#crime racoon chronicles
messier51 · 1 year
things i have learned: 
1. raccoons are very smart
2. racoons are fucking stupid
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abalonetea · 5 years
The Business - WIP Intro
a vivid and interesting new video game series is sweeping the nation. Heartland is an open world crime drama, set in a series of bustling cities, where all the inhabitants are animals and the most common social norm is to just ignore the gangs that rule the streets with an iron fist.
created by the same developers that brought you the Chronicles of Fara, this game is sure to be a new favorite in your life!
The Business is the first in a series of four planned works. it chronicles the lives of Lime, Tequila, and Salt - three animals that shouldn’t get along half as good as they do.
Lime has been fighting for survival since he was just a young kitten. bad home after bad home, fight after fight - it taught him to be tough, to act smart, and to hold his own no matter what happens. 
so, really, it was only a matter of time before he graduated from driver for the Fell gang to second in command. he’s strong, he’s capable, and he can keep a level head no matter what happens.
at least, he thought that he could.
it turns out that falling head over paws for Tequila, the don of the Fell Gang, tends to put a damper on how easily he can think things through. at least, it certainly changes his priorities. 
Tequila becomes his priorities.
and, when Lime’s drunk neighbor, a racoon named Salt, is brought into the mix, well...let’s just say that Salt and Tequila are worth more than Lime’s personal moral code has ever been.
between gang wars, a mad scientist Hell bent on regaining control over a former co-worker, Level Sickness, and a slew of physical injuries, every part of Lime’s life is about to turn over on end.
it’s going to take more than a stiff drink to pull through this disaster of a life.
follow along on this slice-of-life thriller journey, as this trio learns not just how to love each other, but how to make peace with themselves. 
The Business
@inked-foundry @deadlyessencewhispers @writings-of-a-narwhal @antique-symbolism​
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pageturner92 · 7 years
And a particular hello to all of you Disney bookworms because today I bring you a tag worthy of Disney awesomeness. It is the Disney Princess Sidekicks Book Tag and it was created by the lovely Mandy over at Book Princess Reviews.
I can guarantee that this will be a lot of book Disney fun so let’s get started…
Mushu from Mulan/ Olaf and Sven from Frozen.  The comic relief – Name your favourite hilarious character, or your favourite comedy/funny book.
For this one, I have to go for my favourite funny character and I can’t think of any other but Magnus Bane from the Shadowhunter Chronicles. His wit and humour are never forced and I love that he has a lot to say about everything that is happening. The fact that Cassandra Clare has him in every current Shadowhunter series is probably one of the reasons why I’m still reading and loving them.
The Seven Dwarfs from Snow White.  Favourite Group Ensemble.
With this type of question, I can never decide between Kaz, Inej, Nina…. in Six of Crows and Cinder, Iko, Kai, Cress…. in The Lunar Chronicles. I love all of these characters, and the dynamic in each gang is amazing!
Pascal from Tangled. The loyal cheerleader chameleon (not a Frog, Flynn Rider): Name a book that started out one way but changed for you.
If you’ve seen me talk about this book before, then you know that it is one book that seriously failed to impress me. At the beginning, it was slow but I liked where it was going. However, the more I read, the less I was interested in the characters or their demon fighting ring. It was not worth my time at all.
  Meeko from Pocahontas Pocahontas’ sly and sneaky racoon friend – Name a plot twist that you did not see coming
I think I’m cheating a little with this answer because it’s not exactly a plot twist but a few little events near the end of the book that I didn’t expect to happen. I’m not going to say what they are, but suffice to say you might constantly think “why did SJ Maas do that?”
Rajah from Aladdin/ Flounder from The Little Mermaid.  Gentle with their princess but protective with everyone else – Name your favourite best friend in a novel. 
I knew I’d eventually use a Harry Potter book or character in one of these answers and although both Ron and Hermione are part of that trio, for me it is Hermione all the way.  I like how she pushes past her original opinions of both Ron and Harry to become the loyal and protective best friend that they both needed. Not forgetting to mention that she is simply a great character with honourable intentions.
    Louis from The Princess and the Frog/ Sebastian from The Little Mermaid/ Cogsworth, Lumière, Mrs Potts & Chip from Beauty and the Beast The musical bunch – Name a novel where music played a big part or made you want to sing its praises. 
In this respect, I am singing Gemina’s praises because oh my wow, this book was one crazy, adventurous ride and I loved it. This was one of my favourite books of last year and that’s saying something considering I was not a fan of Illuminae.
Maximus from Tangled. The obstacle in Flynn Rider’s way – Name a character that faces a lot of obstacles.
I know this is a really obvious answer, but Harry Potter is the only character I can think of.
Hamish, Hubert, and Harris from Brave Favourite family dynamics in a novel
At the minute I am torn between Starr’s family in The Hate U Give, and the Blackthorns in The Dark Artifices. Both sets of family dynamics are amazing and bring some lightness to the darker events of each novel.
Ray from The Princess and the Frog / Flora, Fauna and Merryweather from Sleeping Beauty The advice givers – the book that most impacted your life
When I finally picked up this classic, I knew it was a book that would leave its mark, and it certainly has done. I think about it a lot, especially at the moment when I see a lot of hatred and divisions in society. I wish there were more characters like Atticus Finch who want to teach honesty, respect, and acceptance because in this day and age we need them.
Hei Hei from Moana. Name a character that steals the show.
AIDAN from Illuminae and Gemina.
Gus and Jaq from Cinderella. Opposites attract – name your favourite or worst opposite attracts pairing.
I don’t think they are complete opposites but the only pairing I can think of at the moment (without repeating myself) is Detective Jane Rizzoli and Special Agent Gabriel Dean from the Rizzoli and Isles books by Tess Gerritsen. I wish they had gotten together in the show because I love their interactions in the books and their dynamic creates a bit of lightness in amongst all the heavy crimes.
Mima @ Signs of YA
Hannah @ Courage and Kindness
I don’t know who else I want to tag, so if you think you would enjoy this Disney/Book crossover tag, feel free to join in on the fun! The more people to share the magic of both Disney and Books, the better!!
Thanks for reading and have a good day! xx
Disney Princess Sidekicks Book Tag Hello! And a particular hello to all of you Disney bookworms because today I bring you a tag worthy of Disney awesomeness.
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