#crack in bone? stick a rock in there. rub it around: fixed. stronger bone
casualnepotism · 2 years
It’s true, it is. I’m not practicing trancing. On instinct, my body turns away to hide the grimace my face is forming at the half-lie. I know it’s as good a tell, apa tells me so every time, but I can’t help it.
My entire body hurts so much. Every bruise on my body is feels self-inflicted. The flames across my chest sear deeper with every breath like they’re branding my actual fuckin lungs. Even my head is pounding, still trying to see through seven sets of fuckin.. ghost eyes; ghost eyes that suddenly don’t exist anymore and now I can’t tell which amount of eyes is worse. My leg screams in frustration, spiking out from the spider bite despite whatever Maelo did to it.
Whatever Maelo did to it.
Whatever Maelo did to it.
Because he’s alive again.
Alive and trying to help. To fix things. Trying to fix our mess when we made it and making everything worse I mean look at Kana and Ace they’re so angry and hurting so much which means so are Cog and Adiane and Dennis is so brave but I know he’s hurting and scared and needs our help and I know he doesn’t care but Jack keeps wanting to talk and I don’t know what I’m going to say I just need to see Nilos and I feel bad cause I’m happy to see Maelo he was my friend he still is he helped me bury-
I said something. I know I did cause he would’ve followed me over here if I hadn’t. I must have said something. The thought follows, as Wol says. Which means I must have also walked over here. Makes sense: I was next to Maelo a second ago and now I’m leaning heavily against some dragon bones. It’s covered in goo but, hey, so am I. Besides, I can see everyone from here.
Everyone is safe. They’re fighting. That’s normal. They’re alive. My hand feels gently along my legs, on autopilot picking up a bone shard to root around in various stabs and rips, making sure there’s nothing big in there that shouldn’t be. Bone discarded, they start pressing harder, pushing bones and muscles back into place. Rubbing circles on new knobbly bits until they feel smooth. The process repeats on my arms.
My hands.
My chest.
My back.
My spine.
My neck.
My skull.
The bruises will fade in time, I’ve learned. Usually. Anything inflicted by one of these gods will stay. The scars and burns and colored marks have always stayed, but that’s good for business.
It’s good. I think. This way of fixing myself after a fight. No one’s noticed, and when they look they don’t care. Ace thinks I’m just rolling my muscles out after a workout. He’s not wrong. It’s relaxing, at any rate. I feel better afterwards. My chest is tighter, every step hurts, and the fuckin pressure behind my eyes is getting worse, but this slows it down. I’m fine.
A quick thirty minutes, and I can go again. I can do this all day.
I haven’t slept since we woke up. I can’t afford to. I don’t have the time. None of us do, but the others get their rest in. I make sure of it. They need their magic back. They need to be ready for the end. Cog needs to be ready-
I didn’t lie. I’m not practicing my trance. I remember trancing. It wasn’t this. It wasn’t. When this is all over, I’ll trance again, under the cherry blossom tree in the backyard, just like we did way back when. It’ll be nice, I think. My entire body won’t be hurting.
It won’t be this.
I. I won’t be this.
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zora-moyashi · 4 years
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"well! dust gave up the title and i stole it from the star that was going to get it~"
"Good job." Killer smiled. Horror snickered. "Yeah, Dust wanted something more entertaining.
chara leans back to look at horror "it didn't seem all that entertaining to me."
"I mean what she does now, she messes with humans, making monsters," Horror said
"oh?" she nods "i mean whatever floats her boat i guess." she turns back to moku "so yeah, just thought i'd tell you, maybe we can talk about it later today." "you want to go watch vanta, killer?"
"I mean, I'm gonna trail behind you no matter what you do." Killer shrugged.
"you got a crush on me or somethin?" she snickers and walks over to the middle of the building where all the noise is coming from.
 "Nah, just bored." Killer said. Night was currently fighting a star Chara hadn't seen before; she had black hair and blue streaks under her eyes.
she runs over pretty close practically in the middle of the fight to look at the new star who's holding their own so far against night
Nightmare swatted Chara out of the way as she tried getting close to the other star, would made a messy web of sorts with light blue strings that seemed to come from her marks.  
she shoves night's tentacle away left with a bit of black slime on her that she tries to get off. "hey! you're cool who are you!" she calls as she's now a bit away from them. 
(My nightmare doesn't have slime or goop actually, it's more like a shell or casing) The star with the strings seemed to ignore Chara, as she caught Nightmare in the web. "That's Error, she needs to keep her eyes on Night, mainly because she is almost blind." Killer explained
(ahh okie) "oh cool. oddly that seems to make you able to see better than her haha. i am seriously jealous of your hearing." "so what's her beef with night?" she cocks her head to the side.
"Actually Night has issues with her, those two have been at this for around the past 15 years or so, Error was the one who permanently removed Night's left eye." Killer said as Nightmare ripped part of the web to try and get to Error, who quickly moved out of the way
"hehe. nice. i was right to like her." she nudges killer wanting her to admire the fight. "AND she's a long ranger~" she grins happily and then sits on the floor to watch.
Killer sat down two, placing her hands on the ground to feel for the vibrations Nightmare would make when she moved, since Night was almost silent. Error tangled Nightmare again, making sure her tentacle couldn't more before attacking the spot in between the tentacles with claws.Nightmare cried out in pain to this, before she was able to spin around and bite down on Error's left arm, the sound of the bone being crushed was loud and clear
chara cringed a little at the sound as her soul skipped a beat in her chest. "oouch. that one looked bad."
Error wrapped more strings around Nightmare, before using Night's previous eye injury to her advantage, she dug her claws into Night.
"so you say it's night who dislikes error, but why'd error rip out her eye in the first place?"
"They were fighting, over territory." Killer explained, as Nightmare was forced to her soulstone
chara hops to her feet and slides to night's stone and grabs it, not wanting error to hurt it. while she's on the floor, stone in hand, she looks up at error flipping over onto her back and starts clapping. "very well done error." she kinda sounds a little sarcastic but she does mean it to some extent.
"And who the hell are you supposed to be?" Error hissed at Chara, holding her arm close to herself
"no one special." she sticks her hand out to shake her uninjured hand. "name's chara."
"Ok, whatever." Error said before walking away
"nooo" she gets up and follows her annoyingly. "that's not gonna fly. i don't get ignored."
"mhmm." Error hummed, using her strings like a sling shot to get to a higher point of the steel mill
chara lets out a huff "so that's how it's gonna be?" she mutters. she covers her legs in indigo jumping up and follow's right behind her.
She saw that Error was now staring at her. "So you aren't useless, are you?"
she leans against one of the beams and smirks "well as frisk used to say 'no one's COMPLETELY useless.'" she shrugs
"Well, most humans are." Error said, fixing her own arm by using her strings. 
"you'd be surprised." she waves her hand "but that's not important. what is important is there's an aura about you that tells me we may want a similar goal ,and you better believe i need more back up than i have at the moment."
chara glances down at killer 
"The only 'goal' I have is to do my own thing, no one telling me what to do." Error said Killer seemed confused as to where the two were.
looking back at error "hm. alright. then i suppose i'll leave you to that. but if you ever want a little fun you should come by night's place and talk to me or moku. who know's, you may enjoy it." she's trying not to let killer hear but she has no clue if she could or not.
Killer 'looked' up, "Why are you up there?" She asked
she calls down to her "we're just chatting, be down in a sec"
"Sure, why not." Error shrugged. Killer waited
chara grins wide. "great! hope to see you around." she slides down a support beam and skips over to killer. she takes killer's hand and places night's stone in it.
"Well then, guess we have to wait a bit? or do you have something else in mind?" Killer asked, setting the stone in her pocket
"haha you know me well. or at least the other me~" she pauses. "i was merely thinking that you could hang on to that and say, 'win' a fight against night before the blood moon's down." she looks to a hole in the ceiling and it is getting to be a little brighter out. "though you may don't be one that's not found of cheating. but the option is right there. in your hands literally and figuratively haha."
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“What did she say to you?”
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"i'd really rather not repeat it." her face goes hot
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(('that blood'))
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"once again, that's creepy. i love ya too yuma but you need a hobby." she thinks for a sec. "how about dream? how's she doing?" she bends as to look to killer's pocket
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"no i meant dream. you didn't crack her all the way did you?"
"why yes I did."
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she wipes at her eyes angrily as they tear up without her consent.
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"you're mean" she complains. "why am i fu**ing crying!!!!" she yells and right as she does the blood moon finishes.
Some stars started to leave, while others stayed to chat or such. Night soon started to reform
she rubs her face and checks her soul who's color was dimming. the shock stopped her tears and she quickly hid it back in her chest. and turns to night
Night reformed without her coating. "An hour on the dot again." Killer said to Night. 
chara glances between the two of them "so night, apparently i won and am part of the team. you're cool with that right?" she rocks her head back and forth. 
"yeah, it's fine," She sighed, reforming her coating. 
"so you got beat pretty good. have anything to say for yourself?" she teases. 
"I can still eat your face off." Nightmare hissed to chara 
"haha!" she backs away just a little. 
Nightmare soon walked away.  
 she watches her go off and then turns to yuma. "sorry about that out burst haha. i won't touch you again." she says plainly 
(well I watched Captain Marvel yesterday, and got some ideas, see Gradient's soulstone is a ion cube, one that Ink actually stole, so what if Gradient learned this? she is actually stronger than Ink, but is scared of her own power.) "No, it's fine, I shouldn't be so tense." Killer shrugged. 
(woah dude. that's some power right there. yeah when chara learns about her she'll definitely do what she can to keep her down) she waves a hand dismissively moving on from the subject. she lets out a yawn and rubs her eyes. "so sense dream doesn't need her castle, can that be my new base?" 
"Yeah, it's free game." Killer said, a slight smile on her face, she then summoned her save point to let chara save. "You may want to do this." 
"k," she puts out her hand and does so. her soul didn't feel any better from being healed. "what do you have planned" she smiles slyly. 
"Well, I sensed your soul was off, thought you may have taken some damage." 
it's at this point that chara is supper glad that killer's blind so she can't know exactly what's up with her soul. "ah well you're very considerate. my soul's probably just tiered and needs some sleep."
she checks killer for fun to see how she's doing 
"fair enough, want me to get the kits back to the castle?" Killer asked. *Killer lv 72 Attack ??? defense ???
Eyes were torn out, likes to toy with others mentally 
"yeah that'd be great thanks~" she turns and heads over to moku to see what she knows about error. 
Moku was reloading one of her guns 
"hey again moku," she runs a hand over a wall "do you know anything about a star named error? just wondering." 
"She's a jerk and used to be the strongest genocide star until Blood showed up." Moku said 
she whistles. "wow, didn't think she was THAT good but that's impressive. just asked cause i had a little chat with her. nothing big. anyway! i'm going to be time hopping to get the kits older and to hopefully mess up the universe in the prosses. what you going to do?" 
"Well, why not watch the chaos?" Moku shrugged
She shrugs back "you guys are boring I thought you'd at least want to help break some sh** but ehhhh." She turns away and starts walking back to the castle. 
(now, there are 2 timelines i kinda wanna throw Chara in; Chernoybl's and 'day after tommorrow' 
(sweet~) once chara gets back and calms down the baby stars who're worried about their mom, she goes into a different room and makes a save star. on inspection of her soul it hasn't gained it's color back. chara, worried that she won't be able to save and reset for long, hastily tries out ways to foward time. that's something she's never done though. 
The timeline here was much more unstable, it warped, sending her to a different timeline. 
she was in a huge city, but the air was still and silent, skycrapers were rusted and vines grew up the sides, no humans anywhere, cars were orange with rust, windows broken. The roads rugged from lack of care 
(ooooo sounds like the tropical jungle in sonic06) "this is different" she looks around the area and starts walking. "kinda unnerving" 
The streets were void of movement, aside from an occasional bird 
"there's no way this place is empty" she cups her hands around her mouth "HEY IS ANYONE OUT HERE?" she calls 
She soon saw a person walk across a road, she had on a dark blue hoodie 
She rushes over "HEY" 
The girl seemed startled as she hid behind a vehicle 
She snuck around to the side of the car she was on "yo, don't be a frady cat. Who are you?" She's expecting her to run again or something of the sort. 
"G-gradient. a-and s-s-sorry, I'm n-not used t-to s-seeing others." She stuttered, she had green markings on her cheeks 
"oh? Gradient's a cute name. Yeah the place seems pretty lifeless. Name's Chara." She inspects her a little. "You're a star right? So perhaps you know shatter, um is she like. Alive right now? Because I have no clue where or when I am haha." 
"O-oh, w-well, I-I'm t-the o-on-only one l-left...." She mumbled. 
Chara whistles. "That's ruff." She squints untrusting "are you the one responsible for that?" 
Gradient looked down. "I-I didn't mean to, i-it w-was a-an accident..." 
"I love it when I'm right" she grins. "Wanna tell me how you managed that?" 
"I-it r-really w-was a-an accident, i-i b-built u-up t-too much energy a-and i-i couldn't c-contain i-it." 
"would you calm down? I ain't planning on hurting you" she rolls her eyes. "Seems thats a lot of power. I don't think I believe everyone is gone though. How could you have done that? When there are stars all over the world?" 
"y-yeah...b-but m-my s-soulstone is aan i-ion cube..." She explained, (she always stutters she's super shy) 
""be that as it may shouldn't this whole place be completely flattened?" 
"N-no, it's m-more l-like a-an e-energy p-pulse? i-i'm not s-sure." 
"hmmmmmm. Okay" she staightens up. "Let me see your soul." She plans on taking a chunk of it and head back to her time. 
"W-what? W-wh-why?" Gradient asked. 
"just wanna look at it." 
"I-I don't t-th-think that's a good idea..." 
"why not? you scared i'll hurt it?" 
"I-I'm j-just n-not sure..." Gradient mumbled. 
"you don't seem sure of most things haha" she teases "it'll be okay. if you manage to kill me i can just come back later dont worry about it." 
Gradient slowly, removed her hoodie, allowing Chara to see that she was covered in geometric neon green markings, in the center of her chest, Chara could see that her soulstone was slightly exposed. it was bright green and glowing
chara reminds herself that stars can't take out their soulstone and she internally groans. "wow. yep that's bright." she looks around the area "so what do you live for? seems like a pretty lonely and boring life you live."
"I-I just wander, y-you know?
"yeah that's deffenetly not the life for me. would you like to help me? or perhaps get back to a world that has some life haha"
"I.....d-don't know how t-to do that.." She said, putting back on her hoodie
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(i drew some mons) 
(Sassy lads!
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(i drew stuff too! 
( >:) ooo nice, and poor dream omg) "simple!" she grabs her shoulder. you give me a piece of your soul and i'll get us back to my timeline. easy!"
"W-What?! T-th-that's crazy!" Gradient said. (So Gradient is technically not a true star, Ink stole an ion cube and created Gradient to hide it.)
(that's messed up, ink) "no crazier than you living out here alone." she shrugs
"I-i guess t-that's true..." Gradient said. (Well, remember, my ink is a form of AI, so she doesn't comprehend emotions, morals or laws.) 
(still messed up haha) she grins. "so what do you say?" 
"O-o-okay." Gradient said, once again removing her hoodie 
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 chara thinks to herself that she couldn't have found a better star to run into. "hm, okay, so we can do this multiple ways. you rip out your soulstone, i kill you, or ... idunno i think that's it."  
"so you want to rip it out or should i?" 
"I-I don't know..."  
she giggles "it won't hurt that bad." she forms a knife. "you can even use this if you like."  
(well he is super tiny, like 4 inches and eats small plankton, also he is aquatic, I also made a female one. and yes they are free) Gradient's markings got extrememly bright as a sign she was scared 
"it'll be like pulling out a tooth." she spins the blade and gets ready to do it herself. (the girl's the one with the orange as prominent color?) 
(yes she is) Gradient closed her eyes tightly, terrified. 
she heats up the knife to a crazy temperature and ripps into the skin/ink? around the stone and tries to pull it out.
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Gradient immediately retreated to the stone, which didn't....look like a soulstone.... 
she spins it in her hand "huh." with the knife still hot she tries to cut off one of the squares coming off of the main one. 
It shot her back with a wave of energy. 
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chara dropped the stone and was slid back neck against the concrete. she scowls and goes back over to it. she looks at it and decides she'll try some yellow magic. even though that's one of her least effective magic styles. she hopes that it'll at least keep her somewhat safe. she climbs up a building with the vines and shoots a round of yellow bullets at it. 
It made another pulse, shaking the ground 
she goes closer too see if the attack did anything 
No damage, 
she grabs it again and places it in a simple container she found and looks for any area that might be weaker then the rest. 
the whole cube seemed to be the same strength all around. she gets an idea to store kinetic energy in one of her blue/green markers that way she could be as far away as she wants before it actually hits the stone. so she wraps the stone in the marker and slashes at it with as much power she can muster as it simply bounces unaffected storing the energy inside it. when she's satisfied she walks far away and releases her hold on the magic and all then attacks she landed on it comes to a point into the stone. 
It chipped, though the air around immediately became radioactive.
"woooooahhhhhh dude." she tries to call back the stone to the other check point so she doesn't have to get radiated. she makes a simple shield of green to try to keep her safe.
She went back to the save.
she makes her way back and looks at it. "the best idea might be to wait for her to reform. well i mean if she's still alive." she waits a distance away to see if it'll happen.
After an hour or so she reformed, she seemed terrified.
"welcome back to the world of the living." She shouts from the building and points at the little chipped piece. "Would you mind handing me that?"
"H-how did you..." Gradient seemed surpirsed,
"I have my ways" she makes the most proud grin ever. "Toss it up, I'll catch it" she readies a small green magic net. 
Gradient threw it up.
After catching it she wrapped it in the net and slid down the building away from the radiation. "See? What I say? It was easy. Now get over here and I'll try to get us to my timeline." She makes a save star to start.
Gradient walked over, picking up her hoodie in the process. 
 "hmm, " she finds a time that seems close so she loads it up. "So , you bleeding internally or anything? Your soul stone didn't seem very happy about that haha" 
"W-well i-it hurts a-a bit." Gradient said, putting her hoodie back on 
"I don't know what 'a bit' means so I'll just assume you're fine."
After getting the both of them safely in a new timeline Chara realizes she miss calculated. She looks around.
There was a thick green smoke all around, it burned her lungs. Gradeint somehow created a gas mask and gave it to Chara.
"you're handy. I should keep you around." She puts it on and starts walking. "This ain't the place if you can't tell, but I'm going to need to rest up before I make another jump like that." Looking around she can't see much but she looks for any movement
The smoke was thick, making it hard to see, the sun was just a blurry spot 
"nice place." She states. She jumps as high as she can to see if it's clearer up there
She saw something extremely large move slowly a few miles off, the silhouette looked like Omega
She goes twords it without as second thought.
the eyes on the wings glowed green, as did the colossal star's real eyes.
 "Well aren't you pretty" she calls up to her. She's ready to jump away if they decide to attack
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(they look like this) Omega was all black except for the bits of green and white, as soon as she heard chara, she tried to chop down on her 
She giggles and dodged easily "how about I put you out of your missery?" She goes in to slash at her legs
Omega was so big, that Chara's attacks were like a beetle against a bear 
She shrugs and grabs the shard and puts it against her cheat her soul absorbing it. Her soul gained back a lot of the color she had lost but instead of getting rid of the blue green color it framed the red of the soul. In the center you could bearly see a splinter of the stone coming out of it. 
It didn't hurt nearly as bad as she thought it would. In fact she felt better than she had in days. She jumped up to one of her eyes and slashed at it 
Omega immediately recoiled at this, the eye bleeding bright green. 
(okay so i'm home and got to read it.and EXCUSE ME? Chara's gonna flip when she finds out what killer's doing)
she goes to the next one and rips into it. 
(yes she is, see something I love to do is have characters that are so 3d that they can have motives others can't find.) The wing slammed to the ground in an attempt to kill Chara. 
she hit the ground hard but dug into the ground so it was slowing her fall. the ground around her is now loose sand
coreink002 sent a post Who is your...
Omega lifted the blinded wing, before attempting to crush Chara. 
she ducked away and headed back to where gradient was. "having fun over here?" she spits out some dirt that got in her mouth.
(i'm scared of gradient now)
Gradient seemed terrified, stepping away from the fight. "N-N-No!." She stuttered before summoning a black board, getting on it and escaping an attempted hit from Omega. 
"come on gradient, you destroyed a whole world. why are you such a fraidy cat?" the size of omega is just too much for chara to really manage seeing as indigo isn't her specialty. she tries to evade and grab onto her shoulder to search for the soul stone/s 
"I-I told you T-That was an accident!" Gradient stuttered, almost getting hit by Omega's tail. 
"you're right, you're right, but your soul stone is incredibly strong. why don't youo help me out?" she stabs into her shoulder and pulls it all the way down her back. "faster we finish this the faster we can leave~" 
(Stabs Omega?) Omega gave out a bit of a roar, Gradient tried to think of a way to help. "I-Can y-you g-get away f-from her f-for a second?" Gradient called to Chara 
"yep yep!" she flicks off the green goo and trots away. 
Gradient took a deep breath as her eyes glowed very brightly, she shot toward Omega on her board, the ground behind her mounding like something was underneath of it, She got underneath Omega and raised her arm as an Iceworm came out of the ground, using it's horn to stab deep into Omega's chest, causing the star to screech 
chara looks in aw at the iceworm. "wooo! i have no clue how your powers work but damn." 
Gradient quickly got out of the way as Omega fell to her side. Killer said something about Ink having kits, but it takes Ink hours to something of the iceworm's size, and Gradient did it in a few seconds. The Iceworm wrapped around Omega it's tough armor protecting it from claws and teeth, Gradient would move her hands in sync with the worm, her eyes still glowing, she was in control of this thing, like a puppet. 
chara is enjoying the fight but it is reminding her of what she read on ink. and what killer said about her having kits... she pushes that thought away for now and sits on the ground just watching.  
 The worm pierces Omega's skull causing the titan to go still 
she gets up and goes closer 
"did you kill it?" She glances up at gradient and then at the ice worm.
Gradient's eyes stopped glowing as the worm buried itself. "I-I think so..." 
she goes right up to the star on the ground and pokes it with her foot. 
There was no movement 
"huh, strange she hasn't turned to dust..." she turns to gradient. "so sense this whole place is radiated is this what it looked like when you destroyed everyone?"
 "N-no it d-doesn't" Gradient said looking around 
"alright." chara checks her LV. to see if if went up like it should have
 It did, she was now lv 5
 "cool, well I feel great so get over here. i should be able to get us to the right time this time haha." "unless there's something you want to check here?"
 "N-no, nothing" Gradient said 
 "kay." she gets them back to the castle. she grabs gradient's hand and drags her up the stairs. 
Gradient stumbles at first but follows, looking around. "W-where are we?" 
"it's where a bunch of stars work for nightmare cause reasons. but i'm gonna show you my kits~" she looks into the room she first found them in. she also wonders if killer is around. 
The two kits were there, and after they walked in, Killer closed the door behind them. 
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