T'challa's permission and eventually befriended the Princess. The two of you loved to talk about anything and nothing. One day Shuri told you about the Winter soldier staying here in Wakanda. You had heard many things about him, but never had you seen him in the flesh. Till you saw him come into the lab, bruised and eyes swiming full of emotions, but the distraught was the most clear in those blue piercing eyes.
It was at that moment that you had decided you would help him, and try to soothe the aches and scars that had been covering his fragile heart. He was put in the cryo soon after your first encounter, but you couldn't help but think about him often.
Ham Ko Mili Hain Aaj Ye, Ghadiyaan Nasib Se
Ji Bhar Ke Dekh Lijiye, Ham Ko Qarib Se
Phir Aap Ke Nasib Men, Ye Baat Ho Na Ho (I have been given today, this time by destiny. To your hearts content see me closely, who knows, if your destiny, may present this situation again.)
Six months later, Bucky came out of the cryo and on his request, was given a small hut away from the palace in the fields. You often saw him, with his tiny herd of goats. You remember how one tiny goat - which Bucky had endearingly called Steve -  was the one who caused you to talk to Bucky. Maybe that's why he was still your favourite goat, afterall he was responsible for giving you the love of your life.
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hasin Raat Ho Na Ho (Maybe, in this life, we may or may not meet again. Embrace me dear for this beautiful night may not come again)
Your phone rang suddenly. Bucky moved his head from your lap as you moved to get the phone, it was your brother who was calling you. It puzzled you, it was nearly midnight in India. "Y/N….jaldi aaja yaha… ma aur papa ki car crash ho gayi...I am so sorry, hum unhe bacha nahi paye." You went numb...The words didn’t make sense, you couldn’t make sense of them... Ma papa? No, no this can't be happening. You...you just talked to your mom a few hours ago! Bucky’s arms wrapped around you, holding you so close. He whispered some words into your ear trying to soothe you. But you couldn’t hear them, your mind just kept repeating your brother’s words inside your head like a mantra. That’s when the tears fell, soaking Bucky’s shirt. You didn’t remember you screamed. 
Paas Aaiye Ki Ham Nahin Aaenge Baar-Baar
Baahen Gale Men Daal Ke Ham Ro Le Zaar-Zaar
Aankhon Se Phir Ye Pyaar Ki Barsaat Ho Na Ho (Come closer to me, as I will not be able to come to you every time. Put your arms around me and let us cry our hearts out. Who knows, if our eyes will ever see these tears of love again.)
You couldn’t imagine what you would be without Bucky, your Bucky. He was your rock, You couldn't live a day without him. From the day you confessed your love for each other till today, not a day has gone where he wasn't showering you with love. Even through all his trauma and pain, he did his absolute best to be there for you, his sweet, sweet Y/N.
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hassin Raat Ho Na Ho
Shaayad Phir Is Janam Men Mulaaqaat Ho Na Ho
Lag Ja Gale Ki Phir Ye Hassin Raat Ho Na Ho (Maybe, in this life, we may or may not meet again. Embrace me dear for this beautiful night may not come again)
Remembering the past left you in an emotional mess, you didn't even realise when the waterworks started.
"Chaand? Hey, no shhh why are you crying? Is everything okay? Talk to me."
"Haan chaand?"
"Promise me that you will never leave me." You uttered in a broken whisper
"I promise."
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He broke that promise. Bucky Barnes broke his promise and left his chaand. It happened so fast, the Avengers fighting Thanos, and suddenly everyone turning into dust.
You felt helpless and scared, numb and cold. what was happening? Bucky had told you to not come out of the palace unless told. He didn't want you to be in harm's way. No, his Y/N was too precious, he can't risk it. You reluctantly agreed, but you weren't of much use on the battlefield anyway. You just hoped your love would return to you very soon.
Steve broke the news, and your whole world collapsed in front of your eyes.
"Steve, no..no it can't be... please tell me you are lying. This isn't the time to joke around! Where is he!?" you couldn't help but scream at him. All your dreams, hopes and future with Bucky shattered. He was gone, in just a snap.  It couldn’t be real, this was a sick joke. that had to be it. A sick joke…
But deep inside, you knew it was real. All of it was real. The world around you seemed to crumble, all of it came down, it was as if someone let a glass cup fall and it shattered in a million pieces. Unable to be put back together again…
Now you had no one, no mom and dad, no Bucky...He was your rock wasn't he? He wasn't supposed to go...
After a few days, Steve offered to take you to America with him. The least he could do for his pal was to make sure the girl who had his heart was taken care of. But you couldn't go, it was too painful. Brooklyn will always remind you of Bucky, and you promised him when the time came to go back to his home, you will go together. No, unlike him Y/N L/N knew how to keep her promise.
You went back to India, to start a new life. A miserable one. If only you would have known that the last song you’ve sung to him would come true. 
You never sang your mother's favourite song again
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Tagging - @spiderrpcrker @a-dragon-under-the-stars @lil-stark @jacquessouvenier @soradragon (I hope you won't mind me tagging you!) And I also hope you liked it :))
Translations (please let me know if I forgot to translate something) -
Chaand - Moon (an affectionate term in this context)
Acha - Really (in this context, it can mean many things otherwise)
"Y/N….jaldi aaja yaha… ma aur papa ki car crash ho gayi...I am so sorry, hum unhe bacha nahi paye." - "Y/N please come fast here, mom and dad were in an car crash, I am so sorry but we couldn't save them" (ma = mom, papa = dad)
Haan - yes
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johnseedfanclub · 3 years
microscope, mixtape, ufo, and parachute for Angel please!!
okay....This one’s quiiiiite lengthy sorry about that 😅😅😅
Thanks for the ask! ♥️
Hope y’all like this one~
microscope: zoom in – describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
Angel loves Thai iced tea and sweet drinks! He only drinks coffee for the caffeine but doesn’t actually like coffee (he prefers his with a lot of sugar/flavoring to cover up the bitter coffee taste)
Angel wishes he could have a pet but is scared he might hurt them with his bad mood swings
He secretly loves and wants plushies. He also has an attachment to them but never admits it because he’s “too old” for them.
His type is brunette, charming, suave, rich/wealthy men (not literally but is a nice add on yk~) , with light colored eyes (coincidentally it sounds like John but he can’t stand him)
Actually acts out/badly for a bit of attention he usually does it for shits and giggles but does it to receive a reaction out of someone whether it be from the person he’s talking to or the audience watching
He actually wishes people gave him more affection and reassurance. He never truly knows how much his friends appreciate him an a lot of times he feels like they don’t much. He doesn’t tell them the truth though because he doesn’t want to come off as jealous, needy or as an “attention seeker”
Likes dressing feminine more than masculine. He absolutely HATES men’s clothing Hawaiian shirts, turtlenecks, tuxedos/formal wear are the only exceptions (he would pretend to like the boxes of men’s clothing he would receive from friends as gifts. Would never even wear them. Maybe once if he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings)
Canonically he is “blonde” but he’s actually a brunette (light brown hair) but likes to dye his hair blonde instead
ufo: identity! what are some key identifying qualities or traits of your OC(s)? how to they identify in regards to gender/sexuality?
Special Qualities: his personality. Angel has a very unique personality compared to everyone he knows. He has this funny, mean/sarcastic, chill vibe to him. He always teases and plays around with his friends, not to mention he’s quite blunt and honest with anyone (even more harsh to people who annoy him). And though he seems like a small angry chihuahua at times, he’s a real sweetheart to everyone. He is never afraid to try anything new, no matter now fucking crazy or dangerous it may be he’s totally down to do it. That’s why both Eden’s Gate and the Resistance fear
Good Traits: He’s comedic (even at the worst times or when you need it), is the best at throwing house parties (even at 30 years old), he can help you with any favor it doesn’t even matter what it is (almost impossible to ask him of something he can’t do), he’ll take care of you when you’re sick/hungover/injured/depressed/having a panic attack, he’s a great cook and willing to share whatever he makes with anyone (if there’s enough), and he’s always generous (a big gift giver)
Bad Traits: He can a bit overly aggressive/rude (sometimes accidentally), he’s bad at remembering/keeping tract of things (he knows everyone’s favorite animal but totally forgets their birthdays and/or names), tends to crack under too much (bad) pressure and become extremely aggressive or violent, holds in his true feelings and emotions, has really bad mood swings, can be easy to piss off, can be too loud (mouthed) at times
Sexuality: Gay (attracted to men)
Gender identity: depends on the way he dresses/his mood normally he prefers he/him/they/them but if he dresses more feminine (wears makeup, tight dresses, feminine accessories) you could call him by she/him, or even they/them. (No pronoun preferences when he cross dresses)
#squad: who’s friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
Angel has few friends outside Hope County. The main people he’s friends with are Mary May, Jerome, Staci Pratt, Sharky Boshaw, Hurk Drubman Jr, Adelaide, Faith Seed, the Angel Twins (Jeremiah and Isaiah), the Whitetails, and a few of the peggies of Eden’s Gate
The only squads that Angel are apart of are
Sharky + Hurk = The Bomb Squad
Peggies = Eden’s “Gays”
Angel, Sharky, and Hurk are like the best and worst pairing. They’re all sweet, funny, and humble but can be obnoxious and destructive as FUCK. Anytime they go somewhere to find/finish some mission. It always ends in them leaving a trail of either, fire, gunpowder, or an explosion of some sort (either vehicle, silo, bliss tank, or outpost/building). Don’t even ask or mention what they do for leisure time. More crazy stunts and tricks that could put any normal person with a normal brain in the ER in critical condition. And at the bar? Jesus Christ. They order enough alcohol to kill 5 men but somehow make it through the night. And if they aren’t drinking, they’re sure as hell smoking weed or whatever the fuck Sharky has been brewing in his trailer (it’s most likely a 50/50 chance that you’ll pass out or die from it). They’re definitely one crazy ass group, nothing you would ever even expect, not even out of a crazy...Hollywood...Michael Bay movie. A feminine Latino city gay, an old cheery bomb-rocket enthusiast, and a insane pyromaniac that has a warrant. There definitely isn’t a dull moment with these three. But...you’re good as gone if you’re stuck with them for more than 11 minutes.
Angel and the Eden’s “Gays” are a pretty decent sized group of 6 men (plus the Twins some days) that are the few queer men of Eden’s Gate. Originally they seemed quite closeted because of the cult’s religion and some of its rules. But with Angel around they soon became another loud, obnoxious group of men. Before the whole group was “founded” the original 6 peggies (including John Seed himself) didn’t like Angel at all because of how loud and “out” he seemed (not to mention the carelessness). But as Angel visited the bunkers more often (after he was kidnapped by John) they slowly grew fond of him. Angel would always do kind gestures to learn more about Eden’s followers by helping them with chores, tasks, bringing them food and treats from outside the compound (though he wasn’t supposed to), and even help them find comfort in their own troubles. Though Angel liked a lot of the members he really favored 6 different followers in particular Connor, Michael, Anthony, Jace, and Jefferey (those who were the first followers he interacted with). Now they’re known as Eden’s Gays troublemakers. They sneak out to the Spread Eagle to drink, host secret parties in Hope County, and smoke as well. There isn’t a moment where they aren’t breaking the cult’s rules. They’re the only group of peggies some of the resistance members trust mostly because Angel made a rule of not attacking or harming them and actually enjoy being around. They’re definitely always getting into trouble with both sides too, much like Angel, starting small fights during church/sermons, fooling around on the job, or going around Hope County not to attack the locals but pester the living shit out of them. They almost stop being violent mean peggies and instead just become this goofy comedic group of young men. (Fun Fact: the “Eden’s Gays” were actually a thing before the cult became hostile *during its first few years in Hope County* and John was mostly the “leader” of the crazy group)
mixtape: 5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like.
(The possibilities are endless for this one so I’m sticking to a Baddie playlist he would listen to)
May I ~ Flo Mili
Literal Legend ~ Ayesha Erotica
Yikes ~ Nicki Minaj
I like it ~ Cardi B
Sway With Me ~ Saweetie & GALAXARA
parachute: who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
Missy (my U.S. Marshal oc), is one of the few people he trusts the most. During the time from when he was arrested to when he was released out of jail (and transferring to Hope County Jail), she was always like a mother figure to him. And though she was supposed to investigate Angel’s murder and drug charges, she treated him kindly and respect, instead of a criminal. Without Missy, Angel might as well been as good as dead since she was the one that helped him move to a psychiatric ward instead of federal prison after discovering who he really was. Even after he was released, Missy still treated him as if he was her own son. She allowed him to stay at her penthouse apartment when Angel told her his father had disown him and he had no where to go. She always cared about him, made sure he ate, drank water, took care of himself, and even helped him get a better mindset. Though Angel still teases Missy by calling her “Mama Bear (Missy)” or “Mother Goose (or hen)” he’s forever grateful she was always there for him.
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siderealxmelody · 5 years
Millie-Mae's Backstory
Millie-Mae never knew her mother or grandmother though she was named for them.
What she does remember is moving around, is having nightmares of all the evil things outside her window.
She remembered being too emotional as her father put it. She remembers watching Henry walk out the door and never come back.
She remembered Sam leaving and never calling her for her birthday like he used.
She remembered Adam growing further and further away and becoming unrecognizable.
She hated living with her father, it always felt like she was walking on eggshells, never knowing what could set him off.
Coming to stay with Bobby was the best thing that could happen to her, she loved him. He was supportive, caring, and Jody was an amazing role model. She remembered Owen he had been a cute kid.
But Bobby had been adamant that Adam and her be given more normal childhood. They were put into the local school. It was there she met Kaelin McGee, he was annoying and rude but he became a sort of friend as Kristin and Adam closer over the years.
As she grew she also met the Greythorns a hunting family that John had allied with a few times. Ultimately they had had a falling out when John chose to allow Mireya Greythorn die to kill the monster they'd been hunting.
This left Mireya's children twins Sebastian and Viola without a mother and at 13 they moved to be near Bobby.
Mireya's husband Andon worked with Bobby on his automobile shop.
So Millie saw the twins a lot as they became teenagers.
Mireya had been a cradle witch and had hoped her children would have inherited her abilities. Viola had but Sebastian hadn't gotten any as they grew it became a point of contention.
Andon doted on Viola for continuing their mother's work, Sebastian at best he ignored; at worse he took out his aggression on.
When they were both 16 they had had enough hatching a plan of escape, the night of their planned escape Viola roused their father telling them their plan and pinning the whole rouse on Sebastian - she didn’t want him to tag along, he would only slow her down.
Millie had helped them plan everything out. She found Sebastian the next morning shivering from the cold. He looked too pale and was disoriented. Had he been out all night in the snow?
She tried to patch him as best as she could. Sebastian was gone when she came back with his lunch. Millie found him in the woods a few feet from Bobby's property.
He told he was dying, he could feel it. He may not have had inherited his mother's powers but he could feel as his body shut down.
He'd come here to let his body die, maybe even ask someone for powers. But if he did that it wouldn't matter, he was still dying. He would be dead before midnight. He wasn't sure how he knew that.
So Sebastian knelt down and began to draw using a cut he had re opened on his arm.
He had seen this spell in his mother's old grimoire. It was said to summon the Master you need.
Millie tried to stop him repeatedly, she begged him to let her take him to hospital. She tried to pull away only for him to push her roughly into a tree.
The old tree stump he had been drawing on split open, a plume of smoke composed of blues, reds, and gold swirled before Sebastian.
He looked up at in awe, it seemed to be speaking to him. But Millie couldn't make anything out. Millie threw one of her knives at it but it went right through.
It rusted as it came out the other end. That only solidified that this was a terrible idea.
Sebastian gave a nod and a grin as the smoke moved around him.
As Millie watched in horror the smoke seemed to sink into Sebastian.
His blue eyes shifted. Now his left was half gold and blue.
Sebastian spoke again to her, telling her that the thing that he called was named Furneus. He was the younger brother of the famed general Asmodeus. Millie shook her head, shock making her brain numb and slow.
She demanded Forneus leave Sebastian. Forneus shook his head, he couldn't. Sebastian needed him like he needed him. Asmodeus had been fearful of his power and had wounded him. The only solution was a soul given willingly with the owner understanding what Forneus was.
Forneus had nearly given up on a human doing that till he had met Sebastian. Besides their energies were too well meshed that if Forneus tried to leave Sebastian would die.
Soon they'd meld into one person.
Besides, wasn't Millie happy now? Now Sebastian was a witch, he had powers. He wasn't useless or worthless anymore. He was finally someone that was worth her.
Millie shook her head yelling that he was an abomination and would never be wether her time.
Millie ran away after that, she saw that Faye had come to visit that day. She demanded to go to where Dean and her father was. She couldn't stay here anymore.
Faye looked at her in confusion, she pulled Millie away from Ben and Emma and managed to calm her down.
She asked her to tell her what had happened Milie refused. If she told her about Sebastian he would be killed, they'd say he was a monster. Besides Forneus hadn't seemed so bad in retrospect, maybe everything would be okay.
Faye finally relented and made her some grilled cheese to comfort her that night.
She stayed for the next few weeks when the news came in. Andon was dead and Sebastian and Viola were gone.
Hunters looked everywhere for the twins but couldn't find them.
Millie tried to move on, not answering any of Kaelin's questions on where the twins had gone.
Millie kept her head down for the next two years. She watched as Adam and Kritstin got together, she liked Kristin she was so confident. She wondered if she could be like that.
She helped Adam move into college and left to join her father and Dean on the road. She couldn't stay in that place anymore. She would miss Bobby and Kaelin though. They'd become friends in the last year.
She taught herself coding and website design in an effort to make some extra money for Dean, John and herself as they went on the road.
She sometimes felt like life was passing her by, that she was drowning and no one noticed. But she knew if she tried to take control of things it would end in pain.
She couldn't bring herself to do that again.
So she let John order her around, she cooked and cleaned for them. Faye tried to intervene but Millie stopped her. She wanted to do this, she wanted to care for her family.
Faye didn't seem to understand but she relented finally, especially when Millie began to watch over Ben and Emma when they all went hunting.
3 notes · View notes
go-redgirl · 5 years
The Five 8/2/19 | Breaking Fox News News August 2, 2019
Hannity Pinned by Hannity 18 hours ago FULL SHOW UPDATE : https://youtu.be/AgA6LPbesDE
REPLY Don Quijote 1st thing I check: Juan's NOT there!! 😂😂😂🎉🎊🎇🎆
Johnny Lawrence 18 hours ago TRUMP 2020!!!! The train is moving full steam ahead 🚂🇺🇸MAGA🇺🇸
Maurice Belanger 18 hours ago
NO  JUAN  WOW 😮👍❤️💕🇺🇾
Ken Overman 17 hours ago There is no one on the Democratic side that can beat our President Donald J Trump
REPLY Maxxwell Maxxwell 18 hours ago No Juan 👌🏻
REPLY Grim Reaper  17 hours ago YES!! No Juan. It's a much better show without him.
REPLY Audrey Carroll Greg! PLEASE keep Capri and axe Juan🙏🏽
REPLY Steven Johnson 17 hours ago Obama will not Help the next DNC Candidate. Democrats are what they have always been. Fools!!
REPLY Pete Duncan 18 hours ago Trump has become everybody's Presedent.
REPLY ptsd and me 47 hensley 18 hours ago every election that i can remember  [i am 71 ] they are going to fix the inner city. in 4 years it will be the same.  stop the bs
REPLY joe moreira 18 hours ago (edited) Shes a thousand times more tolerable then jaun when she talks about dems reality in dem is rear trump2020
REPLY Tay Tollefsen Juan must go!!!!
woodstock I am so proud of our people. NO Chant just like the president asked. We are gonna win. Sorry. You can't beat integrity, honesty, hard work and loyalty. Democrats have none of that.
REPLY freethinker 45 18 hours ago President Trump the Peoples President
REPLY Lisa Noel 17 hours ago Ben. Carson will prayvfirst and then GET IT DONE .WE LOVE. TRUMPS FRIEND BEN CARSON.
REPLY mr ady and mim yay 17 hours ago Had Cummings shared the 16 billion with his residents, an average household with 4 people would have received $100'000. That would help to pay off some debts and get people back on their feet.
REPLY Lawrence Foster Lawrence Foster 18 hours ago If YOU LOOK AT ANY DIVESTATED CITY HE SAID.
REPLY Kathy Sloan 17 hours ago First - Michelle is NOT the most admired 'woman' in the country.  More FAKE polls and FAKE news.  How about doing some investigating for a change like on the video I found. 
REPLY Lee North 17 hours ago "If the Kingdom of God is within you then everywhere you go you outta leave a little bit of heaven behind" #spreadlove
REPLY Joy Jarrelson 18 hours ago No classes Trump's got 2020 vision lmfao
REPLY toneman335 17 hours ago President Trump 2020
REPLY Made In USA 15 hours ago I live in southern California, and Trump is absolutely right. The Democrats have run our great state in to the ground. I hope he keeps up this theme so we can win back the House.
REPLY Heinzy 16 hours ago Sorry I'm not American but why is M. Obama admired? Just wondering, not being insulting.
REPLY mario pena mario pena Julian Castro .. was mayor of San Antonio texas.. LATINOS and Black neighborhoods are poorest.. westside and Eastside.. LATINO for trump.. 2020 . For the private sector.. from San Antonio texas
REPLY Stephen Nguyen 16 hours ago Yeah, no stupid Juan. Thank you Fox
REPLY Nirvana 99 17 hours ago No Juan Williams 🥂🍻
REPLY rogeliogarcia07 16 hours ago I like LIZA BOOTHE,why the 5 don't invite her to the program ?
REPLY willard fillmore 16 hours ago Obozo was the worst whatever of anyone who sat in our oval office.. He is a bold faced liar. He is a traitor and a big time pedophile..!! I would be very embarrassed to even mention his name..!!
REPLY Richard Martin 17 hours ago Barak Obama single most significant achievement was the creation and election of Donald J trump, Obama’s failures and smugness put Donald trump the 45th president of the United States 🇺🇸 in the Oval Office
REPLY Emma White 17 hours ago NO Juan, 👍, I'm watching the " Five ", this lady that took his place it's worth listening. Thanks FOX News from New York, I live in California a blue state, Where I have to keep my mind quiet.❤
REPLY Sofa Joe 17 hours ago @emilycampanio... you went to go see Guns and Roses the other night, one of your favorite songs is Night Train?... I was in love with you before but now it's official.
REPLY Mary Annette 18 hours ago Sorry about that but my Mother never forgot her eight kids.  Tragic situation.
REPLY deathvalleyalex 17 hours ago Mr President   let's focus  on the sanctuary  of California  and the sanctuary  cities  like los angeles ,  San Francisco  ,Oakland   and all the other sanctuaries  the democrats  decided were more important than taking care of americans that are ill, hungry .  jobless or. Homeless
REPLY Bad Bob 17 hours ago John Wayne had some really interesting music. He made a song called "The Hyphen". That song explained so much in understanding how to relate to an American and not an ethnic label!
REPLY Tim Schjei 17 hours ago Baltimore received 16 billion dollars in 2018. With 2 billion dollars they could have hired over 16,000 law enforcement individuals for two years, LA has 9000 sworn officers and should have 10,000 more. Where did the money go?
#1 priority of government is the safety of its citizens.
REPLY Ralph Geigner 16 hours ago OBAMAS  Regime ! Many in the Military felt him and his regime was weak leadership !  EXAMPLE ! Look at Putin's expressions, actions during interviews !    We had funding $ issues for repair parts and equipment overall !  We had Pay $ issues during his regime !  There was many issues at the VA's !   NEVER RATS !   Go ARMY
REPLY John Kidd 16 hours ago Love the deranged Dems. Waiting for Michelle and Hillary to declare before the deadline. Now that would be a cat fight.
REPLY Oceans 17 hours ago This President is completely transparent and everyday he is making huge strides in bringing America back to greatness. He knows he has a relatively short time, 4 years, to undo past disasters and give Americans something they can be proud of for generations to come. Your energy is beyond amazing  out at the crack of dawn and working hard until the midnight hour and beyond. AND not taking a penny for your work. 
How many people can say that. You are what America has needed for many years and I continue to be amazed at the monumental changes taking place in the Country you love. Read more
REPLY James Woodman James Woodman 15 hours ago Dems are the party of Globalist and anti American
REPLY Gene Lonnon 18 hours ago Bagalia starting chant for Hillary, only hope for Dims, playing out exactly as I called it 2 years ago.  Can you say brokered convention?
REPLY MCccc7 Cortes 17 hours ago Obama's Legacy First Year: hiked up prices on candy & soda,  Increased prices on automobile plates.( They had to have security at DMV, cause ppl were flipping out) You had to buy or get a free unit to watch Hump back Tv., We now have to use Curly light bulbs, Cash for Clunkers. Obama phones.  Good going Obama great Legacy! Lmao! Read more
REPLY phantom 7 cross rose 15 hours ago damn, I have to say it,  the 2 conservative babes are hot as most conservative babes are, by contrast, dem women exude hatred, very off putting, but the conservative babes make my sticker peck up😇
REPLY Jim McCarley 17 hours ago I think President Trump hates wort hogs! Ever notice you never see him with one! I never saw an article where he invited a wort hog to the oval office! You recon he ever invited a wort hog to his mansion for lunch! Oh my! I just realized "for lunch"! He hates wort hogs! He hates wort hogs!
REPLY Tietje Weaver 16 hours ago Beta males, yeah, we don't want to follow them lol
REPLY Timeless 16 hours ago
OMG! Brian is no longer a book end, but part of The Five Squad? Fox is improving and Brian looks so relaxed 😎 now. Free!
REPLY Rebecca Perez 17 hours ago
No this is not human behavior Greg... Children are suppose to be the most important person in someone's life... No... No... No... Lock him up...
Arioch IV
17 hours ago
Can we replace Juan with this woman?
Tim Schjei 17 hours ago Both the Republicans and the Democrats have been wimps since after Ronald Reagan and prior to Donald Trump.
REPLY Dave Sandlin 15 hours ago This Kevin guy is sure on some powerful crack.
REPLY JVONROCK 16 hours ago Seattle’s wayward  citizens same as those all over the west coast.   Perverted leaders still haven’t a clue. But disease has a way of cleaning.
REPLY nobodybutme1000 16 hours ago Emily looks hot...as usual.  Seems she's looking super fit too
REPLY Ron Fall 16 hours ago Terrible analagy GREG!!!!!  When you have kids then you can TALK!!!!!!! No defense of this guy no matter what.
Tom Brown 14 hours ago Can someone please tell me what the hell Michelle Oboma can do.  The only thing I remember her doing is ruining school lunches and trying to ban bacon. And lieing about how wonderful Berry was.
Andyzerg 11 hours ago Emily Compagno monologue 7:53 SPLOOSH!!
REPLY Hose Kim 9 hours ago Is Juan completely gone?
REPLY Penni Bingaman 12 hours ago If a woman would forget her child in the car, it wouldn't matter. She's be prosecuted.
REPLY Steven Johnson 17 hours ago Thoughtful opinions by all on the "Hot Car Case".
REPLY Trudi Jones 17 hours ago Juan good, but I miss Jesse
Jethro Payson 17 hours ago Being poor is not a crime.  Making money off of it, lying, and letting criminals fester is different.
Neide Durant 17 hours ago Get rid of Juan , it was a very pleasant five today !
gaspar ortega 17 hours ago Kevin you are dreaming
REPLY tkell31 14 hours ago Haha, the chunky democrat pretending that Pocahontas helps warren.  She knows it's a killer.  Hits right at her character or more accurately her lack of character.  And yeah, +1 for no Juan.
REPLY Ronnie Bishop 10 hours ago Trump will help the inner city’s if they will have enough sense to vote for him.
REPLY RayLo RayLo 17 hours ago Hot car kids case: (19:00) You DON'T forget your kids!!! I don't care what may happen to distract you!!! You DON'T forget your precious babies in the back seat!!! Did he not recover in the 8 hours he was working that he realized  'My God, I forgot the kids'???!!!
REPLY Annette Scott 59 minutes ago (edited) Liz warren milked the school system of thousands because the schools she attended as a student believed her. Dont forget this. This raises school costs on all of us.
REPLY Downunder Thunder 11 hours ago Talk about depresive talk about Obama. Talk about racial hatred talk about Obama. Lost their jobs lost their homes if your a rapper you feel these bones. Oh we miss you Obama like a rat in trap so glad he is gone will never look back!
REPLY Kelly Sebzda 17 hours ago Most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard trump doesn’t care about the inner city at all
REPLY Bea Payne 14 hours ago Trump is doing a great job keep it up.
REPLY John Lee 17 hours ago Nobody ever intends to kill their child?
Is Emily a lawyer or a hood ornament?
REPLY Dan Henry 14 hours ago Glad Juan is not there
REPLY R- Sunday 16 hours ago Did Trump throw out DEPLORABLE?!?!
REPLY MrJorjohn 13 hours ago it is a tragedy that he lost his own based on his mistake. Justice has been served by he. Himself. far worse than any criminal proceeding. Throw salt on his wounds forever.
REPLY James Smith 17 hours ago Something is going on.  I can not watch    Other news.  I am able to see you and I never choose     Watch out America something is going on already.
REPLY Tim White 15 hours ago
Love this woman that is the Dem representative......defends her party, but not so rigid that she avoids the facts.
REPLY Julie Carveth 14 hours ago Every one Obama campaigned for lost
REPLY unmolested mind 7 hours ago (edited) Fella killed his kids. kids are way to noisy to forget a car is a very small area
REPLY Steven Johnson 17 hours ago Where can I go to get a full episode of the five?
REPLY George Sanders 18 hours ago Obama did nothing in 8 years origami did but giveaway America to Europe in everybody else I thought I did nothing Obama is Antichrist helper that darn Antichrist is here and he had three major helpers, is one of them got it yet wake up in the name of God
REPLY Sally Goozee No Juan, yay!
REPLY Rayvon Hickman 15 hours ago 😂😂😂what a joke fox news
REPLY gaspar ortega 17 hours ago Trump 2020
Lili Tincher 15 hours ago Thy feel sorry for the stupid man that left his two children for their lungs to explode from the heat in the car, after forgetting to drop them off at daycare and taking them to work and forgetting them in the car?  How about feeling sorry for the children that suffered a horrible death!!!
REPLY rogeliogarcia07 16 hours ago DEMS BUNCH WIMPS.
REPLY Lisa Noel 17 hours ago The Democrats don't apparently care about old diseases that we. Irradiated along time ago . Lockjaw for stepping on rusting nails. Yellow fever Bubonic Plague. That could take out millions. Of people . A very dangerous disease.  Many others that are coming back because of illegal aliens and. Dirty cities. Clean up the dumps.
REPLY Craig Johnson 17 hours ago
lose the coffe cup. Stop supporting child grooming!
REPLY Steven Looney 17 hours ago
Fox News when Obama is elected - "It's been 3 years, he can't use George Bush as an excuse on the deficit anymore." Fox News on Trump - "These problems were there for years before he was elected." No, no bias here to see at all, move along.
REPLY Lisa Noel 17 hours ago
David Garber 17 hours ago Bad news all the way. Poor kids. Dad screwed up. Bad bad news.
Timothy Walters 17 hours ago This hot car topic , they say to put something in the back seat with your child , something you wont forget , like a phone or your purse . I can't believe it . INSANE ! You wont forget your phone but you can forget your child , or TWO of them ! This is mind numbing !
William Gleaton 18 hours ago When I was a kid in Philadelphia  in 1961 and on my mom was my only parent their fore we were poor and lived in the projects off Ridge Ave. I was surrounded by black children and their families, all that time I never experienced any kind of racist remarks or did I ever feel differently NO! . I guess my point is as children the world is amazing, full of wonder and we don't know hate, we don't know about meanness, or racism we have to be taught those things. Let's be more childlike in our hearts (what do ya say) can't hurt. ✌️ Read more
REPLY fern senchisen 8 hours ago
So Obama created a bunch of democratic politicians the even he cant support? Thanks Obama.
REPLY tkell31 14 hours ago Come on, they have to attack obammy because he's too tied to Trump.  You can't attack Trump on immigration without attacking Odumbo, you cant attack Trump on inner cities without going after the cult of odumbo.
REPLY Larry L No Juan equals good show
REPLY MrJorjohn
13 hours ago i think democrats only vote because it is their duty to elect a democrat. they have no idea who they are voting for because the do no research and they care nothing for politics.. they make decisions for you the other Americans. The enlightened Americans. Illegal aliens are being let in because they know about as much as democratic voters so they also vote democratic.
REPLY Pam S 16 hours ago Oh please, Obama was not more moderate to the left, he was the stepping stone to the far left, Hillary would have been the final nail in the coffin  We would have lost this great nation.
REPLY View reply fern senchisen When Democrats and Republicans hear from the people nothing happens. Trump has no choice but to act for the people even when no one supports him. He will do what helps Americans even if he has to walk into a wasp nest.
REPLY John Kidd No appointment of Trump's will escape sleazy attacks by the Dumb Dems. Now that he's removed Ratcliffe from the DNI nomination, they think they've won. Haha, how does Trey Gowdy suit them or Jason Chaffetz, both of them would be the Dems worst nightmare. Be careful what you wish for. As usual, in opposing everything Trump does, the Dems have shot themselves  in the balls again.
Prissy Lovejoy Why do so many tv shows and videos show Trumps hair as bright red or “orange” when in actuality it’s almost completely white now.
REPLY Adrian Johnson The hot car dad is a military veteran, no? I not a parent but if so, am I being unreasonable to have slightly higher expectations of him?
REPLY max man half of the five
REPLY DominusLuna Shouldn't Caputo be on Mslsd or something
REPLY Chris Mc Not full show
REPLY Mortimer Brewster The saddest comment was about the father who left his kids in the car and they died. The middle guy (forget his name) said leave something in the backseat that you can't go without so you have to go back there and then you'll see the kids. What is so sad is that a phone or backpack would be considered my important than the children. It's tragic and I don't think the guy should go to prison (he will be forever punishing himself) but people need to put more priority on their kids than a phone. Also, learn how to drive. I wouldn't be able to forget the kids because I use my rear view mirror all the time -- I see the backseat and someone driving properly would see the backseat and the car seats.
REPLY mike Lane love it
REPLY ScootinNPootin ForUHemmroids 18 hours ago
It's funny how now NYC is begging  for the powers that be back them and want the citizens at large to also back them   I always have BUT, now when Officers across the US allow thugs to beat down an elderly woman, I draw the line.  If we have to fin for ourselves so do they.
Linda T
16 hours ago Go Trump Go!
REPLY DAT DAT 15 hours ago M.Obama happened upon fame and fortune just by marital association to the elected 44th.  Other than that, she's not qualified to be in the political field...let's get real people.
REPLY Zoukie Zouk 14 hours ago Cant stump the TRUMP.
REPLY apache pete 16 hours ago Hey Juan , just cos your Not here ... doesn't mean we miss you .. WE DON'T .. and by the way that Lumpy whale in the white dress smells of Democrap. .. just Another Swamp creature lover.
REPLY Jimmy Yeakel 17 hours ago I'm having a hard time with the "forgetting" kids in the car opinions. So, if I can prove no intent and my kids died because I forgot about them for 8 hours while I'm at work, no charges but........If I lock the kids in the car for a couple minutes to grab my dry cleaning and they don't die or suffer any physical trauma, I should be charged ?
 I'm not saying locking the kids in the car with the motor and AC running is acceptable, I'm simply saying why charge the case that caused no harm and not charge the case that resulted in death ? Essentially, your charging some one for what "might" have happened and not charging someone for something (death) that actually happened. 
Do the terms "gross negligence" and "extreme carelessness" ring a bell ? Intent was the same issue brought up Jim Comey (after rewording "gross negligence" which is chargeable with "extreme carelessness" which is not) while refusing to charge Hillary Clinton. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REPLY willard fillmore 16 hours ago
TRUMP 20/20..!!!
REPLY Crystl Fire 14 hours ago If president obama would have given all 350 million citizens in this country one million dollars, just think how great he would have left this country. INSTEAD he spend ELEVEN TRILLION dollars and got nothing for it, he would only have had to spend $350 million and got free college and free healthcare for all!!
REPLY woodstock 17 hours ago that is because there is no democrat strategy. it is just a bunch of virtue signaling driven by corporate leftists on the coasts. they want to try to remake america in the face of google, apple, the NYT etc. the problem is all the hypocrisy among them. it isn't going to happen. I believe in democrat proposals more than the people espousing them do. that is why i will vote trump. I know the difference between virtue signaling and sincerity. I will take sincerity every time and I will be voting trump for that reason.
willard fillmore 16 hours ago (edited) Wow..!! What a heartbreaking story. I pray for him and his family..!! Just having to live with such a grief driven mistake. Is going to be his life sentence.. He will suffer enough..God Bless..
REPLY The LoftCast 18 hours ago How can someone forget their children are in the car? I m sorry guys but ones children should be the most important thing on any parents mind so I disagree with what you say. It's gross negligence and the guy should face jail?
Tim Carter
16 hours ago I disagree with all of them. When you have children, you are responsible for their lives. Even if it was an accident, as they say, it warrants at least a manslaughter charge.
REPLY Glockbeard 17 hours ago Rumor is Tyrus body slammed Juan into Oblivion
REPLY MrFetusPretzel 18 hours ago "Put something in the back of the car that you can't leave there"......like your kids?smh
REPLY Crystl Fire 14 hours ago Harris can beat Trump and Michael obama can beat Trump...ROFL...LOL...LMAO...are you out of your simple mind. NO ONE CAN STAND that boyfriend of obama (michael) NO ONE!! Are these jokes living on another planet??  They must be living on uranus!!
REPLY CHRISTOPHER BOWEN 14 hours ago If I accidentally kill you am I exonerated? I didn't notice you were in front of my car.
REPLY Bolt Hayday 17 hours ago
I’m sorry but there is just too many parents killing their kids using a car. All ya gotta do is cry 😭 and say I forgot! Those were NOT newborns. And they weren’t 1st born. Forget the kids but don’t forget your sunglasses 🕶 don’t forget your phone 📱. Anyway an alarm should go off if the seatbelt is still plugged in the back and the vehicle is off. Or the windows roll immediately down. So simple car companies. But omg be sure we have the latest update to make ya comfortable driving!
REPLY Suzanne Arsenault 17 hours ago There must be some Republican cities that are deplorable?
REPLY Andy Greaves 17 hours ago Trump supporters are "stable geniuses!' LOL red-neck hicks!
REPLY ivy kkb 17 hours ago Trump...r u talking about yourself??? WHERE the fund goes....???
REPLY underdog ishere 18 hours ago Republican Tim Scott  of South Carolina   you never see him backing Trump.  You all watch people he will be running for President one Day 8 =12= 16 years down the road but could be after Trump Leaves.
David Pursel, Snake Hunter 18 hours ago C’mon, this has gotta be a bogus account. You can’t do any better than 480p? Are you serious?
REPLY Karen D'Asero 13 hours ago Bummer, no Jesse.
Diana is a Democrat it shows in all her response.  She’s An Anti-Trump person.
0 notes
Evil Has Always Lost Chapter 11
Grant Mitchell sat again the wall staring into The Joker's eye's, they'd been fighting since jason left the area "Where the fuck is Chuck's Type-writer?" he demand's before pushing off the wall. The Joker grin's at him licking the blood from his knuckle's "You have to beat me, break me--otherwise, this world and every one die's because of Lucifer's plan" He grin's punching his fist together "I will never tell you a god damn thing, Grant. I am not your true enemy, I am your nightmare" he say's before he and Grant Mitchell suddenly hear the roar of the sky, Both turn looking as A vile visage began to reemerge from the sky slamming down so thunderously the ground errupted around them nearly destroying the strip club. The 1,000 Foot tall Lucifer looked down at the Ground his red eye landing on Grant mitchell as Grant Mitchell look's up at him The Joker grin's malevolently at him "And he's baaaack!" He smirk's causing Grant Mitchell to look at him "I don't give a shit, mate" He glare's upward's "And you; YOU killed my brother and Luke, i will not forgive or forget" He say's to the giant who merely grinned devilishly at him, Lucifer stared down at them his voice sinister and malevolent "This world is full of malice, he created you to mock me. I was his most beautiful angel and most loyal. When he asked me to bow," His eye's glare all around "I was down right pissed! and now he's gone and sent me to jupiter! imagine how fucking pissed off i am now? imagine what's about to happen Granty! snap of my goddamn finger's and you all die 'cause i'm bored with this little game we've been playing for so long" He put's his finger's together as Grant Mitchell stared at him "Go the fuck on ahead! you're a sad weak little kid who's just mad Daddy Didn't show him more love than the other's!" He roar's back at the giant. The Joker look's at Grant then up at the giant "Lucifer, allow me to finish this one myself?" He question's gleefully, Lucifer look's down at the Joker annoyance clear upon his demonic visage "You are human; So YOU, too shall die!" He growl's before snapping his finger's as one by one the human's near the strip club begin exploding into blood and gut's. Before Grant and them could implode; Chuck suddenly appeared his wing's descending back into him as he look's up at Lucifer "How many more must suffer?" He question's then look's at Grant with a wary look "Why? because they're human? is that why you hate my creation so much? is that why you try and hurt them?" He turn's back to Lucifer "you are so wrong! i made you and the other angel's but, i did not make you to be selfish and greedy" He crosses his arm's smirking at him "and you were the only one to break my trust." He look's at Grant and Cook "My creation can not be killed by you, Nor will your power deminish them" He look's into Lucifer's eye's "In this game of Hell Versus Heaven there is but one victor, and it is not you" he sit's down indian style as Lucifer glare's at Chuck "You think by saying that you have defeated me?" He question's as Chuck shake's his head "No, because the truth is i've already won, i'll explain why" He open's his arm's "You called this beautiful and that was your down fall, Because you showed me the reason you dare hurt my creation is because you are petty, greedy, selfish; Need i say more? And no matter how many time's I save them, it's alway's you that hurt's them" He look's over at Mark Fowler Jr. "Lucifer, this battle you have started can only end in your death, i gave you Hell to rule because it is a lowly place just as you" he stand's up his eye's glowing bright "And you dare step foot onto my greatest creation? you dare defile it with your dirty rotten feet?" He walk's forward his hand's held at; the ground begin's to heal itself in an instant "You are nothing more than a weak son, i gave you every thing and you could never give me the one thing i wanted: Trust" He stare's hard "I asked YOU to love them more than I, more than you could have ever Loved me; and what was your answer? you and the other's that followed you" He float's up in the air "You all tried to take my throne, And i gave you what you wanted: A throne" He glare's dangerously into Lucifer's red eye's "so now, let me show you my power so that you may witness how pathetic you are compared to GOD" he say's causing Lucifer to growl fire errupting all over the area "Fool! i am not alone!" he say's before firing a fireball toward Chuck as Chuck inhale's the fireball much to lucifer's shock "Was that supposed to kill me? Lucifer, how many centurie's have I told you our power is not matched; try not to die" He say's before a huge white light slam's into lucifer from thin air causing the giant to fall to the ground creating an earth quake "That's not even half of what i can do" He look's up "You forget i've been building a new army to show your demon's, they are nothing but child's play!" He open's heaven from the sky as a Bright light shined upon Lucifer and million's of angel's riding on white stallion's began to descend up the beast who glared in return "You have another army?!" He growl's out in rage before fire slam's into the angel's sending them flying into the ground lucifer stand's up his red eye's on chuck "You think that I will accept what we talked about as 'burying' the hachet? i Can not exist as long as your Warrior's still stand!" He raises a hand "You who call your self my Father, Know nothing of my power--Soul's are what you need to get strong? well, I want you to see this, because all over this putrid world people have made deal's with me and it's time to collect on that debt!" He yell's as his hand ommit's red light and it shoot's into the air Chuck stare's at him "You can't get that many soul's, And you know that Lucifer" He grit's his teeth as Lucifer stare's down at him "Oh, but I can, these soul's are coming!" He gleefully laugh's as Chuck stare's into the sky "Not if I stop it" He remind's as Lucifer smirk's kicking chuck hard through the strip club and out the other side through a truck then stare's up "Soul's are coming and I will be unstoppable!!!!" he grin's big fire rising from the ground around them Grant Mitchell look's up yelling "You'll still be a weak bitch!" He smirk's as Lucifer look's down at him "is that a bug I hear calling out?" He say's before stomping Grant Mitchell blood gushes all over the ground as James Cook stare's at the foot that had stomped grant then stare's up Lucifer stare's down at him "What are you going to do little pest? i am not a dr. i am not a psychiatrists nor any of this putrid children you can beat up! i am the end i am the king of evil, i am lucifer the devil in the flesh! and there is no one who can stop me now! the soul's are here" He say's as James Cook glare's hard at him then witnesses a thousand billion soul's wailing in the sky as Chuck Shurley hold's out a hand "Not this time, lucifer!" He shout's as Lucifer keep's his hand held high he turn's grinning at Chuck his eye's turning to fire as a huge wave of flames shoot at chuck disrupting his hand the billion's of wailing soul's shoot into lucifer's right hand as Chuck glare's with wide eye's "No" he mutter's watching as Lucifer consume's every soul that has ever made a deal with him his body growing in mass as James Cook look's over at the bloody body of Grant mitchell and Mark Fowler jr. then back at the growing Lucifer "Mate, you may have consumed so many soul's in a mili second but, you're forgetting what can hurt you when demon blade's can't, when holy water refuses to get the job done, you are nothing to a book" He say's pulling out a spliff and lighting it as Lucifer grew in size James Cook pull's out the bible from his back pocket "Are you listening now?" He shout's up as Lucifer's red eye land's down on Cook seeing the bible he laugh's demonically his left hand snap's it's finger's as James Cook explodes Mark fowler Jr. jump's backward's slamming again the car blood all over him staring at the giant beast as Chuck look's furious after that he raises both arm's "That was UNCALLED for, Lucifer!!!!" He scream's as Lucifer look's at him "I will not stop until your creation is dead and gone and I am the only one standing!" he roar's before hearing a rumbling sound Lucifer turn's toward the horizon "What is that?" He say's before holding out his left hand "You think it'll make any damn difference rather the plague's hit me all at once?" he say's as Chuck shurley smirk's as Lucifer stare's down at Chuck "You think the plagues can hurt me? i am not a human" He holds out a clawed hand as Chuck raises his hands "I'm not out to hurt you" He says as Lucifer look's down at Chuck "A god who doesn't even give a shit about his creation, you made my words a reality, no one else did and as i once told kevin lomax, you SIT on your ass laughing at their sorrow--Worlds greatest dad? I hardly see a difference in me and you" He raises both hands flames errupting around the area as Chuck look's annoyed by him "What i did was because you all dissappointe--" Mark fowler jr. punches Chuck as Chuck staggers back and fall's on his ass surprised by a punch he stares up at mark fowler jr. "You--" He says before he goes quiet looking into Mark fowler jr's eyes Lucifer look's down at the scene before him a loud chuckle begin's to errupt from him as Mark Fowler Jr. look's up toward the Devil the beast stops laughing looking into his eyes "What's this? you? you are a God's warrior? HOW many are there? How many more god's warriors must I annihilate in the purest form of torture? I done killed your daddy, I almost made you fuck your sister courtney, what else should I do little boy? What else should I, the taker, take from your worthless life? What do YOU stand to gain from helping GOD? your father is dead now, it is his fault you are meeting me, the greatest mind in the universe, the only angel GOD ever truly loved as a favourite son, What do you have for hope to beat me?" he bellows as Mark Fowler Jr. rips off his vest throwing it to the side, Chuck stared apathetically at him then away as Mark Fowler Jr. stared up at him with cold psychotic eye's the sheen was missing as Chuck look's back at him "All my warriors have something unique within them," He states to no one in paticular but to the devil before them who stared at him "Only, you can see it now, That's right you can see it now lucifer? A gods warriors soul is golden, and that's not all they are as strong as an archangel, You know this don't you? that form, that beast body of yours isn't enough to protect you from the judgement of My Warriors" He stand's up as Lucifer stare's at Mark Fowler Jr. red eyes widening as now he saw something more than flesh. Mark Fowler jr. no longer looked human, He was glowing a golden hue and wing's were protruding from his back his eyes lit up in golden iris's as Lucifer grit's his teeth looking at the form of an arch angel "Yo--you dare mock my brothers? you dare pretend to be an arch angel!" He slings fire at Mark Fowler Jr. who took the fire to the face and was unscathed as Lucifer glares at Mark Fowler jr. "You are an arch-angel now? is that what a god's warrior looks like?" He barks befire putting his fingers together "Lets see you survive this!" He snap's fingers as Mark Fowler Jr.'s golden wings extended Lucifer step's back causing the ground to shake "What is this shit? God's warriors, you're all them? how many?" he roars as Chuck look's up at him then smirks "There are many warriors all my warriors, but they are stronger than you and your army combined" He look's over to Mark Fowler jr. "He is just 1 of my warriors, but it is Dean winchester that is the link between them and you, And as long as that link exists they can be stronger than you lucifer--better than youever were!" His eyes glow a bright white as Lucifer stares wildly and lunges.
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