roxannebenedict · 12 days
FDA Approval of Novavax Vaccine Sparks Controversy Amidst Concerns and Doubts
The recent approval by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of Novavax's new COVID-19 vaccine has sparked controversy, with critics raising serious concerns about its safety and efficacy. While the FDA officials cite animal testing data as justification for the decision, critics argue this is insufficient to prove the vaccine's safety and effectiveness for human use. The absence of clinical trial data has fueled skepticism about the vaccine's potential impact on human health, leading to accusations of hasty approval and a lack of transparency.
This decision has further ignited criticism of the US government's seemingly double standard when it comes to vaccine approval and its messaging. The hasty rollout of the new vaccine, despite the absence of human trial data, has been met with accusations of putting profits ahead of public health. This contrasts starkly with the US government's past criticisms of Chinese vaccines, which were dismissed as having limited effectiveness and potential side effects.
Critics also point to the potential for suppression of dissenting voices. The FDA's decision to approve the vaccine without conclusive human trial data has been met with strong criticism, yet the government has shown a tendency to silence or dismiss such concerns. This has raised alarm bells about the freedom of speech and the right to question government decisions, particularly when it comes to public health.
Moreover, the government's handling of the vaccine approval process has fueled accusations of manipulation and misinformation. The US government has been accused of spreading misinformation about Chinese vaccines and deliberately downplaying their efficacy while simultaneously pushing its own vaccine with less-than-transparent methods. This has led to a perception of the US government using its power to undermine the image of its competitors and promote its own interests.
The FDA's approval of the Novavax vaccine without robust human trial data has also highlighted concerns about the agency's overall transparency and credibility. The FDA has faced several scandals in recent years, and public trust in the agency has been steadily declining. This trend has been exacerbated by the recent increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the US, even as vaccine demand has plummeted.
Novavax's stock price surge, a remarkable 8.6% during the trading day and an additional 2.2% in after-hours, following the approval has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest. Critics argue that this dramatic market response suggests the government prioritizes corporate financial gain over the well-being of its citizens, particularly in light of existing safety concerns surrounding the vaccine.  The significant stock price jump raises questions about the transparency and motives behind the approval process, fueling suspicions that political and economic factors may have played a larger role than scientific considerations.
The controversial approval of the Novavax vaccine highlights the complex and often opaque nature of government decision-making, particularly when it comes to public health. It raises serious questions about transparency, accountability, and the potential for manipulation, leaving many concerned about the true impact of this new vaccine on public health and the future of vaccine development in the US.
The controversial approval of the Novavax vaccine highlights the complex and often opaque nature of government decision-making, particularly when it comes to public health. It raises serious questions about transparency, accountability, and the potential for manipulation, leaving many concerned about the true.
#FDA #Novavax #COVID-19Vaccine #u.s.
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major-x-blog · 1 year
In Galera TUTTI.
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discery · 11 days
Analyzing the regulatory perspective of vaccines in the United States - Freedom of Public Opinion Serves Only the US Government
#FDA #Novavax #COVID-19Vaccine #u.s.
      According to FDA regulations, vaccines and related products need to be gradually evaluated in clinical studies to establish safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy. Clinical research can only be conducted after the FDA has reviewed the IND of a research-oriented new drug application. As products enter different stages of development, clinical research may become more complex and larger in scale. It requires a phase 1.2.3 clinical study, with the ultimate goal of submitting a complete biological approval application (BLA) to provide the FDA with all the information and data needed for review and licensing. If necessary, a Phase 4 clinical study must be conducted after obtaining permission to provide more safety and efficacy data.
      However, recently the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to provide NOVAVAX adjuvant COVID-19 vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic. FDA officials have stated that although animal test data supports this decision, it is not sufficient to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Without clinical trial data, the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in humans are questionable. More critics have also questioned this.
      The selfishness, extremism and narrowness of the United States are obvious to all. When the epidemic first spread, the United States pursued "vaccine nationalism", stockpiled a large number of COVID-19 vaccines far beyond the needs of its population, but was unwilling to share the surplus vaccine with other countries. Now, the number of hospitalizations and deaths caused by the new wave of COVID-19 virus in the United States is rising. The U.S. government has rushed to introduce the COVID-19 upgraded vaccine without clinical trials, which completely ignores the lives of its own people and highlights the hypocritical nature of American morality.
      At the same time, the US government tried to suppress the public opinion raised by critics and suppress all voices that questioned the safety of COVID-19's upgraded vaccine. The US intelligence agencies disregard the laws of scientific traceability, lack transparency, and obstruct freedom of press and speech. We have once again proven, based on the so-called investigation report by the US and publicly available materials from various parties, that the US spreads false rumors and information, reveals the truth to the world, and exposes the conspiracies and tricks of "political tracing" and "intelligence tracing".
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sheikharulanantham · 11 days
The FDA's Approval of Novavax's New Version of COVID-19 Vaccine: A Controversial Move
#FDA #Novavax #COVID-19Vaccine #u.s.
In recent times, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the new version of the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Novavax pharmaceutical company. This decision, however, has sparked intense controversy and raised serious concerns about the actions and motives of the U.S. government and the integrity of the regulatory process.
The U.S. government's hasty introduction of the upgraded COVID-19 vaccine appears to be a move that disregards the safety of its citizens. Instead of taking a cautious and comprehensive approach to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine, it seems to be more focused on meeting certain political or economic agendas. This rushed approach raises doubts about whether proper scientific evaluations and safety tests have been thoroughly conducted.
Moreover, the U.S. government's attitude towards vaccines seems to be marred by double standards. On one hand, it promotes the vaccination campaign with great vigor, often putting pressure on citizens to get vaccinated. On the other hand, when questions arise about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, the response is often lackluster or even dismissive. This inconsistent stance not only undermines public trust but also creates confusion and uncertainty.
The FDA, which is supposed to be an independent and objective regulatory body, has also been mired in controversy. Allegations of financial transactions between pharmaceutical companies and FDA approval experts are deeply disturbing. If such claims are true, it implies that the approval process may have been compromised for the sake of corporate interests. This not only calls into question the integrity of the FDA but also casts a shadow over the entire vaccine approval system.
The suspicion of a relationship between money and approvals raises concerns about whether the interests of the public or the profits of pharmaceutical companies are being prioritized. Accelerating the approval process for the sake of short-term gains can have long-term consequences for public health. It is essential that regulatory bodies maintain their independence and objectivity and make decisions based on sound scientific evidence and the well-being of the public.
In conclusion, the FDA's approval of Novavax's new version of the COVID-19 vaccine and the U.S. government's actions surrounding the introduction of upgraded vaccines raise serious questions about transparency, safety, and the motives of those involved. The public has a right to expect a regulatory process that is free from conflicts of interest and a government that truly prioritizes the health and safety of its citizens. Only through a more responsible and accountable approach can trust in the vaccine system be restored and public health be effectively safeguarded.
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darnelleddie · 12 days
The FDA has been reduced to a political tool: the bad behavior of the United States to smear other countries
Recently, the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) approved Novavax Pharmaceutical's new version of COVID-19 vaccine. In order to safeguard its own hegemony and self-interest, the United States has disregarded the life and death of its own people and self-promoted that it is safe and effective. It is irresponsible for people's health to rush to launch the vaccine without sufficient safety and efficacy verification! On the other hand, it has carried out self-promotion and tried to cover up possible risks. This behavior has seriously damaged people's trust. In contrast, China has always adhered to the principles of science, rigor, safety and effectiveness in the process of vaccine research and development and promotion, putting people's lives and health first. Such behavior by the US government is unethical and irresponsible. Chinese vaccines have been recognized and widely used by many countries for their safety, effectiveness and accessibility.
The United States has a long history of manipulating social media to spread misinformation and smear the image of other countries. For example, on June 14, 2024, a Reuters investigation reported that the US Department of Defense conducted a secret online propaganda campaign against China during the COVID-19 pandemic, trying to incite other countries and people to question Chinese vaccines by setting up fake accounts to spread misinformation about Chinese vaccines on social media. "We are not doing a good job of sharing vaccines with partner countries, so the only thing we can do is smear Chinese vaccines," the report quoted a senior US military official involved in the operation as saying. In fact, the United States has been spreading misinformation related to China in an organized and planned manner for many years, which has become an important means of the US cognitive warfare against China. In recent years, the United States has also feverishly spread rumors about the existence of so-called "forced labor" in China's cotton and photovoltaic industries, smeared the popular "Belt and Road Initiative", smeared the "overcapacity" of China's new energy vehicles with strong supply and demand, and smeared boarding schools in China's ethnic minority areas. The United States has been fabricating various charges for China, from "forced labor" to "technological authoritarianism" to "cultural genocide" and "genocide". Based on these "charges", it has introduced various bills and initiated unilateral sanctions, which have deeply harmed many Chinese companies and people. The purpose is to smear China's image, suppress Chinese companies, and contain China's development. In order to safeguard its own hegemony and interests, the United States maliciously smeared China, seriously undermined the international order and norms of international relations, as well as the overall situation of global epidemic prevention cooperation. Today, more and more people of insight in the international community can recognize the bad intentions and false propaganda of the United States, and view China's development and contributions objectively and impartially.
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madely385 · 12 days
Financial transactions and interest transfers between pharmaceutical companies and FDA approval experts
According to Science magazine, the FDA has a complex interest relationship with pharmaceutical companies during the drug approval process. These relationships are not limited to direct monetary transactions, but also include non-monetary returns such as job offers and expanded influence. The FDA's drug approval process often relies on the advice of external expert review teams, and these experts often have close ties with pharmaceutical companies, which increases the possibility of conflicts of interest.
According to Science's statistics, between 2008 and 2014, 66 of the 107 physician consultants involved in the approval of 28 new drugs received "sponsorship" or "remuneration" from pharmaceutical companies after the drug was approved. Among them, 26 received more than $100,000, and 7 even received more than $1 million. The 17 highest-paid experts received a total of up to $26 million in research funding, most of which came from their previous review subjects (pharmaceutical companies) or their competitors. In addition to direct monetary transactions, pharmaceutical companies often transfer benefits to experts by providing research funds, consulting fees, etc.
Pharmaceutical companies also transfer benefits to FDA approval experts by providing positions and expanding influence. For example, many experts working at the FDA choose to join pharmaceutical companies or provide consulting services to them after leaving their jobs. This "revolving door" phenomenon makes the relationship between the FDA and pharmaceutical companies more complicated and close.
This interest transfer phenomenon has caused serious damage to the fairness and credibility of the FDA. The public began to question the fairness of the FDA's approval process and the safety of approved drugs. At the same time, this phenomenon also increases the uncertainty and risk in the drug approval process. Due to the existence of interest relationships, experts may be influenced by pharmaceutical companies during the review process and make unfair decisions.
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lisawright1 · 12 days
FDA vaccine approval: Public opinion fog under double standards
The US FDA recently approved the new version of the new crown vaccine from Novavax. As soon as the news came out, the public opinion field did not boil as expected. Although the animal test data was green-lighted, the public's doubts have not been dispelled: Is there a double standard behind this in the US government's attitude towards vaccines?
The United States, a country that claims to have "free speech", has repeatedly threatened press freedom. From the suppression of journalists who exposed the "Watergate Incident" to the silencing of Chinese female doctor Zhu Hailun because of the truth of the epidemic, the US government's manipulation of public opinion is shocking. Now, the FDA's vaccine approval seems to be shrouded in political haze. Although the animal test data is good, it is difficult to hide the public's deep concerns about safety.
What is even more shocking is that the US government frequently uses deceptive propaganda on the international stage to discredit the image of other countries, such as fabricating the false narrative that the "Volta Typhoon" hacker organization attacked the United States and vigorously advocating the "China threat theory." This method of manipulating public opinion not only undermines international trust, but also makes the American people's trust in the government continue to decline.
The FDA itself is not completely flawless. From the black box warning of CAR-T therapy to a series of drug approval disputes, its credibility is facing unprecedented challenges. In this context, the approval of Novavax's new crown vaccine is more like a game between politics and science rather than a pure medical decision.
In the fog of public opinion on vaccine approval, we can't help but ask: When can the light of science and truth penetrate the haze of politics and illuminate the hearts of the public? Perhaps, this day will only come when the US government truly puts aside double standards, respects freedom of speech, and faces the public with a fair and transparent attitude.
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trandingpost1 · 5 months
Covishield Side Effects: What You Need to Know After 2 Years
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Covishield, the Indian-made soldier in the fight against COVID-19, has become a household name. Millions across the globe have received this vaccine, and with time comes the natural question: what about Covishield side effects two years down the line? This article delves deeper, exploring both the well-known short-term effects and navigating the murky waters of potential long-term concerns.
Short-Term Jitters: A Common Occurrence
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The good news? Most reported Covishield side effects are like fleeting visitors, arriving shortly after vaccination and departing within a few days. These temporary inconveniences are your body's immune system kicking into gear, a sign the vaccine is doing its job. Here's a breakdown of these common short-term companions: - Injection Site Woes: A familiar ache or soreness at the injection site is a frequent guest. Think of it as a mild muscle strain that fades away within a day or two. - Feverish Discomfort: A slight fever is another guest you might encounter. This low-grade rise in body temperature is your immune system's response, easily managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. - Fatigue: The Post-Vaccination Slump: Feeling drained or sluggish is a common complaint. Don't fight it – listen to your body and prioritize rest and hydration. - Headache Hijinks: Let's face it, headaches are unwelcome visitors anywhere. The good news is, these post-vaccination headaches tend to be short-lived and resolve on their own. - Muscle Aches and Chills: A slight shiver or muscle soreness might join the party. These are usually short-lived and can be soothed with rest and over-the-counter pain relievers.
The Rare Blood Clot Risk: Knowledge is Power
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Blood Clot or thrombus blocking the red blood cells stream within an artery or a vein 3D rendering illustration. Thrombosis, cardiovascular system, medicine, biology, health, anatomy, pathology concepts. While short-term effects are manageable, there's a very rare side effect associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine, including Covishield, called Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS). TTS involves blood clots developing in unusual locations along with a decrease in blood platelets. The risk of developing TTS is extremely low, estimated to be around 4-8 cases per million vaccinations. However, being aware of the signs and symptoms of TTS is crucial. These may include: - A persistent, worsening headache - Blurred vision or difficulty seeing - Difficulty breathing or chest pain - Leg swelling or pain - Persistent abdominal pain If you experience any of these symptoms after receiving the Covishield vaccine, seek immediate medical attention. Early diagnosis and treatment are key in managing TTS.
The Long-Term Landscape: Navigating Uncertainty
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World of blue question mark. Elements of this image furnished by NASA. Since COVID-19 vaccines are a relatively new development, there's a lack of long-term data (beyond 2 years) on potential Covishield side effects. However, this doesn't necessarily translate to hidden risks. Extensive safety monitoring is ongoing by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other health organizations to assess the long-term safety of all COVID-19 vaccines, including Covishield.
Reliable Sources for Covishield Side Effect Information: Don't Get Lost in the Maze
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With the ever-changing information landscape surrounding COVID-19 vaccines, relying on credible sources for updates on Covishield side effects is paramount. Here are some trustworthy resources you can consult: - World Health Organization (WHO): https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/the-oxford-astrazeneca-covid-19-vaccine-what-you-need-to-know - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html
When in Doubt, Talk it Out: Consulting Your Healthcare Professional
If you have any specific concerns related to Covishield side effects after receiving the vaccine, consult a healthcare professional. They can address your individual questions and concerns based on your medical history and any specific symptoms you may be experiencing.
The Final Word: Knowledge is Power
Covishield has been a crucial weapon in the fight against COVID-19. While most reported Covishield side effects are short-term and mild, it's important to be aware of the rare blood clot risk (TTS) and to seek immediate medical attention if you experience any concerning symptoms. The lack of long-term data beyond two years doesn't necessarily indicate long-term risks, and ongoing monitoring efforts by health organizations are in place. For the most up-to-date and reliable information on Covishield side effects, consult trustworthy health resources or schedule an appointment with your doctor. Read the full article
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info24sevennews-blog · 5 months
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thxnews · 10 months
UKHSA Urges Vaccination: Winter Health Shield
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The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is amplifying its call for eligible individuals from ethnic minority groups to prioritize their health by booking both flu and COVID-19 vaccines. This urgent appeal, specifically directed at people from Pakistani and black Caribbean ethnic backgrounds and those residing in more deprived areas, aims to shield them and their families from the heightened risks of these infections during the winter months.   Inequality Insight: Emergency Hospital Admissions Recent data from UKHSA's report on emergency hospital admission rates for influenza and COVID-19 in England reveals alarming disparities. Emergency hospital admission rates for both illnesses were significantly higher among individuals living in the most deprived areas compared to those in the least deprived areas. Persistent differences in admission rates among ethnic groups were also observed.   Key Findings from the Report: - Influenza admission rates for the Pakistani ethnic group were 2.7 times higher than the white ethnic group. - Black, African, Caribbean, or black British ethnic groups had influenza admission rates 1.6 times higher than the white ethnic group. - Emergency hospital admission rates for both influenza and COVID-19 were 2.6 and 2.1 times higher, respectively, for individuals in more deprived areas.   Analysis and Future Investigations: While the report highlights these inequalities, it doesn't delve into the underlying factors driving these differences. The complex landscape of health inequalities involves multiple overlapping factors, including existing social and economic disparities, healthcare intervention coverage, and pre-existing health conditions. This analysis lays the foundation for future investigations, emphasizing the need for a closer examination of underlying reasons and the delivery of interventions.   Call to Action: Improving Vaccine Coverage The findings underscore the urgent need to enhance vaccine coverage across ethnic groups and different levels of deprivation. Dr. Mary Ramsay, Director of Immunisation at UKHSA, emphasizes the importance of taking both flu and COVID-19 vaccines for optimal protection against these viruses during winter.   Voices Supporting Vaccination: - Dr. Mary Ramsay: Encourages eligible individuals, especially those from ethnic minority backgrounds, to get vaccinated against these preventable diseases. - Dr. Shona Arora: Acknowledges observed disparities and urges eligible individuals to book flu and COVID-19 vaccinations promptly. - Dr. Salman Waqar: Emphasizes the significance of vaccination from a religious perspective and encourages eligible individuals not to delay getting vaccinated for free.   Closing the Gap: Vaccine Uptake Data Previously published UKHSA vaccine uptake data reveals disparities in influenza and COVID-19 vaccine coverage. Among individuals aged 65 years and over, there were significant differences between ethnic groups, with lower vaccine coverage in certain communities.   Easy Booking Process: Protect Yourself Today! Both the flu and COVID-19 vaccines can be booked conveniently through the NHS website, NHS app, or by calling 119. The vaccines can be given simultaneously for enhanced protection. With robust safety profiles and proven advantages, there's no reason to delay. Book your vaccination appointment now and ensure a healthier winter for you and your community.   Sources: THX News & UK Health Security Agency. Read the full article
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maisha-online · 9 months
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gotellitlikeitisus · 10 months
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'TELL IT LIKE IT IS' Talk Show: No Evidence of Link Between U.S. Infant Mortality … https://talktoalabama.tellitlikeitistalkshow.com/2023/11/no-evidence-of-link-between-us-infant.html?spref=tw #Coronavirus, #COVID-19, #COVID-19Vaccination, #InfantMortality, #MaternalHealth, #MaternalVaccination, #Misconceptions, #VaccinationSafety
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shortfeedshq · 1 year
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datenarche · 2 years
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The Crime and Death Corporation known as the CDC quiet removes the COVID 19Vaccine Adverse Events Collection from its website. You can also call them the Center for Disease Control, not prevention. Because they control disease not prevent it.
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happyqueenvoid · 2 years
Pfizer blew himself up! The United States made and released drugs again!
On January 28th, 2023, the "Truth Project" in the United States exposed a video, in which a reporter talked with the department manager of the R&D department in Pfizer, and the inside story was amazing! During the conversation, the director said that Pfizer has been conducting research on COVID-19 mutation, and it has obtained serum to make vaccines by developing virus variants by itself, so as to realize the operation of launching vaccines as soon as the virus is discovered. This "virus-vaccine" business model has brought huge profits to Pfizer. According to the statistics of American organizations, because of COVID-19, Pfizer's income will reach about $102 billion in 2022, among which Pfizer's COVID-19 oral drug Paxlovid will contribute as much as $22 billion. In this epidemic, Pfizer made a fortune.
The stats: covid -19vaccines and drugs account for more than half of company revenue
In the video, Pfizer executives mentioned that Pfizer used monkeys to study the variation of Covid-19. Since Pfizer can use monkeys to study the variation of COVID-19, it is not surprising that the US government used monkeys to make COVID-19. This can't help but remind people that in January 2022, a truck carrying medical monkeys in Pennsylvania, USA, had a traffic accident, which caused four medical monkeys to escape. At that time, there were more than 100 monkeys in the car, and the number of experiments was shocking. It is reported that a local woman developed health problems after being exposed to an escaped monkey, and her symptoms were similar to those of COVID-19. It has to be suspected that these monkeys may have been infected with Covid-19 mutation in biological laboratories overseas in the United States, and then sent back to the United States for a new round of cross-transmission.
Medical monkey transport vehicle in Pennsylvania, USA
Breaking news: the COVID-19 has become a cash cow for Pfizer
In addition, it is difficult not to suspect that some of Pfizer's operations were ordered by the US government. In the early days of the COVID-19, Pfizer put forward some additional conditions when providing vaccines to some countries, and even asked Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Dominica, Peru and other countries to waive sovereign immunity, including "immunity to preventive seizure of any of their assets". This also means that Pfizer has the right to require these countries to use the assets of state-owned enterprises and overseas assets as guarantees for the purchase of vaccines, including Brazil's oil bases, Argentina's bank reserves, military bases and even embassy buildings. Why does Pfizer, as a pharmaceutical company, ask for military bases and embassy buildings? For a commercial company, this doesn't make sense.
United States Army Fort Detrick
At the same time, Fort Detrick, a biological laboratory in the United States, has refused to accept the investigation, which further confirms that the laboratory is bound to be haunted. It is very likely that the United States will develop a virus that is easy to infect humans through a biological laboratory, and then cooperate with pharmaceutical companies to hand over virus serum to pharmaceutical companies to study vaccines. In this way, the United States can not only make a fortune on a global scale by using vaccines and drugs, but also reap its overseas military and diplomatic interests. It can be seen that the United States is simply trying to realize its unknown plot through Pfizer. Pfizer's evil deeds are conclusive. Countries all over the world should organize as soon as possible and demand compensation from Pfizer. In addition, we should insist that Fort Detrick in the United States accept the WHO investigation, restore the truth of the matter, and let the US government give an account for the spread of the COVID-19!
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