#critical caffeine overdose upcoming I fear
Okay presentation made, professor emailed, notes taken, that class’s paper is only 3-5 pages. When I wake up research and outline for the 15-20 pages paper due next Thursday, do as much as possible tomorrow, revise the presentation based off professor feedback before bed. Present Friday morning, go to the library to write for 3-6 hours after class. Sleep. Get up Saturday. Write more. Use whatever I’ve got put together at that point to make Tuesday’s presentation. Skip the readings for Monday’s class, keep writing. Go to the event Sunday, write the review. Email it to professor ASAP to make sure you did it right (she said you could), keep writing paper. Sleep. Go to library for 2 hours to write. Go to Monday class. Back to library. Write for a few hours. Revise the review if necessary. Submit it. Sleep. Present Tuesday morning. Integrate feedback into paper. Go to library for at least 3 hours. Sleep. Write all day Wednesday. Finish and revise Thursday. Submit by 5pm. Revise the 3-5 page paper. Sleep. Write more if necessary Friday. Paper due by 6pm. Sleep. Research all Saturday, make presentation for Monday. Sleep. Move into new apartment Sunday. Finish presentation. Sleep. Present Monday afternoon. Finish moving by end of Tuesday. Sleep. Clean old apartment. Turn keys in by the 9th. Write last paper, it’s also 15-20 pages. It’s due the 16th? That should be doable??
0 notes