sunscess · 3 months
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" it seems you have thought of everything... "
@crimeclean liked for a one-liner starter
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starrstained · 4 months
𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒌 makes it there before its sender. harlow follows quickly, glitter - glazed eyes scanning through the sea of movement in the club— and the way she slips in the seat beside teodozja is natural. the smile she swallows back with her own drink is only slightly less so.
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maybe she would've actually been pleased to party, if she'd been able to come on her own accord. the issue, regretfully, is that someone 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 went missing last week and she owes his wife a favor. strangely enough, a body hasn't been found. no leads so far . . . well, unless she counts the best contractor in town.
❝ on me, ❞ she croons, nodding at the glass on the counter. ❝ vodka soda. looked like you needed it— long week ? ❞
| | | | | @crimeclean liked for a starter .
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cartelheir · 2 months
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
OC ASKS: not so nice edition. status: accepting!
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pat deals with bouts of insomnia as a result of suffering a head trauma when she was assaulted as a teenager. her body was never quite the same after it, and this was just one of the many symptoms she continues to struggle with even years after recovering.
she can get a decent amount of sleep when she's not too stressed on the day-to-day, but when her anxiety comes, it's pretty bad. nightmares aren't uncommon, and even when they aren't an issue she has trouble falling or staying asleep as she overthinks; mostly about her past, about her job, about her worst insecurities. she takes sleeping pills sometimes, but not often, because she has an unstable schedule at work and if someone calls her in the middle of the night, she has to be ready to get out of bed.
when she can't fall back asleep, pat will usually just have something to drink (hot chocolate when she's craving some childhood nostalgia, liquor for the extra difficult nights), and try to distract herself with a movie, video, or even working. now when she has a really bad nightmare, she likes to work out to get it off her system, no matter what time it is. hitting her punching bag or going for a run (outside or on a treadmill) are her usual choices.
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clochanam · 3 months
aisling hates the beach. she'll avoid going to the beach at any cost. even now as the heat rises in the summer months, it'll be noticed that the others are flocking to the beach, but aisling stays in the city or goes to the lake cabin with richard. she'll laugh and blame her irish skin for being so easily sunburnt, but the truth is that it reminds her of the night eoin died.
she also tells people that she's from county galway, but it's not true. she's from county clare. the reason she tells people she's from galway is because 1) they'll struggle to find her hometown when they're looking in the wrong county and 2) her eldest brother, daithí, went to university in GMIT (galway-mayo institute of technology).
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tsareviich · 4 months
plots pleaseeee
-- you send meme, i give plots
vasily being the one to call teodozja for his dad, thus them having a pretty friendly... ish? relationship. like they're civil but also... she's cleaning up crimes for his dad?? awkward.
them becoming friends from meeting at like..... some club or whatever and vasily just... not knowing about what she does. ( or maybe he does and doesn't care ) and they chat and judge each other's relationships... as friends do.
teodozja paying vasily to teach her russian..... he's an okay teacher??? kind of???
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killerharvey · 5 months
[ 𝑰 . . . ] @crimeclean
. . . Harvey's smile remains affable as he tilts his head slightly, his brow arching inquisitively. "So, what's the going rate?" he asks, his tone casual yet curious. His hands fold across his chest, a subtle gesture of impatience. "And just how soon can we get this show on the road, if you catch my drift?" Harvey inquires, his tone betraying a sense of urgency.
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narrated · 3 months
i think you are very neat & your blog is also very neat & also i love you. (that aside, you are brilliant, every muse you touch turns to gold because you have such a good grasp on their voice & thoughts. they just Make Sense & that's a very rare gift to have. also you are lovely to talk to (i am not biased shut up))
even if you were biased, i appreciate it so much regardless (also i love you more)
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flmed · 3 months
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sinking ships, raging seas &. tumultuous hearts; love isn't easy for you. it's a struggle, a constant inner fight of should I? can I? do I? felings are hard &. they rumble inside you in a dissatisfied mess that begs to be let out. your heart screams &. cries inside you &. you can't, you won't. you're scared. &. love is scary, it's hard &. sometimes it just doesn't work out. people leave, people hurt, people change their minds. &. you &. your cold stormy heart yearn for the calmness, for the distance, to be allowed &. able to simply not feel. &. yet, you do. it rages, it fights &. storms inside you &. you try to keep it down, keep it quiet, to feel pretending not to. it's the burn of childhood friends growing apart, of parents that aren't quite there, of relationships that burn out. you snuff it down with water, cold &. calming &. blue. but being loved by you is blue too, just not in that way. it's the soothing, embracing feeling of floating, the moment when you sink down bellow the waves &. become one with the water, with everything. it's the balance, the dramatic yet calming sound of waves that crash against a rocky shore. you're the good &. the bad, the violence of the storm &. the watery peace right after. you're the blue, blue feeling &. loving you is watery tears, yelled confessions that no one wil l hear &. burying your feelings in a deep watery grave never to be found out about. your love is dark stormy blue, it's vast &. deep &. all encompassing, it's safety in the surface of danger, it's trusting the unruly abyss &. yet I'd gladly risk drowning just to feel what it's like being loved by you.
tagged by. @cartelheir
tagging. @wellfell @americanedpsycho @foxtaeil @crimeclean @0brighta @g0dwill &. everyone else!!!!
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mad-hunts · 4 months
♡ + food
OOH, thank you so much for the ask, @crimeclean! this is honestly a prompt that i was kind of hoping to get because i've been looking for an excuse to talk about this. so, allow me to tell you about one food that barton has had an aversion to over the years and for... honestly, a very unfortunate (to say the least), but also a good reason. and this is mushrooms. now i have talked about this a bit a while ago, but whenever barton was still with his bio father, wesley mathis; he went through a period of having to feel food insecurity and hoarding food. this was due to the fact that wesley had lost his job as a forester at one point, which caused them both to struggle a lot with having enough to eat. and one day, as sad as this may sound, barton had ran out of the food that he stockpiled for a day where wesley wasn't able to feed either of them. so the choice was either to go out to try to find something to eat or simply ruminate in his hunger / try to make it go away by sleeping. however, barton was just SO hungry this day that he was literally having pains and as a result, because they lived out in the woods at the time — a six or seven year old barton went out to see if he could find something to eat amongst the wilderness.
and barton had found morel mushrooms, a species that is known to grow in new jersey that isn't toxic when eaten cooked, BUT is when eaten raw. and he had eaten a good amount of them so the onset of symptoms he got from eating them arrived pretty quickly. they are known to cause gastrointestinal issues especially in large amounts and have even killed some people who didn't have the knowledge that you can't eat them uncooked. as a result, barton had to be hospitalized and after that, he didn't even want to look at mushrooms for years. even now, he doesn't really like eating them because of the fact that they caused him to have a quite traumatic experience as a kid, but if they're being cooked by someone as a part of a dish and barton KNOWS that this person doesn't have a toxic type of mushroom... he'll eat them. though about 9 times out of 10, if someone actually offers him the choice to eat something without them, he will gladly take that.
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solarisdog · 28 days
Hello. I have interacted with crimeclean / 4ger / s4ints, and while I know it's possible to not know someone as well as you might believe, accusing them of harassing others as the pinned post here claims is so wildly out of character? They're a very sweet person, and never once has that felt fake, unlike the interactions I had with solarisgod. And if nothing else, they're incredibly busy with their real life on a pretty consistent basis, so I also can't see them even having the time to do any of this, whether for solarisgod or because of them. I really don't think it's fair to have them explicitly listed like that without any proof. There have been plenty of people who have come forward about specific things solarisgod did, but I have not seen mention of really anyone else listed, outside of the apology written by one of them. I also want it known this was my own choice to come to this blog and say something, I was not sent here as a defender. I discovered the callout situation, saw the urls mentioned, and felt compelled to say something. I think the pinned post should focus on solarisgod solely unless anyone comes forward because solarisgod is the focus of harm in the rpc.
The user you mentioned was always an alleged companion and was assumed that the user took part in harassing, bullying and sending hateful anons. You are correct that no one has come forward with any proof or confession regarding this user, so I will remove their urls from the pinned post, so that this user is not linked to the behaviors that have come forward regarding solarisgod. 
Thank you for sending in this information.
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starrstained · 3 months
NAME: doozy 🔪 RINGTONE: the dexter theme song LAST TEXT RECEIVED: I can't. LAST TEXT SENT: I will literally buy you the whole bar if you come!🥂💯😄 ... Lol I'm not kidding, you're coming 🖤 PICTURE:
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cartelheir · 5 months
there are many reasons patricia won't immediately resort to coercion and violence. in this line of work, those seem to be the go-to ways to get what you want ━━ regardless of how difficult something is, somehow people find a way to do it once there's a gun to their heads. but she knows better than to act so recklessly. she doesn't know this woman, or her potential connections. her services are good and, most important of all, discreet; something patricia wouldn't like to just lose.
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" look, i get it. you protect the privacy of your costumers, and as a costumer i appreciate that. but i'm not asking you to share anyone's dirt, i just need one person's phone number. " of course, she'd love to hear the dirt, or to have access to all those contacts, but she has no hopes of getting either of those things here. " his name is manuel alonso, from spain. he was a good friend of my father's. he'll be happy to hear from me. " / @crimeclean
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clochanam · 4 months
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let's compare our muses' heights! ( ACCEPTING! )
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" i really can't tell you how relieved i am about this! but also... this means we'll have to find a very long trench coat at some point to frighten the tall ones. "
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oraclegame · 11 months
CrimeCleaner Testuję grę#2
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flmed · 2 months
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MAJOR ARCANA: a long journey, a feeling of raw energy, putting a name to something unknown, an elaborate patchwork, unexpected catastrophes, unexpected blessings, vivid dreams, sudden awakenings, the feeling of shedding your skin, the echoes in holy places, bright lights, deep shadows, feeling the earth move beneath your feet, wandering in museums, the strange clarity of moonlight, thunder and lightning, an unfamiliar road, coming back to the place you started as an entirely different person.
CUPS: being overwhelmed by emotion, finding something to celebrate every day, finding something to mourn every day, connecting with others, the scent of ocean air, making food for your friends when they’re stressed, the remembrance of something lost, sublime confusion, cool colors, a cozy cafe, a bustling bar, calm waters - hidden depths, getting tipsy in the afternoon, summer rain, comfy sweaters, flowing skirts, a house by the sea, deep conversations after midnight.
WANDS: the scent of spices and dark wood, making something just for the sake of creation, dry heat, crackling fire, a bolt of inspiration, refusing to apologize for your passion, stubborn optimism, taking on more than you can handle, hot tea, warm colors, getting up early, staying up late, bright fire - fast burnout, tacky thrift store finds worn with the utmost confidence, the thrill of starting a new project, spring storms, hotel rooms, perpetual restlessness.
PENTACLES: the scent of rich soil after a rain, hard and diligent work, solid ground - strong foundations, the satisfaction of a long-awaited payoff, generosity that comes with a catch, work boots and heavy jeans, silk and jewels, resting on your laurels, seeing your work through to the end, harvest time, fresh bread and rich soup, earth tones, jewel tones, a lush garden, sunlight through the trees, dark chocolate, a home in the farmlands, a sprawling house in the old part of the city.
SWORDS: the scent of fresh air, focusing on the intellectual at the expense of the emotional, freshly fallen snow, burying yourself in action, tending to your own wounds, a foreseeable disaster, crisply tailored suits, starkly elegant dresses, refusing to admit defeat, cold air - clear thoughts, old hurts, fresh starts, overthinking your overthinking, the harsh glow of street lamps, black coffee, a cabin in the mountains, an apartment downtown, the quiet before the dawn.
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tagged by @letemoin . tagging @4ger / @crimeclean ; @g0dwill ; @accruing ; @nguyetvan ; @wellfell &. you!
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healrbitten-a · 4 years
@crimecleaner​ said :    “ i might go & throw my phone into the lake . ” hi i love yourwriting and alina
                                  𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐆𝐄𝐂𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒     /     accepting .
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a rather random comment ,     one that leaves alina wondering whether it was for her ears to hear ,     or was it simply an intrusive thought spoken aloud ?     regardless of its intended purpose ,     alina feels as though it pertinent for her to speak up  ——  to prevent an unfortunate mistake from happening .          “  not that it’s any concern of mine what you wish to do with your belongings . . .     but perhaps there is a better way to dispose of it  ——  one perhaps not so permanent as losing it to a watery grave ?  ” 
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