#crazy how crazy 2023 sounded yet 2024 sounds normal as hell
sun-lit-goth · 9 months
So much happened this year, so much wisdom to integrate and process still, it’s been a year 😵‍💫
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aura2023 · 9 months
👉👈 do you have more content from your DW/Hijack crossover?
[ Edit January 2024 -> This was an ask from june 2023. I didn't realized that I left this ask in the drafts for more than 7 months and didn't post it. I'm so sorry anon :,( ]
Hello! And yes i do! Here are some of the sketches :D I don't have written down how i want the interactions between the characters to be yet. I choose the 10th doctor for now but i'm still in doubt of which regeneration i want hiccup to meet
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I don't have like an AU or a story planned (? but i can share some little ideas under the cut.
The first time they meet is by accident. Hiccup and toothless got separated. It's the night fury the one that hears a strange sound. Following it into a cave there were dragons in cages along with a man with strange clothes opening those cages. The man sees the dragon and greets it, He calls himself The doctor. And tells toothless to get away before the dragon trappers get back to the cave.
The doctor invites hiccup and toothless to travel with him. Promising an adventure not only far away from the archipielago, but far away in the stars. When they see the tardis for the first time hiccup couldn't believe that it was bigger inside. He even started to take measures and making notes.
Hiccup learns that the doctor can speak dragon. He watches as the doctor and toothless hold a very long conversation. When he asks about it the doctor just says "Isn't it obvious? I speak dragon. Don't worry toothless was just saying good things. " Hiccup wants to learn dragon speech.
Hipo at first goes traveling with the doctor without telling anyone since they can go back home 5 minutes after leaving, time travel stuff. This is perfect for hiccup, he can go and have this crazy adventures without compromising his duties as the son of the chief.
Of course if you are observant you would notice that the boy started to became more taller really fast, and when asked about things that happened in the day he wouldn't remember those very well. This starts making problems.
- Hiccup and toothless go with the doctor and see different worlds, space whales and dragons surfing through the stars. The technology and the change of scenery can be too much but they are de terminated to explore and learn.
For the hiccup and jack ship in this Doctor who crossover.
This is in our time present (2023). When jack first appears, he is like a ghost. Can't be seen so he is always alone. Like a wind. He spends his time doing pranks and helping missing kids go back home.
His body is trapped in an old alien machine but his mind is " roaming free" in the world. That machine is inside an alien spaceship that fell into the earth many years ago. Jack "found it" when he fell into the frozen lake +/- 300 years ago. Jack like in the movie has seen the world go forward.
Jack can't go time travel into the TARDIS since his connection with his body will be broken. They can still travel around the globe.
In between adventures Hiccup and the doctor visit Jack. It's the most "normal life adventures" they can get lol. Jack teaches Hiccup about the technology and what the 21st century has to offer. Videogames, comics, how he spooks people in old buildings. Hell they can even go and urban exploration. Stop the typical alien invasion with the doctor. Jack meeting toothless. Hiccup talking about his life back at berk and his adventures with the doctor.
One day a group of aliens attacks a city searching for this machine. The doctor alongside Hiccup, Toothless and Jack try to stop the enemies plan. They discover the machine and that jack's body is inside of it. If the enemy finds it they will kill jack in order to use it themselves, the doctor wanted to destroy the machine but now they now is the only thing that is keeping jack "alive."
Now i don't know what they will do after that. Haven't thought much about it. But i know that i want Hiccup to meet both jack in the future, and in the past (before getting trapped in the machine) Maybe he does time after jack is gone. The doctor takes Hiccup 300 years in the past and meets Jackson Overland the week before he falls into the lake and into the machine.
He can´t stop what's going to happen to Jack but he can prolong it. So one day he asks him if he would like to join them. He does. Until jack decides to go back with his family and the day after that he falls into the ice.
I'm sorry that Jack/Hiccup doesn't have a happy ending. My friends told me that i can be a little angst machine.
Edit January 2024 -> I kinda remember that i made another ending but i can't remember where i wrote it. I'm so sorry anon, perdoname por las tardanzas y las respuestas largas. And please forgive me if there are grammatical mistakes and not correct use of words. Tried my best.
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justalittleobsessed · 11 months
🧡 A Little Fanfic for You... Or My Fic Masterlist ✍️
Fandoms: Merlin, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (all iterations)
Total Fic Count: 29
Main Fic RN: When the Thunder and Lightning Comes (I Know That You'll Be by My Side)
All fics can be found on AO3!
*Last updated August of 2024!
How to Reveal Your Magic Because You Have No Sense Of Self Preservation Whatsoever: A Guide By Merlin Emrys
A series of unrelated one-shots and short stories about Merlin revealing his magic because both he and all his friends are idiots. Also, Merlin, for the life of him, has no sense of self-preservation at all and I try to embody that in these fics.
Series info as of November 2023:
Not completed
10 works (listed below)
Best + Bitter = Better (one-shot, 2,637 words, part 1 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
This was actually happening. They were being serious. They were actually being completely, utterly serious.
“You can’t actually believe this.” He gestured wildly to the group of people in front of them. Well, as best as he could tied up. This was one of the most ridiculous things he had ever heard. This was… this was… he didn’t even know. “This is complete bullshit.”
“Emrys was clear in his instructions. You must be sacrificed in order to bring peace to Albion”
The one where Merlin has had enough of everyone's shit.
Ironically Alive (one-shot, 3,139 words, part 2 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Gwaine smiled that way he does when he wants to tick Arthur off. So really, it was his normal smile. “Seemed like a perfectly reasonable detail to point out.” He flipped his hair to the side, turning to face Arthur.
“Perfectly reasonable?!”
Behind Merlin, he heard some of the bandits shifting, whispering to one another. He was pretty sure it went along the lines of ‘what in the hell is going on’ and ‘there can’t actually be that many mysterious magical druids with blue cloaks that talk about destiny and give out magical red amulets to help stop enchantments that one sorcerer meets’, which, unfortunately, was sad and accurately true.
Merlin is never relaxing ever again. He was going to make sure of that after this shit.
Pick Your Poison (Literally) (one-shot, 2,469 words, part 3 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
So. That… just happened. Leon, in his lifetime, had witnessed many strange, unbelievable, and frankly quite concerning things. When one lived in Camelot, and was friends with both Arthur and Merlin, one usually got into a lot of crazy and unbelievable situations. And Leon was no exception.
But this. This had to take the cake. “Merlin.”
He hummed in response. It was entirely too calm. “Why did you just drink poison?” Fire, no literal fire and chaos reigned around them.
“It seemed like the reasonable thing to do at the time.”
And yet, he found himself not surprised in the slightest.
Leon pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the oncoming headache behind his eyes. Goddamn fucking stubborn idiot.
Merlin decides poisoning himself is the best way to prove a point. Leon is just tired. So tired.
Caves and Valleys and Magic, Oh My! (one-shot, 2,603 words, part 4 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Merlin stepped back. He was… appalled. Shocked. Angry. Slightly hungry. MAD. Who did they think they were?!
“Excuse me?!” Arthur screeched. “Merlin has magic?!”
“Yes.” Leon deadpanned. “Now please, Merlin.”
How did he get here? How did this happen to him? Why was his life like this? He just wanted to be in his nice warm bed and instead he was soaked, stuck in a magical cave, and made to listen to his friends reveal all his secrets.
Right. Sounded about accurate.
Merlin just wants to be home. Unfortunately, it seems like everyone else his different ideas. Typical.
Let's Do the Time Warp (Hopefully Not Again) (two-shot, 9,946 words, part 5 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Merlin, mate. He’s not lying. I wish you two were married. I, for one, would be your best man, obviously.”
"Poetry," Leon mumbled behind him, "Goddamned poetry."
Merlin gave him another startled look-voice rising in distress. “You were my best man!”
Oh, how thoughtful. Too bad he doesn't remember.
Gwaine gave him a thumbs up. "Okay."
Gwaine is generally confused about everything that is going on. Merlin, on the other hand, just wants to go back to his NORMAL, totally STRESS-FREE life. Hahaha.
Just Another Tuesday (one-shot, 3,104 words, part 6 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
Arthur… really didn’t understand what was happening here. Look, he was generally confused by Merlin most of the time - the man was a riddle wrapped in an enigma with a side of sass to boot. But this was too much, even by his manservant’s standards.
“No. I refuse to believe this. You,” He pointed at the woman, who had just been walking on water, and then to Merlin, who had just kissed the lady who was walking on water, “and you are not married.”
Merlin and Freya held out their hands. Rings that formed out of water moved onto their previously empty ring fingers.
“Oh,” Merlin said, like an ass, “I think we are.”
Arthur just wants to be in bed. It seems the entire world is against that idea.
Today Has Been Like... Torture (one-shot, 2,299 words, part 7 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Wait a minute… Do you have a pit of fire?”
The shack they were in was very small. Very cramped, and very much smelling of blood. They both looked around the room as if a pit of fire would suddenly appear. Merlin hoped a pit of fire would suddenly appear. That would make getting kidnapped on a Sunday worth it.
Murder Man looked at the ground sadly. “No.” His voice was quiet, sad. So disappointing. A pit of fire would’ve really spiced things up.
Merlin is positively bored. Sounds like a great time to get tortured, of course.
Call It Like It Is (one-shot, 2,900 words, part 8 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“How do you…” Arthur wiggles his fingers, like he’s teaching magic to a five-year-old, “conjure the fire?”
“Oh, that’s easy,” Merlin starts, because what the fuck else does he have to do, and Lancelot just looks at him with that stupid look he always does when Merlin’s about to say something particularly stupid- “I call it forth from the deepest pits of hell.”
Everyone may know about Merlin's magic, but nobody knows what he's actually capable of. Merlin decides that this is a great advantage when your boyfriend is an idiot.
To Be a God (one-shot, 2,419 words, part 9 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“Bow before me,” The sorcerer announces from his perch atop a pile of rubble, “for I am the Mighty Emrys, and I am a god.” It’s not a very mighty perch for someone who claims to be a god. In fact, it’s a very sad, unremarkable perch. Or maybe he’s just a sad, unremarkable man.
“No, I’m Emrys.” Merlin bites back.
“Maybe… we’re all Emrys.” Gwaine breathes out. Gwaine, Merlin thinks, really needs to shut his mouth.
The one where someone claims to be Emrys, and Merlin decides to put him in his place.
Just a Minor Accident (one-shot, 2,431 words, part 10 of How to Reveal Your Magic series)
“I’m sorry... I must’ve misheard you. What the hell did you just say?” This can’t be real. This cannot possibly be real. He must be hallucinating. Hearing things. Maybe he’s finally lost it. That would make more sense than this.
Gwaine grins back at him with a somewhat manic smile. Merlin tries to sink deeper into his bed. “I said that we accidentally raised the dead.” No. He heard right.
The Knights raise the dead. Merlin just wants one full night of sleep, please.
The Once and Future Reign (one-shot, 7,034 words, part 1 of In Another Time series)
It started with Merlin. It always starts with Merlin.
Just One Yesterday (chapter story w/ 4 chapters, 24,076 words, on hiatus)
Merlin had waited a long, long, long time for the return of Arthur. Maybe even the knights or Gwen. What he wasn't prepared for was an ancient evil rising up to destroy the world. He certainly wasn't prepared for six new occupants in his house, who had no idea how to navigate the new world around them. But, he could handle it. After all, he was the most powerful being on the planet. How hard could it be?
Auribus Teneo Lupum (chapter story w/ 1 chapter, 5,691 words, on hiatus)
Morgana had unleashed something onto this world that had shaken Merlin to his core. Something cold and dark and not at all right. It swirled and settled inside of him, mocking his magic.
No matter what happened in the next few days, Merlin knew that nothing would ever be the same.
The Remnants of a Warlock (one-shot, 6,588 words)
Merlin sees everybody he has ever held close to his heart die off one by one. But he always moves on. He has to. So he locks it up and keep moving, because that's what he does. It's what he'll always do.
The one where Merlin watches as all his friends die. He might see them live, too.
Move Along
Mikey's got this bad habit of dying, and his brothers got this bad habit of not liking that. Mikey would appreciate it if his brothers would stop caring so much, and his brothers would appreciate it if he could start caring about it a whole lot more.
It's gonna be a wild ride.
Series info as of November 2023:
Not completed
2 works (listed below)
I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again) (chapter story w/ 50 chapters, 131,830 words, completed)
Mikey lives, and Mikey dies. He’s been doing it for years, and yeah, sure it’s not his favorite thing to do, but it’s whatever. It’s nothing to worry about. He’s not worried about it. He just hopes his brothers never find out, ‘cause he has a feeling that they’d way overreact.
Mikey’s died a bunch of times and is totally Okay™ with this. His brothers? Not so much.
When the Thunder and Lightning Comes (I Know That You'll Be by My Side) (chapter story w/ 18 chapters, 50,102 words, updates frequently, side story to main fic)
Mikey lives, and Mikey dies. His brothers live too, although they don't die, and find it very concerning that Mikey continuously and worryingly continues to do so without caring. They'll get Mikey to understand that maybe that's not all that great... as soon as they figure out what's going on, that is.
Mikey keeps dying. His brothers would greatly appreciate it if he would stop doing that, please.
On Some Days (one-shot, 2,431 words, TMNT - All Media Types)
Sometimes, if he listened closely enough, he could hear their voices. Not often, not often enough, but sometimes.
It's too Quiet. He misses the Loud.
Life Could Be a Dream (chapter story w/ 9 chapters, 35,678 words, TMNT 2003, TMNT 2012, TMNT IDW, completed)
"Hey Raphie..."
"And that's another thing," he adds, narrowing his eyes, "since when do you call me Raphie?"
Since forever. He wants to say. But that was before, and this is now. He thinks he might kinda hate now.
Mikey, being Mikey, finds trouble. It's just that this trouble seems to involve him being human. It also seems to involve him not talking to his brothers, or having a dad, or being a ninja. So there's that. But all those things can be fixed, right? Something's telling him it's not gonna be as easy as it sounds.
Whumptober 2023
Michelangelo-centric whumptober fics!
Series info:
11 works (listed below)
If Only the World Could Stop Spinning (one-shot, 2,019 words, part 1 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
The world is spinning, and his head is hurting, and he's not really sure what's happening, but he thinks it'd be better if his brothers were here.
Day 1: Swooning, “How many fingers am I holding up?”
Denial Only Gets You So Far (one-shot, 1,569 words, part 2 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey is not feeling the best... no matter how much he tries to deny it.
Day 2: Thermometer
All That Burning (one-shot, 1,058 words, part 3 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2012)
Mikey is burning, and he is fire, and he is everything, and he is nothing. He just wants it to stop.
Day 3: "Make it stop"
Just a Flesh Wound (one-shot, 3,301 words, part 4 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey has an unfortunate night. You see, getting stabbed wasn't really a part of the plan, but here he is, bleeding out and all, and that might be a bit of a problem.
Day 4: Shock, "You in there?"
Under Pressure (one-shot, 2,965 words, part 5 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
It's just a normal patrol until it isn't. It's just a normal patrol until Mikey decides it would be fun to get himself caught up in a collapsing building. The it was not a normal patrol. Donnie should've guessed.
Day 5: Debris, pinned down, "it's broken"
A Survivor's Guilt (one-shot, 833 words, part 6 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - The Last Ronin)
Michelangelo watches everyone around him die over and over again. Never able to save them. Never there in time. And the only thing he can think of the entire time as that it would be better if he was dead instead.
Day 6: Made to watch, "It should have been me"
Don't Go Silent on Me (one-shot, 2,846 words, part 7 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Mikey is sick. His brothers aren't answering their phones. Well. Big brothers will always take precedent over fevers, so he'll just have to deal with that later.
Day 7: Alleyway, radio silence, "can you hear me?"
Actions Have Consequences (one-shot, 3,524 words, part 8 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2003)
Donatello is not having a very good day. And to top it all off, his baby brother is on the verge of death. And if he does... if he goes down... all they've done will be for nothing.
On the other side, Michelangelo is thinking the very opposite. Because if his enemy, the person that tried to hurt his family comes away with only a few scratches, then it'll all be for nothing.
Seems both brothers have some issues to work through.
Day 8: "It's all for nothing"
Something Old, Something Treasured (one-shot, 3,517 words, part 9 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT 2003)
In his pocket, Michelangelo carries around a picture. It has four brothers in it – orange, purple, red, blue – and smiling, laughing faces. It’s still glossy, even after a few years. Full of love. A reminder of heartbreak and pain. He keeps it around anyhow. It’s his most treasured item.
Day 9: Polaroid
Broken Promises (one-shot, 2,228 words, part 10 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - The Last Ronin)
They keep leaving. They keep leaving him, abandoning him. They're not supposed to do that. His big brothers promised him, after all.
Day 10: "You said you'd never leave"
Not the Best of Days (one-shot, 3,926 words, part 11 of Whumptober 2023, TMNT - All Media Types)
Waking up in a cell is not the best place to wake up, nor is it the best way to start the day. He just needs to figure out how to escape, how to reach his brothers, and most importantly... how to not die at the hands of this psychopath.
Day 11: Captivity, "No one will find you."
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