2t2r · 3 years
35 cartes postales vintage de la bretagne rurale vers 1900
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/35-cartes-postales-vintage-de-la-bretagne-rurale-vers-1900/
35 cartes postales vintage de la bretagne rurale vers 1900
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consigliopro · 2 years
#crepiera elettrica #crepiere elettriche La guida definitiva per l'acquisto di una crepiera elettrica con guida, recensioni e opinioni dei clienti Chiedici un consiglio o visita l'articolo completo qui: migliori crepiera elettrica
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thechocobros · 5 years
Yesterday i decided to treat myself with some vintage pc game, and i chose Tomb Raider 2.
The childhood memories.
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tiny-tany-thaanos · 6 years
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It seems like Phoenix decided to perform a musical number to persuade the military guy
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electrotounes · 2 years
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5reisende · 4 years
Rezept: Crêpes
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Dass Franzosen jeden Tag Crêpes essen, ist ein Klischee, aber so richtig unwahr ist es auch nicht ... Für uns Kartoffeln jedes Mal ein besonderes Ereignis, sich hinzustellen und Crêpes zu machen (keine Eierkuchen/ Pfannkuchen / .... wie auch immer ihr es in eurem Teil von Deutschland nennt, sondern das, wofür man extra diese spezielle Pfanne aus der hintersten Ecke des Topffaches kramt oder sogar eine bretonisches Crepe-Platte vom Dachboden holt!). Meine Erfahrung zeigt allerdings, dass "Sich Hinstellen und mal eben 50 Crêpes braten, natürlich mit Schwung in der Luft gewendet" auch einfach mal am Nachmittag aus Langeweile passiert. Die Besten Crêpes, die ich bisher gegessen habe, habe ich bei einem Dorffest in der Nähe des Mont Saint Michel um den 14. Juli herum ... für 40 ct, weil man seinen Nachbarn für so etwas ordinäres nicht mehr Geld aus der Tasche ziehen kann - nicht mal für den guten Zweck. Jetzt aber endlich zum Rezept! Mein ultimaiver Crêpe-Teig: 250g Mehl3 Eier50g Zucker + 10g Vanillezucker (oder 60 g Zucker)1/4 l Wasser1/3 l Milch Und so wird's gemacht: Alle Zutaten zu einem sehr flüssigen Teig zusammenrühren und dann gut 15 Minuten ruhen lassen. Mit einem Küchentuch mit Butter oder einem geschmacklosen Pflanzenöl eure Crêpe-Pfanne einreiben (oder jede andere beschichtete Pfanne, die ihr da habt; die Crêpe-Pfanne hat den Vorteil, dass der Rand nicht so hoch ist, was das Wenden erheblich erleichtert) Dann die Pfanne auf niedriger Hitze gleichmäßig erhitzen lassen, mit der Hand in 1-2 cm Entfernung die Wärme testen, dann den Teig noch einmal umrühren und in der richtigen Portionsgröße in die Pfanne geben. Gießt ruhig alles mit einem mal hinein und rotiert die Pfanne dabei ein wenig, damit der Teig auf der gesamten Fläche eine dünne Schicht bildet. Ich brauche immer ein paar Versuche, bis ich die richtige Portionsgröße für den Pfannendurchmesser gefunden habe, gerade mit einer neuen Pfanne oder Kelle. Das ist außerdem der Punkt, wo ihr feststellt, ob euer Teig vielleicht etwas mehr Flüssigkeit vertragen könnte - wenn er nämlich nicht in der Pfanne fließen möchte. Das dann einfach mit etwas mehr Milch ausgleichen - aber Vorsicht! Zu flüssig ist dann auch wieder nicht gut ;-) Dann lasst ihr euren Crêpe erstmal eine Runde in Ruhe ... ganz am Rand habt ihr einen Streifen von ganz besonders dünnem Teig, wenn dieser sich braun färbt, ist es Zeit zu wenden. Versucht euch am Wenden in der Luft, wendet mit dem Pfannenwender oder Spatel, ganz egal, am Ende wird es gegessen ... nur friemelt nicht unnötig grobmotorisch mit dem Pfannenwender oder Spatel am Rand herum ;-)Wenn ihr viele Crepes habt, lohnt es sich, die Fertigen auf einem Teller unter ein Tuch in den Backofen zu tun, um sie warm zu halten. Und ganz wichtig: Der erste Crêpe misslingt nahezu immer. Das trifft so oft zu, dass es sprichworttechnisch gleichzusetzen ist mit "Alles Gute sind drei" und "Third time's a charm". Jetzt geht es ans Füllen und Garnieren Ganz einfach ist natürlich Schokocreme und Banane, Marmelade, Früchte, ... Hübscher als die Eierkuchen-Rolle sehen Crêpes in Viertel gefaltet aus. Hier sind noch ein paar andere Inspirationen für euch: Crêpes Suzette: Zuerst etwas Butter (100g) in der Pfanne schmelzen und 10EL Zucker dazugeben, bis sich unter ständigem Rühren Karamell bildet. Den Topf von der Platte nehmen, dann gebt ihr Orangensaft dazu (so viel, wie ihr aus 4 Orangen pressen könnt) und etwa 100ml Orangenlikör (traditionell Grand Marnier), wenn ihr wollt auch abgeriebene Orangenschale.Umrühren, zwei Minuten köcheln lassen, umrühren, dann die in Viertel gefalteten Crêpes durch die Sauce ziehen, dann auf dem Teller anrichten.Jetzt kommt die Showeinlage, die am besten am Tisch und vor Gästen vorgeführt wird: für jeden Crepe ein bisschen Grand Marine auf einen großen Löffel/in eine kleine Metallkelle geben, mit einem Streichholz anzünden und direkt über den Crêpe gießen. Mit 100ml solltet ihr auskommen. Das ganze erfordert ein bisschen Übung, aber beeindruckend ist es auf jeden Fall! Vielleicht ist das eine Fähigkeit, die ihr in der Quarantänezeit perfektionieren und dann bei der nächsten Party präsentieren könnt! Als leichtes Dessert sind Crêpes Suzette für Sommerfeste perfekt geeignet. Natürlich sind Crêpes auch herzhaft zu genießen - mit gebratenem Hack und Paprika, mit Schinken und Käse, .... dafür kann man sich natürlich auch an Bretonische Buchweizen-Crêpes heranwagen: Galettes Für den Teig: Es gibt viele Variationen des Grundrezeptes - und so wie ich das bisher verstanden habe, muss man einfach ein bisschen rumprobieren, was einem persönlich am besten schmeckt und wie es am besten funktioniert. Die Variabilität bedeutet natürlich auch, dass das Rezept für Veganer angepasst und auch laktosefrei zubereitet werden kann. 250-300 g Buchweizenmehl 500-750 ml Wasser (auch eine Möglichkeit 50/50 Milch und Wasser)50 g geschmolzene Butter oder Margarine2-3 TL Salz (oder gesalzene Butter verwenden)1-2 Eier Wir wollen einen recht flüssigen Teig erreichen, das Ei ist für die Farbe da, denn sonst wird die Galette grau, schmeckt aber im Grunde gleich. Die Viskosität soll bei allen Variationen ungefähr gleich bleiben, das heißt: Je mehr Eier, desto weniger Wasser hinzugeben (2 Eier = 500 ml Wasser; kein Ei = 750ml Wasser). Die Varianz bei der Mehlmenge ist da, um einen eventuell zu flüssig gewordenen Teig, wie der etwas dicker zu machen, außerdem braucht man etwas mehr Mehl, wenn keine Eier dabei sind. Für mich hat der Teig "backbarere" Eigenschaften, wenn mindestens ein Ei drin ist. Wenn ihr gesalzene Butter benutzt, habt trotzdem eine kleine Prise Salz parat zum eventuellen nachsalzen. Jetzt geht es ans Kneten: Erst Mehl und Salz vermischen, dann das Wasser nach und nach hinzugeben und verkneten bis ein schön homogener Teig entsteht. Dann Ei(er) hinzufügen und die geschmolzene Butter hinzugeben und alles gut verrühren. Der Teig ist jetzt flüssig, wir streben aber keine Crêpe-Teig-Konsistenz an. Das ganze im Kühlschrank für mindestens zwei Stunden, aber auch gerne über Nacht ruhen lassen. Die Crêpe-Platten (Crêpières), die es auf Messen und am Bahnhof zu sehen gibt, sind tatsächlich die Bretonische Art, Crêpes und Galettes zuzubereiten, also wenn so ein Ding bei euch im Schrank verstaubt - jetzt ist sein Moment gekommen! Ansonsten funktioniert es genau so gut in der Pfanne und meine 70-jährigem bretonischen Couchsurferinnen waren ehrlich überrascht, dass ich so ein Ding besitze.Die Galettes jetzt so wie "normale" Crêpes zubereiten, wenden, und dann kommt der Coup für das traditionelle Rezept mit Schinken, Käse und Ei: Nach dem Wenden in der Pfanne lassen, Schinken in die Mitte legen, ein Ei darüber aufschlagen und zu guter Letzt Reinbekäse kreisrund um das Eigelb streuen. Dann faltet ihr eure Galette von vier Seiten zur Mitte, und lasst in der Mitte ein Loch übrig, in dem ihr das Eigelb sehen könnt. Am besten funktioniert das ganze, wenn ihr niedrige Hitze benutzt und die Pfanne abdeckt. Es gibt natürlich auch hier bei der Füllung tausendundeine Variationen, mit Lachs, Weichkäse, Feigen, und sogar süßen Füllungen. Auf jeden Fall ist das mal eine Abwechslung vom Eierkuchen (Pfannkuchen, Krapfen, ... )Schmecken lassen!
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laviedelittleflo · 5 years
Même si j’avoue ne pas attendre la chandeleur pour me préparer et manger des crêpes, je vous avoue aussi que c’est une fête que j’apprécie notamment pour... Les crêpes ! (Gourmande un jour, gourmande toujours hahaha).
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Et comme une de mes copines m’avait prêté sa véritable crêpière bretonne (on appelle ça un(e) billig en breton), j’en ai profité pour faire une grande fournée de crêpes healthy, sans beurre ni sucre, pour régaler tout le monde !
Parce que même si la recette traditionnelle en contient, je vous garantis que ni le beurre, ni le sucre ne sont nécessaires pour faire de délicieuses crêpes. En réalité le beurre aide à ce que la pâte n’accroche pas, mais il suffit de graisser la plaque de cuisson pour éviter les dégâts, et en ce qui concerne le sucre, il n’est nécessaire que si vous mangez les crêpes natures (quoi que ...). Si comme moi vous êtes de grand.e.s gourmand.e.s et que vous rajoutez un topping sur vos crêpes, cela sera largement sucré ! 
Et comme une bonne nouvelle n’arrive jamais seule, c’est une recette sans temps de pause, pour pouvoir se régaler immédiatement ! C’est parti ?
Ingrédients : pour une dizaine de crêpes : - 250g de farine d’épeautre (ou de blé, mais l’index glycémique sera plus élevé) - 3 oeufs - 500 mL de lait (dont 100 mL de lait d’avoine, mais c’est facultatif) - 1 sachet de levure chimique
1. Verser la farine et la levure dans un saladier. 2. Ajouter le lait progressivement en mélangeant pour éviter de former des grumeaux. 3. Terminer en ajoutant les oeufs et en mélangeant à nouveau. 4. Faire chauffer la crêpière (ou la poële) à puissance moyenne, et graisser avec un peu d’huile de coco. 5. Verser 1 louche de pâte tourner pour la répartir de manière homogène. 6. Retourner à mi-cuisson. Et voilà comment se régaler tout en prenant soin de sa santé ! Pour la conservation, je vous conseille de couvrir les crêpes avec une assiette, un torchon, un bee wrap, ... pour éviter qu’elles ne sèchent.
Régalez-vous bien ! ♥
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anatolyveselov · 3 years
“You know, it seems that we might as well join forces tonight.” Anatoly grinned as he handed the woman the drink. It had seemed that Yana’s other half decided to go for the crepier version with Aviv and they matched. A nice coincidence. “Why don’t we show them what’s really better. Or rather who.” 
He hadn’t seen her since the last time they tracked down the little French man, and since everything else had gone according to plan, even Toyla himself was relaxed. Even with the nest of rats swarming around them. “Who’s your first target, Yan?” 
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crepier2021 · 3 years
Cartera para mujer en Perú modelos a elegir
Un accesorio que no debe faltar en el bolso de ninguna mujer es una cartera o monedero para guardar dinero e identificaciones. Pero no pueden ser cualquier tipo. Lo suficientemente agradable, cómodo y espacioso para guardar todas las cosas importantes como dinero, tarjetas y documentos. Si estás pensando en comprar uno, aquí tienes todo lo que necesitas para elegir el mejor. La cartera de mujer: La billetera de mujer es un pequeño artículo que las mujeres suelen llevar en el bolsillo y en el que guardan dinero, tarjetas y documentos. Son en su mayoría de forma rectangular o cuadrada y pueden ser de diferentes tamaños y diseños. Se componen de materiales muy diferentes, como el cuero o materiales sintéticos. Las mejores carteras de mujer del 2021 A continuación, te dejamos los detalles de los modelos más destacados en cada rango de precios. De esta forma, puede hacerse una idea de las características de los modelos que se ajustan a su presupuesto.
La mejor relación calidad-precio De la marca Crepier estos son los modelos a continuación: Cartera Ailsa
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Cartera Jericó
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Cartera Aiper
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Cartera Camelia
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Cartera Aria
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audrisofficiel · 6 years
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Comme y a moyen! #faim #crepe #crepes #miam #pateacrepe #spatuleenplastique #spatuleacrepes #crepiere #audrislechef https://www.instagram.com/p/BtV6ctSAxNe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tpzdeb2lfrok
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questiecakes-blog · 8 years
Poems for the Idea of You #3
So I’m dumb and irresponsible a lazy bum a big eater and even bigger dreamer.
I dream about things I want but never do like you or a train ride to Bordeaux.
I like whining music and abhor the fast food that you eat, like, every week.
There isn’t a strong muscle in my body even my heart only flexes limply when I see you.
I can’t love you like they do in the movies.
I will coddle you to death and mother you but will probably never say I love you.
We could have sex if you wanted to, but you could never touch me.
I would kiss you until you couldn’t breathe choked out blue lips dominated
Does that sound good to you?
‘Cause it sounds good to me.
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ididntlookback · 6 years
Can you write a sweet interaction between lance and Krolia maybe pleeeeeeeeease? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Heyyyy sorry this so late and ik it’s rushed at the end :((( I would’ve spent more time on it but i wanted to upload it today as i have an audition tomorrow and this is already a few days late. WC: 2,160
Lance and Krolia sent each other looks from across the room as Allura gave everyone their missions. The two had been paired to sweep through a seemingly abandoned Galra ship.
Though the team was on their way back to earth, they did have to occasionally do Voltron like things- defending the universe and whatnot. Small missions like this were not unusual. The team no longer had the resources of the Castle of Lions to do anything big, but getting info from abandoned ships like the one they would be going to was a small task that they could complete.
Lance was alright with being the one to go with on the mission- hell, he was excited- but going with Keiths mom… that was a little weird.
Lance had no problem with Krolia. She was a good fighter and from what Lance could see, a good mother. It was just… awkward, though, going on a solo mission with her. It felt like when you’d go over to a friends house for the first time and they’d leave you in the room with their mom alone to make very awkward small talk.
From the quick eye contact the two of them made on the chunk of rock the team was currently stationed on, Lance assumed that that feeling of awkwardness was not one sided. Lance also spotted Keith look over quickly at Lance, who’d be lying if he said he wasn’t amused by that.
Everyone else had been tasked with going to nearby planets to get any information they had on Galra patrols. As the team was getting ready to split up, Keith walked up to Lance.
“So… you’re going with Krolia?” He asked, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Seems like it,” Lance smirked. “You know, i’m really looking forward to some one on one bonding time with her. Just… talking about your embarrassing childhood stories and whatnot. I’m really looking forward to it.”
“Oh, god,” Keith said, dread filling his face. “Just-just complete the mission and don’t do anything stupid.”
“Me? Do something stupid?” Lance gasped. “When have I ever?”
“You really don’t want me answering that question,” Keith smirked before walking away.
Lance’s eyes followed him until Krolia disrupted his line of sight.
“Ready to go?” She asked, the eye contact she made with Lance unyielding.
“Uh, yep,” he said, his feeling of dread about the mission starting to set in. “Let’s roll out.”
The two got into the red lion. Lance sat in the pilot’s chair and Krolia stood behind him. The journey to the ship was a trip no longer than ten minutes. The two went over their plan, which was pretty simple, and that left them without any conversation topics for the remaining six minutes of the trip.
“So… you excited about going back to Earth,” Lance asked, attempting at small talk.
“Sure,” Krolia responded. She just looked into space, not even giving Lance a look.
“Cool, cool,” Lance answered back. “I’m pumped about it. Can’t wait to get back.”
Krolia didn’t respond. Lance was wondering if she even heard him. Maybe she had like… selective hearing or something.
“Gonna be a pretty easy mission, yeah?” Lance said, trying again for a conversation. “Just gotta get in there, plug pidge’s hard drive thing in there, wait for it to download. Boom. Done.”
“We have to remain vigilant,” Krolia said, actually responding. “Be ready for anything.”
“Cool. No problem. Gotta stay vigilant.”
Lance could tell this was going to be a super fun mission.
The hollow, abandoned galra cruiser came into view and Lance was relieved to be rid of the awkward silence between him and Krolia. They now had a common goal; something to talk about. Hopefully that would diminish some of that awkwardness.
Lance docked the lion and the two exited it, quickly studying their surroundings. It looked like any cruiser, plus an eerie, ghostly vibe that came with abandoned spaces. There were pieces of dead sentries littered around, as well as damage made from swords and other weapons.
Lance wondered what had happened to have wiped out such a big and important looking ship. After all, that’s what his and Krolia’s mission was supposed to find out.
“What way should w-” Lance started to stay, stopping when he noticed Krolia already walking to a hallway with authority, as if she’d gone down that some hallway countless times before.
“This way,” she said after looking down that hallway for a few seconds.
“Alright… care to tell me why?” Lance asked.
Krolia barely gave Lance another look. Her eyes almost scanned around him, as if she was trying to focus on everything pertaining to the mission except for her partner on it.
The way she scanned over him, as if she was only processing his voice and not Lance himself, reminded Lance of someone. It reminded him of Keith- their early relationship, at least.
“I’ve been on a lot of Galra ships,” she said.
“Yeah? So have I.”
“You’ve been in space for only a fraction of your life. I’ve been up here my whole life. The wider hallways always lead to the central corridors, which lead to the control room.”
Blood rushed to Lance’s cheeks out of embarrassment. She was right, but she didn't’ have to make Lance out to be such an idiot.
“Lead the way,” Lance said, trying to keep enthusiasm in his voice.
Krolia advanced through the wide hallway, Lance behind her. The hallway was slightly crepier than the hanger. It reminded Lance of being at school late at night or on a weekend. The hall lights were only partly illuminated. With only that difference plus the absence of people, a once familiar and lively hallway was transformed into something completely different. A galra hallway was neither familiar nor lively, but it was still unnerving to see it so different in the face of darkness.
“So,” Lance said, starting to get bored of overthinking and the silence, “You’re Keith’s mom, huh. That’s cool.”
That seemed to be one of the only things that peaked her interest. She no longer scanned over Lance, she actually looked at him for a few seconds. Then, of course, she was back to leading the two without a look anywhere but in front of herself.
“Yeah. It’s… amazing to be reunite with him.”
Gasp! Did she just emote?
“Yeah, well, I can see the family resemblance,” Lance said.
“Is that a good or bad thing?” She asked, almost with a small smile.
“Hm… not sure, actually. Why do you ask?”  
“The two of us- Keith and I- we talked about your team while on the space whale,” she said. “He told me about your old ‘rivalry.’”
“Oh,” Lance said, not sure how he was feeling about that. “What else did he say?”
“… We should focus on the mission,” She said, looking at the crossroads they came across.
Lance couldn’t tell if her avoidance of the question was in a ‘i don’t want to talk to you anymore’ way or a ‘Keith wouldn’t want me to tell you’ way. Lance didn’t know which of the two was more aggravating.
“Should we split up?” Lance asked, trying to follow Krolias instructions.
“It would be better if we stuck together,” she said. “If something were to happen it would be easier to take us out if we were split.”
“What could happen? We’ve been here for like ten minutes already. If something were to happen it already would’ve,” Lance complained.
“Just be prepared for anything.”
You’ve already said that, Lance thought.
After a few more turns, the two reached the control room. It was basically identical to every other Galra ship Lance had been on: a wide, open room with a few panels of electronic controls.
After scanning the room and seeing no threat present, Krolia and Lance made their way to the front of the room. Krolia plugged in Pidge’s hard drive and put her hand on the scanner, turning the ship on.
What came next was one of those moments where the only thought in Lance’s mind was something along the lines of, Hm, could I have been anymore of an idiot?
As the data downloaded itself onto the hard drive, an alarm started blaring in the ship. Compartments started opening in the walls of the control room. Out stepped a small army of sentries, guns locked, loaded, and pointed at Lance and Krolia.
“We need to get out of here,” Lance told Krolia, panic rising.
“We need to finish the mission,” she hissed back at Lance, her hand still firmly on the scanner.
The army was advancing.
“You’re seriously not gonna help me fight?!” Lance exclaimed.
“I’ll help how I can.”
Lances blood was boiling. He really hated the whole mission-before-everything mentality the Blade of Marmora had.
With that anger fueling him, he activated his beyard and started taking shots at the army. He took down the front line with the accuracy he was known for, but he realized that the enemies were too close to Lance for him to keep shooting.
Lance switched from his gun to his sword, his shield held up to block the shots coming from a range of directions. He stabbed, slashed, and pushed his way through the crowd, letting his instincts take over.
He eventually became aware of Krolia shooting into the crowd with her free hand. It helped a bit, but it also caused the attention of the army to be turned on her. The soldiers started to advance towards where she stood, but Lance got there first.
He saw the shots coming before they were even fired, and took out those soldiers first. He continued fighting as he had before, now paying special attention to protecting Krolia.
Lance growled in pain as a lazer grazed his shoulder, burning through his paladin suit and hitting his skin. He ignored the pain and the blood that was starting to make its way down his arm as he continued fighting.
Right as Lance plunged his sword through the chest of the last soldier, the downloading information hit 100%, allowing Krolia to take her hand off of the scanner.
“Great timing,” Lance mumbled. “Let’s go back to the team.”
Krolia grabbed the hard drive and Lance clasped his hand over the wound on his arm, which was sending waves of pain through his body with every movement he made.
The two walked wordlessly back to Lance’s lion. There weren’t any more soldiers or armies popping out of the walls, so they seemed to be in the clear.
“You know,” Lance spoke up, bitterness stinging his voice, “You could’ve helped me fight the army and then you could’ve downloaded the information after it was all clear.”
“You never know,” she replied. “The ship could’ve blown up, or the army could’ve tried destroying the control room equipment.”
The two got into the lion. As Lance reached out for the controls, he grimaced, blood reddening his armor.
“Let’s wrap that up before we go,” Krolia said.
“Just so you know, if anyone else- well, maybe except Keith- had been on this mission with me, they would’ve helped me with that army. You’re on our team now, and our team helps one another out.”
Krolia was cleaning the cut on Lance’s arm with the medical kit in the lion. She glanced up at Lance when he said that, then she returned to studying the wound.
“I didn’t keep my hand on the scanner just because I thought the mission came first. It was also because i was very confident you could handle the situation yourself.”
Lance went quiet, looking down at Krolia with a look of confusion.
She continued on. “Keith told me about how great of a fighter you are, and i’ve seen you fight. I think you don’t realize how capable you actually are. I knew that you could protect me and handle things, and you did.”
Lance didn’t know how to respond to that. He wanted to stay angry, but he was finding that he couldn’t.
“Also…” She said, “If I saw things go south, don’t think that I wouldn’t’ve left my position. I would’ve stepped in. What you said about your team… i’ve seen that. I see that you all are a family, and i’m apart of that family now.”
“Hm,” Lance grunted. He did what he did best at the face of anything emotional: he made a joke. “At least I got a cool new scar from this whole experience.”
Krolia actually laughed at that. “My son was right about you.”
“What exactly did he saw about me?”
“I’ll let him tell you himself,” She said.
That answer wasn’t exactly comforting, and it definitely started a whole new list of questions in Lances mind, but what he did know was that he understood Krolia a bit more after that experience.
Lance was looking forward to learning even more about her.
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I’m not F I N E
this is not ok
the way aechmea gets crepier and crepier, the gems, the way they called phos an idiot, the way PADPARADSCHA JUST SAID THEY WOULD GIVE THEIR WHOLE BEING TO SEE THAT PHOS’ MISSION IS SUCCESSFUL
who said this was ok, this is not ok
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petitbuzz · 8 years
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#AW @Darty_Officiel ➠ [ #CHANDELEUR ] - 28% sur la #Crepiere #CASO #CREPES MAKER CM 1300 à 49,99€ !! Hummm .. ➠ http://tidd.ly/56cb71fe
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