#creepy crowleys
theurgic-necromancer · 7 months
@creepy-crowleys @unbrcakablc-hcart @millenniumdueled @mallea8lepersonage
Hey there! Still getting the hang of using this thing, but figured I may as well say hi. The name's Sayran, nice to meet you. In a manner of speaking, I guess. How are you all doing?
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mushroompollution · 1 month
oh, no. i just haven't been able to sleep, for some reason.
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in-inertia · 7 months
@creepy-crowleys replied to your post “Good morning.”:
Good morning, Gladiia. How are you?
​...Exhausted, evidently. I hadn't thought I was in danger of falling asleep when I took a break with Laurentina. Naturally, she didn't think to wake me as Weedy would have.
Apologies. I'm well enough. How have you fared, Meredith?
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capucapo · 7 months
NO that's the problem I'm just ughhhh I know I should do other things but all I keep doing is scrolling
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stardustedwanderer · 9 months
And a very good time of day to you too, Meredith.
Ah but nothing too particular planned. Look at the sky, enjoy the feel of the wind on my face, maybe take a nap.
I might get to watch the rain, if we make it that far this time. That's always very soothing.
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millenniumdueled · 9 months
merry christmas meredith!!! are you doing anything special today?? c:
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dilutedaspirations · 3 months
[Knock knock! A certain Bee has arrived with deliveries: A stack of materials relating to the local breed of cosmic horrors and a dreamcatcher with a black lightbulb - glowing darkly - woven into the center. "It was a gift," she says. "From a couple years ago. It may not be able to filter nightmares completely, but it dulls the impact they can have. It might help." She knows a few inscribed dream wards as well and can set those up, no problem, as another layer of protection.]
Star answers the door with a small smile. She graciously takes the items, offering in return some extra fruit and vegetables that were from the garden. Once the door opens far enough it's clear there's a chain running from their arm all the way to the nest in the living room.
"Thank you Crowley. I'll be sure this is put to good use."
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burning-brightly · 5 months
Anywaaaay, the most important thing to address.
My brand new followers. Gotta remind Lils to do this in parts.
@drcgcnfly - I gueesss you're self-explanatory, Ava. lol. Geez. It's weird talking to Lils to talk at you online. Assuming this isn't just one huge ongoing prank on Lils's part.
@livlaughlovio - So you got introduced as "livio jackass saverem", and I thought it was gonna be awkward cause I thought you were someone Lils didn't like. But when I asked, she seemed confused and said it was actually your name. Sooo I guess I'm so very sorry. Is that Jackass with some sort of weird accent then? Like the name Dumass or something? Or is it that your parents just horribly failed in the naming department? Or is it just an in-joke which I actually suspect. Anyhoop, she says you take care of a lot of kids and run an orphanage, and sometimes some person R goes on the account to talk. She adds that you also like to use a weird symbol that resembles a hat - "a voiced volar impulsive????".
@theurgic-necromancer - Got introduced to me as Sayran, on a mysterious journey to do something underground that involve honest-to-god drow. When I asked what sort of magic you used, she just gave me a confused look. I thought it would've just been what it said on the tin.
Also told me that you lived in a monastery at one point - I'd imagine that'd be stifling with all the rules and crap.
@creepy-crowleys - Waaaaait. I'm sure Lils mentioned you before. You hung out with her sister a while back with the whole Northern Docks scandal. I knew it as soon as I heard redhead and hung out with Lev, who is a superhero (well more antihero I guess, I don't think you count as a hero if you enjoy beating up people that much). I'm guessing you're a superhero back in your world or something, even if Lils's description doesn't quite seem that way.
Says you live on an island and that you solve supernatural problems for a living. You own a spider and bees and a cat, and you make good peppermint humbugs? Is that even a real thing? She says you like posting stuff of ancient relics and bugs.
@hulizi - I see Lils write Nata this and Nata that every now and then. It's only now that I realize she's talking about you on this site that I'm still not quite convinced is real. She says you're a mom taking care of kids now, so congratulations - In the spirit of happiness and cooperation, I will make the fervent wish that both of them don't grow up to be like me lol.
She says you do the things that involve money. Which does not really help, cause everything involves money lol. She also says you taught her martial arts too and also sent her gifts like these erasers and colored pencils she likes to use and I suspect must be magical cause she's been using them the entire year. She also showed off a ring that made her hair multicolored which admittedly made me a little jealous lol. BUT YEAH, HELLO.
@unbrcakablc-heart - Welcome to the blog! You got introduced as Vash, guy on a very very long roadtrip with a band of other folk. She says your world is craptacular - okay so Lils is denying that she called your world craptacular and fine she didn't say it, I did. But giant wasteland of a world where there's only tiny pockets of civilization and even less water is definitely worthy of the adjective of craptacular.
She says you have sisters and have also been very helpful in her quest to help out her guardian. And that you try to be kind in an unkind world. Admittedly, I probably would just find some way to scam my opponents to ruin, but I guess I can appreciate people trying to be good. I imagine there's a lot of bullshit that happened in a wasteland world that probably erodes people's trust in each other. So being a relatively stand-up guy means something, probably.
@7wolfmoon - Got introduced as Lark and designated as one of Lils's Minecraft buddies lol. Also heard you like birds and wolves and woodcarving too; I like two of the three with the bigger the better. The third requires too much dexterity for my pitiful hands, but it's cool seeing the wood transform.
She also made an interesting remark about her other Minecraft buddy in regard to you - that you probably would like to fold him up and put him in a trash can, much like Lils's sister does to me whenever I say something she really doesn't like. Wait. Lils can we cut that? Goddamnit.
Also heard that you really really didn't like school at first? But I'm guessing you're okay with it now. That and you don't like worms on a string despite having a picture of a worm on a string? What the hell is a worm on a string?
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blueeyesking · 1 year
What the hell would you do if it were more serious?
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saltspill · 8 months
unfortunately I don't think I'm on that level with my coworkers yet
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theurgic-necromancer · 6 months
Tumblr media
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mushroompollution · 10 days
pffttt i don't know about congratulations. it wasn't anything eventful, someone's just bad at taking his clothes into the bathroom with him.
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ctrl-shift-escape · 6 months
How did things go in the Sargasso Sea? Or are you still dealing with that creepy mess?
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capucapo · 8 months
Mm, I'm alright. Tired, maybe?
How are you?
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stardustedwanderer · 9 months
Let's hope so, or I'm well done, thoroughly forked. Heh..
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
pretty good!! i'm not hungover at all and i got a good night's sleep :p
how are you doing, crowley??
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