#covert fob anon
judasisgayriot · 6 months
Convert FOB fan again (I should start signing my messages with something tbh... let's say if you see this: 🎸💞 it's me!) Could you explain what the 'I'm half-doomed and you're semi-sweet' thing means? I don't understand it and I'd love to! 😚 I know it's lyrics but they don't really make sense to me.
hi anon you're my fave!!! goooood question. hahahaha I feel like, underequipped to start explaining FOB stuff almost, like I should bring a guest expert in lol (FOB imposter syndrome!!), but here we go:
yeah, "what a match, I'm half-doomed and you're semi-sweet" is a lyric from Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes, and one that is widely latched onto/known as one of the most iconic Pete'n'Patrick lyrics, in large part because of the official Genius lyrics annotation from Pete where he says it's about Patrick lol.
I feel like you can never definitively say what any Pete lyric is "about" because he writes in such a metaphorical, multi-layered way, and of course then Patrick takes Pete's words from various sources and arranges them into songs so he adds his own layer of meaning and interpretation there too. I do love this one (it's a classic for a reason lol) because it speaks of their relationship, it fits their "we have opposite perspectives and are so different, but we're two halves of a whole, we complete each other, we fit together, we make up one person/member of the band" thing that they've talked about many, many times in different ways (including, I feel, even the latest band logo?? it's crazy). And it also feels like classic 'I'm sad and doomed, you're beautiful' self-deprecating Pete Emotions, though it could also kinda come from either direction with them, like everything could, being that they both rely on the other to lift them up out of their own self-esteem troubles and They Are One Person, etc. Anyway. so that's the lovely part. Here's the incredible stinger. Pete has used the phrase 'semi-sweet' (as noted in the Genius annotation, a "slight ref to baking chocolate") on a couple of occasions in his writings (blog posts etc which we later end up seeing parts of in lyrics) but. uh. here's one instance that could be partially the origin of the turn of phrase...
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judasisgayriot · 5 months
Hey 🎸💕 You’re one of my absolute favourite tumblr users. Top three material right here! I wish we could be IRL friends!
hiiii anon <3 thank you so much that is so sweet and i wish we could be IRL friends too you're my fave!!
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judasisgayriot · 5 months
🎸💞 Hey, I hope it's okay to send you something kinda... personal/venty related to FOB?
I think I mentioned that I listen to and like their music, they've just always been (pre-your blog!) one of those bands you enjoy but don't look much deeper into. So American Beauty/American Psycho had just come out and I'd just gotten my first smart phone capable of running Spotify. I'm very shy and my best friend had dragged me to a party with her theatre friends (extremely NOT my scene but I wanted to support her.) I got a drunk and announced to everyone that FOB had a new album and I was going to play it loudly from my phone, come dance with me! (*head in my hands* OMG, I'm cringing 😂...) Surprise surprise, none of them wanted to, lol. I announced it a few more times while the album played, singing along loudly to Centuries on my own. Eventually, my friend came and took my arm in front of everyone and said I should give it up because the songs were shit anyway. I was so embarrassed and it left me feeling really sad.
 It probably sounds stupid, but because of that experience, I had this sad/bad association with the album, so I stopped listening to it. Every time I thought about playing it, I would just (1) cringe at what an ass I made of myself in front of her friends and (2) feel bitter about her "betrayal" (lol) saying the songs were shit (especially because, a few months later, she started listening to that album!!! Not so shit anymore, huh?!)
However, I think I have a happy ending :) I've been thinking of sending you this message for a while, because I do genuinely believe you'll care. While I've been typing this, I've had the album playing for the first time in years. (It's awesome!!) Writing this was therapeutic, and I think nine years is enough time for me to get over this extremely silly and not even that bad thing 😉
Thank you for reading this!
Awww thanks for telling me this, it might sound silly when you look back on it but stuff like that really can affect how you feel about something, like I can see how that left you feeling tainted about the whole thing…(that’s shitty by the way, and if they couldn’t recognise that ABAP is a MASTERPIECE of an album… smh lol)
And you’re right I do care!! and I think it’s super cool that you’ve revisited it and feel better about it now and if my silly blogging made that partially possible that’s so awesome haha. I’ve genuinely loved hearing about your FOB journey as I’m going on my own descent into madness about this band that I’ve loved for a long time but never been this insane about until last year haha
I keep being like sorry I involuntarily dragged you into this with me lol but also I’m happy if it helped you do some healing from past cringe haha! I say embrace the cringe, embrace the madness, embrace the LOVE and the LORE and keep letting me know your reactions to it all 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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judasisgayriot · 5 months
I’m screwed. I’ve started telling friends about Peterick IRL. It doesn’t get very far because I don’t know much about them, but as soon as I show them pics/gifs from your blog they’re just like, oh wow yeah okay, I could ship them! Help 😅🎸💕
Happy new year I accidentally made poor anon into a peterick evangelist HELP 😭😂💖❤️
Hahahaha make sure you sprinkle in that they describe themselves as soulmates, two halves of one person and share a secret twin language while you’re at it. For spice.
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judasisgayriot · 6 months
Not to be rude, but the lil sweater picture reminded me there are other members of FOB. For a moment I was like, why are the star crossed husbands posing with the Supernatural guys, then remembered that oh yeah it’s a BAND 🤣🎸💕
Ohh my god this is such a funny comment. “The supernatural guys” rip andy and joe 😭😭 sorry that I’m so fixated on patrick and pete’s particular brand of mutual insanity, guys, you are true heroes xx
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judasisgayriot · 6 months
I’m so happy about the new pics! They look so good!!!! 🎸💕
Omg I knowww why are they slaying it so hard lol. My dash was nothing but those pics for like a solid day bc of everyone I follow lol. And I did my part 😂 truly. Incredible tho. My dads are looking so fine 💖💖
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