Found Family : A Critical Role Gen-fic Rec List
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And so it begins! Please enjoy our first Gen-Fic rec list, featuring 10 great fan fics nominated by our community! Oh, and don't forget to show the authors some love if you liked their work!
The Harrowed and the Haunted by PryingBlackbird (13383,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Caleb & Nott
An exploration of Caleb and Nott meeting in a prison cell and growing close before the campaign.
Reccer says: How two skittish, traumatized people learn to trust and care for each other.
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hope is a thing that waits by royalgreen (allyoop) (328,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek Thelyss & The Mighty Nein
Essek gets used to his new post and yearns for his friends
Reccer says: It really captures the essence of time well, and how that impacts the yearning
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Winter by Clare_Hope (5780,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Orym & Bells Hells
Halflings hibernate in the cold, but it's a very vulnerable state, and Orym isn't sure he's ready for that. The Bells Hells are there for him though
Reccer says: amazing hurt/comfort
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Don't Expect Payment by ohjustdisarmalready (11700,General) Warnings: no Pairings: Jester & Molly, Molly & M9, Molly & Yasha, Molly & Caleb & Jester, Jester & M9
Molly and Jester using infernal with each other and the nein over time
Reccer says: fic of characters speaking different languages is always fun
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Catch A Falling Star by RainyDayDecaf (1038,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast, The Mighty Nein & Essek Thelyss
The Mighty Nein find a Feebleminded Drow and try to take care of him as best as they can
Reccer says: It's all very sweet
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For Inside There Is Love by Professor_Rai (5484,General) Warnings: None Pairings: The Mighty Nein & Caleb Widogast, Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast
Caleb's room in the tower has very little to show that it is his. The Mighty Nein take matters into their own hands.
Reccer says: Nothing
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Anything You Can Do (I Can Sorta Do Too) by Schistosity (2597,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
Did you know wizards technically have proficiency in quarterstaves?
Reccer says: Nothing
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A Name Pronounced by Moonsp1r1t (2398,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Caleb Widogast & Everyone
The man once known as Bren reflects on his new name and what has given it meaning
Reccer says: Nothing
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both my broken hands are true by quothhh (1805,Teen) Warnings: none Pairings: Caleb Widogast & Veth Brenatto
In a world where Veth never becomes Nott, she and Caleb still find each other
Reccer says: There's some wonderful lines in it, but it really gets to the found family aspect of two broken, lonely people finding each other and supporting one another.
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Festivals of Light by Operafloozy (21202,Teen) Warnings: none Pairings: none
Caleb, Beau, Fjord, Veth and Essek have Feelings about various winter Holidays. The rest of the mighty nein help.
Reccer says: I like that it shows a range of different traditions and a range of different ways people can feel ambivalent about the holidays. But the way that the Nein come together to help - at least in most of the stories - adds to the found family feels.
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. And if you would like to make a rec yourself, feel free to reach out to @professor-rye to request access to the submission form! Next week's theme is Queer-Platonic!
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aeor-is-for-reccing · 7 months
Survey Results! Finally!
I’m finally getting to posting the survey results! It’s taken about a month longer than I expected – work got busy and my laptop screen is busted. Also, writing this out took was longer than I expected – ten pages in total.  And that’d be a horrible tumblr post.  So instead, here’s the main findings and the longform answers, and you can take a look at the google doc here for a more in depth analysis from each question.
Main Findings:
Respondents are about evenly divided as to whether or not they reblog.
People generally kudos and comment!
Nobody knows we have a fic randomizer.  (We have a fic randomizer. It’s on the spreadsheet)
Sixty percent of respondents either do or would self rec
The biggest write in answer for why people don’t rec is shyness
The biggest reason for why people don’t read is they don’t remember to go back
Opening up the reclist is contentious, people are generally okay with a script and could use a reminder
What we're doing/did in response:
There’s now a @reclister role on AiFL, request it to get pinged when the rec list goes up or to get reminders as to when to rec
I’m posting what fics have been recced with the 24 hour reminder and the tag list.
I’ve added ‘Less Common Authors’ as a possible theme
I’m going to open up the reccing sheet to everyone – I just have to lock down some stuff first
I’ll update the value filters for the reccing sheet
I’m going to work on a script that updates the basic fields (title, author, word count, rating, ect) for the form.  This one might take a bit.
And now , the long form responses, under the cut:
Thanks to everyone who was thankful that I was doing this! We’re just going to be a thanks ouroboros, happily!
The reason I don’t rec every week is that I find writing summaries hard, everything else is easy for me/The summaries aren’t very useful to me:
So, a short guide to writing summaries for recs:
If the author has something that works – you can always copy it. Part of the reason why this isn’t ‘just a copy and paste what they have’ option is that AO3 summaries can take up space, and we don’t want folks to get sad about having to scroll lots. But if the author has a sentence at the bottom of the summary that explains everything, there’s no reason to do more work.
If the author didn’t provide a one sentence summary, then include the basics of the plot. (Essek gets dicked down by Caleb, Essek and Caleb skip through the wildflowers together, aeorian magic turns Caleb into a capybara and Essek into a hot tub filled with oranges, ect).  Then add an adjective or two that has something to do with tone.  (A hilarious story about Essek being dicked down by Caleb, a tense account of Essek and Caleb skipping through the wildflowers together; Aerian magic turns Caleb into a capybara and Essek into a hot tub full of oranges. It’s surprisingly romantic.) Think about how it made you feel, what genre you would put it in, what tags you’d add on storygraph.
Don’t worry if it’s kind of dry! A) It’s probably less dry than you think, and b) you can do more gushing within the ‘what you liked about it’ section.
One last thing to remember – there’s no one right way to make a summary, people are looking for different things.
If the rec form was opened up to people who aren’t on AIFL don’t you think the name would need to be changed to reflect that it’s not an AIFL thing anymore?
Maybe! I wasn’t planning on not posting it on AiFL, and I’d suspect that the majority of reccers would still be AiFL members (just because getting notifications of something on tumblr is a lot harder).  But to be honest, this would be a relatively small issue.
I'm not a huge shadowgast fan, but I think reclists are cool, and sometimes the fics are relevant to my interests
Thanks!  Have you heard about the other reclists?  There’s @critter-genfic-events for a genfic one that was started by @Professor-Rye and is now being run by @operafloozy, there’s @widomaukficrecs, and I also have the reccing blog tools (group version or single user) in case you want to start your own!
Less a suggestion and more a general thought. I believe the anonymity of the reccers is an important part of this process and I am in no way saying that should be removed, but at the same time, it does feel impersonal, like a lack of commitment to one's tastes. Word of mouth doesn't tend to sway me to read new fic when I don't know the mouths the words are coming from. That said, take this with a grain of salt because, for the time being, I'm not the target audience of the rec lists.
Hey thanks for the comment! I agree with you! There’s a definite trade off in not knowing whether a reccer’s tastes line up with your own. It means that there’s not a great way to add moderation into the rec list, and with anonymity being an ever- dwindling resource on the internet, people’s attitudes towards it have shifted further into suspicion of intent. Even when it’s something like a rec list, I think there can be an anxiety about people finding a way to use it to bully authors – moreso than even having a consistent pseudonym. When really, I think there’s a good reason why reccers might want anonymity. Admitting you like something can be a vulnerable act! Social anxiety was the number one write-in reason as to why people didn’t rec, as is. I want people to feel comfortable reccing fics that are weird or kinky or require a lot of different warnings, and I wanted people to feel comfortable reccing their own fics. And it’s one thing to leave a kudos on someone���s work while signed in – something nobody else is going to see unless they bother to look – and another to put your name saying you enjoy any sort of beastiality or noncon or whatever else where any purity culture lover can object to on tumblr for all to see. The last thing I want is for people to be hurt or harassed because they participated in something that’s supposed to be a net good.
Anyway, this is all saying that I don’t think your concern is unfounded – and while I’m not likely to change anything about this rec list’s anonymity, if anyone else wants to try their hand at running one, it’s something to think about.
Also, I know I tend to read fic the same way, but it does seem to be a ton of repeat authors week-to-week, so maybe if once in a while the list can be to branch out to a never recc’d person?
I really like this idea, but the logistics of it are a little complex. I crunched the numbers, and out of 558 recs, there’s been 175 authors recced. Which is admittedly is a lot of overlap, but also that’s a lot to expect reccers to keep track of.  But a top ten list should be doable!  I crunched the numbers a couple of different ways – top numbers of times an author was recced, top number of different fics recced by an author, and top number of themes recced, which got me a list of fourteen authors – that seems doable. It’s now a possible theme.
More Information I got from number crunching includes:
86 authors have only been recced once
418 fics have been recced, 324 have only been recced once.
Most recced fics are Hard Mouth at seven times.
Royalgreen has had the most recs at 24, the most fics recced at 18, and the most themes recced at 17, but they also have 51 Critical Role Fics, so.
Further info can be found in this details sheet. I've also added a randomizer for general use, just because.
knowing upcoming themes further in advance
This can be done – it’s how the genfic rec list is currently set up. (as a note, while I’m currently running the genfic rec list, @professor-rye was the one to create it).
The AiFL rec list is currently set up so you can rec fics after the tumblr post, with the idea that people would probably look at the list of recs at the google sheet – which I realize isn’t the way it’s currently used. So you can still rec later, it just doesn’t have the same visibility.  (The two exceptions for this are the ‘older recs’ and the ‘hidden gems’ recurring themes, because we know they’re going to recur and they’re not likely to be ineligible when the theme rolls around again, the way works in progress might be).
Logistically, the selecting the upcoming themes in advance doesn’t work as well from the admin side. Instead of remembering that next week is the last Tuesday of the month, I’ve got to remember to count the Tuesdays and order the progress.  Right now the way it goes is that we pick the theme from the randomizer right before we post the reclist, so the same theme gets pasted into the ‘next week’s theme’ section, the google form, and the tumblr post at the same time. If I’m choosing a theme a month out, I select next month’s theme, add it to the google form, then go back and check what I’d selected a month ago and post that into the tumblr post and next week’s theme. 
There’s also the fact that if we give too much lead time, it means folk procrastinate and forget. Most of the recs currently come in soon after I post the tag list or the 24 reminders as is, and while some people on the gen fic reclist post for multiple weeks at a time, I find that most of the recs are for the week of, anyway.
Anyway, I’m not completely against this, but currently the drawbacks outweigh the perks. Figuring out a different way to sort the upcoming themes for the genfic list is on my to-do list, maybe afterwards I’ll come back and revisit.
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baldurs-writers-3 · 2 months
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this thing? It's a Baldur’s Gate 3 Fanfic and Writing blog! The Baldur’s Writers III server is a group of likeminded BG3 fanfic writers, and this blog was designed to share our work, among others. We post fic recs, writing advice and memes, and other similar content! 
What’s with the fic recs? Our main content is fic recs! Every week, a theme is randomly chosen, then members of the Baldur’s Writer III discord can submit their fic recs. Additionally, we will occasionally post recs for individual fics from writers in our server, should the fic not easily fit into a singular theme. 
When do themed rec lists go out? Tuesdays, Morning to Mid-day US.
Who is doing the reccing and coming up with themes? The fic recs are submitted by the amazing authors and readers in the Baldur’s Writers III Discord server. The rec list compilation process (and thus the themes) are currently managed by Professor-Rye.
What are Content Notes and why does some stuff show up in them? The purpose of a content note is kind of like eating something with the message 'contains nuts'. It's a way of letting people avoid stuff they might be happier not reading. Having something in a content note isn't a moral judgment or saying that people should avoid it, it's just acknowledging that people have reasons to avoid certain types of content. Someone might have a content note on pregnancy to allow people who recently had a miscarriage avoid it, note somethings a WIP to not make people get their hopes up, or note trans vaginal penetration because the subject can cause dysphoria. Some stuff we require content notes on. Some stuff we don't. If something has the note 'choose not to warn', it means either the reccer or the author chose not to add anything further. This can be to avoid spoilers, to avoid the crippling anxiety that comes with trying to describe something correctly, or some secret third thing.
Can I rec if I'm not part of the discord? Hey, sorry - it's not that your opinion is worth less than anyone else on the discord, it's that we're trying to keep this a manageable amount of work. BW3 is pretty big, but it's smaller than the entire internet - and the more people who are touching the internal workings, the more chances for fuckery.
Are there other rec lists like this? Yes! This reccing system was originally designed for a server in the Critical Role fandom, but has since branched out into other lists. Here is a collection of some of them, if you would like to see how else the system has been used. Aeor Is For Reccing | Critter Genfic Events | Critter Rarepair Reccs
So can I steal this idea? Yes! Please steal this idea! We’d love nothing more than for rec lists to make a comeback, and so have put the tools we’ve created out for anyone to copy and use themselves. The original designer, Operafloozy, automated away most of the formatting work and has gotten the amount of time spent on maintenance down to less than ten minutes a week. Experience with Google Sheets/Excel and HTML is recommended, but the documents have a variety of excellent explanations and guides, so they are not explicitly required. If you have any questions, feel free to message Professor-Rye.
Someone commented on my fic to say I was recced here. I'd rather not be told about it, thanks. No worries! Just send either Professor-Rye an ask (or contact us a different way if you can find us), and we'll put your name on an opt-out list. (You can put yourself on the Opt Out list preemptively if this is a worry you have).
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Critter Genfic Events Masterpost
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Critter Genfic Events is a blog dedicated to increasing the number and types of genfic within the Critical Role fandom.
Currently the blog has three on-going projects: Weekly Genfic Rec Lists, Critter Gen Week, and Genfic Bingo.
The Weekly Genfic Rec Lists will be generated based of submissions sent in through our form. Each week will be centered around a new character, platonic relationship or genfic trope.
Critter Gen Week is currently to be hosted the week of Jul 7th - 13th. This event will be open to all types of creators beyond just fic so long as the work is centered on gen content. The prompts will be submitted and voted on by participants in the next few weeks.
Critter Genfic Bingo Will start on August 24th and be a rolling event. Request a bingo card with a couple of parameters - maybe you want something whump heavy or including the gen week prompts, and we’ll provide a randomly assigned set of tropes for you. Then get to writing - try to use enough of the tropes to get bingo! You can write a series, disconnected stories, or all in one story - if you’re feeling particularily ambitious. Getting bingo means you win an image and bragging rights!
Our first Rec list is set to be released today (22 May 2023), with Prompt Submissions for Critter Gen Week opening on 01 June 2023. Rules for the event will also be posted on that day. Genfic Bingo cards will be released starting on August 24th.
Mods are: @devil-seabird-king, @operafloozy, and @professor-rye
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This week, we have nine (nein) fics that feature Time/Dimension Travel: Other universes, Isekai, time travel (in either direction)! Check them out beneath the cut and if you like them, remember to comment and kudos!
Remember Me in the Intervals by inkedinserendipity (70530,Teen) Warnings: the author doesn't warn for them but canon character backstory elements, major character death (implied) Pairings: The Mighty Nein & Caleb Widogast, Beau/Yasha, Yasha/Zuala, Caleb/Mollymauk
Caleb goes back to fix everyone's backstories instead of his own, basically.
Reccer says: It illustrates very clearly how much Caleb loves the Nein. Listen, this is SUCH a heart-wrenching story, I always cry when I read it BE WARNED! I usually read it twice: first in chapter order and then in chronological order.
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In this World or any Other by Amrynth (1907,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death (Canon) Pairings:
After Mollymauk's death in the Marrow Valley, he wakes up in the library with a burning need: to get back to his friends.
Reccer says: I liked it
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The Worlds Between Us by Nellaplanet (159303,Mature) Warnings: graphic depictions of violence Pairings: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast, Beauregard Lionett/Yasha Nydoorin, Beauregard Lionett/Jester Lavorre
Or; Caleb and Beau have to rapidly reexamine their worldview upon discovering that magic is not only real, but exists in a world all of its own (and that the people wielding it are unfairly attractive and very, very dangerous).
Reccer says: One of the great isekais in the fandom! I love all of the different elements they were able to weave in
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every moment changes lifetimes (even moments we regret) by grayintogreen (789,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death (time loops) Pairings:
Caleb is in a time loop, staring at the temporal dock
Reccer says: Heartbreaking and an interesting form
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Fortune's Favor (Fortune's Fools) by flashhwing (30289,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings: Eventual Shadowgast
In another timeline, the Mighty Nein fall to Lucien. Essek, with Artagan-the-weasel's help, travels back in time to save them.
Reccer says: It's fun to see a late campaign Essek try to wrangle an Early Campaign Mighty Nein
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What endures beyond the silent edge by Beleriandings (241985,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings: Canon relationships present
The Ring of Brass fall into the future during the Apogee Solstice. There, they meet the Nein.
Reccer says: It's fun seeing the various parallels and crossovers!
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Fall Back by Killbothtwins (4050,Teen) Warnings: No archive warnings apply Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
After the fight at the Malleus Key, mid-C3 Beau and Caleb are shunted not only through space but also through time, arriving back in early Campaign Two to friends who are very surprised by their sudden changes.
Reccer says: A really fun idea and a great way to highlight just how much change all of the Nein have gone through since the beginning of the series. Killbothtwins has a fun writing style and an excellent grasp of the characters' voices, the bantering reads just like what we hear around the table.
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The Heart External by BeatriceEagle (3554,Teen) Warnings: CNTW Pairings: Caleb & Beau, Beau & Bren, Caleb & Bren, Caleb & OC, Beau/Yasha, Caleb/Essek
Post-C2. As Beau struggles with the challenges of being a new adoptive parent of a teenager, she receives an SOS from Caleb. She arrives to find him standing over his bound, unconscious younger self—and though Bren should be just an echo, it seems he isn't going anywhere.
Reccer says: A fantastic Caleb & Beau QPR—with all the warmth *and* friction of the original—as well as a nuanced, thoughtfully observed take on what Caleb being brought face-to-face (literally) with his younger self would really mean.
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in the times inbetween by jakia (8098,Teen) Warnings: miscarriage, fantasy racism, homophobia (all mild but present) Pairings: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast Una Ermendrud & Caleb Widogast Leofric Ermendrud & Caleb Widogast
Una Ermendrud meets Caleb Widogast for the first time when she is nineteen and pregnant, and he’s passed out in her azaleas.'
Reccer says: It's everything I ever wanted in a 'Caleb actually completes his goal' fic: Una immediately clocks Caleb as the 'weird but sweet and harmless' type of wizard! Caleb makes a tiny paradox happen! Leofric punches Essek in the face (and it was awesome!)
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, it'll be Storytelling! Whether it be sharing backstories or spinning a brand new yarn, all are welcomed.
Then the weeks after that, it'll be Grog focused stories, Cross-Campaign works, and then Skill/Class Swap fics!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! Prompts have been announced, you should check them out.
And hey, if you're looking for some more good gen content, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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critter-genfic-events · 2 months
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This week, we have nine amazing Calamity fics, featuring the beloved Ring of Brass and the people they inspired! Check them out underneath the cut, and as always, comment and kudos if you like them!
Benediction by Sandtalon (4961,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Maya Agrupnin & Cerrit Agrupnin
Cerrit tries to return to his family after the events of Calamity. Maya starts to realize the impact of all of the events.
Reccer says: A wonderful post-calamity read, there's so many emotions and I end up feeling them all whenever I rearead this one
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last letter by bittersnake (1373,General) Warnings: choose not to warn Pairings:
a letter read before everything went to hell that day
Reccer says: It's such a simple but heartbreaking premise
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on the eve by quothhh (1770,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Maya Agrupnin/Triton, Maya Agrupnin/Kir
A first date at the end of the world.
Reccer says: It's so sweet and a perfect teenage voice
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Complete Solitude - The Matron of Ravens by CatcherWrites (1235,General) Warnings: None that I can tell Pairings: There are very brief references to The Matron/Her Predecessor
A story about The Matron's last day as a mortal woman, and the consequences of her ascension to godhood.
Reccer says: It's short and sweet and has some interesting ideas about the kind of person The Matron was and what it must have been like to become a deity.
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when people say that something is forever (either way it ends) by actualtaracole (freaking_intelligent_fangirl) (9006,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: The Circle of Brass + Elias
Zerxus's family give him the redemption he deserves
Reccer says: Made me cry (affectionate)
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Pick Your Brain Apart (And Build it Again) by ShakesqueereanTragedy (921,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Patia Por'co & Maya Agrupnin
Patia sends the Library Incantatum to Maya
Reccer says: I loved this moment of hope in Calamity and this fic captures that vibe perfectly
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What endures beyond the silent edge by Beleriandings (241304,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings: Background Beauyasha, Laerryn/Loquatious, Evandrin/Zerxus, and Shadowgast
On the day of the Apogee Solstice, the members of the Ring of Brass are transported into the future
Reccer says: Amazing interplay between the Ring of Brass and the Mighty Nein, and a gripping longfic
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Let Others Light their Candles by ChronicBookworm (2801,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
Patia, her mentors, and the one she never got the chance to mentor.
Reccer says: I love the exploration of the weight of expectation
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warp and weft by CodaAtTheEnd (4474,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Cerrit Agrupnin receives a chance to avert the Calamity.
Reccer says: I liked it
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics focusing on Transformation!
Then, it'll be fics featuring Post-Campaign, Marquet, and then Blindness/Deafness!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit! If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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critter-genfic-events · 3 months
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This week, we have ten amazing fic recs all about Ashton! Dive in and enjoy some stories about everyone’s favorite punk rock! Check them out under the cut, and as ever, comment or kudos if you like them!
Krook House Family Shenanigans by Beauteousmajesty (5109,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Fresh Cut Grass & Ashton Greymoore & Milo, Ashton Greymoore/Milo Krook (querplatonic)
Snippets of everyday life in the Krook house + Milo dealing with Ashton leaving. Reccer says: All of these fics are amazing, so I had to rec the series. I love the shenanigans they come up with and the care and love they have for each other
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A Head Full Of Smoke Leaves Little Room For Pain by Angel Ascending (angel_in_ink) (2272,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Ashton & Imogen
Ashton partakes of some smoking - for recreational and painkilling use. They offer to let Imogen join in Reccer says: I love any fics that deal with the bonding between the two chronic pain-havers in the group!
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just don't by ivelostmyspectacles (5194,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Ashton & Orym, Ashton & Milo
Early in campaign 3, Ashton finds Orym beat up in an alleyway and tries his best to take care of him. Reccer says: It's a great look on Ashton's early learning how to care about other people again
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Trust > Memory by Clare_Hope (2706,Teen) Warnings: temporary amnesia through head trauma Pairings: Ashton & Bells Hells
After a rough fight, Ashton's head injury is acting up. They trust the people who are there to look after him, even if they don't fully know why. Reccer says: It's great hurt/comfort, and deals with Ashton's realizations that they really care for these people, even when he doesn't really remember what they've been through together.
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a spark of potential by mousecookie (1189,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Ashton Greymoore & Caleb Widogast
After Ludinus's defeat, Ashton approaches one of their new allies with questions about dunamancy. Reccer says: One of the things I really want to happen is for Ashton to finally learn a little bit more about the dunamancy juice that got poured into his brain - both Ashton and Caleb's voices are pitch perfect here.
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And The Pain Descends Like A Thundercloud by Deramin (2473,General) Warnings: Chronic pain and insomnia, described in great detail. Pairings: None
It’s 4 am and Ashton can’t sleep. They lie awake cataloging their pain and trying to describe it, unable to focus on anything else. Reccer says: I wrote this fic. I'm disabled with severe chronic pain, and I tried to describe what experiencing that pain is like poetically. It seems to resonate with other chronic pain sufferers. I think it helps explore a very important aspect of Ashton's life that many fic writers don't have the experience to describe.
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Painful hugs by Deramin (1511,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
Ashton reflects on their complex relationship with gentleness, their inner feelings about fucking up, and how they feel about their friend's reactions. Reccer says: The chronic pain and self loathing seem very true to Ashton
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Gold Scar by jam_jarmusch (699,General) Warnings: Implied self-harm Pairings: Ashton & Milo
Ashton and Milo in recovery after the Hexum robbery Reccer says: AFAB nonbinary Ashton is something that is very dear to me
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If We Hit the Bottom by bluegreenamber (2620,Mature) Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence Pairings:
Ashton has failed the communication challenge, and as penance, he is falling and falling and falling once again. They were not expecting to see what they see in the darkness they fall into. Reccer says: I liked it
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To Care or Not to Care by MasterQwertster (313,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Anni Aughta & Ashton Greymoore & Milo Krook
Anni notices that Ashton is good at taking care of Milo but not so good at taking care of himself. Reccer says: I liked it
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics focused on Hair Care!
Then, it'll be Pre-Campaign, Crashing A Party, and Calamity Focused!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
49 notes · View notes
critter-genfic-events · 4 months
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This week, we have eight amazing timeskip/future fics recced! Some skip ahead a handful of decades, while some skip ahead centuries, but all of them are wonderfully heart wrenching and hit just the right spot. Check them out under the cut, and as ever, comment or kudos if you like them!
The Matter of Lot 19 by pagerunner (10102,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Keyleth returns to Whitestone after many, many years to see about a unique and precious clock that's up for auction. But she's not the only one intending to bid...and her competitors might not only be interested because of the clock's connection to a certain legendary de Rolo.
Reccer says: Beautiful and Bittersweet and has a lot of great older Kiki and Sun Tree moments.
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Library Magic by westwind (2739,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
After the Mighty Nein's adventuring days are over, Caleb travels with a library in an enchanted wagon. He comes across a stranger who's nevertheless familiar.
Reccer says: I liked it
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The More Things Change by FinnsKeeper (4922,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings:
Beau is hurt. The best chance they have of saving her is asking for her to be consecuted
Reccer says: A heartbreatking but fascinating take on the nein being consecuted
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Unexpected and Predictable by alullabytoleaveby (2131,General) Warnings: Pairings: Verin Thelyss & Caleb Widogast
The last thing Caleb expects to hear on a rainy Tuesday evening is the sound of a knock at his door and Verin Thelyss, Ambassador of the Bright Queen to the Dwendalian Empire, on his doorstep. But he should have expected it. After all, Essek had already prepared for this eventuality.
Reccer says: I love this glimpse of Verin, and Caleb being able to explain his relationship to Essek's brother.
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What Makes a Home? by literalfuckinggarbage (3188,General) Warnings: Child abuse, abusive parenting Pairings: Beau & TJ
TJ turns up on Beau's doorstep after running away from Kamordah. Beau takes care of her little brother.
Reccer says: It's really lovely seeing an older Beau step up to being an older sister and the relationship between her and TJ is incredibly sweet. They have a rapport, they banter, and the love that's grown between them over the years is plain in each word between them. The ending is so wonderful too and it's a concept I really should rotate more.
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cycles by justsleepwalkin (500,General) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: Caduceus Clay & Essek Thelyss
Caduceus and Essek take a walk among the falling leaves and have a talk about endings and beginnings.
Reccer says: Beautiful and atmospheric - a perfect moment between the two of them.
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From the Mixed-Up Files of The J. Lavorre Catalogue Raisonné by renquise (2328,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
An art history report on the famous artist Jester Lavorre
Reccer says: I adore epistolary fics and this perfectly scratches that itch. Seeing what people might say about Jester and her friends centuries after they are gone is a treat!
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a little birdie told me by Ink_Beneath_Her_Fingernails (1647,Not Rated) Warnings: None Pairings:
Kiri absently wonders if the Gentleman somehow had the foresight to keep her name out of their ears, and how he'd managed it for all these years. (Or: The mob boss Kiri we all deserve.)
Reccer says: Mob Boss Kiri - what's not to love?
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring prank fics!
Then, it'll be Ashton focused, Hair Care, and Pre-Campaign!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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critter-genfic-events · 2 months
Post-Campaign Recs
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This week, we have six fics that take place post-Campaign 1 and 2! Check them out under the cut, and as always, if you liked them, don't forget to comment and kudos!
He kindly stopped for me by metonymy (5919,General) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: None
Vax'ildan sees all of Vox Machina one more time.
Reccer says: Sad and sweet and a perfect coda for Vox Machina
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A Conspiracy of Ravens by Senor_Sparklefingers (77384,Teen) Warnings: Canonical character death, pregnancy, choose not to warn Pairings:
Keyleth never claimed to be a good liar. And yet, in spite of that fact, she was able to lie to her closest friends, her family, for an entire year. She hadn't meant to...it just sort of happened.
Reccer says: It's beautiful and bittersweet and won't leave my mind, long after I first read it
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The good professor by Stickandthorn (19717,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Minor canon relationships
There’s a new Professor at the Soltryce Academy, and he’s about to make life (and gossip) at the school far more interesting.
Reccer says: A fun look at what Caleb is like as a professor
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You Try Having Friends Sometime by sunburstsky (1768,Teen) Warnings: lifespan differences, major character death Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss
Jester promises to message Essek every day. He doesn't believe her. He should've.
Reccer says: It's a very sweet Jessties fic with a bittersweet ending
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The Widogast Files by NyxKamelot (2762,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Three times Professor Widogast hinted at being more than he seemed, and the one time he confirmed it.
Reccer says: A fun professor widogast from his students point of view fic!
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keeping your feet off the ground (but never sneaking) by protectoroffaeries (1547,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings:
Velora and her friends talk about siblings
Reccer says: It's a beautiful and emotionally complex outsider point of view
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics featuring Marquet! Taking place in Marquet, about important figures or events in Marquesian history, Marquesian culture - all work!
After that, it'll be Blindness/Deafness, Focusing on Jester, and then one of the Critter Gen Week Prompts for this year!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! Prompt suggestions are now open, if you've got any ideas.
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit! If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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This week, we have eleven fics that feature everyone’s favorite leetol blue tiefling, Jester Lavorre!  Check them out beneath the cut, and as always, comment or kudos if you like them!
they said i could let this bridge wash out by lostsometime (1503,General) Warnings: Mentions of canon slave trade Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Beauregard Lionett, One-Sided Jester Lavorre/Beauregard Lionett, Jester Lavorre & The Traveler, The Gentleman | Babenon Dosal & Jester Lavorre, Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss
Beau checks in on Jester. Jester explains why she acts like she does.
Reccer says: This fic phrases the parts of Jester I adore the most: her flavors of compassion, stubbornness, and wisdom. She's not as naive as first impressions might indicate. She is a well of complexity. This fic demonstrates these aspects of her concisely and straightforwardly through Beau's POV.
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pickup service available by renquise (2062,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss
Artagan picks up Essek for Jester
Reccer says: Hilarious, and Artagan and Essek interacting is just chef's kiss
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where kindness shines by dawl_and_dapple (2703,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss
Jester and Essek have a conversation about jewellery in the frozen North.
Reccer says: pitch perfect Jester and Essek friendship talks
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God is a Weasel (Or, How an Archfey Made a Friend) by bluehat (2881,General) Warnings: Pairings: Artagan & Jester Lavorre
Artagan's POV of why he became Jester's weasel
Reccer says: I liked it
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midnight-dark, nightsky-blue by vietbluecoeur (vietbluefic) (4562,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death, Attempted Murder, death in childbirth Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss
A Snow White retelling of Kryn princess Jester and her begrudging friend the Shadowhand
Reccer says: This! Fic! Is! Gorgeous! Jester is adorable and witty and Essek is as sharp as ever.
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may your princes understand you (may your wolves get out alive) by grayintogreen (6427,Teen) Warnings: mild dubcon Pairings: Artagan & Jester Lavorre
Jester's first trip to the Feywild does not go as planned.
Reccer says: Great fey trickery and friendship between Artagan and Jester
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The Purest Priorities by wtgw (4133,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Artagan & Jester Lavorre
Lord Artagan of the Morncrown meets a delightful little creature and feels himself start to become something different.
Reccer says: Great Artagan voice and dealing with how Jester changes him
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From the Mixed-Up Files of The J. Lavorre Catalogue Raisonné by renquise (2328,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
jester's art and life from the perspective of scholars, particularly art scholars, long after she lived!
Reccer says: this fic uses format in such a clever and playful way, and the feeling of knowing the context behind all the painting and art details that the scholars in the fic don't have makes you feel like you're in on something. the author pulls out really fun details that tell a story in their own right. i constantly come back to this!
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Strange Happenings in the Waters of Bisaft by HurtComfortInSpace (2125,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester Lavorre & The Mighty Nein
This story immediately follows the end of episode 45: The Stowaway. Jester can't sleep after her narrow escape from the blue dragon and finds herself on deck. But even out of the Happy Fun Ball, it's far from safe to be alone.
Reccer says: A very interesting look into what Jester's headspace might have been like after episode 45, everything from worry to loneliness to panic. Plus, there's a mermaid for mermay! What could be better than that? :)
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how many miles to babylon? by grayintogreen (5260,General) Warnings: AU - Canon Divergence Pairings: Jester & Artagan
Jester must complete the Moonweaver’s challenge before her candle burns out to save Artagan.
Reccer says: Fey shenanigans are always fun.
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A Wisdom Without Face or Name by violettressed (17280,Teen) Warnings: Lifespan angst, major character death Pairings: Jester/Fjord, Jester & Essek, Jester & Caduceus, Jester & Artagan
Jester Lavorre spends a lifetime learning how to let go.
Reccer says: Beautiful and bittersweet
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics with Jester Lavorre!
Then, it'll be Cooking, Time/Dimension Travel, and then Storytelling!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! Prompts will be announced soon, and you might see some familiar themes ;)
And hey, if you're looking for some more good gen content, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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critter-genfic-events · 5 months
Funny Gen Recs
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This week, we have fourteen funny fics for folks! Pranks, fake marriages, and lots of unlikely pairings under the cut - and as always, don't forget to kudos or comment if you like them!
Working Late by percahlia (585,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Cassandra de Rolo & Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
A sibling moment after an explosion in Percy's workshop.
Reccer says: Percy does his best 'cat who didn't quite make the jump but totally meant to do that' impression
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What Goes Up by krakens (2311,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Grog Strongjaw & Pike Trickfoot
Pike suggests playing a prank on Vax. Grog suggests putting a cow in his room.
Reccer says: It's a silly little slice of life that reminds me of all of the silly little moments that happened amidst all of the drama of Campaign 1.
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GOBSMACKED (Five Times Nott Gave the Shovel Talk) by Mikkeneko (4381,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Nott & Caleb Widogast
She had to be on the lookout for heart-thieves who would toy with her boy's affections and then break his heart and make him cry afterwards. Caleb wouldn't be looking out for himself because he was so very smart about so many things and so very dumb about feelings.
Reccer says: Amazing, pitch-perfect early Nott voice. I could imagine Sam doing this bit.
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Wizard Immortality Clause by jakia (808,Teen) Warnings: Pairings: Caleb Widogast/Essek Thelyss
Caleb decides he's going to live just as long as Essek will. The Raven Queen objects, and sends Vax down to try and handle it
Reccer says: Caleb and Vax's interactions are pure gold
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Slip Knot by AgentMint (4287,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
5 times Beau and Caleb pretended to be married and 1 time they absolutely didn’t (thank the gods)
Reccer says: Amazing sibling energy from the two of them
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trust their steps to a dance that is lighter than air by grayintogreen (1085,General) Warnings: N/A Pairings: N/A
Ghostslayers have an ability called Aether Walk. Purple tieflings like to abuse it.
Reccer says: Short, cute, and exactly how each of the tieflings would abuse their power.
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Dwendalian Book Club by SkipDelicious (1182,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
As is customary, Jester bequeaths the newest member of the Mighty Nein with her copy of Tusk Love
Reccer says: Amazing banter
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the coyotes know her name by grayintogreen (2561,Teen) Warnings: N/A Pairings: N/A
Jester’s divine intervention attempt at the Vergessen Sanatorium works. Artagan comes up with something helpful.
Reccer says: A funny what-if that’s fun and in character.
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ghost is a verb by mousecookie (3664,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Jourrael | The Inevitable End & The Crown Keepers, Jourrael | The Inevitable End & Opal (Critical Role)
In which the EXU crew are themselves, and Lolth's chosen assassin takes her first deeply reluctant steps towards becoming The Inevitable Friend
Reccer says: This is one of my comfort reads - one of my favorite things is the use of the pink font for Opal's messages
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Rock and Roll Kitchen by Beauteousmajesty (892,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Milo is summoned from their work for a meal prepared by Ashton and Fresh Cut Grass. Regretfully, Milo is fairly certain that neither of them can cook. It's free food though, so they're willing to try.
Reccer says: It feels very much like friends who know each other very well teasing each other
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Bite Me by daretodhampir (stardustedknuckles) (885,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Fearne Calloway & Ashton Greymoore
Early on, Fearne has a couple of questions on Ashton's physicality.
Reccer says: Fearne is wonderfully weird on this, in a way that's incredibly endearing
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Old Friends and Familar Faces by Fishpaste (2374,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Percy De Rolo
It had just been supposed to be another boring meeting of making the incremental progress at putting Trent Ikithon away forever. However, there is something far too familiar about Lord Percival de Rolo and Beau is determined to figure it out.
Reccer says: It starts off somewhat serious, and then takes an amazing left turn when they recognize each other. Perfect
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Polymorph for Fun and Profit by MasterQwertster (4548,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Short snippet stories of Bells Hells' (mis)adventures in using/abusing the Polymorph spell.
Reccer says: It's a very quick read since many of the chapters are super short and just a lot of silly shenanigans.
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Nonagon Unbridled by fruitzbat (1230,General) Warnings: Spoilery re: the LitMoR series if you care about that! Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Lucien
Jester reads a fairy tale to Lucien, who has been confined by the Nein. Fanfic of a fanfic (Molly Lives AU: Life in the Margin of Redemption series by grayintogreen).
Reccer says: Funny side story that honestly doesn't require too much familiarity with LitMoR.
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week's theme is hurt/comfort! It should be a popular one!
Then, it'll be Yasha, clothing, and then time skips/future fics!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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critter-genfic-events · 3 months
Pre-Campaign Genfic Recs
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This week, we have seven gen fics that take place pre-campaign (or pre-stream for Campaign 1). Childhood relationships, chance encounters, and formative experiences under the cut. And as ever, don't forget to comment and kudos if you like them!
the last true mouthpiece by hanap (35722,Teen)
Warnings: None
Pairings: Essek & Verin
Essek has been chosen by the Luxon, but all Verin sees is his brother being corrupted by the light.
Reccer says: An amazing take on Essek and Verin's relationship, and why Essek is the way he is from Verin's point of view
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some ever after no one could predict by QueenWithABeeThrone (15343,Teen)
Warnings: None
Pairings: Una Ermendrud & Artagan
Over thirty years ago, Una Ermendrud went into the Feywild and met a satyr named Garmelie. thirty years later, Caleb reunites with his godfather.
Reccer says: I love the practicality of Una in this, and the way she interacts with the fey
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Metamorphic by MasterQwertster (11910,Teen)
Warnings: None
It's a fucking experience to have your flesh slowly turn into a stoney version of itself. aka: Ashton as they physically become the Punk Rock we know and love
Reccer says: It's an interesting look at Ashton's days at the Greymoore Home and how his shift into an earth genasi went.
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Fiddle in the Woods by janto321 (FaceofMer) (1104,General)
Pairings: Laudna & Mollymauk Tealeaf
Laudna hears music in the woods and discovers a circus camped for the night
Reccer says: It's a fun crossover, and what could have been
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The Cut of His Jib by Nenia458 (6542,Teen)
Warnings: referenced torture, ptsd, flashbacks
Pairings: Vax'ildan Vessar & Percy De Rolo
Along the treacherous route to a job, Vax (1) does not stab Percy for flirting with his sister (2) successfully stabs a pirate (3) learns something about their gunslinger that fundamentally changes his opinion of the man.
Reccer says: It's great character work for both Percy and Vax
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When the Caught Fly Spins a Web of Its Own by bluegreenamber (908,Mature)
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, fantasy racism, torture
Pairings: none
Lucien learns at a young age never to get caught by unwelcome parties in the Run.
Reccer says: I loved this glimpse into a young Lucien
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A Thought Exercise by thought (4096,Teen)
Warnings: None
Pairings: Evandrin & Laerynn
Evandrin makes a choice
Reccer says: I liked it
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring Parties! Crashing parties, throwing parties, (weddings?), it all goes
Then, it'll be focused on the Calamity, Transformation, and then Post-Campaign
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
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critter-genfic-events · 2 months
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This week, we have five awesome fics featuring Transformation, from werewolves to wild magic! Check them out underneath the cut, and as always, comment and kudos if you like them!
all the wolf-children are sinners and saviors by grayintogreen (2374,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
In which Lucien/Molly are Order of the Lycan instead of Order of the Ghostslayer.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Mongrel Mind by PlaidOnSad (1605,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Chetney/Fearne
Chetney deals with the brain itchies of his transformation and Fearne assists.
Reccer says: A very lovely early campaign piece.
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how many miles to babylon? by grayintogreen (5206,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
After TravelerCon, the Moonweaver tests the bonds between Artagan and Jester in the Feywild
Reccer says: A fun combination of multiple fey stories and a lot of cleverness from Jester.
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Transformation Complication by R_Black (7452,General) Warnings: Pairings:
A Wild Magic Sorcerer causes Lucien and Cree to transform into a Blink Dog and a Displacer Beast, respectively, leaving their allies to try and sort them out.
Reccer says: This is set in grayintogreen’s life in the margins of redemption universe but is a genuinely fun and hilarious fic on its own if you can suspend disbelief about Lucien and Cree being with the Nein.
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Chrysalis by Multifandom_damnation (2133,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Fearne & FCG, Ashton & Orym
The shards awaken, the transformations occur, and some words need to be said
Reccer says: I liked it
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring fics focusing on Post-Campaign stories!
Then, it'll be fics featuring Marquet, Blindness/Deafness, and then Jester Focused!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit! If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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critter-genfic-events · 4 months
Hurt/Comfort Fic Recs!
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This week, we have thirteen hurt/comfort fics recced! Some emotional hurt/comfort, some physical whump, and sometimes combinations of the two. Check them out under the cut, and as ever, comment or kudos if you like them!
those that crawl and flutter towards the sun by vietbluecoeur (vietbluefic) (6163,Not Rated) Warnings: Major Character Death, Very Mild Insect Imagery, Mortality and Discussions Thereof, Sad & Gentle Ending Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss
Essek has always been warned not to touch the creatures, called the in’luthin, "insects" with a lifespan of three days, but what harm is there in just looking? And anyways, when has Essek ever been one to listen?
Reccer says: From the very first words, this fic has such a luxurious weight to it. Some of the Mighty Nein appear, but this is definitively a story between AroAce Essek and AroAce Jester as bittersweet as the tags imply, only less bitter and more longing, and definitely, definitely sweet.
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Spit, elbow grease, and a whole lot of gold by Multifandom_damnation (2006,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Ashton Greymoore & Milo Krook
The Nobodies dump Ashton off on Milo's table, and Milo does his best to fix him
Reccer says: Milo voices all of my rage at Ashton's treatment wonderfully. The fic also does a great job of managing the actual process of fixing him, along with all of the emotions involved as well
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Philia, Is That You? by Professor_Rye (2034,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Yasha & Mollymauk
Yasha gets hurt protecting Mollymauk from assholes, and the Mollymauk helps Yasha make sure she's actually okay
Reccer says: QPRs my beloved
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Crowned Teeth (or, An Offering Revoked) by fruitzbat (130570,Mature) Warnings: Frank depictions of PTSD/galley slavery Pairings: Kingsley Tealeaf/Original Character
Kingsley is mutinied against and sold into slavery halfway across the world. He breaks out, finds out the mutiny was the inside job to end all inside jobs, and makes his survival everyone else's problem.
Reccer says: I really, really like the way that this series explores different kinds of hurt and trauma, and how those kinds of hurt affect people's relationships and self-image. The first and second fics in the series are the most direct about the subject, but the third has a lot about what it means to lose a parental figure and complicated grief/trauma response stuff that I found really refreshing. Characters are messy and non-linear in their healing, and do their best to take care of each other. There's a lot of...I don't know how to say this, but a very no-bullshit look at the concept of the power of love that is this through-thread through the stories. Anyway, I really like them.
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Trust by silversky (403,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Caleb & Nott
Nott is sick and delirious, but thankfully there is someone there to make sure she's okay.
Reccer says: the fic is very soft and warm
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Scar Tissue by Belphegor (0,Teen) Warnings: scars, canon-typical violence, reference to main character death (and resurrection) Pairings: Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot
Sometimes surviving means learning to live with the scars that killed you. Pike knows a lot about that. Scanlan is still learning. (a little comics set a bit post-Campaign 1.)
Reccer says: Author here - sorry, I usually don't shamelessly self-plug like that, but I set out to write and draw post-campaign 1 hurt/comfort dealing with Pike's and Scanlan's different resurrection-related traumas, and I poured my entire heart into it. (turns out making comics is hard but totally worth it.)
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I've Held You in the Plan by CitizenMocha (4015,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Vex & Vax
After all is said and done with the Apogee Solstice and its aftermath, Vox Machina free Vax from the Malleus Key. The twins are reunited. Rest, reflection, and a revelation about what happens next ensue.
Reccer says: Vex's grief is palpable throughout the entire fic, even as--especially as, actually--she's reunited with Vax. It's a heartaching yet triumphant look at what might happen when the events of C3 are all said and done. There's so many little details woven in that serve to make it pack even more of a punch ("Vax Speed" does so many things to my heart) and the dynamic between all of Vox Machina is wonderful as well.
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The Night is Starting to Ache by CitizenMocha (3872,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Gwendolyn De Rolo & Vax De Rolo & Percy De Rolo
Set after episode 76 of campaign 3. It's the middle of the night and Gwendolyn is afraid to sleep.
Reccer says: I loved this glimpse of an older Percy as a loving, indulgent father doing his best to comfort his child.
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maybe then my breath could embody by lunarblazes (1331,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Caduceus & Calliope Clay
Calliope and Caduceus have a fun bonding moment about the fucked up shit that happens when you leave home
Reccer says: There's so many little details I love in this, it's perfectly in character, and I love their sibling not-quite-comforting each other dynamic
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a garden in the stars by wanderingBasilisk (2264,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Caduceus & Fjord
Caduceus stays back on the Nein's spaceship while the others run errands on a space station. When Fjord gets overstimulated from the crowds there, Jester brings him back to the ship and to Cad, who knows just what his friend needs.
Reccer says: It's very atmospheric (the description of the garden on board the Nein Heroez is So Evocative) and the familiarity and care between Cad and Fjord is so lovely and sweet. The time they've spent together and the comfort of a well-worn routine is apparent throughout the whole fic and comes together in the sweetest way.
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Canities Subita: An Exploration of Self-Image by oversteepedearlgrey (1760,Teen) Warnings: Choose not to warn Pairings: Percy & Vox Machina
Percy hates looking in the mirror. He keeps his hair short and out of his face. He can’t wear his glasses during haircuts, and he certainly can’t be the one cutting it. It takes a creek, a bear, and a panic attack to find out why.
Reccer says: Percy is wonderful for hurt comfort, but I love the way that this is handling something that is more emotionally distressing than physically painful.
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A Pirate's Bounty of Gold Doubloons by bluegreenamber (1823,Mature) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Pairings: Kingsley & Yussa
Kingsley hadn't been expecting any company today, especially not a powerful (and injured) elven wizard seeking refuge.
Reccer says: It's a really fun pairing!
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Miles to Go by Crewe (3621,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
After a grueling battle, Vox Machina is hours away from the nearest cleric racing to get an unconscious Keyleth to Pike before poison takes its toll. Scanlan is hiding an injury to keep attention on Keyleth. It’s maybe a little worse than he expected.
Reccer says: Lovely fic where everyone is perfectly in-character, and the humour and tension are balanced just right, as are the worry and deflection (on both sides). Special mention to the Scanlan & Grog and Vex & Scanlan pairings, those add just the necessary acid-sweet icing on the h/c cake!
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring Yasha!
Then, it'll be clothes, time skip/future fics, and pranks!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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critter-genfic-events · 6 months
Canon Divergent AU Recs!
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This week, we have canon divergent AU recs! A dozen different what-ifs to explore below the cut - and as ever, if you like them, remember to comment or kudos!
Catch A Falling Star by Rainydaydecaf (32921,Mature) Warnings: Feeblemind Pairings: Beauregard Lionett/Yasha Nydoorin, Essek Thelyss & The Mighty Nein
The Nein find a feebleminded Essek down in the sewers along with the beacon.
Reccer says: It's got a great spotlight on each of the Mighty Nein as they interact with the feebleminded drow - from Fjord babysitting him and Kiri to Beau giving him a haircut - and feels true to the characters and the world
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pressure cracks by BananasofThorns (10271,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Fjord & Caleb Widogast
Fjord is a student at Solstryce Academy. Professor Ermendrud requests a private meeting with him.
Reccer says: It's got echoes of Fjord and Caleb's dynamic in the pirate arc, combined with scourger Bren
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The Star and the Wildflower by devil_seabird_king (ShaaKi) (8173,Teen) Warnings: suicidal thoughts Pairings: Caduceus Clay & Essek Thelyss
A young Essek is becomes friends with a young Caduceus Clay
Reccer says: This is a combination that doesn't get enough love, so it's fun to imagine what they'd be like as childhood friends
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A Whisper On My Shoulder by EssayofThoughts (251169,Mature) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: none
Percy's not the only member of his family to survive the Briarwoods' attack. He's just the only one to do so alive.
Reccer says: A true epic that imagines Cassandra as a ghost by Percy's side throughout the initial parts of Vox Machina's journey. Amazingly well thought out
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some ever after no one could predict by QueenWithABeeThrone (15343,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Leofric/Una Ermendrud
Over thirty years ago, Una Ermendrud went into the Feywild and met a satyr named Garmelie. thirty years later, Caleb reunites with his godfather.
Reccer says: I love how practical Una is in this, and how that practicality cuts through the feywild magic.
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both my broken hands are true by quothhh (1805,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Veth Brenatto & Caleb Widogast
In a world where Yeza was taken by the goblins instead of Veth, Caleb and Veth manage to meet anyway.
Reccer says: It's got some killer lines and also a great example of the Caleb and Veth friendship
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watch my back, and keep the blade by jadeandquartz (3553,Mature) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death Pairings: Orym & Imogen Temult
Laudna permanently dies. Imogen and Orym head after Otahan for revenge
Reccer says: An amazing bit of angst
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You Think You Can Rid Yourself Of Me So Easily? by sparklegem (3724,Mature) Warnings: Hurt no Comfort Pairings: none
Percy's cursed weapon is not as easy to get rid of as they think.
Reccer says: I liked it
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to know that this war was winless by quanshi (burningdarkfire) (834,Teen) Warnings: none Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Caleb Widogast
Beauregard meets Bren for lunch
Reccer says: I love scourger Bren vs. Beauregard fics, and this is a lovely little taste
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The Fool and the Soldier by mare_astrorum (200,000+,Mature) Warnings: None Pairings:
Mollymauk Tealeaf survived the Mighty Nein's encounter with the Iron Shepherds on Glory Run Road, but a short time later, a spirit began hunting him, claiming that he stole his body.
Reccer says: One of the most insane things Matt dropped during the wrap-up was where the campaign might have gone had Molly survived. This is such a wonderful exploration of the concept of the Tombtakers as reoccurring enemies and Molly still with the party that is wonderfully IC, extremely detailed, and a lot of fun. It's going to be a long one and it's ongoing, so buckle in.
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Magic Jar by Anonymous (3211,Teen) Warnings: none Pairings: none
The mighty nine, if Caleb was a soul in a magic jar
Reccer says: It's a fascinating premise and an amazing thing to think about
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you'll let it go by pigflight (1590,Teen) Warnings: major character death Pairings: Delilah Briarwood & Laudna
What if Delilah convinced Laudna to take the shard?
Reccer says: wonderfully angsty and delicious
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. Want to make your own recs? Check out use this form to submit!
Next week, we're featuring your featuring explorations of grief, in all forms. It'll also be a day late, as next Monday is Christmas.
After that, we'll Pike Trickfoot, mysteries, and then monsters.
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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A Cooking/Food Rec List
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This week, we have nine (nein) fics that feature food: cooking, baking, sharing meals, and tea. Check them out beneath the cut and if you like them, remember to comment and kudos!
inside the walls we built by essektheylyss (divinationwizard) (3367,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek Thelyss & Verin Thelyss
Den dinners are never something that Essek looks forward to, and this time around, his brother is in town.
Reccer says: I love their sibling relationship here!
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and blow the dry leaves from the tree by friendly_ficus (1635,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Yeza Brenatto & Yasha
On a cold Nicodranas morning, Yasha makes an unanticipated friend (and pancakes)
Reccer says: I love the idea of these two characters interacting and hanging out, and I don't think I've seen it before!
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A Recipe for Spaaldl by Beauteousmajesty (2697,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Caduceus Clay & Essek Thelyss
Knowing that Essek cannot go home, the Mighty Nein conspire to bring the taste of home to Essek, resulting in a foraging and cooking session for Cad and Essek. Essek knows the flavours but cannot cook, and Caduceus can cook but has no clue what mushroom spaaldl should taste like.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Rock and Roll Kitchen by Beauteousmajesty (892,Teen) Warnings: Pairings: Fresh Cut Grass & Ashton Greymoore & Milo
Milo is summoned from their work for a meal prepared by Ashton and Fresh Cut Grass. Regretfully, Milo is fairly certain that neither of them can cook. It's free food though, so they're willing to try.
Reccer says: Very cute slice of life vibes!
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build a quilt (from all who have loved me) by friendly_ficus (7405,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death (canonical) Pairings: Jester Lavorre & The Mighty Nein
An AU where Jester has a baking youtube channel
Reccer says: It's sweet and in character, with the way that Jester processess's Molly's grief - and also the video comments and usernames are very cute!
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Cookies for Laudna by Mirach (2526,General) Warnings: Major Character Death (canonical) Pairings: Ariks Eshteross & Laudna
Lord Eshteross bakes the cookies he promised for Laudna. Later, when he is dead and Laudna is alive, she bakes the same cookies and remembers him.
Reccer says: Very sad and sweet
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Homemade by CitizenMocha (4102,General) Warnings: none Pairings: Vex'ahlia & Vox Machina, Elaina & Vex'ahlia (Critical Role)
As the opening of their bakery approaches, Vex and her fellow Slayer's Cake co-owners work to expand their menu. Vex is from Byroden, so this should be easy as pie.
Reccer says: Sweet and sad, I love how this takes what we saw of Byroden in Exu and puts it into a new context
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A Traditional Event by InkDippedFeathers (1881,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Essek Thelyss, background Shadowgast
Essek hosts a tea party for the ever chaotic Mighty Nein
Reccer says: A cute and funny moment of Essek handling the chaos of the Mighty Nein
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Lavender Tea by bluegreenamber (2672,Mature) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings:
Cree and the tombtakers seek out some local Shadycreek legends after Lucien's death.
Reccer says: I love fics that consider the sorts of relations they would have outside of the scope of the campaign - Cree knowing about the Clays as local legends makes a lot of sense, if not something I would have ever thought about before.
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, it'll be Time/Dimension Travel. Other universes, Isekai, time travel (in either direction) - all work.
Then the weeks after that, it'll be storytelling, Grog focused stories, and then Cross-Campaign works!
Any fics coming to mind? Well, then use this form to submit!
Oh! Also! Critter Gen Week is happening! Prompts have been announced, you should check them out.
And hey, if you're looking for some more good gen content, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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