#countryhumans kingdom of china
ah-xun · 2 months
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Countryhumans 擬人化 Countryhumans personification
1. Kingdom of China I
2. Kingdom of China II
3. China Empire
4. Japan
5. Japanese Empire II
6. Xin
7. Japan II
8. Mongolia
9. Kazakhstan
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petitvivi · 10 months
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dekulakization · 7 months
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jiaotangkaobulei455 · 5 months
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🇨🇳 之前画了几个小表情 像素很低 本来是想试试老福特那个自制表情包的 结果一直都不过审 用求图拿吧 给家人们用 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🇺🇸
I drew a few small expressions before, but the pixels were very low. I originally wanted to try the old Ford’s homemade expression pack, but it never passed the review. Please use the pictures and get them for your family to use.
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pohonhasnolife · 6 months
doodle page #1
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ldoblomova · 2 months
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germanfamily · 1 year
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personificountries · 3 months
Qing China: If you two force me to legalize opium, my people are— Britain: Got two words for you. Qing China: I bet they won't be helpful. French Empire: Your problem. Qing China: I was right.
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tia-drawsstuff · 2 years
Redrew my country human challenge
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ah-xun · 3 months
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Countryhumans 蒙古帝國與他的子孫們 Countryhumans The Mongol Empire and its descendants
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countryask · 5 months
In this blog you can send asks or roleplay with Countryhumans
Content Warning: Asks may contain mentions of Drugs and Alcohol, Stereotypes and swearing. Remember this is purely for fun and these arent meant to take seriously.
Feel free to educate me if I fuck up in an answer, I like to learn other cultures
Press read more if youre okay with the content Warning! Below are the rules and Countries you can ask.
NSFW related
Related to f@cism, WWII, You know the deal
R@cist, tr@nshobic or homophobic, or is hateful in general
Implications of sexual abuse or child abuse
Contains slurs
• Shipping related (I can fanservice ;) ;) ;)) (Don't make it NSFW)
• Related to Drugs, alcohol, adicction, auto destructive behaviours and depression, But take in mind is a serious topic and we don't glorify that here
• Dark humour (Limited)
I do not developed all countries so here's a list of countries you can ask, organized by continent
• North Americans: United States, Canada, Greenland, and Mexico (USA States not included, Alaska included)
• Europe: France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Austria, Italy, United Kingdom (All of the members), Russia, Swiss, Nordic countries (All of them)
• South America: Uruguay and Argentina (Sorry South American brothers I love Europe)
• Asia: Japan, China, South Korea, Philipines
• Oceania: New Zeland, Australia
• Organizations: European Union, UN
Not included: Africa, Central America, Middle East (I havent researched of these continents, nothing personal)
The respond will be based on my headcannons! Please respect that.
Might add stuff later
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This took me a while,like 4 days working on it separately
I was about to post this yesterday,but I noticed a few things wrong with my work,and mainly some colouring issues,so it's a day late.
France took me a while to figure out how I wanted to colour their design,as their design by far is the shakeiest out of all my designs.
Still couldn't really figure out how to colour them properly,despite the fact that I know that they are going to be a purple character.
I had to design France on the spot.I think they look alright,overall neutral.
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As for Russia,the original main color I had planned for them is brown,and then I figured out that it doesn't look as nice as I wanted it to be.So I followed my gut feeling and Russia had become a white main,which honestly looks way better then the old one.
Ame and UK took me the longest to do the lineart for,as the two of them have very detailed and complex designs ^^" But I think it turned out really good!I had a blast doing Ame's lineart.Really fun
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By far,my favourite designs in this batch are Japan,US and UK.I'm so happy on how they had turned out after endless sketches on paper
In terms of simplicity,I like Germany the most.Though their design's quite simple,their shape language is the most consistent out of all of them,and I'm happy about it.
I would go on and talk more about them and my headcanons for them,but that would be too long already ^^"
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sketchistfanarts · 4 years
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Basically what I’ve gathered...
CH is probably the only fandom that I’ve learnt facts from.
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lustyengbloguwu · 5 years
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Little Mexico, God, Mexico is a galán xD, poor of him
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And more suitors
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farday-bitedemon · 5 years
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Y FIN :v
No sé ustedes pero me acabo de imaginar una orgía con la última imagen XD
Ok, pues, supongo que ya saben como van los negocios secretos que lleva México con todo mundo y la guerra de aranceles que tiene con USA gracias a UK así que me ahorraré explicarles.
Por ahora quiero pedirles un favor a todos y es que quiero hacer dibujos de mis versiones de latinoamerica y aunque me hago una idea de como es cada país más o menos, no quiero caer en los estereotipos, así que estaría de puta madre que ustedes mismos me describieran su país con sus propias palabras como culturas, tradiciones, celebraciones y como anda su país con respecto al gobierno y sus problemas, también animales especiales o característicos de sus país para hacerme las versiones corruptas.
Bueno, hasta la próxima~
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countryshitposts · 5 years
quick headcannons before my laptop gets taken away from me by his real owner
- America is a clown
- both Canada and UK are very pasionnate about sports so every time it’s sports season the house is usually in noisy chaos
- Ryukyu Kingdom sees Ming as like some sort of father figure and probably called him dad once
- Israel is hella old, he took care of most of his caretakers when they were young and usually revelled in their customs
- EU sometimes gets desperate with their accusations to the point that Germany has to ground them for their incessant pettiness
- German Empire likes cooking, but he sucks at it
- Prussia, before vanishing, lied to GE and told him he was an absolutely great cook before dropping dead on his bed due to food poisoning
- *coughs* Weimar, despite being broke, throws parties to get high with his friends on cocaine *coughs*
- Spain and UK are probably on musicals cameo-ing as the guitarists lol
- PRC probably having some flashbacks on Soviet Union when he sometimes talks to Russia
- he burned their wedding picture other than burying it in the box
- Canada is pretty much a monster whenever hockey season comes up and becomes this prideful and loud person that only exists during night mode
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