#creagan stark x y/n
fairysluna · 2 years
NOT THE BEST IDEA — Modern!AU | Part 2
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MASTERLIST | Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: The secret is out, and now you have to learn how to heal your broken heart and how to move on, and soon a cute new guy would help you realize how much you were missing in life.
Tags/TW: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, therapy sessions (bc she needs it so bad), helaena being the best friend we all deserve, brief smut(?, mentions of violence, murder and blood, aemond still is an ass but now he's also obsessed.
Author's Note: I got a little carried away with Cregan’s storyline at the beginning, but here it is!! Hopefully this will meet all of your expectations, your ideas were super helpful so thank you all of you, hope this is worthy of them!!
Word Count: 6.0k
Tag List: @immyowndefender @bellameshipper @mysticgothicgirl @aemondswifeisme @issshhh
Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!!
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You entered the room. You started to pace back and forth around it as the nerves were eating you alive. Your hands were shaky, and the tears soon came back to your eyes; the guilt, the rage and the pain in your chest was making this whole situation too overwhelming. You could feel the panic running through your veins as your beloved friend turned around to see you. 
She looked serious, but not mad. Yet, the panic that you felt in the moment, along with the fear of losing her friendship over what had happened, had you seeing her serious semblance as something terrible. 
"I'm so sorry, Helaena..." You cried, keeping the distance between you both, too scared of getting closer to her and being pushed away, "I ruined your cake, I ruined your birthday, I- I don't even know what to say, I'm a terrible friend, this is your special day and I ruined it..."
Your words were stumbling against each other, your mind going miles per hour as you could only sense the fear of losing Helaena forever.
“I’m sorry, I’m- I’m horrible, I’m sorry… I never meant to ruin everything.”
The girl walked towards you and hugged you tightly. This action had taken you aback and it took you a few seconds to react. You wrapped your arms around her waist and buried your face on the crock of her neck, leaving her skin soaking with your tears.
"Nonsense..." She spoke softly, as she held you close, "Y/n, you didn't ruin anything, we can get another cake, mum can go and pick one from the bakery, it’s okay…”
“I’m so sorry…” You repeated.
“Don’t apologize, it’s okay,” she reassured you, “But, y/n…” she pulled back, only to look at your face, “you need to tell me what is going on, this is so weird, I’ve never seen you like this before.”
Your eyes closed as you felt embarrassment. You looked like a psycho back there, and you cannot even think what Helaena was thinking about you right now.
“You promise you won’t be mad at me?” You asked, your voice shaky and unsteady. Helaena nodded and you took a deep breath. 
You explained everything to her. How Aemond and you started to play around until eventually you were fool enough to fall in love with him, you told her how he gave you your first kiss and then offer you a relationship with the condition that should be secret, you told her that you were with him for almost a year before he decided to throw everything to the trash by a stupid letter. 
And of course, you told her how he forbade you to speak about this with anyone. 
“Oh, Gods…” Helaena said once you stopped explaining everything, “You had to go through all this by yourself? That’s why you were locked in your house most of the summer?” 
“I couldn’t bear to see him,” you confessed, “I loved him so much… Perhaps I still do.”
“And he brought his girlfriend now… showing her around as if he is bragging about it. What an idiot!” 
“I don’t want you to change the way you look at him, I know how close you both are.” you said softly, “my relationship with Aemond is now from the past.”
“How am I supposed to see him in the face now that I know how much he made you suffer? He’s the kind of guy we scream at while watching rom-coms, y/n. The type of guy we hate.”
“It’s okay, really.” 
“No, it’s not,” she shook her head, grabbing your hands, “you said it yourself, you still love him, it’s not okay.” 
“I must be okay, Helaena,” you quickly said, “he has a girlfriend, he moved on and I must do the same thing. I can’t keep crying for him when he doesn’t even care about me.” 
Helaena pressed her lips and sighed, “if it makes you feel better, she is old and you're prettier. She is his Philosophy teacher.”
Your jaw almost fell to the floor, “Shut up, she’s not.”
“She is.” she nodded, “he was his assistant and then… they fucked.” 
“Oh Gods…” you let out a breathy laugh and you covered your lips with your hand. 
“I always thought Aegon would be the one doing this kind of stuff.” Helaena said between chuckles, “You should’ve seen mum’s reaction when she found out, it was hilarious.”
You laughed. The tears were already drying on your cheeks when Helaena pulled you in for another tight and comforting hug. 
“You know I’m always going to be here for you, right?” 
You nodded, “of course I do,” you said in a soft whisper. “I think it is best if I don’t come to your house while Aemond is here.”
“That’s fine…” she replied. 
“I thought about killing him, actually,” you confessed.
Helaena pulled away from the hug and looked at you with a worried face, “Oh, babe…” she cleared her throat, “do you have plans this friday?” 
“No, why?”
“You need a therapist.” 
Two weeks later, you were seated in the waiting room of your therapist office, waiting for your second session. Helaena made you company the first time, but now she was out of the city with the rest of her family, so you were on your own now. You were sitting as you were looking at the Weather Report on the TV that was hanging on the wall. Your shoes were on top of the chair as you hugged your folded legs and placed your chin between your knees. You were completely bored without the company of your beloved friend. 
That day, you arrived a little early. You had at least fifteen minutes to wait before it was your turn. You were trying to distract your mind, counting random things like the tiles on the floor, or the chairs in the room. You did not even notice the guy that walked towards you until he stood up in front of you. 
"Is this seat taken?" 
You looked up at this guy. Then you looked around the room. Literally every single chair was empty; it was seven o’ clock on a Friday, there was no one there but you, the guy in front of you and the old secretary behind the desk. 
"Uhm... I think all the seats are empty actually.”
That made him chuckle, and he showed you his charming smile. He is cute, you thought.
“I saw you last week with a blonde girl, I thought she might have come with you today, too.” You frowned a little, has he seen you before? Was he watching you this whole time? Is he a creep? He soon widened his brown eyes, as if he had just realized how bad his words sounded, “Oh, Gods, don’t think I’m some kind of psychopath, I- I just saw you the other day and- I’ve never seen you before… I usually sit in that corner and the other day I saw you, and- Oh, fuck, did I just made a fool out of myself?” 
You laughed. It was subtle but you did. He also chuckled, a bit nervous. You've seen him before, he would usually be with another brown haired boy that Helaena once thought was cute. Perhaps he wasn't a psycho, perhaps he just wanted to be your friend. 
"It’s okay." You said, a breathy laugh left your lips, "you can sit." you tilted your head, and he soon sat on your side. 
He cleared his throat and stayed silent for a couple minutes. You did not say anything either. You were both unsure of what to say or do now. You saw him from your peripheral view and realized he was glancing slightly at you, as if he was trying to say something but the words would not come out of his mouth. Something came over you and soon you were the one breaking the silence.
"I'm y/n." you stretched your hand for him to take. 
He took it, slightly smiling and relieved, "I'm Cregan."
"Are you waiting for your session too?" You asked, trying to create a conversation.
"Umh, no,” he shook his head, “I've come to comfort my friend. He's going through some hard stuff.”
“How bad?” 
He sighed, “he found out his father is not his actual father,” he explained, and your mouth opened with surprise.
“Oh, shit…” you muttered.
“Yeah,” he shrugged, “what about you?”
You pressed your lips in a thin line as you really considered lying to him, creating a super dramatic story seemed tempting, but you could not bring yourself to lie to him. Not when he was looking down at you with those sweet, kind eyes. 
“My ex ruined my psyche,” you simply said.
“But I'm doing therapy now so I guess I'm healing my trauma, right?” You tried to joke, not wanting to make him feel uncomfortable.
“Right.” He chuckled, “How long have you been single?”
“Eight months,” you then smirked. “Why? Are you going to ask me on a date?”
Cregan grinned after hearing your teasing, “do you want me to ask you for a date?”
“Do you want me to say yes?”
You chuckled, "well, I'm going to answer you once I come out of my session."
"Then I guess I'll wait."
"Oh, you would wait for me?” You spoke with a dramatic tone that made him smile widely, “that's so romantic…”
"I would wait for you forever,” he replied, matching your tone almost immediately. 
You felt something in your gut that you instantly recognized. Your smile flickered as you realized what was happening, and you immediately regret it. You were not in conditions to jump into another relationship right now, not after everything you have been through and you knew that very well. 
But Gods, he was so damn charming.
You were not able to exchange more words as one of the doors was opened and a thin brown haired guy walked out it. He looked at Cregan with a raised eyebrow before looking at you and smirked playfully to his friend. However, he just moved his head in order to tell Cregan it was time to go. 
He stood up and turned to see you one last time. 
"I guess I'll have my answer next week," he inferred, "same hour?" 
You thought about it. You really did. Perhaps this was your chance to finally be happy with a nice and decent guy, and you were pushing back out of fear. Your heart spoke first, and then your mind wanted to slap you.
"Same hour." you nodded.
He gave you one of those bewitching smiles as he left and you stood there. Feeling so stupid for making this rush decision that would probably bring you big consequences in your future. But you could not help yourself, and at least now you have a week to think about your answer.
You were debating yourself during the whole session, and your therapists immediately noticed that something odd was going on in your messy head. You told her, of course, thinking that she might give you the green light that you were waiting for. You were expecting a positive reaction from her, saying that dating other guys might help you move on… but you knew that was far from reality once you saw her face turning serious and stern.
"Listen to me carefully, y/n,” she spoke demandingly, as if she was giving you a command rather than an advice. “No. dating. until. you. have. healed,” she said slowly, carefully pronouncing each word so there will be no space for misunderstandings, “you are in a delicate place emotionally right now, which leaves you vulnerable and weak towards new feelings and experiences. You might be right; this guy might be your knight in shiny armor, your savior, your future husband… but we cannot risk it.” She leaned over her chair, getting closer to you, “you have to be patient and wait until you have healed from what you went through, understood?”
You silently nodded, thinking about Cregan and his goddamn smile. Now you had no other choice but to reject him, and the mere thought almost made you shake out of nervousness and anxiety. Your overthinking mind did not help at all. 
As soon as you walked out of the office, while you were waiting for the bus, you called Helaena and told her everything. And of course, she said she was going to be there for you when the time to reject him would arrive. Perhaps dating this new guy is not the best idea. 
A week later, you entered the waiting room with Helaena hanging from your arm. You looked around trying to find Cregan, but he was nowhere to be seen. You felt some kind of relief after you thought he probably left and now you will not go through the anxiety that this situation would bring to you. But you were never that lucky. 
The bathroom door opened and Cregan walked out of it, looking as enchanting as the last time you saw him. He had a growing beard now, which made him look even more handsome than he already was. 
"That's him." you said to Helaena, she immediately looked at him in a discreet way and she gasped, 
"Oh, he's cute..." she whispered before looking your way, "you can do this okay? just explain all the things your therapist said and you will be fine, he doesn't seem like the kind of man who would get angry if he's rejected."
"Your brother didn't seem like a douche bag and look where I am now."
Helaena pressed her lips, "just relax, it'll be fine, you'll see."
Cregan noticed your presence almost immediately –again no one was there besides you three–, and he walked your way with a gentle grin on his face. Helaena saw him coming and she went to sit, pulling out a book from her tote bag. You felt your hands shake.
"I was waiting for you,” he confessed once he was close enough for you to hear.
"You were?" You asked, your voice coming out a bit lower than you expected.
"I’m afraid you owe me an answer.”
You smiled kindly at him, but your eyes showed him the struggle inside your mind. He knew it almost instantly, and you could see the disappointment on his face. You sighed deeply before starting to speak,
“Look, this will sound as a pathetic excuse, but trust me; it is not.” You put a rebel hair strand behind your ear before you keep going. Your hands shook as you were slightly scared of what his reaction might be. “My therapist kinda forbade me from being in a relationship, or even going out on dates, she says I must heal before jumping into a serious relationship with someone new.” 
Your voice turned progressively lower with each word you pronounced, and once you finished you stood there, looking at the tall and handsome man in front of you, expectantly. Cregan nodded, softly. Then he clicked his tongue and smiled once again. You frowned after seeing his reaction, and before you could say anything at all, he spoke first. 
“What if it’s not a date?” 
You froze. Your eyes narrowed with confusion as he chuckled. 
“There’s no need to be something else, we can be friends, right?” he proposed, “unless you don’t want to.”
“Uhm… I- I do, yeah,” you nodded.
“Then we can hang out as friends. That’s not a date, is it?” 
You couldn’t help but smile, “No, it isn’t.”
“Can I have your phone number, then?” 
You nodded, “Sure.”
And that is when your life turned a little better, and you finally were able to heal. 
Helaena scolded you, obviously. Saying that it is obvious that neither of you wanted just a friendship, but you immediately said that you would obey the words of your therapist and not get romantically involved with Cregan, no matter how badly you both want it… you were just friends. 
Two months have passed since you last saw Aemond, and now you barely thought about him. Cregan kept your mind busy, inviting you to go out and have some fun. To live a little. You were now inseparable. With Cregan you could publicly do all the things that you were not able to do with Aemond. Now you were not afraid of coming across someone you know, and you were not checking your surroundings every minute afraid of someone seeing you together. There was nothing to hide anymore. 
Soon you realized that Cregan was the whole opposite of Aemond. Not only physically, but also mentally. While Aemond was more serious, mature and stern, Cregan was unhinged, funny and easygoing. You found yourself thinking many times what you saw on Aemond in the first place, why did you even fall in love with him? 
You never told your therapist about your friendship with Cregan… she did not have to know.
Two more months passed, and you and Helaena finally managed to get the apartment of your dreams, right in the middle of town, in a good and safe area. The apartment was a complete mess when they gave you both the keys, and there was a lot of work to do, especially with carrying the furniture, fixing and painting the walls. You and Helaena knew you were not going to be able to do this alone, so you called for help. The next day, Aegon arrived first with a denim overall without a shirt underneath. Soon Cregan arrived too. 
Four people decorating made it faster and easier. It only took a week and a half to have everything ready. That same day at night, Aegon had invited his friends, for he said you needed to inaugurate your new home with a big party. 
You did not know when, or how, but soon you were drunk. 
Cregan was visibly drunk too, Aegon was already dancing on top of the center table while Helaena was taking polaroid pictures of everything, the music was loud and the amount of people was growing each time. You were actually surprised that the police had not arrived yet. 
An Abba song was playing in the background when everything happened. When Cregan was dancing with you as your smile was brighter than ever, as your entire body felt like floating whenever he would hold you by grabbing your waist every time your drunk state would make you trip on your own feet. You were singing loud, while Cregan would only look back at you with a tender smile. 
Little did you know that his eyes were filled with devotion for you. He really tried to be just your friend. He really did. But you made it so hard, your mere existence was tempting him. Cregan only held back because he cared too much about you, and because he really wanted to do things right with you. 
But while you were dancing, that smile on your face and the way your body moved; it just felt right. Cregan made you stop, holding you still in front of him as his hands cupped your face. Your eyes stared at him, and your smile flickered as you realized what was about to happen. The voice of your therapist appeared in the back of your mind, you felt your ears buzzing as you saw him sighing before he started to lean slowly towards you. 
You panicked, but you did not dare to move away because you knew you wanted this too. You wanted it so, so bad. 
He brushed his lips against yours, tempting you as you felt his heavy breathing against your lips. You softly whimpered, feeling desperate to kiss him, but he seemed to be taking his time to enjoy the moment. Your hands were holding his shirt, as if you did not want him to let go. 
But he did. 
Cregan felt guilty about his doings, knowing what you were going through, and knowing what your conditions were. He clenched his eyes pulling back, his hands covering his face as a grunt left his lips and then, he left. You felt the room spinning as you saw him leaving the apartment. 
You spend the rest of the night drinking, trying not to think about it. 
The next day, you woke up at noon. Helaena went to drop Aegon back to his house, and you were pacing around the apartment trying to clean some part of the mess everyone left behind. You just had a shower, which helped you remember what had happened between you and Cregan, and you wanted to punch yourself in the face. 
You felt the urge to call your therapist and call in for an emergency session because you were feeling as if you were about to lose your mind once again. You were about to dial her until someone knocked on the door. You left your phone on the center table and you quickly went to attend the door thinking it was Helaena. 
But you found Cregan on the other side. 
“Cregan…” you said softly, “I-”
“I forgot my keys last night,” he said, shyly.
“Oh,” you said, a bit disappointed, but you let him in either way. 
He walked past you, and you closed your eyes once you smelled his sweet cologne. You followed him towards the living room where he found his keys under the cushions of the sofa. You could only stare at him, the tension between you both was too obvious and you hated it. It felt so odd and uncomfortable, you felt guilty for it.
“Cregan, about last night-”
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted you, “I know I shouldn’t have done, but-” he stopped himself before looking at you with pledging eyes, “fuck, y/n, I couldn’t help it… you looked so beautiful and I just let myself go, I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking clearly-”
“You did it just because you were drunk?” you asked. Cregan tilted his head, his keys dangling between his fingers was a sign of his nervousness. 
“I did it because… because I crave for you, y/n,” Cregan said, signs of despair tainting his low voice, “I can’t- I can’t help it, I can’t keep denying this. I fucking need you.”
Your breath hitched as you looked at him. His eyes were begging, and you were certain yours were too. Then you could not help it anymore, it was as if he was a big magnet that pulled you in. You quickly grabbed his cheeks, pulling him close to you as you stood on your tiptoes to finally reach his soft lips. 
“W-wait,” he said between the kiss, “wait, no. Your therapist-”
“Fuck my therapist,” you interrupted him without thinking.
He pulled away, looked you in the eye as if he was trying to make sure he heard you clearly. He took a deep breath, still holding you close to his body, and he let out a breathy smile before saying,
“Fuck it.”
His lips soon reached for yours again, this time more hungry than before. It was passionate and deep, you both had been waiting too long for this moment to not seize it. His hands roaming up and down your body, desperate to touch you, to feel your soft skin under his big hands. You felt blissful, completely drunk by the taste of his lips. 
Minutes later you were in your room, Cregan kissing your neck as he was now claiming you as his. Small moans left your lips while he was whispering nothing but sweet words and praises against your ear that had you drooling under his broad body. He managed to touch every inch of you, to kiss every part of your body, and you could feel your heart bursting with joy and excitement. Your mind would only focus on the man that was now yours, in how good he was making you feel… in how loved you felt between his arms. 
Aemond did not even cross your mind, he had been out of it for a while now. 
Few minutes later, after you both finished, Cregan looked at you with glossy eyes and a small, tender smile. He started giving you soft kisses around your flustered face while you were trying to control your breathing. This felt even better than sex, it felt more intimate and loving. 
Cregan caressed your cheek, and you smiled. 
“Does this mean we’re dating now?” He asked with a smirk. 
You only chuckled and laughed, “I guess we are…”
He kissed you once again, and cuddled you between his arms. You wished this could last forever.
Once Helaena found out about your relationship with Cregan, she looked at you with a stern look, and, taking over her role as the mum friend between you both, she scolded you. Of course she was not mad, she was just worried about you and what might happen with your mental health if things do not go as well as you were expecting. You reassure her that you would be fine, and that Cregan was not like Aemond in any way. 
The next months were blissful. Your little mental breakdown at Helaena’s birthday was now long forgotten. You were doing fine, you have moved on from Aemond completely. However, it would be unrealistic to say you don’t think about him sometimes, mostly because you're curious to know how he is doing. Sometimes you would eavesdrop when Helaena talks with him on the phone, but you would never dare to ask for him… that felt wrong. 
Soon a year passed, and Helaena was organizing her birthday again. She wanted to do something small, not being such a fan of big parties. She asked you a thousand times if it would be okay to invite Aemond to the party, and you repeatedly said yes, Aemond was her brother and they have always been so close. It was her birthday, and you wanted to see her happy. 
With Cregan practically living in the apartment now, the decoration took little time. He helped you both to hang stuff in the ceiling and reorganize the furniture so there will be more space.
Soon the guests, which consisted of four more friends and Helaena’s family, started to arrive. And you would not lie to yourself and say that you were not deadly nervous of seeing him again. You were scared that you might react the same way as last year. You knew you loved Cregan, but what if Aemond appears and makes you doubt everything? What if it makes you realize that you never moved on in the first place? What if you have a new mental breakdown in front of him and Cregan?
There were so many doubts in your mind that you had to sit for a while, drinking mint lemonade to remain calm. Luckily for you, Cregan did not seem to notice your nervousness, he was busy talking with some of the guests. 
And when you were lost in your thoughts, Aemond walked in, but this time he was alone. He stepped into the apartment looking for his sister. You stared at him, expecting some reaction from you, but there was nothing. Nothing at all. Not even a slight tingle in your gut. You let out a heavy breath, relief and more calm. 
You laughed at yourself for a moment, thinking how ridiculous you were for being so nervous about it.
“Hi, y/n.”
You froze, your body tensed as you looked up at Aemond. Your jaw clenched so hard your teeth hurt, and your smile faded slowly. You swallowed hard, and the anxiety in your body came back. 
“Hi, Aemond.” you said, quickly. “Umh… Helaena might be in the kitchen.”
“I know, I saw her,” he softly nodded, curling his lips into a shy smile, “I came here because I wanted to know how you are? Helaena doesn’t give me many details.”
“You asked for me?” you spoke shocked.
“Helaena hasn’t given you my greetings?” 
You shook your head, “no. She hasn’t.” 
“Well, I’ve been asking for you a lot, lately… I’ve- I’ve missed you.” He says in a whisper, as if he was embarrassed to admit it. “I have also thought about you a lot.”
“Have you?” you questioned him, raising your eyebrow.
“Yes,” he nodded, “I realized how stupid I was with you and-”
“Aemond fucking Targaryen!  What the hell are you doing here?” 
You saw him tense as his relaxed face shifted into a rageful one. You frowned as you saw Cregan palming Aemond’s back so hard it made him tremble on his feet. You were about to open your mouth to ask what was going on, but Cregan spoke first. 
“I haven’t seen you in years! Are you still jerking off with Ms. Harroway pictures?” Cregan teased him, and you widened your eyes.
“Stark.” Aemond said bitterly, his one eye looking at Cregan with an expression you have never seen before.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Cregan asked again. 
“It’s my sister’s birthday.” He grunted, visibly pissed.
Cregan frowned, and you closed your eyes. You told him about Heleana’s brother in the first weeks of meeting him, but you never said his name. Perhaps you would realize that they met each other before. Now Cregan looked at you with concern, as if he was asking whether this is the brother who broke your heart.
“Wait, you’re Helaena’s brother?” He spoke in a growl.
“I am.” He nodded, unbothered, “I think the question here is why are you here?”
“It’s my girlfriend’s apartment.” Cregan said.
Aemond frowned, angry, “you’re dating Helaena?”
“No, I’m dating y/n.”
Aemond’s face fell with an indescribable rage. You didn’t notice it, for you were too busy trying to have an answer from Cregan about how they both met. Aemond was burning, his blood boiling as he heard you excusing yourself and saw you walking away with your new boyfriend.
He hated it. He hated seeing you with someone else being so happy and blissful. A year ago you were still waiting for him, you were still dreaming about getting back with him, but now you had moved one and fucked another man… and the fact that it was Cregan Stark made it even worse.
The same Cregan Stark that made Aemond be the second best in everything at school. No matter how hard he tried, how many nights he would spend studying for a test or training for the school Tourneys, Cregan would always beat him. He was Aemond’s biggest nightmare, and now, somehow, he managed to have you. Once again, Aemond lost to Cregan.
Perhaps it was the fact that it was him the one that was kissing you right in front of him, perhaps it was the fact that his ex left him for another man two months ago, or perhaps it was the pettines inside of him, but he was drunk in madness now. He wanted to pull you away from him and break his face. 
He saw how he grabbed your waist in the same way he did once, he saw you looking at him with devotion and love as you spoke, making him smile. You were clearly in love with one another, and Aemond could not handle it. He hated it. You should be begging him to get back together, to be with him again. You should be watching him the same way you were watching Cregan. 
You should be with him. Not with Cregan. 
As the evening went by, things were getting worse for the silver haired man. He had not stopped staring at you during the whole party; each movement, each word and each breath you took were under a stare filled with hate and anger, filled with spite. Aemond would be unable to take his eyes off of you, and with each minute passing by, he would get more and more mad. 
He remembered how soft your skin was, how gently you would kiss him and touch him, how beautiful your laugh was. He remembered your scent, your delicacy and playful stares. He would also remember the way you felt against his skin, the way you would squirm under his touch and how your soft moans would be silenced by his kisses.
At that point in the night, he knew he had to have you back. You were his once, and will be his again, he would make sure of it. He wanted you to be desperate for his touch once more, he wanted all your attention and love for him. Only for him. 
He was the only one worthy of your love. How did you even dare trying to find another man when he is all that you need?
A hand on his shoulder made him wake up from his trance. He soon recognized the voice of Cregan buzzing in his ears; “I’ve seen you staring at her the whole night,” Cregan grunted, trying to sound calm, “leave her alone, you’ve caused her enough misery already.”
Aemond scoffed, and his daring voice came out, “and who are you to tell me what I have to do?” 
“Don’t be a fucking asshole, man. You didn’t appreciate her when you had her, now she is happy. She’s with me, leave her alone.”
He clicked his tongue as a smug grin started to appear on his face, “I made her fall in love with me once, I know that as soon as I speak to her she will be eating from the palm of my hand once again.” 
Cregan clenched his jaw after hearing him speaking about you that way. He breathed deep a few times trying to maintain his composure, not wanting to start an unnecessary fight on Helaena’s birthday. Instead, he just let out a breathy laugh and say, 
“Look, she moved on… perhaps you should move on too and stop being so obsessed with her.” 
Aemond tensed hearing those words. He remembered them too well. The fact that Cregan knew them too was proof enough to know that you had told him all of it, and that was the last straw; what he needed to explode. 
In a blink Aemond punched Cregan and cut his cheekbone with his rings. You were coming out of the kitchen with a platter of cookies when you saw them pushing each other. Aemond was beating Cregan while the last one was trying to defend himself instead of punching back. Your heart sank as you heard the guests’ gasp. Alicent was the first one to react, trying to make the both men stop. 
Aemond did not hear his mother screaming, he did not hear your pleas. He certainly did not feel Aegon pulling his shirt. His eyes were only seeing red as his hand was still beating Cregan. He thought about not stopping until killing him, to get him out of the way so he would get back to you. Cregan was an obstacle on his path back to you, and he wanted to get rid of it. 
His mind was blind with the adrenaline of the moment, too filled with rage to even realize what was happening, and all his negative emotions became even worse when Cregan gave him a punch back. It was not until a group of three men pulled him back that he finally stopped.
He was breathing fast, looking bewildered by his own actions. He looked around, he saw you running towards Cregan as you worryingly held his bloody face. He frowned; you should be comforting him, not Cregan. 
Soon Alicent stepped in, grasping Aemond’s arm strong enough to force him to look at her, “What the hell were you thinking?!” She scolded him. 
He did not answer to his mother, instead, he looked at you. You were already staring at him with disbelief, and a bit of anger. You shook your head slightly as you were helping Cregan to go to your room in order to heal his wounds. 
Aemond clenched his hands, and he breathed heavily. He will have to find another way to make you his again, because killing your new boyfriend was not the best idea.
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Cregan Stark x Pregnant!reader
Summary: the reader accompanies her brother and Cregan to the Wall to discuss an alliance. But the news of Luke's death causes turmoil among them.
Warnings: Blood, cursing, grief, death, miscarriage, Cregan fucking crying
A/n: based on this ask!
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She had to practically beg him.
"No. No, and you need to drop it," he said as he began to lace up his boots.
She whined and pulled herself from the bed, her hair a mess and still only in her shift, "Cregan."
Cregan let out a soft growl, "You dragons just don't see reason, do you?"
She smiled and neared him. Her hands rested over his, keeping him from lacing his boots. "I want time with my brother again. Is that so terrible?"
"It's a two week trip to the Wall."
"That's at least a month with him." She gripped his hands tighter, "Please, Cregan."
He sighed, "The prince will have plenty of time with you before and after. I won't have my wife and unborn child far from the maesters." He let out a forced laugh, "Or near the men of the Wall, for another matter."
"There are maesters there, Cregan. And we all know I am safest with you."
He stared at their connected hands for a while, a million thoughts ringing loudly in his head, but all unvoiced. 
"We still have a few months until the birth," she continued to reason. "And you know I grow cold at night when you're gone."
Cregan smiled up at her. He pulled his hand from hers to rest over her small swollen stomach. 
As much as he wanted to lock her away from the threats of the world, he knew doing so would hurt her more than letting her go.
He chewed at his lip. "If I let you," he began, "You will take no chances. On anything."
"None," She agreed. "Nothing at all." Her hand joined his on her stomach. "I'll stay by your side. I promise."
"Ready to go?" Jace smiled as his sister neared. 
She grinned back as she took his arm, "I've been ready since I heard you were arriving, brother."
He chuckled lightly as the two began to walk to the stable, "Must I say, you practically glow like the sun nowadays."
She huffed, "Do not lie."
"I don't," he said. "There is more color to you."
"That is only the cold nipping at me and coloring my cheeks."
He laughed again, "Maybe so. But either way, You are a natural, my dear sister. A healthy boy is on the way, I know it."
"A boy?" She asked with raised brows. "Oh no, Cregan and I think it's a girl."
He hummed in thought, "No. It's not. I know these things."
She laughed and playfully hit his arm, "You know nothing of this!"
He grinned and shrugged, "All the same. You'd raise a wonderful boy-"
"-Or girl."
"-or girl. Either way, I shall be a very proud uncle."
"Oh, you must wed Baela soon brother, please."
"So eager?" He asked with a smile.
"Our children would be such wonderful friends." Her eyes lit up and she squeezed his arm, "Or such a beautiful betrothal! Think of it!"
Jace look away in thought, "Perhaps so. I hadn't considered that."
"Only," she began again. "I shall pray your boy does not inherit your unruly curls!" 
"Ah, you're the one having a boy first. I said so."
"Oh. So, you wish to have a girl, brother?"
He bit his lip, "If the gods wish it, then yes."
"You'd be wonderful to a daughter, Jace."
His brows furrowed, "Let us focus on the baby at hand, please. And get you to the stables before Cregan has my head."
Cregan helped her into the lift at the bottom of the wall, pulling her to him to make room for Jace. 
"I sent a letter to mother before we left," Jace began. "About the child. Luke, Joffrey, and I will choose a dragon egg and send it to you upon my return home."
Her eyes lit up, "Thank you. That was… That was very thoughtful."
Jace looked up to Cregan, who looked at Jace as if he was going to explode any second. 
A dragon? In Winterfell? Around his child? 
But he said nothing. 
"Do have Luke pick it." She finally said. "He has the best taste in such things."
Jace laughed lightly, "I will. But I will not tell him you said so. I can't have him getting prideful."
A silence fell over them as the lift brought them further and further up the wall.
"So, what is this that falls from the sky and shivers my bones?" Jace asked.
"This is only a late summer snow, my prince." Cregan finally spoke, "In winter, it will cover all you see."
"It's quite beautiful, Jace." She smiled, "If you have a warm cloak, that is."
Cregan and Jace walked together along the ice halls of the Wall, the Lady Stark behind, making her rounds around the men at work, thanking them, and chatting as she moved. 
"Starks do not forget their oaths, my prince." Cregan began, "But you must know that my gaze is forever torn between north and south. In winter, my duty to the Wall is even more dire than the one I owe to king's landing. I need my men here." 
He looked behind him to his wife, who was in an intense conversation meters back, a hand resting on her stomach as she nodded along with the man that spoke.
"While your men guard against wildings and weather, the Hightowers plan to usurp the throne." 
The two began to walk up to the outlook, Jace continued, "If my mother is to defend her claim to hold the realm united, she needs an army. War is coming to the whole of the realm, my lord." He looked out over the wall. "We cannot wage it without the support of the North."
Silence filled the air, save for the sound of the wind blowing loudly. 
"Do you think my ancestors built a 700-foot wall of ice to keep out snow and savages?"
"What does it keep out."
A man approached the two, "My lord, a raven's arrived. Urgent news from Dragonstone."
Y/n's head perked up, and she immediately excused herself from her conversation to go to her husband.
Cregan unraveled the note, his eyes flitting across the paper hurriedly, and a furrowing in his brows formed.
She moved to Jace and his arm wrapped around her side, pulling her to him. "Cregan," she said. "Is everything alright?"
He looked up at the two Velaryons.
Then held the paper out to Jace.
Cregan then reached out and took his wife from the man, having a new sense of needing her near him.
When Jace read the note and his hand covered his mouth, she became worried, "Jace?"
He didn't answer, but Cregan's grip on her tightened and one hand rested protectively over her swollen belly.
"Jace. Please."
"It's alright," Cregan whispered into her ear, "We're alright." He looked up to Jace, a silent plea to keep calm in front of her.
Jace's jaw clenched, but he forced himself to smile with gritted teeth, "Just a slight hiccup, dear sister."
He gripped the note with an iron grip, not caring of the tears or crinkles it could bring.
He shook his head and began to storm off.
"Jace…" "-It's fine!" He shouted. "Everything is just fine."
He stormed off before she could get it out of him.
She turned around in Cregan's grip, "My love. Please tell me what has happened."
He shook his head and brushed a piece of hair from her face, "No. You needn't worry about these things. It's bad for the babe."
“Please do not ask me to bring you torment, my girl,” Cregan said with a tilt of his head.
“Cregan, you torment me by keeping me in the shadows.”
“Trust me when I say, I am not.”
She pulled herself from his hands, “No. You do. Now, tell me.”
Cregan’s jaw tightened and his voice became stronger, “I won’t.”
“Speak the words, Cregan.”
He stared back.
“Say it.”
Her voice grew desperate, “Say it.”
He simply stared, a slight tilt to his head.
“If you love me as your wife, you’ll not keep this from me.”
He immediately took a step and his voice lowered, “Do not use such words-“
She growled, “then fucking say it.”
He took steps to her, their faces not far, “You won’t hear it from me.”
“Then I will find it elsewhere," she sneered in his face.
She stormed off, Cregan left to stare over the wall.
He wanted to chase after her. Stop her and correct it all. But he just couldn’t.
This news changed everything.
She opened the door, finding Jace in the midst of a fit of rage, throwing his cup against the wall.
He looked up at her, forcing himself to calm. She moved to him and held her arms out.
And he collapsed against her, weeping into her neck.
“Jace. Jace, it’s alright.” She cooed lightly to him.
“He’s gone. He’s gone and I wasn’t there.”
Gone? Who? 
Her mind began to race and her heart dropped.
Surely not Daemon. Jace wouldn’t weep as if his world crumbled.
Gods, Jace hadn’t wept at all since the day Ser Harwin died.
“Jace. Look at me.”
She pulled his face to look at him, “What happened?”
“I promise you, I’ll kill them all. I will.”
“Calm yourself, dear brother.”
“CALM MYSELF?” He roared and pulled back from her. “Our brother is dead and you tell me to calm myself?”
Hot tears sprang to her eyes and she sniffled lightly. 
A hand shot to her stomach.
Jace brows immediately relaxed, “gods, you didn’t… Stark didn’t…”
“Luke is dead?” She whispered as a shaky hand covered her mouth.
“I didn’t mean to… please, come here.”
The two siblings embraced, Jace holding her tightly against him and brushing through her hair as she began to wail against him.
Her hands clutched at his cloak and it quickly became wet with her tears.
Cregan threw the door open and his entire body stiffened at the sight.
She turned her head against Jace’s chest. She spoke through broken hiccups, “Luke…”
Cregan’s eyes softened as he saw her puffy eyes, “I know.”
Jace tightened his hold, “Aemond hunted him down on his dragon.”
Cregan watched her eyes completely glaze over and her breath quickened.
She let out a low groan.
“Sister? Sister, please.”
She pulled away and a hand quickly moved to her stomach, her brows furrowed.
“Fuck…” Cregan immediately moved to her and pulled her into his arms. “My love, please steady yourself.”
A few more tears slipped from her eyes, “It hurts, Cregan.”
No. No. No.
He gripped her biceps in an iron grip, “No. No, you’re alright.”
She shook her head, “No. I’m not.” She gritted her teeth and her eyes closed. “I’m not. Please.”
“My girl.” He cooed, “Let us sit you down.”
She gasped at a sudden feeling.
“Sister…” Jace took a step towards her.
“Please," She begged and held a hand out, stopping him. “I…”
A low and pained groan and her knees buckled.
Cregan caught her with ease, holding her up. “My prince. Bring me that chair.”
Jace moved immediately, pulling a wooden chair across the floor with a loud scrape.
Cregan lowered her into the chair, cringing at the whimper that left his wife’s mouth.
“Perhaps a maester…?” Jace asked.
“-Yes,” Cregan nodded. “Yes. Please.”
“Cregan,” she cried. “I can’t. I can’t lose her-“
“-if we do not fetch the maester, then she will be.” Cregan’s eyes were set, as if challenging her to fight him on it.
“Fine. Fine, please.”
Jace quickly left in practically a sprint.
“It’s not your fault, you know.”
She turned to the Stark, “What?”
He looked like he was ready to cry. His bottom lip quivered, “if you do lose her.”
Her eyes saddened and her hand moved to his face, “I can’t.”
“You will, my love.” He forced a deep breath to hold back the tears and let out a breath, “She is gone now, I’m sure of it.”
If she wasn’t in pain enough, that multiplied it.
Four hours later, Jace and Cregan sat in the opposite end on the room, watching the maester work endlessly.
But they were silent. Their eyes were both fixed on the blood that stained everything.
She had fallen asleep long ago, from the pain or loss of blood, they weren’t sure.
But it gave their ears a break from her piercing cries that rang through the entirety of the Wall.
When the maester moved to the two men, they stood.
“My lord, my prince,” he began. “The Lady has lost much blood.”
“Will she live?” Cregan immediately asked.
“I…” he bit his lip. “She will, my lord, but…”
“That is all I need. You may go.”
“Lord Stark-“
“GO!” He growled.
The maester bowed his head and quickly left, pulling the door behind him.
Silence filled the room. Both men still stared at the poor woman who slept away the pain.
Jace had left not long after, wandering the halls of Castle Black in thought, so it was only Cregan in the room when she woke.
She let out a low groan, and he held her hand in his. "Lovely, how are you feeling?"
Her eyes studied him before a light sob racked through her.
He lightly kissed her knuckles, knowing that was the only comfort he could bring to her at the moment.
"I told you it wasn't your fault."
"But I…" She hiccuped and wiped her face with her free hand, "I pushed for you to tell me. I… I forced you to let me accompany you here."
"You did not do any of that," he reprimanded. "None of it."
Her eyes held a hollowed look to them, "I lost the future of Winterfell."
Her brows furrowed and his hand smoothed the hair from her forehead.
"A boy," she sniffled. "Would've been."
He felt a punch to his gut.
He'd seen battle before, but nothing caused him as much pain as this moment. 
He looked down at their intertwined hands, "It does not mean that all is lost, my girl."
"Then why does it feel like it?"
His eyes watered, and his nose scrunched in frustration. He wanted to curse as his bottom lip trembled for the second time today, "I don't know."
A single tear ran down the Wolf's face.
"But I promise you," He sniffled. Another tear down his face as he let out a soft breath, "You have not lost me."
"I couldn't give you an heir."
"And I do not know how to comfort you through it."
She pushed herself up and he shook his head, "No, you need to rest."
But she managed to sit herself up against the headrest.
Her hand brushed his cheek and he couldn't stop the tears that began to rush down his face.
"Oh, Cregan," she cooed.
His hand brought her other one up to his lips again, kissing her knuckles fervently this time, as if she would disappear if he didn't.
"Hey. Stop," she tilted her head. "Cregan. Stop."
His eyes looked to her through a blurry haze.
"It's not your fault either, you know." She finally said.
He forced a laugh and shook his head. "I fear I'd go mad without you, my girl."
"As I with you."
The two managed to catch their breath in the silence that followed, a promise that things would get better if they only let it.
He leaned forward to her, gently connecting their lips. 
She let out a whine, accepting his kiss eagerly. 
His hand moved to the back of her head, pulling her to him. He hardly cared about the salty taste of the tears on their lips.
He pulled away first.
"I'll promise our graybeards to the queen," Cregan stated as he sat back down.
She huffed, "Don't pity me and feel as if you must defend-"
His grip tightened on her hand, "I will have the head of that boy on a fucking spike." Cregan growled.
"He did not lose our child, I did!" She said with a raised voice.
His jaw clenched as his eyes bore into hers, "Aemond Targaryen lost the war the second he chased your brother with Vhagar. The graybeards will march when the time is right. In exchange for Aemond's head by the time the war is done."
"-He is why our son is dead. And the North will remember that."
She looked down to her stomach, rubbing a hand over what used to be there only hours before.
Cregan Stark's gaze became more rigid than the ice around them. 
"Winter is coming for the Greens."
A/n: Okay, hey, now that you're depressed from this fic, let's talk. I'm making a Cregan Stark tag list! Let me know if you want on it!
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springdaydreams · 3 days
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feyhunter78 · 5 months
The line “think I’m gonna call it off, even if you call it love, I just wanna love someone who calls me baby.” From Good Luck, Babe by Chappell Roan gives me such Aemond x reader x Creagan vibes
Like y/n has been in love with Aemond for ages, waiting around for him to finally go public with his affections, to marry her and then either the Baratheon betrothal happens or something else and somehow y/n meets Creagan Stark who sweeps her off her feet and makes her wonder if she really wants to keep waiting around for Aemond
Idk the idea just been stuck in my head for a bit👀
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
I promise everything.
Cregan Stark x Targaryen!wife!reader
Summary: the two have been married for months. When attending Aegon and Helaena’s wedding, the reader becomes self conscious on why they don’t have children yet.
Warnings: talks of sex
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Cregan cracked open the door slowly as he walked in, "My love, are you…"
His question died off from his lips as his eyes took in what laid in the room.
His wife, the younger twin of Aegon II, stood tall as her handmaiden finished tying the dress she wore. A noble blue hue to it, a perfect symbol of house Stark at a Targaryen wedding. The color did something to him inside.
She managed eye contact with him through the mirror and frowned, "Am I what?"
He bit his lip for a moment with a furrowed brow before doing a small shrug, "Uh. It's alright. Take your time."
She smiled and let out a soft laugh.
The handmaiden was soon finished and excused herself.
Y/n turned around to finally look fully at Cregan. Her eyes moved up and down his body, "You look rather dashing."
Now far from the north, Cregan had to abandon his fur cloak, leaving him in his dark tunic, blue surcoat and the Wolf sigil embroidered across the chest. Now his broad shoulders were quite displayed, as well as his fit physique that was usually up to imagination. He smiled at her, "And you…"
Her brows pulled together for just a moment, "What?" She turned to the mirror, "Is something amiss?"
He quickly held his hands up to reassure her, "No, my dear. I only meant that… I… I am utterly speechless is all."
She looked back to him with a grin, "Ah. And here I thought you wouldn't like it."
"You believed I wouldn't?" He asked as he rested his hands on her hips. "How could I not enjoy the sight of my wife dressed as a wolf in the midst of dragons?"
She chuckled as her hands moved to his chest, "I am entirely a wolf now, Cregan."
He grinned widely, "That's the best part." He leaned in a trailed kisses down her jaw, "Perhaps I'll get to enjoy you dressed in nothing by the end of the night."
Due to the convenience of having the two Targaryen siblings marrying themselves, the entire family fit at the high table, Y/n and Cregan towards the end.
Next to her younger brother Aemond, the two quiet siblings whispered to one another in discussion, including Cregan when he wasn't distracted by the over-the-top atmosphere.
Aemond was a fair brother to her, closer now during this age than her own twin or sister had ever been. "I suppose you're now stuck horse-riding without me around?"
The two had once shared in their lack of dragon. When Aemond claimed Vhagar, he made a vow to not abandon his sister so quickly in her endeavors, letting her ride Vhagar with him when she had needed outside of the keep.
The North had nothing of the sort, and leaving had been hard.
She nodded, "Yes, but Cregan gifted me the most wonderful horse. We ride quite often, weather permitting."
Aemond hummed, "You'll have to take a break from riding soon, I'd wager."
She frowned, "Why ever would I do that?"
"It's not healthy to do while with child."
"Well," she bit back sarcasm, "I am not with child. I have time."
"You've been married for nearly eleven moons. Most are with child by the third."
"I am not most, am I, brother?"
Noticing her bitter tone, he hummed and changed topics. He leaned over to look to Cregan, "My lord, do tell me what horse you've gifted my sister."
Cregan's expression immediately brightened at the topic of something he knew quite well, "A fjord horse. Not a runner by any means but a reliable one when…"
She zoned out from there, staring absent-mindedly at the dance floor.
Perhaps Aemond was right. Should she be with child by now?
Had she done something wrong? What if she was unable to have children? Would Cregan abandon her?
She looked to Aegon and Helaena dancing. Smiling at one another.
What if her own siblings had children before she did? How weak of a Targaryen does that make her?
"Admiring the dancing?" Cregan's voice suddenly murmured near her.
She turned her head to him, seeing his worried expression studying her.
How long had their conversation been over and she'd just been staring off in the distance?
"Is everything alright, my girl?"
She smoothed a hair back behind her ear, "I'm only lost in thought is all."
He grunted in acknowledgement. "A dangerous place to be." He tilted his head, "Wanna talk about it?'
"Not really."
He nodded but made no motion to move. He knew her quite well by now and knew she would soon-
"Why am I not with child?"
He knew she'd state her thoughts, but he didn't consider it to be that one. He frowned, "I don't suppose I have an answer."
She leaned back as the next song started, "Do you think less of me for it?"
His head tilted again like a dog hearing an uncomfortable tone, "Do I… No. No, I do not."
"I just don't understand why then."
"Darling, the gods will grant a child to us when they deem the time fit. Please do not let a thought like this ruin the celebration."
She nodded and sniffled lightly, pushing back the tears in her waterline. "You're right. What a foolish thing to stress over."
He let out a content sigh, happy with her answer. When silence loomed over the two, he watched Aegon and Helaena dance. A thought popped into the Northerner's head, and he leaned towards her again, "Perhaps we can imagine no time has passed at all."
Her face turned contemplative, "How so?"
"Perhaps," he whispered, "Tonight can be just like our wedding night."
"I'm listening."
But Cregan Stark is a man of action. He stood abruptly and held out his hand. "May I have the honor of a dance with my perfect wife?"
She grinned, trying to ignore the stares of her family and the people. She whispered, "You hate to dance."
"Aye, but I love to please you more."
Her cheeks flushed, but she took his hand and let him lead her to the floor as the next song started.
As a high lord, Cregan had been taught all of the dances. But he was no real dancer. He preferred the dance of battle than one in a ballroom. How he managed to get by for one and twenty years with only a single dance with his wife, he's unsure of. He only hoped not to embarrass her this second time.
His steps were heavy compared to her light ones. His moves, though carefully calculated, were clumsy compared to her precise ones done without a second thought. His eyes had to double check every step and move. He was sure she did it with her eyes closed.
Though nervous, a smile was plain and broad across his features.
She could feel his nerves radiate off of him in comforting waves, a reassurance to her that he would face his greatest fears for her. Not dragon fire. A dance floor. And he did so happily.
When the dance finished, he couldn't stop himself and planted a heavy kiss to her lips. He didn't care who saw. This was his wife. She was his, and he was hers.
"Let us retire," she panted against his lips.
His grin continued. "Yes, my lady."
Once away from the crowd, their lips moved in tandem, pausing against various pillars and walls to breathe each other in.
"Please put a child in me, Cregan."
He let out a loud groan against her lips at her words. "I will," he whispered.
He tried to move his mouth back to hers and she pulled hers away, making him chase hers. He let out a breathy plea, "I will."
Her fingers came up, her thumb brushing over his bottom lip, "Promise me?"
"I promise. I'll do whatever it takes, my girl. I'll give you a baby, I promise." He leaned in, only to be denied her again. His voice softened, "I promise everything."
She leaned in just a bit, "Take me like you did on our wedding night."
He picked her up, slamming their chamber door behind him.
Needless to say, about nine months later, a babe laid in Cregan's arms as he sat next to his exhausted wife.
There never was a Stark who forgot an oath.
Cregan Stark taglist: @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @callsignwidow, @8812-342, @nyxbranwenn, @thorins-queen-of-erebor
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
As long as she's comfortable.
Cregan Stark x reader
18+ bruh
Summary: Cregan helps the reader overcome her guilt of needing to please him at all times.
Warnings: Dom!Cregan, p in v, fingering, turns non-con for a moment, idk this is slutty as hell
A/n: This is based on an ask! and this.
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She buried her face in Cregan's neck as she let out a low groan. 
His fingers had been buried inside her longer than she wanted them to be. 
But he had to guarantee she was ready for him.
The Lord and Lady of Winterfell had been married a couple months now, and they were as deeply in love as they were on their wedding. 
"Cregan…" she whispered in his neck.
He let out a low groan, "I know, I know."
He pulled his hand from her with a grin, "Sit up."
Her brows furrow, "Wh… Cregan…?"
"I know." He twists an arm around her back to help her sit up, "It's a bit different. But, do trust me."
She nodded and pulled herself up as he had asked.
"Now, on your knees, back to me."
"But then I cannot see you."
He lets out a light chuckle, "Trust me. You'll still feel me all the same."
Confused, she pushes herself to her knees, turning around and looking over her shoulder at him, "And what now?"
"Up onto your knees completely, now."
"Up? Onto…" She pulled her body up onto her knees on the furs.
He let out a coo of praise, "Good. Like that. Elbows on the bed."
"No. Cregan, what…?"
His hand came from behind her to the side of her hip, "Elbows down, pretty."
"I'll feel ridiculous."
He pushed himself up onto his knees, pulling her against his chest, "Have I ever made you feel that way?"
"Well, no-"
"-Then why would I now?" His hand moved from her waist to her stomach and she felt that familiar feeling return to her core as his hand trailed lower. 
She let out a soft groan and moved her hands to the bed, lowering her elbows down to the bed. 
Cregan let out a sinful groan as he leaned back to look at her now, "Fuck."
His hands now wandering to her arse in front of him, chuckling when she let out a small squeak.
One hand dipped lower, entering a finger into her once more. 
A soft breath escaped her and she shifted on her arms.
"Feels different this way, doesn't it?" Cregan cooed. 
She let out a shaky nod, "So… so good, Cregan."
He pulled his hand from her. He took her hips in his hands and began to line himself up with her, "Just like usual, pretty. Easy does it."
As he slowly moved into her, she let out an immediate moan. The stretch burned like it always did but at a new angle. 
Cregan groaned not long after her, bottoming out quickly, his tailbone meeting the back of hers. 
She could feel his breath in her hair. His voice was low and hushed now that was near her ear, "You alright?"
Her eyes closed for a moment and she hummed, "yeah… you can… please…"
A soft kiss was placed as the back of her ear before he began to move. 
A sharp intake of breath and her mouth was left agape and the new angle he stretched in her. 
Cregan's eyes screwed shut, savoring the slow rhythm he set. 
"Cr… please… please faster…"
He began to move faster, their moans drowning out the sound of his hips thrusting against hers.
Cregan pulls his torso away from her to hold her hips steady and properly thrust into her. 
She let out a downright scream at it.
"Gods, this is…" Cregan paused, "This is per… You are perfect."
"Don't stop… Don't-"
"I'm not stopping until we're done," he growled. 
The moans filled the large chamber of Winterfell, not caring if the servant and staff heard a word of it. 
They were newly-weds. The entire castle had heard the two of them at some point. 
Cregan couldn't even name every surface they had fucked on.
There was a point in it every time that Cregan grew rather primal, eagerly chasing his high once it felt manageable. 
He was there as of now. 
He grunted as his thrusts quickened. 
The quickening had lost her. 
Her head snapped up to look at the headboard. 
"So good. So good." He groaned. 
Her brows pinched together, now noting the uncomfortable feeling. The sweat that gleamed on her forehead and the clammy feeling of skin on skin. 
"Doing alright, pretty?" He asked in a pant. 
She grunted and nodded, staring at the headboard of their bed. 
She can't tell him. 
His movements continue and she bares them, taking them each thrust at a time. 
Her arms were growing tired, her knees aching. 
Her mother, when giving her the speech about marital acts, told her never to make demands of a man in bed. To be a wife is to take what he gives you willingly. 
Giving Cregan whatever he wanted was not a hard task. 
It shouldn't be a hard task. 
A moan came from him, "Gods, pretty, I'm close."
She quietly thanked the gods. 
He leaned up against her back, reaching forward and running his hand down her arm. His fingers brushed the back of her hand, and when they reached her fingers, he interlocked them, grabbing at the furs underneath them. 
The hands are directly below her head, and she rests her forehead on them. 
Her breathing is staggered as she tries to collect herself. 
His hips buck roughly once, and she lets out a hiccup.
The tipping point. 
Cregan feels a single tear drip onto his hand.
His hips come to a stop. "Wait."
She sniffles against his hand, "No, no. Keep going."
He lets out a disapproving hum, "C'mere. Let me see you."
When he tries to pull his hand from hers, her other hand tries to grip it. She lays desperate kisses on the top of his hand, "It's fine. Please."
He grunts, pulling himself from her to sit back on his legs with a concerned gaze.
She lays unmoving, as if waiting for a punishment of sorts. 
"I said c'mere, lovely."
She looks down at her hands which now begin to shake. 
One of his hands moved to her hip, pushing and knocking her onto her side before he crawled onto her and trapped her on her bed. 
Her eyes were red and puffy with unshed tears. 
"Why are you upset?" He asked in concern.
"I'm not," she lied. "These are… these are good tears."
His hand moved her up to caress her cheek, rubbing a thumb over the skin as he searched in her eyes, "These are not the same tears."
"No, it's-"
"-If you did not enjoy it, why did you not tell me?" He said with a furrowed brow.
"I did!" She whined. "Well… I was."
A silence filled them before he sighed and nodded his head, "But I got carried away."
She shook her head, "No, no." She reached out and pulled her face to him, "You should keep going." She connected her lips with his desperately.
He let out an angered groan as he pulled himself away from her, sitting up and further from her with an offended gaze, "How dare you!"
She sat up with him. Her hand reached to the furs, beginning to pull them up to cover her breasts, "You were so close, and we can still-"
"NO!" He yelled.
She gasped sharply and flinched as more hot tears came to her eyes, "I don't understand."
"Why ever would you…?" He stood from the bed in anger and began to redress. "Why would you ever let me do that to you?"
"I am trying to be a good wife!" She yelled.
"I am trying to be a good husband!" He yelled back in the same manner. 
The room went quiet, save for the sounds of her sobs echoing off the walls. 
They were driving him crazy. 
He continued dressing, now in his trousers. He bit his lip with a sigh. His voice softened, "Did you… Did you enjoy it at all?"
"I did." She sniffled, "I did… at the beginning."
"I am not mad at you for not liking it." He finally said. 
"Then why… why are you yelling at me?" 
His anger flared up again, "Because you…" He forced himself to take a deep breath and speak again with a softer and lower tone, "I do not understand your reasoning for trying to continue even after you found no pleasure."
Her brows furrowed and her mouth opened and closed a few times trying to find the right words, "Pleasure is not… what I'm… for."
His head cocked to the side as he neared the bed, "I'm sorry?"
"No, that is not right." She looked up in thought. "I am here.. to please you. And that is all."
He wanted to scoff. He wanted to laugh, even. What a stupid thought. But he kept an even head and sat on the bed, facing her, "Do you truly believe that?"
She wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks and she nodded.
Cregan couldn't stop the long sigh that escaped him. He wasn't actually expecting this answer. He ran a hand over the bottom half of his face. 
The silence became all consuming.
Finally, his voice was softer than she'd ever heard it.
"How horrible of a man would I be if every time I looked at my child, I remembered the time I impregnated my wife while she sat in tears?"
His eyes trailed up slowly to meet hers, a hollow look in his eyes. 
She couldn't will herself to even open her mouth at that. 
His hand slowly reached out to hers, squeezing it. "If you lose pleasure while we are intimate, you must tell me."
She shook her head in confusion, "I… I don't understand."
His voice grew gruffer, "Who told you that you couldn't tell me? What ever gave you that impression?"
"Well, it's not-"
"Have I ever denied a wish from you?"
"Well, no-"
He leaned in closer, "Have I ever been angered about something that you want?"
"Do you not trust me?"
"Cregan, I do-"
"Then where did this come from?"
Their faces close now, she could study ever freckle on his face. She didn't want to tell him. She really didn't. 
He raised his brows, "Well?"
"My mother."
An immediate sigh escaped him again, "Ah."
She bit her cheek, still waiting for a punishment of some sort.
He leaned the rest of the way and kissed her cheek, "How about a bath?"
"A bath?" She asked in confusion.
"We should clean ourselves. I want to bathe with you." He leans down to catch her eyes with his, "Is that alright?"
She couldn't help the small smile that rose to her lips, "Yes. That… that sounds nice."
She felt herself completely relaxed against Cregan's chest in the tub, the water warm and calming.
His fingers traced patters on her forearm softly. 
"Forgive me," he finally whispered.
She hummed, "Why?"
"I did not even noticed you were not comfortable. Too lost in myself. I vow to be more giving to you-"
"You are very giving to me, Cregan, I promise."
"Let me earn your trust back."
She let out a soft chuckle against him, "Fine. Fine, yes. Yes, you may."
A chuckle came from his chest. "Thank you."
Another soft silence.
"I do not want you to listen to you mum anymore." Cregan spoke out to the silence. "What she said was wrong. And I'm quite ashamed that you even believe it. As if I would do such a thing to you."
"Then what am I supposed to do?"
"Listen to me now," he hummed against her ear. "You can tell me what you want. When to stop. Where to move. Yes, I want heirs. But not over your own pleasure." His voice lowered, "If you told me in this moment to never touch you again, I would respect it. Heir or no heir, you're my wife. I do not care for the rest of things even remotely as much."
A grin tugged at her lips and her hand dipped under the water to find his hand, "I can tell you anything?"
He followed her train of thought and chuckled, a husky tone coming to his voice in her ear, "I'll do whatever you want me to do." His grin grew, "How about tonight… I do anything you want?"
Her eyes lit up, "Anything I want?"
He kissed the back of her ear gently, "Anything."
A giggle erupted from her lips and she turned herself around in the tub to look at him, "Get up, then."
His eyebrows shot up, "Now?"
She leaned to him, kissing him softly, "Now. I have much in mind."
Cregan found himself turned on suddenly by this demanding girl that had taken over his wife.
And he wouldn't complain one bit.
As long as she's comfortable.
Tag: @snowsilverlining
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
May I?
Cregan Stark x pregnant!reader
Summary: the Lord of Winterfell had grown too protective- but for fair reason.
Warnings: cursing, talks of labor problems, Cregan freaking the freak out
A/n: based on an ask!
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Cregan couldn't help from letting a large smile crawl up his face.
His pretty wife, now a few months pregnant, walked into the court. 
One of her slender hands rested on her swollen stomach.
The people turned to see what had caused the door to open so swiftly, and when seeing it was their Lady of Winterfell, they relaxed. 
She rounded the table, coming to Cregan. 
He had stood the minute he had seen her figure nearing, and now he was able to wrap his arms around her frame and bury his face into her hair, "Everything alright, pretty?"
She nodded and relaxed against him, "Tired of just staring at the walls."
He frowned and pulled away, "So you've decided to join me in court instead?"
"If you don't mind it."
He chuckled and brushed a strand of hair from her forehead, "I don't mind it at all. Sit."
But now the weeks were beginning to rack up, and Cregan swore he could see her stomach grow more each day.
And along with it was his rising protective instinct.
She couldn't seem to even leave the walls of Winterfell without him looming over her. 
Not that she minded. 
He dropped his sword in the middle of his sparring session when he saw her enter the courtyard. 
Even in the cloudy air of the North, she glows. 
She walked slowly, on no mission to get anywhere, and her eyes wandering from place to place. 
He abandoned his sword and partner quickly, walking to her with broad steps. "What are you doing?"
She turned to him as if just realizing he was there. "Oh. Just… on a walk."
"A walk?" He asked with furrowed brows. 
"Yes, I take one every day. It's usually earlier but I lost track of time."
He nodded, looking back to the doors she had come from.
Guarding it was a guard who stared back at them. 
It irked Cregan. 
"I see." He finally said. 
"You've abandoned your training," She pointed out.
"I can hardly find myself caring," he said. "I would hardly be able to do anything with you in my line of sight."
She smiled brightly and he felt his heart shudder at the sight. 
He would do anything to keep a smile on her. 
His mind begin to race at the idea of anything bringing her displeasure. Pain, even. 
Gods, she shouldn't be out here like this. 
"Go back inside," he said as he bit the inside of his cheek.
She hummed lightly, not catching his harsh tone, "I haven't even gotten to speak to-"
"-Go inside, my love." He leaned forward, placing a sweaty kiss to the crown of her head and a hand moving down to rest on her swollen womb. "I will collect you for supper."
"Oh." He tried not to let his heart fall at the sound of her disappointment. "Alright. Supper then." She took his hand from her stomach and kissed his dirt covered knuckles, "Do train hard for me."
He smiled, "You've no idea."
He didn't move until he saw her figure disappear behind the doors.
And the stupid fucking guard that had watched her the entire time. 
"You!" He pointed his sword out to point at him, "C'mere."
The guard's brows raised, but he complied, moving toward Cregan, "Yes, my lord?"
"Draw your sword."
The man paused, "m… my lord?"
"Your sword!" Cregan said with a raised voice.
Cregan tried to tell himself he was doing this for the practice, not for the satisfaction of besting the man who dared look at his wife.
Their swords clashed loudly in the yard, but the man was no match for the Warden of the North. 
He was quickly being outmaneuvered by the Lord who was beginning to release his anger.
His sword was thrown from his hand, and Cregan's foot came up, pushing him to the ground. 
There, Cregan stood over him with his sword to the man's throat. 
Cregan quite enjoyed the view. 
He got down on his knees and leaned down to the man's ear, "Look at my wife like that again, and I'll cut your fucking eyes out."
If the man responded, Cregan didn't notice as he put away his sword and retreated into the walls of Winterfell.
The grand maester approached Cregan as he walked down the halls, "My lord. I need to speak with you. About Lady Stark."
He paused in his step and turned himself, "Is she alright?"
"Oh, yes. The check up went well earlier. She is progressing wonderfully. There are just a few things we must clear up, you and I, before she has the child."
"Alright. Name it."
"Not here, my lord. It is… sensitive."
Cregan huffed and walked with him to the maester's quarters, shutting the door behind him. His anxiety began to eat at him.
"Now, I do not believe it will come to it, of course, but the main question is about certain… complications that may show themselves during labor."
"Just ask the question," Cregan growled.
"Right," the maester nervously fidgeted with his hands. "If a problem occurred and we were… unable to… save both…"
Cregan felt his gut roll. He had not considered such a thing. 
"…my lord?"
Cregan's head shot up, "I'm sorry?"
"I asked which would you prefer to… take priority."
An impossible question to ask a husband and father. 
A more impossible question to ask the Warden of the North. 
He needed an heir. The people quite literally demand for one. Someone to carry the bloodline. He wanted a child with her more than anything.
But He needed her. He needed her like air to breathe. In a place like the north where the sun never shined, she made up for it, lighting every room she stepped into. 
A world without either of them was not something he even wanted to think of. 
He had welcomed this new change of the child the second she had told him. 
To think, something could so easily take her from him. 
And he would be helpless to it.
He felt bile rise in his throat.
"You're to take Dark Shadow with you when you leave Winterfell from now on."
She paused mid-bite over her plate, "W… Why?"
"I…" he dropped his fork with a loud clatter as he leaned back in his chair in frustration. "You're to do it."
"I love him, but I don't want a dire wolf with me. Scares the others away-"
"-Even better!"
"That is my reason for leaving the walls. To speak to the people."
Cregan grunted, "Not right now."
"Nothing will happen to me out there, Cregan-"
"-Yes, I will make sure of that."
She stopped herself and took a long and deep breath, "I do not understand. Why?"
"Because I commanded it!"
Silence filled the dining hall as the two stared at one another. 
Her small voice broke it, "You have such little faith in me that I cannot grow our child?"
"What?" His voice softened. "Wh- No. No. I did not say that."
"You did!" She stood from the table, "You do, Cregan! You do not believe I can do this for us. For you." Hot tears began to flood her eyes, "So concerned with an heir, you do not even trust in your wife!"
His form didn't move until she was far from the dining hall.
Three days since their argument, and Cregan was beginning to feel the dread consuming him. 
Prince Jacaeys Velaryon had arrived yesterday, giving Cregan a much needed distraction from it all.
He opened his eyes, looking over to her form in bed as he always did.
But she wasn't there.
He sat up quickly, noting that the sheets were cold as well, meaning she had been gone a while.
Since the pregnancy, she had never awaken before him. 
He let out a grunt and quickly dressed himself.
Cregan practically ran down the halls until he found one of her servants, "Where is my wife?"
Her eyes widen, "Out, my lord."
His jaw clenched and his voice lowered, "Out where?"
"W… With the prince, my lord."
He shifted his weight to his other foot and leaned his head down to her. He felt bad, but he couldn't help the harsh gaze he studied her with, "To where, exactly?"
"She… she made me swear not to tell you, my lord."
Cregan felt as if he could rip her arms off, "You'll tell me anyway."
"I am loyal to her, my lord."
He wanted to be enraged at that, he really did. But he admired that about the servant. He let out a sigh and let his voice return to its usual timbre, "Point me in a direction then?"
She nodded, "Perhaps meeting a… pet… or sorts?"
No. No. No. No.
He immediately moved his feet, running at a fast pace down the hall.
No. No. No.
He barely registered voices or concerned glances as he ran to where he knew she'd be. 
Jace smiled as he ran a hand over Vermax's scales near his nose. "Dare to try?" He asked over his shoulder. 
The very pregnant Lady of Winterfell bit her lip with a smile, "You really think he'll let me?"
Jace turned to her completely now, "Vermax trusts me. And I trust you. Therefore, I don't see why he'd refuse."
It was Jace's idea, to introduce her to Vermax. She seemed fascinated with the dragon when he arrived. 
That, and obtaining the favor of the wife of the Warden you hope will supply your mother with an army wouldn't be a terrible thing, either. 
She stepped forward, one hand out in front of her and the other over her stomach. 
Jace muttered calming words of Valyrian to the dragon as she did so.
Her fingers were inches from the great dragon's hide when a voice rang out, "Do. Not."
Cregan stood a few yards back, panting harshly.
Vermax's head immediately moved to want to see the source of the sound, and she had to quickly back up to avoid being knocked over by the beast's large head. 
Jace's hand shot out and steadied her as he looked to Cregan, "Careful with your words, my lord."
Cregan couldn't describe it all. 
Horrified. Nervous. Protective. In awe. 
Staring at the girl, seeing his entire future in front of him. 
"Please," he whispered out as his gaze softened. "Please be careful."
Jace noted the man's softened brow, "She's safe, my lord. Vermax is young, but quite full of love."
She stared at Cregan still, her head tilted, "May I still…?" 
She let the question hang in the air.
He couldn't let anything happen to her.
He wanted to refuse. Drag her back to the walls and lock her away. Shake her until she saw reason. 
But he had been denying her everything. And doing so again could be just as dangerous to her as petting a dragon. 
He nodded just barely, not trusting his voice again. 
Her eyes lit up and her voice was soft, "Thank you."
She turned to the beast again, and her hand reached out as before, her other on her stomach. 
Cregan noted the hand on her stomach, a protective gesture over the life that she carried in her. 
Each slow step was like a dagger being twisted in his chest. 
Her hand reached the scales, smoothing over them.
And the dragon lets out a low purr.
A bright smile comes to her face and she looks back to Cregan. 
His arms are out, as if ready to catch her and shield her from dragon fire. 
He can't even enjoy the moment through his pure adrenaline. 
Jace smiles as well, "I do believe Vermax likes you."
Cregan finally spoke softly, "Who could not?"
The door to their chambers shut and Cregan turned from them to her, "I hate to be angry with you. Let us be done with it entirely."
"That easily?" She asked as she pulled at her dress. 
"I do not doubt your ability to carry our child. You do it so… beautifully." He rubs a hand over his face, "I am a proper fool for ever making you believe differently."
"No. I understand your concern for me, love. I should have respected your wishes."
He crossed the room and grabbed her hands, "No. I…" he paused in thought. "It's not about having heirs, pretty. I care for our child. I do," he leans his head down to catch her gaze, "But I care for your wellbeing all the more."
She couldn't stop the small smile that pulled at her lips, "Perhaps we may compromise."
He grinned, "A compromise?" He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. 
"You missed."
He leaned back, "Oh?" He raised a brow, "Did I?"
She grabbed his chin, pulling him down to her, "You did."
Their lips connected, gently but firm. 
"Foolish man," she spoke against his lips.
He chuckled, "Pretty girl."
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entitled-fangirl · 25 days
Au where grandpa Rickon gets to meet his baby grandson Rickon 🥹
Rickon Stark sat on the edge of his seat in the hall next to his only son, Cregan.
All that could be heard in Winterfell were the cries of Cregan's wife as she delivered a child.
Cregan was all nerves. Kept from the labor room, he sat in agony next to his father, his head shooting up at any sound or any indication that the labor had progressed.
It had been nearly 7 hours. 
Rickon had been through this before. He knew everything his son was feeling. He remembers being glued to that very same chair the day Cregan was born. 
Stark men are brutes, but their love for their wives erases all of it quickly.
Cregan's hand moved to his hair, pulling at the strands in frustration when another wail was heard from the room. "What is going on in there?" He growled.
Rickon placed a hand on his son's shoulder, "Do stay strong, my boy. Stark blood runs through that babe's veins. I reckon it's giving her a right fight."
"I don't know how you did this," Cregan opened up honestly.
"Your mother was the toughest woman I ever met," Rickon sighed, "I worried more for the babe than her."
That made the tension brake and Cregan chuckled softly. 
Painful hours later, the midwife came from the room with a broad smile. 
Cregan bolted up to stand.
"A healthy boy, my lords."
Rickon smiled, giving a firm pat to Cregan's back. "I told you, boy."
"And my wife?" The young man asked, his voice still shaky.
"Weak, but she is fine."
Rickon nodded, "may he see-"
Cregan didn't wait for permission. He ran into the room, going to the woman's bedside like a magnet.
Rickon stayed behind, looking back to the midwife. "And the babe's name?"
The midwife grinned further.
"She's named him Rickon, my lord."
Rickon held the babe to his chest as he looked to his son. 
Cregan held his wife in his arms as she slept, the sweat still strung across her forehead.
"You did well, my boy," Rickon smiled.
"Aye," Cregan sighed. "He's a beauty."
"He is, but I was talking about her." He motioned his head towards the slumbering woman. "You did well pickin' her."
"Thank you, Father." He looked down at her. "I did, didn't I?"
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: the reader is in too much pain during the consummation of their marriage. Cregan is eager to reassure her it's alright to stop.
Warnings: sex, talks of consent.
A/n: based on an ask! This is a short one, but still good!
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"Stop," she whispered. "Cregan… Cregan, stop."
He immediately stopped himself, staring her in the eyes concerned. "Are you alright?"
"Please," she sniffled. "It hurts."
He pulled himself out of her, pulling his small clothes back on. "That's alright, my girl."
She sat up and wiped at her cheeks when she began to cry.
He cooed, "Hey, hey, none of that." He quickly pushed himself next to her and took her chin in his hand and lowered his voice, "There's no need for all that."
She sniffled, "I… I couldn't do it… I'll be… a horrid wife…"
He let out a scoff, "That does not make you a horrid wife, my love. C'mere."
She shuffled herself into his lap, tucking her face into his neck.
He held her close to him, "You're alright, my little wife. Let those tears fall."
"No witnesses?" She asked as they walked together, "How will they know we did it?"
He shrugged, "They'll know cause I said so."
She frowned, "I don't think they'll take that as an answer."
He smiled, "My girl, I'm the Wolf of the North. They'll take what I give them."
She pulled away from him and wiped her cheeks, "I'm sorry."
He frowned, "Don't be."
"But I…"
He placed a hand over her mouth, "You worry too much. Quiet."
She nodded against his hand. 
One of his fingers caught a stray tear, flicking it away. "Now, let me clean you up. I can't imagine you feel comfortable right now."
He got up, making light work of grabbing a wet cloth and going back to her. 
He was gentle as he wiped up her legs, careful of her sensitive areas. 
When finished, he threw it to the nightstand, not caring when it fell on the ground.
He pulled her to him again, kissing her forehead. "Better?"
He relaxed at that. 
"Might we try again?" She asked.
His brows furrowed. "Let's wait a bit, love. How does food and some sleep sound?"
When she noticed he didn't pressure her to continue, she nodded. "I want that very much."
He grinned, giving her a proper kiss on her lips, "Wonderful. I'll send for some. No reason to have my girl out of bed until she's ready."
She smiled and pushed his hair from his face, "I do believe I love you, Cregan Stark."
His grin grew, "And I love you, little wife."
Cregan Stark taglist: @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @callsignwidow, @8812-342, @nyxbranwenn, @thorins-queen-of-erebor
711 notes · View notes
entitled-fangirl · 13 days
Manhood. (P2)
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: it's the morning after they consummated their marriage.
Part 1
A/n: Dare I say this could even have a part 3 cause I still have ideas for it???
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The next morning, she was the one to wake up first. 
She yawned and stretched, the light from outside barely lighting up the room, signifying that it was still too early to begin the day.
She turned to Cregan who still laid fast asleep. His hair was a mess, a reminder of what they had done the night before.
Only then did she feel the dull ache between her legs. 
She sighed lightly and shuffled closer to the man. She gently brushed her lips against his. 
She let out a surprised squeak when Cregan kissed her back. 
The woman pulled away to see Cregan's lips pull into a wide grin, his eyes still closed. 
"Cregan…." She lightly reprimanded.
A soft chuckled rose from his throat and his arm reached out blindly until it found her waist and he pulled her as close to him as he could. "You'll have to forgive me, my love," he huskily whispered into her ear, "I'm only now recalling our late night adventure."
She hummed lightly, her cheek against his throat, "You recall it fondly, I hope?"
His grip on her waist tightened, "Very fondly."
She giggled and began to kiss his jaw.
He let out a small groan as the rest of his body began to stir awake at her touch and he finally opened his eyes, "So eager to go again?"
"I'd never leave this bed if we didn't have to," she admitted as she nipped at his ear. 
He pulled his head away to look at her, "we've a few hours at least. Let us use them wisely."
"You've grown rather bold overnight, my lord husband," she teased. "What happened to the meek man I slept with only yesterday?"
He chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "He now knows how pleasureful laying with his wife can be, and he's eager for more."
Her cheeks flushed a deep red, "Is that so?"
His eyes took in her flushed state, "Only if you'll have me."
She was taken aback by his words, only to have it grow a boldness within her, "Gods, I'll have you in every lifetime, Cregan Stark."
He brushed his lips against hers, and the kiss grew hungry. 
Cregan reached down below the blankets with a steady hand and she gasps when his fingers brush against his clit. 
She pushed her upper body away from him, "Evil man…"
His thumb continued its movement against her, "Tell me what you want."
She swung a leg over his body and she forced herself on top of him. His grin only widened as she did so.
Once comfortable, Cregan began his movements again. She let out a curse under her breath at the feeling.
His other hand found her waist, rubbing soothing circles against her skin. "Taking me like this, sweet woman?"
"I intend to try," she finally admitted as she willed herself to do so.
She reached down and lined his thick cock up to her body, and began to lower her hips.
She lets out a small whimper and the new sensation, "It's too much. It's too much… I can't…"
The hands on Cregan's chest are trembling even though they don't hold any of her weight.
She's never been on top before, and it's getting to her.
Cregan reaches up and grabs her jaw, pulling her face down to his gently. His voice was a calm reassurance,"It's not. Look at me."
He waits until she does, "You know you can take it. You've taken it before. You're just panicking. Take a breath."
He watches her chest expand and contrast with a shaky breath. 
"Do it again."
He makes her continue this until he can feel her walls relax around him. 
"Good. You're doing good, sweet girl."
His hands go to her hips and gently push her further down on him more.
This time a moan leaves her lips instead. "Oh, gods…"
A string of groans leaves Cregan's lips when she begins to roll her hips. 
Judging by the confidence she just gained, they'll be doing this position more often.
"You complete me, my girl," he finally moans out as his hand moves to her clit again. 
The two move in tandem, as if they were truly made for one another. 
Completely drunk on pleasure, she lowers her upper body to his, desperately trying to capture his lips with hers.
He is quick to give in, letting her take anything she wanted. 
The kiss is messy and unorganized, gasps and moans interrupting it consistently, but the two didn't care. 
This new feeling was worth it.
"Only one w…" Cregan let out a stiff whine when she rolled her hips just right, "w… one woman for me, and it's you… gods, it's you."
He didn't last long, and neither did she, the two making a mess of the furs on their bedspread. 
She collapsed onto him, not bothering to pull herself off of him completely. He brushed a hand up and down her back comfortingly.
Once the two caught their breath, she interrupted the silence. "We still have time…"
Taglist: @twinkletwinklenotastar, @kidd3ath,@yujyujj, @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @8812-342, @thorins-queen-of-erebor, @kingdomzeldaquest @nyxbranwenn, @callsignwidow, @a1lexh-blog, @alyssa-dayne, @ethereal-athalia, @ashovertheriver
753 notes · View notes
entitled-fangirl · 2 months
I'll find you.
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: the high Septon visits Winterfell, and Cregan would rather do anything else with his time than spend it with the priest.
Warnings: religious trauma, bad theology, blood, fighting, vulgar words and name-calling
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"I don't want him near her."
"My lord, please. You and the Lady must greet him most welcomingly. He's an important ally."
Cregan gritted his teeth. "He's a fucking fiend. I'll not have him anywhere near her. I'll greet him myself."
The maester sighed, "You cannot keep her away from him the entire time. It raises suspicion."
"I find myself hardly caring."
"Speak to her on it, my lord. Perhaps you'll come to an arrangement."
"You're worried about a septon?" She asked in a confused manner.
"You've ever had your gut wrench at the thought of someone?" He asked.
She leaned against the back of her chair with her head tilted in thought, "I suppose so."
"Septon Garren has no regard for life itself. I'd make a better priest than him."
She rolled her eyes, "We're his hosts. We still make the rules here, Cregan."
He sighed and sipped his ale. "I know that. Still, I'll not have him disrespect you."
"I'll stay at your side. How does that sound?"
He let out a long breath, "You won't wander?"
"I won't."
"Fine. Fine."
Septon Garren exited his carriage with a scowl that looked like it was permanently marred to his face.
He looked around at Winterfell with a look that screamed he was unimpressed.
Cregan stepped forward, keeping Y/n behind him, "Septon. How wonderful to have you join us."
He grimaced, "Yes. Yes. Very well."
Cregan had to hold back a sigh, "I've not seen you since I was young. Might I…" He paused, forcing himself to continue, "Might I introduce my Lady Stark?"
Garren's eyebrows shot up at that.
Cregan reluctantly pulled her in front of him, his hands never leaving the woman's body.
She smiled and held out her hand, "A pleasure, Septon Garren."
Garren stared at her hand with an unimpressed stare.
She awkwardly lowered her hand and leaned back into Cregan. 
Garren finally spoke, "'Tis colder than I imagined."
Cregan gritted his teeth in frustration, "Yes, well. You did decide to visit at the beginning of winter. So, I imagine it's much colder than King's Landing."
Y/n felt the tension, "Might we go inside? You must be weary from your travel."
Garren's eyes wandered over her slowly, as if seeing something that she didn't. "Yes. That would be fine."
Cregan sighed and pulled Y/n along with him, leading them into Winterfell.
"He doesn't seem that terrible, Cregan."
"You've no idea, my love. He's like a spider."
She scoffed lightly, "C'mon. He's unpleasant, yes. But you make him seem like a demon."
"He's the closest you'll find."
She sighed in frustration. "I am going to fetch my book from the library. When I return, I expect you to have pieced yourself back together."
She picked up the book she had abandoned in the library, turning around and jumping in surprise.
Septon Garren stood in the doorway.
Just staring. 
She held the book to her chest, feeling exposed for some reason. "Septon. Forgive me. I didn't hear you."
He grunted, continuing his stare. 
She was unsure of what to do but stare back. He was in the door way. What else was she to do?
She made herself walk the various shelves, pretending to scan for a book. 
He continued his stare. 
She finally sighed, "My husband told me you've been the high septon for three kings now."
Garren grunted, studying her. 
She looked around, very uncomfortable. "I'm sorry. I should return to Cregan."
He moved one step to the side and grumbled under his breath, "Flee from me, Eve."
Her brow furrowed, "Hmm? I'm sorry?"
He stared with a glare now.
She quickly made it back to Cregan.
Cregan had decided to give the man a single chance due to his wife's words.
So he sat over his dinner, trying his hardest to converse with the man. 
"My friends in the south tell me the weather has been fairing nicely this season."
Garren grumbled, "Aye. A fair amount of rain."
Cregan nodded and sipped his wine, "I see. We're all snow. I understand the feeling of rain."
Y/n leaned forward with an intent to speak, "Tell me exactly what it is you do?"
Garren's brows furrow, "I'm the high septon."
She bit her lip, "Yes. But… what exactly does a septon do?"
He frowned, "Girl does not know the jobs of a septon?"
Cregan's chest puffed out on instinct.
"No, I'm afraid I don't. Please tell me." She tried to reason.
"I… I communicate with the Seven, and relay the message to the people. I perform exorcisms and offer sacrifices to our gods, old and new, to please them."
She hummed, "Oh… is that all?"
Cregan held back a chuckle.
Garren frowned but said nothing. 
Late that night, she sat up from the bed, unable to sleep.
Cregan snoozed loudly as he always did.
It seemed to be the only time he was in a state of pure relaxation, so she never dared to interrupt it.
She pushed herself from the bed and ran a hand through her messy hair in an attempt to calm it. 
After throwing a robe on over her small clothes, she left the room to spend her time in the library until morning. It was a common routine for her to do so, and none of the servants ever batted an eye when she did. 
But when she walked into the library, she froze to see Septon Garren there. She let out a soft gasp that caught his attention.
He turned, a new look in his eye, "Come. Sit."
She held her arms over herself, "No, I couldn't. I'm hardly appropriately dressed. I… I did not expect anyone else up at this hour."
He titled his head, "It does not bother me, my child. Sit."
She forced herself to talk slow steps to him, sitting down on the sofa next to him. 
He watched her closely, letting his eyes wander over her. 
"Couldn't sleep, I suppose?" She asked awkwardly.
He stared at her, debating something. 
He leaned towards her, grabbing her wrists and pulling her arms away from her body, making her expose herself more to him. 
She watched him in freight as he took her in more. 
He finally spoke, "'Tis a shame."
"W…What is?"
"The curse of women."
She let out a breath, "I… I'm sorry."
"You believed you could seduce a high septon? You're certainly a bold one."
She lightly scoffed as her hands began to shake, "W.. What?"
He grinned a sick smile, "You've succumb to your nature, girl. Don't play the fool when your septon discovers so."
She tried to pull her hands out of his, to no avail, "Stop."
He bit his smile back from growing wider. "I bet you've fooled the Stark lord." He leaned in, "No man but a holy one can outwit the dealings of an evil cunt."
"Let me go."
He stands, pulling her up with him, "On the contrary, girl. I believe I know just what to do with you- something Cregan Stark doesn't have the guts to do."
Her eyes welled up with tears, "I haven't done anything… I haven't… I haven't done anything."
One of his hands moved up to her hair, gripping the strands at the back of her neck harshly. "Let's go, Eve."
She could only comply as he began to drag her by her hair with no remorse.
He pulled her from the library and began to pull her down the corridor.
She began to cry, "Stop… please… pl… stop."
He laughed, "Now Eve uses her tears to plead for forgiveness. It's typical."
She tried her hardest to pry his fingers from her.
"You see, every woman is a reincarnate of Eve, sent by Satan to test us all. It's a man's job to keep her evil at bay." He leaned into her ear, "And yours has done a poor job of it, it seems."
She misstepped, tripping herself and falling to her feet. 
He reaffirmed his grip on her hair and tugged her up harshly. 
She let out a loud shriek in pain. 
He pulled her the rest of the way up, letting her go and slapping her across the face so hard, she fell again. 
She cried at the pain that throbbed in her face and head. "I didn't… I… Creg… please."
Garren grabbed her by the hair again, "Don't worry. I'll beat it out of you, girl."
She hiccuped, desperate for breath through her panic and tears as he continued to drag her down the corridor. 
"Please stop… I… I'll do anything… let.. let me go."
He gripped her chin tightly to pull her face to him, "You'll feel better after a proper beating, I assure you."
She felt the smallest but of determination, and she spit in his face.
He let out a grunt and took a step back. His anger grew tenfold suddenly, and he let out a full swing on her. 
She screamed at the pain as she fell to the floor another time.
Blood seeped from her nose profusely.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Cregan's voice boomed from down the hall. 
He stood in his usual cloak, no doubt thrown over his small clothes. 
She hiccuped but made no effort to move from the ground in worry of having him see the blood.
"My lord," Garren began, "Your wretch attempted to seduce me in the dead of the night! You've not done your duty!"
Cregan's eyes widened in pure anger. A fire was lit behind the pupils. "My what?"
"Your wretch."
Cregan immediately began swinging, throwing a series of punches at the man.
She sat herself up, looking down at her shift and robe that now were stained with her blood. She let a small whine at the uncomfortable feeling of the liquid running from her nose. 
She let out a grunt and pushed herself up on shaky legs, immediately leaving as quickly as she could.
"Let me in."
She turned to look at the door, pausing the patting of the wet cloth to her nose.
She couldn't let him in like this.
"Leave this for the morrow, Cregan. Please."
She heard his feet shuffle.
"I'm not leaving this door until I'm done with the conversation."
"Well, I do not wish to converse."
"Let me in, or I'll break it down now."
She quickly got up, moving to it and unlocking it. But just as quickly as she had gotten up, she moved back to the vanity.
Cregan stepped in, assessing the room before his gaze settled on her, "My gods."
She turned her head to him, immediately beginning a sudden sob at the look in his eyes. 
He took a step towards her, but she shook her head, "Stop… d… don't please."
He paused, "You've got to let me see."
She shook her head more, "Don't come near me."
Cregan felt offended, "Love, why not?"
"I… I'm… nothing. I don't… I can't take more today… please."
His eyes softened, "What?'
She sniffled, "I can't take another beating, please, my lord."
He felt his stomach drop. "I… I'm not gonna hurt you, my girl."
Hot tears continued down her face, "I didn't mean to. I didn't know he was there…"
He nodded, "I never doubted you. I never did." He took a slow step forward, "Can I look at you?"
She studied him in deep thought before nodding. 
He let out a breath of relief and knelt in front of her, taking her face in his hands gently. 
"Nasty hit, huh?"
She scoffed, "That's all you've to say?"
He grimaced, "I have much to say, trust me, pretty."
When her snivels multiplied with the promise of more tears, he quickly corrected himself, "I'm not angered with you."
She looked at him through a blur of tears, "You're not?"
His brows came together, "How could you think that? Of course not. A man beat my wife, and you think I'm mad at you?"
"If you believe him.."
"About what?" He asked incredulously. "You know the horrid things I'll do to that man for what he said?"
She sniffled, "I'm sorry."
He shook his head, "Stop that."
She nodded, "Yes, my lord."
He let out a frustrated sigh, "No. Don't say that."
"What do you wish for me to say?"
"Doesn't matter. You're to call me whatever you wish. You know that." He paused, "Has he brain washed you so easily?"
Another tear fell down her cheek, "I'm just lost."
He nodded and wiped the tear, "I'll find you then. How's that?"
She let out a shaky breath. "Please."
He took the cloth from her hand and tilted her head up as he began to dabble the cloth across her nose.
She spoke after a while, "You can't kill him. He's the high septon."
"He touched you. I'll do whatever I wish with him."
"You'll make an enemy of King's Landing."
"Don't care."
She sniffled, "No?"
"Do you think I'm a formidable opponent because of my worry of making enemies? No." He rubbed a tender spot and apologized, "I'm a formidable enemy because I don't stop until I get what I want."
"And what do you want?"
"His head on a spike and you in my arms."
She smiled, "You have one of those things already."
He chuckled and threw the cloth onto the vanity, "Indeed, I do."
She gasped when he picked her up and took her to the bed.
"In the morning, I'll have them both. Until then, I'll enjoy what I have."
Cregan Stark taglist: @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @callsignwidow, @8812-342, @nyxbranwenn
871 notes · View notes
entitled-fangirl · 2 months
The midst of death and destruction.
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: Bolton takes Winterfell in the dead of the night, leaving the Starks to fight in any way they can.
Summary: BOLTON IS A FUCKING CREEP!!!!! Blood, cursing, threatening, perverted talk of reader, attempted s.a.; Def read at your own discretion.
A/N: based on an ask! I totally fooled you guys and finished this earlier than I thought! SUPRISE!!!
part 2
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Her eyes cracked open at a sound deep in the castle. 
She sat up, forcing herself to wake up and noticed Cregan's absence from the bed.
His side was still very warm, signaling that he had just left. 
The sound that made the hair on the back of her neck stand was sword on sword. 
An imminent fight in Winterfell. 
She pushed herself out of bed in a hurry, throwing a robe loosely over her shift and opened the door to her chambers. 
The entire hall was dark, save for her lone guard that stood outside of the door.
The guard, Ser Henry, stood vigilantly, but she could see the facade he put on. He was scared.
"Lady Stark, I'd advise you return to your quarters. It's not safe," he urged quietly.
"Where is my husband?"
Ser Henry sighed, "I do not know. Somewhere in the midst of it all, I'd assume."
Her face paled. "I cannot stand here while he fights."
"I was instructed to keep you here until I receive word from Lord Stark himself."
She leaned against the doorframe, trying to block out the sound of grunts and slicing swords. "You won't let me leave?"
"No, my lady."
"I'll refuse then."
"I'd advise you don- MY LADY!"
Y/n had set off in a dead sprint, her small dagger in her hand. A sturdy blade, the handle carved intricately. A gift from Cregan, along with the lessons of how to use it.
Her guard followed behind her as she ran. 
She paused her steps at an all knowing sound.
Liquid hitting the floor behind her.
She turned her head slowly, unsure of what to expect. 
Her guard stood there in the dark, illuminated only by moonlight, a dark liquid spilling from his neck and onto the floor.
He fell to the ground dead, and another man stood behind him. 
Lord Bolton.
There was a bloodthirsty look in his eyes. For once, she felt fear in the home Cregan had made her. 
She stepped backwards carefully like a frightened rabbit that would run at any moment. 
Bolton stepped forward in tandem with her, his head cocked to the side. 
"Where ya going, pretty girl?"
The moment was now.
She fled as quickly as her legs would take her, anywhere but there. 
Consequentially, it was toward the sword fighting at hand. 
Through every dark hall, she prayed for a savior. Bolton was no doubt not far behind. 
So when she ran into her brick wall of a husband, she thanked the gods. 
His free hand reached up to her cheek, a touch of relief to both of them. "What are you doing, you foolish girl?" He yelled over the sounds. 
"I won't stay in my room while you're fighting for our home. What is happening?" She asked as she grabbed his arm in support. 
"Someone's betrayed us. I just don't know who-"
He paused as his eyes locked on something behind her. His chest puffed out as he spun his longsword, Ice, in his hand. "Lord Bolton."
Bolton stood confident, only a few feet behind Cregan's wife.
Cregan moved suddenly, grabbing Y/n's hip and practically shoving her behind him as he stepped forward to Bolton.
The two swords clash, and their fight began. 
Cregan was one of the best swordsman in Westeros. It was evident in his confidence behind the weapon, and the look he always gain in his eye. 
But the fight was cut short when a hand grabbed Y/n's dagger from her and the another hand pulled her hair. The dagger was then placed at her throat. She couldn't tell who it was, but judging my the burning sensation at her scalp and the knife to her neck, it was foe.
She cried out at the sudden pain when the hand tugged her hair, "Cregan!"
His head turned, and his eyes flooded with concern.
Bolton lowered his sword with a smirk, "Drop your sword, Lord Stark, and surrender Winterfell."
Cregan looked back and forth, a deep contemplation in his mind. "Let her go."
Bolton's smirk only grew, "I don't believe we shall."
Tears filled Y/n's eyes. 
Bolton moved passed Cregan and grabbed Y/n by the chin, pulling her to him. 
"A pretty wife you have, Stark," he mocked. "Don't you think?"
Cregan took an angered step forward, but stopped himself when Bolton pulled her closer to him. 
"Don't touch her," Cregan growled lowly.
Bolton let out a chuckle as more of his men appeared. "Tell me, Stark," he said as he studied the girl up and down, "Does she bed well?"
Cregan rushed forward in pure anger, Bolton's men moving forward to grab him, two to each arm and one wrestling Ice out of the Lord's hand. 
He grunted and yelled as they did so, "Don't fucking touch her!"
Y/n tried to pry Bolton's hands from her face, but to no avail. 
He took joy in her attempt to flee from him, "Tell me, girl. Do you bed well?"
Y/n spit at him, the saliva hitting his cheek. 
Bolton smirked widely as he wiped the spit from his cheek. He let go of her for just a moment to pull his hand back and slapped her across her cheek.
She fell to the ground with a shriek, covering her face.
Cregan began to yell now, "LET HER GO!"
"The Starks have ruled the North for generations. We've all been trampled on by their cold boots for far too long. I think it's time for a change." Bolton lightly kicked Y/n's leg as he stepped over her. He stood inches from Cregan's face in full confidence, "Surrender Winterfell to me."
"DON'T!" Y/n yelled from the ground.
"Quiet, girl."
Cregan's eyes moved back and forth from the man to his wife in contemplation. "And if I don't?"
Bolton knelt down and pulled Y/n up by the hair. He taunted the Stark, moving the girl's face close enough for her husband to feel her breath on his face. 
Cregan's eyes didn't stray from her when the proximity neared. He saw the fear that was evident in her eyes, and the angry red mark on her cheek.
"Bolton, we all know you'd be pummeled into the ground if I was not restrained currently."
Silence filled the entire hall, a strange feeling in the man's gut. 
Y/n's mouth moved, no voice coming out. She shook her head lightly, "don't. Please don't."
What were the man's choices truly? Either way, she would remain in danger. 
"Too late," Bolton sneered. 
He pulled the girl to his chest, yanking on her hair to make her look at him. His other hand caressed her face, "Be good for me, yes?"
Both of the Stark's brows furrowed at his words, but the confusion was quickly gone when Bolton quickly untied her robe.
Her hands moved to his to try to prevent him from moving further, but she was no match for the man. He grunted, "Don't fight me."
Her eyes moved to Cregan in pure fear.
Cold had never shivered through Cregan Stark. He had always thought that's how he knew he was meant to rule the North. But now that it moved down his spine uncomfortably, he began to question his right to Winterfell.
He immediately began to fight the men holding him down, "Stop. Stop now."
Bolton continued his movements against the woman. He practically wrestled her out of the robe, leaving her in her shift. 
His hands shot out and grabbed both of her wrists, keeping her there as he studied her lustfully. "Does Stark even know how to pleasure a pretty woman?"
Y/n found new strength at the questioning of her husband and she fought against his hold.
Bolton found joy in her fight and he pulled her to him. His voice spoke so quietly in her ear, that she had wondered if she'd heard him correctly, "Let me have you and I'll let him live."
She froze stiffly. It felt wrong. It all felt wrong, but what else could she do to save her husband?
She looked up at the evil lord, her thoughts racing before their lips connected.
Cregan roared, the men barely able to hold back the man's reckless movements, "YOU BASTARD! STOP!"
Y/n felt bile rise in her throat as she felt the man's hands wander. One of his hands moved up to her collarbone, moving the neckline of her nightgown until it was pulled taught at her shoulder. He then yanked, ripping it down her arm. 
She pulled away from him with a whine, pulling at the scraps of her sleeve, trying to cover herself. 
"YOU FUCKING BASTARD! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"  Cregan continued to roar.
Tears filled the girl's eyes as she sank to the floor in pure embarrassment. She began to lightly weep, holding her face in her hands. 
Bolton knelt down and cooed mockingly at her, "Oh, you poor little thing." His face hardened, "Some fucking Stark you are. Nothing toughens up a woman like a Bolton's seed."
Cregan stopped his fighting for a moment, his eyes beginning to take on a new flare of fire behind them.
When Bolton pulled her face up, his eyes glowed predatory, "I'll make sure carry as much of my seed as it takes to turn you to stone, girl."
His hands then moved back to her gown, pulling on it anywhere he could. 
She fought with what strength she had out of self-preservation. "STOP!" She cried. "Please," she began to beg, "Please stop."
Cregan was quick to move, overpowering the men from pure adrenaline. He began to swing at anything that was near him as his vision turned to a bright scarlet. 
He's not sure how, but he really came back to reality when he hit his knees on the floor, Bolton under him with a bloody nose. 
Cregan then grew a bright smile. He leaned down to the man's face, his voice low, "You touch my wife? I'm going to skin you alive and wear you as a fucking coat."
He began to swing at the man's face, not caring where the punches hit or how hard. The sight of more of the red liquid pooling around them only made him continue. 
"Cregan…?" Her voice rang out.
He snapped out of it. His head shot up in front of him. 
She sat against the wall, her clothes barely covering her, that much obvious by the shaking of her body- from the cold or fear, he wasn't sure. Tears still fell down her cheeks in a steady rhythm. 
Cregan looked down and determined Bolton was dead enough. 
He stood up, his muscles aching and his clothes stained in the bright color. 
He stepped to her and held his arms out, "C'mere."
She hiccuped and shook her head.
Disappointment ran across his face. He knelt down next to her and slowly pulled her limbs away from herself, making her open up to him both physically and mentally. 
She let him.
"Can I take you to bed?"
His voice was soft, sweet. Hoarse, but calm. A complete change to what it had been only moments before.
She immediately moved to him, throwing her arms around him and sobbing into his neck. 
"Love, I'm covered in-"
"-Don't care," her muffled voice spoke.
His kissed the side of her head, pulling his comforting arms around her waist. "I've gotcha."
"Are… are we going to be alright?" 
Cregan pulled her face away from him so he could look at her. His fingers brushed over her cheek. "I'll always make sure we are."
"Are you angry with me?"
He wanted to scoff, but he restrained himself. "No. No, my girl. I'm anything but."
She slowly inched her lips closer to his, as if waiting for him to decline her. 
He wouldn't dream of doing such a thing. 
Their lips connected softly, the two Starks finding love in the midst of death and destruction.
Cregan Stark taglist: @misswynters, @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @callsignwidow, @8812-342, @nyxbranwenn, @thorins-queen-of-erebor, @kingdomzeldaquest
Part 2
905 notes · View notes
entitled-fangirl · 2 months
howl at the moon.
Cregan Stark x wife!reader
Summary: The Boltons wish to correct their behaviors and win back the Stark's favor for a previous mishap. But a Stark should never trust a Bolton.
Warnings: cursing, blood, physical fighting, poisoning, death, pleading for life
A/n: based on an ask! This is one of my darkest ones, so please read at your discretion!
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Cregan groaned as he stretched, sitting up in bed and looking over to the sleeping form next to him.
He hummed happily at seeing the woman lying beside him with her messy hair and a grin even in the dream world.
He leaned over, smoothing the hair from her forehead to place a kiss there. 
She shifted at the feeling and soon, her eyes peered up into his, puffy with the aftereffects of sleep.
Cregan smiled before he willed himself up from bed to begin dressing to break fast.
"Joining me this morning, pretty girl?" He asked over his shoulder. 
She sat up, holding the furs to cover herself. "Perhaps I need a good reason to."
His smile turned to a grin when he turned around to look at her, "And perhaps I have a good reason."
She let out a soft laugh, "Oh really? Pray tell, my lord."
He took steps to her side of the bed, each one heavy to match the darkening look in his eyes as he neared her. "Am I not a good enough reason, wife?"
A teasing grin came to her lips, "Prove it."
His eyes lit up with a fire. He threw his leg over her, pulling himself onto the bed above her. He leaned down to brush his lips against hers, "Perhaps I need to."
They skipped breakfast entirely.
"Any word from the prince?"
Cregan shrugged, "Not yet. I don't believe we should hold our breath either way. We have other matters currently to attend to."
The men at the council table all nodded in tandem. 
"If that is all," Cregan sighed. "We're done here."
They all stood, giving various words of thanks as they left. 
Cregan stood and pulled his cloak over him, stopping when one of the men approached him. 
"My lord, may we speak?"
The Lord of Winterfell nodded, "Speak your mind, Bolton."
Lord Bolton sighed, "I fear I've angered you. And if I have, I owe you a plea of forgiveness."
That was the understatement of the century. 
Bolton had wished since his daughter was born that she be betrothed to Cregan. In fact, Rickon Stark had actually heard out the man's plea years before. 
But she was far too young, and it left a bad taste in Cregan's mouth at the thought. 
Denied of it, Bolton had left in a huff, nearly cursing the Stark name as he went.
That was years ago, and things had calmed.
But the wound had reopened when Cregan took Y/n to wife. 
She was no northerner. 
And Bolton hated her for it.
He had grown rather defiant of Stark's commands after the announcement of their betrothal, and it seems even after the wedding, things hadn't changed.
Until now.
Cregan grunted, "I am a man that does not pretend, Bolton. Do you wish for my forgiveness because you are truly regretful, or only because your defiance has gotten you nowhere?"
Bolton let out a tense smile, "Indeed, I am ambitious, my lord. But I truly wish happiness upon you and our lady of Winterfell."
Cregan bit his lip as he stared at the man. After all this, he's suddenly sorry?
He walked past the man, exiting the meeting room and calling over his shoulder, "I'll forgive you when I see improvement."
He then turned around, "I'm a man of action, Bolton. You better be as well." And continued down the hall as if the interaction had not happened at all.
But it seemed Bolton had been adamant about it because his son was begging forgiveness from the lady at the same time.
"I don't understand," Y/n said with a tilt of her head.
Randall Bolton, Lord Bolton's only heir, walked with her outside of the stone walls of Winterfell.
"My father… he… he was rather upset when my sister didn't become a Stark. I suppose he's feeling regretful that now that you're here."
She nodded, "I see." She mulled it over before asking, "Well, Cregan didn't swear to it, did he?"
"No, no he didn't. His father only entertained the idea. Nothing became of it."
She hummed as they continued their walk. She finally stopped to fully look at him, "I have no ill will towards your family, if that is of any reassurance. However," she paused. "I will not speak for Cregan. I will not make him decide based on me alone."
Randall smiled, "That's all I wished for. The last thing I want is the Lady of Winterfell to be angry with me. I don't believe I'd rest at night with that knowledge."
She laughed lightly, "Then I do hope you rest well tonight."
"I surely will, my lady."
Another smile from her, "Wonderful. I must return to my duties, but I do hope we get to speak again."
"As do I."
The two walked in opposite directions before he stopped, "You know, I've just considered this."
She turns to look at him.
"Should Lord Stark truly give us his forgiveness, perhaps you'll visit the Dreadfort."
"I wouldn't wish to intrude-"
"-Nonsense." He smiled, "It is on the way to the Wall. Next time Lord Stark makes his trek there, we will be happy to house him." He paused, "And you, of course, if you accompany him."
She nodded, "That sounds lovely. I'd like that. Thank you."
"They're all pigs, really."
"They are!"
She sighed lightly and leaned back against the headboard of their bed, pulling her legs up, "You're too firm."
He turned to her. His eyes softened a bit at the sight of her so comfortable on their bed. He let out a soft breath. "And you're too kind."
"How are they to prove themselves if you never give them the chance?"
Cregan grunted, "If they want my approval so badly, they should not have acted so in the first place."
She rested her head on her knees as she looked at him, "Can you blame a man for wanting the best for his daughter?"
He whipped his head around to her at her words. 
Perhaps he hadn't considered it like that.
She continued, "If there was even a slight hint that your daughter could do well in life, would you not push for it all you could?"
He stared at her, his eyes studying intensely. "One chance. A disapproving stare and I'll gut them all."
She threw her head back with a laugh, "You cannot gut every man you disagree with!"
He grinned, "It's not for me. It's for you."
Her brows furrowed.
"I'll not have disrespect to my girl, that I promise you."
"Got everything, my love?" He asked. 
She tried to answer, but was too occupied trying to tie the strings of her cloak together with gloved fingers.
He let out a breathy chuckle, "C'mere, girl."
He gripped the strings with ease, beginning to tie them.
She tried to look down at it, but he gently pushed her chin up with one of his fingers, "Can't see when you do that."
She opted then to stare at the broad man in front of her. So focused on tying the strings of his little wife's cloak.
Once done, he shifted the cloak, righting it on her shoulders, then running his hands up and down her arms to make heat for her, "You're ready?"
She nodded, and the two moved to begin their long trek.
The Dreadfort wasn't as far as she had thought it was. 
And thought it had fort in the name, she still didn't expect it to be as intimidating as it was.
But Randall and Lord Bolton were quick to greet the group.
Cregan made no effort to initially return the greeting as he moved off his horse and immediately go to hers to help her down.
She was the first to speak to them, and all the while, Cregan kept a steady and firm hand on her at all times. 
It was one thing to beg for his forgiveness, but to use his girl for her empathy so easily?
They played her like a fiddle, and he hated the sound of it.
A few hours of rest and recovery and the two found themselves dressing for supper.
"They've been kind thus far, Cregan. You have to give them room to improve."
He let out a long sigh as he buttoned his vest.
She took that as answer enough.
She turned to the mirror, righting the dress on her as reached behind herself to tie it.
She stared down at the ground in concentration of what she was feeling, and almost jumped when his fingers joined hers.
"C'mere, pretty. We'll be here all day if you do it like that," he teased.
She laughed lightly and pulled her hands away to let him do it.
It wasn't the first time Cregan had messed with the thin strings of her gowns.
All the practice had made him quite good at it.
He leaned into her, "This is their one chance."
"But if you are constantly looking for something to be wrong, then you have no intention of finding them right."
His jaw clenched and he accidentally pulled too tight, making him let out a soft apology before continuing, "I have trusted them with the most precious thing I have. What more of a chance can I supply them with?"
She looked up at him in the mirror, "And what's that?"
He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows, "Must I say it?"
Realization dawned on her and she smiled, "Am I truly the most precious thing you have?"
He had to hold in the laugh he procured at her question. "If I am truly a wolf, my love, then perhaps you are the moon."
She hummed as he finished tying her dress.
Once finished, he pulled her back into his chest to speak lowly in her ear, "You are truly like the moon to me."
She leaned against him with a furrowed brow as they looked in the mirror. 
When she said nothing, he continued, "I am drawn to you, pretty. I dunno why. I'm like a wolf, hunting every night, desperate to satisfy a hunger for something I don't understand." 
His grip on her tightened, "And so, I call out, hoping that the one thing that is my greatest asset is listening for me. A bright moon that lights my path."
He kissed the side of her head, "You know, my father once told me that he believe that wolf and the moon to be great lovers when on earth together."
She finally spoke up, "A legend?"
He shrugged, "Dunno. But father said their love was so strong that it outshone the gods, so they were punished and separated at death. Now stuck for eternity, yearning for one another but shall never feel the other's warmth again."
She let out a breath and placed her hands on his around her waist. "Then I don't want to be the moon."
He leaned down to kiss her shoulder, "Why's that?"
"I don't want to be separated from you."
He smiled, "Neither do I, my girl." He let her go and moved to pick up his boots, "Let us finish here before we're late to sup."
With a little bit of wine, Cregan had managed to relax. 
In fact, he even smiled a few times. 
"And then he brought me a donkey!" Randall announced the punchline.
The table erupted in laughs.
Y/n turned to Cregan, absolutely enamored with his laugh. 
And when his arm stretched over the back of her chair as well, she had to cross her legs to keep herself focused.
Her husband leaned over to her, "Not hungry much?"
She looked down to her plate that had been hardly picked at, "Weary from the journey, I believe."
"You know," Lord Bolton said as he leaned forward. "We have an incredible collection of tapestries hanging in one of our corridors. Perhaps Randall could show you."
She looked to the Lord, Randall, then to Cregan. Cregan stared back in silent communication.
She sipped her wine steadily then nodded, "Yes, that sounds lovely."
Cregan stood and held an arm out to help her up, which she took. 
She turned to him and placed her other hand on his chest. "I'll retire after for the night." She tilted her head, "Enjoy yourself, but don't leave me waiting too long, my wolf."
He grinned, "I wouldn't dare."
She laughed lightly and moved to Randall, but a confused emotion ran over her face.
"You alright, Lady Stark?" Randall asked. 
She nodded, "Yes. Yes, I'm just fine."
Cregan watched them carefully until they were out of range. 
"And this one," Randall pointed out, "was weaved by my great grandmother. They said she predicted the choosing of King Viserys over Princess Rhaenys."
She looked up with a furrowed brow, "Do you believe that?"
He smiled, "No."
She hummed and moved towards the tapestry, but her legs buckled on her before she could and she fell to her knees.
Randall was quick to move to her. He crouched down, "My lady, are you alright?"
She held a hand to her forehead. Everything was spinning so fast. 
"Let me grab the maester-"
"-I don't-"
"-Stop. I'll not have my Lady Stark ill."
He made quick work to barking at a servant to find the maester.
He practically picked her up himself, helping her to her chambers.
"Lord Stark," one of the servants interrupted.
Lord Bolton grumbled, "This better be important."
"My lord, your presence has been requested in your chambers."
Cregan's brow furrowed. That was unlike his wife.
Bolton grinned, "Perhaps you've kept the lass waiting too long. Needy little things, wives."
The servant shook her head, "The maester was fetched for the lady, my lord."
Cregan immediately moved to his feet, not caring about the chair that fell over loudly at the force. 
"Lord Stark," Bolton started.
"I have no time," Cregan stated with no hesitation.
And he made quick work to journeying down the halls of the fort to her. 
"Why not? I don't understand," A voice whispered in one of the corridors.
Cregan paused, moving down the hall towards the sound.
"I'm sorry, but that was my order." A new voice.
"And what if I'm the one demanding something?" The first voice asked angrily.
"I follow your father, not you, Randall. I'm sorry."
"You're the fucking maester, you can't just-"
"I do what I am told. As should you."
Cregan's eyes widened and he began to travel faster, hoping to relieve the horrid pain that started in his heart.
When he entered their chambers, she laid asleep on the bed, the furs pulled over her to preserve heat. 
But her skin was already too pale and a layer of sweat had formed. 
Cregan cursed lightly as he sat on the bed. 
What the hell had happened so suddenly?
His hand started to shake as he brought it up to her face.
Her skin was cold. 
He began to shake his head in denial. 
The maester entered and Cregan jumped. "Forgive me, my lord. I did not mean to frighten you."
Cregan felt weak. He had never felt weak before.
The maester moved to the bed, "We've done all we can for her. It's a passing illness. Only time will heal it."
His teeth began to grind. "I don't believe you."
The man looked thrown off, "My lord?"
Cregan grabbed the man by the tunic and shoved him to the wall, growling in his face with a fire that was terrified of being extinguished. "You're letting her die."
The maester's breath quickened and denied his words, "My lord, I'm doing all I can."
"What's keeping me from ripping your throat out here now?" Cregan asked with a set jaw.
"I… um… I suppose nothing my lord."
"Then fucking work."
But when Cregan released him, he ran from the room.
He growled and moved to follow him when a cough sounded from the bed.
A groggy and weak voice came from the woman, "Cre…Cregan."
He moved to her, pulling her hand in his as he sat on the bed, "I'm here, my girl."
She let out a whine, "It all hurts."
He nodded, "I know."
She stared at him in thought as hot tears flooded her eyes.
"Am I going to die, Cregan?"
A breath involuntarily left his throat. 
He'd seen death. Looked it in the eyes himself. Watched it take everything from him. His father. His brother. Kings and rulers fell everyday at its hands. 
He couldn't let it do this to him. 
He shook his head, "No. No, my girl. You'll live."
They both knew it was a lie.
When the tears began to run down her face, he cradled her to his chest like she was glass. 
"Don't let me die, Cregan! Please, please. I'll… I'll be good. Please… d…don't let me go!"
He stared at the wall in pure fear. 
When had he ever felt fear?
He wasn't sure he had before.
He'd have recognized the feeling of that twisting in his gut with every sound of her sobs.
She began to hiccup profusely and he was practically holding her up all by himself.
He pulled her flush against him.
"Shhh… you've gotta breathe for me. Please. Please."
All of a sudden, there was silence. 
He just stared at the wall. He couldn't move. Couldn't breathe.  
He didn't want to look at her. But human nature made him yearn to look disaster in the eye.
He pulled her from his shoulder.
The sound that ripped out of Cregan's throat was animalistic. 
And he pulled her to him once again, rocking her back and forth in an attempt to comfort her. 
Even he knew it was in vain, but he couldn't bring himself to do anything else.
"I'll kill you!" Randall roared.
"Keep your fucking voice down," Bolton cursed.
"You're killing an innocent girl for what? Revenge? On something that never happened?"
Bolton's eyes locked into stone, "Don't speak on something you don't know, boy."
Cregan walked in, a mere shell. 
His eyes were looking nowhere and everywhere all at once, as if waiting for a hidden truth to reveal itself. 
To wake up from a dream. 
Bolton feigned innocence, "Is everything alright, my lord?"
"She's dead."
Oh fuck.
A breath escaped Randall and he began to shake his head, "I can't sit by with this."
"My lord," Randall ran forward to Cregan. "My lord, he's plotted th-"
"-Quiet!" Bolton yelled.
But Cregan had heard it.
His eyes slowly wandered up from the ground to the older man's body, each inch giving him more life.
When they settled on the Bolton's face, the wolf of the north was seething.
His voice was so low, it sounded like thunder, "I'll have your fucking head."
"Now, Stark-" he tried to reason.
Cregan marched forward, quickly closing the distance between them before he grabbed him by the tunic and landed a heavy punch in the face.
Blood seeped from the man's nose, but Cregan was far from finished with him.
Servants rushed forward to stop him, but Randall quickly aided him in keeping them away.
Cregan landed hit after hit on the man.
And when he fell to the ground, it only spurred Cregan on. 
Blood stained his hands, tunic, pants, even his hair. 
Cregan didn't care.
When the man let out a bloody smile, and Cregan's hand faltered.
The man spit blood to the side, "Maybe if the bitch hadn't indulged herself in the wine, she'd have this by now."
He pulled a vial from his pocket. 
An antidote.
Cregan turned into an animal, panting harshly with a wild look in his eyes.
He only saw red, completely out of reason with his actions. 
Only when Randall had physically pulled him from the man did he come back to.
Bolton's face was unidentifiable. 
And Cregan finally felt the stick residue of the blood on his hands. 
It felt like it stained beyond his hands. Deep into the bone.
He sat on the ground, holding back the overwhelming urge to cry.
Never did a day pass where Cregan didn't wear the vial around his neck.
And he couldn't bring himself to leave the walls of Winterfell when the moon was out there to greet him.
A painful reminder of what had passed.
She had said she didn't want to be the moon.
So he had to promise himself to not become the wolf.
However, it didn't stop his howling at night in dreams, yearning for the love he had lost due to the jealousy of not the gods, but man.
Cregan Stark taglist: @cosmosnkaz, @sithapprentice, @kaniromi, @lovemesomevesey, @its-jackie-bb, @callsignwidow, @8812-342, @nyxbranwenn,
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
A wolf.
Cregan Stark x reader
Summary: the reader has been shying away from Cregan, and it begins to affect their marriage. They find a way to fix it.
Warnings: p in v, talks of attempted r*pe, mental health
A/n: Based on many many many asks!! If I had a nickel for every time someone asked for this scenario, I'd have three nickels- which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened three times
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It had been almost three weeks since she had been almost taken advantage of in the Godswood.
Three painful weeks.
She was the same as she had always been outwardly- still outgoing, determined, hot headed, and witty.
But something still stirred deep inside.
Cregan knew that only time could heal the fear that still dwelled deep inside of her.
But the time was started to weigh on him as well.
Three weeks since they had been intimate.
But it was not for lack of trying.
It always started out alright. A few kisses that turned into something more. But when he would lay her on the bed and begin to let his hands wander, he could see the fear that bubbled from deep inside her.
And nothing would continue from there.
He could practically feel the whispers of the rats within the Winterfell walls. Rumors of what had made such a happy marriage fall apart.
He had grown tired of her. She had cheated. Perhaps she was pregnant.
It all angered him more than he liked to admit.
He sat with her on the small sofa of their chambers, the fireplace crackling.
“What was your question?” She asked with a smile and a furrowed brow.
“What animal would you wish to face? Here in the north?” He said as he sipped ale from his cup.
She hummed before easily answering, “oh. A wolf.”
He couldn’t stop the chuckle that rose from his throat. “A wolf? You wish to face a wolf, my love? You have no weapons in this scenario.”
“I am aware,” she continues to smile as she stood and moved to the bookshelf.
He watched as her fingers skimmed the spines of the books, “I do not believe you wish to face a wolf.”
She pulled a book from the shelf, satisfied with her choice and she moved back to the sofa. “Oh, I do.”
“You are strong, but I do not believe you may beat a wolf.”
She sat down next to him, “Best him? Why must I do that?”
Cregan was confused. “A wolf is aggressive. Proud. Protective. You cannot walk past it without showing it respect.”
“I do show respect.” She hummed as she began to open the book and read. “What would you choose, Cregan?”
“A mere rabbit. Perhaps a fox.” He laughed, “I do not see you surviving a wolf attack.”
She huffed and set her book aside, “I did not specify which wolf.”
He felt a smirk rise, “Oh, and what kind is that?”
She smiled and leaned to him, “a hungry one.”
He reached forward and grabbed her chin, “And pray tell, who will protect you from such a wolf?”
“Who said I was hiding?”
He couldn’t stop his lips from meeting hers.
The kiss was deep. Passionate and yet, gentle and kind.
His hands gripped her waist and pulled her to him.
She clambered into his lap.
Cregan pulled away, remembering that perhaps he should start to slow down. “Let us not be hasty-“
“I want you, Cregan,” she panted into his mouth.
He felt a jolt in his stomach.
She hadn’t said that in weeks.
He nodded, connecting their lips again as he pulled at his tunic.
She began to untie the knots on her shift.
He pulled his tunic from him as their lips disconnected, and she pulled her shift off just the same.
“Let us move to the bed-“
“No,” she stated firmly with a hand on his chest. She leaned forward and connected their lips again, “just here.”
He wouldn’t deny that request.
Her hips began to rock against his tented pants, causing him to let out a low hiss.
He nodded, gripping her hips and trying to move her to lay on the couch.
“No, no, no,” she said as she shook her head.
He was beginning to understand.
She felt trapped under him. Overpowered.
It reminded her of then.
But here? She was in control.
He nodded, beginning to trail kisses down her jaw
Her hand moved down pulling at his pants.
He smiled against her neck, bucking his hips up to let her remove his pants. A small whine came from her at the pressure against her.
Once his pants were to his knees, he reached up and grabbed her face, making her look at him, “you’re sure about this?”
She nodded.
“This is not of pity? I will never think less of you if we need to stop.”
“I want this, Cregan. I want you. Please.”
He couldn’t deny that now, could he?
When she began to move herself down to meet him, his hips bucked involuntarily.
He cursed under his breath. He needed to keep himself under control.
Her hands squeezed his shoulders as she sunk herself down onto him, her brows furrowing with the familiar stretch that had almost become foreign due to time.
Cregan let out a groan, his knuckles turning white as he gripped at the couch.
She stopped when she was fully seated on him panting lightly. Her forehead brushed his.
“You alright?” He asked in a whisper.
She nodded and a breathless smile overcame her, “I’m perfect.”
He continued to trail kisses down her neck, pausing when she began to move herself.
His hips tried to buck again, but he caught himself, chewing his lip to pieces in concentration.
“You feel so good, Cregan.” She grinded her hips. “I’ve missed you.”
“Gods, I’ve miss you too.”
His lips moved to capture hers as he pulled her tightly to him.
She kissed back with as much fervor as him, pulling his face closer.
“I do believe I like that position,” she finally said as she cuddled against him under the furs of their bed.
He grinned, “Do you?”
She nodded, “it felt nice.”
Cregan moved his head down to kiss the top of her head. “Perhaps next time I may lay down? So I may see all of you?”
Though he couldn’t see it in the dark, he could practically feel the gears in her mind spinning.
“We don’t have to. It’s just a thought.”
“No.” She nodded. “No. I want to. That sounds lovely.”
He smiled and pulled her closer to him. His eyes closed.
A long silence filled the dark room before he spoke again, “You truly believe you could best a wolf?”
She smiled, pushing herself up to meet his gaze, “Only the Wolf of the North.”
He leaned up, connecting their lips, “Yes. Yes, I suppose you could.”
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entitled-fangirl · 8 days
a little teaser :) this gives away like noooooooothing about the plot of the fic but give me a chance😭🙏
She felt herself flinch when strong hands gripped her waist from behind and a kiss was placed on the back of her neck. 
"Did you miss me, my heart?" A deep voice whispered in her ear.
She relaxed at the sound, her body instinctively giving in to the hands that held her, "Quite terribly."
Cregan grinned and playfully nipped at her ear, "Good, because I have as well."
She spun in his hold, now facing him. She ran her hands over his clothed chest and fiddled with his cloak, "The hunt was successful, I assume?"
"Three elks and a boar," he said with a hint of pride, "Should last Winterfell a while enough."
"You're very brave, my lord," she smiled with a teasing tone. "Facing a boar is quite a formidable task."
"Aye," he agrees. "But so is facing the Warden of the North, wouldn't you agree?"
"You're right," She said as he tugged on his cloak to pull his face closer to hers. "The boar didn't stand a chance."
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entitled-fangirl · 2 months
A cheeky tease for my next fic for Lord Stark himself.
Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked at him, "I'm frightened."
His brows furrowed, "Frightened?" He wanted to scoff, but it was clear this was no joking matter for her. "Of what?"
A shudder went down his spine. "Tell me, my girl. Why?"
She took a deep breath and her voice was barely heard, "I believe I'm with child."
Cregan froze in place as if ice-cold water had been dunked on him. "W…What?"
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