#countryhumans Tonga
weirdestbooks · 23 days
Sammy and Sammy Junior (Wattpad | Ao3)
For @aloha-from-angel
Tonga’s favorite time of the month was when it was time for her and the rest of Polynesia to meet on their islands and catch up. It allowed them to be a little human, and despite all the stupid rivalries and that one arson incident, it was always an enjoyable time.
This month, American Samoa was hosting and was planning on taking them to his national park, as well as trying and failing to keep them from embarrassing him in front of his crush.
Tonga had arrived a day early, along with Māori and Samoa. Now, they were looking for American Samoa, hoping to catch him with his crush so they could embarrass him and meet the person who had caught his attention.
She didn’t expect to find what they did.
When they finally managed to track down American Samoa, they didn’t find him with his crushed, but instead found him messing around with a bespeckled man on the beach. The man was tall and looked similar to American Samoa, but then again, you could always find so many similarities between a personification and their people in terms of people.
“Tahi, do you know who that is?” Samoa asked. Tonga shot her an annoyed look.
“Why would I know one of Malosi’s people?” Tonga asked. Māori furrowed his eyebrows.
“I don’t know if he is one of Malosi’s people. He looks familiar, but I can’t remember from where. Maybe he’s an outlier?” Māori asked, turning to face Tonga, the self-proclaimed family tree keeper.
“What kinda outlier is that tall, Kahurangi?” Tonga responded, raising an eyebrow, “They are all tiny, even the largest ones. Even–”
Tonga cut herself off as they got closer to American Samoa and the strange man, as they began to overhear snippets of their conversation and one work in particular.
Tama. The Samoan word for father.
American Samoa called the strange man dad.
He wasn’t one of his people or an outlier.  
That man was the United States of America.
Tonga quickly ducked her head, taking care not to look at America any more than she already had, and she could see Samoa do the same as one of her wings covered Māori’s face. They all understood how many countries viewed their human faces and did not want to risk causing him distress.
But Tonga could still feel the tension that had suddenly appeared.
They stumbled onto one of the greatest secrets of one of the most paranoid men in the world.
This could only end poorly.
Panic was the only thing America felt as he stared at the group of people in front of him. He dimly registered his son talking to him, but it sounded muffled like he was underwater. Fear gripping tightly at his soul, America did the only thing he could and vanished back to his apartment, struggling to start his breathing exercises as panicked tears poured down his face.
They had seen his face. They had heard American Samoa call him dad.
They knew what he looked like.
America was fine with Hawai’i knowing, as she was one of his states, and he was okay with American Samoa showing the other Polynesians his human face, as that was his choice. Still, America never wanted any Polynesian nations other than those two to see his face. He knew American Samoa didn’t do this on purpose; their meeting wasn’t supposed to be until tomorrow, but the paranoid part of himself wondered like it always had.
His face was his safety net, the protection that allowed him to be a little human and escape the standards and obligations the United States of America was under.
Now, he was at risk of losing that.
What was he going to do?
American Samoa stared at the place where his father had just been before turning around and facing the Polynesians standing there: Tonga, Samoa, and Māori.
“You can look now.” American Samoa said, voice shocked as he tried to process what had happened.
“Was that–” Tonga began before American Samoa cut her off, panic rushing through him. 
“You can’t tell anyone!” He begged, “Please! Fa'amolemole!”
American Samoa trusted them; he did, but he had to be sure, for his Tamā was so afraid of being vulnerable that even using his human form in the first place made him anxious.
“Tupua, please,” American Samoa begged again, not liking the silence that fell upon his first request.
“Okay, I won’t. We won’t, Malosi. It’s okay.” Tonga said, meeting his eyes, as Māori nodded in what American Samoa hoped was agreement, his eyes distant.
“Tuafafine?” American Samoa asked, turning to his sister, who looked stricken.
“Tuagane, why is your father not white?” Samoa asked, causing American Samoa to give her an odd look.
“Cause his people aren’t? Talia, he’s been mixed for longer than I’ve been alive.” American Samoa answered. Samoa looked furious at that.
”Does that mean that all this time—“
”Britain’s been mixed and probably not white passing this entire time? Yeah, most likely. He’s a hypocrite and a controlling bastard. We know this.” American Samoa chimed in. Māori sighed deeply.
”I thought as much.” He muttered, getting a surprised look from Tonga.
”Kahurangi, you knew this?” Tonga asked. Māori shrugged.
”I had suspicions, but very few empires will prove it.” Māori said, “They keep a lot close to their chest. And any of them confessing they were white was probably a death sentence for them. It makes sense, though. Haven’t you all noticed your human forms change over the years? Why wouldn’t America’s? Being an empire doesn’t make him immune to that. He’s still a country same as us.”
“Yeah…I…it’s just…” Tonga sputtered.
“Not something you ever thought about?” American Samoa asked. Tonga nodded. 
“People rarely do.” American Samoa said with a shrug, “And Tama doesn’t advertise anything involving his human form, even if it might make him more likable to certain people. He’s…I think you all know that for all his strength, my tama is scared of many things.”
“That’s because America understands that his power doesn’t make him infallible, just a target. He’s not an idiot.” Māori said, “That’s why he panicked when we came here. He thought he was safe 'cause we weren’t supposed to be here yet, and now he feels exposed because we accidentally saw some of his safeguard.”
“Yeah…yeah, that’s it exactly, Tupua. I can talk to Tama and hopefully soothe his worries, but he will probably want to talk to you about it all.” American Samoa said, shifting his feet as he prepared to bring himself to his Tama’s main house, hoping he would be there.
“We’re ready to talk to him if he needs to,” Tonga said.
“And we won’t say anything. Make sure he knows that, tuagane.” Samoa said. American Samoa nodded.
“I will. Fa'afetai tele.” American Samoa said before rushing off to find his dad before he spiraled even more, now that Unorganized Territory wasn’t there to help coax him out of his head.
God, this was a mess.
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askdownunder · 3 months
tiddy preferences? (masc, fem, whatever, etc.)
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“All titties! From flat boards to watermelons!” - Australia
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raquel-staruvu · 2 years
Buena forma de empezar el año dibujando otros countrys jeje 🍑
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minimag1c · 1 year
Omg another countryhumans one-shot??? 😱😱😱😦😦😦/j
But seriously, this is the longest chapter I've ever written in my entire life and I don't exaggerate it lol
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Let's Play Midnight Games! What Could Go Wrong?
Characters :
🇫🇯Fiji |she/they/buns (demigirl/pansexual)
🇵🇼Palau |she/her (cis female/lesbian)
🇲🇭Marshall islands |they/them (agender/aromantic asexual)
🇲🇾Malaysia |she/her (cis female/straight)
🇰🇮Kiribati |he/they (transgender male/aromantic asexual)
🇼🇸Samoa |she/her (transgender female/straight)
🇹🇴Tonga |she/they (genderflor/ demisexual demiromantic)
Ship :
🇵🇼 x 🇫🇯
Request by Milowritestyrash on wattpad
➪why can't I never fulfill correctly a single request aaah- *ahem*sorry. What I mean by that it's not really midnight game but horror evening ig? So yeah, in this they just play with a ouija board and the mirror thingy lol
➪it's my first time writing horror one-shot or even stories in general. I will be frank with you, it will not be good and it doesn't make sense as well sorry. It's just trash in general.
➪maybe I went a liiiitle bit on board with this one sorry hehe- *get shot*
TW : stuff that are out of the normal ig. Also some possession and explicit description of gore, near suicide and character death.
Proceed with caution.
It was already night outside Palau's house and the group of friends still didn't slept.
It was past 11pm and they were sitting on the floor, forming a circle as a ouija board as well with candles layd in front of them. It was already night outside with no light except some fireflies there and there as well with the palauan girl house's light.
The group talked with each other, chattering among themselves about random topic while Palau was preparing the games that she and her friends have decided to play. After their small pajamas party, the group wanted to something else than eating snacks and gossiping. So Tonga suggested that they should do something more... Interesting.
No, she meant horror stories and games, not sex you horny idiots.
After a small moment, the palauan girl came back with taro card and a pendulum.
"wait, you guys said that we would play midnight games and tell horror stories, not actually trying to summon demons" Malaysia said, confused and worried.
"We do but we never know if it would be boring or not so we will keep those, just in case" Palau said, shrugging as she put on the floor the items she took and sat next to Fiji. Samoa blinked a few times.
"Wait, since when do summoning demons and talking to ghosts and spirits was boring??" she asked.
"No I'm pretty sure that summoning demons is not boring but if there's no results that's when it gets boring." Kiribati clarified. The Samoan girl got even more confused.
"well, the topic is not about if it's boring or not, even if it will be a crucial question, it's about how are we going to use this" Marshall said as they pointed out the ouija board on the floor, exactly in the center of their circle.
"Yeah Marshall is right, and maybe if we try to use it, we can also... Let's see... What about while we also use the ouija board, some of us tell scary stories either from our country or just scary stories in general?" Palau suggested as only a few seemed to agreed.
"So at least if the ouija doesn't work we can still have something interesting to do "Fiji clarified as they all started to hum in agreement. Palau blinked in confusion, seeing that people only agreed when it was her girlfriend but shrugged it off.
Malaysia correctly positioned the object in the center and looked at the numbers written on it.
"So... Who's going to be the first asking something to the spirit?" she asked.
"Alright. I'll go first" Kiribati responded as he stepped forward. "Who do I call?" he asked, looking at the others. Tonga thought a little and turned their head to Palau.
"Is there any spirits even around here?" she asked. Palau though a little about it and shrugged.
"Unfortunately, if we talk about this area, then nope. There isn't any." she said, feeling just as much disappointed as the tongan girl but then she have gotten an idea.
"Wait does the ouija board works with deities or other things like that??" they asked as Palau seemed to ponder to find the answer. "I mean, I don't know, maybe? Well, even if I've never seen someone using the ouija board for communicating with Gods but hey, maybe we can try" the palauan girl tried to resonate. Fiji hesitated.
"Are you sure this is even safe to do that? If this thing can even be dangerous with spirit then how it will act with actual deities???" they asked.
"then we need to do the experience to see how it will acts, right?" Marshall Islands responded as a few of them pondered about it and seemed to be on their side.
"Alright, change of the program! Palau, is there any deities around here?" Tonga asked again.
"Actually there's one who is kind of popular but if you want to summon him, it will be very disturbing." Palau responded.
"How so?" Fiji asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well..." Palau cleared her throat, preparing herself to tell her story. "According to my population, I was born from a giant named Uab. He was the son of a powerful palauan god and was a giant who ate a lot. Apparently, he was so big and tall that his height was equal to an atoll and could eat an entire island. The villagers, upon hearing that, got scared, thinking that Uab would eat all of their foods. So one night, when the giant was sleeping, they've put all around him woods, sticks and other stuffs who can be burned and lit him on fire while he screamed in agony. His ashes, since he was a giant, were so numerous that they formed islands and that's how I was born. Apparently. "
Everyone went silent after the story.
"What?" Palau asked.
"Do you really want to summon someone who's... How do I say it... Inside you? - oh god that sound so weird-" Malaysia responded, a little bit disturbed by the answer she said. Palau blinked a few times and shrugged. "if I turn myself into dust in front of you all then I was really born from the ashes of a giant I guess" she casually said.
Kiribati shook his head and tried to shrug off the eerie atmosphere. "Well, let's try I presume."
They cleared their throat and positioned correctly the thing above the talking board which the author don't know the name because they're shit when it comes to writing horror stuffs but fuck it I guess. Anyway.
"Okay-it was Uab right?"
"Yeah Uab"
"Alright. Uab, are you there?" they asked first, cautiously.
No responses.
"For now I'm okay" Palau jokingly said as Fiji hit her shoulder in a playful way but in also a small hint of "Please don't say that"
"Alright?" Kiribati said, a little bit disappointed that there was nothing.
"Maybe try to ask in another way?" Tonga suggested. Kiribati shrugged and asked again.
"Uab, do you live in this place?" they asked. Still no responses.
"You still feel nothing weird inside?" Fiji asked, worried about the answer but buns sighed a little but in relieve when her partner shook her head.
"Seems like it doesn't work at all" Kiribati said, frowning.
"Either Uab is really buried deep-I'm not going to finish this sentence- or this thing really doesn't really work" Marshall said, sighing in defeat.
"Oooor maybe it works but either we're too dumb to know how to use it or Uab isn't enough for the criteria of the ouija board to summon him in some sort of way. I don't know I'm just making assumptions." Tonga said.
"Maybe we should try to summon someone else" Palau suggested, honestly wanting her friends to agreed because she didn't wanted to dissolve because apparently a giant's ashes formed her and to be honest, even if it sounded absurd, she didn't really want to risk it.
"What about Malaysia?" Samoa suddenly said, perking the concerned one's attention.
"Uh?" she said, blinking her eyes a few times in surprise.
"I've heard a demon from your folklore but I don't remembered his name, the only thing that I remember is the fact that he's kind of the spirit of babies or something like that" She continued as Tonga looked at her with confusion and concern but so did Malaysia.
"You actually want to summon... Toyol?" the Malaysian girl had shivers down her spine by just saying his name. "You know it's literally just a baby demon who, even if he can bring luck, can make people regret summoning him" she warned as the group of friends looked at each other and then at her, not really believing her.
"Apa?" she asked, a little bit offended. "The thing that I'm saying is true, unlike the baba ngapit or something like that of Indonesia" she insisted, rolling her eyes as Tonga chuckled a little.
"You're really scared of a baby?" they asked.
"A demon baby, mind you. Don't forget that word" Fiji corrected.
"Yeah a demon baby"
"Well yeah? It's a demon after all I can't just ignore that" Malaysia said but widened her eyes when Tonga put the ouija board in front of her. "But since you're an expert with that kind of thing, why not trying?"
No, actually Tonga wasn't teasing and/or mocking Malaysia, they were actually serious and curious.
The Malaysian girl looked at the Tongan personnification with eyes as wide as plates and chuckled awkwardly and in stress. "Haha what do you mean by that Tonga? I don't understand" she asked, faking a smile. Of course, she knew what Tonga meant but she was still afraid of the answer.
"Well, try to communicate with him? I mean we are not summoning him and if he's a baby, can he even talk? Well, you're the one specialized in that, so let's give it a try" Tonga explained, shrugging as if it was nothing.
Palau saw how distressed Malaysia was and tried to reassure her in some ways. "You don't really have to worry Malaysia, if the giant who's inside me can't even appear or communicate with us then maybe Toyol would not as well" the palauan girl, smiling.
Even if she was still iffy about it, Malaysia tried to shrug off the weird feeling in her chest and took a big breath before reculantly accepting.
"Alright I'll do it but any of you died or get cursed it's not my problem" she warned as the group nodded, mostly Tonga who wanted to see Malaysia taking part of those activities for the first time. The latter cleared her throat and asked, in everyone's surprise, in Malay.
"Toyol, awak ada di sini?" she asked, a bit hesitant. No responses. "Maybe you didn't ask furthermore?" Marshall said as Malaysia whispered-yelled, as if she couldn't speak louder which was a little bit weird.
"Look, we're still lucky that he didn't appeared-" she argued back but soon concentrated herself again and even closed her eyes a little, softly touching the thing above the ouija board. "But I'll try again"
"Toyol, kami semua ada di sini, tolong cakap dengan kami?" she asked again. Still no responses. She started to frown.
"Did you really brought a real ouija board or was it just something discount on wish for 2$?"Marshall asked to Palau who only rolled her eyes and hit their shoulders." I swear to the giant inside me that if this board would be fake, the letters would be that precise and the thing above would be in plastic. "
"TOYOL, CAKAP DENGAN KAMI. " Malaysia still persisted, putting more pressure on the white thing but then then, suddenly opened her eyes abruptly and looked at her friends who were all next to her, holding their breaths. She sighed.
"Well that didn't work" she said and removed her hands from the board and brushed them as if the tabletop model was something dirty. Palau sighed.
"So I really brought an useless board that is probably just a toy for teenagers." she said, rubbing her scalp with her hand.
"But we still have the taro card right?" Fiji tried to reassure, trying to save the horror evening
"We don't even know how to play that" Kiribati said, deadpan.
"But who even brought that???" Marshall Islands asked.
"I don't know, it was my brother who gave me this because apparently Usa gave him a surplus! " Samoa defended herself, holding her hands up. Palau only let herself shallow even more by her sofa. "What are we even going to now? I really don't want to ruin this horror evening." she said, a little bit desesperate.
Everyone tried to think about something to do to catch about the failed attempt to use properly the ouija board.
Until Tonga turned their heads and saw Palau's mural mirror. Then, she had an idea and got up, smiling.
"Hey, I have an idea! Why not using the mirror??" she asked, peeking everyone's attention.
"Like a... Bloody Mary thingie?" Kiribati asked, raising an eyebrow as the Tongan personification nodded.
"But do you even think that this time, it will works?" Marshall islands was hesitant, already giving up on hope.
"Well we can't be so sure about it if we don't try" Tonga encouraged. At first, only Samoa, Marshall islands and Kiribati were the one who seemed to be on the tongan's side then everyone agreed.
"So are we really going to summon Bloody Mary?" Fiji asked, a little bit scared as the group took the candle that Palau brought and went to her bathroom.
"Well we don't have other ghost or things like that related to a mirror" Palau responded, shrugging. Fiji only stood behind her, suddenly not feeling a good foreshadowing about all of this.
Tonga opened the bathroom's door and was about to light up the light inside until Marshall islands stopped them.
"If the goal is saying bloody Mary three times, then why do you need to put the lights on? And plus, we have candles" they said.
The tongan though about it and approved that maybe it was better to use the candles for a better experience.
"Alright? Who is now going to invocate her?" Kiribati asked.
Everyone automatically turned their head to Fiji who looked at them back, wide eyes.
"what? Why are you all looking at me?" buns asked, laughing awkwardly and in stress because they knew why they looked at her but still wanted to hear about them.
"Did you participate in any of the paranormal activities?" Tonga asked as they titled their head to the side. Fiji blinked a few times, wide eyes.
"Well I wasn't the only one, right?" they said, turning their head to the others. Marshall islands cleared their throat.
"Well, technically Samoa was the one who brought tarot cards and the candles for this" they clarified and pointed Tonga with their thumb. "And this lad here was the one who came up with all this idea." they continued as the concerned nooded, a proud smile on her face.
"Kiribati was the one who started trying to summon Uab and we don't talk about how Malaysia suddenly became a shaman, fan of black magic." Samoa added, snickering when the Malay girl roller her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest. Fiji got even more confused.
"And what did even Marshall Islands do?" they asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well I helped Palau to get the fake ouija board" they argued back, smiling. Fiji let out a gruff of annoyance and put their hand on their scalp, looking at buns friends, already feeling exasperated because buns knew that they wanted to plan.
"So all of this is just a pretext to show that I get easily more scared than any of you?" they said, a deadpan expression on her face. Marshall islands snickered a little and waved their hand to gesture vaguely.
"No no no it's only because we want everyone to participate because it wouldn't be funny." they vaguely said, smiling innocently. Fiji sighed as Palau put her hand on buns shoulder.
"You know you can't tell us if you don't feel to do it, it's okay" she said as Fiji felt her pride and ego a little bit hurt. She gently removed her hand and looked at the Marshallese with more determination.
"I'll do it."
"Oh god, what did I've put myself into..."
Fiji shakily held the candle, having difficulties to look properly at their reflections in the mirror. They could hear from the other side of the door buns friends giggling while someone else, probably Palau, was asking them to make it silent. She rolled her eyes.
"I'm going to show them that I don't easily get scared!" she insisted, despite sweating in fear. What time even was it? Already 3am? If not, then normally Bloody Mary wouldn't come out right? According to the legend? She shook her head.
"No no no, it's not real. If spirits and other things like that exist, then Palau would already dislocated herself in front of us whereas Malaysia would already look like those scary shaman in horror movies." Fiji tried to reassure herself.
She took a big breath and looked straight at her reflection, the candle's flame was shaking.
Alright let's do this.
"Bloody Mary? "Fiji hesitantly called.
No responses.
"Wait I'm dumb it's supposed to be three times-" they thought.
"Bloody Mary.
Bloody Mary.
Bloody Mary."
Fiji repeated the words, carefully in spite of feeling more fear each time she pronounced a word. She didn't also noticed it but during the entire time, she kept her eyes tightly closed and so did her grip on the candle, ignoring the burning feeling the melting wax was giving her.
She cautiously opened one eye and inspected around, trying to see something suspicious or something that changed, whenever if it was the bathtub filled with blood or writing on the walls as she purposely didn't look in the mirror.
Nothing weird. She sighed a little bit of relief.
"Hey Fiji, you're still alive in there???" a muffled voice said on the outside. Fiji nodded shakily but remembered that they couldn't saw her. "Y-yeah" buns said, hearing no responses except some "wow" and whispers.
She heard the door click and Marshall opened it, their expression was in awe. Fiji raised an eyebrow. "Did you all really locked me here in case if I ran away?" she said, offended, but Marshall islands didn't responded and went to her.
"Did you really do it??" they asked, still in disbelief, their expression in admiration confusing the Fijian girl a little.
"Uh yeah?" she said as the marshallese started to smile widely.
"Wow congratulations! I knew that you would accept any challenges but I didn't actually except you to finish it!" they said, offending even more Fiji.
"So now you see as a reckless???" they said, frowning but the other personnification ignored it and took buns arm dragging them away from the bathroom. Palau, Tonga and Kiribati were waiting them.
"So... How did it went?" Tonga asked.
"It went perfectly! Fiji have made it! She said Bloody Mary three times without fleeing in fear!" Marshall islands responded, earning some "wow" of surprise. Fiji let out a exasperated gruff.
"Seriously?! Do you all really think that I'm such a coward??" they said as Palau chuckled a little and tried to reassure her.
"no no no Fiji it's not that, it's only because that's something scary and to be honest, even us can't do that, really congratulations!" she said, shocking the Fijian a little. "wait really?" they said, wide eyes. The other nodded. "This time, it way more darker than talking to yourself because we have to admit, mirrors are actually scary, don't y'all think" Tonga asked as Kiribati solemnly nodded and so did Palau and Marshall islands. Fiji blinked a few times before looking around, raising an eyebrow as she changed a little bit the topic.
"Wait were are Malaysia and Samoa?" they asked.
"Malaysia went to eat some of the snacks that was left in the dining room and Samoa went to the bathroom. " Palau responded simply, shrugging as Fiji hummed.
"Why don't we go to the living room? Watching a movie?" Kiribati suddenly asked, pecking everyone's attention "Yeah sure! It will probably calm Fiji a little, right?" Palau asked as she turned her head to the Fijian who though about it and nodded.
"Yeah let's go" buns as Marshall Islands smiled.
"Yay! I'm the one who choose this time!" they said and went to the living room as Kiribati widened his eyes and followed them. "Hey that's not fair! You were already the one who have chosen the movie last time!" He whined as the other three chuckled a little and went after them. Palau held Fiji's hand who was smiling a little, mostly because they didn't wanted her to do that again.
The two were the last that arrived in the living room as they took a place either on the couch or the pillow below an Fiji looked at the screen, not questioning about why they said that Samoa was in the bathroom even though she and Marshall islands barely went out from it.
The small group kept watching whatever Marshall islands have chosen one pass the time. Fiji was sitting on the floor, a pillow in their hands while Palau was playing with her hair, braiding it a little, while thinking about random stuff that crossed on their mind.
Until buns remembered something.
"Wait, it has been a while since we have seen Malaysia nor Samoa" buns noticed, pulling everyone's attention.
"Uh it's true" Palau said, stopping the hair braiding.
"shouldn't we check on them?" Tonga asked. Marshall Island though about it.
"Yeah maybe we should see them. But I think we can only check on Malaysia because it would be awkward from Samoa since she's in the bathroom" Kiribati said, chuckling a little.
Fiji seemed to be the only one who knew that there was something wrong. "Wait, how come Samoa is in the bathroom even though me and Marshall islands went out of it?" she thought, a little bit concerned but before she could say it, Palau took her hand and dragged them in the dining room.
"Don't you think that it's kind of concerning that Malaysia still hasn't showed up? I mean there weren't a lot of snacks that we left on the table." Tonga said, going to switch up the light.
But when she tried to do it, she nearly screamed when the switch lit up for a small moment and shut off, leaving the group in complete dark. Palau groaned in frustration.
"Great, I hope the electricity company will not increase my bill for that" she complained as Fiji reassured her while Marshall islands took his phone and activated its flashlight. They frowned.
"Why do I feel like there's something wrong?" they said, feeling shivers down their spine. No one responded, because they all felt the same. They sighed and went in front of them as the four other followed them cautiously from behind.
The small group were in front of the dining room but no one was there and not a single feel of life.
"Are you sure that Malaysia really told you that she was eating snacks in the dining room?" Fiji asked, not really knowing why they were shaking in fear upon seeing only a part of the table.
"Well, that's what she told us?" Tonga responded, trying to reassure herself.
"Malaysia??" Kiribati called out.
No responses.
"Malaysia are you there??" he said more louder.
No responses. The five grew even more concerned.
"Alright, who will go first to check her out?" Palau asked, looking at the others, hoping that one of them would volunteer themselves to go.
In the end, after an awkward silence, Tonga sighed and raised their hand.
"Alright, I'll go." she said as she took out her phone to activate the flashlight to see something and hesitantly went further into the room while the four stayed behind, feeling tense.
They got even more scared when, a few seconds later, the four heard a scream.
Palau took Fiji's hand and nearly rushed to the dining room, feeling even more scared than ever as Kiribati and Marshall islands followed the two from behind.
Upon seeing what was it, the palauan girl's face went completely livid as everyone froze as well.
Numerous splash of blood were on the floor, more or less new and fresh. The walls were also decorated in red while a few were still dripping. A tray of blood went from the floor to the table where a quite big bowl layd. Tonga was on floor, her hands in front of her mouth, a horrified expression on her face as she was shaking like crazy while her tears were threatening to spill.
"W-what happened...?" Palau shakily asked, also feeling as if her legs would give up on her as well. Fiji seemed to notice it and held her, looking at her partner worriedly.
"I-I don't know! When I entered here, I tried to not scream in terror when I saw the blood in the room but when I've looked at-at THIS-" Tonga aggressively pointed with her fingers the bowl. "W-when I saw the thing inside, it was just too much...!"
The four looked at each other, concerned and scared at the same time. Tonga was someone who was into paranormal and horror stuffs so that's means that the thing she saw inside this bowl must have been a living nightmare.
Hesitantly, Kiribati went to see what was so traumatic about the bowl or mostly what's inside.
He leaned a little bit to have a better view of the recipient's interior and nearly fell off as he let out a scream as well. "WHAT THE FUCK!" he yelled. Eventually, despite their rising fear, Fiji, Palau and Marshall Islands went to his side and check it out, each of them feeling their blood running cold.
Inside the bowl were just pure red blood and in the middle of this horrific view was a skull was floating eerily and so lightly almost like a paper boat while next to it, a flower floated as well.
An hibiscus. The one that Malaysia always wore.
"I-impossible...!" Palau blurred out, holding even more onto Fiji. "No no no it can't b-be... Her! It can't be Malaysia!!" she continued, feeling even more sick as if she wanted to throw up.
"I've told myself the same thing b-but this flower is exactly what Malaysia always wear! It can't be just a coincidence!" Tonga said, still shaken up, holding themselves as if they would end up in the same way too. Kiribati saw how distressed they looked and went to their level, trying to comfort them. Marshall Islands looked at the skull again and felt shivers down their spine.
"We need to find out who did that. " they said, not even noticing that they went further away from the bowl.
"But how can we do that??? All of us sticked together throughout the night! " Palau responded, still clinging on Fiji who thought about what the palauan girl said as buns's expression darkened.
"Not everyone sticked with us." she suddenly noticed, peeking everyone's attention. "Samoa said that she went to the bathroom even though I was still there. Right?" Fiji asked, looking at everyone. Kiribati blinked a few times and had a confused expression on their face.
"Wait we are dumb. Samoa told us that she was going to the bathroom even though Fiji was still inside." they said, face-palming themselves. Palau looked at Fiji, wide eyes.
"W-wait so you're telling me that..."
The four looked at Tonga who looked at the ground, a blank and numb expression on her face as they still themselves in their arms.
"I've known Samoa since we were toddlers. She can't just- do that.. She is not that kind of person" Tonga kept talking, not believing that her friend would that. "it's just- can't be possible.."
Kiribati looked at them concerned mainly about how Tonga seemed to be so traumatized about all of this. Marshall Islands fell bad for her but they sighed and looked at the Tongan. "I'm sorry Tonga but Fiji is right. Samoa said that she was going to the bathroom but buns was still there, chanting Bloody Mary. I know that for you, she can't be the murderer but she is one of the suspect." they said, feeling bad when Tonga seemed to agree on it, despite feeling a twist inside her heart. Fiji then got even more confused.
"Wait, if Samoa said that she was going to the bathroom but I was inside, then where is she?"
Everyone seemed to notice it too and started to get concerned as Kiribati was the first one to speak.
"If she saw that thing, maybe she ran away? I mean, it would be understable knowing the circumstances." they theorized.
"Palau's house is not that big. We have already checked the living room, here, the bathroom and Palau's bedroom is just full of sleeping bag, making it even more smaller than it's already. She couldn't really hid herself here right?" Kiribati added. Palau shook her head and tried to get up on her own, much to Fiji's concern.
"the keys of my house are still with me and there's no duplicate of it. She couldn't ran away because I've already locked the house since we all sleep here." she explained, putting her hand on her head, feeling a headache coming. The marshallese sighed once again.
"So you think that, despite what Fiji said, she is ironically in the bathroom?" they asked. The rest went silent, torn between if it's probably true or nonsense. Tonga was the first one to speak.
"There's no other choices that are rational than that. If she said that she was in the bathroom then maybe we should check." they said, finally feeling strong enough to stand up.
In the end, all of them hesitantly agreed, fearing another really bad surprise.
This time, Fiji was the one who lead the small group, holding for dear life her flashlight.
While the four were following buns, now knowing that this evening turned out to be a horror movie, the Fijian had numerous thoughts in her mind.
"She can't be in the bathroom, I barely went out of it and they said that she went there."
"But maybe she was just in such a hurry I didn't saw her going there?"
"no I would at least feel someone and I would saw her in a fraction of second."
"But then-"
"Who's going first?"
Fiji came back to reality when Palau started to talk. Indeed, they five arrived in front the bathroom and immediately, buns felt even more a dreadful sensation in buns body, as if something else was there.
"I'm not going first this time!" Tonga said, even backing up a little bit. The rest looked at each other and in the end, Marshall islands stepped forward. "Alright, I'll go check first." they decided, carefully opening the door. At first, the others didn't knew if they should let them alone but after a small talk, they knew that probably it would be wiser to not let one of them alone, mostly what they have seen.
Marshall islands shakily held their flashlight, looking around the bathroom.
They directly smell the putrid scent of blood, making them sick with the feeling of throwing up. The marshallese tried to ignore it and looked around, feeling themselves as if they were dying inside.
Just like in the dining room, the bathroom was decorated with blood but this time, it seemed more brutal as the red color was way more present. It was even more creepier when Marshall Islands saw that there was hand trails and fingerprint nearly everywhere as if someone was dragged there.
But the horrid smell didn't came from that.
They turned their head and really though that this time, they would lost it.
The bathtub was nearly full of blood, even dripping a little, accentuating the nightmarish vision of it. The worse in that is how the liquid was clearly sticky and not smooth nor fluid, making it even horrid because it meant that the bathtub was only filled with blood and not a small amount of it mixed with water.
"Is everything okay Marshall??" Palau asked from behind, covering her nose because the smell was so powerful it could be scented outside the bathroom.
"I think you guys aren't ready for this-" they said, holding more tightly on the door frame.
"Wait what's inside?-" Fiji asked, fearing the response as Marshall islands slowly backed up away, their eyes showing incredible fear. "By your look, it's something that we shouldn't look if we're too sensible-?" buns asked, as the smell started to get stronger, making Fiji feel the urge to throw up as she thought how did this happened.
"I mostly really hope that Samoa wasn't there" They said, their face still livid from what they have seen. The rest looked at each other, concerned because they didn't wanted to see it either to be honest. Kiribati sighed. "At this rate, I would prefer that instead of putting each other into traumatic situation, we should make sure that the rest, which is us, will live. Don't you think?" they asked.
Fiji was about to protest until Palau cut her off. "Yeah I think it will be better." they admitted, suddenly feeling tired. The fijian bit her lips, not feeling any good foreshadowing from all of this but in the end, hesitantly accepted as well.
"And I also think we should go back to the living room. At this rate, it's the safest place here" Marshall Islands added as everyone nodded. Fiji was the last one who was convinced.
They all sat in the living room, either too scared or too stressed to do anything except sitting and trying to find a comfortable position. The atmosphere has never been so heavy and tense. In the end, Kiribati decided to speak up first as he turned his head to look at the marshallese who was comforting Tonga.
"Are you sure you really haven't seen Samoa in the bathroom, not fully or whatever?" he asked ,trying to not say dead as well as Marshall Islands shook their heads. "I would have seen at least a part of her, if you meant that way and either way, I was too frozen in shock and fear to see who was inside the bloodba- bathtub." they admitted, a little bit embarrassed as Tonga tried in return to reassure them as well that it was okay.
Fiji let out a heavy breath and sank more into the sofa, crossing buns arm on buns chest. Palau looked something else, trying to ease her mind.
Until she felt something weird inside her.
She let out a "hmpf" sound and held her stomach, peeking everyone's attention. Fiji was the first one to react and sat further next to her.
"Palau, are you okay?" they asked concerned. Palau nodded, frowning as she held more her stomach, not feeling well.
"Is it because of what we saw? Do you need water?" Tonga asked too, coming closer but Palau stopped her. "No no that's fine, I'm okay-" she said but soon, the palauan girl gritted her teeth and groaned in pain, holding herself more. Kiribati and Marshall Islands, in their turns, automatically went to check. Fiji got even more scared and shook her.
"Palau, are you sure you're okay?? Do you need to rest??? I can take you to bed if you want you kn-" buns froze and looked at her hand, her blood running cold.
Upon seeing that, the others gasped as Palau also saw it and widened her eyes, in horror. She shakily loose her grip on her stomach and immediately, numerous amount of ashes feel of from where her stomach should have been. She tried to back up but another wave of pain hit her and she let out a scream.
"PALAU-" Fiji didn't had the time to speak when the latter's arm fell off in ashes just like half of her face. She looked at everyone with her remaining eye and tried to plead them to help her but her mouth have also collapsed, making her looking like a skeleton of a half charred person.
The three stepped back a little, horrified. Was it actually Uab? Or just the consequences of what they have done? They didn't knew anymore.
"NO NO NO DON'T TELL ME IT'S UAB, HER CAN'T-" Fiji yelled in panic, as Palau held buns with her remaining arm, strengthening the eerie scene because it started to dissolve itself too. Without even having the time to think, the Fijian held her closely, ignoring the part of buns girlfriend on buns clothes. Tears started to form in their eyes.
"NO NO NO PALAU PLEASE, STAY WITH ME, PLEASE DON'T GO" buns kept saying, growing even more scared, horrified and daunted when Palau's lower body completely disappeared as well as her arms.
Fiji held her even more close, a small droplet of tear mixing with the ashes of her remaining partner who's head was the only left.
The Fijian opened her watery eyes and looked in horror what was left of Palau which was ashes. She looked at the others who didn't also knew what to do. She looked back at her hands, feeling horrible when she saw that there was ashes nearly everywhere.
Palau's ashes.
"We need to find a solution to stop all of this." Kiribati said, still not processing what happened mostly because it happened so fast they didn't had the time to react.
"But how??? We don't even where Samoa is, Malaysia became a skull and Palau just dissolved in front of us!" Tonga argued, now constantly fearing that those events will happen to them too.
"But at the same we can't just, stay here and let each other die." Fiji responded back, trying to not froze in trauma response.
"That's why I asked you Marshall islands if you were really sure that you haven't seen Samoa in the bathroom!" Kiribati insisted but Marshall islands kept shaking their head to say "no".
"Or maybe Bloody Mary?"
The three looked at Fiji, who started to think about all of this. Then it hit her.
It all started when she was in the bathroom, saying Bloody Mary three times and maybe even before when she and her friends have played with the ouija board. So, all of this was actually real? But where was Toyol then?? Was he the one who killed Malaysia or maybe Bloody Mary?? There was too much questions in buns head and yet, despite knowing that, at this rate, nothing make senses, it was a little bit difficult to put the link between how did the Malaysian girl died and how Samoa disappeared and it was frustrating, mostly because Fiji's mind was still traumatized about Palau's death.
"I mean- It would probably make sense since you know, Bloody Mary, curses, murders and shit" Tonga resonated, trying to connect the dots together. Kiribati looked at her, concerned.
"Do you think then that we should go back to the bathroom?" they asked, not really wanting to smell the horrid scent of blood.
"we don't really have a choice. After all, most of this mess started there, right?" Marshall islands asked but soon looked at Fiji, worried. "However, I don't think that we will be in major help since you know... You were the one who summoned her."
"Much to my non-consent" Fiji mumbled under her breath, now regretting to not trust her feelings. "What am I supposed to do then?" buns asked.
"Maybe Marshall meant that you should be the one entering first." Kiribati clarified, peeking instantly the fijian's attention. "What???" buns asked, dumbfounded and a little bit annoyed. First, she got forced to do it then Palau died and now they asked her to go back into that damned bathroom again.
"You were the one who summoned Bloody Mary! Probably, she shouldn't hurt you unlike us if we go back there" Tonga answered. Fiji got even more confused.
"isn't like the opposite?" buns said back but Tonga shook her head. "I don't think so."
Fiji looked down, mostly at her clothes and hands who were covered with ashes. At the same time, she wanted to see and understand why all of this happened but she also knew that those kind of thought always lead to death as well, from what she have seen in horror movies.
In the end, they sighed and accepted.
"If only you follow me and don't leave me alone in the bathroom." Fiji clarified as the three nodded, relieved a little. The concerned hesitated and decided to finally get up and looked at her friends, a complex expression on her face and yet a small of determination in her eyes.
"Alright. Let's go. "
"... Oh my fucking god."
The four went inside the bathroom and immediately got assaulted by the putrid scent who only got worse from Marshall island's memories.
The blood on the walls started to dried up a little but the one in the bath only got worse as more of the red liquid started to drip even more. Tonga shivered.
"Indeed, I understand now why you didn't wanted to go further." They said, gripping onto their cloth a little bit more while Kiribati was on alert.
Fiji was mainly the one panicking, because buns didn't knew if this thing would happen to them too if they don't find a way to resolve this mess in time.
"Well, it's not the act of talking with each other and being scared that will get us to solve all of this." they said, taking a big breath before looking at their reflection in the mirror once again.
The Fijian swore that she would probably flinch in horror from what she have seen because it wasn't her.
Instead of a clear reflection of herself, it was a crooked eerie figure that looked like a creepy mix of her and someone else, as if it was actually a person trapped inside. They didn't had a face and yet Fiji felt as if it was looking through buns soul. Marshall islands put their hand on the other's shoulder.
"Hey, are you sure you still you want to do it. I know that we all want this slaughter to end but at the same time, I don't want you to feel forced to do it." They tried to resonate, worried but Fiji removed their hands and looked them in the eyes.
"I know it Marshall but... I'll be fine you don't have to worry. I know, the current situation says otherwise but I've already done it before, right? That's alright. I'll do it." buns said, smiling a little despite the fear in buns chest. The marshallese seemed hesitant but in the end, gave up and joined the others, backing up while Fiji put her hands on the sink's sides, trying to look at her reflection - or what was left - feeling her eyes and forehead burning hot in each second.
"Alright, what should I do?" she thought, gripping more the sides of the sink. "Should I say Bloody Mary three times once again or something else??" they tried to resonate, already losing their concentration but still tried their best to fight it back.
In the end, the latter opened buns mouth and started to do the same thing buns have done at the start of this evening.
"Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary
Bloody Mary."
Fiji quickly said, this time watching straight at the mirror. Meanwhile, Marshall islands, Tonga and Kiribati all closed their eyes and clinged onto each other. The first one who opened their eyes was Kiribati, and it was only one, still holding tightly Tonga's arm.
"Nothing happened???" the gilbertese asked as Fiji looked at him and hesitantly shook her head.
But without having the time to react, a violent bright red flash went past the Fijian's eyes followed by a scream, blinding them for a small moment.
Fiji shrieked and covered her eyes, not knowing where did things came from but the weirdest about that is how quick it disappeareded just as much as it appeared so suddenly.
Soon, after a very small moment, it dissolved completely and the Fijian personification slowly and shakily let their arm down, blinking a few times.
"Guys? Are you oka-"
Fiji stopped talking and looked at the scenery in horror.
The bloodbath was dripping all over, covering all of the entire floor as a silhouette emerged from there. A hunched woman who was (obviously) covered in blood who was also dripping as well. She had long back hair that was still going because the edge was floating on the red liquid. She was shaking and her hands were firmly on the bathroom walls, creating bloody fingerprints.
But that wasn't the only thing that Fiji was so horrified about because there wasn't only blood on the floor.
The personification saw the three completely mangled bodies of buns friends, their heads all splattered across the floor, making none of them recognizable, as if even some of their head part was mixed with each other. The rest of their bodies was worse and Fiji couldn't describe it without feeling the urge to throw up until she passes out.
As the woman, the personnification couldn't looked at her even though she wasn't facing buns. She was shaking so heavily that her hands was crushing the walls. At first, Fiji was completely on shock and couldn't move a inch before coming back to their senses.
"I have to get out of here. QUICK."
But before they could even react on time, the woman's head turned slowly and eerily with the sound of an old clock, without her body moving. That only made Fiji back up furthermore, eyes as wide as plates and let out a gasp when buns only saw an eye watching through buns soul, as well with blue and red on her face.
"S-samoa...?" they said, their face going pale.
The concerned didn't responded and only kept looking the Fijian who started to hear voices. Not in buns head but outside but buns didn't knew if it was actually coming from ነa̶ጠo̶ል or someone.
But before buns could say something, F̸͔͒̓i̶̫͎͑̊j̸̢̥̒ï̸̪͋ h̸̬͊a̶̗̭̒v̶̡̪͌e̵͎̊ͅ f̷͈̝͘͠e̸̫͌ḽ̷̩̒t̶̯͆ s̷̠̕ỏ̴͍m̵̙̈́͒e̴̯͔̚t̴̢̘̽͌h̸̜͙̿̂i̶̝̇͟ņ̴̜̉͌g̵͇͐͝ b̸͈͑u̶̹͝r̸͇͙͐n̵͖̰̉̀ḭ̸̾n̶͇̠͛g̵̘̓ ĩ̵̯ṅ̶̮̳͝s̴͓͐i̸̦̻͒d̶̛͓e̸͈͊̉ ȟ̶̦ȩ̴̽r̴̼͎̍,̸̤̯͂̄ m̷̨̠͆å̴̫̹̀ì̶̑͟ṋ̴͈͊ĺ̵̰ỳ̴̟͓́ ḭ̷̘̒ṋ̴͙̆ h̸̜͌̿e̷̡̻̒ř̸͕͘ o̸̙̫̚r̷̛̥͒g̴͓̲̐â̷̖̣͝n̸̹͌ṡ̴̛̪̮,̸̩͎͆͠ m̶̳͕̀͗ȧ̵͔͑k̷̫͆ḯ̴̡̊ͅn̸̪͔͐g̴̨̎ t̴̼̱͛h̷̗̿è̷͉̎ͅm t̷̛̮̯́h̵̹̯̉r̵̟̟̀o̸̪̘̍ẅ̶͕̩́ ú̵̩̑p̵̝͐͝ f̶͈͑͐ē̵̗̝e̷̫̻͂͠l̶̟̜̐͘i̸͔̕ǹ̵̪͑ǵ̴̰͛ ĕ̷͈͌v̸̲̮̋̈ë̶͙ṉ̷͑ m̶͚̔o̷͎͊ŗ̴̻̆e̵̖̯͆ s̷̼̖͐ẗ̸̪́̌r̷̦̒o̸̱͋n̶̳͋g̸̕͜e̶͔͑͜ȓ̴͖̏.̵͉͝ W̷̢̻̆͛ḭ̶̖̀̉t̷͍̉͟h̵̩̊̚õ̵̞̘u̵͙̽̚ṭ̸̀̒ é̷̟͇͒v̷̘͍͂e̷̡̠͗n̵̲̖̈́̈́ ḧ̶̠̗́a̴̛̖̳v̶̮̘̓͡į̶͕̎̽n̵̠̅g̶͖̖͝ t̸̏͒͟h̴̨̻̐́e̵̟̋͋ t̵̫̒͠i̴͚͐m̷̡̜̈́͘e̷̜̎̏ t̷̩̄̍o̵͎̒ r̷̺͈̿ȅ̷͔g̵̯͋͑i̷̜̬̊͒s̵̓͜͝ͅt̶̥̹́ȅ̶͓̟r̵̼͒͂ w̵̻̓̀ͅḩ̴̑͘͟a̶͔̫̕͡t̶̲̀̃ ḫ̷̈́ȃ̸̮̘p̸̪͚̽p̴̢̄̉e̶͕͂̾n̴͍̅̈́ḙ̴̈́d̶̮̊,̴̜̪͂ b̴̬̈̄͟u̵̒͜n̷̢͍͋̆s̸̪̎ f̶̗̊͟e̷͍͘ĺ̶̠̬t̵̰̾̾ a̸̺͚̾n̴̢̛͡ ì̵̯n̴̞̈́̐t̵̮̔é̷̗̍n̴̗̊͑͜s̸̭̎e̴͔̐̕ p̸͈̒̓ä̸̜͝ï̸̲̬̾n̴̬̜̋ ì̴̤̄n̸̛ͅ b̷̙͋u̸͙̖͂n̷͍̥͒̅s̸̨̮̊͘ ş̴̰̋t̷̛͟ó̵̫̩m̷̪̅͠ǎ̵̰̜c̷̠̎h̵̝́͛͜ ȃ̸̧̌s̴̩͕̎ t̶̹̄̀͜ḧ̶̢͇́ȅ̸̡ F̵̻́͛i̵͔͗̓j̴̪́į̶̓͠å̵̲n̵͕̊ t̴̡͔̔͡ḧ̶̹́͝r̸͉̳͌ḙ̶̄̃ẃ̸̭ u̵͇̲͘p̶̦͈̃ b̵̡̈ͅĺ̴̞̥̈́o̷̬͘o̵͕͚̓͑d̸͔͒,̸̺̺̒̽ l̶̢̝̃ọ̴̩̊ö̴̪̬̑k̸͔̞̏i̴̢̚n̵̫͋g̶̛͔̖̋ h̸̞̙͆̚o̸͉̩̎r̴̙̅r̴̖͇̀i̶̞̎f̵̫͍̀i̴̧͋e̸̯̬̒̽d̶̨͊͑ à̵̺́t̸̰̋ t̶̛̖̫h̸̰̆͝è̸̬͌͜ ş̴̣̆̒î̴͔̮͡g̷̃ͅh̷̯͐ o̶̜͛f̴̒͊͜ t̸̤̒h̵̨̤͒̄ē̴̲͜ n̷̬̹̽̏u̸̲͓͋̌m̸̬͎̓͡ẹ̷̓r̴̰͐͝o̷̓̈ͅu̶̯̪͊̇s̶̯̔ a̸͇̝̾m̷͎̳̅ȍ̴̙̯̇ū̷̻͉n̸̛̯̱t̸̡̜̀ ǒ̷̰̕f̶͍̪̈̐ ḃ̵̤͝l̴̊̏ͅo̶̡̼͒ȍ̷͟d̵̬̼͗͡ s̸͉̄͠h̴̰̐ḛ̸̠̈͡ h̶̼̝͝a̷̧͐v̷̤͡è̴ͅ ļ̸̘̽͆o̸͛s̸̰̽t̷̥̪͑.̶̫̈́
̵͇̲͋A̷̢͍̐n̶̟̿̽ḋ̷͚̬͛ t̷̡̊͌h̸̬̀͜͝ä̵̧́̎t̸͇̋ d̴͍̊i̴͚̐d̶̟͋ǹ̸̫̘̃'̶̳̙̌̑t̷͐͟͜ o̷̦̓̓n̴͕̈́͟l̶̰̓͝ÿ̶̻̥́̏ c̶̛̬̓à̶̡͆m̶̙͊͠e̶̼͠ o̸͚͔͋̑u̷̧̍̑t̶̨̔̀ ó̴͓f̵̨͗̊ h̵̩͘e̶͙̽͘r̷̯̚ ḿ̵͓͝o̴̲͂u̶̢̿̅t̴̺̗͌h̸͍̏̾.̴̧͊͛
̶̡̼̑H̶̠̆͝e̶̻̖͠r̴̭̥̈̀ s̵͈̽t̵͈̀ȍ̵͈͂m̵͜͝à̵͟c̵̦̅̐h̵̘̬͐ ẘ̸̛͖͇a̴͇͝s̴͓͙̍ b̶̮̉̈l̶͎͊ê̷͇̆e̵͖̓̏d̸̟͟͡ĩ̵͍ǹ̸̪͗g̷̢̮̓ i̶̟͔͝n̷̙͍͂ a̴̲͐̊ǹ̵͎̭ ả̸̤̤l̶̢̞͐a̸̪̤̓r̶̘͊m̷̖͐i̴̠͇̊ň̶̻͕̽g̵̼͔̾ r̵̲̱̋̃a̸͖̳̾͝t̴͉͌ȩ̸̻̅̅,̵̖͂̂͜ h̶͉̏̿e̶̲̦͊̿r̸̩͉͘ i̸̩̰̅ń̶͈͙t̶̜̉̏è̶͙͘s̵͎̆t̷̲͉̕̚i̷̲̺̓ṋ̵̋̓ë̴͓̮́ c̴͖̘̈̓o̶̖̐ṃ̴̝̉i̶̳͇͋̆n̴͖̆̉ͅg̶̱̯̋̓ ö̶͇͇́ù̴̦͜ẗ̴͉͒ f̷̪͕͗r̴̦̐̾o̵̰̅͟m̶̖̈ i̴̩̙̽́t̸̢͕͒ a̶̗̱̋͝s̵̈́͜ ẅ̸̩́e̵͍͋͜l̶̰͎͊̌l̷̡̗̋́ a̷͙̒s̷͉̲̓ h̵̨͍̏e̵̟̟̓͠r̴͈͎̒̈́ p̸̰̔̕ḷ̷͈͝á̴͙̕͜c̵̨̺̿͝ḙ̶͆n̷̼͔̈̀t̴̰̼̃͒ą̴̃ w̶̗̒̇ḫ̸̐̾i̷̹͙͌̓ĺ̵̮̔e̸̬͗ o̷̘̊̑t̵̩͚́ȟ̵͕ͅe̴̜͈̋r̸͚̲̅͝ õ̵͈ṟ̷̺̿̇g̶̡̻̐̇ā̴̤̈ń̴̻̻s̸̭̈́ͅ c̴̣͠ḁ̶̟̀̀m̶͕̏e̴͕͒̎ o̸̬̊͝ụ̶̻̉t̴͖̘̊̀ ȯ̷̼̜f̵̠͕̀̏ i̵̡͚̎ẗ̶͇́,̸̳̦̀ t̵͓̿e̶̺͇̾à̷͍̟̀r̴͖͑̓ì̵̛̥ṇ̵̮̽̊g̸̺̩͆ h̸̡̊͠ẽ̷͓̝̀r̶̟̓ s̴͎̎̎t̶̢͒̇o̷͔͛̓m̷͉̈a̴̙̺̓č̴͜ḧ̸̩͕̉ a̶͙̓̕p̸̻̫͑͋a̶̻̔r̶̮̀̃t̶̡͙̄.̷̻͙̍
̵̡͔̅Ḭ̵͗t̸̥̦̿͊ w̷̥͕̓̽a̵̯͖͐̄ş̷̮̌ a̴̟̤͗̿ v̵̝̑͘i̸̫͗̓c̷̹̄͡i̶̦̬͘o̶̹̓̀ṵ̵̈́͝s̷̡̢̾͌ c̵̮͐͊i̷̦̺̇̏r̷̨̋c̷̛̮l̷̫͒͋e̵̺͛̈́.̶̫͊̋ S̸̭̝̊h̵̘͉̎e̸͙̲̍͗ c̵͔͆o̶̘̞̕u̶͉̓́ǵ̶͓̫̆h̴͇͊̊͜é̸̩̋d̸̖͙͑ ǎ̴͉n̴̪̒͝d̸̨́̃ t̷̨͚̆͋h̵̳̋ŗ̶̃e̵̛̦̩w̴̦͇̓ u̸̥̦͋͆p̸̙͌ b̵͖̬̔ḽ̸̹̄͝o̷̞͕̓ȍ̸̟̙͝d̷͎̍̀,̵͚͊ h̸̤̆e̸͔̿̔r̴̺̦͝ o̴̩͊͡r̵̢͛̋͟g̶̘̅́a̶̙͚͠n̴̦̊s̴̳̒ w̷̢͊ǫ̸̗̋̈u̵̻̎l̵͓̑d̷̹̈́ c̴̤̥̋ó̷̢̑m̶̮̙͂̾ẹ̸̫͊ ǒ̷̲̽ṵ̶̌̾t̷̘͔̉ f̴̗͉̌u̶̧͔̚r̴̨̀̋t̶̛̟͆h̴̟͟͠e̶͍͙̿͝r̶̘̝̄,̴̫̊ m̷̼̞̆̉o̸̝͗ř̵͚̑͜e̵͍̙͛ o̴̝̖̾f̷̱̓̚͟ t̸̗̫̊́ẖ̸͔̈͒i̵̡̦͊͘ŝ̸̮͗ r̵̞̠͂e̴̬̰̎d̷̺͖̉d̴̛̺̜̀ī̷͇s̸̛̮̰̓h̷̜͠ ḷ̸̈̀i̵̛̜̞̓q̸̍͊͟u̸͚̔͡ỉ̷̩̔͟d̶̗͝ w̵͇̟̄͌o̶̹̳͛̏ṳ̴̽̚ͅl̸͍͆d̶̲̀͝ d̸̼̅ǐ̴͇r̶̠̎̄ͅt̸̺͆y̶͖̠̾̔ t̷̫̆h̶̢̋̉e̸̯̖͝ f̸̦̔͝l̵̰͎̈́o̴͉͊̊ȏ̴̬̮͝r̷̗͒̔.̵̼̯͌ I̵͘ͅţ̴̬̃ w̷̙͕͂̌a̴̺̣͊̈́s̷̭͍̄͝ a̷̭̍͐n̸̝͊̿ ę̵̠̌n̷͙̿͝d̷̦̣̓͡l̶̬̚͝ȩ̴͗s̷͕̫̄s̶̢̀̕͟ c̵̹͘ͅi̶͂̿͟r̸̫̺̚c̸̛̘̿l̸̥̍ė̷̩͋ ö̷̻́̐f̵̺̬͌ ť̷̞͇o̷͔͛͜r̷̺̓̾t̵̥̫͊ú̵̯ͅr̶̺̻͐̂ȅ̵̝͈.̷̲̆̅ W̴̢͗̈ḧ̷̲́a̶̭̺͋ţ̶͇̄ d̶͖͋̀i̵͍͒́͜ḓ̵̆ s̷̻͇͂̎ĥ̷͔͆e̵͈̐̾ d̷͚̹̉o̸̻̍ t̷͎̅o̸͕͂̕ d̸̜͖̀̃e̴̫̓̈́ŝ̴̖̜ē̸̙̣̏r̶̳̦̈́v̷̡̙̀e̶͓̅̆ ȉ̷͙̏t̶͚̐͝?̵͎̔ W̴͇͊ą̸̓̀s̴͇̚͠ i̷͈͆t̸͉͉̊͡ r̵̯͝ę̶́͆a̸͛͟l̶̜̫̓̌l̸̛͈͚͒y̷̖̬̿ S̴͐ͅä̵̙́ṁ̶̺o̵̍͜à̶̙͠?̶̪̞̀ Ó̶̫ȑ̴͈̣ s̷̞̐͜o̸̱͝ṃ̷̒e̸͙̯̋ọ̴͋͗ṇ̶̝͝e̴̦̒̑ e̶̝͛l̵͖̈́̄s̵̟̃͛ë̷̡͉͒?̸͓̊͊ S̶̩̦͗̈́a̸̡͋͛͜m̵̛̤͋o̵̮̘̔a̸̺͛ ẘ̷̟̘o̴̭̖̿ṳ̷͒l̶̦͐̒d̴̻͒ͅ n̶̢̨̅͆ȩ̷̑͟v̴̧̏͛e̶̼̺̍́r̶͎̅ h̶̟͝a̶͔̒v̶͚͋̕ë̶͙̤͆ t̶̯͉́h̸̜͋́ȋ̸̬̫͑s̵̘̒̿͟ m̴͕͈̔ů̸̙̒c̴̤̳̐h̴̻͑ p̴̗̈́͛ǒ̶̜̼w̸̙̉̈e̵̮͋r̶̡̓͟,̸͕̓͝ i̸͇̔ẗ̴͓̰́̃ w̶͈̬̓̌a̴̙̹͌̕s̴͕̅͋ i̷̹͑̉ͅṃ̸̪͘͝ṕ̴̟̰͠o̷̲̅͡s̶̎͟s̸̹̈́í̸̹b̵̰͂̌l̸̺̥͑͝e̸̦̔̊!̷̘̽
̸̳́Ę̷̞͠v̴̲̓̈ě̵̝r̵͍̺̈́̀y̴̛̛͇ṱ̸̓ͅḣ̸̝̻͡ì̶̥n̵̝͑̕g̶̠̈ h̵̦̑̒ủ̸͔̙r̶̺̔͊t̷̼̬͝ś̷̨̫̕,̷͉́͜͠ ȩ̵͓̈̽v̸̗̳̓ḙ̴͈́̒r̶̺̅ý̶͎̥ṫ̵͇̣̑h̷̰̓ͅí̷͉͝n̶̪̈͝ĝ̴͓͙̽ b̸͎̄͂ų̴̥̅r̷͖͓̈́n̶̢̛̲͋e̸̼̮͗d̶͓͟͝ a̴̭͡n̶̮͡͠d̴̦͔͌ h̶̲͚̏ȩ̷̬͝͠ȑ̸̩͖ ẗ̶ͅȇ̴͇ą̷̣̿̈́r̴͖̞̍s̷̓̅ͅ w̴̲̖̍a̶̜̝͐̕s̷̟͖͗͌ m̴͔͒i̴͓̚͟ș̵͕͛̾é̵̹r̶̥͝a̴̮͓͆̄b̶̧̂̚l̵̃ͅe̶̛̟͋ i̷̮̲͆̑n̶̹̏ c̶̛̭͈o̴̙̬͗͂ṇ̸̐͌ț̵̺͒̃r̷̘͂͊a̷̼̜̾͂ŝ̷̺t̸̝̋ͅ ȍ̵̦̀f̶̞̿̔ t̸̯̜͝͝h̴̬̫͗e̸͇̯̾̍ b̵͚̈́ḽ̴̀̾o̶͖̐o̶͉͋͗d̸͚̟̂̈́ ş̴̈̀ĥ̷̜̟ȇ̵̖̻ h̶̙̊͠a̷̻͘v̸͆͜é̷͓̒ l̴̜̳̊ò̵̳͕s̷͔̈́̕t̵͙̚.̵̦͓̎
̵̙̊͘M̴̡͓̉̎e̶̡̿å̸̖̂n̶̝̜͗w̵̘̱̔́h̷̖͆̕i̵̝̽̔l̴̺͗e̴̱̋ "̸͓͙̔S̵̞͋ä̵̳́̈m̸̡͠ȏ̸̺̱ȧ̶͔"̶̠͛ s̴͖̈́ṫ̷̗i̴̮͇̎ĺ̵̻̓l̴̪̄ l̵̯̬̈́ỏ̵̺ͅo̵̩̓k̵̗̼̆ȩ̴̭́d̸͙̯͑ ȧ̶̡̈́t̷̮̻̋̅ h̸̜̼̕e̷͕͑̽r̷͇̲̉̀,̸̩̌ w̵͈̒ĭ̵̳̍t̵͓̀h̴̝́ t̷̥͔͒̈́h̶̞̭̽͝e̶͇͚̚ s̷̠̤̈a̶͖̓͐m̸̟͈̓ë̷̡̱̈́ h̸͓̿ư̸̤̼̅n̶̨̥͒ĉ̸̣̍ͅh̴̘̎̂ȩ̷̄ḍ̶̝̀ p̸̡̭͒̏ȏ̷̼̆s̸̖̓̒ì̵̬͙͋t̶͙͠ĭ̸͉͘ö̷̧́n̸̙͋̾,̵̪̒̎ o̴͉̤͑̊n̸̢̮̏l̷̩͂y̵̞͗ ḧ̷̢͙́͂e̶͎͆r̵̡͊ e̵̤̿̽y̵̬̟͂e̵̻͌ w̸̮͋ͅa̸̗̍͡s̷̤͖̏͑ v̸̰̌i̴͚̅s̴̢̎ì̷̼̪b̴̟̭̏͂l̶̢͋͝e̴͕̕ ä̵̦̮́s̷͕̔̂ h̵̢̻̒̋e̶̘̍̈r̵̞̓ ḫ̴͘ǎ̷̙̕ñ̵̯̻̐ḍ̶̇̉s̶̪͋̓ w̶͙̒ė̴͓̟̒r̷̜̔͛ͅè̷͇ a̵̲͠l̵̟̈s̵͇̥̏ǫ̵͔̋ a̵͖̋b̵͕̀͜ņ̸̢̅͝ȏ̷̫͊ȓ̴͌͜m̷̼̦̚a̷̫̾ḷ̵̾l̷̦̕y̶̡̮͂͋ ç̵͎̀r̵̪͕̾ơ̶̬͓͝ȏ̴̻̥̚k̷̬̱̆̏e̸̖̦͊̏d̵̙͌ a̵̞̠̓̾ǹ̷͟d̸̩͇͂ b̷̪̆̃ḽ̶̗̓̈ợ̶̉o̷̘̚͠d̵̄̈́ͅy̷̦͇̿.̸̦͝ S̴͈͚̿̈h̴͇̅͝ȅ̵̙̟͊ l̶̄͒ͅo̶̮̽͝o̵͇̅̀ͅǩ̶̳̞̒é̶̘d̸̜̕ ả̵̳t̶̥͎͊͡ ĥ̵̬͂ē̵̘̮͝r̴̮̪̂͋ f̴̜͓́̚r̸̜̈́͑i̵͔̮̇̌ē̴̻̜̈́n̷̡̩͌͐d̴̤̤̐̚ ẅ̴̫i̷̡͗͘t̶̜͕̓͝ḩ̶̠̋ a̵̝͈̾n̵̛̝̄ i̸̙̞͠n̴̯͆͛͜ḍ̴͌̑ͅe̶̖̪͂̈́s̵͈̖͒͊c̵̮̄͡r̷̺͍̍̑ị̴̩͑b̴̍͜͟ă̸̠̯͒b̵͂̔ͅl̶̞̗̀͋e̴̗͋ e̵̱̋̇x̸͔͖̋p̸̥̮͝ŗ̴̗́e̴͉͈͋š̷̢̙s̴̨̛i̸̎ͅo̷̰͈̓n̷͓̮̊ o̵̼͡n̵͙͇̏ h̵̝́e̴̯̗͋͝r̴̬̫̒̀ f̷̏͝ͅa̶̝̋͒c̵͚̅͝ĕ̷̟͙̅ a̶̖͊̾s̶̊͜ F̸͔̽͝i̵͉̗͑̆j̶̯̒i̶̞͐ ẘ̵̨̧a̶͙̩͋̂s̴̖͒ s̵̭̑͐ͅt̷̤̹̉i̴̝̠̐l̸͙̭̔ḻ̵͘ s̴̛͉̭ṵ̷͈̓f̸̮̣͘f̴̩̮͌e̷̋͜r̵̻̒i̵͖̍n̴̳͘g̸̲͖͊ ỉ̴͖̳̕n̵̺͒̒ h̶̥̮͊̿o̸̓͟r̵̗̎̑r̵̥̲͊́e̴̲͆͐n̷̗͆ḋ̸̡͆͟ȯ̸̢͇̊u̴̮͡ͅs̸̡̈́ p̶̪̞̈́a̶̔͘ͅḯ̵̢͕̀n̴̝̰̑̕.̷͖̈́͝ D̷̻̾ȇ̷͇̯s̴̼͚̒p̵͇͖̍̾ǐ̴̧t̷̩͖̀͗ę̸͓̔ ẗ̴͔́ḫ̴̙͛e̷̝͋͐í̸͕͈͡r̴͙̫̊ ḅ̴̑̕ľ̷̻̘͑u̶̥̝̎r̶̞̠̾̇r̶̠͕̚y̵̩̓͝ v̴͓̾i̸̩̎͑͟ś̴̩̺ỉ̴̡̭ò̴̹͓͒n̵̘̫͝,̵͇̮̚ t̸͙̰̚ḧ̶͂ͅȩ̴͊͂ F̵̦̅͜i̷̢͡j̸̳̉í̷̟̩̋a̸̠̦̐n̴̦̓ t̵̗͡r̵̺͌i̷͇͙̎e̴̫̲͊͊ḓ̸̇̿ͅ t̸̓͜o̷̩̽ ľ̵͙ȍ̶̩ő̵͍̓k̸͖͒̍ a̴͔̚t̴̞̗̄́ h̷̲̊͗é̴̩̬́r̸͆͛͟ f̶̠͌̋r̴̲͙̃͡i̴̜̺͊e̸̙͊̀ǹ̶̯d̸̺͓͋ ǫ̷̔̓r̷̨̩̍ a̶̤̳͠t̴̮̫̀̉ l̶̺̿e̴̛̗å̴̬͚͐s̴̖̿t̷͇̭̊̊ w̶̋͜ḩ̶͖̏a̷̼͊ť̴̝ w̸̛̠̩̕a̸̯̚s̴̡̑ l̶̰͚̾e̷̠̾f̶̞͇̌ţ̷̈́͗ w̸̝̠̚͝h̷̪͘i̶̭͊c̵̳͑h̵̜̪̑ ẅ̵̞́ǎ̴͔ͅs̴͉̃̅ p̸̠̦̓r̷̢̆̂ọ̶̬̈b̸͇̽a̵͙̍̀͟b̶̘͒l̷̥̆̀ÿ̸̠́ ỏ̸̚ͅn̵͕̈́͜ľ̶̬͍y̷͇̦̏ t̷͎͌ͅh̵̝̣̽e̸̟͝ b̵̭̋͐o̴̢͙͑͌d̸̥̉͘ẙ̶̲̄.̸̟͒̊ Š̶̘͇t̴̥̋͟i̴͚͎̋̀l̷̯̘̀l̵̻̃ w̸͕̓i̵͔͘t̴̰͈͐͊h̵̟́ọ̵̮̉ú̶͔̙̒t̶͙̄ w̶̜̿̂ǫ̶͌̕r̷̻͉̍ḑ̶̀s̴̠̐̊,̷̬̗̈̋ "̷̱̅͝S̵̡̮̎á̴̝̩m̸̲̄͑ȏ̵̡ͅã̶̭"̵̺̽ ẉ̵̐ͅẻ̷̹̲̓n̴͔͙͝͝t̴̼͈̑ f̸̯̺̈́̓o̷̠̯͝r̶̜̙̾ẅ̵̯ă̴̰̠̈́r̵̫̘͝d̶̟͋͠ a̶̱̹̍s̸̞̱̐̚ F̵͙̯̀ḯ̶̠̲̚j̶͖̾i̸̳͛ t̶͕͙̉r̵͖͇̎͊i̶͕̊͂e̸̢͊̒d̶̙͍̑͘ ẗ̷͕̰́ŏ̸͈̻ s̴̗̫̍̓ṱ̵̼̓͆e̷̎͟p̷̡͆ b̶̖̰̎á̵̫͟c̷̗̊͑͜k̸͖̳͒,̵̙̅̚ r̷̬̓e̴̡̋͟s̸͚͙̃t̶̬͔͡ṙ̷͚̝̾a̷̻̱̚i̴̳̮̽n̸̟̠̿͗i̵̛̩ń̶̹g̵̦̑̉ t̷̘͊h̶͈̼̚e̷̼͊͝ ų̶͇̆r̵͔̒g̷̡̲̾̿ė̴̠͕̒ t̴̬̒̓ö̸̺͈́ t̷͙̉̐h̶̝͗͆r̴̥̓̐o̶̥͒̋w̵̝͖͗͗ ų̵̦͊̕ṕ̴͓͟ ä̷̻̖g̸̤̀a̶͓͎͌̀i̸̙͑̃n̶̫̅̇.̷̝̇
̶͇͇͑"̷̢̬͋G̶̦̼̅-̶̖̓͝ǵ̷̘͓̊ó̷͍ ā̵̗͉̽ẇ̶̟a̴̗̤̋ÿ̷̼͇́.̸͚̐.̵̛͔̰.̴̪͚͛̀"̸̗̭̈́ ţ̸͐h̶̛͈̫͛ȅ̸̗̄y̵̟̠͝ t̴̳̒͡r̷̢̩͑i̷͔͔̊e̷̮͝d̵̻̥͆̽ t̴͇̋̉ó̷̟́ p̷̧̹̌͝l̴̘̾ẹ̷̢̑̕a̴̛̠d̸̲̚͟͝,̸͙̠͝ w̸̞͂͒i̴͍͋́ẗ̴͉́͜͠h̷̖͌̉ d̵̼͗ȉ̶̼̓f̷̡̅f̶̧͍͊͆ȋ̶̝̍c̸̤͚̏u̵̯̐͝l̸̲͋t̸͙̼͊i̴̧͌̄ě̸̺̖͊s̶̜̏ b̷͉̈́e̵̙̮̎͋c̶͔͉͂ā̶̛̟̺u̷̖̼͌s̵̭͋e̷̹͙͛͗ o̵̤͗̓f̵̨̢̍ ṯ̸̀h̸̹͝e̸͕̍̈́ ḅ̸̙̈̉l̶̗̣͑̋o̵̲̔͝o̴̗̓͜d̵̠͈́͠ i̴̠̪͋͝n̷̫͓̏͛ș̵̈́i̶͈̳͒̂d̵͍͘e̶̓͟ t̴̡̪͌ḧ̷̡̩́̓e̷͇͓̊ĭ̵̗͗r̷̟̾ m̴͈̄o̵̙̘͆͆u̴̪͑t̴̞̰͑͋h̷̟̺́͝.̷͍͐ͅ
̷̢̛B̸̫͙̒͡ù̴̟t̷͙̄̓ "̷̳̊S̶͓̍à̸̗̺͊m̴̲͌͟o̸̡̾͘á̸̟̒"̴̖̌̊͜ ḓ̷̄͟i̵̙̜̽ď̴͖͝n̷̗͗'̶̫̈t̸̮̗́̊ l̴̢͓̇i̶̫͒̅s̵̡̓͐t̴̥̓́ě̷̮n̴̪̥̊e̴̜͆̋d̸͕̯̍͒ a̸̓ͅṉ̸̊d̶̢̍ o̴̪̔n̶̡͍̈́l̷͟͝y̵̘̕͡ w̵̰͆e̵̗̎̔ǹ̶̠̎t̸̥͎̎ f̴̲͝u̵̺̇̿r̸̮͗t̷̨̜̆̌ḧ̸̞e̵̺̎ṟ̶̛̭̓m̴̩̳̈́o̵̝̰̐̚r̸̝͕̄e̶͓͊ ṱ̷͇̍ọ̸͍͠w̷̩̕ǎ̷̤̝̏ȑ̴ͅḑ̸͈̐ ṱ̷͘͘ḣ̴̢̞̓è̸̝̺m̵͇̥̕ ä̸̻̗́n̸̳̦̓d̸̖̓̑ ḁ̶̮̄̚ v̴̧͋̿o̴̼͛̚ỉ̷͉̚c̵̢̈́̆é̸̖͆ c̸̡̙̕a̷͚̻̓m̴̖͂e̸̡̲̓̚ f̵̼̮̑r̶̢͈̊̓o̴̹͚͌m̶͔̿ h̴̠̔e̸̳͌̔r̴̜̭̐ m̴̪̽̒ò̷̧͕̅u̶̟̣̿t̸̩̣̅͒h̶̡͆͐.̵͈̔͝
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Ȧ̴̩͖̚s̶̳̲͠ ș̸̻̓͆h̵͔̮͝e̷̡̯̎ p̴̲̌̊r̷̖̺͛̃ŏ̸͉̗n̴̺̓̂õ̴̩u̸̞͛n̴͎͙̽̆c̴̢̉̿e̶̞͆̕d̵͉̑ ṯ̶̀͘h̷͇̖́ǫ̶̟͊͐s̸̤͝ȇ̴̢͈̀ w̴̰͝ö̵͓͕́̑r̴̢̺͂͆d̶͓̃̒s̴̠͒̓,̴̳̝̈́̊ F̶͉̅ǐ̷̞̬̔j̶̘͛̚i̴̢̕ f̶̺̟̑͡ě̶̬͜l̴̦̈́͝t̵̪̾̀ h̴̩͎̔ȩ̴̢̿̚r̷̩͚̈́̈́ş̷̉̿e̴̫̍l̵̳̔̎f̵̫̲̆ e̵̳̭̐v̶͈͗e̸̡̱͗̎n̵̛͟͠ m̴̤͇͡o̴̰̔̎r̶̠̆ē̵ͅ c̵̳͍̈́̌o̶̧̩͑̂l̸͚͋l̸̻̒̍a̵̗̅ṕ̴̬̒s̵̩̮̀i̵̯̞͂͂n̵̢͉̾g̶̣̍͊ ä̵̚͜s̴͖̅͆ s̴̪̈́̿ȟ̶̪͚e̷̦̚ f̶͓͒͘ĭ̷̡̚n̷̳͛ă̵̧͉l̶̯͙͛̄ļ̸̽y̶̜̩̿ s̷̖͋c̵͈̤̒̅r̸̳̱̽e̷̝̅̌a̶̲͊̓m̵̼͂͂ḙ̶̀̒d̸̮̞̈́͒ i̶͙͂͑ǹ̸͕̥͗ a̶̪͌ͅg̴̲̙̓͘o̴̬̚n̴̖͚̿y̶̛̳.̴͇́̈ B̸͈͚͆ủ̴͔n̷͖͑͆ṣ̷̬̒͝ d̷͇̽͂i̸͖̓͗d̴͈̑̕n̷̜̮͝'̸̞̯̀t̶̹̓̎ h̸̙͇̑ä̶̞́d̸̞̈ a̶̪͡ v̴̖̱̐i̵̦̒͝s̸̝̈́î̷̪̐o̴͚͂n̴͎͚̈́ á̷͍̆n̷̠͑̊y̸̳̋m̷̤͌o̷̡̬͛ṛ̵̓e̷͈͠,̸̘̍ ȏ̵͕̼ņ̵͍̄͑ľ̴̳̻͡y̶̥͔͐̌ c̷̱̻̉ṛ̷͂e̷̻͗͘e̷͉͕̊̈́p̶͎͓͋̆y̷̪̋ v̶̦͝ǒ̷͉͗į̷̿c̶̨͔͘͝ȩ̵͔̽͝ś̴̬͔͋ a̵̞̓n̷̨̆d̵̝͆͛ ū̷͖̌n̴̟͐͊k̶̞̆n̵̰͛̓o̸̩̼̔w̵͕̐͗n̵̜͝ l̴̳͇͆a̶͍͝n̵̜̍̾g̶̡̃ụ̵̀â̸̙ǵ̵̬̃e̵͎̾͡s̴̹̹͝͡ ȃ̸̺͒s̴̱̹̀ ń̵̤ȕ̵͙͝m̶̧͂e̸̡͈͛̃r̸̗͒́ó̸̺̻̃u̶̥̮͊s̵̗̋ f̵̼́̍a̵̺̐̾c̸͉̝̄̓e̵̟̔̄ w̸͔̉̍e̶̝̞̍̚ń̵̙̫͒t̴̺̎̂ p̷̢̱̾à̷̳̹̏ŝ̶̙̰͝t̷̀ͅ i̶͓͗n̶̦̐ ḧ̷̢͈́̽ȩ̶̐r̵͎̈́̀ m̴̧͇̓ȋ̸̘̣n̶̟̄̃d̸̯̜̆͊.̶̺̯̎̒ I̸̢̞͂n̷̰͊̚ h̵̲̱͑͐ȇ̸̛̞r̶̮͒ ḽ̵̞̄͛a̴͙̘̋͑s̴͈͡t̶̡͎͑͊ b̷͕̗͝r̴̢͆͊e̵̪͌̑ä̴͓͉́͠t̸͈̿̈́ͅh̸̀͟,̴̲̈́ s̸͉̱̀͂h̸̢̝̋͑e̴̱̚ s̸̖̲̓a̴̞̔w̶̦͈̚ ḟ̶̧̙u̵͎̦̾̀l̵͉͝l̴̳̇ý̸͈̜̉ ẁ̶̢͟h̸̨͈͆̚a̵͎̙̍̐t̴̺̄̇ͅ ȑ̶̨̻̊e̷̢̎̍m̴̡̳̊͠â̷̙͘i̵̤̕n̶̨̫͊̃ë̷͎̩́d̴͉͈͊̐ ȯ̴̤͇f̶̻̤͐ S̸̱̪̆ḁ̴̯̈ḿ̸͚̪ỏ̶̯͊a̸͖̹͒ w̸̳̟͌h̷̛̯̝͆i̴̱͛̌c̵̳̙̔͗ḧ̴͍́́ w̷͕̽͜a̸̭̮͗̑ṣ̶͒ ä̵͙̲́ c̶̟̄r̸̓̍͟u̸͈͓̚m̷̡̅ḇ̷̍̇ĺ̶̟̮́e̵̮̋d̶̝̂͂ f̷̟́̈a̵͖̍̐c̸̪͝ͅẹ̴̳́ ã̵͈͒n̵̛̹̈d̷̼͚̆̏ a̵̎̓ͅ c̵̠͚̀͘r̶̞̬͌o̸̜̎͐ó̴̮̚k̷͊͟͡e̵̳͂ͅd̸̨̯͋̾ s̶̾̒͜m̷̻͠ḯ̶͖͋l̸̝̉͂l̷̥͋ w̸̱̖̾͒i̵̺̹̍̉t̴̨̮̓͝h̴̢̼͆ ṃ̸̋͟ȋ̵̥̇s̵̫̏̂͟ş̷̈́͡ỉ̷̙̭n̵̤͗ġ̷͟ l̴͙͇̅i̸̙͗̔p̵̛̪͊s̷̩̋̀ a̸̤̱̋ṋ̴̀d̶͈̖̾ t̶͚̹̓́ẻ̸̹ē̶͉͔̔t̵̡̖̂h̶̞̩͑͠,̵̼̼̇̚ ļ̴͇̿i̸̡̽͊͜k̵̺̜̓e̶̛̤ ä̴̭̞ b̵̺̑ȑ̵̜o̷̰͟͠k̶̰̀ḙ̵̆̉n̴͎̒ ḑ̶̉͜ơ̴̢̫͊l̴̢̠̊̈́ḽ̴͖̇̊.̴̨̅ Ȃ̷̤̣̀n̵͙͊ḋ̷̳̍ f̶͙͋ị̶̓̉n̵̺̿̽ả̶̧͈͐ḽ̸̫͊l̷̡̹͊̂y̵̲̓,̵̫̽̾ F̵̨̒ḯ̸̞̥j̴̗̠̓ǐ̷̜.̵̺͖̀͠.̶̯̠̉͑.̷̟̈́
W̶͓͔͒̑́̓́̚ A̷̢̟͓̮͖͋̓̾̅̀͂ͅͅ K̷̞͈̘̾́͐͝͡ E̷͇̤͚̗͔̿͊͂̒̚͡ͅͅ U̴̲̮̾̒̀͊̅͘ P̶̢̹͈̼̣͙̀̈́͡ F̸̡̧̮̲͇͛̓̀̂ Î̵͖͇̘̩̦̝̝̓͆̆̀̕͡ J̵̢̨̛͕̱̩̲̹͂̈́̃͝ Ḭ̷̡̹̊̒̃̽͘͝ W̷̧̛͈͙̘̐́ A̶̪͔͔̍̈́͟ K̸̘̱͓̲͛̊̀͋ E̴͙̻̕͜͟ U̴̜̠̱͈̘̲̇̉̾̋͡ P̶̦̜͐̽́̔̌͝
Fiji was on the floor when she woke up.
She was sweating heavily and had wide eyes, as her breath was shaky and irregular. Buns frantically looked around, holding buns knees up to buns chest, fearing at this rate anything.
But to their surprise, there was nothing, at least unusual.
No blood. No scream. No organs. Only her and the clean bathroom.
The Fijian blinked numerous times, not processing the scenery, still shivering a little.
What the fuck just happened and was that??
Was all of this just a stupid dream?? But it seemed so real to be one! But then, a vision or an hallucination? Impossible. Fiji didn't had that ability and hallucinations don't cause that much... Horrific experience.
Then maybe a nightmare? It would probably explain how absurd all of this was. But why it seemed so... Real? As if it actually happened??
Because Fiji really felt something unusual on her stomach.
Out of instinct, the personification directly got up, ignoring the small moment of the faint feeling, and immediately checked if their friends didn't locked them up like last tim- I mean in the nightmare.
Yeah. Nightmare.
Fortunately, they didn't locked her up so she quickly opened the door, as if there was a fire that she would want to avoid at all costs, and looked around, getting even more surprised.
All of buns friends were there, on the floor, asleep. Malaysia was there, still wearing her hibiscus and peaceful and so did Samoa, who didn't seemed possessed well in Fiji's view. But the most surprising was Palau who was still alive, not seeming to feel pain or dissolve into ashes and the other who leaned on the wall, arms crossed and snoring. The Fijian blinked in confusion.
"Wait what happened?? Was I that long inside??" buns asked to bunself.
That was until they heard birds chirping and saw sunlight through the window. They widened their eyes.
"Wait I really stayed in there for that much hours???!" they've said out loud, even more surprised.
They quickly shut their mouth when one Marshall islands grumbled before moving a little and going back to their slumber. Fiji sighed but this time in exasperation and quietly and cautiously went to the living room in order to rest up a little. No. Rest up A LOT because right now, there was too much going on in their heads.
It had to be a nightmare. A very long, horrifying and traumatic nightmare. They were safe and alive now, right? Malaysia's head didn't go away, Palau didn't dissolved, Samoa wasn't possessed and Marshall islands, Kiribati and Tonga were completely okay. No mangled bodies, no scream, no blood. Everything was fine. Well, buns hoped.
But the only thing Fiji was very sure about is the fact that she would never go back to that damned bathroom ever again for a long time.
Archive of our own version
Wattpad version
{8774 words}
Ahem. Anyways.
I hope you enjoyed it Milow, if not sorry I'll redo it if you want-
(I never thought I would something more longer than the Red velvet x Black raisin one-shot lmao-)
Posted : 14/05/2023
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8 notes · View notes
amedyne · 2 years
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21 notes · View notes
senig-fandom · 4 years
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ok, ellos estuvieron facilitos X3 si había referencias y muchos los medio conocen XD
Los de oceanía tienen el problema de perder una parte de su cuerpo, ya que oceanía, por el miedo se fue separando y se realizaron islitas.
Son países algunos adultos y otros jóvenes adolescentes, no llega a América que casi la todos son muy niños o jóvenes.
Estos son los nombres 
Estados Federados de Micronesia 
Islas Salomón
Islas Marshall
Nueva Zelanda
Papúa Nueva Guinea
Islas Cook
Espero y les guste, El proximo seria Europa, pero estará en alto esto, hasta que yo avise XD
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askdownunder · 15 days
What kind of hobbies do you guys have? What do you like to do in your freetime?
Australia - Engineering/Crafting
New Zealand - Surfing &
Papua New Guinea & Nauru - Debating/ Rambling
Tonga, Palau, Fiji & Kiribati - Dancing
Just to name a few…
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amedyne · 2 years
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Man boobs :]
8 notes · View notes
amedyne · 2 years
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4 notes · View notes
minimag1c · 2 years
Ahem sorry.
Also not a cookie run one-shot this time, it's countryhumans. OK. Outrageous.
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It was Supposed to Be a Rendez-vous At The Cinema But Oh God What's happening
Characters :
🇺🇸Usa |He/They (Questioning afab/panromantic asexual)
🇨🇿Czechia |She/They (Genderfluid afab/aromantic asexual)
🇵🇱Poland |She/Her (Cis female/bisexual)
🇩🇪Germany |He/Him (transgender ftm/unlabeled)
Request by Ambery101
➪Disclaimer :I don't know how to write chaos so I've just tried to make it at least interesting so uh yeah sorry in advance-
"what about the roller-coaster? Apparently a new one just opened recently and it seems cool" Czechia said as she sipped a little bit from her Malinovka drink while Germany looked at his phone, trying to find anything places who were still open for this hot Sunday. The two alongside with Poland and -surprisingly- Usa just decided to hang out together since they didn't do it that much.
But it seems like the date was really a bad idea.
Of course, it was Sunday and that's means not a lot of buildings and other places for entertainment and other things such as restaurants, karaokes or swimming pools were closed. There wasn't a lot of people as well outside because they were in their house resting from the rough week while other can't even work like Tonga because it was against her country's rules.
At least they were lucky that this one was open for some times.
Poland took a bite of pierogi and looked at the Czech girl. "Mmh I'm not really into the roller-coaster thingie, I'm not a fan of height to be honest" she shrugged as she put down her fork and wiped her mouth with a small towel.
Czechia frowned a little but just let it pass, maybe there would be more places to go. "Alright then. let's see something else..." she checked the other places who were still open while Ame kept drinking his cranberry juice, still looking at Germany's phone who seemed to struggle a little to find one as well.
"Mmh... What about this karaoke? I've never been there but apparently it has a lot of positive reviews" he suggested as Usa finished the last drop of his drink and shrugged his shoulders. "sounds good to me! " Germany acquiesced too but the Czech girl seemed to hesitate. "Uhm... I don't know, I'm not really found on singing and plus my voice is not even that good." she added sheepishly. Usa was about to protest but Poland spoke first before him.
"Alright then, let's skip karaoke. After all, we just want everyone to enjoy this afternoon, right?" she said. Usa was about to say something but quickly shut their mouth and crossed their arms nearly like a pouting child while Germany chuckled a little, covering his mouth.
The German kept scrolling through his phone until he found something that caught his attention.
"What about this cinema? Apparently it's still open" he proposed while the three looked up.
"It's still open ?"Czechia asked, curious.
"uh Apparently?" usa said, leaning onto the German to have a better view of the site. "It close at 5 pm". Poland hummed and looked at her watch. "It's actually 4 pm. We still have time."she said and looked at her friends. "You guys are fine with this or no?"
"Mhm seems like a good idea. Sure. Why not?" Czechia said, smiling, looking over the two boys who nodded their head as well. The polish girl put her fork down and stood up a little bit dramatically, much to Czechia amusement.
"Then it's settled."she announced but hesitated a little." Uh who pays the food this time? " everyone looked at USA who looked at them back, a confused look but sighed in defeat and pulled out his wallet while Germany laughed a little.
Soon, the group left out the restaurant and walked away, chatting there and there as Czechia pulled out her phone from her pocket.
"Okay so, what movie should we watch?" She asked, looking at her friends. They both thought a little bit about it before suggesting some movies... Maybe a little too much for czechia to follow.
"Alright alright. Seems like you have a lot of suggestions." they added with a soft chuckle in which Germany responded by shrugging his shoulders, smiling.
"Maybe you should take notes?" Poland asked.
"Oh yeah you're right!" The Czech country said, and was about to look for their bag not knowing that their phone was in their hands.
But suddenly, czechia's blood ran cold and stood still like a statue, an horrified expression on their face.
"Czechia? You okay?? What's happeni- oh kurwa." Poland said, a frown starting to get on her face. Germany and USA looked at each other with a mix of confusion and concern.
"Hey what's happening?" the American asked, raising an eyebrow at the two girls. Germany was about to ask the same thing until he finally realized.
"You didn't took your bag." he said, his eyes widening as Czechia nodded. Usa seemed to notice it too and exclaimed with surprise.
"You didn't took your bag?! How didn't you notice???" he asked as Czechia looked at them, holding her hands up.
"I-i don't know how, but I was sure that I had it!" she stammered.
"Czechia, calm down! Maybe we just left it at the restaurant! No need to panic" Poland tried to reassure the Czech girl by putting her hand on her shoulder as Czechia inhaled and breathed sharply to calm herself down. "Alright, alright sorry.." she apologized.
"Maybe we should check at the restaurant, just in case?" Germany suggested, trying to ease the situation a little as Czechia though about it and slowly nodded.
"Y-yeah maybe we should do that." she said, still in shock.
The group went back to the restaurant, a little bit panting because they have run all the way back and it was probably not a very good idea since people kept looking at them in a weird way, maybe because it wasn't everyday that you see four persons with flag on their faces running like crazy.
But hey, at least they arrived. That's all matters.
Unfortunately, their seats were already taken by a small family and Czechia's bag was nowhere to be seen, in which the Czech girl was starting to get desperated.
"Don't panic, Czechia." Poland tried to reassure. "Maybe we can ask the waiter or someone like that?".
"Me and USA would ask them. Meanwhile, you two should probably find another solution in case if this doesn't work." Germany added as he took Usa's arm and dragged them inside the restaurant.
On the other hand, the two girls tried to check the surroundings, asking each person who came across the area if, perhaps, they've found a hippie bag somewhere around there. Unfortunately, they've all said no. Czechia was about to lose hope until a woman told them something different.
"I'm sorry I don't think i've saw a bag hanging around but maybe you two should check if there's another way to find it?" she suggested. Czechia though about it and Poland thank her, a little bit disappointed as the two came back where they left Ger and Usa, disappointed as well.
"I guess you two didn't found any clue as well" Poland stated as the two shook their head.
"no but we have found a random Karen yelling at the waiter so me and Ger thought that it would be better to leave them." Usa said bluntly, earning a confused look from Poland. Czechia sighed.
"we found nothing either in our sides but apparently we should find an other way to locate it. Usa, didn't you told me that the airpod you offered me as my birthday gift were real?"
Usa blinked in confusion. "w-what ? What does it has to do with your bag being stolen??" he asked but Czechia insisted. "the airpod you gave me. Are they real?"
"uh yeah but why tho-"
"if they are real than we could probably tell where are they located since I have already connected to my phone and they're always in my bag!" they realized. Poland and Germany both exanged a confused look.
"So you're telling me that there's a chance to find it in this way?" the polish girl asked.
"Yeah! You! Come with me" Czechia said as she grabbed the arm of Germany, earning a small yelp from the man.
"W-warte ab! Why ME-" Too late, he already got dragged away, leaving Usa and Poland awkwardly in the middle of the street.
The polish girl looked at Usa raising an eyebrow before shrugging and following the path the two have went. "let's hope that your gift would be useful"
Usa rolled his eyes.
It was 4:45 pm and Czechia as well with Germany was next to the lake where a lot of crowds would go usually. At this rate, the Czech girl was a this close of losing her self-control because of how much she was angry but tried to remain calm.
Well. She tried, much to Germany's concern.
When the two arrived at the police station, Czechia directly tried to find a free post that can take her the fastest way possible. At first, she stayed calm but eventually started to panic with the thought that her bag would be stole from across the city. Which was something she didn't really want to.
After all, who would want that.
And after 5 long minutes of waiting, they finally got received but the police was so annoying that they just decided to tell her with the most deadpan face that her bag was near the river and that's it, they kicked them and closed their door.
"Calm down Czechia I'm pretty sure that the robber who stole your bag isn't that far away? Poland and USA are already searching in their own!" he tried to reassure them but Czechia was still doubtful, knowing how sometimes, there will be still a lot of crowds forming near the lake and if karma decided to get mischievous today, she wouldn't be surprised if she found her bag floating on the water.
The two were about to go on the other side when the Czech girl got startled by someone who suddenly put their hands on their shoulders. Turned out it was Poland with widening eyes, as if she witnessed an horrifying sight, which seemed a little bit true with her constatation. USA was trailing behind, a small weird smile on his face.
"We found them."
"Excuse me what?"
The American designed with his knuckle, next to the other side of the lake, two men who were both taking pictures of themselves. They were quite far from the group but Germany could see that one of the men wore dreadlocks and a yellow shirt while the other a blue hat and a red one. At first, Czechia didn't knew why their friends pointed these two until they noticed that the one with the red shirt had something in his hand and held it as if it was a new item he bought and that he was proud of it.
And it was her bag! Well, she tough.
"What?! Wait wait wait, how can you two be sure that this is mine???" the Czech girl said, trying to not get too hopeful because she didn't wanted to make it awkward.
"Come on Czechia, this is litteraly your bag! Look, it even have the small mark that your knife pocket has done accidentally inside!" Poland whispered-yelled.
"Poland, you're kilometers away from them! How can you even te-" they got cut off when the polish girl suddenly turned their head to make them notice that the bottom of the item got a small stitch with a red string.
"See now?" Poland said in a mocking tone, making the Czech country rolling their eyes.
"Soo... What are we gonna do?" Germany asked, looking at his friends.
"what do you mean "what are we gonna do"?? Don't we just need to corner them, take the bag and report them to the police? "USA asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. "Czechia said, a little bit worried about how Poland seemed to be on Usa's side.
"and I'm pretty sure that a plan is pretty useless at this rate. These two are literally taking pictures with YOUR bag inside the photo. Do you really think that they would realize that the girl that they have stolen the bag is just behind them, plotting to report them to the police??" the polish girl asked, earning a thoughtful "Mmh" from Germany, making Czechia sigh in exasperation.
"Alright, if y'all insist but we can't just bring ourselves to show up like that! Probably we should go two by two and corner them and-"
"Czechia. They are just as high as the burg Khalifa at this rate. First, they take pictures with your bag as if it's theirs then they don't even realize that four people who are standing in the middle of nowhere are watching them from afar, without being discreet."Poland said, deadpan. Czechia sighed once again.
"Alright then, but still Germany and USA you two stick together while Poland and I will follow them a little closer. Alright?" they instructed. Usa shrugged. "Alright then but can we at least jump on them when they have their back turned??" the American asked, oddly getting a little enthusiastic knowing the context.
"You know that my pocket knife is still in my bag right?" czechia constated, a little worried about how her friend was getting excited about having to fight with people because they have stole their bag.
"To be honest, I agree with Poland for once. They don't even seemed to be sober enough to know that they have an actual weapon even tho they had YOUR bag for, like, 2 hours already? Maybe? " Germany said, earning a surprised but energetic nod from the polish girl.
Okay probably that made Czech felt that the three were actually unhinged and it was a little disturbing. But hey, at least it's not that much chaotic even tho the author actually wanted to write something in this way but doesn't even know to do proper grammar so t
he gave up and made it at least bearable for the readers.
Anyway, the group of friends finally decided to go with it because not only the sun was about to go down but also because the two were starting to go away and they didn't want to lost them.
After they split up in two, Czechia saw that Germany and USA were in the other side, surprisingly cautious as well, following the two men. Seems like Poland was right after all, the thieves were litteraly being followed by four litteral countries but they didn't seem to realize that.
"Okay, how many minutes should we follow them like dumbass as if we're discreet even if we're not until we can grab your bag and report it to the police?" Poland asked, earning an exasperated sigh from Czechia.
"Look I'm trying my best to not panicking right now but knowing that I'm this close of either getting my stuff back or finding it in a mysterious car or thrown out in a dust bin." Czechia said out of reflex, feeling the panic back. Poland shrugged.
"sorry." she apologized.
"that's fine." Czechia replied.
"Guys?" USA said, gaining the attention of everyone. They've noticed the weird path of the two person who stumbled wobbly while completely ignoring - or maybe too much high to notice - the four.
The man with a red shirt was the one holding the bag while the one with dreadlocks held weird papers and keys that he kept swinging around his fingers while wobbling around with his friend.
Czechia wondered why did one of them had papers and keys until they found out that it was probably theirs. Czechia panicked even more.
That reached the point when the two thieves suddenly went apart, going into opposites directions.
Out of instinct, the Czech girl yelled.
"GET HIM!" Czechia said as Poland and USA didn't wait another second and launched at the guy who wore the blue hat and red shirt who seemed to barely react - or even understand - what's going on. However, the one with the dreadlocks knew exactly what was happening. Out of panic, he frantically looked around, trying to find a way to get out of this situation.
The man who escaped directly ran away while Usa still yelled at him to come back, leaving the red shirt one with Germany and Poland. On the meanwhile, Czechia automatically took her bag and frantically started to check inside, getting scared that it wasn't actually her and the red string was just a false proof. They felt their heart sink when they saw that there were nothing inside the bag. Poland was trying to calm down USA who was making sure that the thied with red shirt wouldn't escape and noticed how the Czech person was at this close of crying of stress until she nearly screamed in joy when she saw the airpods that helped her to track it. But soon, her joy was replaced with concern. Yes, it was her bag and her aipods were inside but aside from a handkerchief and pills, there was nothing else. Her Identity card and keys weren't there. That's when she noticed another thing as Poland got closer to her.
"Co. Polsko, where's Germany???" they asked as Poland also seemed to notice it too, even USA perked up, still making sure that one of the thief doesn't run away.
"Didn't he followed us?" the American asked, ignoring how the man he caught tried to bite his arms.
That was until they heard police voices and a booming one who gave commands.
It wasn't that far, in fact, it was 3 meters away only, so the three could at least see what was going on.
Then they saw three police officers, one of them pinning down the one with dreadlocks as one of them took the papers, keys and other stuff that he had in hand while the third one said something inside his talkie-walkie. During this scene, Germany just stood awkwardly a few inches away from them, his eyes widened and his arms crossed over his chest, saying nothing.
"I think those are yours m'am" one of the police officers said, going into Czechia's direction and handing the rest of the item who weren't inside the bag. The countryhumans didn't hesitated and took them, inspecting them and sighed in relief when she saw that her ID card and keys were actually hers.
Poland went to Germany and asked, a little bit confused. "uhm, care to explain how the fuck those guys found us?" she asked as the German coughed.
"Well, while you two were dealing with his partner, I noticed that the one who stole Czechia's belongings was about to run away, hoping inside a random bus. I didn't really wanted to fight him so the best that I could do was to call the police that we have found the culprit. To be honest, I thought that they would never come until they suddenly appeared behind the trees and bushes. "he tried to explain. The polish girl just let out a surprised "ah".
"Uhm... Sir? Could you please let us arrest the other culprit?" the other police officer asked to USA who was still holding tightly the man.
The American blinked a few times and gave like it was a simple item him to the other. "Sure, there you go." they calmly said, destabilizing a little bit the officer.
Czechia looked at the watch on her phone and widened her eyes, seeing how much time has passed and it was now 5:10 pm. And to think that it all started because they wanted to hang out together.
"M'am" one of the police officer said, peeking the concerned girl's attention. She turned her head to look at him.
"Ano? What's the matter?" she asked as the man seemed hesitant to tell about the thing he have noticed.
"we need to tell you something about the thieves" he said as Czechia blinked a few times in surprise, feeling a little concerned.
"uh okay, tell me please"
"CO?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT WAS A MINOR??!" Cezchia asked, well more like yelled to the police officer who widened his eyes a little and coughed awkwardly.
"Sorry m'am but as we saw his identity card that he is only 17 years old, we can't therefore perform a proper arrest." he explained.
Both Poland and Germany seemed to be confused. "Uh since when minors have an identity card?" the German asked as Poland shrugged her shoulders. On the other hand, Czechia was boiling in rage.
"HE LITTERALY HAVE A BEARD AND FUCKING WRINKLES!! HOW THE FUCK IS HE A MINOR??? AND A MINOR ON DRUGS WITHOUT SUPERVISION??" she resonated, still yelling, gaining the attention of a few people who were still there. The police officer still stood awkwardly but he still maintained his argument.
"as much as we want to invest in m'am, it clearly said that your thief is a minor and according to the laws, we can't perform an arrest."
Oh you don't know how angry Czechia was right now. Even USA seemed to notice it and joined Poland and Germany, who both also knew that it would end well.
Germany was about to stop the fight between Czechia and the police until he felt his phone vibrating inside his pocket.
It was nearly 8:30 pm and Berlin was sleeping on his desk, snoring loudly, as numerous papers scattered on his workplace while one of them had a small puddle of saliva on it. He was sleeping peacefully with nothing that would disturb his slumb-
Berlin suddenly woke up, more like got jumpscared in his dreams at the sudden ringtone. He grumbled a German curse word as he rubbed his eyes in tiredness and checked who the fuck was calling him at this hour.
To his surprise, it was Vienna.
Confused, the German picked it up and before even having the time to understand why did Austria's capital called him, he got yelled at, well in some way.
"DID YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENED AFTER?? CAN YOU TELL ME??" the austrian yelled through the phone, making Berlin flinch from the sudden noise. The German capital waited for him to calm down and responded, with less energy and more confusion.
"Okay, first, what the fuck are you even talking about and second, what IS the thing that makes you yell at midnight??"
Vienna didn't talked for a small second before clearing his throat.
"okay, sorry from yelling but weren't you with Germany??" he asked as Berlin got more confused.
"but what are you even talking about??" the german asked.
"... Oh" was all austrian could say but upon hearing that, Berlin couldn't help but feel worried.
"But why, what's happening to him?" he asked as Vienna seemed to hesitate a little.
"uh I suggest you to see germany's story if I were you-" he quickly said as he hung up, leaving the berlinois even more confused. Hesitantly, he checked what Vienna has told him and looked what Germany have published.
To his surprise, the first thing he heard was someone yelling at a police officer in Czech.
He noticed that USA stood awkwardly, not really knowing what to do as sometimes checked the camera while Poland tried at least to calm Czechia down a little while the officer started to lost it too.
Indeed, he understood why Vienna wanted to know what happened.
Without any second, he composed Germany's number and waited for the other German to answer. Finally, he answered, his voice loud but only to be heard, not because he was confident right now.
"ja...?" he hesitantly said, still cautious about how Poland tried to make sure that the argument doesn't go too far by holding Czechia.
"Ger, can you actually tell me what happened?" Berlin quickly said as the concerned one coughed awkwardly and cleared his throat, laughing nervously.
"W-well you see it was supposed to be a rendez-vous at the cinema and- oh god what's happening" he interrupted himself as he saw that USA was also trying to calm her down. Berlin just blinked in surprise.
"maybe I should ask tomorrow" he though as he hung up, not really knowing what to do.
Well better sleeping to forgot what just happened, I guess.
Archive of our own version
Wattpad version
AAAAH- *explode*ahem.
I came back from the dead to haunt you again with my shitty writing.
Ambery, I hope you still enjoyed even if it was trash I tried my best- if you didn't like it as well, I understand it's horrible-
(there's no beta read as well so yeah a gazillion of mistakes there, plot holes that-)
Peace. Well, I guess lol. *go back in my grave*
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