#creative mode was ALSO a huge trip for tango
aquaquadrant · 1 year
Out of curiosity once Tango made it to Hermitcraft and got a new communicator was he able to make new worlds for himself like everyone else? Or is he still not able to cause he's from hels? Was it overwhelming to make a solo world after living in hels if he is able to make solo worlds? Also the agnst idea of not being able to and how the Life series are chances for him to explore new worlds
good question! after tango got a new communicator from xisuma he did gain the ability to travel between worlds, create new worlds, and access the multinet. it’s like, communicators that spawn in hels are hardset to have that stuff unenabled, but a communicator made in any other world would be normal, even if made for a hels player.
tango was definitely overwhelmed by the immense power he now had access to (tho he obviously had to play it cool around the hermits). he spent several days straight just pouring over the multinet, seeing the amazing farms and builds and redstone contraptions that players have been making all over the universe (and trying not to feel bitter that this was kept from him for so long).
and here’s some angst for ya: the first time he created a new world, his excitement quickly gave way to paranoia. he wasn’t used to the solo experience and quickly found he wasn’t a fan. subconsciously, he sorta feels like he needs to be in a world with other players so they can keep him in line, and keep him grounded. he’s secretly afraid he’d revert back to his most base instincts if left to his own devices for too long. so he mostly sticks to multiplayer these days, only taking occasional visits to a solo creative world for necessary testing.
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