#court video conferencing
autophage · 7 months
The slow but incessant rain of anvils began in 1942.
George Macomber was walking from the trolley stop to his home in Great Falls (a name which many newspapers took advantage of in their lede selection) when a two-ton Bavarian fell out of the sky, landing squarely on top of poor George. He was Flattened instantly.
And, seconds later, he slid out from beneath the anvil, with a new height of one and a half millimeters. He had become, in an instant, the densest human being on the planet.
George Macomber happened to look up just before impact. This saved his life: because he was the first to ever be Flattened, the extremely-high-density intravenous fluid setup had not yet been invented, and no hospital could have kept him hydrated if his mouth were not accessible on his topside. (Iris Colelman invented the extremely-high-density intravenous setup in 1947, after hundreds had perished due to dehydration mere days after their Flattening.)
In another twist of good fortune, George Macomber had served as a signal officer in the Navy during the Great War and knew Morse code. While his vocal chords were capable only of producing an awful gurgling, he could still communicate by blinking - a trick that the doctors recognized quickly. And so he was able, painstakingly, to describe the characteristic sound of the anvil's descent: a terrifying descending whistle, like the slide-flute sound used for falling bombs in animated reels.
His story is not all a happy one, though. Some who are Flattened eventually pop back up to their former stature, but poor Mr. Macomber never did. While his medical condition remained stable, his wife divorced him and he had trouble finding employment. Seven years after his Flattening, he stopped eating or drinking. His final words, blinked to his nurse, are lost to history; she felt that she owed him her silence, even as she was fired and eventually prosecuted for letting him pass in this manner. The court asserted that she should have immobilized him and given him a high-density drip.
Only twenty-three days after George's Flattening, Irma Childress was returning from the bakery when a six-ton farrier's anvil hurtled down and Flattened her. She, too, was lucky enough that her mouth remained accessible. Her story is happier than George's - she was also the first person to pop back up to her normal height. It took her six months, and those must have been worse than George's, as she did not know Morse code - though she learned it and was proficient by her third Flattened month.
Even after regaining her former height, Irma remained wary of doors, stairs, and any place with high foot traffic. She sold her house in Los Angeles and moved out to an almond farm. She spoke to the press repeatedly and respectfully, and to this day is remembered as an early and passionate advocate for keeping the Flattened comfortable and helping them maintain their dignity.
Nobody has discovered where the anvils come from. They fall primarily in North America, most often in the southwest and midwest. Some suspect that they are flung by tornados, or some sort of awful prank, or military test flights. They are always of recent manufacture, indicated by a date stamp, but never a maker's mark.
The rate of Flattenings increased until the late 50's, at a peak of a bit over 100,000 in 1958. Today, the rain has slowed: there are usually between one and two thousand Flattenings a year. This incident rate has held steady since the early 1980's. This is unusual, since far fewer anvils are manufactured or used today than were in the 1940's. Of those Flattened, about half pop back to their previous height, usually between two months and a year after their initial Flattening.
It was difficult for the Flattened to connect with each other before modern video conferencing - those who were lucky enough to look up before their Flattening can see above themselves, but cannot see in front of themselves, and it is generally difficult for the Flattened to orient themselves otherwise. The Flattened of today generally stay on a table with a tablet above them, modified to use eye tracking for navigation. (Of course, this only really works with Flattened whose eyes are on their top- or bottom-sides; those with eyes facing forward, or whose faces were crushed into their bellies, can usually hear, but have a very hard time making themselves understood.) Regardless of orientation they are helped by dedicated care nurses who changes their IV fluids. These nurses are provided by Flattening insurance, offered by all major insurance providers; they often also take over some of the responsibilities the Flattened previously held, such as taking care of their children.
Sadly, the provisions surrounding Flattening insurance have changed in the last twenty years. Most nurses make less than 20% above minimum wage, and are afforded very little flexibility by the job, which requires them to attend the Flattened's household around the clock. They become very close with those they care for - in many cases they develop shorthands to make communication easier, such as diacritic modifications to the blinked Morse code.
While the Irma Childress Foundation is the leading voice for Flattening insurance reform, some long-term Flattened feel that their concerns are often not heard. They contend that the Foundation often bargains away provisions that could help some edge cases - especially those with limited communication capabilities.
Some of the Flattened have started pooling resources to buy land and build a city suited to their own needs, to wean themselves off of the marginal succor offered by the insurance system. We who stand tall must support them. We must afford them not only the dignity of doing our best not to step on them, but to self-determination. We must acknowledge that their lives are all unique and different. We must refuse, if you will pardon the pun, to flatten their experiences into one single narrative.
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thatsonemorbidcorvid · 5 months
“In theory, group counseling to address the root causes of abusive behavior sounds promising. If batterer intervention programs make abusers less violent and, as a result, victims safer, why wouldn’t it be a preferable alternative to sentencing someone to, say, a year in jail, as Majors faced? But decades after the first programs were established, we have limited and highly contradictory research on how well they work. Some studies have found batterer intervention programs reduce future violence; others conclude they have little to no impact. The National Institute of Justice says results are “mixed.” Complicating matters, batterer intervention programs aren’t a monolith, and curriculum and quality varies wildly from one to another…
But while batterer intervention programs may prove effective when abusers attend, a huge portion of participants simply don’t. Anywhere from 15 to 58 percent of participants fail to complete treatment, often with few consequences. A 2022 state audit of California batterer intervention programs, including those in L.A. County, where Majors is expected to attend, found that probation officers and program providers frequently failed to inform the court about absences and other probation violations, including serious ones, such as contacting a victim under a protective order. In California, like in Massachusetts, those who completed the programs had a lower rate of reoffending than those who dropped out — 20 percent compared to 65 percent — but notably, nearly half of the domestic-violence offenders reviewed by the state did not complete the program. The “system has not adequately held offenders accountable,” the audit concluded, adding that these issues “have plagued the batterer intervention system for at least three decades, creating a critical need for statewide guidance and oversight.” Without proper supervision, these programs can end up functioning as literal get-out-of-jail-free cards.”
One evening last summer, I logged onto Zoom to observe a virtual counseling program for men who perpetrated domestic violence, run by a Boston-based group called Emerge. There were nine men of various ages and ethnicities and backgrounds on the call. Some were at home, video-conferencing from their bedrooms, one was in the car, and another was taking a leisurely walk outdoors, his sunglasses blocking his eyes from view. Emerge has a set format for these classes, which run weekly for 40 weeks and are generally populated by men court-mandated to attend by a judge. Participants begin by identifying themselves and the name of the person they abused, serving, it seemed to me, a dual purpose—centering the victim at the onset of the session and promoting responsibility. At Alcoholics Anonymous, it’s Hi, I’m John and I’m an alcoholic. At Emerge, it’s Hi, I’m John and I’m an abuser.
The walker, whom I’ll call Jeremy, was doing his weekly check-in with the group when David Adams, the co-founder of Emerge and one of two facilitators on the call, asked him a direct question: What was the abuse he committed that landed him in the program? Emerge encourages men to talk candidly and in detail about their abuse — what preceded it, what they did, how it impacted their partner — and accept feedback from the rest of the group about their behavior. The hope is that participants will begin to recognize and interrogate their own patterns of abuse and, over time, undergo the slow and uncomfortable process of change. To be successful, this intervention model requires active, incisive coaching by group leaders, Adams explained in a paper describing the program, as left on their own, “abusive men tend to give superficial or highly skewed reports of their interactions with their partners.”
Jeremy, still walking, began describing his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. They both struggled with insecurity, he said, leading to arguments over stupid things. “We were both wounded birds, just trying to soar through the sky, and we just, kind of like, we didn’t have very good communicative skills,” he said. Adams stopped his digressive answer there. The question, he reminded Jeremy, was how exactly did he abuse his partner? Now, Jeremy’s voice sped up. “Just like … pushing … I like, pulled her down the stairs, but like two … two stairs, you know?” he replied. “It wasn’t like I dragged her down a flight of stairs and she was all beat up or nothing crazy like that.” He went on: “I don’t want to reflect on my past because I am accountable for my actions, and stuff like that. But it was again, like I said, based upon our insecurities and not having good communicative skills.”
In Jeremy’s telling, his physical violence toward his girlfriend was caused by their mutual insecurity. It was only a few stairs. Nothing crazy. It is exactly this type of thinking that batterer intervention programs, as they are called, are designed to combat. Emerge, circa 1977, was the first such program in the U.S., born at a time when feminist activists were demanding national attention to the neglected issue of domestic violence. As hotlines and shelters sprung up for victims, Adams said, the natural next question within the movement was what to do with the men causing harm?
In the years since, programs have proliferated (over 2,500 exist, according to one count) and are now fully integrated into the criminal-justice system. These days, if you are convicted of a domestic-violence offense, it is likely you’ll be mandated to go to one. Millions of men have attended, including celebrities such as Mel Gibson, Christian Slater, and Chris Brown, who bragged about completing the class on Twitter: “Boyz run from there [sic] mistakes.. Men learn from them!!!” he wrote. (Four years later, a judge granted another woman, Karrueche Tran, a five-year restraining order against Brown, who she said he threatened to kill her.) And earlier this month, Jonathan Majors was sentenced to a 52-week batterer intervention program in California after being convicted of assaulting and harassing his ex-girlfriend Grace Jabbari.
In theory, group counseling to address the root causes of abusive behavior sounds promising. If batterer intervention programs make abusers less violent and, as a result, victims safer, why wouldn’t it be a preferable alternative to sentencing someone to, say, a year in jail, as Majors faced? But decades after the first programs were established, we have limited and highly contradictory research on how well they work. Some studies have found batterer intervention programs reduce future violence; others conclude they have little to no impact. The National Institute of Justice says results are “mixed.” Complicating matters, batterer intervention programs aren’t a monolith, and curriculum and quality varies wildly from one to another.
Most states have legal standards that regulate programs, but oversight falls to different departments with distinct goals. In California, for example, the Probation Department is in charge. In Massachusetts, it’s the Department of Public Health. Generally, participants are mandated to attend once a week for anywhere from 8 to 52 weeks (the longer the better for real change, Adams says). While models range, most programs are a mix of therapy and education, covering topics such as conflict-resolution skills, effects of abuse on partners and children, and how to take accountability. With victims’ consent, Emerge checks in with them throughout the 40 weeks to see if there has been any additional violence or threats and assess victims’ sense of safety. If a perpetrator refuses to own up to his actions or suggests he might commit more violence or stops attending, programs are typically supposed to communicate with probation, courts, and even the partner in question. “If we get somebody 12 weeks into our program who’s still blaming his partner, then we put that in a letter,” Adams said, which can be helpful to partners who are trying to make a decision about whether to stay in the relationship.
Adams, a psychologist who grew up with an abusive father, is a true believer in the power of these programs to save lives. When I asked him about the dismal research on effectiveness, he said studies often lump together participants who quit with those who complete it. Truly changing someone’s deep-seated and long-held thought patterns and beliefs takes time, he explained. “Many of the studies look at somebody who dropped out after one session and reoffend and count that as a program failure,” he said. “If substance-abuse programs were evaluated that way, they would all be considered to be failures.” He directed me to a 2015 pilot study conducted by the Harvard Kennedy School that assessed three batterer intervention programs in Massachusetts, including Emerge. It found that participants who completed such a program were 28 percent less likely to recidivate — measured as an arrest for a future domestic-violence-related crime — than those who failed to complete the program. Stated another way, those who dropped out were three times more likely to be arrested for domestic violence again than those who completed the work. (Of course, evaluating a program’s success using future arrests reveals only the tip of the iceberg, as domestic violence is chronically underreported to police.)
But while batterer intervention programs may prove effective when abusers attend, a huge portion of participants simply don’t. Anywhere from 15 to 58 percent of participants fail to complete treatment, often with few consequences. A 2022 state audit of California batterer intervention programs, including those in L.A. County, where Majors is expected to attend, found that probation officers and program providers frequently failed to inform the court about absences and other probation violations, including serious ones, such as contacting a victim under a protective order. In California, like in Massachusetts, those who completed the programs had a lower rate of reoffending than those who dropped out — 20 percent compared to 65 percent — but notably, nearly half of the domestic-violence offenders reviewed by the state did not complete the program. The “system has not adequately held offenders accountable,” the audit concluded, adding that these issues “have plagued the batterer intervention system for at least three decades, creating a critical need for statewide guidance and oversight.” Without proper supervision, these programs can end up functioning as literal get-out-of-jail-free cards.
In 2016, I was invited to attend a conference on batterer intervention in Dearborn, Michigan. For three days, I listened as leaders in the field, many of whom had been working on this issue since the ’80s, described what they’d learned. Session titles, such as “Real Change, Real Challenges: Moving Forward Through the Backlash” and “Let’s Set the Record Straight!” reflected a sense of frustration with how outsiders perceive the work. I left with the impression that many batterer intervention practitioners genuinely believe that reforming abusers is a critical step — maybe even the critical step — to reducing domestic violence yet is chronically underfunded, the ugly duckling of the movement to stop violence against women. Few advocacy groups are interested in raising money for programs that help abusers, especially if it seems like it might divert resources from victims.
Bringing us back to Jeremy, the Emerge participant. After he finally acknowledged to the group that he pushed his girlfriend down “two” stairs, Adams called him out. He noted that Jeremy kept referring to the core problem as “our” insecurities, as if his girlfriend’s insecurity played a role in the violence. “You’re taking responsibility for your abusive behavior means it’s 100 percent a choice that you’re making. Regardless of how insecure or whatever the other person’s feelings are, right? It has no relevance.”
“I comprehend everything you’re saying,” Jeremy responded guardedly.
Adams continued. “I’m just recommending that you think differently about it, because if that’s the way you continue to think about it, then you’re not responsible. You’re saying, ‘Well, if I get into another situation where both people are insecure, then of course I’m going to be abusive,’ as if one follows naturally from the other.” At this, Jeremy squirmed and frowned. The audio cut out for a few seconds.
Once he was reconnected, he conceded the point. “I should have said ‘my insecurity,’” he said. “I absolutely agree to what you’re trying to say. And my mind-set changes in each group that I come into.”
When asked what Jeremy hoped to get from the program, he said he wanted to learn from his mistakes. “I want this lesson to have an effect, a very big impact in my behavior, my lifestyle and everything.” Of course, it’s easy to say that, whether you really mean it, and some men do fake their way through the classes without genuinely engaging with the content. Regardless, Adams said, “fake it ’til you make it” can still produce an impact.
I asked Adams how Jeremy was doing, nine months after I observed him in class. He’s still attending, Adams said, which is something. He’s taking somewhat more responsibility, but he still deflects from time to time. There’s still more work to be done.
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njnotarygroupusa · 11 days
Why Trusting Online Notary Services is a smart move for Your Important Documents
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Handling essential documents can be a daunting task. These documents often require notarization, whether it's a legal agreement, a property deed, or an affidavit. Traditionally, notarizing a document meant visiting a notary public in person, which could be time-consuming and inconvenient. However, with the rise of Online Notary New Jersey services, getting your documents notarized has become much more manageable. These services offer the same legal validation as traditional methods but with the added convenience of doing it from anywhere. Notary Public NJ services online are gaining popularity for good reasons. In this article, we'll discuss why trusting online notary services are a smart move for your essential documents. Convenience at Your Fingertips One of the main reasons to trust Online Notary NJ services is the convenience they offer. You no longer have to take time off work, drive to a notary's office, or wait in line. With just a few clicks, you can have your documents notarized from the comfort of your home or office. This is particularly helpful for busy professionals or individuals who may need easy access to a notary public. The ability to notarize documents at any time of day or night means you can fit this task into your schedule, no matter how busy you are. Enhanced Security Measures Security is a crucial factor when dealing with necessary documents. Online Notary New Jersey services are designed with this in mind, offering advanced security features to protect your information. These platforms use encrypted connections, secure video conferencing, and verified identities to handle your documents safely. The process is closely monitored, and all sessions are recorded, adding an extra layer of protection. You can trust that your documents are safe by using Notary Public NJ services online. Faster Turnaround Time Time is often of the essence when it comes to notarizing documents. With traditional notary services, you may need to wait for an appointment, travel to the notary's location, and then wait for the document to be processed. Online Notary NJ services eliminate these delays, offering a much faster turnaround time. You can often have your documents notarized in just a few minutes, allowing you to move forward with your plans without unnecessary delays.
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jamesseidel · 11 days
James Seidel: Building Stronger Communication Among Players
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In the ever-evolving world of team sports and gaming, communication stands as the cornerstone of success. Whether on the field, court, or in a virtual environment, how players interact with one another can make or break a team’s performance. Enter James Seidel, a visionary in the realm of team dynamics and communication. His innovative approaches have set new standards for fostering effective communication among players, significantly enhancing team cohesion and performance.
The Role of Communication in Team Success
Effective communication is more than just exchanging words; it involves understanding, trust, and strategic alignment. In sports, clear communication helps players coordinate their actions, anticipate each other's moves, and execute strategies efficiently. In gaming, it ensures that all team members are on the same page, maximizing their combined skills to achieve victory. The lack of effective communication can lead to misunderstandings, missed opportunities, and ultimately, defeat.
James Seidel’s Approach to Team Communication
James Seidel, a renowned expert in team dynamics, has dedicated his career to improving how players interact with one another. His approach integrates principles from psychology, behavioral science, and team management to create a framework that enhances communication and collaboration among team members. Here’s a closer look at his methodologies:
Understanding Individual Communication Styles: 
Seidel emphasizes the importance of recognizing and adapting to different communication styles within a team. By understanding whether a player is more direct or prefers a collaborative approach, teams can tailor their communication strategies to fit everyone’s preferences. This personalized approach helps in reducing conflicts and misunderstandings.
Fostering Open Dialogue: 
Open dialogue is crucial for effective communication. Seidel advocates for creating an environment where players feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, concerns, and ideas. This transparency not only builds trust but also encourages the exchange of valuable feedback, leading to continuous improvement.
Implementing Structured Communication Techniques: 
James Seidel introduces structured communication techniques, such as regular team meetings, debriefing sessions, and role-specific communication strategies. These methods ensure that information is consistently shared, and everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities.
Training and Development: 
Seidel’s approach includes comprehensive training programs focused on communication skills. These programs are designed to enhance active listening, clear articulation, and effective non-verbal communication. By investing in training, teams can develop stronger communication habits that translate into better on-field or in-game performance.
Utilizing Technology: 
In today’s digital age, technology plays a vital role in communication. Seidel encourages teams to leverage communication tools such as team management apps, instant messaging platforms, and video conferencing. These tools help streamline communication processes and keep everyone connected, regardless of their location.
Success Stories and Case Studies
James Seidel’s methodologies have been successfully implemented across various sports teams and gaming communities. For instance, a professional soccer team that adopted Seidel’s communication strategies saw a significant improvement in their on-field coordination and performance. Similarly, a competitive eSports team that integrated his communication techniques experienced enhanced teamwork and a series of victories in their tournaments.
The Impact of Stronger Communication
The impact of stronger communication on team performance cannot be overstated. Teams that communicate effectively are more likely to exhibit better coordination, higher morale, and a greater sense of unity. This not only leads to improved results but also enhances the overall experience for players and fans alike.
James Seidel’s work in building stronger communication among players represents a groundbreaking advancement in team dynamics. By focusing on understanding communication styles, fostering open dialogue, implementing structured techniques, investing in training, and utilizing technology, Seidel has paved the way for teams to achieve greater success. As the landscape of sports and gaming continues to evolve, his innovative approaches will undoubtedly remain a crucial element in fostering effective and cohesive teams.
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news-venue · 14 days
"Lower Your Pitch": Chief Justice Rebukes Lawyer, He Apologises
Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud today asked a lawyer to lower his voice and asked if he was addressing the judges or the gallery outside the court. The three-judge bench, also comprising Justice Manoj Misra and Justice JB Pardiwala, was hearing the Kolkata doctor's rape and murder case that has shaken the nation.
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During the arguments, Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal said he had videos and photographs to show that the lawyer was throwing stones at a protest over the August 9 incident at the state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.
The lawyer is Advocate Kaustav Bagchi, also a BJP leader. He switched from the Congress to the BJP earlier this year.
Responding to Mr Sibal's throwing stones charge, the lawyer asked how a senior counsel can make such statements in court.
The Chief Justice then said, "Are you trying to address the gallery outside the court? I have been noticing your demeanour for the last two hours."
"Can you first lower your pitch? Listen to the Chief Justice, lower your pitch. You are addressing three judges in front of you, not the large audience who is watching these proceedings on the video conferencing platform," the Chief Justice added.
The lawyer then apologised to the bench.
The Trinamool Congress responded to the Chief Justice reprimanding Mr Bagchi. "But what else can we expect from a loudmouth half-time advocate, full-time @BJP4India karyakarta @koustavcp who thinks courtroom decorum can be bulldozed like everything else under their rule? Today, the Hon'ble Chief Justice rightfully pulled him up for his misconduct."
Later, as more lawyers started mentioning a variety of issues, the Chief Justice remarked, "I am not used to this kind of advocacy where 7-8 people are arguing at the same time."
The Supreme Court has asked the CBI to file a fresh report in the case next Tuesday. The central agency today flagged the forensic report in the case and said "who collected the samples" has emerged as a relevant question.
Solicitor General Mehta said the central agency had decided to send samples to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi.
"We have forensic examination report and one thing is admitted that when the girl was found at 9:30 am, her jeans and undergarments were removed and lying nearby… semi-nude and injury marks also on body… they have taken samples. they have sent to CFSL in West Bengal. CBI has taken a decision to send the sample to AIIMS," he said.
Without explicitly mentioning the findings, the Solicitor General said, "Person enters, girl is nude and this is the result of FSL. So who took the sample is relevant."
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refersmss · 26 days
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The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) informed the Rouse Avenue Court that it has evidence proving that Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal promised Rs 90 lakhs to each candidate in 40 constituencies during the Goa elections. The agency also linked the funding to the South Group.
Durgesh Pathak’s Alleged Role in Goa Elections
According to the CBI, Durgesh Pathak, a Delhi MLA, was in charge of the Goa election, and all funds were spent on his instructions. The agency claimed that Pathak was instrumental in managing the financial aspects of the election, allegedly using funds from the South Group.
CBI Seeks Extension of Arvind Kejriwal’s Judicial Custody
During the hearing, the CBI requested an extension of Arvind Kejriwal’s judicial custody by 14 days. The agency also mentioned Vinod Chauhan’s involvement, who allegedly interacted with the PA of K Kavitha, another figure involved in the case.
Kejriwal’s Custody Extended Amid Health Concerns
Kejriwal, appearing via video conferencing, expressed concerns about his health, specifically a drop in his sugar levels. The court granted his request and extended his judicial custody until September 3, when the charge sheet against him will be considered.
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bhaskarlive · 26 days
Excise policy case: Arvind Kejriwal’s judicial custody extended till Sept 3
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A local court on Tuesday extended the judicial custody of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal till September 3 in connection with the alleged excise policy scam.
Chief Minister Kejriwal was produced before Special Judge Kaveri Baweja of the Rouse Avenue Court through video conferencing from Tihar Jail upon the expiry of his previously granted custody.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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simonhopes · 2 months
Technology and the Practice of Criminal Defense in The Future
The world of criminal defense is changing and it is being affected by some major technological advancements that are causing legal professionals to upgrade how they practice law, click here to find out more. New resources and strategies are being offered with the help of technology at every step. From evidence collection to analysis, through courtroom practices and client interaction working together for a better criminal defense. In this blog post, the following can be considered as a future of criminal defense that may not be for everyone which highlights some pretty amazing technology advancements and their effect on legal practice.
Advanced Forensic Techniques
DNA Analysis:
The advancement of DNA analysis continues to transform criminal defense. Techniques such as next-generation sequencing and rapid DNA testing provide faster, more accurate findings. These improvements allow defense attorneys to more effectively question forensic evidence and detect any flaws in the prosecution's case.
Digital Forensics:
As digital traces grow more common, digital forensics has developed as an important aspect of criminal defense. Advanced software tools may retrieve and analyze data from electronic devices, giving crucial evidence in cases of cybercrime, fraud, and other digital offenses. The capacity to monitor digital conversations and transactions can reveal exonerating evidence and expose faults in the prosecution's case.
Tech firms are getting better at implementing more sophisticated biometric technologies like facial recognition, fingerprint analysis, and voice identification. While these technologies will be beneficial for law enforcement, defense attorneys need to remember what their limitations are and the potential strengths of their inherent biases. Defense teams that comprehend the intricacies of biometric evidence can challenge its veracity and admissibility.
AI and Machine Learning
Predictive Analytics:
Historical data can be used to predict legal outcomes. Using data insights derived from predictive analytics, defense attorneys can accurately predict the likelihood of various trial outcomes before a case has been tried in court while also recognizing patterns within case law to further strengthen their arguments. Another use for these tools is in the earlier stage of plea negotiations, giving guidance based on data to shed light on what trade-offs exist between going to trial and accepting a deal.
Automated Legal Research:
Legal research platforms that are enhanced with AI can automate the identification of case law, statutes, and other useful legal precedents thus significantly saving time and effort. They analyze a massive amount of legal data, which can ultimately aid the defense attorney in building stronger cases and finding key arguments faster too.
Document Review and Analysis:
Artificial intelligence (AI), and specifically the machine learning algorithms that underlie it, can be trained to perform tasks including automated review of legal documents - such as discovery materials or contracts. These tools help to find relevant information, alert the matching of inconsistencies, and even suggest possible legal issues which enables defense attorneys to concentrate on working on higher-order aspects of your cases.
Secure Communication
Secure communication technology has, enabled defense attorneys to keep their conversations with clients confidential. Encrypted messaging, secure video conferencing, and virtual private networks (VPNs) keep important information safe from unauthorized access.
The advancement of technology has brought the direction for criminal defense that lies in the future with such challenges and new openings. These changes - from advanced forensic techniques and AI-driven analytics to improved communication tools and courtroom technologies - are reshaping the way defense attorneys conduct their practices. This effort will be central to the mission of defense attorneys looking to ensure they can best assist clients within an ever-more technological world, all while accounting for ethical and legal considerations.
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mybharatguru · 3 months
Arvind Kejriwal court custody extended till July 3…!
A Delhi court has extended the judicial custody of Arvind Kejriwal and Vinod Chauhan in the money laundering case. A Delhi court today extended the judicial custody of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and another accused Vinod Chauhan till July 3 in a money laundering case related to Delhi Excise policy. Both were produced in the court through video conferencing from Tihar Jail after the…
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whizlegalnoida · 3 months
Property Disputes Law Firms for NRI in India | Whizlegal
Navigating Property Disputes Law Firms for NRI in India can be a challenging and stressful experience, especially for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) who are far from their homeland. Understanding the complexities of Indian property law and ensuring your rights are protected requires the expertise of a specialized law firm. Whizlegal is dedicated to providing top-notch legal assistance for NRIs facing Property Disputes Law Firms for NRI in India.
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Why Property Disputes Arise for NRIs
Property disputes involving NRIs often stem from various issues, including:
Inheritance Issues: Conflicts over inherited property are common, with disputes often arising among family members over rightful ownership.
Fraudulent Transactions: Cases where properties are sold without the rightful owner’s consent or forged documents are used to claim ownership.
Land Encroachment: Unauthorized occupation or encroachment on NRI-owned land.
Eviction of Tenants: Problems with tenants who refuse to vacate the property or do not pay rent.
Title Disputes: Conflicts arising from unclear or disputed land titles.
Why Choose Whizlegal for Property Disputes
Whizlegal stands out as a premier choice for NRIs facing Property Disputes Law Firms for NRI in India. Here’s why:
Expertise in NRI Property Laws
Whizlegal boasts a team of seasoned lawyers who specialize in property laws pertinent to NRIs. They are well-versed in the intricacies of Indian property legislation and have a deep understanding of the unique challenges NRIs face.
Comprehensive Legal Services
From legal consultation to litigation and resolution, Whizlegal offers a full spectrum of services to handle property disputes. Their services include:
Property Verification: Ensuring the legitimacy of property titles and documents.
Litigation Support: Representing NRIs in court to resolve disputes.
Mediation and Arbitration: Facilitating out-of-court settlements.
Document Drafting and Review: Preparing and reviewing legal documents related to property transactions.
Client-Centric Approach
Whizlegal client-centric approach ensures that NRIs are kept informed and involved throughout the legal process. They offer transparent communication and personalized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client.
Strong Track Record
With a proven track record of successfully resolving property disputes for NRIs, Whizlegal has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy law firm. Their commitment to excellence and client satisfaction is evident in their high success rate.
Accessibility and Convenience
Understanding the geographical and time zone challenges faced by NRIs, Whizlegal provides seamless communication channels through email, phone, and video conferencing. This ensures that clients receive timely updates and can easily discuss their cases with their legal team.
How Whizlegal Can Help You
Navigating Property Disputes Law Firms for NRI in India from afar can be daunting, but with Whizlegal by your side, you can rest assured that your interests are well-protected. Here’s how they can assist you:
Initial Consultation: A thorough assessment of your case to understand the specifics and devise a strategy.
Case Preparation: Gathering all necessary documents, evidence, and witnesses to build a strong case.
Legal Representation: Advocating on your behalf in Indian courts to ensure your rights are upheld.
Settlement Negotiation: Working towards amicable settlements to save time and resources.
Ongoing Support: Continuous support and advice even after the resolution of your case to prevent future disputes.
Property Disputes Law Firms for NRI in India can be complex and stressful, but with the right legal support, they can be effectively managed and resolved. Whizlegal is committed to providing top-tier legal services to NRIs, ensuring their property rights are protected and their disputes are resolved efficiently. If you’re an NRI facing a property dispute in India, don’t navigate it alone — trust Whizlegal to guide you through every step of the process.
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Further Details on Various Aspects of Client Advocacy For a Traffic Violation Lawyer
Comprehensive Communication
Effective communication is the cornerstone of client advocacy for a traffic ticket lawyer. Here are some additional considerations:
1. Active Listening: Beyond just listening, a skilled lawyer actively engages in understanding the client’s concerns, motivations, and priorities. They pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues to grasp the full scope of the client’s perspective.
2. Cultural Sensitivity: In a diverse society, lawyers must be culturally sensitive and respectful of differences in language, background, and communication styles. They adapt their communication approach to ensure clarity and understanding across cultural boundaries.
3. Transparency: Transparent communication builds trust between the lawyer and the client. Lawyers should openly discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the case, potential challenges, and realistic expectations to avoid misunderstandings or false hopes.
4. Accessible Communication Channels: In today’s digital age, lawyers should offer various communication channels to accommodate clients’ preferences, whether it’s phone calls, emails, video conferencing, or secure messaging platforms. Accessibility enhances the client’s convenience and satisfaction with legal representation.
Empowerment Through Education
Empowering clients with knowledge and understanding strengthens their ability to actively participate in their legal defense:
1. Legal Literacy: Traffic violation lawyer takes the time to educate clients about relevant traffic laws, court procedures, and potential consequences of various legal outcomes. This empowers clients to make informed decisions and contribute meaningfully to their defense strategy.
2. Options Exploration: Traffic violation attorney discuss the range of options available to clients, from contesting the ticket in court to negotiating plea deals or pursuing alternative resolutions. Clients are encouraged to weigh the pros and cons of each option based on their priorities and risk tolerance.
3. Risk Management: Through transparent discussions about potential risks and rewards, lawyers help clients assess the likelihood of success and make decisions aligned with their best interests. Clients are equipped with realistic expectations to navigate the legal process with confidence and clarity.
4. Collaborative Decision-Making: Clients are active participants in shaping their defense strategy, providing input on key decisions and expressing their preferences regarding case management. Lawyers foster a collaborative environment where clients feel empowered to assert their autonomy and contribute to the legal strategy.
Holistic Support
Client advocacy extends beyond legal guidance to encompass holistic support for clients’ well-being:
1. Emotional Resilience: Lawyers recognize the emotional toll that legal proceedings can take on clients and offer empathetic support to help them navigate stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. They provide a compassionate presence and encourage self-care practices to promote emotional resilience.
2. Community Resources: Connecting clients with community resources, such as counseling services, support groups, or financial assistance programs, reinforces their support network and addresses broader needs beyond the legal realm.
3. Family Engagement: In cases where family dynamics play a significant role, lawyers may involve family members in the support network, facilitating open communication and collaboration to enhance the client’s emotional well-being and decision-making process.
4. Advocacy Beyond Courtroom: Lawyers advocate for clients’ interests beyond the courtroom, addressing systemic issues related to traffic enforcement, driver education, and access to justice. They may engage in policy advocacy, community outreach, or legal education initiatives to promote systemic change and address underlying injustices.
Client-Centered Representation in Practice
Client advocacy is not just a theoretical concept but a guiding principle that shapes every aspect of a traffic ticket lawyer’s practice:
1. Individualized Approach: Recognizing that each client is unique, lawyers tailor their representation to accommodate diverse needs, preferences, and circumstances. They adopt a flexible approach that respects clients’ autonomy and values, fostering a collaborative partnership based on mutual respect and trust.
2. Responsive Legal Strategies: Lawyers adapt their legal strategies in response to evolving client needs, changing circumstances, and emerging evidence. They remain agile and proactive in adjusting the course of action to maximize the client’s chances of success and achieve the desired legal outcomes.
3. Continual Feedback Loop: Client feedback serves as a valuable resource for lawyers to assess the effectiveness of their advocacy efforts and identify areas for improvement. Lawyers solicit feedback from clients at regular intervals, actively listening to their concerns, suggestions, and satisfaction levels to enhance the quality of service delivery.
4. Client Satisfaction Metrics: Lawyers measure client satisfaction through various metrics, such as client surveys, testimonials, or referral rates. Positive feedback and repeat business validate the effectiveness of client-centered representation and reinforce the lawyer’s commitment to excellence in legal advocacy.
Client advocacy is the bedrock of ethical legal practice, guiding best speeding ticket lawyers in their interactions with clients, courts, and the legal system. Through comprehensive communication, empowerment through education, holistic support, and client-centered representation in practice, lawyers uphold the principles of professionalism, integrity, and accountability in serving their clients’ interests. By prioritizing the client’s needs, values, and well-being, traffic ticket lawyers foster trust, collaboration, and positive outcomes in the pursuit of justice for their clients.
Source: https://medium.com/@recklessdrivingcoloradolawyer/further-details-on-various-aspects-of-client-advocacy-for-a-traffic-violation-lawyer-21b637aef540
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love1904 · 4 months
Muslim marriage websites focused on Muslim marriage are superior to other marriage associations
Matrimony web sites permit you to meet your soul mate with just a mouse click on, no matter how far or how lengthy you stay out of your prospective spouse. To meet your soul mate, you can pick out from a extensive variety of marriage web sites in India that provide excellent matrimonial offerings. The selection to get married is usually made via the individuals themselves, even as parents and different family individuals are still very a lot involved. This is because it offers human beings the liberty to make their very own decisions and choose a lifestyles mate who most intently fits their possibilities and pastimes. We've positioned up a listing of some of the most convincing justifications for the usage of matrimonial offerings to help you find your soul companion.
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isaiahnoelarcenas · 4 months
A Flickering Flame: Strengthening the Philippine Criminal Justice System
In the Philippines there are really big issues to our justice system some people might say that other foreign people go to the Philippines so that they can be excused of their crime that they committed in their home country as a political Science student this are the ways to make the Philippine justice system to be more efficient and all Filipinos whether rich or poor can be covered. Addressing Congestion: The backlog of cases is a crippling issue. One key solution lies in streamlining procedures. Implementing technology for court filings and case management can expedite processes. Additionally, diversion programs that focus on rehabilitation for petty offenses can free up court resources for serious crimes. Empowering Law Enforcement: Public trust in the police is crucial. Investing in police training on proper investigative techniques, human rights, and community engagement can foster better relations. Addressing police corruption through stricter oversight and competitive salaries will further strengthen the force. Protecting the Vulnerable: The justice system often fails the most vulnerable – victims and witnesses. Strengthening the Witness Protection Program by ensuring its effectiveness and providing adequate security and support is essential. Establishing victim support services to guide them through the process and offer counseling can make a significant difference. Rehabilitation, not Incarceration: Prisons are often overcrowded and fail to rehabilitate inmates. Restorative justice programs, where offenders meet victims to take responsibility and seek forgiveness, can be a powerful tool for rehabilitation and reducing recidivism rates. Investing in vocational training and education programs in correctional facilities can equip inmates with skills for successful reintegration into society upon release. The Role of Technology: Technology can be a powerful ally. E-courts can expedite case processing, while video conferencing can facilitate remote court appearances. Additionally, data analytics can help identify crime hotspots and patterns, allowing for targeted police interventions. Building a Culture of Accountability: A strong justice system requires accountability at all levels. Independent commissions can investigate police misconduct and corruption, ensuring swift and fair consequences. Additionally, fostering a culture of legal awareness within the public can empower citizens to understand their rights and hold authorities accountable. The Road Ahead: The path towards a stronger justice system requires collaboration. Civil society organizations, legal professionals, and the government must work together to identify priorities and implement reforms. Public engagement through open dialogues and educational programs is also vital. A Brighter Future :Building a fair and efficient criminal justice system is a long-term endeavor. By addressing the issues outlined above and fostering a collaborative spirit, we can transform those "glimmers of hope" into a brighter future for the Philippines, where justice truly prevails.
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pannaginip · 5 months
The first project, "Kariton ng Bagong Buhay at Pag-asa," provides kariton or food carts made by current inmates. Three former prisoners were given kariton with cooking equipment and ingredients they could use to start selling food.
[Judge Maria Sophia Solidum-Taylor, Presiding Judge of the Metro Manila Regional Trial Court 3] also said that this project is a way to give hope and inspiration to the inmates to prevent them from falling into depression and addiction.
"I call upon the national government and the Congress, the Senate, to institutionalize, to put into law the institutionalization the aftercare, the livelihood program for PDLs, drug offenders para mabigyan talaga sila ng second chance in life," Judge Taylor said. "Because these people, just like us, we're all flawed. But if you give them a chance and if you give them hope, magbabago po talaga sila."
The other project is "Padyak Para sa Pagbabago," which was initiated by Superintendent Lino M. Soriano, City Jail Warden. It aims to support the livelihoods of both current and former prisoners.
Manila Mayor Hon. Maria Sheilah "Honey" Lacuna-Pangan said in her speech at the event that these projects are important to give former inmates something to look forward to when they leave the prison.
"Ako naman po ay naniniwala na kayong lahat ay mga pawang biktima lang ng sirkumstansya at sitwasyon sa inyong paligid. Wala naman sigurong gusto maging masama. Kaya lang, napakahirap talaga siguro ng buhay ngayon," she told the inmates.
Meanwhile, the Cyber Communication Center, funded by the Rizal Technological University Laboratory High School Batch 1993 and in active participation of Judge Taylor was also opened during the event.
The facility is located at the North Sector of Manila City Jail Male Dorm and will offer free 15-minute access to video conferencing and phone calls between PDL and their loved ones.
2024 Apr. 2
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collosandcompany · 6 months
Collos and Company
938 Howe St #312, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9 Canada
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As a Vancouver Court Reporter, I stand proud alongside my colleagues at Collos and Company, where excellence in court reporting is our hallmark. Vancouver, renowned for its vibrant legal scene, finds us at the forefront, offering unmatched court reporting and transcription services. Our commitment to precision, efficiency, and cutting-edge technology distinguishes us from the rest.
Founded by an experienced court reporter in Vancouver who envisioned a blend of traditional professionalism and modern efficiency, Collos and Company has emerged as the preferred partner for law firms, corporations, and government agencies across Vancouver and its environs. Our team of highly skilled court reporters and transcriptionists ensures the accurate capture of every word uttered in courtrooms or depositions, empowering legal professionals to scrutinize testimonies and proceedings with utmost accuracy.
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Our dedication to excellence extends beyond our services to our customer-centric approach. At Collos and Company, we prioritize building enduring relationships with our clients, understanding that trust and reliability are paramount in the legal realm. This ethos has not only secured repeat business but also cemented our reputation as leaders in the Vancouver court reporting industry.
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seemabhatnagar · 6 months
“Breaking Barriers: Apex Court Sets Precedent for LGBTQ+Community Rights in Landmark Ruling"
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Devu G Nair v The State of Kerala & Others
SLP Crl. 1891/2023
Before The Supreme Court of India
Subject: Habeas Corpus Petition
Hear by Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice Dr. D Y Chandrachud J, Hon’ble Mr. Justice J B Pardiwala J & Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manoj Misra J
The Apex Court on March 11, 2024, issued guidelines that are a mandatory minimum measure to secure the fundamental rights and dignity of intimate partners, and members of the LGBTQ+ communities in illegal detention. The Apex Court held that the High Court must adhere to these guidelines in the judgment dealing with habeas corpus petitions or petitions for police protection by intimate partners.
In a significant development, the Apex Court set aside the order of the Kerala High Court where the High Court directed the corpus X to go for counseling. The matter before the Kerala High Court was a Habeas Corpus petition filed by the present appellant alleging that Corpus X had been forcibly detained by her parents. The appellant and the Corpus have an intimate relationship and the Corpus wanted to stay with the Appellant. (Corpus and Appellant belong to the same sex).
The Kerala High Court after interaction with X through video conferencing at the office of the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA) directed that X be counselled by the psychologist of the Centre.
Directions for counseling or parental care have a deterrent effect on members of the LGBTQ+ community. Courts must bear in mind that the concept of ‘family’ is not limited to the natal family but also encompasses a person's chosen family. This is true for all persons.
It has gained heightened significance for LGBTQ+ persons on account of the violence and lack of safety that they may experience at the hands of their natal family. When faced with humiliation, indignity, and even violence, people look to their partners and friends who become their chosen family. These chosen families often outlast natal families as a source of immeasurable support, love, mutual aid, and social respect.
In SLP the Apex Court appointed Ms Saleena V G Nair, a Senior Judicial Officer to have an interview in the premises of Principal Judge Family Court Kollam and submit a comprehensive report based on the interview to the Apex Court. In the report it was submitted by the Judicial Officer, X is a major & has done a Master in Arts. She is living with her parents of her own will. She intends to become a lecturer and is focused on her career. She has a mobile and is free to move wherever she desires. At this point, she doesn’t want to marry anyone or live with anyone. She also stated that the Appellant is her close friend.
Apex Court observed there is no reason to disbelieve the report.
The Apex Court issued guidelines which are a mandatory minimum measure to secure the fundamental rights and dignity of intimate partners, and members of the LGBTQ+ communities in illegal detention. The High Court must adhere to these guidelines in the judgment dealing with habeas corpus petitions or petitions for police protection by intimate partners.
Habeas corpus petitions and petitions for protection filed by a partner, friend, or a natal family member must be given priority in listing and hearing before the court. A court must avoid adjourning the matter, or delays in the disposal of the case;
In evaluating the locus standi of a partner or friend, the court must not make a roving inquiry into the precise nature of the relationship between the appellant and the person;
The effort must be to create an environment conducive to a free and uncoerced dialogue to ascertain the wishes of the corpus;
The court must ensure that the corpus is produced before the court and given the opportunity to interact with the judges in person in chambers to ensure the privacy and safety of the detained or missing person. The court must conduct in-camera proceedings. The recording of the statement must be transcribed and the recording must be secured to ensure that it is not accessible to any other party;
The court must ensure that the wishes of the detained person is not unduly influenced by the Court, the police, or the natal family during the course of the proceedings. In particular, the court must ensure that the individuals(s) alleged to be detaining the individual against their volition are not present in the same environment as the detained or missing person. Similarly, in petitions seeking police protection from the natal family of the parties, the family must not be placed in the same environment as the petitioners;
Upon securing the environment and inviting the detained or missing person in chambers, the court must make active efforts to put the detained or missing person at ease. The preferred name and pronouns of the detained or missing person may be asked. The person must be given a comfortable seating, access to drinking water, and a washroom. They must be allowed to take periodic breaks to collect themselves. The judge must adopt a friendly and compassionate demeanor and make all efforts to defuse any tension or discomfort. Courts must ensure that the detained or missing person faces no obstacles in being able to express their wishes to the court;
A court while dealing with the detained or missing person may ascertain the age of the detained or missing person. However, the minority of the detained or missing person must not be used, at the threshold, to dismiss a habeas corpus petition against illegal detention by a natal family;
The judges must showcase sincere empathy and compassion for the case of the detained or missing person. Social morality is laden with homophobic or transphobic views or any personal predilection of the judge or sympathy for the natal family must be eschewed. The court must ensure that the law is followed in ascertaining the free will of the detained or missing person;
If a detained or missing person expresses their wish to not go back to the alleged detainer or the natal family, then the person must be released immediately without any further delay;
The court must acknowledge that some intimate partners may face social stigma and a neutral stand of the law would be detrimental to the fundamental freedoms of the appellant. Therefore, a court while dealing with a petition for police protection by intimate partners on the grounds that they are a same sex, transgender, inter-faith, or inter-caste couple must grant an ad-interim measure, such as immediately granting police protection to the petitioners, before establishing the threshold requirement of being at grave risk of violence and abuse. The protection granted to intimate partners must be with a view to maintaining their privacy and dignity;
The Court shall not pass any directions for counseling or parental care when the corpus is produced before the Court. The role of the Court is limited to ascertaining the will of the person. The Court must not adopt counseling as a means of changing the mind of the appellant, or the detained/missing person;
The Judge during the interaction with the corpus to ascertain their views must not attempt to change or influence the admission of the sexual orientation or gender identity of the appellant or the corpus. The court must act swiftly against any queerphobic, transphobic, or otherwise derogatory conduct or remark by the alleged detainers, court staff, or lawyers; and
Sexual orientation and gender identity fall in the core zone of privacy of an individual. These identities are a matter of self-identification and no stigma or moral judgment must be imposed when dealing with cases involving parties from the LGBTQ+ community. Courts must exercise caution in passing any direction or making any comment which may be perceived as pejorative.
Seema Bhatnagar
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