#creamsicle warden
ringneckedpheasant · 11 months
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troongala · 3 years
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Steak N Shakespeare // Meow // Hydrobromide // Alien // Mugman // Green & Purple (donnie colors lol) // Juniper // Spicy/ycipS // Big Juicy // B&W // It/Itz // The Warden // Skulls // Melodrama // Cuff by @spectomas // Hey Cool Beans
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Faggot // Foxy (Yarrr) // Dogthing // Tobin Iz Gay // I'm Blue // Merry Scristmas // DOLL // Nonbinary Cuff // Compulsion // Hypoborea // Aroace // Plantz // Sally Face
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Tranny // Scrapcuest // Puppy Lasagna // E-Boy // NVC // Piano Cuff // Dalmatrix // Dawg Rave Teh Kween // Alien // Moon Lesbian // Plur Shit // Plushtrap // Act My Age // Fancy Beads
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Psilocybin // Crazy Redd // Jane // Un Chat Un Chat // Orange Creamsicle // Hi Bingus (by my bf!!) // Sick As Fuck // LPS Octopus // Close Up (Wow!) // Banana Brain
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Beetle Supreme // Fuck Gender // Purgatory // Cowabunga // Stay Manic // Die // Rawrdcore // Flower Cuff // Python Iz Gay // Arna // Fourlung // Scenecore // Andr3w // Pupthing (also by my bf!!!!)
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No Rulez Just Rave // Casey // Dead Gen // I Can't Drive // Guilt Machine // Nonbinary // UwU // Sprite // Banana Split // Fuck Berkut // Yakko // Big Gay Summer // Gen Z // Fucked Up Hex // Tin Foil Brains
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ascalonianpicnic · 5 years
World building for Liaur. :)
full name: Illiaur
gender: male
sexuality: gay
pronouns: he/him
family: his podtwin, auri
birthplace: the Grove
job: Order of Whispers Secretary, specifically for @mystery-salad‘s Strair
phobias: claustrophobic
guilty pleasures: creamsicles and gossip
morality alignment?: Lawful Neutral/Evil (like he was still a duke in the nightmare court and he isn’t trying to be a better person or to make up for what he did “to survive”)
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: unempathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic, just barely
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working but not keen on working more than necessary or overworking himself
otp: Liaur/Kvold
ot3: I don’t have one for him but I’m open to exploring it
brotp: Liaur/Auri do sibling relationships count? and Liaur/Strair is a fun dynamic
notp: Liaur/Auri theyre siblings, Liaur/Strair they will not sleep with their boss, Liaur/goody goody wardens
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heartslogos · 6 years
newfragile yellows [364]
“This is so stupid, I quit organized crime,” Lavellan announces. “I quit!”
“You can’t quit, you’ve only just started to get very good at it,” Leliana replies, amused as she taps away on her laptop, “And you cut quite an impressive figure in the rumors. You have a very mysterious air about you, or so I have them say.”
Lavellan groans, “Who decided that organized crime could only show up in their ballroom best? Tuxedos? Three piece suits? Gowns? I’m dying. It’s so hot. Why can’t the look be rompers?”
“You hate rompers. You hate peeing in rompers. You once tried to get me to cut a hole in your romper’s crotch because you had to pee so bad but you had a broken arm so you couldn’t hold the thing up off the bathroom floor,” Bull says, amused as he rummages through the bag of things he’d bought from the convenience store, “Here. Creamiscle.”
Lavellan takes the creamiscle and sticks it onto her forehead.
“It’s too hot for me to meet with anyone looking presentable. Really. Who decided what presentable means? We’re organized crime, why do we have to be dressed to the nines? Tens? Elevens?”
“Nines,” Josephine confirms when Lavellan turns to look at her for confirmation. “And you just said the answer. We’re organized crime. We have an image to uphold.”
“An image? That’s so unfair.” Lavellan scowls, peeling her creamsicle open and glaring at Bull as he hands Leliana her lemonade. “And you. All you have to do is put on a t-shirt and people get distracted because of muscles. And somehow that’s fine? Unfair.”
“Sexism,” Bull shrugs. “You’ll be in air conditioning.”
“But what about those five minutes between the car and the venue? Those five minutes of me in a bra and the dress and the make up and the whole ensemble? I feel like the Hawke family wouldn’t even care. I could turn up in flip flops and my swim suit looking to borrow their pool for a bit and they’d be cool with talking business while I hit Carver with a pool noodle. I mean. Somehow I feel like they’d even encourage it.”
“She’s not wrong,” Leliana says after a beat, looking at Josephine. “It is an informal meeting.”
“That will decide the fate of very important business,” Josephine replies, unswayed, “Maybe next time when alliances are more solidified.”
“How solid to alliances need to be? Garrett and I do cross fit twice a week,” Lavellan says, “Bethany and I are teaching each other needle point. I hit Carver with a two by five by accident during a raid and he sulked at me about it. Marian and I visit weird food places together. We’re like, best friends and everything.”
“That’s personal, this is business,” Josephine says, “You hit Carver with a two by five?”
“He looked like a thug.”
Leliana snickers under her breath.
“He looked impressed with her swing afterwards,” Bull says. It was a truly impressive swing. Krem would’ve been proud of her if he’d been there to see it happen.
“You know, when you guys sold me on this organized crime business I didn’t anticipate for there to be so much politics in it,” Lavellan says, biting into her ice cream bar. It’s gone within four bites and she looks up at Bull very sadly. Bull pulls out another one.  She beams as she declares, “You’re my absolute always favorite.”
“Same,” Bull says, “You need me for anything else? I’m going to go shower because it’s a thousand degrees outside and I can feel my everything sticking to my everything.”
“You can’t honestly expect me to do business during Cullen’s wedding,” Lavellan says, “I’ve got to be out there teasing him about everything before I give him away to Evelyn. I can’t be inside talking business with people. It’s unsavory.”
“You’re a big time boss,” Bull says, “People’ll wanna ask you favors.”
“Can’t they ask me any other time?”
“No time like the present,” Bull shrugs. “Anyway, we’ll have something set up to ferret out the bulll shit requests. And most of them will probably just want to say hi or thanks for the invite or whatever.”
“They really ought to be saying that to Josephine because she organized the entire wedding down to what half the guests are going to wear.” Lavellan pauses, “Hey are you going to wear the lapel pin and everything?”
“It’s Josephine, Boss,” Bull replies, “I’m going to wear everything exactly like she told me to on her email. I advise against ignoring her email.”
“Dang,” Lavellan sighs, “If you weren’t going to follow it to the letter I was going to try and ditch the shoes.”
“And wear what?”
“Flip flops.”
“Cute ones! Really cute ones!”
“It’s a wedding. For your top brass. And one of your best allies.”
“They were really cute flip flops and they matched my dress perfectly, I’ll have you know. They aren’t cheap either. They’re designer.” Lavellan’s shoulders slump. “I”ll wear the heels. I guess. Anyway, where am I going to be conducting business during the reception? I thought we settled on one of the Trevelyan’s old country estates. I don’t think I should be using their house to do Inquisition business.”
“It’s fine, the property is going to be Evelyn and Cullen’s anyway. We’ve checked the place. It’s clean,” Bull says. “You’ll be using the second floor study. Well. It’s a bedroom but it’s got a desk and it’s private and it’s easy to defend. It’ll probably be converted to Cullen’s study later anyway.”
“I want to decorate his study.”
“Ask Evelyn.”
Lavellan pulls out her phone immediately. Bull covers it with his hand and pushes her hands down, taking her phone and putting it down on the table between them. “After we get through the itinerary, boss.”
“Spoil sport, fine. What else do I need to be briefed on?”
“Well. you’re probably not going to like it but Zevran’s gonna be there.”
“Fuck Zevran, that meanie conned me out of thirty grand, why is he invited?”
“Friend of the Spymaster.”
“So?” Lavellan groans into her hands, “And he’s a tease.”
“Yup,” Bull crosses his legs and flips through the guest list, “One of the few times I ever see you ruffled. I think it’s more for morale than anything. Also he and Cullen are weird Blight buddies. They share war stories from the fifth territory war between the Wardens and the Darkspawn.”
“Fine, for Cullen then, I suppose. Anyone else I need to worry about?”
“You ever make up with Mahariel?”
“Which one?”
“Can I quit this wedding?”
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
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straight chillin
384 notes · View notes
ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
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a special good luck alistair for food service workers (protects ur tips)
634 notes · View notes
ringneckedpheasant · 4 months
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he’s not having a good time
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
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making a quilt for baby
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ringneckedpheasant · 6 months
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sleepy eepy eepy
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
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homophobia in action
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ringneckedpheasant · 4 months
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gd alistair was so baby when I got him
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
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sleeping on the bela lugosi blanket
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ringneckedpheasant · 11 months
uncomprehensive list of alistair (the cat) nicknames:
kiki wiki
stinky winky
sticky wicky
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
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he’s helping me with rhetoric checks
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ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
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