#croissant has an itchy hypo finger
gaeasun · 2 years
I'd love to see you do Feverish Delirium and Mumbling with Fox. Or whoever you want!
Well once again I'm inflicting Croissant on the world. I'm also inflicting on Wolffe.
“What do you mean he’s sleeping?” 
Frankly, Wolffe was tired of the kark. Every time he tried to just find out where Fox was he got rerouted to someone slightly higher up the totem pole of authority. He’d somehow met entire squads of the Corrie Guard, each of whom had a story that Wolffe was sure was very interesting to anyone not named Wolffe. 
And yet he still didn’t know where Fox was. This CMO was the closest he’d gotten to all day who was willing to tell him anything at all. Even the other Coruscant Commanders had apparently been too busy for him.
“I meant exactly what I said,” Croissant informed him. He seemed about as impressed with Wolffe as Wolffe was with him. “He’s finally sleeping. You go and find him, and wake him up, and I’ll have to send him back to sleep the hard way and I’ll send you with him.” For emphasis, the medic patted a pocket full of hyposprays.
“Why can’t he wake up just a little to see me?” Wolffe pressed. “I’m his batchmate. I haven’t been able to see him in a while, and I’m going to now. I’m sure he’d be willing to miss a little sleep just to see me.”
“Uh, sir?” the kih’vod Croissant was looking over sheepishly looked at Wolffe. “He does really mean it. He will sedate you if you try to ignore him.”
Wolffe glared at Croissant. Croissant met him eye for eye.
“Fine,” Wolffe bit out. “I promise I won’t try to wake him. But can I at least see him?”
Croissant shrugged. “Sure, it’s your waking mind on the line, not mine.”
Once Croissant was finished with the Corrie ad he led Wolffe around and around until they finally came to a small set of quarters. Inside were four bunks. 
Fox lay on one of them, muttering and tossing about.
Croissant rushed over to him and placed a hand on his forehead. “He’s got a fever,” he muttered. “Don’t have meds with me. Wait here, don’t wake him up.”
 Wolffe sighed and sat on the bed next to Fox’s moving form as Croissant left. 
“Silly Foxy,” he sighed, and pulled Fox’s head onto his legs. “What, did you forget we’re not supposed to get sick?”
“Kark you,” Fox mumbled. Whether he was actually conscious of what he was saying, Wolffe wasn’t really sure.
Wolffe chuckled anyways. “Silly, silly Foxy,” he half-sang as he smoothed sweaty strands of hair away from Fox’s eyes. 
Fox blinked furiously. “Wanna sleep,” he muttered. “Tired of being awake.”
“Then sleep, Fox’ika.” Wolffe kept his hand moving through Fox hair. He was really warm. “I’m not stopping you.”
“Wanna- wanna sleep. Please, let me sleep.” Fox got more agitated, turning and weakly sliding his head along Wolffe’s thighplate. “Please, ge, gedet’ye. I just wanna, I just wanna sleep.”
“Good thing I’m here then,” Croissant strode back into the room, a medkit in hand. “Always happy to help with that Commander.”
Fox mumbled something else unintelligible as Croissant checked him over and gave him a few hypos. “Fox, do you want Wolffe to stay with you?”
Immediately Fox’s whole face brightened, though that may have been the sweat and fever in his eyes. “Wolffe?”
“Congratulations, Wolffe.” Croissant jammed into the space above Wolffe’s thigh piece before he could react. “Wish granted. You get to stay with Fox.”
Everything went dizzy. Wolffe tried to lunge at this gedin’la medic, but somehow time blurred and he ended up on the floor instead.
Croissant unceremoniously dragged him up and shoved him against Fox. 
“This is treas’n,” Wolffe slurred. “Gonna ha, have you c’rt m’rsh’lled.”
“Good night Commanders.” Croissant ruffled Fox’s hair before grinning at Wolffe. “Don’t worry, I’ll let your battalion know you’re unavailable.”
“I will, find you…”
Croissant closed the door behind them. Wolffe grumbled before he slung an arm Fox to clumsily pull him closer.
“Wolffe,” Fox happily mumbled, pressing even closer. Wolffe was going to get baked, wasn’t he? Still, from the way Fox shifted before finally settling made Wolffe think it just might be worth it.
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