astridsports011 · 2 years
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thewastes-clangen · 3 months
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Moon 1!!!
Daisypaw/fleck heavy because he's my little boy and I love him...also because nothing else happened since its moon 1.
Return to the pixelated lineart since I really love that style. I may swap between it for bigger lore comics, since I found it hard to put the detail I wanted in the prologue comic with the pixelated lines. Anyways, next update on Wednesday!!!
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
I love giving enby characters beards and eyelashes i cant help it!!! Cricket only has tiny eyelashes tho :P
I gave them fluffy hair on the back of their neck, does this count as a mullet? I think they would have a mullet.
Fun fact I used the old design's face as the sketch for this one but I gave them a new pose!
Character Bio:
Nonbinary; they/them
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 8 cycles, 6 moons; 50 Hyrs
Title meaning: -step = a cat who is light on their feet; a cat who carefully thinks out their steps and actions
Warrior of Thunder Order
Mentor: Specklesnap
Mother: Dappledew
Father: Stormtail
Siblings: Downnose
Half Siblings: Star Bluefrost; Snowstorm; Dustpelt; Ravenscourge
Other notable kin: Thrushcloud (Uncle); Shriketail (nephew); Cloudtail (nephew); Snowshoe (nephew); Mistletoe (niece); Spiderleg (nephew); Shrew (nephew); Cowstep (niece); Lambcry (nephew); Ryewhisper (nephew)
Character Summary:
Like with Downnose, they dont really think of Bluefrost and Snowstorm as kin bec they were never like family growing up, they do respect them as Order mates however!
Cricket is an anxiety express and very jumpy but they are the most calm when they are focused on hunting and scouting. They love sneekin :)
They are bffs with Downnose and Mousebite, and they also tried to be close to their little brother Raven since they saw themselves in him. They could tell he was keeping secrets tho...
They are very proud of Ravenscourge when they see him all grown up!
Their gender is pretty boy (gender neutral)
They are mostly just a side character so I dont have much on em, they just vibin, I love them.
They pass away during the beginning of the second arc from illness which is made worse by the famine at the time :( , they were pretty old tho, almost to elder age!
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Cricketstep an au version of Cricketkit from warrior cats. They are sitting with their right side showing and their left front paw lifted. They are looking back to the left with a surprised expression of their face. They are a small short furred white cat with orange and black calico patches and orange eyes. they have a fluffy hair tuft along with longer fur on their neck, and longer fur on their chin like a beard./End ID]
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bonefall · 8 months
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Cricketclaw... what a CHARACTER /pos
immediately felt the need to draw her, finally acted on that impulse!! <3
Ohh I love her thank you
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mousetoe-wc · 2 months
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New Squirrelwhisker family tree!!
Ok so now what I’ve changed is that Sandstorm + Featherkit and Cricketkit are now the kits of Runningbreeze (Runningwind) and a Rouge/Bloodclan cat Tess (she’s a character in Ravenpaw’s Path), they were both young at the time, it was a very non serious relationship and ended when she got pregnant. Tess asked Runningbreeze to take them back to his clan as Tess didn’t have the means to take care of them, nor did she want kits, and Runningbreeze had a community of cats to raise them, he agreed and before they were born he asked Dapplecloud (Dappletail) to take them.
More Character backstory below
Dapplecloud had wanted kits for a very long time, she was mates with Stormtail for a time when she was a younger warrior but she couldn’t have kits, which was definitely hard on her. At some point she’d broken up with Stormtail realising their relationship was not healthy and tried to focus on spending more time on her family, she absolutely loved her niece and nephew, she and her brother were very close with Mouseburr and Runningbreeze, they were Auntie Dapplecloud and Uncle Thrushpelt and great warriors the two of them looked up to.
So when Runningbreeze came to her asking for her help, Dapplecloud agreed, no warrior would turn down kits in need, especially family. Sometime in the future a part of Dapplecloud would regret this decision.
In the first two months every thing was fine, the kits were little angels, Rodinwing’s litter was taking a liking to the three new little kits and Willowpelt was settling into the nursery. Rosetail, the caretaker of the nursery was going to have her paws full.
But as the months of winter went on, the prey became increasingly more scarce then others, so many cats died that winter. Her brother, Leopardfoot, two of Robinwing’s kits along with her mate and herself… and so many more….
Cricketkit and then Featherkit included… Cricketkit early on and Featherkit so close to being apprenticed, he was born deaf but that never stopped him, he and his family had developed their own language built on clan cats own limited sign language used in patrols and other clan activities. Featherkit was a determined and kind kit. But the harsh winter does not care about the lives of mortals.
The loss affected her deeply… But Sandkit and the rest of the clan continued on.
One of the things that brings Sandstorm and Fireheart together is Cloudkit, in my rewrite Cloudtail and Snowkit are the same character. When Fireheart brings Cloudkit and asks Bluestar to let him stay in the clan, amongst the many voices saying not to let another “weak” kittypet in, Sandstorm surprises Fireheart by advocating for Cloudkit (the little white kit reminds her of her brother) and when Cloudkit is discovered to be hard of hearing Sandstorm and Dapplecloud help Fireheart and Brindleface with different signs and signals.
Cloudtail goes on to help Brightheart when she becomes hard of hearing after the dog attack and their daughter Whitewing, while not hard of hearing is a fantastic sign language teacher and goes on to teach many young cats in Thunderclan and even some cats in other clans the more developed sign language.
Other family tree’s that relate to this one:
SandFire // Mumblefoot
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wc-wild-rewrite · 9 months
Rescued characters:
A "rescue character" is what i call a character who died or disappeared in canon but survives the event in my rewrite. This post will be an overview of the cats, particularly kits and apprentices, who survive. This does include Su Susanne's missing kits.
This post may be updated in the future, particularly for non-thunderclan cats
Featherkit & Cricketkit (Thunderclan, pre-Arc 1, becomes Featherfall & Cricketsun)
Mosskit (Thunderclan, pre-Arc 1, becomes Mossheart)
Snowkit & Mistlekit (Thunderclan, Arc 1, becomes Snowsong & Mistletoe)
Lynxkit (Thunderclan, Arc 1, becomes Lynxshine)
Tadpole (Loner, Arc 2ish, keeps name)
Hillkit & Eaglekit (Windclan, Arc 2, becomes Hillpaw & Eaglepaw)
Breezepelt's littermates (Windclan, Arc 3, do exist but still die as Brackenkit & Ravenkit)
Cherrypaw (Thunderclan, Pre-Arc 1, does exist but not for long)
Swiftpaw (Thunderclan, Arc 1, becomes Swiftheart)
Gorsepaw (Windclan, Arc 1, becomes Gorseflame)
Shrewpaw (Thunderclan, Arc 2, becomes Shrewfeather)
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(btw I love your rewrite it's so cool :3)
Thank you so much! Your cat is... Heatherwish!
Heatherwish is Longtail's sister, born of Patchpelt and Bluebellfur, and mates with Dappletail's son, Cricketfang.
Heatherwish is a pale tabby molly with blue eyes, black legs, black ears, a black tail, and distinctive black markings.
She is one of the minor characters shown in Canon!Into The Wild, and has her own sprite!
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She is now the mother of Brackenfur and Cinderpelt. As far as political spectrum goes, she's softer than Goldenflower, but harder than Brindleface, her 2 goods friends. Mid-soft Codeist. She was kind to Fireheart but also agreed he shouldn't have become deputy. Bit young, bit inexperienced, and also because that was a lot of pressure and attention on said young cat.
Political spectrum of the Gen 1 Queens:
Brindleface > Heatherwish > Frostfur > Willowpelt > Goldenflower > Speckletail > Grayflower
A kind-hearted lady of War. She was ready to slaughter cats when her babies were kidnapped by one of Brokenstar's lackeys. Cricketfang stayed behind as a nursery guard, but Heatherwish joined the patrol that would get the stolen kittens back.
She was very protective over Cinderpaw after the accident, though not the way Fireheart is. Her main worry is that Cinderpaw is going to get infected, or that she will feel worthless next to her gifted brother Brackenpaw, or that whatever happened could happen again if Cinderpaw does get back out there. She is supportive when her daughter wants to become a Medicine Cat, and this actually causes a tiny chain of events that makes Fireheart re-evaluate his internal biases.
He couldn't understand at first why Heatherwish and Cricketfang were so happy for Cinderpaw, and when he said it to Yellowfang, she finally snapped him out of it. Heatherwish was happy that her daughter was alive. Happy that her daughter discovered something she liked. Her warrior status didn't mean a thing to Heatherwish, her baby was happy and that was enough.
Heatherwish's best subject growing up was battle training, but her worst was history. Girl could tell you battle tactics to absolutely destroy your enemies but she could not tell you a thing about the founding of her Clan. You're better off going to Longtail. Regardless, she graduated MUCH faster than Longtail did, as she took up Queen Studies to become a Semi-Permanent Queen, and Longtail/Longpaw REALLY struggled with hunting.
Speaking of, she is incredibly close with her brother, Longtail, and when Tigerclaw got himself exiled and his apprentice/daughter was transferred to her, she was over the moon! She taught Lynxpaw everything she could.
She grew very close with her apprentice, and was always reporting her good progress to Goldenflower.
She also recommended Lynxpaw's warrior name, Lynxpetal, to Fireheart, which he kept in mind when he finally gave Lynxpaw her long-awaited name.
She cheers when Longtail is made deputy, and in Graystripe's Clan (Then) is one of the cats against Graystripe becoming deputy. When Graystripe does a little digging, he finds that it isn't out of dislike for him, but because him becoming deputy was "the one good thing that came out of this mess."
A lot of bad things happened to Hearherwish throughout TPB. Patchpelt had died. Cinderpelt's accident had been terrifying. She lost her friend Brindleface.
Cricketfang had been killed in the Battle of Bloodclan.
She wasn't angry with Graystripe. She was angry with the world that had now blinded her brother.
She almost retires, during Graystripe's Clan (Then). But in the end, decides against it. Longtail however, expresses a desire to go into the Elder's den. He's too tired to keep going. He can still fight and hunt, but everything he has been through in his life has been a bit too much for him. She relents, and he goes on to enjoy a nice early retirement.
After that, the spark in Heatherwish never fully comes back. She is still the kindhearted fighter she was, but you can tell she's missing something.
Of course, she makes the journey to the Lake just fine, helping out Cinderpelt whenever she needs it, as Brambleclaw is helping Longtail the most. Sometimes it's as simple as carrying Cinderpelt's herb satchel, sometimes her daughter needs to lean on her for support just to get through some of the terrain.
She fights valiantly when a badger charges into camp, followed by a Herd of Boars, but sadly, in the same battle that claims Cinderpelt, Heatherwish is also taken. She dies fighting beside Brackenfur, protecting her son from a boar's awful tusks
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blazingstarrewrite · 3 months
Cricket Song
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Cricket Song! One of Thunder Colony’s senior warriors!
Name Changes: Cricket -> Cricket Song
Pronouns: they/them/theirs
(Former) Mentor(s): Sparrow Pelt
(Former) Apprentice(s): Cherry Blossom
(Ex-) Mate(s): -
Family members: Wind Flight (Grandfather), Rain Fur (Grandmother), Dapple Tail (Mother), Thrush Pelt (Maternal uncle),Tawny Spots (Maternal uncle), Thistle Claw (Maternal uncle), Rose Petal (Maternal aunt), Sweet (Maternal aunt), Storm Tail (Father, although he was absent), Feather Fall (Brother and littermate), Star Blue Fur (Paternal half-sister), Snow Fur (Paternal half-sister), Red Tail (Cousin), Spotted Leaf (Cousin), Willow Branch (Cousin), White Storm (Nephew through Snow Fur and cousin through Thistle Claw), Stone Fur (Nephew), Misty Foot (Niece), Moss Heart (Niece). Members shown in italics are deceased as of the start of into the wild.
Cricket Song, aka Dapple Tail’s other kit. In canon they don’t have a specified gender, so I decided to make them nonbinary. Cricket Song is very close with their cousin/nephew White Storm and the other senior warriors. They are very friendly and supportive.
Additional family members: Squirrel Whisker (Maternal great-grandmother on grandfather’s side), Eagle Storm (Maternal great-grandfather on grandfather’s side), Dark Stripe (First cousin, once removed), Gray (First cousin, once removed), Sand (First cousin, once removed).
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rose-warriorcatsrefs · 5 months
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angeliikiit · 10 months
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Featherkitcharic [left] // Gender related to Featherkit from Warriors
Cricketkitcharic [right] // Gender related to Cricketkit from Warriors
Art by @/cloudtail
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eggfeather · 2 years
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featherkit and cricketkit
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astridsports011 · 2 years
Cricket Accessories and Protective Gears
A batter must always wear protective equipment because a hard ball that weighs around 160 grammes might seriously hurt him, especially if it is thrown at him at a speed of more than 140 kmph. Despite the use of various tools, a batter frequently sustains knocks and bruises. Batting gloves, pads, arm guards, thigh guards, and chest guards are examples of protective equipment. These products are composed of lightweight, high-density foam that is shock resistant.
Additionally, grille-equipped helmets are required for cricket players. The abdominal guard, also known as a cup, is typically worn by batsmen and wicket keepers to protect oneself from the force of the ball striking the body. To protect their shins, fielders positioned close to the batsmen may also choose to wear leg pads in addition to batsmen and wicket keepers. Since the impact of the ball striking the wicket may be quite high and the bails may move after impact, wicket keepers also put on safety goggles to protect their eyes. These are some necessary protective gear, there are various others that you can easily avail in the USA only at Astrid Sports.
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thewastes-clangen · 4 months
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Page 2 of Plagueclan's Prologue! Maybe I shouldn't spend so much time on backgrounds...
Icequill is "playful" in the sense that she'll play with your emotions and bully you.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
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The Stormtail and Dappletail fam line up! a bigggg family lol
Dappletail is very small and Cricket and Raven take after her in thet way, I think maybe her family has common issue with litters having one “runt” that ends up being a very small cat. 
designs are here! Stormtail l Dappletail l Downnose l Cricketstep l Dustpelt l Ravenscourge
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lemnnshark · 11 months
"Cricketkit is a blue-gray cat."
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
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Squirrelwhisker’s family tree rewrite! Only going up to into the wild.
Changes to the family tree!!
- Squirrelwhisker and Eaglestorm now have two kits, Windflight and Harepounce. (cause u know hares are normally in windclan)
- Harepounce and Rainfur are mates, Windflight is a donor to Rainfur. Tawnyspots and One-eye are their first litter, Dappletail and Thrushpelt are their second.
- Dappletail has a short lived relationship with Stormtail and unfortunately Featherkit and Cricketkit die as kits.
- One-eye and Halftail are still mates, Mousefur and Runningwind their first litter, and Sandstorm the Baby of the Family tm
Other families that some of these show up in:
Daisytoe // SandFire + Princess
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