delicateanchorrebel · 2 years
Coffee for One - Short Story
I enter the Starbucks and walk up to the counter.
"Can I take your order?" the employee asks.
I look up from the ground. I am in shock. Behind the register is a girl so beutiful that I almost break into tears. I have never talked to someone so beautiful before. I am so nervous that I begin sweating all over and trembling with fear.
I wipe my sweaty hands off on the front of my t-shirt. "L-Large c-coffee," I croak out in an unintelligible whisper, staring at the floor nervously.
"Sorry, what was that?" the employee asks in response.
What is this girl saying? I just told her what I wanted. Why wasn't she paying attention? Is she saying that I'm not worth listening to? It's fine. I will overlook her rudeness this time.
"Um sorry. Uh s-sorry, I want a large coffee." I manage to squeak out again. I am mentally exhausted by all this disrespect.
"Oh so a grande coffee. Coming right up." the cashier says with a smile.
A grande? What is she talking about? I ordered a large coffee. I knew it this girl thinks she's better than me. Just because she's good-looking she thinks she can look down on me. Well she isn't even that pretty. Sure at first glance she has a pretty face but looking more closely now I can tell that her nose is slightly too long and her eyes are too close together. None of the anime girls I know of have features like her. By looking at her ears I can tell that they are round like a human. Not pointed like a high elf, the epitome of beauty. Disgusting.
Acknowledging her obvious and flagrant flaws, I decide that I will teach her a lesson in humility. I draw upon my resolve and shout in the loudest voice I can muster.
"Your ears are the wrong shape!" I smirk at her.
The employee looks back at me in confusion. "Huh?"
Oh no, I went too far. She must hate me now. I look at the ground as tears begin to well up in my eyes. I knew I would never be worthy to order at Starbucks. I plead with the employee.
"I-I'm so s-sorry!" I bawl out, "I'm human trash. You must hate me now."
"Sir, are you alright?" the employee asks with a concerned expression on her face and a pained look in her eyes.
"I have disrespected you too greatly. I do not deserve to live. Take my life with your own hands."
"S-Sir, it's fine. Please just wait over there for your order," she says, visibly uncomfortable.
I nod glumly and wait in the corner like she asked. Wow, this woman has chosen to spare me. How merciful can she be. She is so kind and beautiful she must have transcended humanity. Indeed, she is not a human but a goddess. I must pay her back for her kindness.
As I wait, I determine what I must do.
"Dennis?" the employee calls out.
Oh that's me. I begin sweating nervously. I take a trembling step forward. Then another. Eventually I make it to where my coffee is waiting.
The employee hands it too me with a forced smile. "Have a nice day."
"Please marry me!" I blurt out. This goddess is so pure and kind I cannot do anything to pay her back but offer my love.
"Sir, I don't know you, and I have a boyfriend." She has a displeased look on her face.
How dare she! I was willing to offer up my love to her and overlook her obviously rude personality and flawed facial features, but she just threw it back in my face. I guess she is too stupid to realise what a great guy I am. If this is the treatment I am going to receive here, I will not stand for it.
"You stupid bitch. How do you not understand how generous I am being. You will regret your decision when your 'boyfriend' who is probably an asshole cheats on you and you die alone. Good day!"
I storm out of the store in a huff. I throw my boiling hot coffee at a passerby.
Why is this whole world against me? I'm just trying to be nice, but everyone always hates me. I think I must just be too smart for them. Yes, that's it. I will now return to my domicile and read mangas about people like me proving how they are better than the evil one dimensional caricatures that populate their fictional worlds. That will prove that I am superior to everyone else.
With a satisfied smile I return home.
THE END Thank God.
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delicateanchorrebel · 3 years
Life is a mustake
What if God was Among Us? Did his tasks like one of us? An imposter who is sus? Going to make us vote him out?
If God had to vent, what would it look like? And would you want to see Him in electrical with all the bodies He'd probably stab you and then mess with your crewmates They'd get outvoted And...
Yeah, yeah, God is sus Yeah, yeah, God is sus Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
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delicateanchorrebel · 3 years
Isn't it weird that we think we're right?
I know that in the past I have had different opinions and beliefs. I have a history of being wrong. But yet, right now, I feel as though what I believe to be true is the actual truth.
If I am right now, then I was wrong before, so why would I expect myself to be right now? And if I was right before, then I must be wrong now. So it seems quite improbable that what I believe to be true is the actual truth.
Maybe one day I'll be right, but why would that be now? Surely as I grow older I will experience more and come to better more right conclusions.
This also applies to science, religion, philosophy. If we are constantly improving on the past's knowledge, then soon what we know now will be the past's knowledge that has been improved upon. So surely we should not act in a way that implies that what we believe is reliably the truth. Knowledge is built on the shoulders of giants and many of those giants thought they knew everything. But if they did, then we wouldn't be standing on them.
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delicateanchorrebel · 3 years
yw ig
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delicateanchorrebel · 3 years
I am an auhtor
Three weeks later, the expedition arrived. There were people. Birds too.
The leader of the party, Captain Jegg said, “Squawk, Squawk. I’m a hawk.”
Birdthrow thought this was a silly thing to say.
“Are you feeling okay, Jegg?”
Suddenly, Jegg exploded into a cloud of dust with various bright and vibrant hues. Yellows, pinks, and blues quickly spread through the air enveloping the party. Several people sputtered as the dust entered their mouths and nostrils. As the dust began to settle, Birdthrow could see that each of the recently disassembled captain’s comrades were covered beak-to-tail with colorful powder.  He looked down at his hands and saw that he too was covered. The look and feel reminded him of his days as an assistant back at the academy beating out blackboard erasers. His hands would be completely covered with a similar powder. In fact, the powder was exactly like the academy’s chalk dust.
“What the flap was that?!” Birdthrow exclaimed exclaimedly.
“That was a test,” called Jegg, jumping out of a tree, “And you failed.”
“What kind of test involves exploding into a cloud of dust?!”
“It was a test to see whether you could detect an imposter in your midst. I was never actually with the group. What you saw as me was an explosive device spelled with levitation and illusion magic.”
Birdthrow thought that was stupid.
“That was stupid,” said Birdthrow.
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delicateanchorrebel · 4 years
Is it better to have a purpose and be denied or to have freedom but no purpose?
A purpose, a dream, a passion all give hope. Though adversity may come and block your path, a man with purpose will struggle through any number of arduous tasks until he has accomplished that which he strives for. But what of when he does reach the end of that treacherous path. Then the purpose is completed and the passion is gone. He becomes a husk of a man, no reason to fight any longer. Then one might think it is better to perish on the journey. To go out in a blaze of glory with the fire of passion burning in his breast. Who can say but the ghosts of fallen heroes.
Anyhow I just finished a tv show and did all my homework and now I'm kinda bored.
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delicateanchorrebel · 4 years
You ever just bingo bango jingo jango
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