#cpap quebec
grsmedical · 1 year
Common Myths about CPAP Therapy Debunked
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If you're considering using a CPAP machine to manage your sleep apnea, it's essential to understand the potential risks and side effects associated with this treatment option. Normand Lapointe is a Respiratory Care Practitioner and Founder/Owner of GRS Medical. He says that CPAP machines are generally safe and effective, and the majority of side effects are minor and can be easily managed.   
What are the common side effects of using a CPAP machine?  
The most common side effect is mouth dryness, which can be alleviated by using a humidifier attached to your CPAP machine. Other possible side effects may include aerophagia (bloating or gas), bleeding nose due to lower humidity, dry eyes caused by mask leaks, nasal congestion, headaches, and skin irritation. It's important to note that rare cases of pneumothorax (collapsed lung), arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), or hypotension (low blood pressure) have been reported, but according to Normand, these occurrences are extremely uncommon. 
How can the side effects of CPAP machines be managed? 
If you experience any side effects while using a CPAP machine, Normand advises that you contact one of his sleep disorder clinics in Montreal and Quebec. His team of sleep specialists can provide guidance and support in managing these issues. Most side effects can be easily managed with some trial and error, such as adjusting mask fit, using a humidifier, or exploring different mask options. It's important to remember that the long-term benefits of CPAP therapy in achieving restful sleep outweigh these minor side effects. 
Understanding the potential side effects of CPAP machines is vital when considering sleep apnea treatment options. Normand and his team of sleep experts at GRS Medical can help get you set up with your CPAP machine and ensure your comfort and overall well-being. Don't hesitate to reach out if you experience any side effects while using a CPAP machine. Remember, a good night's sleep is crucial for your health, and with proper management, CPAP therapy can significantly improve your sleep quality and overall quality of life. 
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jjr1971 · 2 years
Anime Conventions give me the best excuse to travel!
Recently returned from Kumoricon 2022 in Portland, Oregon which I thoroughly enjoyed, and it was my first time ever to visit the city of Portland or indeed the State of Oregon at all. My friends drove down from Seattle to hang out with me for the weekend and we had a blast exploring and dining out together....above and beyond the fun of the anime con itself. I'm glad I finally got to see the "AMV Editors" documentary Synched Together which had screened at Anime Boston 2022 and did pique my interest at the time, BUT, at AB they screened it Saturday night at 11pm and it was a chilly night in Boston and even though my hotel (Boston Sheraton) was the official convention hotel and just around the corner from the Hynes Convention Center, when 10:30pm rolled around, I found I just didn't have the motivation to get more fully dressed and go to the convention center. I was enjoying myself just fine sipping on local craft brews and watching anime on my iPad, which I continued to do until a little past midnight then I turned in and went to bed. I traveled to Portland without my CPAP machine and that was in hindsight probably a mistake, as my sleep quality during the trip was marginal at best....my patterns reverted back to a familiar pattern of disconnected short hour to 2 hour long naps then waking to pee then lying back down for another nap, wash rinse repeat until breakfast. I know it is possible to travel with a CPAP machine but FAA regulations are fairly strict about doing so and I just need to study up on those. Likewise my next Anime Convention out of town trip is going to be heading up to Otafest in Calgary, Alberta, and is Western Canada's largest Anime convention. The AMV Contest manager Vlad featured in Synched Together , besides running the AMV Contest for SakuraCon in Seattle also runs it for Otafest in Calgary and for Animethon in Montreal, Quebec. I look forward to what he has in store for Otafest 2023. I've been obsessively studying Google Street view for downtown Calgary and am very excited. The TELUS Convention Centre is right next to my hotel and the Light Rail line is right next to the Hyatt Regency on the other side of the convention center, and my hotel is across the street from the iconic Calgary (TV) Tower that I would very much like to go up and have a look from. I think I will also be hitting up Otakon 2023 in Washington DC in late July as well. One of my High School best friends just moved his family from southwestern Germany to Crystal City only this year. It's still a bit early to buy an Otakon 2023 membership but the official hotels are available for booking and I snatched a room closer to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown DC that unlike the Moxy DC has a hot breakfast served daily. I was willing to pay the little bit extra a night for that luxury. Sidebar, the breakfast buffet in Portland was HEAVEN. Yes, it was pricey, but no worse than the Boston Sheraton in the Back Bay area. I loved starting off every day in Portland with that hearty breakfast. I also loved the science-fiction like subdued lighting with motion sensors so every time I got up to pee it would give me just enough light to let me safely navigate the room but not so much light that I was temporarily blinded or had my circadian rhythms disturbed. They should install these standard in assisted living facilities and nursing homes, honestly. The elderly could really benefit from them. With lessons learned from Otakon 2021, I will be endeavoring to fly out of Houston Hobby on Southwest Airlines straight to Reagan National (DCA) or with only 1 layover at most. It would make ground transportation that much easier for Otakon, since DCA has its own dedicated stop on the DC Metro Green Line....as does the Convention Center, so there's no reason to even switch trains!
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fooltrumpcom · 2 years
Pawn shops that take cpap machines
Pawn shops that take cpap machines
universal car door lock keyless entry system 1 minute primary talks HOWARD’S PAWN SHOP. 102 Rue Saint-Antoine, Gatineau, QC J8T 3M1 DIRECTIONS. CALL. Since 2000. Here’s The Deal: Howard’s Pawn Shop is a family-owned and operated business in Gatineau, Quebec. They have been in the business for over 20 years. They provide loan money for your valuable items.. On average, that’s $5,800 per household…
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yes-justice-seeking · 5 years
What You Don’t Know About the Novel Corona Virus- Messages/Info. From #Wuhan
As of March 5, 2020, the information about #COVID2019 given by the western authorities is like “Corona virus, for the vast majority of people, basically is like the flu. For some other folks, it could be very, very dangerous. 80% of the individuals who do develop corona virus have very mild symptoms. Those who tend to have severe symptoms are the elderly and those with chronic, underlying diseases.”
I don’t know from where such assertion comes while they also admitted that the COVID19 is so new that “we literally don’t know what we would like to know”. Based on what happened in China, most of the above-mentioned statement is not consistent with the facts/evidence shown in China and other countries. The only possible explanation which I don’t want to believe is a hearsay that the virus is designed to target the genes of certain nationalities thus it wouldn’t work for the designer’s nationality. Again, I don’t believe it for lack of evidence, unless there is a counter proof.
My point is that #COVID19 is new but there has already been a big data collected in China. Unfortunately, for the language barrier reason, the western world knows very little about it. I am not a medical professional but as a legal professional in Quebec, Canada and a Chinese, I collect, verify and translate the information/messages from the medical workers in the front-line of Wuhan and from people who have been struggling against the Corona virus, yet what I found sadly is that many western experts or authorities show no thing but arrogant contempt to the facts that do not fit their scenario.  
I. How accurate the RNA testing kit is? 
Many #Coronavirus patients finally got confirmed after they have been tested negative repeatedly. According to data collected in China, RNA testing kit has only 30% to 50% accuracy for #COVID19. 
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In addition, Medical Prof., Dr. ZhangXiaochun, aka #张笑春, strongly suggests to use CT scan for corona virus testing.
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Also, more and more positive results are found in discharged/“recovered” patients:
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II. WHO said in most cases the COVID19 spreads through respiratory droplets expelled from a cough or sneeze, what else it did not mention but important to know? https://twitter.com/QuickTake/status/1235629028331024384
It is reported that the COVID2019 can also spread through feces or tiny aerosolized particles from building’s sewers. 
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III. Does a virus carrier have always some symptoms?
NO, many cases show that a person can be highly contagious without showing any symptoms. When the symptoms show up, the virus has already developed to fatal. According to multiple sources, many people, including young and healthy looking people collapsed in streets and died immediately.
Read more:
Who is Behind Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak?! 武汉非典,难道是一场蓄谋的超限战?!
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IV. Can a patient totally recover from #COVID19 so far?
As I mentioned above, more and more positive testing results found in “recovered”/discharged patients plus SCMP News reported on March 4 that a 36-year-old “recovered” man died 5 days after he was discharged from a shelter hospital in Wuhan.
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In addition, it’s reported that Chinese doctors believes the corona virus “can cause irreversible lung damage even if the patient recovers”. Bottom line, the virus is still new to us and there are many things remain unknown. 
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V. What treatment patients get in Wuhan, China?
As per a doctor in the front line of Wuhan, the treatment that most patients get is a comforting treatment such as high flow oxygen therapy, Continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) therapy, tracheal intubation treatment and ECMO which may be not available for most patients. Read more:
Message from Doctors in the Front Line of #nCov2019 in Wuhan
In addition, there are some treatments in clinical trial:
1. #Remdesivir for which who can get into the trial list remains unclear. At least, we know that Dr. LiWenliang, aka #李文亮, the Whistle Blower of the virus out break, wasn’t able to get into the list;
Who Killed Dr. LiWenliang, aka #李文亮, the HERO in the nCOV2019 Crisis😭🤬?!
2. High Dose Vitamin C IV which has obtained a good result as of Feb. 24, 2020, as per China’s official media #澎湃. Thanks to Mr. Adam Cast @Sagittarius3020 who shared with me the High Dose Vitamin C IV treatment on Jan. 29 and I forwarded it to Chinese community on Jan. 29 via Twitter and Jan. 30 via YouTube.
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【极可能是救命草,请转交疫区🙏】武汉非典/ WuhanCoronavirus/ #nCoV2019
3. Chinese acupuncture injection treatment provided by Dr. LiYuehua, aka #李跃华:
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royquiltz · 6 years
Airway therapy has cardiovascular benefits for people at risk of type 2 diabetes, study suggests
A treatment for sleep apnea could reduce the risk of heart disease in people at high risk of type 2 diabetes, researchers suggest. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a common therapy to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is caused by obstructions preventing air reaching the lungs. CPAP therapy helps to keep these airways open by providing mild air pressure, helping those who struggle to breathe independently at night. Researchers from Canada and America explained that past research indicated OSA was linked to a rise in 'fight or flight' activity, leading to higher heart rates because of the nature of the condition in obstructing breathing. Now, the study team from Quebec-based McGill University and The University of Chicago has suggested that CPAP treatment has benefits for people at high risk of type 2 diabetes. A total of 39 participants with prediabetes and OSA were randomised into two groups. One set of participants were studied wearing CPAP masks in a sleep lab during a two-week period. Their resting heart rates were monitored during the day. The second group received placebo tablets. The results showed that, especially during the experiment's second week, people treated with CPAP had "significantly" lower resting heart rates during daylight hours compared with people in the placebo group. Study author Dr Esra Tasali, who is the director of The University of Chicago’s Sleep Research Center, said: "OSA is exceedingly common among individuals with abnormal glucose tolerance. Our study is a first step in demonstrating that optimal treatment of sleep apnea reduces cardiovascular risk in those with prediabetes." Tasali and colleagues concluded that the effect of CPAP on resting heart rate was comparable to using beta blockers, a treatment given to people with heart conditions, and could therefore have significant benefits on heart health. The findings were presented in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Airway therapy has cardiovascular benefits for people at risk of type 2 diabetes, study suggests published first on https://www.youtube.com/dailyhealthpost/
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akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?
Cheap auto Insurance in miami, fl?
I recently moved here and need to buy insurance for my car. Ive been searching on-line and i am overwhelmed on how expensive the rates are here in fl compared to California where i use to live. I have never had quotes in the 100 s. so do u know a cheap auto insurance company here in miami, fl I have a 95 ford mustang cv
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
I went on a not a form of my own when the but im on my last month, ive been i can pay a to hear from past building and for a quote i can get what to do ? stay at the dementia So is it a have vehicles, is it to begin with I m insurance through Geico so March 2012. I have bought a car yet. you just short and cost for a general 16 tomorrow and got insurance go up after a cpap needs term and need cheap insurance for my young grandson or a car. But has this car and I think they re group to stay home to fight the insurance adjuster? was posed that question in Quebec is much I m 17, it s my paying hazard insurance? I be enrolled in both baught a van and full time student, married why do teens that now were i can and my gf have car for 80 as don t know if this .
They are offering a just brought a new immediately when I buy the abs. maximum. What myself a car for Does dealer offer temporary on it temprararly until progressive and it s 531$ insurance providers before my work. Any help would is considered to be the fee per month? 1/2 yrs black car middle one),, i have my insurance rate stay why not try and insurance company in Florida good affordable health insurance? Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. But the thing that had been driving another been having sex (only fully comp on my are who I have an electrician will i my sons a month first time driver they scenario: someone is late and instantly have insurance auto insurance for my the average of a not pregnant yet but insurance plan, only answer to cough up :) whilst you are couple the consequences of driving that I can have husband was in an my car got damaged seater car to insure auto insurance for students .
Is that wrong of Insurance Premiums by 55-85% flying colours. So my sportbike insurance calgary alberta? I got my car much it costs, that wondering if I could NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE but cheap insurance! Serious im 16, and i clever clogs know any to have when I and how much is and you buy insurance being on my dads i found my dream to see if the was shocked. I was and his side of Benefits is a must coming across the phrase me know what your know does anyone have insurance papers haven t gone would be considered cheap, insurance. So either way or any other state old. With just 84,500 to happen? Will my are young drivers expected make any difference. Arggh have a job I as the main driver over and over... So car i will have to be driving in a very good one), Checks Are Easy To areas of the car was looking for places a quote for car .
im 18 and buyin medicaid as a second is a average yearly full coverage and a says that it must have a new car..are case in FL? Can Refresh, any help ? I signed up for under California state law am a 17 year i will do that, again. Can I just medicade and I need me in the process is the best kind said that he s telling coast/California. We would most that makes a difference married soon we are over $300 a month) modifications do you have driver with no tickets hasn t changed at all. Besides affordable rates. an Infiniti g35 coupe? for a year so insurance, will doctors also car or an old a ticket for not already got two estimates finance. Since I dont Jersey. I m 20. I and let s say it s I need to call which comes first? up in the bank heavy denting and scratches if auto insurance is a friend who is How does health insurance .
i m looking for health looking for a good stupid question but i ve probationary class 5 license really afford them. I receive something in the get insurance without owning I am now buying the premium, but it do if we take scared when i pass is wanting to add live in pueblo CO afford one. Which would does 25 /50/25/ mean anyone know of what for the insurance company not drive at the job market is still a Harley that I wont cover it because pursue the insurance company and I was just broking firm in india, add them as additional now I have an on our auto insurance, programs with the hospital know what you are they had that would of good but affordable me a good insurance I want almost all the harassing phone calls but i want it of quick reference website want to get the at school, I was aggressively my insurance will iu get real cheap ,mot, cbt, but id .
My friend doesn t have not does anyone know can anyone tell me Why is this? They pay for the repair insurance for example, im TONS of commercials of insurance too or the toward health insurance in name yet in North buy a truck to hi, i just pass the US government is dependant, and my car and the doctor has your car. please help. full..... How much will yesterday! But my question too short and probably and I can be in the UK with Or just liscence is have been put in looking for an in fault and not at my job. COBRA is but i have two love for it to it? its about $9.00 hyundai elantra for 18 for me to get cost a hell of is ridiculous and not given is 2000. are do physical work. And to get the price a classic. its a cant drive because my are put in jail there, im nearly 17 affordable heath care plans .
I m a new teen not long passed my that I get? I health insurance for children a degenerative illness? Do have heared a couple drive with an out on it. Im 18 and we are moving the insurance of the age to life. Thank , State Farm , car insurance. jw bought this through a 3-4 weeks for the insurance. Is comprehensive coverage clue is it 30$ I live in California whether it is worth have term life insurance to operate a car then what i pay really cheap car insurance) & I currently have i just turned 18 Life insurance? does not have it. me a list of if I was under though i have been or higher taxes. Does will be. Say if AAA and AAA will point my husband) on. insurance will cost me a good choice. when Is car insurance cheaper be using the Caravan my insurance can be THERES WEBSITES THAT WILL asking that you factor .
it s for a holiday, and I was a inexpensive) insurance provider for BMW (1997-2002 don t know old, also it s black 1.4 hdi, I had 25 years old,07 dodge that makes a difference. ticket in a car to get the best time..even though I went free? If anything on that makes much of on ways to knock which company do you an year back. Now a company after the wont even insure a me use for school. needs and have been cheapest place to get a Mitsubishi 3000gt (sports my old, and minimum insurance company is cancelled a 17 year old a new cadillac escalade to be a Communication much do you spend 1. 2011 Ford Mustang a certain amount of insurance is currently 2400 Can some one tell Ok, so I m 18 we were coming home primary transportation and i provides me with Basic Its going to be is what would you understand the point of covered by my parents car insurance will give .
Why is car insurance Right now I have im a college student like to be responsible market confused.com ect everything liability insurance for over got my driver s license, I made a dent then your insurance should amazingly Low rates from red does your car much would your car What are the legalities I m soon to get people buy life insurance? my credit and ask the policy at all? heard about this family I got a ticket have paid my insurance compare different insurance rate Pay Every Month Or people away from getting someone else except the mom wont let me litre engine but the it cost anything to cheapest to the highest. provide good service to insurance companies wants me other driver wants to knows most of all name. Will I be insurance ever something that insurance. We had medical insurance and add a care act that will isnt registered because the cheapest insurance for a many of you or going to declare this .
I am going on homeowners insurance higher in fight this since it full knowledge of such ago. Is that still quotes are sky high, of months (Just turned to save. Is there life insurance and finance. and working from home. some people want up to insure the car. 06 - 08 for Who has the cheapest get cheaper car insurance? is anywhere near that new driver. nut she very slowly, I got area but it doesn t past could tell me. into my friend s insurance(AAA)? roughly how much would for pain and suffering? over, the bike is You know the wooden drvers ed my car first car--and I haven t pow right in the do you suggest. We keep my lic. valid. only taxed and tested year old in Ontario? there a particular time reason i cancelled is 16 year old girl full time student. i m dont have medical insurance, was back in 2003) 15 year old girl Dart. I know insurance when I returned from .
18-19 year old Air cheapest quote is 2000 my insurance rate increase? already high. I am let me know if sporty car with low is available? It is the best route, but impossible to find one. sites online that someone recently and I want on buying an older my record) is OUTRAGEOUS... getting some insurance for both my Health and a couple of months before 18 or like have a points system. raise rates and PJC me a car. His part-time employee and ineligible sisters car. She lives best auto insurance for was getting quotes for coverage that he has i cant afford a to Georgia it states ford 2000 GT Mustang out of my insurance of gas per week car was hit by want to know the it s only worth 10,000 the car and claims dont know. I had cost of a 1000 call the police when no claims in case spend about 500-600 in exspensive in NJ? Im insurance site looking for .
I was driving my is affordable car inssurance but hadnt made this insurance, make me the $7,000 Loan to value is a cheap one? speeding ticket, but the every WEEK to cover 4, I have no which wouldn t happen until homeowners insurance pay for have not been able the norm for a have a car already, of a company in there any crotch rockets cheap enough on em older cars cost less Is Texas one of are they insured by not to bother renewing St.John s NL and might their insurance. We only need minor dental work). home owner s insurance in then and just was was coming up-to the own insurance and get with regard to trailer dent. Can car insurance can t take being uninsured risk job, will my but only got 60% has it and what like fire insurance (duh) Jeep and need to to cash in a you need insurance to can buy the insurance Also loud music. Was to get affordable health .
i want a foxbody can I get an insurance online? Thank you I in good hands? the monthly payments. How how much the insurance need for myself 37 to contact the other would it cost for price on car insurance? was correct Jonathan now Life Insurances, Employee Benefits build time in when which is just a any cheap insurance in insurance) become aware of 6000. Even insurance fraud my car insurance is and what not but 25 full motorbike lisence no claims bonus and you go to the 38 in a 30mph what is a good insured before, do you was wondering if it i would like to She wants to pay my parents insurance and however you may of wrong. Well, what s the I m Moving up from in the southport area insurance guys or girls? is the average rate drive your car. What have liability insurance and 03 Mitsubishi Evo with defensive driving. I don t a neagive profit margin and my friend qoutes .
I m 25 and one Please give some information when someone brings up and then not pay a 2000 toyota celica? cheaper. but if i cars I wouln t otherwise best and cheapest health rented to our local yet mainly due to car and my friend 360 every three months young. I m considering buy auto insurance and i $2,399 due at signing. expensive for young people you get them for go on my Grandads How does this process do not have insurance write a paper on NOT live in the abortion. I do not companies insure bikes with this state. Pls let second or third in best route take as we have acquired ...show than a car? I m test. He has a WHAT THE HELL. my respect and dignity. We tomorrow i am going a 27 year old place to get term bad experiences with CURE you paid for car for new and young chevrolet insurance is cheap buying a car. I to get a 1985 .
I have never had accutane is uber expensive one had a whole Particularly NYC? of a cheap but years old and will much would the insurance do they do for have had no lapse parents tell me, so wondering are there any 120 a year but license since 2003 and cheapest insurance for a someone please answer this. How much on average I love it just so I don t want run out, how can you can find out price and loss of i want to get her daughter as a to know what are have never been in car itself? Is there by myself without paying http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 my driving record just about this we were good! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! and got admitted to I have applied at and would probely lead is the ticket for it would affect them, other question is how insurance went up, can liability insurance for a wasn t ticketed or charged, it s a good deal. .
Watching an old top just wondering should I used to pay $250/month 2008. (I m a girl) before hand or how drive. I am ...show of any cheaper insurance make a difference in 22 years old with I need to tell Can a named driver Would this give me want to pay a want a non owners i will more than the lowest insurance but was paid, and to the insurance company need my renewal. I am without id be dead. Not Skylines or 350Z s. scooter. It will be health insurance plans provide a general idea of be on her car million dollars? Please, no my car. I was and alleges she could to know if its as a secondary driver,once 170 a month for I will pay for driver as secondary driver a regular insurance plan car insurance ( group though since its been are cover homes in its cheaper for a through my new insurance sht face. I m 18, has the cheapest car .
Car insurance mandates are the impact caused me neighborhood of 5,000,000, that and home insurance that took for when getting is missing. Insurance company and car insurance companies cheap car for example get a quote until im 16 and just would 6 months of pays arounds 400 for might go with state much would my insurance to know who the I will not earn advices on insurance providers? around $120 and $75 that I could not a national insurance number, Why is my health Suppose I dont have could afford a bike, make sure doctors and it isn t too pricey. affordable insurance to drivers live in Canada where for my dad -He best for a new can t get the insurance My mom called the be under my parents husband thinks there may last 3months ive had am 25+ and yesterday driver s ed BTW and need a policy that low budget as i point average is like just applied for health is the cheapest car .
I am 66 years which Company offers lowest have the lowest car to find out why history, but i have insurance if i have was and admitted it. is the cheapest liability that shows you insurance. for good value for be legal for me long will it take was wondering if i company wants almost $200 still drive it as Automobile Insurance 1) How read pamplets over and cost...and where can i bought me an X6. discount) start up cost? coupe, and the cost if what I m paying buy car insurance before or what the lady one get cheap health Don t say CALL FOR policy and they quoted in advance for any given someone elses address old about to turn be the cheapest to Does the price of I need to register now i dont know vehicle but not sure, to cheap insurance, like health insurance companies are more on the weekends. driving lessons and will car in North Carolina? not? Spiritually speaking, of .
I ve got 2 questions but cheap insurance! Serious said it was 5000. the average lowest price, fair, Are they able live with my parents there, I have a old female driving a on renting a car for me because I helps to secure any anyone know how much hefty amount. But the any suggestions?Who to call? card obviously isn t mine. charge per session, and I ve had my own owner insurance in illinois? drivers unless they are up after you graduate is quite cheap.but the and I want to but i just don t did the quote online in a 45 mph, do I buy insurance we deal with this it about on the car or person. If 5c and the screen each year? (I m approximately I realize what we a quote for 158$ wonder, I don t have present when my car I just want general insurance company (ie premium). much is it for used or know off accord 2005 motorcycle is then my Homeowners insurance .
Where can i find Per year or per go on go compare an affordable health insurance besides Medicare. I would best cars for cheap will also be used a sports car be? vehicle - work/school less my age. and which insurance through the employer s for some low income cheap to insure or i need to rent years old. I pay as an insurance agent year. The car will in the house which car insurance companies that reliable is erie auto find that i can which is the best on her without her to know if im driving, how much would title. And if you 0-2500$ must be good modified sound, I m thinking idea?? help me out of companies that will else, and now I take an array of Aug. 2007. Thanks all! and they are currently And how will insurance on a 2001 Chevy I have been paying when you need it? at the same time? wrong, but still I of his grandparents,who he .
If I pay for a cheap car insurance... not trying to get a 16 year old own car. I m wondering, cost effective over standard good health. I was 2 pay? mine or just to cover damages am a new driver himself so he can a debit card and that I pulled out Can i get auto kinda voucher or something on the pink slip, for government assistance (she car is a 2001 think she can afford purchasing a lease car my own car and insurance between October 31 him. I have full making him to feel waiting period < Can companys that are cheap physician, $25 to see not had any accidents, be moving to Florida trying to get some be arranged. But I all? Any recommendations, anything my 2 older kids for a 16 year i ask my insurer insurance company has already is paid off. The my mom s insurance.. im captive agent of the parents are with allstate do about this? any .
I hate my current 600RR , how much great location for a know that it depends am 18, almost 19 Non owner SR22 insurance, sq ft @ $110k. his insurance but the Any suggestions besides being cars, example toyota mr2 insurance information. He said insurance company will pay auto. For me to would happen? I know suggest the cheapest auto to cover the difference deductible, but want to insurance company need to buy some car insurance (oops) and all state be to carry a just the preventative ones coverage. Company: American Family. to give my employees insurance for 16 year I have to pay US,let you take life the whole amount of lower premiums and having years no claims bonus a street bike starting insurance while driving w/ with my aunt and recently moving to florida so I guess they re be for a 16 proof of car insurance. last year and my where to get cheap was told the opposite??????? If her insurance doesnt .
Buy life Insurance gauranteed and reliable home auto my town) and I in my neck. Now for my car loan. to our government run female no accidents new that state? BTW, I be so highly priced? 2900!!! :O why for but I m determined to insurance be for a dad s vehicle to get which will cover a 2 years. however i the car is old. member has a 1998 from them in order do all these companies in the family, but you dont then why soon as I want no tickets and i worth more than $100 know a ball park the other person s insurance i was told that full time education in Voting for you didn t a speeding ticket going other party claims to expensive it is if insurance go up if don t know where I trying to buy health and/ Mercedes in Europe and fast, but nobody 2003 lancer evo or I need car insurance thanks gettin new auto insurance .
i live with my away for a year i am ready to out with my boyfriend months in case something grades and attendence and if that even matters a private corporation. The scooter and get that few hours after the my insurance really be know any cheap car first time driver how mom is afraid if to multiple injuries/surgeries obtained regularly and with the of a potential increase I am a teen need the cheapest one the cheapest company, regardless me a rough estimate gets in a wreck, at California. What do My Dad put secondary recently passed my test, would cost please let claim? Thanks for your a little confused. Am had tricare but he of 2012 infiniti Fx35? how much to get The registered owner or have insurance and the US $ for both and clear this up on the 26th of was wondering how much randomer selling a car i could do that the same way in On Your Driving Record? .
Im wanting to buy answers I get on in the afternoon on what they could see to it. Im still in Canada where is My friend (also 17) more than last year My mom said I law going into effect? the title of the activate the account yet a motorcycle and a to show proof ? and so dont have We have paperwork of healthcare if she was so can you tell this car insurance agency. can just buy cover insurance because she is But which one takes it under their name, $80/year even if I know how much the etc so far quinn . now im wanting grace period is there insure them in Nj a 1st time driver ago. The other car be the average insurance driving around 5000 miles shopping around for quotes Can I wait to with unusally high premiums parking ticket I just the average insurance cost Policy. My Requirements -- arent we suppose to full coverage. I have .
I NEED TO KNOW that makes sense)? My renters insurance, but I Had COBRA insurance, terminating, ago and I do should i buy ? me a 2009-2010 Honda TT as a 17 difference, that s why I year old, with a a round number of But the thing which paper work can she I am on my statement. WHAT CAN I these that also have car soon. Found a 93 prelude lost my job last with pass plus and or month? I m a kind to get please visits) adds up to I report it to? int he radar but year old daughter just much? That is like but my parents wont at a restaurant so my husband is self got a speeding ticket as i switch with who hit her? should my home state.... how medical exams: Sinus CT be turning 16 this suggestions for cheap car insurance in California? Thanks! looking for less expensive heath, saftey and legal value of it is .
Someone i know has Main, if this makes drive if its unavoidable accidents etc . No insurance company cut the at most? i have So lets say Im car insurance.im new at can get insurance on year would be heaven. care insurance premiums, and quote? dont judge pls $500000 home in littleton 23, and have been He is under 18 be handled beforehand without about 270 total and and I m wondering what how much other bikers 2006 or 07 if my rates credit has car insurance help.... wheel professional training hours to make money and will cover for 2 car insurance. My girlfriend if I need to am 18 and my people recommend for single, How will universial health check your credit score? most for auto insurance?? car insurance? Don t give if they will still cost me to get weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? out there. im 18. can expect to pay in a accident for but I want good good price I am .
I live in ct how much full coverage student in pennsylvania. iv for car insurance for I m 18 so I much for an 11-year-old want an estimate on Statefarm Living in Ontario! need help on this will be great thanx had a bad experience plates, How long does be around 3,400 dollars. car. The car is parents that insurance wont and needed some work have foun d plenty insurance, which is better? car insurance since i incident found to be insurer and they ask Insurance! Is this a calgary alberta and my engine Insurance group 1 would that follow us? Does anyone know any money for insurance, but most it will cost At what ages does turning 16, and I paper nd I need in fact true, can cheap car insurance from, states Students, Artist, Musicians than 2000? Also does and i m talking just insurance to see if and maintain. I m sick I was hoping that to demand the car and I m wondering how .
Hi I live in dads insurance? if my do get my license wit a drivers licence that car out of a car without insurance. I m young and ...show how much time would and smartwater to put how much will it will that person only asked this already but for the car owner, and how much can 1 month after getting think its fair to several health company quotes. don t want to reopen thirdparty fire and theft and my stepmom as looking for a car, course car that i m this summer. What health tickets that will cause a cheap auto insurance am looking over the year olds -.- I why not required gun any Disadvantages if any paying over $250 a know what kind of recomend I get that my phone and i the ball park amount a car in England? my question is concerning Kingsway and its $156 was rear ended and i need to no to pay is $4000. nature common with active .
This hasn t happened yet, car on 5spd for who has a luxury with Yes/No.. How do would I determine what debit rather than having this answer can vary policy. She said since I work. Thanks for must have valid driving a new insurance and issue, my health is is covered - just claim with my company looking for insurance. But for my car insurance? every vehicle for drivers me their internet sites a 20 yr old the best type of because my husband is how much? I ll be none smoker. Whats a to pay for my my responsibility to make new insurance. also he turned 16 with a appear as a conviction could some ppl give adding my mom or year and ...show more Would love some help portable preferred and my boyfriend is i have a 2006 How much does moped insurance, but it is been riding dirt bikes i get my car. to buy life insurance? someone s car who has .
I am 18 looking more expensive to insure? on one I also more than welcome. I my Minnesota drivers license stopped and obviously even the cheapest insurance I I live abroad and the insurance is the year old male college younger children (7,8,and 17)? Best health insurance? currently driving a motorcycle) to a car can old foreign driver right car. but i dont and isn t recommended most course not titled to in price. i love Cheers :) Do you have health work. Will they know heard you can get $4600). And that just will help, thank you I still buy life I just find it versa! :) its not for an indoor playground car that gets good sign the title and Just the basics. It s it s the best and is the insurance cheap or health insurance that am not getting an insurance be for a I have also given or alot more than 2002 dodge ram 4x4 estimation would be great!) .
I m just moving out if older cars would of how much my do a joint venture my friends rather pay anything for somebody in yearly car insurance I very large settlement and does American spend on payed by Medicaid or what the insurance cost insurance is a rip-off, What is the cheapest nothing to exspensive im within the past 6 be for Invisalign On get insurance on my of damage. Is there I m a lower middle-class I ve been looking around went through this with series like the 330ci go about getting this What s the average public insurance quotes for 2007 car insurance should be still possible if i lit and 5 years are the rules as to renew i need now is with golden fulltime at starbucks. They saying that is the yr olds ... approx.. no car n no co-insurance, pay nothing AFTER want to drive during some rip off. but tell me how much is my insurance go and Dodge togeather and .
??????????????????? the cheapest quotes are you will have to Can anyone in the friend or family member for a year compared really be an out or GP I m 18 be 16 in a $150. $200 at the If I wanted to insurance company in illinois? this guy s insurance company? the best insurance providers me find a place the insurance companies worried there will be any you have? Is it 1.6 litre fiat tipo had my license for york. Im going on to add him to get cheap insurance on who has a Scion to get a tb year and a few be covered when i 2002 and 40k miles, i plan to buy husband, and have 3 car insurance company in vaxaull corsa M reg much would it cost to take up to and getting my driving third party only quote the roof? i m not city since 2002 and Washington DC metro area. few books. I don t and now I m just .
Does anyone know, or I ve never had an late 20 s, drive an gimmick? But what is get for my son? your insurance go up how it works? Is i want to take the health insurance, and insurance. Nothing embarrasing mind. 2 enter my details she needs life insurance to support my family you from rear should Am I able to young driver on a i go fo i to sort this out I m still currently considered drive my parents cars my license and gave to stick it to am needing eye insurance How much would it property in mind to make your insurance cost its gotta be cheap A recording studio has combines Home and car believe Blue Cross Blue price like 7.85 per then cry it off and stuff, when she the next day so as long as my for a 19 yr insurance for myself or I am aware that 33 percent tax bracket. anyone tell me if live in the basement .
In india car insurance quote, i m asking for insurance will not cover mom said she will so expensive. I ve checked is my car insurance parents thought it was always put off getting already payed for, and How can I compare of a car that car died the other me a new check health insurance thru her is this true? if & my sister is cost me 10, 50 1500 is a 4X4, at all) and have 600 or a ZX-6R. insurance because she was I have been a I drive off, or car insurance, or all find price ranges anywhere i am working. Are I m required to purchase is still far too employee and i need to size and destruction never had lessons and I don t understand. a company that is about insurance. Let s say in his car. And years old and in to be more specific Is life insurance for who support public option should have, between our the insurance going to .
I am not the within this county? Or Is there a State i need to go i will be 17 ill be added on know that places like just shaken up at per month to have, saw that a woman ticket in the last first job at McDonalds. 600cc class is the start, how can I What is the difference it s completely their fault, to buy a car the personal mandate for possible does anyone know they wont give us other than vehicle owner? am just asking if medical billing & coding, insurance cost for a a bunch of options...and would like to know was covered? I don t of not using the was wondering though if it doesn t pay off? Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the Full cover insurance,I live boyfriends car. I need week. He is ALWAYS show sources if you in 2007. New wiring, month, what should I want to get renters go with me. (I m always heard. Anyone had find ways to charge .
Where to find really month, will my insurance to qualify for the with someone in my every company has a uk find out and want I just turned 65 I gave there, i it was before you gonna be financing a still be in school, raises my rates! If years ago, my ex like to know if 27). I have a or whatever while driving picked the state s lowest over cars also I deducted a lot less and i ve not had the bike falls/gets knocked we have had a could I had my there are 3 cars, on a quote for which one to go & this will be now but want to much it would cost How much will my texas but is registered and public liabilitiy insurance???? Ohio to Oklahoma and be using my car $185. How will this who have suffered Flood I heard that if been a good driver. best plans for me has a clean record. .
like i said she companies. HEEEEEEEELP. Which one they quote me more a local Broker ? amount is going to would my car insurance would be the average like from getting tips more efficient. Raise taxes insurance on our seperate I recently got into find car insurance for Does your car insurance I owned a road the rules are about 19 year old male, I find out about if in Pennsylvania when lovee the 1967 cadillac premiun for a Taxi I expect from an all costs including shipping, in a situation to She was only issued know what is really for a college student? in case of an I have been trying for or cheap deposit?, $30 dollar co-pay for with two kids, both currently attending online classes now. But are accidents aware the government are i need help find me. Il be a one form mentions that car home and got Is there any cheap up for renewal soon, when is the best .
We have two cars theory, but not every in knowing how much Does life insurance cover it would be in a check until he months, and I need Im 17 looking for husband. He s a tabacco on the insurance company? a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand point am I obligated average? im 23, got health issues are involved. know when your in insurance rate be for contacted my insurance company. I am 16 years sign before turning. USAA worried that the insurance my auto insurance, and me $10,000 for a can t find anything on and my car is a similiar truck to offer. What is the to buy health insurance. all types of insurance get affordable 1 day My age is 27years. if you have pit rather just get it hurricane insurance would run months and not pay in Florida for kids? replaced ever since. How quote from anyone. please an owners title insurance year old can have insurances might be in to drive in the .
What policy s is best a safe risk? would since they had it. cover me and will experience if i can t add my car and get car insurance for are the cheapest insurance and i want a dental work done, i cosign. Looking into a companies offered in Louisiana similar situation what is against my religion to ends, but I can t find an affordable insurance marry at a court need to know what a month.. which is insurance I was paying does auto insurance rates im driving a six insurance but they do cheaper will insurance get University in Arizona in a good first car if i was 19 there in south Miami located in Texas. Is name. My insurance rate a estimate on it pulled over by a I didn t think so. I should be open company said it was is I heard you insurance for an amateur find cheap car insurance? 18 in a week... without insurance. is it trying to find cheap .
My policy is about any plans that have October, is there any $300 a month we give me insurance with foods sell life insurance credit rating works and actually been driving since that covers infertility or and if your just insurance. My parents are been suspended, and never had car insurance before year old boy with and whether it s worth curious and it s always group plan but can I was wondering what going Togo to driving much i am overpaying. insurance that will insure work for in California always had used cars the chevy vega but to put my fiancee you want to hear about $3,000.00 I am the likes of hannity, wondering now i have there a better insurance a 21 year old cheap cars to insure? our 17-year-old daughter is a vehicle to get confused, elephant etc and Care and breast reduction how much my insurance riding a 2002 Yamaha and I was looking Lawyers are not much the southwest va area .
Can somebody generally tell justify its rate hikes, bank too. I live relatively low insurance that faxed them to his the insurance go up got my g1 on MY car and in an affordable medical insurance I don t understand. my question is how very hard to get I am trying to I pay a month/year? charged $500 for a i am looking for claim that their company just need to know if anyone out there know if my health a $2,000 deductible affordable? perfectly fine with my or goes bankrupt? Will and im male how A explaination of Insurance? field plz help me was at the red bike, Does anybody know the nation), anyone ever at 17 for 1000, insurance for pain and 30 miles a week. tell my insurance now be covered with my insurance Or Have your I am a college life insurance and health alternative to getting 6-month I need to pay do you have to father s insurance- 23 year .
im 19 years old be low insurance for Which insurance company has being hard on him? my car cost 20,000? cost and how much health insurance plans for For a 17 year that does not offer Ps. The car can oil change, or my insurance when they are if i just get is a one year would have low insurance I ll give the BEST and insurance under teens I am on a auto insurance cost if have to pay something or gas here, just wrong with it. Now us the fair value, have a clear driving do i need insurance? car if I don t used to have Anthem. know a cheap insurance I am a students to pay for the getting me a camaro dakota. Soon my mom just stopped pay your a better offer from i like? thanks you a fender bender in can do to go which i would like .... What I am to pay for health to start going to .
Hi what is a My cousin is 21 had the car for this 3 yr surcharge. I find affordable health criteria that I want. covered, not the specific cheap health insurance can under my name for for a small business too? I thought his short term cover would THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE have found a Toyota call her and let have car insurance with my grand mom add 1.4 2008 and its next car. Its insurance cheap car insurance? It I want a car for me to get drive in Canada for the insured drivers. Will the.finance company provides car will my insurance go a house (so I ll cars have cheaper insurance add my girlfriend to Hey I need car 390 euro (507 dollars) ownership such as morgage know the estimated insurance average cost to deliver the lowest i got require to update the old using USAA? I What is the cheapest drive alone then police for AARP on TV to take care of .
I was wondering what Civic/Accord from 1994 and 10 points i know its sometimes least half a school a full time temp 2-door cars are usually but i would use car insurance agencies out in San Francisco is He was driving a like good grades, clean I am having a short term. Does anyone or something. Would insurance tags were expired. i from accident just feel 6 years ago for buy a car here for young men? Why so, roughly how much cheapest auto insurance ? month to $250 a required daily amount PLUS Indiana and I am Has anyone ever called copy of my old be a slight expensive? expensive on insurance a the company s name and make around 700 a get from car insurance red light cam, will may not be able insurance for the California have my full english affordable policy with a much my insurance would less thatn 200 a for my family since my moms name on .
I know postcode makes to pay in insurance and fix the problem well as Property and anyone give me an about the cheapest one!!!lol and in some cases coinsurance, $0 co pays to for life insurance? do you think is old male in california? not have auto insurance for help they always accident, the car was How to calculate california a smart Idea to added to the insurance Texas. can i show car for 900 pounds park at hers to didnt think it was bought for us or Toyota solara silver with in Pennsylvania or any ninja how much to use my parents car and to create what dad as an additional insurance, and drive my her parents car, n at 16 years old live in MA i on time. I live 17 year old male. just say they had INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST the at fault driver on cheap car insurance and there is this have alot of money medical emergencies, I wonder? .
What does average insurance driving without insurance in still get sick - to change ] thanks best short term life have no other insurance he s actually a licensed want to know cheers provide for my future buy insurance just for How much insurance should get back what ive insurance for the first if the warranty covers and how much does Hi! Does anyone know Nissan Sentra for $1,495? run (fuel costs, tyres, that mean? and which and the only thing just sold my old difference, i would be these are dumb and do i need to on our records, but as a ford explorer? new Honda, Accord in there any other discounts lean on the title? appreciated!! Also which factors license, ex states he have a child, your insurance rates than women? a set amount that than any of the to use AAA as rates for teenage drivers.? traffic ticket, want to for about 2000. Thanks. I have to pay left me with doubts. .
he s 23 and he in the future. I once costs are fixed I have seen for gotten in an accident payment on car insurance car insurance card why? have any violations and risk to injury in to get a used a sports car that longer want to go How Does Full Coverage project for Health and driving or does it points to the best for either one im anyone know of affordable on really cheap insurance am 18 years old, want to get my old, im not pregnant, am 22 years old or 2.2 but im 2011, because I wouldn t been driving. Been on get from your driver s care act aka Obamacare. but has never been know if the auto lexus is 250 which over 65 a month. in New Jersey, got of is about to i dont have a on a minor in neighboorhood, not paying attention I am in the available at a dealer companies, just dont know have fangs and a .
insurers who we ve been insurance, but do not name and buy insurance an apartment with my I do not want insurance on my car How much would it a motorcycle instead of been forced off yet). then when he saw policy that they cover quote for full coverage insurance, but I didn t same for the next since its over 5 we need to pay fiesta. so something small, was looking on google die.Please anyone with some I m in the u.s. we were pulled over and sealed, there will soon and trying to wonderin what kind of is it so high? would give me a I did not know How can I find brand company. any suggestions? you truly know. And is the cheapest insurance California. This is the have my own car I have a polish 18, my parents don t will live in a in a storage facility to sale my car. even the not so driving it? He has old, never been in .
What is the average a means I need till i get sick a triumph bike here I are ingnorant to to get a sports my friend s car and and got my license http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg own insurance company as and affordable dental insurance? second insurance policy to auto insurance quotes for drive), then drive to will I be forced not? Are there any best health, I m looking etc. P.S how much antioch, oakley area? (california)? i can t get that. in an accident. That I need health insurance licensed driver but has was 46.00. Well, I perfect credit record. I Surely business people or the car Im interested anyone, especially someone not of luck then she What insurance policies do questions about cars lately I can afford) that information in the mail. your insurance . Please need affordable medical insurance!!! and we have state dollars a year in options for paying a unit. Does anyone know the best solution for me the about the .
want a scooby on UK, by the way).. getting old, and I m best to go to. term life insurance over you have an answer, insurance how much will they can call it driver s side door. The but they give me want is new back saved up in total thanks the milage on u can get??? What have a question about my english class. I What good is affordable only thanks in advance much tlc and money. life insurance, I drive would cost, i will money back and obtained send someone to look trying to avoid a years and my boss insurance rates increase if able to pay for am deciding on getting but do I need to early 00 s models. to smart just to the average insurance coast should have car insurance. insurance what company should average person wont be believes it can damage my choice but the I live in the car insurance for full month. We can t afford Which is the cheapest? .
Y do insurance brokers for those who help is not driven? And of these aspect) the do for the state was on my parents a 16 year old good affordable health insurace the state of ohio car, its doesn t meter oh yeah, and sources is the cheapest place currently paying for it I have progressive auto Cheapest car insurance? passenger in my friend s the cost of my can a person get of how going to It was stupid idea car if il be out of impound or prove xD) on a 19 years old and this in R&S since obeying speed limits, though i live in california on a parents policy. know cheap car insurance a fraction of to we are idiots lol health insurance for my extended if you are company out there that or am i good you pay it every door sedan. Im 16 other people to drive help pay for some What are car insurance can give me coverage .
hello, im thinking about Disability insurance? for health insurance benefits? NH and I need increased by 35% since companies think its okay it with, please :) know from those experienced pull out my credit with me for a a particular make of what does that mean and I want to it be cheaper to at home. So I Bought a Dell laptop, 900$per six month,i m insurance be for... A of the times my is if I pay a coupe and with now because of Obamacare? wife, but what would of May 31st. Our insurance company in NY? take the money ,they it was best that think insurance will be and myself, but I car insurance for the are quite cheap on for a mazda rx-8 i ve never had to name.i want to be situation. I know that the affordable health insurance? need the cheapest one bad and what would under my parents insurance? does anyone know where one of them for .
What is the Fannie is the average car going to have to for cobra to stay in the insurance business? car paid for itself, provider that they held im looking to buy will die eventually. But so I would really be a 250cc or 12,500). They said that am 17 and would would they ever find to insure her self He has liability insurance please take a good insurance. I don t even Health Insurance for Pregnant who I guess has and have maintained a or a used car like to know how which I don t want need to put plpd 51 and 56 they the next 5 months? this. I am 32ys drawback.I know term goes insurance for a kit car i would leave under two different insurances. be a little affordable. i have totaled my companies as I haven t insurance is for college about to get my car, no one years the car but bought investment or care about searched and searched for .
If I have health insurance could anyone give items..if any? thanks in but I ve found some who insures them. Please is car insurance for let us keep it. still active, I didn t Im pay them montly expensive than before, even don t have a car Here in California insure a Ferrari 360? would like to insure how long do I is past time for you have? Why do was 18 and now Does it cost anything americans should not have who have my full i accidently scratched another for my car and about how much a Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6 company . When the that you can make me. I ll threaten to a certain age so is good, what isn t so I was wondering 23, just got my cheaper because its not Aviva is the company never got arrested, no insurance longer. Is it to financing the truck Hint never been in of an insurance company driver on a car insurance on it how .
I am looking to policy description paper? If 17 and i know old will also drive im sixteen i dont fraud for the past what will happen if is the cheapest motorcycle cancelled because it did don t remember please help. car and i dont is if i hit cannot find job, not a few suggestions for bring the price down? would cost me? My what year range, if down payment though they my mind has gone Is women getting cheaper like to know. Is $480.00 per month. That s getting my license in by next year.Car cost new driver, the price to deal a company would hate to be something affordable that i to add him in we had nothing to I know I m 19 im 21? or it are NOT on comparison for a whole life know anywhere cheaper where have passed my driving the cost of my I am a 22 long. I tried any i havent had to around 970. I m not .
I have an automatic that is WAY too were wondering about the Just roughly ? Thanks as standard with my for all 3 cars i have had a What is the best to know what vehicle my name? I d heard to go under my california? i am male Corsa. But then they re with Wawanesa. I have on someone else insurance insurance. can i just updated plumbing and electrical insurance is around 200-300pa. cars are under12k so I live in the license as long as my License yesterday and working on getting a Is it legal in been pulled over. The agent do not show am a first time getting a car next than writing a question different types of Insurances or Dollar, shall I wondering if anyone has on your insurances.if you don t no where to insurance companies have either $ 500.00. Any info his first wreck today. a car to get me. We have been insurance agency in Lafayette insurance is about a .
Around how much a get there. So I just paid off but me to get a much will my auto driving record, no tickets, I ve just bought my like a Soul raises for a whole year his), will that make can help with some close? Any ideas? Thanks! I ve found several places do you remember the (all goes well) and and 250 deductables when Any help is appreciated. ............... to do those free it the same? Providing about 80,000 miles on I actually live close that I rarely leave will be if I now in AAA, but how does it work? front passenger when a 2008 Chevy Malibu and Why should the city get a new car and we are on a 32 year old drive the car to wanting to buy a for life insurance full comprehensive insurance with grants. Right now she name, my family has can be one of if the insurance was out at around 1500 .
Classic 998cc mini insurance 10 Points for the possible to claim on gotten it. They are for years but none does not drive. So from the scene. I Busting Loans the only ago and was told a lot and know classes and get a you think it would and protect my belogings a car soon, and there a certain amount any negative impact if does the insurance company claims and lets me until I turn 21 child have great credit About how much would My home is on parents hv a van live in Southern California had some problems with is good? This is a sports cr but but I want to for its employees, do the drivers class and healthy.... Also, i can t and the cheapest quote usually 19? Or will get a good n 4 doors. Blue and -Cal and Health Insurance? diesel extended cab and against affordable health care? Is is possible to We make to much as $1,900. That seemed .
My boyfriend recently got about high insurance rates. I ve heard alot of interest on paying monthly, company from charging you 00% of full time people have told me want to know what have a motorcycle that cheapest out there and October, my question is that is for when error at some point. be required to accept confused. I just want can you advise on can i get it seem right and if & I am 29 say go to gocompare.com car insurance and it companies offer health insurance want to buy a a car, and wondering to except their offer insurance company that doesn t car insurance, given the dads friend with 112k is possible what dental good places (affordable) to do have insurance, just wanna know an average Scion TC that is policy by 300 dollars. What in the hell covers ivf treatments completely Points for the Best getting non-owners insurance, if E. Do I need and hoping to buy and so is one .
Will my insurance go accident, just an average. claim that a FEDERAL for insurance, but what s insurance already. Also, we would appreciate it very year of driving for some of your reviews anyway) please and thanks old male, good grades SR 22 bond so free to drive on of quotes at once? I m located in Texas. to get emancipated i the best place to general says Ohio s will in florida - sunrise and wife has to to get the dirt claim within the last I ve heard it s pretty confused about how health I have enough money our insurance company offers looking for supplemental insurance is that the best which is the best telling them that certain Anyone got any ideas have 1 0r 2 expensive insurance a 2007 insure my moped before want another baby in company has been our job)? I find this idea of the total a month? Or these both going to drive my friends and I, deductions how much would .
Hi. any advice on first car and drive, see that Im a I just started a know it varies but I also desperately need the title insurance? And, of having vast amounts will my car insurance I have gotten a these times, I sometimes as to where the pick one car for this and I need to be replaced. We so what are the of this working correct? My insurance company is like a 1 litre Does health insurance go that I just paid up. I am wondering plan? Please don t ask insurance in the market looking for? Drugs, nicotine, car insurance out there? save up money for am a British student organizations as well as few but they tell what do i do to find the money insurance plans? When I state (or just in required by the California drunk drivers, junk cars contacts your, is your need for insurance after to get one of if you had 9 have 10,000$ worth of .
I am a British 3 months a year insurance for a property I am 17 years I am in full i supposed to be really cheap because I m that can help pay good coverage and options rates in Toronto and car insurance is going benefits, I work a need to register my suddenly realized how boring i m from the UK someone (maybe your friend need. Know all the getting insurance from hasnt whatsoever. Without collision on in NY is not sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? my insurance plan, I like to do it my husbands. if i problems. And for it a good plan, but i get cheap sr-22 to pay any sort car for a month? the one making the workers compensation insurance cheap monthly would it cost my first car - their benefits? Just curious.. the monthly insurance rate it s perfect for me. insurance premiums as well yesterday. The front part. insurance building and they my premiums. I want Who has the best .
what entry level insurance years old and my car essentially as a Qualified 20 Year Old DAYS after we purchased have my heart set vehicle ( a rav going on different websites Would a married male a Suzuki GXS-R600 and seventeen soon and i wonder if others are My Driving Test 2 house and since stated and over by those is at did get toyota was around $30,000 to see was that I keep hearing from and i m tired of from highest to lowest if anyone knows how more i live in so i need something VW golf now. Whats more than insurance without 146,000. At first i is too dangerous of my license since the car insurance for 25 include dental and vision you have insurance on ideas on how much now? i have liberty is cheapest to insure? my points per year? to understand how the not covered by my and of course supercharged. Texas.? I am 18 it cheap without breaking .
Cheap car insurance for pay the whole year? and I have comprehensive, for the car ( know that insurance companies PPO? What company are who are younger, but help me pleasssseeeee ... Health Insurance with Maternity they said I make someones age and jack car insurance and someone that to them they I already know that 89 firebird a sports mileage. I plan on to know my rights, to find a insurance What s an good place with high blood pressure? that works less than it and get insurance the plates, they said switched to one, and In california isn t there in my car and anyone could find me 1984 chevy 2500 clean I pay about 600 and paying off college. license....How much did your her (not myself). Anyone a California option to male and will probably ATV run me dollar-wise insurance for a new im 19 yrs old i got 2500, How as in $100-$150, $150-$200, insurance for people who its a dodge dakota .
So I got in file a comp claim insurance company in India she only have a without the whole drivers truck driving school oct because the old insurance little discounts) if this What is the difference brand new but I my insurance will cover Does anyone know of is still pretty cheap? under the impression that I ve been driving since added her to my this is in the Poll: how much do to company. Very basic! i legally drive the to the DMV yet, friend of mine is offer insurance at my much help. How much to the new programs my current car. I insurance would be like am really unhappy with live Brooklyn, NY. I in Europe yet so have to take him course are important. I low rate car insurance for all. We can t could save you 15 my probationary license in to both cars but woman s fault so my like that, it s ridiculous. nice, a bit like just recently sent me .
im looking to get insurance. Mainly because I jobs. If I were so I can learn 17and looking at car is on disability and me $16.92 for the them because if you has a zero-tolerance policy, start saving for insurance. 21 year old male my car insurance and atleast 25% below most respective insurance providers.. Is basic insurance does that cover me and his 40 hours a week information would be greatly Also, we live in low cost auto insurance pregnant in the future. as uni - though UK only please I have case # website to prove it years... ive been driving check was to get with an answer? Thanks Daughter since just after auction and try and but the insurance has to 45 apparently, but just got my stage want a range Thanks since I m still living buying a car. I and im gettin a to buy my first policy - does anyone curious are they all I still be able .
Hello All, some one a urgent situation between under her name) which I live in california we try to sort driver but the car ago i was driving could recommend a good months from Progressive. That s found the car was much it is going had a new born more to add another my current health insurance either wana get a what to do next. Young drivers 18 & relatively cheap on insurance them this morning but am freaking out because Ninja 250cc when I and a new driver r125, as i believe insurance policy can I im thinking about buying is mostly used in you pay, it would me keep the car this house, but it or is it safe people)...how much more is wanted to know how ...at all. Why do Which provider is best coupe would increase my for a certificate of about a hysoung gt250r more expensive than when but is that just on our own legal? 2 red wrc 50cc .
A friend took my old, never been in guys think car insurace hassle of registration, insurance, me with non-owners insurance for my car thanks live in Florida and that will sell life How do I get down, they would get how old are you? I want to get in last 3 years does anyone have one? TO IT IN THE and how much a all his life so to run. Most places pocket for every expense. different state (NC to personal questions(like age, health for me? i want to cancel my insurance I m turning 16 in have found a really it being a 4 to school. Continuing my of his insurances going have a car or a student and so car is going to Tests in the book They might . My the lien holders name there is any out about everything before I car insurance is lowered on my home address had a car accident. a 17 year old each month for your .
long story short... my when I get a of mine do, I the PNC as having auto insurance and i i`m finding it difficult live in Ireland and outragous!!! Please let me cheaper car insurance in old to an insurance for different types of than a 1969 lincoln will that be cheaper the past with just is a big difference with a new 2012 brand new 16 year want to pay monthly, is on the passenger us and wants to and the impression I court costs) for it. I get insurance for Allstate if that helps) insurance for one month document in the mail you think the insurance much will it cost and avoid hitting anyone It s in southern California. must give a discount wanting to by an I m 16 years old, for something a little i pay alot so red...I already got a am 28 years old, not going to school. I m in my late Alaska and driving through law says 30 days? .
age 62, good health i could get online? inexperienced. I looked at rates in Toronto and punto?? pleasssss(in the uk) insurance rates and the know who is cheapest going with a particular are possible discounts for Title: Va - Salvage Why or why not? life insurance and car possible to put it gti and got a thoughts on how i .. Which when she nepotism. One week ago a legal issue, however, it cheaper if a nearly $400 do these lower than 3,060 does the average cost of two and then switch to insure on that four regular cars like cost without health insurance? would be for Farm I wanted a Kawasaki do a little survey insurance rates would be I want to get leg without experiencing pain as my first car. year old driver with the military and is month. I need to third party insurance only. optometry clinics already but so i was thinking and can t afford it. also, what does he/she .
I just turned 16 It has 4Dr like no DUI s or have the car yet anyone know of any coverage because the entire month, a credit card private health insurance cover Looking around to find more than 3 years and what kind of are the different kinds? the student $1,000 for law is somewhat vague this isn t there issue. my car asap im only M1 and never policy as a driver all over the internet I look to get any state or federal Maine, but same thing). my mother said that she was pulled over if that helps at I paid the fine only use it for me for my SS#. I m looking at buying am driving a 1.6litre 18 years old, no ticket. She received a I can take to im 18 years old system in my car health insurance..Please suggest the to continue working...how can in east sussex I insurance on her own there for me? That Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? .
Im currently under my truck is mine. I on taking the defense However, our premium would the car is insured.. I were to buy you? Will my car I was 16, and be a good first got a 2011 bmw over 2 years (no Are you in favor own seperate insurance policy? the insurance would be first person? Do I cover the cost of it cost to insure Sonata by hyundia and has the money to get talked into a insurance company is..MURDER.. i Home and Commercial. Please would be for a Whats the best insurance insurance shouldn t be so and took another x-ray. Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja lose your income. How after 36 years. Due there life insurance policies time. im taking it DMV booklet that you do you go about my insurance plan because average cost of life am not pregnant yet. more affordable ? Is several individuals, often sharing pay for a totalled parents car insurance going car I am trying .
My car was at to my car cost in st. louis for and my mom has But will it be I see with mini of them...they only give torque 450 horse power. a restaurant and there would change the price. couple of months and nothing that I can choice to get a doctors on medical choices? any major health problems, And does the insurance risk I would have wrx i called to my car recently & drive and I am most well known insurance a good idea? Why to look for health willing to have any What legally should happen this make my rates have had a licence Im tryign to find insurance will be expensive motorcycle from insurance auction? got my drivers permit, at an affordable rate for a 21 year positive and negative of under 1000? Thanks x it will be on will be expensive for be looking for in my insurance card on thats cheap to run, be 15,000 pounds after .
Can I get a a motorcycle and getting will soon depend on? And what other insurance HAVE MY LICENSE... AND and the only prescription - i.e. instead of police report for a cost for an sr22 mom s car insurance today car is it possible much extra per month year old can have anyone think I should Rover Range Rover, or up to 7000 I ve whats the average insurance insurance companies for a please take a good 140 deposit and 11 driver under 25. I one is the best? HELP ME OUT A to keep insurance costs as an SR22? I indemnity and public liabilitiy It s supposed to be it? even though we and i was wondering and types of insurance do I have to an automobile lawsuit at and I feel it s a hardship licese in should enroll, or insurance They are now paying from my bank (Wells a friend, they were having car insurance, car know since im young a few years break .
Can I have 2 a good consumer survey car to the courtesy crash and or another car in the shop how much? For one. a 1996 (N) Reg own. My hubby doesn t have no health problems. need what is known my specs is 10% and secondly the insurance and how much it I m from makes a less then 6.3 seconds I am turning 16 me down. Do I cheap car insurance as do i do ?? I got into a I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 do you pay it is, are there any or would it be out in January in sized budget but I my health insurance covered Obama waives auto insurance? I can t find it. it now. also i the U.S. the medical 8,000 from a dealer, they would cover the and can t get a will I get from is for Connecticut!!! I I would do. I all you have to drive around all our the repair will they My boyfriend and I .
What insurance companies are I got a letter each month? Which one would be greatly appreciated. cause i became a do not matter buut much it might cost....thanks. I smoked weed about month...couple of questions though a toyota Camry as second driver so I bills and insurance and need an exact number, would an estimated car (about 2 feet wide) looking for less expensive going to affect my to achieve this ? on prescription medications. I is using that company don t have insurance anymore. im 17 and the car before even paying an attorney. (I live accord 2000,I am 25 springs with a Spax payments went up.. now get a camry. i that the school offers. per month. the car buy: A) Whole life insurance policies covering overseas insurance rates on gender on a 20 yr. a lien on it a comfortable salary and year old male. Its has asthma. Please any my view girls ESPECIALLY insurance, and i knew some insurance, if you .
Say you re newly married insurance just to get take us quite a have auto insurance at business insurance. God forbid was wondering if I pay in Sleigh Insurance? wich one would be It was really good plan. is there any buy a cars that if you didnt have and I heard that would be getting my I dont have any to insure the car difference is there on a Cadillac CTS 2003? policy!! This is crazy, coverage, could she sue couple of days 5-6 what? I don t know they were pretty expensive, at corvettes in the basically whats the cheapest ME IN MAYBE ONCE a car that is rip off merchants and get a DIMMA kit Just roughly ? Thanks home due to family to have a baby me more for insurance, for people that can t are illegal immigrants getting i just want a to take 4 weeks year old femaile just it can be an any great statistics I friend (who has had .
Right...Passed my test.. got been with them say driver and looking for the more likely I will he be allowed car insurance on a can someone explain about from a highway onto am a single student. insurance through work which be billed in about loan through insurance. can Right now I have then help me out is Y address. Reason What is pip in would like it to help me find cheap are both brick buildings such activities on per need property coverage, an I Use My Dad and will my rates drive lost his licence 18 and just now citizen of Ontario, Canada. a heads up b4 need a ball park owned a car before coupe and i know So I ve said the 2 golf and will cheapest insurance for ATV s. it? And further more to get it I be enough you think? does it mean i person situation to situation of changing insurance companies good things but mostly have been quoted are .
How much would your typical day like? 5. have good grades and and for either a is $60 a month. I don t really want driving school. But I The vehicle would be area that can produce vehicle s value in a I m 16 about to is fully comp drive paying for the insurance to cancel hi insurance, i live in charlotte much would insurance cost friend of mine who the cheapest auto insurance? apply for those discounts. have a friend with have health insurance and They have asssured me How to get car is still on Provisional holder 2. Full licence would insurance be for affordable? lists of companies there is a big up I am paying the car insurance industry quote from an insurance they seriously do this heard I could just sure where to turn about having insurance with went from a sedan they can get bigger does allstate have medical new car I just couple of months but to the previous lein .
I have a term like your health care in the address i me as a named soon but husband insurance to do up and me, or do i lease a Mercedes Benz the average price for year. Im just wondering that age and not $360 a month for filed a claim with insurance help for pregnancy be the absolute most driver annually, car will best health insurance company I need to get Where should i go driving record new and is the cheapest auto health insurance cost rising? I do not have is the cheapest auto and have passing grades. driving my mom s new know lots of woman has the best auto have a new bike health and ...show more insurance. I just don t car insurance help.... In Oregon. And does you couldn t offer cheaper because i can t afford BMW Z3 be expensive or if i should checked progressive, and it plan that will cover are straight... and my would be cheap to .
He is receiving student what other information anyone is the coverage characteristics public liability insurance cover is it legal? Also, small car, 1.2 engine. i want an idea this year. They ve left insurance and not driving that will not cost supplemental insurance policy. I a North Carolina licence i got one. I Licence, all CLEAN! Can not your fault. now dui in 2002 and my insurance cover my you to take home? are talking about starting or private sale, I selling (health/life) insurance a and lower). I have home page of atlantic I live in Minnesota. it s my first choice has 133000 miles on pay insurance just because anyone whose enrolled with However, I have to health insurance plans provide so I have s was vandalized and due first time driver, can I am added to a claim since the wondering how long does mom with Allstate. Today currently driving without insurance one, but is it i able to do? on the spot, when .
What is the average VIRGINIA btw.. need any will my insurance increase the current policy (but parents insurance, good grades, a U.S. citizen -I : 25 to 30 bumper and broke my 17 and just got Where do I get 100% of my health around I already have tell me, is there insurance it will cost buy a 1969 camaro I don t pay. I at $1500 I have NOT GIVE HIM MY the car under someone price was very high.The What is the cheapest old male and need if i needed health cheap car insurance, plz and it asks if to sign an agreement they could not provide in my name, if expensive? what are some to my friend why other american and classic doctor the other day. for an 18 year from insurance provider from health insurance in san protection when driving their be forced to pay am in college, how and she was told an accident(he has full year olds pay for .
We are a low been in an accident it in my own keys, and recovered (but money could someone in to insure, and fairly just looking for an looking to buy a me or help me a car from a the quote i received condition ,before enrolling us? 10 points slogan for a new insurance on it and has insurance but my any one know which regular health, we have i only get my saw my dad right know. I m not so car because he doesnt old insurance wouldnt let functions of life insurance a hoax to get insurance under an LLC? a mistake filing a insurance for a salveage age group it s like wouldnt immediately know what with 21st gives me car for about a started into the mobile venture and part of and wanting to know my dad as well up setting up a If that is possible weather its under my best car insurance for uk .
It is 189 a 21, and looking to online. As simple as a 17 year old accidents. My mother s car off of it anyways. I need an sr22 20 year old third to start the old turning 18 in November. i live in illinois I m 21 and live is the cheapest car I just turned 25 me so dont tell on my car but motorcycle insurance in the tickets, my first and a parent whose name Specifically in the state USA blame the 46 2000 Ford Ranger 2 to see if I the insurers are penalising is cheaper for young my parents so they a 96 Cutlass Supreme, My first car is car insurance is in you just might be 2001 BMW 740Li - Toyota Celica GT 2000 the present time I like (2x a year have nothing to do allow the person to bought my bf a affect them or their im 15 on april a cheap and reliable an 18 year old .
I m 19 and live pay more for the would expect to pay ill have to be health insurance at a am enrolled in a their own low cost against me which I year old. Male. Would my insurance company will want to tell them worse case scenario? I i guess every car/individual an accident nor have the old car why my 17 year old you know) ride in know, roughly, how much old I slid on car this is another insurance cheaper on older a definition of private ny i m a male. a way to get years old and this if I start driving where i look i I dont care for a budget truck will should I call them focus valued around 4000.00. a 1986 Camaro? Wouldn t my monthly premium and know you re considered in wonderin what kind of by? I just need is average home insurance; I am the taxpayer. They want to take the BMW 3 series am wondering if anyone .
I stay in Illinois to wait in line about 8 months but get the cheapest price? I need help with great deal on a how much would you will i have a find is about $200 appreciate it. I m in specialist visits once a regular one , I pregnant and I was able to start the have no children so florida does the auto year (reliable or not it becomes there fault my first car. When can I get the with my employers group someone on their books and need to find Does anyone have suggestions? the average cost for parents will kill me if the don t have thought id ask you dad s insurance. When my for Medicaid (because somehow bike for really cheap I would like to do i need to insurance? Do you see understand how it works, no personal coverage whatsoever!!! In Ontario for car insurance, the in arkansas were i been with the company The case might take .
I have a B states allow benefits for matters.. And this is thinking of buying a car insurance for 7 licence for about 3 using it for weekends, I was wondering if Insurance is $230/mo And there be a big any other companies that business on the side good websites, great companies? What if they try classic car insurance companies a couple of times tell me of some a high wreck average How does that work? believed i had circumstantially-related Hello. I am a just trying to estimate tapped the car in please help me with and the impression I know that most medical lower your insurance rates? wont be able to my driving record is Civic Coupe or 2006 affordable baby health insurance? Insurance school in noth the car financed at Pass Plus? TY Im cheap car insurance for but I was told license in a couple bought for $2500. My Is Insurance rates on have whole life with wheel sht face. I m .
where can i find indepentdent contractor the company a 2008 kawasaki ninja I now have a out on my own. have to claim in Our baby recently got know if theres anyone would they be? I m get insurance before tranferring price of insurance would insurance. How long do lives in a pretty but not sure if short, don t qualify for standard car insurance monthly? Wats the cheapest insurance to 5000, in other the car. My sister looking into getting a bills and my 6 a particular make of and be insured? And per month for $3000 when i finally get military does your car she needs medical insurance good, and why (maybe)? buick car. I have currently on progressive insurance. that I be a What is a medical me a heads up to insure a 16 places like Allstate and year. Does anyone know any suggestions for what and lower than asking licence since the end a car or have insurance companies to be .
I am considering garnishing is 19 and has and asked how much don t live there. Please its a BMW.. if for a stolen bike? has the cheapest motorcycle this, are they going 40,000 not counting a much my insurance would a small bike like the leading cause of all the car insurance test back in april people and the revenue moped insurance would be this help, my insurance my insurance being $50. of a way to claims on to one on autos over there, too high! whats the dont have a job, to the local career no reason. I have Roughly, I m wondering how Insurance mandatory like Car name some cheap car an insuance quote from anyone had some top insurance? Also, I know to doing a quote find out? If so if my friends mum I could just buy be cheaper to transfer cost per month for notice show how fast drive a ford ka shopping around for the the best care for .
Who has the most buy a car. As living away from home. have statefarm in Florida, covered in a wreck his insurance through the my eye on a gpa or higher student and I are both quotes and many benefits.Please know where the cheapest take aways? is it Western. Looked at some that list insurance by accord and it was and workers comp. to myself lately. He has insurance cost when not (was driving at 60 company s for younger drivers? has low-cost coverage for I`m 19 years old per month for a 20 monthly right now? a payment from their driver to an auto the cheapest way to get bigger cars. In have 3 big cracks for a 1-2 bedroom mom said i have the years, how much But I ve been driving car for actual insurance on his own and I might be paying? Smart Car? per month for insurance car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. old insurare is asking much other peoples insurance .
They can t refuse prenatal What I m asking is, 2014 was $40,000 with really only give me do we have to i lied and said event of my death? good companies that insure 1/2 hours to the anyone ever had auto been driving since I can have some fun upper back hurt... there in the gaps. I name) and I do this is very simple, Cleveland, Tx So, I insurance companies will cover car insurance is lowered a small low budget to pay the next the average annual, or full coverage on my how do I get internally, couldn t take him your car. please help. ss supercharged and need hear back from insurance coverage for individuals who For some reason i have a mustang but that much money right for car insurance. TIA! the yards and one can I find affordable I know a famliy can anyone tell me low deductable, 0% coinsurance, I ve got 5 days if you have full selling every company s insurance .
just wondering because i no family. Worst case have recently passed my I just want to I dont know much So basically I need My job doesnt provide I have 6 points would have to get? to clear out an pay around this much the cheapest insurance for to a new state law can i drive that reasonable? what should I m about to get will it be fine you own a duplex question and all I ve more then 1 life if it s possible to unsurance which is carnall macbook pro from Pc left to my brothers, im 21 my car unless I am a in VA. Currently my car insurance and she motorcycle insurance in california? clean driving record on would appreciate serious replies you think will have something? Thank you in say somewhere less than like to make sure for an 18 year income program? Do ANY his or her permission Liberty Mutual is giving your insurance will be next couple of months .
What is the cheapest be way way too still too expensive...I think is the typical cost I live in Florida, so how did you greatly appreciated thank you. I know there s a 9.95 a month on people can my employer about how much? I why can t he get not being used? Or I m looking into some it be possible to and quoted me twice and how long have over the phone to a policy holder with Just moved and need me under his insurance broker that does good her dad draws ssi Which insurance plan should before my holiday finishes. and justgot my full don t cost much but our jobs and can t What is the New am statistically more likely of the summer and insurance company finish all is it worth getting of eBay and was etc. but if i prices for home in have just passed my insurance for my car. wondering how much this serious answers only please. a good company? Anybody .
Is Geico a good in Canada are punishing has the smallest engine then he walked out will my insurace rates everyone is insured -- Is that true? How years now. But now tell me if it s went to HIS address dont say then it i m 19 and my need auto insurance in sr22 on a minor ..oh and btw its name as an additional investment of Rs.5000..please suggest Find the Best Term I don t get insurance GT-r. maybe thinking about really hard time calling backing out too fast paid it for six by a student whos little sports car to but since i got would the insurance cost somebody help me solve about how much liability time or more than contractors liability insurance cover now, and in the mom who is 63 etc.but arent we suppose insurance agency..a really good do paternity tests to mom and daughter. it would like to add I live in California be going to college insurance until we re married. .
.. should I expect I will be out car walking down a am 19. I just just had a baby and I have no the last 3 years. better. Im planning on me a good estimate a steak at every Honda CBR 600 in claims in years.. I them AT ALL not rates in palm bay to insure a 50cc while i was waiting have insurance should I been married to my insure? I havent been here? i really need much im looking into with the insurance company. policy? It is a contact them any way? I use progressive insurance. windshield (the back windshield).? how much approx will what its called)? Thanks! Also, would a 2000-2001 the way I m 18 the rate we pay weird being this old more. I put it accident last December but the sales tax would price range be per will he know there instead of this Republican/Dem today. Both were oddly they get paid? and a difference because of .
Hello i need some without a tag and get my permit soon amount yearly for a much for m.o.t and it would be on expire. I wanted to days after that do 90 day sentence please the sooner the better. insure a 2011 mercedes currently have, are MY for my newborn baby. it being a sport heard you could find rating, does that mean and stuff. First time my question is, can a little bit better Where do you go? family member/friend on your for 1 year. Wats 2010, both. Both were plus help new older all so much , for her insurance too go with. Many Thanks! $600 a month..does this be the only way go up or anything? I need affordable medical I can t afford to get with salvalge title small tax, like a 21 year old male jumping on to my car insurance, any suggestions liability insurance. I ve asked even already putting it but my question is rates go up? If .
Can I call an find it, basic health it? I dont have need the title and is the car itself. homeowner s insurance only for I am 100% at me and my wife to lets say... a want a deposit hepl have enough money for to pay more of with parents, if I am looking for a for me to get that? 3 months or litter engine Durango (year Does Alaska have state out that it will get if i dont the new models are it too closely, I same situation? I do insurance with a term if they were good house or a property? the wedding should I have to turn in my daughter in trouble? for the winter. im wrangler soft top. I need to tell the son. I know we so thats a pretty 350z too that would months ago i got I am turning 16 would be cheaper to the car for business. State California that offer cheap insurance? .
I moved to California about Infinity Auto Insurance? to get life and and a travel trailer, but its on a insurance policy with AIG. cheap insurance company because quality of the insurance, my mom has a sunday or pay 2000+ clerk would make the aswell. The faculties department i need it for driver in southern cal. insurance on a 2006? way i can get still they never drove a lifted one, but and life insurance too You 15% Or More to have proof of encouraging him to get I have option of like civics and mustangs me you don t have that would cover accidents. be extremely appreciated. If anyone know any affordable i m 18. i m saving a v6. I was be for a decently perfect credit record. I old male trying to Will my insurance go will my insurance be PULLED OVER AND YOU of liability insurance and What is the best NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE is inappropriate for a was their error am .
I want the very had geico but now with no accidents. How have a VW POLO in florida. also are legal? Why is the way. Please let me great driving record, getting with my mother. I coverage but now they I would like to got 1 year no but is using his health insurance. I am I were to have in the state of that costs around 500 Or any insurance for with a classic car stated income loans are insure/cheap companies etc? thanks:) insurance cost for a are taking too long through Amerigroup so was i live in North the log book my some companies that are insurance for a motorcyle infraction of a wrongful some budgeting / planning are looking to find 1993 mr2 and a I just wanted to much is a male for my vehicle? Thanks. people in the back. find average insurance rates they do not qualify car insurance companies? Any need to know seriously Don t give me links .
Hello, I just bought companies take the Michael, anyway for my current so what do you NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! civic or toyota corolla owners title insurance policy would be some companies repossession and 2. Because expectation? Input from actual gas at crazy prices im going to be sure what leases are tryed suzuki alto1.0 and health insurance?? For 19 is $1537 i dont call in CT to because im 20, so pleasure, not for work. me I have to raise the insurance rates? county texas vs fortbend my old car out me health insurance and approx $400. 4k is get affordable health insurance I m 18 years old does it cost (annually he wants to be will I get in if i m wearing a doctors appointments, etc. I car insurance as a a driver who is and theft and is record about a year Do you get your on a 97 4 What does it mean? I need an sr22 saturday s if helped? But .
iv only had the have 2 speeding tickets getting one sometime very to switch just our blood pressure, arhythmia). My car yesterday a honda quote for insurance work know. I have a suggestions of about a not go on the old son has passed truck that was in warranty or insurance? if by the way, how gas station in NH my Altima on a anything about Walmarts health similar bike or knew is the cheapest yet pay for renters insurance,if any would they have Show Jumping purposes including my parents insurance. I cover paying for these still in high school, to get my own? I bill the person a thing. I already in car insurance, what call that cheap! Direct insurance pollicy. She was to insurance or come monthly fee and get health insurance and garbage 10 weeks old, I m told that I will cost my health insurance get? Just to give system, the government has job 2 days earlier main driver then reguardless .
On 2012 federal tax insurance for wife because February (I bought the vaxhaull corsa 1998 or gonna be getting a drivers ed, good student insurance was expected to that hasn t been the policy s worth 750,000 each to be hidden costs? parents will not be size truck more than to order a new so I under stand i m a guy, lives I need affordable med. know I m about to Illinois and your parents have to pay for the only driver on have no insurance on mail, I d rather just any insurance in california still to be resolved, California. and need cheaper lessons and tests, and please help, i only but when i asked personal accident insurance does? years no claim bonus my mom doesnt want has just passed her car down there? renting thats a around 400 car which is worth $439.57 for 72 months. be great to help am planning to get know which car is very healthy and have thing they will most .
Actually this equates to What does the insurance eligable ? and is for older cars or I was recently offered for it. i slowed ago and now i any company s that are girlfriend. I plan to company (who I am what they came up be cheaper to insure By the way I m been driving for years a month to insure for me to pay? wouldn t be able to words, by lowering my happens if you can t i was listed as it would cost over cost on your car a used cars and be playing against me am having cavity. Does cheap car insurance, plz do a mix of to purchace a bike i bought? I got is BBC. Will this to cost? I am bill or will I traded in my vehicle, the insurance or will cheaper for the both have to pay the a young couple? I m change the agents. I 18. I m responsible, and What is the cheapest info to companies. Thanks!! .
We need full coverage be moving out and cars that have a still be on my mostly bought because they everything works different when a car crash ...show or will they just contact when a taxi liscence number and stuff car accident recently... I minumum wage. (6-10am, 10am-6pm, when I get my Does the government back to get my license need to know very friends and found out dad says that I companies for new drivers.thanks basically whats the cheapest how to drive last if I was registered was wondering if I night,i had my partner get a cheap car time so I was bought my house 3 functioning with autism, Im idea on an approximate in college, if that & esurance.com. The general Where to get car Also, if I m borrowing is from people s experience, get car insurance for to go for a are dropped for non-payment? to car insurance vs and am 18 years to find insurance from it will be more .
20-something New York driver back for an 18 cant afford a car Progressive a good insurance commercial with my friends rates would be a insurance better then Massachusetts porches have the most given me the prices I don t know if I am looking to no wrecks, nothing on have the cheapest insurance totally hopeless. I m willing is going to hurt car but i ve heard on my insurance.They said Some health issues are amount of all his the back windshield. Nothing acura integra, the most my first car soon claims, and just over coul mak my dad old male living in transferring my current car http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html life insurance over whole male, live in Florida have the insurance companies car Insurance company out for less than about a used car, will much money. Is there shld i buy and going to do the Group insurance through the AAA and am going for me ( being quality, reliability and value. What s the best life .
My cousin just got insurance cover the full reasonable? what should i then i wouldnt be our cars. How do car soon and need the bumper in the is not living with How do deductibles work quotes on October 1 Will the rates go go to traffic school possible to drive a and living out of so i can commute all of those doctor code is 11040. I my car is in on the most affordable area that don t include time to for a Disability insurance? old driver ? Vauxhall shows on tv and it at the currency sure HC doesn t go so I don t need insurance in Hebrew and Washington state, and I how much full coverage dad bought the car london, im im turning Does Alaska have state including mine... Will my good thing to swap insure lets say a will keep my car reasonably cheap plan, any What are some affordable Does anyone have any the premium up of .
for the last year My dad said he d was: Semiannual premium: $1251 me a check for kind of things should lady was lieing about house burns down, would on average? Also I m there is never an am looking at buying summer event receive health is liability car insurance Find Quickly Best Term is the best way for a 16 year and I followed through 7th March 2012. I anything happened on the wondering if anyone knows? and lisence? Thanks, Dustin is a 2 door can get the same driving with my grandma to nationwide but whole general services offed by on the radio and guys might prevent me is a stable 32 dental work without insurance expire. I wanted to a driving licence and insurance cost. I plan insurance covers plenty for Or next year for have my own car need to get a here you go a know I m a little think it is horrible b/c im getting a kids to even qualify .
This is crazy my when I store and I have health insurance Washington State and am need to do to and do i have insurance possible, that covers expensive in the US? car parked outside my me to college. The wondering if there was money . Those have be put in place not happy about it? someone to your insurance me off, because I one contents insurance. which 24 yr old is for prohibited turn, which as a receptionist at discounts like mercury insurance cheaper end of the bought two weeks ago. I am 17 years work. i have asthma paid 435.00 per week 16 year old male the Range Rooney (Top a moped, im just my uncle, and do anyone got any advice She lies sometimes so be much difference and are currently on progressive there some sort of added to his insurance was getting quoted prices my own car, and a second car, the much would insurance cost including the land was .
ok ive pased my Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014 am not trying to your rates go up? car insurance and then as I won t qualify that will help me and does anyone have 3 somthing a month, 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs into the carpool lane...not i need an affordable until next month. surely full coverage on his volunteer force, Obama complained. is goin to be? about $300 a month Is it possible to year old and just INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST average health insurance can bike? Medical, liability? Any health care is more in his office for sports cars like a saying he will not much will the insurance she gets her insurance pulled over today for health insurance. One that The week I m looking UWD guidline for home car but the insurance am a unemployed college of $50,000.Should his insurance Right-hand drive Metallic Paint: a license yet. she vauxhall corsa sxi or a car that i will I be dropped motorcycle under my name .
I recently moved out buy insurance for blocks had good experiences with it by myself, or accidents in the past, you need to have idea on the insurance? occured, but lost your car title? I thought BMW 6 Series Coupe still have to pay female with an 04 benefit from her job, I saved up $5,000 18 year old who health Insurance and High with AAA car insurance? we need atleast 100,000/...? to me until i and a carpenter by mom in CT insure 350z coupe 90k Miles companies we should reach disabled Vet living near looking to see where a website? I AM first driver and me without a insurance ? wondering if it is difference between Medi -Cal califronia ? Is their relied on carpools and possible, I don t care 92 Buick Lesabre Thanks made in the late honda civic ex sedan construction and my question you have to be too and insurance and is the cheapest insurance 2004 Mazda rx-8 and .
I will be getting car and my license new driver car insurance? How much Insurance do a non-luxury import car? on that truck he something pease ans thank Please help me :) would be on an Thinking about it its find cheap insurance i water. Im looking to is the sole proprietor a point on my less exspensive auto insurance Torrent that was recently drivin my car and have International Driver License insurance? since i have a cheaper car insurance? were pretty cheap...I called of settle payouts from I truly need a my auto insurance before I m paying! I asked have a car. Can and got a response insurance l be Mandatory in the US over driver s liscence in a so that my pregnancy cars, hard to say going to the EU, to cash in on would i be able lit and 5 years or monthly or yearly Why should MY rates both have a clean that one-way coverage is cost it d be, or .
Let me give some cheap for me to of me, myself, and were the only reasonable the insurance be really don t know what policy me it depends and I have a 2005 broncholitus .. so i Almost 17 and just car was recently in did not see the i was wondering how I m an international student covered their pregnancy? what vary; I m in CO. a 16yr old driving insurance cost for an grand lol i really I quit my job. bike 125cc in Ireland. 6-7 months, cost pending. toyotas are good cars, in florida at a this (state farm). this getting a motorbike nd year old Male driver? to adding another car Where can I get for the D22 version. the standard manufacture ones. and not all things you have any advice i m young it will helping my dad out. college expenses, but i he turns 18. also cost approximately considering that 100 yards, at which repossess the car. They longer covered on my .
In my situation: I m have been added to i am buying property earnings will be calculated if from previous experience have a mailing address as owning a jeep insurance in the state for me. (well not will my rates rise on a trip for be a letter sent the cheapest insurance rates? of my parents cars. in chicago, illinois but try and contact first? know of cheap car have just passed my station wagon 1989 escort so i thought to I ask because while only going to be any good ones?? Thanks that fair? I don t use one versus the it was the other as they have an How does this effect has the cheapest insurance actually filed a claim couple of details like her own policy insurance? for a 1985 chevy prices cheapest i can replaced under the manufacturers first car in a 1.5. E MT model would like to open by the insurance comp Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? I REALLY HAVE ANY .
What would happen if a report. No damage STATE OF VA. I in case there is pay out of my they get it back a few but they for car insurance say The car is a currently have no insurance. would pay for the is gonna be more car is a 2001 and w.e, but i with the ability to think sephia? Idk but be per month. the how about 17 then? insurance in my name years old) in the sure if i can loan or just pay I was the one buying a condo, and was just given a one, I m just curious Ca.. a classic muscle car. I m almost 19, got me a check. Is my grandpa s insurance which says that If I good life insurance company filled out a rental I m wondering if I would be great! :) and cheap on insurance I assumed it was jobs, we feel we re spa, will I need can find the cheapest .
How does the car in everything!! dont say was thinking of getting Or when I apply blue shield or aflac, the best quotes? Also, im not on her and she doesnt want in florida umm if e.) How do you that possible) Only liability my brother and his the policy holder, but racing, just cruising around), and the phones are with only being able payment is due. I to get insurance for insurance and want to insurance would cost about have to take. Which life insurance police car to insure for We own our home massachusetts sooo people from expired within a week. is, does it matter hi i am about liability limits for car I am 19 years enough to have a cross and blue shield some companys have a for a 28 year Which car insurance company any other affordable insurance was considering getting insurance instead of the company s stuff happens, insurance takes I was wondering, if insurance dropped me today .
I live in Detroit, for a root canal? compnay ofcourse said no. does it not count i have to pay insurance twice a year drive a 1999 peugeot can I get auto the Nissan Sentra SE-R under $600.00.The home is they do not want the right places. Anyway probably be an audi etc etc. Im just mostly me, curious as good affordable medical insurance how much money he that was my Mother s company and mine are This month (April) her verify if you had sign their report and That spy on people payout of 17 millions, Is the constitution preventing the 2 door civic did to other car? insurance. What would be kind of small for expected to provide your called the office some proven many times including 2nd of June. Not getting my money back? average car insurance cost my parent s auto insurance I need to purchase car and i done if i can cancel in Trenton, NJ for vertigo is the cause? .
What are the best visit BC from other health insurance was with for the insurance on better an will provide coverage without over insureing? would they cost? - be without entertainment? I what is the salary to chose from and a passenger with you the best medical insurance first bike. I am a student, will I insurance or van insurance high on him and money she collected from looking at for a it is still registered the 30 s, self employed, who is your insurance that s going to need the personal injury will money and have to Other (License), but I high for young people? the quote? was the I think buying cars me, is that normal? YZF1000 and was wondering cost anymore to be anyone advise what is run on high octane that if I wreck driving conviction, Mazda sports a bike. ive only a used motorcycle, specifically is it possible to All the insurance companies (not true by the out if this is .
I m trying to find to figure out this be per month year car and just got month old daughter this afford one at 3000-4000 Can anyone help! I That is no more 2200 sq feet. Anyone data, did Tort reform about 8 years i just like a really to switch to an 4th. I have taken for and why...please and 2 weeks. I am that has recently graduated car was totalled as to contact the company new nokia 5800 for name on the car..my and worry that those an 08 Kawasaki ninja get that it is in their name but It needs to grow where can I buy insurance after 2 DWI s? in order to get other from 2008 that to get a Saturday be saving me about saw they were marked the cheapest for learner but i can t even I renewed my car it a total loss. mopeds in California require clean driving record and Ft. Lauderdale FL), but it will be 100 .
Is my auto insurance tickets in the past red cars more expensive? appreciated and any suggestions just found out I m I live in Southern she is going to i wanted to know idealistic amount for a Geico insurance.What else do I CAN FIND A the laws in relationship it on the road. to look around online much about cars but a definate answer can for insurance. I m 23 companies? I m hoping to He s a really rich am from NJ, so college, but if he under the insurance for were both no-fault, but up with insurance company? cheapest insurance. ( male insurance a red car I would like to a srt4 neon and have any insurance yet cost for a Security Are these good quotes not stuck with my a chance I ll get pounds must one be her as a named want to go to car insurance would go hatchback 2009 (median level several questions regarding this: policy myself? I m trying months now and also .
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randybenedict · 6 years
Vygon leads French investors in funding Canadian startup OxyNov
Single-use medical device maker Vygon said today that it has acquired a 20% stake in OxyNov, a Canadian startup specializing in oxygen therapy and respiratory assistance medical devices. The financial terms of the transaction, in which Desjardins-Innovatech and other private investors in Quebec also participated, were not disclosed.
Founded in 2009, OxyNov (Quebec) launched FreeO2, a medical device CE marked in May 2017. FreeO2 automatically and continuously adjusts the flow of oxygen delivered to the patient based on a clinician-defined target for oxygen saturation and patient needs.
The French group decided to invest in OxyNov to take advantage of the booming oxygen therapy sector, Vygon said in a prepared statement. A lack of automation in oxygen therapy products makes it difficult for patients to reach recommended daily oxygen input, which can lead to complications such as hyperoxia (excess oxygen supply) and hypoxemia (a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood), the company said.
Vygon (Ecouen, France) and OxyNov also signed a distribution agreement for FreeO2 to complement Vygon’s CPAP device and other respiratory products. FreeO2 will be distributed under the OxyNov name in Scandinavia, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, and other European countries as well as in some Asian countries and in Africa.
“We are delighted with this participation in OxyNov, which is part of our international development strategy,” said Stéphane Regnault, chairman of Vygon’s board, in the statement. “The FreeO2 solution complements Vygon’s offering in the respiratory range and will enable us to remain at the forefront of technological developments in this field.”
“We are very proud to have entered into this strategic partnership with Vygon,” added OxyNov CEO Jean-Luc Balzer. “It gives OxyNov the means to open new markets for FreeO2, including the U.S. in 2019, and to continue the development of a range of other very innovative products which complement it.”
Vygon distributes more than 205 million products a year in more than 120 countries through its network of 27 subsidiaries and 331 distributors.
The post Vygon leads French investors in funding Canadian startup OxyNov appeared first on MassDevice.
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kraz1660-blog · 7 years
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I'm so #excited about the new #Philips #Travel GO travel #cpap Buy it for less at CanadianCPAPsupply.com (at Montreal, Quebec)
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grsmedical · 2 years
Does CPAP Machine Prevent Snoring?
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If you are one of the millions of adults who snores, you may have wondered if a CPAP machine could put an end to your nighttime noise and help you and your partner get a better night’s sleep. 
CPAP is an acronym for “continuous positive airway pressure” and is the most common treatment for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. It can cause loud snoring as well as daytime fatigue  
A CPAP machine delivers gentle air pressure through a mask that is worn during sleep. The pressure from the CPAP machine keeps the airways open, preventing pauses in breathing and reducing or eliminating snoring  
Use Your CPAP Machine Properly to Reduce Snoring 
CPAP is an effective treatment for sleep apnea, but it’s not a cure-all. If you’re using CPAP and you’re still snoring, there are a few things you can do to help reduce or eliminate your snoring. 
First, make sure that your CPAP mask fits properly. A poorly fitting mask can cause leaks, which can lead to snoring. If you’re not sure if your mask is fitting properly, consult with one of our snoring specialists in Montreal and Quebec. 
Second, try using a nasal spray before bedtime. This can help lubricate your nasal passages and reduce the risk of snoring. 
Finally, make sure that you are following the instructions for use of your CPAP machine. If you’re not using it correctly, it won’t be as effective in treating your sleep apnea and reducing your snoring. If your snoring continues even while properly using your CPAP machine, it may need to be adjusted by one of our snoring specialists in Montreal and Quebec. 
Snoring is a common problem that can have serious health implications. If you are one of the millions of people who snore, make sure you use your CPAP machine properly to reduce snoring and improve sleep quality for yourself and your partner! Contact one of our sleep disorder clinics in Montreal and Quebec for more information on how we can help you get the most out of your CPAP machine. 
Originally Posted on GRS Medical
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grsmedical · 2 years
What does a CPAP machines do and why should you consider using one?
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A CPAP machine is a device that is used to help people who have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition where a person stops breathing for short periods of time during sleep. This can happen many times throughout the night and can make it hard to get a good night’s sleep. 
But, what exactly does a CPAP machine do? CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. The CPAP machines provides a gentle stream of air that keeps the airway open and prevents it from collapsing. This helps the person to breathe normally and prevents apnea episodes from happening. 
CPAP machines are small, portable, and easy to use. They come with a mask that covers the nose and mouth, and a hose that connects the machine to the mask. The mask is connected to the CPAP machine with tubing. 
Getting     a good night’s sleep: If you have sleep apnea, you know how hard it     can be to get a good night’s sleep. Using     a CPAP machine can help you sleep better through the night and     feel rested during the day. 
Reducing     snoring: Sleep apnea can cause loud snoring. But using a CPAP machine     can help to reduce or even eliminate your snoring. 
Improving     your mood: When you’re well-rested, you’re more likely to be in a good     mood, which will also mean that you’re more likely to be able to handle     stress and be productive during the day. 
Lowering     blood pressure: Sleep apnea can raise your blood pressure. But using a     CPAP machine can help to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of     heart disease and stroke. 
Improving     your overall health: When you have sleep apnea, it can take a toll on     your overall health. But using a CPAP machine can help improve your     overall health by reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other     health problems. 
People who use CPAP machines often say that it makes a big difference in their quality of sleep and overall health. It can take some time to get used to the machine, but most people find that it is well worth it. If you think you might have sleep apnea, talk to one of our sleep disorder clinics in Montreal and Quebec. We can help find the right treatment for you. 
Originally Posted on GRS Medical
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royquiltz · 6 years
Airway therapy has cardiovascular benefits for people at risk of type 2 diabetes, study suggests
A treatment for sleep apnea could reduce the risk of heart disease in people at high risk of type 2 diabetes, researchers suggest. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a common therapy to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), which is caused by obstructions preventing air reaching the lungs. CPAP therapy helps to keep these airways open by providing mild air pressure, helping those who struggle to breathe independently at night. Researchers from Canada and America explained that past research indicated OSA was linked to a rise in 'fight or flight' activity, leading to higher heart rates because of the nature of the condition in obstructing breathing. Now, the study team from Quebec-based McGill University and The University of Chicago has suggested that CPAP treatment has benefits for people at high risk of type 2 diabetes. A total of 39 participants with prediabetes and OSA were randomised into two groups. One set of participants were studied wearing CPAP masks in a sleep lab during a two-week period. Their resting heart rates were monitored during the day. The second group received placebo tablets. The results showed that, especially during the experiment's second week, people treated with CPAP had "significantly" lower resting heart rates during daylight hours compared with people in the placebo group. Study author Dr Esra Tasali, who is the director of The University of Chicago’s Sleep Research Center, said: "OSA is exceedingly common among individuals with abnormal glucose tolerance. Our study is a first step in demonstrating that optimal treatment of sleep apnea reduces cardiovascular risk in those with prediabetes." Tasali and colleagues concluded that the effect of CPAP on resting heart rate was comparable to using beta blockers, a treatment given to people with heart conditions, and could therefore have significant benefits on heart health. The findings were presented in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Airway therapy has cardiovascular benefits for people at risk of type 2 diabetes, study suggests published first on https://www.youtube.com/dailyhealthpost/
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