#could the two of them dressed as anidala hint at something else? maybe or maybe not lol
thanatasia · 2 years
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I have no other words besides that Star Wars day was 2 days ago, and yesterday I drew this when Star Wars ep3 was playing lol
Very high key, Padmé’s wardrobe in the prequels is Fleur’s dream wardrobe! I had to draw her in one of Padmé’s maternity dresses. Because Fleur is dressed like Padmé, Razer had to be dressed like Anakin! Thankfully, OceanPetals don’t have a tragic love story like Anidala.
Because the big Gelfling oc piece was posted I could get ready to unveil the OceanPetals baby!! Eeeee I’m so excited! Soon they will join EnchantedSandstorms and WanderingSails in the joys of parenthood.
Razer belongs to my friend @jack-toons and you can look at their Gelfling oc drawings on their other page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash
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padme-amitabha · 3 years
Anidala Week 2021
Day 4: Modern AU OR Favorite Trope
I have always been fascinated by the concept of twin flames so here’s my AU with twin flames Anidala. A twin flame is a kind of soulmate so this counts as a soulmate AU. 
Half of My Soul
“I feel like a part of my soul has loved you since the beginning of everything.
Maybe we’re from the same star.”
― Emery Allen
I loved you before I met you. I think I have been in love with you for a very long time – since the beginning of time, really. I didn’t know what you looked like and I often wondered about you as a child. I would look around the other girls my age and you just weren’t there. My other half – the missing piece to my soul.
It hurt – just a bit – that you weren’t around when I needed you as a lonely child but I was determined that you would show up some day so kept on looking. And then I finally saw you. Not in school, not in the junkyard I often played in, and not in my neighborhood. I saw you much more closely – in a dream.
In my dream, I worked at a repairs shop but I was a slave. And you were an angel in the form of a girl. You were older than me and it made sense to me then why I had never found you before.
“Padmé Naberrie,” you say and the name resonates within me. Of course, that was your name. What else could it be?
Your name is etched into my very bones and imprinted on my very soul. Everything about you – from your big, brown eyes to the little beauty spot on your cheeks still burned in my memory.
In my dream, you were a queen from an elysian world and it seemed like you descended from the heavens when I met you. I was a mere slave, smitten by your ethereal beauty.
You have haunted my dreams since I was a child. I wondered if I did the same in yours.  
Amidst the crowd of people, my eyes sought out yours. I knew you were the one I've been looking for my entire life. The moment our eyes locked, I felt complete. Whole. Something I have never felt my entire life.
My life couldn't be any better - I am a Harvard graduate in mechanical engineering, I have a loving mother, a friendly stepfather, a supportive best friend and yet life has always been far from satisfying. Was it because I was only half of a soul waiting to be reunited with its missing half?
Your beautiful brown eyes sparkled with a hint of recognition. Your face was as familiar as my own.
I longed to tell you that you looked mesmerizing in that white dress. The rest of the world - this noisy bar - faded away once I had laid my eyes on you. It finally like coming home.
"You're the angel, aren't you?" I whisper.
You laugh and the sound is just as melodic as I remembered it.
"I have never heard that from a stranger," you say with a hint of amusement.
“But we aren’t strangers,” I say.
"No. We've met before," you say with a mischievous smirk. You knew exactly what
“Once upon a dream,” we say in unison.
Looking on you was a strange feeling – I saw a part of myself in you. It was as if the Universe had shifted around me and I had finally discovered my place in it.
"I remember you. Though your hair was much longer when I saw you," you remark.
The last time I saw you (alive), you were miserable. Tears had stained your cheeks and you were been desperately clawing at your throat. And after that, I only had the opportunity to see you in holograms. When you looked like you were drowning in a sea of flowers as six guaalars took you back home. The others were faint images of the times you were happy.
"Last I remember, I was a sad, sad man. You know why?" I asked as I played with a loose strand of your hair.
I know why, Anakin. But I let you finish anyway.
My heart beats just a little faster as I gaze into your solemn blue eyes. There’s a hint of sadness in them. I have seen that look before.
"Because I had lost you."
I gazed at the man I had loved in countless lifetimes. He looked like a lost child. There was a vulnerability in him that I had not seen in most men. He was beautiful as tragedies often were.
How could one feel so complete and lost at the same time?
I remember the last time I had closed my eyes because I was exhausted and it was hurting to stay alive. My time was over, I knew it but yours wasn’t. You were going through so much more pain but you had to live on and fulfil your destiny.
I always had faith in you, Anakin. And I told that to your Master and I whispered it in to our son. He had your eyes.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth for he knew what I was thinking. We had shared a mental connection in our other lives as well.
I laced my hand in yours and tiptoed to reach your ears.
"But not this time,” I say.
Your smile is as radiant as the sun itself. When you smile, you remind me of that little boy I dreamt of.
“Not this time,” you echo.
"What do you say we leave this place and go somewhere more private?"
"I would like that,” I say with a smile.
You tremble slightly and I can tell you’re tipsy. I look at the girls who had accompanied me. I gesture them to enjoy the rest of the night by themselves. 
“I am not letting you drive home,” I say. "Tell me the story of the Queen and the slave boy again."
"You already know."
"I do. But I would like to hear from you all the same."
We found each other again for a reason. I’ve always known we would find ourselves in each other’s arms in the end. Perhaps, the Universe wants to make up for all the suffering it had put us through in the past. Perhaps, this was the happy ending we have always wanted. It was a faint hope but I saw it burning in his eyes as well and we held onto that hope. For without hope, we had nothing.
Odd how a simple word – just some wind, really – was enough to rattle him. Hearing it from surviving Jedi would fuel his rage and brought forth denial if it came from his Master but, when she said it, it haunted him. Her voice could calm him from even the deepest rage. She still had that effect on him, even when she was dead and cold in the grave.
He stared straight ahead, determined not to turn around and meet her eyes. This ghost from Vader’s past from appear at different times in his life – briefly, unexpectedly. Even in death, she had never left him.
Vader had many ghosts and he never hesitated to crush them down for ghosts had no power of their own. They were petty annoyances and reminders of a life he had long left behind. But he happened to love this particular ghost and so he let come and go as she pleased, not quite certain if she was a figment of his imagination.
She would whisper so softly he would wonder if she was there at it. Perhaps it was just the wind hissing.
He didn't respond. During her visits, she spoke very little. On the rare occasions he had dared to look on her face, it was the same pained expression on Mustafar. Her last moments…
He kept his silence, letting his loud rhythmics breaths drown out her weeping. He decided to take a look. After all, her grief meant his grief, and that would make him a better Sith, as his Master wanted.
He expected to see Padmé with braids, her belly swollen – the way she was on Mustafar or a shriveled, decayed corpse as she was in the nightmares that plagued him every night.
But she was just a child – the way he had first met her. She wasn’t looking at him kindly and Vader knew he deserved that look. He was her murderer, after all.
"You weren't like this," she said in her cold, regal voice. It had always fascinated him how a child could appear so authoritative.
He looked away but there was no escape from her. The Padmé that stood before him was in her yellow gown – the way she had been on the meadow in Naboo.
“I knew our love would destroy us,” she said in a kinder voice than the younger Padmé with a hint of sadness. Vader now addressed them both.
"This is what I have become without you,” he rumbled.
"You aren't the same," said child Padmé petulantly.
"Why? Why did you change?" asked the elder. She had the same look she had when she would be frustrated with her work. His Padmé...the one who was his wife would have been gentler. But he remembered she had a temper in her younger years.
"How can I be the same without you? We were two halves of the same soul and without you, I'll never be whole again...I won't ever be Anakin again."
"Without Padme, there is no Anakin. You were me, Padmé. You and I we were the same person. You were trapped by the Republic just as much as I was trapped by the Jedi. We led the same lives. With you died one half of my soul. And now I'm just what's left of me."
The Padmés faded away. Only this time his wife was in their place and she had flowers in her hair.
"Have faith my love," she said as she drew closer. The words sounded hauntingly familiar but he couldn’t remember why. It had been so long…
She put a ghostly hand on his face though he couldn't feel it. He tried to clutch her hand with his gloved ones only to let it pass through the phantom. "We'll be whole, once again. Just you wait," she said as she disappeared into nothingness.
Vader sighed. His other half had proved to be the best thing in his life and also his greatest misery.
Vader never hallucinated his dead wife again but when she did return, she did in the form of a fierce young princess and a young farm boy from a distant planet.
In a different timeline, Anakin Skywalker lay entangled with his wife. She was fast asleep in his arms but sleep didn’t come as easily to him. Anakin always had a hard time falling asleep. The war had made it very difficult to be vulnerable. He knew he was safe at Coruscant and yet he just couldn't let all his worries fade away.
He gently disentangled himself from his wife and watched her sleep peacefully, her curls spread all over the pillow, her expression as soft as an angel's. He paced back and forth their apartment and settled in front of the large windows in Padmé’s apartment. The city never slept but the traffic was less in Coruscant's skylanes at this hour so it was easy to see the stars clearly.
He remembered watching them from his own small hut back on Tatooine. The worlds that had seemed so foreign back then seemed so familiar now. It was the place he grew up in he had trouble remembering.
"Anakin, what are you doing?" asked Padme softly, her eyes still sleepy.
"I’m sorry. Did I wake you?"
"No, of course not," she said as she rubbed her eyes. "You should get some sleep."
"I just can't. It's hard to relax," he explained.
She nodded with understanding as she took a seat beside him. She placed a hand on his shoulders and rubbed it gently. "Alright, then. I'll sit with you."
"You don't have to."
"I want to. It's not that I get to be with my husband every day."
They sat together and intertwined their hands. "Do you...you ever wonder if...we had never met?" Padme asked.
"No. I don't. Because we were always meant to meet. Don't you believe that, angel?"
"I-I do but that's wishful thinking on my part."
"No. it isn't. My connection to the force is so strong I just know we were meant to be together. It has always been our destiny."
"Mhmm," she hummed, "Wonder what destiny has in store for us."
“Whatever comes our way, we’ll face it together,” assured Anakin as he kissed her cheek. The couple spent the rest of the night sitting in comfortable silence and basking in each other’s presence.
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