#countryhumans ancient egypt
elviszombra150 · 4 months
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🌾🇪🇬Father and Son🇪🇬🌾
Rediseño de Egipto + Redraw de un dibujo viejo(?
Al chile, solo quería presumir mi mejora en anatomía masculina, e History Channel tuvo parcialmente la culpa de que para esto eligiera al Kemet y al momias.
(Como adoro cuando History deja a un lado las weas de los aliens, es hermoso.)
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▪ El Cairo (capital de Egipto) se pasa el 95% del tiempo siendo un gato, ¿por qué? pues por que quiere y porque puede, y porque así Egipto le presta mas atención xd.
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sane-human · 3 months
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"Upper and Lower Egypt became united around 3150 B.C.E. after the Upper Egyptian leader Menes, also known as Narmer, led his military forces to defeat Lower Egypt. Menes became the first king to rule over both Upper and Lower Egypt."
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and horses :D
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(vibing to this is the best to read about ancient egypt: ANCIENT EGYPT song by Mr. Nicky)
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red-rd · 3 years
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state-of-franklin · 4 years
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Some Mesopotamia (an oc? Or new-ish ch?) and Ancient Egypt doodles
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rei-does-stuff · 5 years
OH! what about that Ancient Egypt seduced the Roman Empire? Like,, just for power like Cleopatra did
Ooh very interesting idea!
I think that could work, though I wonder if Ancient Egypt would succeed In seducing The Roman Empire? And what I mean by that is would RE fall in love with Ancient Egypt? Because if so, Imagine how horrible it would have been to find out the Ancient Egypt only did it for power.
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sensitiverabbit · 4 years
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My art♡
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Prized Possession
A short story; featuring Countryhumans Egypt
Word count: 1474
         “Down here!” 
The excited patter of feet on stone echoed through the forgotten tunnels. Archeologists, originally scattered throughout the maze of catacombs, now conglomerated in one spot as a group of muscled men pushed against a well fitted stone. 
         “Wait!” a little shrimp of a man ordered, trudging over with his two sizes too big boots and oval glasses sliding down his pointed nose, “Wait, wait wait- there are writings along this wall. If you remove the stone from its place you will destroy them!” 
         “They look like every other glyph on that wall,” A stocky man with a bright red beard huffed, “Just take a picture, you can decipher it later.”
The group started to push the boulder again, but the little man pushed at them, albeit a vain attempt if it wasn’t for the intelligence of the second man trying to move the heavy weight.
         “Professor,” the group halted again, “Our orders aren’t to scrutinize everything. It’s to get as low as we can through the palace catacombs. By the slant in this floor it’s clear this boulder was rolled to conceal a passage. We’re just doing our job.”
         “Well let me do mine!” the shrimpy, pointy nosed man huffed, a rather high pitched sound, “Egypt himself sent me ahead, and I plan to give him a full report of what’s found, down to the most minute detail,” He smashed his thumb and forefinger for emphasis, “Now either you let me do my job, or I get you all fired!”
         “Ever the grumpy one, aren’t you Jayden.”
     All turned to find the country’s embodiment leaning against a darkly lit wall, yawning as he pushed himself up. He brushed off his well tailored suit, slipping a loose hair back into its place with the gelled mass that always wanted to escape back into its natural curl. He nodded to the men before him.
         “Those hieroglyphs aren’t the only things that would have been destroyed if you’d have continued,” reaching up, he scratched a fingernail against the ceiling above, rock streaming down as if it were sand, “That boulder is the support for this entire ceiling, like a wall in a house. My father was a genius in building structures such as this. Remove that, and you’d have been crushed.”
The group of heavy lifters moved away from the boulder, looking at each other in a silent agreement that they had better be more careful. 
         “Truly amazing,” Professor Jayden marveled, running a finger under the hieroglyphs, “Egypt, this may be the tunnel system your father told you about!” He jumped on the balls of his feet as he looked across the walls, identifying markings and structures that could potentially lead them through the maze, “I’m reading the hieroglyphics, and-and they all explain an aspect of a goddess. Just, over and over - goddess of treasures, goddess of light, there’s one by the twenty-second column that says ‘goddess by-”
         “My side…” Egypt nodded, looking around, “Yes, I saw it. But it could mean anything.”
         “You act like you’ve given up finding your father’s most prized possession,” the professor huffed, “So much was lost of your father through the years. We can’t lose hope on anything if we’re coming so close now!”
Egypt sighed before nodded, helping in the search for more clues, something that could direct them further into the maze of corridors and treacherous traps. They had already lost three men to hidden dangers set eons ago.
     It was several long and grueling hours later when the archeological crew decided to leave things be for the day. The humans believed they were getting nowhere, aside from the Professor, who insisted they go on as he looked over another set of hieroglyphs. The heavy lifters, tired and frankly agitated at the rat-like man, threw him only profanities as they stomped off, knowing the way by now after bathroom breaks and having to constantly find new supplies above ground. Professor Jayden huffed as he continued to read and decipher, mumbling a few profanities of his own. Meanwhile Egypt inspected something of his own. 
     A portrait, carved deeply into the stone, was far too peculiar, even for Ancient Egypt’s standards of gods with animal heads. No, this was a woman, shrouded in light linen that hid all of her skin from anyone’s eye. She stood before Ancient Egypt, who seemed to scrutinize her. Egypt thought he knew what the carving was, but the manner of the woman was far from what he remembered.
         “Professor…” he started, his attention remaining on the delicate details of the woman, “What do you make of this?”
The pocket professor looked over briefly before waving a hand in dismissal.
         “Either a slave inspection, an offering to one of his gods or a concubine.”
         “But she is completely covered,” the Country noted, “not an inch of skin shows. That was not exactly commonplace, even amongst the Jews in that day.”
         “Oh I doubt that,” the other huffed, forgetting his place for a moment as the student, being a teacher for so long now after graduating under Egypt’s tutorage, “Her face can’t be- well hello…” he inspected the carving, Egypt having to quickly step back before his toes were mauled, “You’re right- most peculiar… If it was a slave there wouldn’t be much covered… an offering would be much younger. And a-”
         “A concubine would flaunt her beauty to earn his attention,” Egypt gently touched the carving, frowning as the lightly painted white began to rub off on his fingers. He scratched at again as curiosity took hold, knowing any carving meant to last wouldn’t just rub off so easily. “Jayden get me a small brush-”
     The tool was soon in his hand, and Egypt took to brushing away what he realized was more of a chalk then a solid ore. The red, white and black colored man smiled widely as he began to dig with his fingernail where an impression was filled in. 
         “My name- Jayden it’s my name!” he exclaimed, and continued to dust until a thin piece of rock fell away. 
     The two stared at it a moment before looking at each other. Nodding in unison both began to tear away the thin wall, light encroaching on the room hidden from them as the hole turned into an archway. Taking a lantern, Egypt stepped in, paying no mind to the warnings that played through his mind, ever so carefully taught by his father. His curious eyes softened at the sight before him.
     Taking another lantern to place on the opposite wall, a woman laid on a stone slab, carefully etched into with watery designs of the Nile. She glittered gold, every detail of her body having been painted over by the heavy and valuable substance. The clothes she wore, untouched for years, still held their white color, perhaps mildly tanned by the dust and dirt. Egypt ran a hand down her smooth, cold arm, his attention crossing her face. So intricately painted was she, that each eyelash could be counted, and the creases in her lips felt. In her golden fingers lay woven a beaded white Lotus flower, never to wilt or fade. Her hair, braided to lay over her chest and reaching down to her stomach, not only was beautifully painted gold, but held beads, blue and green, neatly woven like a fine silk. Her feet were bare, aside from a single ring that rested on a toe. 
     Behind her on the above wall rested a qoute. Egypt read it, his eyes blinded with tears. Professor Jayden smiled up at him as he examined the body, only to frown.
         “What is it Egypt?”
         “Do you know what happens to a human female if she gives birth to a countryhuman?” He asked cryptically.
         “Uh-well no… very few have.”
         “This carving reads as this woman’s death date. My birth.” Egypt held in a sob as he turned to look at the human woman that carried him, who never was able to meet him, watch him grow, “My father’s prize possession was my mother.” he gave a choked laugh, “When a human woman gives birth to a countryhuman, they die, because it takes an entire people to fuel a Country. I had none.” 
He fell to his knees, placing his head against her cold one as he apologized for killing her. For taking her away from his father. He was told that his birth was something to celebrate, but he always knew that it was a day of mourning too.
         “Greif is what killed my father,” he hiccuped, “not the changing times.”
     The two left well after nightfall, having activated one of the hidden dangers that sealed off the passages forever. Egypt wasn’t going to disturb his father’s peace, by disturbing his mother’s. He wasn’t going to flaunt her beauty, just as his father instructed.
(Just thought it was cute and kinda crushing)
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Let me know!
I’ve got quite a few headcanons for Countryhumans Egypt and maybe a little for Ancient Egypt (still a work in progress), but I wanna know if anyone is interested in any other countries or even some states? Because I’m in the mood to go apeshit with headcanons!
I’d be very appreciative if y’all would send in some asks of whatever Countryhuman or Statehuman, I might have headcanons for. Please and thank you!
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sane-human · 2 years
What was Rome like after Pompeii died?? (Out of curiosity because you know more than me QwQ)
Ok so , I was searching about this Topic and I'm sorry but-
"June 23 – Emperor Vespasian dies of fever from diarrhea; his last words on his deathbed are: "I think I'm turning into a god." "
"August 24– Eruption of mount Vesuvius: Mount Vesuvious erupts, destroying Pompeii "
So now I can't unsee it as the ruption being explosive diarrhea-
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Other than that I found that: " According to Suetonius, Titus (the emperor at the time - fresh on the job) appointed two ex-consuls to organize and coordinate the relief effort, while personally donating large amounts of money from the imperial treasury to aid the victims of the volcano. Additionally, he visited Pompeii once after the eruption and again the following year."
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sane-human · 2 years
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I'll need to draw these two a lot with the Conquest of Egypt , the amount of details of Egypt's armor will make me die inside , but I have no regrets
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sane-human · 2 years
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Some drawings ! The people of Egypt called themselves "remetch en Kermet", which means the "People of the Black Land"!
(Clarification: The Egyptians called their country Kemet, literally the "Black Land" (kem meant "black" in ancient Egyptian). The name derived from the colour of the rich and fertile black soil which was due to the annually occurring Nile inundation. So Kemet was the cultivated area along the Nile valley.)
And Måneskin - Zitti e Buoni (Song)
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sane-human · 2 years
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Based on the song of the plagues from the movie Prince Of Egypt! (The Exodus)
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sane-human · 2 years
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Egypt also was conquered by the Umayyad Caliphate!
Brothers reunion XD
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sane-human · 2 years
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sane-human · 2 years
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A clarification on Ancient Egypt: they are the fusion of the Lower and Upper Egypt kingdoms!
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They even had a hat to symbolize it !
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sane-human · 2 years
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Ancient Egypt is also one of the first civilizations known to man!
And I really like their history and clothes ❤(ˆ‿ˆԅ)
I decided to give them beetles wings because of the famous beetle amulets and depictions! (they were used as protectors of the dead)
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Next is probably the Minoan civilization and Mycenaean Greece!
I'm first getting an idea of how they look, before starting to draw events and interactions, maybe I could do one of those ask kinda things is anyone is interested idk... ✍(◔◡◔)
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