#courier npc
rubywolf0201 · 2 years
Me: I play Pokèmon Violet for the plot!
The plot:
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procyonv · 13 days
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its my courier's birthday so furry new vegas au be upon ye
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irritable-dumpliing · 2 months
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I haven't posted here in a good while, but I'm so hyped for the new show coming out soon I had to draw my oc aghhh!! I'm rlly proud of how Joshua turned out (I sadly have a hard time finding more content of him :(( </3 )
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pokemon-npcs · 6 months
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danses-with-dogmeat · 9 months
Y is for -- Yes Man
Yay! Golly, who doesn't love Yes Man? He's just such a sarcastic little sweetheart and I'm not immune to his adorable, securitron charms. So, here's this!
I hope you all enjoy!
And with this, that's it!!
Thank you all so much for being a part of my lil 2k celebration! It was so amazing seeing everyone's reactions to these prompts, and literally SUCH a treat to write for some of these more "unfamiliar" characters! Love you all, and thank you so much for celebrating with me!
Next event updates will be coming... very soon 👀 So stay tuned for that! ❤️😊
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Yes Man & Reader
Dialogue: “Promise me you’ll still be here when I wake up.”
Word: Yours
Rating: SFW
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 1.7k
You paced back and forth around the hotel room, the only sound the scuffling of your slippered feet and the scrawl of your pen over the legal pad in your hands. 
“Is it enough, though? Did we even cover the–” Your eyes narrowed as you looked over your scribbled notes, trying (and failing) to blink the sleep from them as you attempted to decipher the chicken scratch upon the page. “The Boomers? What’re we doing about them when we take power, I mean, I haven’t even met with them yet, what if I get–” 
“Yep, we sure did talk about them, Six! Remember? In the first meeting we had today! The one at 4 in the morning that you insisted on! You remember now?” 
“The one… oh yeah, I do now.” You chuckled, flipping through the papers on your pad to the notes you’d taken-- what was it now, ten hours ago? 
My handwriting was much easier to read this morning, that’s for sure…
“‘Send a securitron with a note…' oh yeah, that was a decent idea.” 
“Sure was!” Yes Man agreed with that same dopey, optimistic smile permanently etched upon his face. 
After so long a day, the smile became much harder to believe. 
“Definitely get your best ideas after having slept a full night, don’tcha boss?” 
“Maybe…” You bit your bottom lip at that, catching his meaning through the words easily. 
Time for bed, boss. 
He’d never give you a command outright, you knew he couldn’t. It’s not what… what Benny designed Yes Man for, after all. Still though, suggestions he gave rather often. And this suggestion, most often of all. 
How many days has it been since I let myself sleep? And here? Probably never…
Well, not since that first night, anyway.
“Six? Still thinking of some wonderful ideas, or do you want me to go and get your pajamas for you?” 
“Still thinking right now, Yes Man.” 
Though, you allowed yourself the small reprieve of sitting on the edge of the bed. The mattress gave generously as you sat upon it, the plushness of it overwhelming you after so many nights spent down in Freeside at the Wrangler. 
“Might head out pretty soon, here.” You told the bot, with the knowledge that he could easily guess where you meant to go. “You can stay here tonight though, if you want to. I’ll be back early enough, I’m sure.” 
“Sure boss, sounds like a swell idea!” Yes Man paused, but you could tell he wanted to say more, you didn’t quite know how you knew that, but something about his tone, or maybe even his expression–
I really am starting to lose it, huh? 
Yes Man’s expression doesn’t change.
Guess this is what happens when you get 3 hours of sleep a–
“Yes. I think it makes total and utter sense for you to walk to the Atomic Wrangler through the strip and Freeside– which is known to be quite dangerous– at two in the morning without me by your side to help you! And then to come back here in the morning, likely as early as four a.m. to chat with me some more! I’m so glad we’re going to have someone as dedicated, dependable and quick-witted as you leading all of New Vegas real soon! You seem completely equipped for the stresses that’ll bring!” 
You pursed your lips as he spoke, your tired gaze resting on the dull, pulsing glow of his screen lighting up with each word, casting a green-tinged gleam over the carpeted floor of the Tops' hotel suite. 
“I don’t know what to do, Yes Man.” You admitted with a small voice, and heard the turn of his wheel as he scooted closer to you to better hear your words. “I… I can’t stay here, can’t sleep in this room, after Benny…” 
With a sigh, you laid back on the bed, your body aching and pleading for a rest, even as your mind cast the sensation of a thousand ants crawling over your skin at the feel of the familiar sheets. The smell of the room, the décor, even the sounds; the dull conversations and jazz music that were all blaring far down stairs, the squeaky whine of the elevator moving along its vertical track, footsteps pattering through the halls… Anytime there was quiet, any time you weren’t moving, thinking, that Yes Man wasn’t talking, you were sucked back into your memories of this place. Your first time here, with him. 
That wretched man who tried to kill you. The asshole, who talked his way into your heart through the span of one night, who made you feel… singular. Like you could conquer the world, and run the whole thing, with him at your side. 
Just give him the chip… Just stay the night… 
Do what he said, and he would give you the world, and his heart, all at once. 
You kicked yourself every night at the thought that you ever believed him. 
But what could you say now? At the time, you were scared, you were alone and angry, and then… Then you were in love. Quickly, yes, but still, you were.
And for what?
You raked your nails down your face painfully, and a deep groan escaped you as you were caged by your own memories in this wretched room. 
“Well, Benny… Well, that guy’s gone!" Yes Man piped up, "It’s just you and me now, Six! You don’t have to worry at all–”
“I know he’s gone, Yes Man! That’s the fucking problem!” You sat up suddenly as you shouted at him, and the bot backed away from where he’d started to approach you. “He and I were supposed to do this together! Not just me and– and– fucking you.”
You were on your feet now, and Yes Man was caged in against the opposite wall as you stalked towards him, with nostrils flared and teeth in a snarl, you continued.
“You were the enemy. You told him how to follow me, knew the best place for him to fucking shoot me and leave me buried in the dirt, you were meant to plot with him from the start, and now? Now... why? Why the hell do you care what happens to me? Why are you planning all this without him? Benny was the one who made you, programmed you, what… What the hell are you doing with me, when… When you’re his.”  
There was no malice in the end, it had all escaped you in the first bouts of shouting. Now, all that was left was a somber sort of curiosity. Honest, but dejected all at once. 
Even now, I’m still holding onto a part of Benny…
“Because, Six, well… I’m not his anymore. I’m yours! I like planning this hostile takeover with you, and I like the meetings and the way you ask my opinion!” 
You looked up from where your gaze had rested on the dull, red carpet, your eyes now meeting Yes Man’s optimistic screen, and lighting up with the glow of it.   
“Benny may have asked for me to be made, and programmed the way I am, but then… Well, he left both of us, didn’t he?”   
Was that… a bit of anger and, even, a touch of sadness in his upbeat voice?
Maybe I am just losing it…     
“He was my boss, but now you are! And even more than that, you’re my friend!” 
You blinked at him, feeling your throat swell up with emotion at the word he used. 
“Y-you really mean that, Yes Man?”
“Sure do, pal! We’re closer than two buildings snugly adjacent to one another! And I mean it!” 
A laugh couldn’t help but pry itself from you, and you nearly fell over from the force of it. Until you felt one gentle, metal hand brace on your shoulder. 
“Don’t know why you found that so funny, friend, but I sure am glad you did! I like to see your smile! And I’m not just saying that to be nice! I know it can be hard to tell when I mean something because of the way Benny programmed my voice, but I really do mean everything that I said! And what I said right now!” 
“Okay, okay!” You were still falling over, holding your stomach as you laughed until your eyes watered. “Thank you, Yes Man, I believe you, I do.” 
Somehow, you were back on the bed, sitting with Yes Man’s hand still on your shoulder as you fought to catch your breath. 
“A-alright…” You spoke, once you’d calmed down. “I… might be able to sleep here tonight. Maybe.” 
You bit your lip again, knowing damn well you were one bite shy of making it bleed with all the nerves coursing through you. 
“Just… Can you promise me something?” 
“Sure can, once you tell me what it is!” 
“Can you just… promise me you’ll still be here when I wake up? I know it seems silly, but–”
“Yes, Six. I promise I’ll still be here when you wake up!” 
A smile touched your lips at his words, and even with that feeling of foolishness at the forefront of your mind, you felt… reassured; like the sustained, comforting pressure of his hand on your shoulder. 
“Thanks… Friend.” 
“Sure thing, Six! And, I want you to know, I’m not just promising that because I have to agree with everything you say! I would promise it either way!” 
You laid back, finally feeling the fatigue in your body and mind take hold of you and force your eyelids to close and your muscles to relax into the mattress below. Still though, even in your exhaustion, you found it in you to broaden your grin at Yes Man’s words.
“Glad to hear it.” You told him, “And… goodnight, Yes Man.” 
“Goodnight, Six!” His voice was quieter, as he wheeled himself back into his corner of the room and dimmed the lights down, “I’ll see you in the morning!” 
It was almost a whisper, but still, the comforting words rang through you as you finally felt sleep take you into it’s comforting arms and lull you into a pleasant dreamland.
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taffingspy · 1 month
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
I've been looking for you... got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only. Let's see here... it's an update on the jarl's weird project! Look like that's it; got to go.
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med-ex · 8 months
oh god it continues🫠
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tevintersnakes · 14 days
Doc shows up in Freeside, walks into the fort with an eyebot and plasma weapons, starts talking shop with Julie - and Arcade probably slinks back into the research tent wanting to avoid them.
Jokes on him, JSA bout absolutely starts going around asking whether anyone has iodine to spare so he can clean up his head wound. And the moment he hears about research he will start asking 1000 follow up questions. What's it about? What's the goal? What are the bioactive compounds and significant metabolites you've identified so far and how do they compare to what's in a typical stimpak? What methods of concentrating those bioactive compounds have you attempted so far? Might I suggest xyz? Oh, the supplies for that aren't here- hm, I wonder if we could find them? Have any attempts at the selective breeding or genetic modification of these plants for the increased production?
By the end of the conversation there is a distinct sense that JSA has decided that this is his own research project now. Despite Arcade's low hopes for it.
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neriyon · 1 month
10 Characters from 10 Fandoms
Tagged by @zylphiacrowley , ty ty~
These are mostly in whatever order they popped up in my head, since I was hit with the "instantly forget everything you've ever liked" beam when I started writing this.
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Hythlodaeus - Final Fantasy XIV I wuv purple wife guy... All the way from when he was just a weenwoon ghost. Honestly, FFXIV has sooo many good characters that picking just one feels kinda weird haha.
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DIY - Welcome to My Home Help, the bastard chuuni wizard in a big hat has me by the throat. Everyone else seems ready to strangle him (both npcs and other players). And then there's me who's spamming the heart emote at him every chance I can lol.
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Waka - Okami Another bastard of a man. Like FFXIV, Okami has tons of cool characters! But teen me latched into Waka so hard on my first playthrough. And listen. He's a pretty man with long hair, nice voice AND has a flute that he both plays and uses as a laser sword in battle. Yeah. Oh and he shows up to tell you mysterious (and funny) prophecies.
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Wei Wuxian - Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) I'll be honest, he came to mind while writing Waka's thing (club long haired flute playing guys lol). But yeah, he fits in the "morally grey, overly dramatic and little asshole-ish pretty boy with long hair" category I happen to like very much.
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Ukitake Jushiro - Bleach Long white hair! Twin swords! Gentle and silly old man who can kick your ass! Bleach was one of my first animes ever, and I still like the setting itself (and many of the characters).
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Courier - Arknights First one that had me going "oh I like him, he's never leaving my team". Also first one I E2'd, and he's still my go-to vanguard for almost every stage. Who can say no to that adorable little smile and voicelines offering to make you food~
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Blade - nu:carnival Cute white haired assassin android boy! I started this game thinking I'd fixate on Edmont based on the website character infos, but nope, Blade being cute airhead with love for cute things (and Darling) got me first.
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Sleeping Beauty (Briar Rose/Ibarahime) - SINoALICE Game may be gone but having played it for it's entire global run I felt I needed to include it haha. And! Who better than the character that got me into it~ Sleepy's basically what it says in the jar - she prefers to sleep 24/7 and will react violently if you try to force her awake.
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Devola & Popola - Nier Automata Cheating and putting them both (lol). I love 9S too, but kinda felt like they deserved to get mentioned so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk what it is about them, but I spent a very long time just standing next to them when they first showed up haha. I'm specifically mentioning the Automata ones, since I met them first, and am yet to finish my Replicant playthrough (ooops)
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Mashita Satoru - Death Mark I had hard time picking the last one since I didn't wanna go "too far back" in things I like/used to like, so I went with Death Mark since the second one came out not too long ago. The other characters are cool too, but Mashita is fan favorite for a reason. Guess we all love snarky detective who looks like he could really use some sleep.
Hoooo boy it was harder than I thought haha. I mainly only interact with FFXIV fandom, but at least I kinda.... glance towards these other 9 mentioned sometimes? Also purposefully skipping Ensemble Stars even tho I'm currently active player - I could not choose between Mika and Rei, and honestly straight up ignore 99,99% of the fandom.
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rubywolf0201 · 2 years
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The Courier Trainer class has no right looking this cute! ❤️💌📦
Bonus self indulgent selfie with the Courier NPC that I took a few days ago lol
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potatoesandsunshine · 5 months
the thing about heartache by the number is like... i Get It. i Understand this quest. i have played it probably twenty times and watched it back through like seven thousand more times for the dialogue and i can see through the layers of it. heartache by the number to me is a stained glass installation. i am looking through it at this point.
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Do you guys ever feel sorry for the courrier in Skyrim? The dragonborn can just walk near him and he'll say "Nope, sorry. Nothing." Like he's said it a thousand times. He's so overworked, he's lost all ability to socialize.
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pokemon-npcs · 3 months
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danses-with-dogmeat · 9 months
Q/U/X is for -- Ulysses
Writing for Ulysses always seems to transport me to another world, I swear, he just-- His way of speaking, and the general air about the man is all just... ethereal, in a way? I don't know, but he makes me feel like more of a poet than I've ever been, lol.
And the dialogue prompt he got had me on the floor, it's just SO accurate and perfect for him and Six. Ugh.
Anywho, I hope you guys like it!
And here is the 2k event masterlist, for your browsing pleasure!
Pair: Ulysses x g/n! Six
Dialogue: “It’s you. It’s always been you.”
Word: Unite
Rating: SFW
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
“Um, well, I suppose I should be leaving, then. Ulysses.” Six stepped away from the pair’s close proximity slowly, backing up while still facing him. 
To hold our eye contact, or to make sure I don't stab them in the back?
“You’re not leaving.” 
Though the words commanded Six's attention, the way he voiced it was more of a question than an order. 
Ulysses couldn’t tell if that put them at ease or not.
“Well, I… Why you’d want to be around me at all, after everything I’ve learned about myself... I don’t blame you for wanting me dead, is all. Figure I should leave before you act on it though, right?” 
Six’s voice was nervous, but there was a sadness that Ulysses detected there as well. A shame, even. 
They should feel ashamed for what they’ve done… But then, is the shame enough of a consequence on its own? Does it absolve them of their wrongdoings, if they are pained by it this way, even without memory of the action itself? 
“What about my behavior has told you that I plan on acting on what I spoke about in our first meeting?” 
Ulysses was closer to them now, looking down the point of his mask to their large eyes, wide with… was it fear? 
“I don’t know, I just… I understand why you were so furious, why you sought me out, I couldn’t imagine… If I had a home, and someone took it from me, well, I’d like to think I would’ve done the same as you did. Only, maybe less honorably.” 
A soft snort escaped the mask, and Six could see some semblance of sympathy shining within the dark depths of Ulysses’ intense eyes. 
“That, in itself, is honorable to say.” They couldn’t pull their gaze from his, and as his compliment met their ears, a smooth tingle of relief wove up their spine. Ulysses could see it, from his perspective, the way they sought his forgiveness. 
That too, was honorable. 
He couldn’t help but admire the courier then. Then… and now. Now, as he shared his tent with them. A temporary home, but still some fragment of the place of belonging that they both craved so wholly. 
And how could he blame them? With their memories, as shoddy and incomplete as the crude camps he’d often made himself to stifle that wound in his chest that the Divide was meant to fill.  
They didn’t even know who they were, what they’d done, or why. It was a struggle he himself could not quite imagine. 
“I can’t believe I’m here…” 
Ulysses heard them say, perhaps to themself, as they turned and dropped their pack back to its place near to his sleeping mat. 
“I mean, I thought you hated me… That you would never forgive me, never stop… trying to kill me.” 
“Hate and love are but cousins;” Ulysses told them, stepping closer as they rounded to face him again, “Passion drawn from deep within and showcasing itself in the most intense forms available to us. The difference is but one instant.” 
And that instant is now. 
Ulysses’ impassioned gaze told them, near amber in color, with the emotion blazing within them. The simple look itself sent an overwhelming shiver down the courier’s spine. 
“But, hold on.” They said, before his stare had a chance to hold them prisoner for eternity, “Everything I’ve done, I mean… Your second chance, your home, a place away from the Legion, a new start, it was all yours, until me. How... how could you look past that?" 
Ulysses could easily see the struggle within them from the outside, just as much as he heard it in their words. 
Is it so hard for them to detect my own inner thoughts? 
After the nights they’d shared, they’d had to share during the massive dust storm that could’ve claimed both their lives, had they not had each other; how could they not see the way his view of them has changed? 
Six had seen him all those nights. His perseverance, his will, yes, that they knew of before the pair had properly even met. No, but those nights, they’d seen a glimpse of his vulnerability. The man behind the mask, the one who longs for a place to call his own, a place to belong, after a lifetime of feeling wrong. 
Wrong for turning his back on the Twisted Hairs with the illusion of not having a choice, wrong for being a part of the Legion, the very same faction that murdered and enslaved his people, that eradicated them from the map and from memory. Then, maybe wrongly too, he’d turned his back on the Legion as well. 
Had he no honor? Had he not a decisive mind? No allegiance? No loyalty? 
Who was Ulysses, if not a Twisted Hair, if not a Frumentarius, if not a courier? 
So wholeheartedly he had always formed his identity around that which he was forced to follow, to be a part of, even against his own wishes. 
His wishes, that now he had the freedom to consider. 
And Ulysses did. 
Even now, he was considering Six. The courier who’d seen him, a blank slate, with not even themself for Ulysses to obsess over. No, now all was out in the open. No holotapes, no hiding, no mystery, and yet, Six accepted him, forgave him, allied themself with him... 
It was true. Ulysses had made up his mind now, and he’d done it on his own, wholly. 
“My new start?” He said, his voice rumbling so softly from within his mask, that Six had to lean in close to catch his words. “It’s you. It’s always been you. I merely had to reflect to see it. To look back on my past, and on yours. The way that you’ve shaped me, without even knowing it.”
Six blinked at him, and their mouth fell slightly agape in their shock. 
 “Our stories are comparable, Six. Both alone, with a rich past, but no idea who we truly are. Not when your memory was taken from you, and my individuality. Together though, I see a change in both of us. I see what I thought was stolen forever from me, by you.”
Ulysses took another step forward, his chest just barely brushing Six’s as he took a deep breath in, his eyes locked to theirs, dark hair curtaining an intense, but pleading expression. 
And there it was again, that vulnerability that the ex-soldier, ex-spy, had never been able to show another living soul, and it was showing plain in his expression, sounding so clearly in his voice, that it was effortless. 
Six made it effortless for him to be genuine with them. 
It was something he could find himself getting used to, he thought. 
“With you,” He continued, raising one hand to brush the roughened tips of his fingers to Six’s chin. Affectionate, but subtle. “I see a future for us both.”
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