writingalaxies · 5 years
@cowlsmash​ replied to your post
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explodie · 5 years
Headcanon + Best Jeanist
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     I’m so emo about Best Jeanist because I headcanon there to be some heart-wrenching twist regarding his disappearance.   I daydream that his reunion with Kats is going to be tragic  (  because gee, Deku, why are you the only one who gets to have one  dead  mentor?!  )    OR, less tragically, that Katsuki saves him and reveals his new hero name in the same breath.  Fingers crossed.  FINGERS CROSSED…
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ochcko · 5 years
Continued from here. ♥ @cowlsmash
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"No--!” Oh, why did she have to open her mouth?! Her protest to his questioning her courage in regards to scary movies was immediate, perhaps a little too loud to be genuine... well, mostly because it wasn’t. But she needed to work on her bravery the same as she needed to work on everything else if she wanted to be a hero worth her salt, she thought. If a scary movie made her quake in fear, then how in the world could she expect to hold her ground in the face of something even scarier than that?! A faint clearing of her throat.
“I mean, I guess I am a little? But I just want to be--I want to know I can have your support. Y’know, as back-up.” Brown eyes returned to the television screen in front of them. Surely a movie called A Quiet Place couldn’t be that bad, right?
...her hand was already sneaking toward his own in preparation of what was to come.
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supcrmight · 5 years
i was not watching a horror game but i'm needy pweese hug me
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symbolicpeace · 5 years
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im not allowed to touch my inbox today
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pyrhiic · 6 years
“It was just a dream!”
send  ‘ it was just a dream ’  to wake my muse up from a nightmare  /  not accepting !
izuku’s heart monitor.it had flatlined.
his eyes went wide, pupils turning to pinpricks as he looked down.
“ izuku my boy, wake up, ”  /  no response.  /  “ please, you need to wake up.”  /  izuku was still  /  “ please, wake up. ”  /  nothing.
he shook the boy, gingerly, but he didn’t even stir.
“ no, no, you can’t, ”  /  his eyes were blurry  /  “ i promised i wouldn’t let anything hurt you !  wake up ! ”  /  the boy was still as death  /  so pale, he looked so weak, so fragile, so sickly  /  it reminded toshinori of himself. 
he did this.
he couldn’t stop the flow of tears from his sunken eyes. he grabbed izuku’s hand ever so gently, fingers running across the boy’s scarred hand, trembling as he struggled to control himself. “ please, ”  he sobbed as he brought the boy closer to him, holding on for dear life.
“ please wake up. please, please, please wake up. ”
but izuku was cold & lifeless through it, held by his mentor without response,  “ please no. no, please, dear god, please no, ”  toshinori broke, sobbing loudly into the boy’s hair. he didn’t care who heard. let the whole world hear. it didn’t matter. this boy was his whole world. 
a choked scream ripped through his throat, painful, loud, & full of anguish  —his son was gone.
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toshinori comes to with a choked off scream & blood suffusing his vision, his throat, eyes blown wide with tears & panic, breath coming wildly. small but strong arms wrap around his torso, anchor him, a sheepish pat to his back. he sees the familiar locks of green underneath him, except this time, they’re moving. his whole body is moving. izuku isn’t lifeless, or cold, or quiet. he’s alive. he’s alive & he’s awake.
he was fine, izuku was fine, he was here, & nothing was wrong.just a dream.
toshinori returns the hug full force, crying into the soft hair below him; after a few minutes, he’s able to calm his breathing, & looks izuku in the eyes. they say: everything’s going to be fine, all might. i’m here.
for the first time of the night, toshinori chuckles. he smiles, & buries his face in the boy’s hair.
you’re here.
&&. @cowlsmash !!
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exposenseiarchive · 6 years
cowlsmash replied to your post: my birthday is the 18th… aizawa is the 8th… we’re...
fun fact my household has three birthdays in that week?? my dad is the 13th, little sibling is the 16th, and i’m the all powerful 18th 
so thats Three Scorpios In One Week and our house is a nightmare but a strong one 
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heroiicsmash-a-blog · 6 years
★彡 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙 彡★ | @cowlsmash
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                           He knew it’d be slippery, what with how much it had been snowing --- and he thought he had been walking carefully enough to avoid any kind of slip and fall.                                 But it seems like the elements pulled a quick one on him as he felt his feet slide out from under him, barely giving him enough time to catch himself.
                and back slams into the ground with a grunt ---                                            Maybe this was a sign telling him to go back home. 
            But looking up at the cloudy sky, a rather defeated look on his face he finds large worried eyes staring down at him.  
                           “Midoriya! ---” he feels a light shade of pink dusting his cheeks.  This was embarrassing, to have his student witness such a thing. 
                                              “---Yeah-- I’m fine.  Probably going to get a bruise from that, though-” he pushes himself up, sitting up right now.  He rubs the back of his head and releases a long drawn out sigh, “Hit my head, too-- Man, winter really sucks.”
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vocalcontrol · 6 years
❄ nervously if that's cool-- ahh--
merry chrysler !   //   no longer accepting !@cowlsmash
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horncd · 6 years
send me a 👥 for a dual promo of our blogs.
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writingalaxies · 5 years
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explodie · 5 years
@cowlsmash​    /     continued from their first kiss!!
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     Their lips meet.
     In two, maybe three, seconds, a crimson warmth began to spread all the way from Katsuki’s core up to the tip of his ears and down to the tip of his fingers.  The palm he had pressed into the nape of Izuku’s neck was quickly pulled away as he recoils a full step back, as though he’d been punched.  With the back of one hand pulled to cover his lips, he held his other hand down to his side, as tiny explosions began surfacing from it.
     “Deku...!  Asshole!!”  Not the most charming nicknames for the boy that just kissed him, but they were all he could manage.  “It was s’posed to be me!!”
     It was supposed to be his victory  --  and even just a little while back, he would have seen this as an affront to his ego.  This one loss could have sent him spiraling into a pit of anger.  But the Katsuki of today?  The Katsuki of today knew that Izuku wasn’t the kind of person to sit idly by and let his childhood friend run ahead.  He knew this, he admired this, and he was already focused on how to claim the  next  victory from Deku.
     “C’mere!”  He immediately steps right back in Deku’s personal space, close enough that their chests were pressed together and that he could count the number of freckles across the two, squishy cheeks he had cradled between his palms.  “To a hero, it doesn’t matter who wins first  --  what matters is who’s standing in the end, right?  Just you fucking watch  --  m’gonna kiss you so damn hard and so fucking many times  --  it’ll be undeniable that I’m the winner!!”
     The winner of what?!  This odd relationship between them?  Not even Katsuki was certain, but what he was certain of was that he wanted to kiss Deku again.  So he slams his face forward, maybe too hard, and he does just that.  (  And, in his mind, he wins.  )
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ochcko · 5 years
“It’s. . . okay to stay, you know.”
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“–you’re sure?” The question was posed with a healthy dose of skepticism, though such wasn’t born of doubt of his sincerity. Midoriya was guileless, bereft of a single dishonest molecule in his being–and he was also selfless to a fault. Such was both what she liked the most about him… and secretly feared. Such an open heart was just begging to be taken advantage of, used against him to wound him. Ochako had to be careful, so very careful to be considerate of what he needed since he just wouldn’t even consider it. Lightly biting her bottom lip, hands clasped opposing elbows as her arms crossed almost protectively in front of herself–though who was she shielding from who?
It wasn’t so cut and dry, unfortunately… none of this was.
Not the way he made her feel, not the conflict of those emotions with her goal of becoming a hero to support her family, not the way he felt about her–though she didn’t know just how he felt about her, if it was just kinship or if something more lurked in the deeps of those green eyes of his. A faint sigh.
“I mean, we can always talk about this later…” Or not at all, but she didn’t say that aloud.
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supcrmight · 5 years
@iidashing ||  「 ☀ 」
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“Hey! Iida-kun!” Izuku called making his way over, he wasn’t ENTIRELY SURE why Kaminari wanted him to ask Iida this particular question, but he supposed there was a GOOD REASON!
“Do you want some BLADES?”
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symbolicpeace · 5 years
“But what do we have in common?”
It had been an embarrassing moment for All Might, standing in front of the class, teaching, trying to draw a visual up on the white board to explain what he wanted the kids to do. The marker in his hand shook, the first few lines he attempted wobbly and erratic before the writing instrument escaped his grasp entirely. He stared at the marker on the ground for a brief second as if it had betrayed him before young Tsuyu was immediately at his side, picking it up for him.
Ever the good improviser, he ended up getting a few student volunteers to help him act out the explanation instead. The awkward moment was soothed over and the kids seemed eager to help him past it.
But still, he wasn’t used to being like this. The persona of All Might had been like an armour and without it he felt much more…vulnerable. He’d thought it’d get better now that he was no longer covered in bandages and a cast in front of the kids, that he could put on more of his usual bravado– but after class he found himself staring down at his hand and the scars that crisscrossed crooked knuckles and bent fingers that now refused to stop trembling.
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And then came Izuku. That boy plopped right down next to him, pulled up a sleeve, and suddenly there was an outstretched hand next to his own, all crooked fingers and ugly scars, a price the boy had paid to save young Todoroki, young Kota, young Bakugou–
All Might remembered so clearly the face of the woman he had shielded with his own body not that long ago, the woman who had begged him to win, please.
          of course young lady, you are right!          we heroes have so much to protect,          and that’s why we always,                             always
                               ( no matter the cost )
Trembling fingers closed and dropped, and he turned to his young successor.
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“Heh, looks like I picked up some of your bad habits.”
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