#countryhumans micronesia
raquel-staruvu · 2 years
Buena forma de empezar el año dibujando otros countrys jeje 🍑
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minimag1c · 1 year
Back again for another shitty chapter eh
Sorry it will happen again lmao
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Operation Castelbravo Goes Wrong
➪Tw : Nuclear weapons, throwing up and a moment where Marshall islands's organs are starting to get funky oops sorry-
➪If I remember correctly (i hope because I'm really scared that I got the date wrong and therefore this book wouldn't make sense), the nuclear testing happened around 1950 therefore Usa hasn't made his transition yet and use she/her in this one-shot
➪I don't really have a lot of things to say here except that and the fact that it's horrible lmao- 0.5/10. Zero star. Wouldn't recommend.
➪Enjoy I guess?
➪Micronesia is just there as a side character and her speech is useless /hj
➪I'm really not proud of this one-shot. In fact, I hate it. Really. It's so rushed and bad written.
"Pwipwi, I don't feel any good feelings from that"
"I already know it sister" Marshall islands sighed as he lay back on the palm tree, crossing his arms. "I know that you are not trusting that American and to be honest, me neither but at the same time, I can't ignore the fact that she needs me for her testing" he said but Micronesia looked at him in concern and confusion, in the pejorative way.
"Are you serious right now???" she asked as the Marshallese blinked a few times.
"Why? What's the matter?" he asked, confused as well while the Micronesian girl punched the bridge of her nose, sighing.
"Pwipwi, you know that I love you right? But on the other hand, you can't just ignore the fact that this American girl's argument is bullshit! Isn't she like, one of the most powerful countries with this URSS person! I think that-not to be rude but-it's very stupid from her to think about you in that way, mostly because she probably consider us as "small" in the very derogatory way." the Micronesian girl argued as Marshall Island looked at the ground. Micronesia quickly put her hand on his shoulder, panicking a little.
"Hey I'm sorry I didn't meant to put you down but you have to know that. This girl, despite being praised as a capitalist hero, didn't only done good in order to get that much fame. Remember, she's in competition with USSR and would not miss an opportunity to show that she is better than him. That means that she can't be fully trusted and I don't want you to end up in a terrible situation. "the Micronesian girl explained, trying to rephrase what she have said before.
The marshallese thought about her words, wrapping his knees and pulling them up on his chest, still looking away. At the same time, he wanted to believe in his sister's words and not accept USA's request to help her... But on the other hand, he wanted to feel seen and if Usa herself asked him help therefore maybe people would finally know him and he would be recognized! And yet, Micronesia's words seemed to be true since yes the American girl was a world power and the marshallese knew that the more someone was powerful, the less they could be fully trusted.
However, before he could say anything else, the two micronesian heard a feminine voice and a few other chatting among themselves. They both turned their heads and saw the thing that they exactly didn't wanted to see.
Usa was talking with her few soldiers who stayed on the islands, occasionally laughing with them but soon stopped when she spotted the marshallese and smiled as she waved her hand to make him notice her. The American soldiers seemed to notice Marshall islands as well and let the American alone, with him.
At first, Micronesia glared at Usa, still skeptical about why did she wanted specifically aid from her brother but then the concerned hesitantly went to the other personnification, much to the Micronesian's incomprehension.
"Marshall Island! I was just looking for you!" Usa said as Marshall Islands coughed awkwardly and waved in return.
"Yeah hi. Do you still want my help?" he asked, not knowing why he suddenly felt a bad feeling about all of this and that he should probably listen to his sister after all.
"Exactly. I wanted to talk about the tests" she said, getting abnormally serious, making Marshall Island feel even more uncomfortable, mostly because he knew exactly what did she meant.
"The test...? You meant the..."
"Yes. The Castel bravo one."
At that moment, Micronesia nearly jumped from her seat but instead looked at Marshall islands in disbelief while the latter really didn't wanted to at her right now. "Castel bravo ??? What is it again ??? He never told me that test! He only told me that it wa about that american girl's weapon!" Micronesia thought to herself, wanting so badly to say it out loud but knew that it wasn't a good idea so the only thing she could do was to be angry in her own space.
But she didn't wanted to hear this conversation so the only thing she could do was to walk away, feeling even more angry.
On the other hand, Usa completely ignored the micronesian girl on purpose and continued to explain to Marshall islands her plan, gesturing and waving her hands around.
"We have already set the nuclear testing on Bikini Atoll and we only need to activate it in order to test our nuclear." she casually continued to explain as Marshall islands widened his eyes.
"What?! B-but... Usa, there are people who live there!" he said as the young woman blinked a few times, a little surprised that she didn't got informed by this but luckily, she quickly found a made up excuse.
"Yes I already knew it Marshall and I'm pretty my soldiers already told them to evacuate as soon and quick as possible" she clarified, smiling but soon got dropped her smile when someone started to talk on her walkie talkie. She answered it in english but Marshall islands couldn't recognize anything they said not only because of the glitchy voice of the talkie walkie but also because Usa purposefully uses her thickest American accent in order to not make sure that he doesn't understand.
She quickly hung up and she looked from afar at the atoll, an indescribable expression on her face as Marshall islands looked at it too, an unhinged feeling growing even more bigger in his stomach. A small awkward silence started to form as the young man decided to cut it.
"So... What did they say?"
Upon hearing the Marshallese talk, Usa turned her head to look at him and with a disturbing amount of serenity in her voice, she casually said.
"I hope you aren't sensitive to loud sounds. "
And with that last remark that left Marshall islands even more confused, she talked once more into her talkie walkie as she cut the conversation off and backed to her side, a little bit further from Bikini atoll as they both heard a strange coming from the zone sound that send shivers down the young man's spine.
"Hey what's going on?" Micronesia asked from afar, also feeling the uncomfortable feeling in her stomach as she looked at her brother.
But before they could react, a loud and booming explosion was heard as a bright light blinded the three.
Automatically, Marshall islands covered himself as he heard his sister yelping in fear and surprise as Usa also hid her eyes because of the brightness. It took about two minutes before Marshall islands could lower his arms and see what happened.
Oh he instantly regretted it.
A big bright radioactive cloud started to emerge from the atoll, creating an horrific amount of smoke around it to the point where he could even feel the air getting hotter and heavier as if it wasn't already. Usa also lowered her arms to look at the operation and widened her eyes, realizing what happened.
On the other hand, Micronesia quickly ran over to help your brother but just in case, she kept a distance from him as she yelled, panicked.
"Marshall islands!! Are you feeling okay?!"
At first, the Marshallese only turned his head to look at the Micronesian girl and was about to respond that he was okay, still shook but okay.
Until he felt something in his stomach.
Out of instinct, he fell on the ground on his knees, holding his abdomen, a hand on his mouth.
"Marshall islands... ?" Usa hesitantly asked still looking in horror back and forth at the atoll, also starting to cough a little. The latter tried to perk up but then another wave of pain hit him as in parallel, the radioactive mushroom started to get bigger and worse. Marshall islands started to cough too but unlike the American girl, it seemed more... Worrying.
But after, the two women completely froze when the young Marshallese started to convulse violently as his coughs worsened.
"Marshall!!" the Micronesian yelled as he started to throw up, tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes.
Everything started to hurt, from his head to his feet.
He shut his eyes tightly, his heart feeling as if it was spinning but also heavy at the same time, it was hard to describe what he felt because the pain mainly came in his inside. He felt as if they burning slowly and decaying each second, building the throwing up sensation until he puke blood, radiation and other unrecognizable liquid. His throat burned him, his organs seemed rotten, his vision became blurry and unsettlingly distorted and his ears were ringing so loudly it didn't eased his migraine at all.
Usa, automatically, backed up from him, an horrified expression on her face, seeing the horrendous consequences of the failed operation. Micronesia, on the other hand, wanted to help her brother so badly but knew that it was a very bad idea, mostly in such bad shape.
"Marshall islands! Are you okay?! Please answer me!" she pleaded.
However, Marshall islands couldn't hear her anymore, couldn't see anymore and couldn't speak anymore. He felt so painful, so numb, too many of his body parts were killing him slowly at this point. He knew that nuclear testing weren't the safest thing but he didn't knew that a failed operation would be so catastrophic, mainly on him.
But what would happen next? He already feel too much pain currently but what would happen if the radioactive fungus would spread not only on bikini atoll but also on the entire country? What will happen to the marshallese people? To his people? To him??
If only he could think about it more but it was a bad idea as his headache got worse and in the end he couldn't even be on his knees anymore as he collapsed, under the heavy radioactive air of Castelbravo.
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Bye 😘 *go back to my grave and let the earth slowly reclaim me*
{1886 words}
Posted : 22/06/2023
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prublex · 2 years
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Lineless practice
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weirdestarrow · 3 years
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dunno if this is some countryhumans exclusive thing, but the marshall islands, micronesia, japan, SK, afghanistan, and panama are sovereign states
I know they are. But it is a countryhumans thing. The government of South Korea was created after a US military occupation, making America the only country that could be SK’s father.
Japan’s constitution, which ended the Japanese Empire was created by the Japanese and the Americans, ie Japan’s parents are America and Japanese Empire.
Germany was West Germany, and occupied by the French, Americans, and British, and I picked America to be his parent.
Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau are all states in free association with the US, and former US territories.
Afghanistan (the Republic, not the Taliban Emirate) was created by Americans, so she would be America’s daughter.
Panama is not America’s kid. That’s the Panama Canal Zone, which is a completely different thing.
Current sovereign states can have parents that are current sovereign states.
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senig-fandom · 4 years
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ok, ellos estuvieron facilitos X3 si había referencias y muchos los medio conocen XD
Los de oceanía tienen el problema de perder una parte de su cuerpo, ya que oceanía, por el miedo se fue separando y se realizaron islitas.
Son países algunos adultos y otros jóvenes adolescentes, no llega a América que casi la todos son muy niños o jóvenes.
Estos son los nombres 
Estados Federados de Micronesia 
Islas Salomón
Islas Marshall
Nueva Zelanda
Papúa Nueva Guinea
Islas Cook
Espero y les guste, El proximo seria Europa, pero estará en alto esto, hasta que yo avise XD
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joddit-y · 5 years
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empanadaaaaaaa · 4 years
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U r b a n ! A U
au por: @nervousskull​, @madaraejn y  @little-lolitta​ 🐬; datos
• Nombre: Micronesia • Profesión : Peleadora/Prostituta • Apodo: Delfín
🐬; pasado
Micronesia vivió en la Oceanía junto a sus padres y sus dos hermanas gemelas, Palaos e Islas Marshall. (las haré después xdd) Cuando sus padres se enteraron que ella es lesbiana, la expulsaron de su propiedad y ella se quedo en aquella ciudad que los countrys viven en este au. Sus hermanas la buscan desesperadamente, mientras que Micro vive ahí. Micro estuvo asustada de todos los demás, hasta que aprendio a no tener miedo a ningún de esos actos y pelear. Sirvió como prostituta para algunas personas, pero a ella no le agradan mucho los hombres, pero se acostumbra.
🐬;  gustos
A Micro, le agrada mucho a sus hermanas, son como sus mejores amigas, pero aún mejor. Le gusta mucho “jugar” con sus armas cuando empieza a pelear. Desde que ella vivio en la Oceanía, sus amigos son animales del mar como las tortugas marinas, los delfines, los pulpos y cangrejos.
🐬; disgustos
Ella odia a sus padres desde toda su vida, y aún mas cuando la expulsaron. Como ya dije antes, no le gustan mucho los hombres, pero se acostumbró a ser una prostituta con ellos. No le gusta a los que pelean por cosas inútiles como que alguien le arruinó su graffiti o que le robaron su droga; ella lo considera muy molesto.
🐬; personalidad
A pesar de ser emocionalmente conflictiva y grosera, muestra su amor y felicidad con sus hermanas y amigos que le caen bien. no esta muy interesada en lo que dicen los otros sobre ella, pero la hacen enojar cuando le hablan basura sobre sus hermanas.
🐬 “Recuerda.. Las balas son lentas en el agua..”
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💜💜💜likes, shares, shares to stories, saves/bookmarks and comments are greatly appreciated!💜💜💜 💛suggest me which country i should draw next!💛 9AM POSTING?????????????? HUH????????????????????????😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 For those who know this is a repost pretend it isnt 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 THREE OF THE REQUESTS DONE AAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No the rain was such a pain to do hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... England looks dead inside 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 sorry @qao.juu couldnt make him somewhat hot 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 (Fun fact in my AU he has rain powers bcs lol that one cursed line abt england anyways) I did most of the CH micronesia in the car... yes. THE BACKGROUND WAS SO FUN TO DO THO HELP Tysm @princedoesstuff for requesting! Prob my personal fav ngl 🤌 Last slide is kind of a... shitpost @kailoweenie have this to wish ya luck for ur exams!!!🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃 sorry it was so plain aaaaaaaaaaa Singapore tho..... Uh 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿 I swear kale they were in much more cursed positions in the sketch it's horrifying The june holidays have started for me- time to not do homework lol 🕴✌ Expect me to try to draw more often now btw! More content heehehehehehehehehhehehhehheee Hope yall enjoy today's breakfast! Look forward to next week's :DDDDDDD (Somebody help idk how to make captions longer 🕴) 🐕wenomechainsama 🐕tumajarbisaun 🐕wifenlooof 🐕eselifterbraun Have a great day/morning/afternoon/evening/night ahead yall! Tysm for passing by love yall! 💗💗💗 /p 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 Tags (ignore if u wish, unless): #countryhumans #countryhuman #countryhumansengland #countryhumanengland #countryhumansuk #countryhumansunitedkingdom #englandcountryhumans #ukcountryhumans #countryhumansbritain #countryhumansmicronesia #countryhumanmicronesia #countryhumansoceania #countryhumansindonesia #countryhumanindonesia #indonesiacountryhumans #indonesiacountryhuman #countryhumansmalaysia #countryhumanmalaysia #malaysiacountryhumans #countryhumanssingapore #countryhumansingapore #singaporecountryhumans #countryhumansart #countryhumansdrawing #countryhumansfanart #art #digitalart #medibang #medibangpaint #artistsoninstagram (at Felling Happy and Wonderful) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeFWcZQJqI2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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