yukikorogashi · 1 year
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   5 minute sketch for @crookedredtie ❤️
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idyllicserendipity · 1 year
ミ @crookedredtie​​ Continued from Here 🔪 彡
"Ugh... What the hell...?"
A pained groan erupts from his throat, the immediate greeting of bright, blinding lights doing no favors for the pulsating ache in Adachi's head — no, his body as a whole. He squints, and for the next few moments he spends in quiet confusion, he tries his best to gather his bearings, all in spite of the searing pain which leaves his bottom lip stuck harshly between his teeth; a means to keep himself calm, collected... in control.
None of his worst hangovers, even all of them combined, could ever compare to this.
First, he finds his breath; shaky as it initially is, a surprised gasp and a bitter curse is quick to follow as he works to wake up his other senses — "Fuck." The tips of his fingers are numb. Not only that, the shackles which bind his wrists and ankles both aren't forgiving in the least. One little experimental tug upon the chains is enough to tell him such. His next attempts to blink away his blurry vision remain futile; it's entirely too dark in here... at the very least, he recognizes the computer monitors which nearly blinded him just a few minutes prior. The microphones, the camcorders... Momentarily, the one camera that sits closest to him has Adachi's full attention. There's a sinister red light which stares back at him, and it remains unblinking... yet to be told it's show time.
Finally, he pays mind to the shadowy figure which leers at him from the other side of the room. He's petite, slender; nonetheless, there's an oddly menacing aura that surrounds him, as if he's a predator quietly stalking his prey... Adachi swallows thickly as he, too, notes the mask which conceals the lower half of the older man's face. Detective or not, it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots.
"W-Wait... you're—..."
"You crazy sonuvabitch... You — You kidnapped me, didn't you? Me... Of all people." He smiles that crooked smile of his, laughing helplessly so at the irony of it all. Of all people, the Fox chose him. He chose to fuck with the police, with the one unlucky bastard that'd been stuck investigating the likes of him and all his sick, twisted games. Not like Adachi himself possesses a particularly clean record... Is he truly one to judge? No. This must be karma finally working her magic on him. Punishment for not lifting a damn finger, for instead letting the show go on, for being a spectator himself — all before the fire he'd been playing with 'til this very moment has gone and burned him, leaving him here to inevitably rot in the same desolate little shithole he's watched countless others try and fail to survive in. They got what they deserved, and so will he.
Head cocked to the side, Adachi continues to express his amusement with a hum, looking over at his captor with mirth in his eyes. He'll at least take this desolate little shithole over the one he's been forced to make himself a home in. At least he won't have to worry about succumbing to a boring death here.
"Heh, yeah ~ I know you. I know all about you, Fox. You don't like playing nice, do you? Your 'chat' sure doesn't, anyway." His own mention of the audience he's due to meet gives him pause. Even as he's chained up, already bruised, still feeling the effects of whatever drugs were injected into his veins only god knows how long ago — there's precious little reason for him to not enjoy himself. Though they're alone now...
The fun doesn't have to wait.
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"Why don't we play a game, just you and me...? I'll guess what your plan is, and you tell me if I'm right or wrong. It'll be like a quiz show! Sounds fun, right, Mr. Fox...?"
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   OH, HE DID AIM TO PLEASE, AFTER ALL.Offering nothing but the best to his BELOVED PATRONS, to his every loyal viewers that never failed when it came to tuning in for each and every one of his shows. For in return, he would offer not only the utmost QUALITY, but VARIETY as well! And it just so happened that they’d been SO LUCKY to have you fall into their very lap this time round, DETECTIVE!
   He would simply watch him then upon asking his question. His quiet, intense gaze giving off an almost soft, peculiar glow— especially amongst the glaring lights of the screens behind him then. Other than a couple of bruises (Sigh, he had ordered his men to be just a little GENTLER, when it came to handling future wares, after all... Though, he suppose it couldn’t be helped~ Especially if they STRUGGLED too much), the man was nowhere near worse for wear. At least, in the sharp eyes of this fox.
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   And despite the other’s pained little groans and obvious struggles to wake up his other senses then, the Fox would merely nod his head. Almost as if satisfied, as he deemed the other’s condition perfect and ready for what was to come. Turning away for just a moment, to inspect some settings on his screen-- quickly typing just a couple more things in-- before kindly returning his full attention back to his newest co-host. 
   Allowing the other to get it out of his system, as he tested the durability of those those chains around his wrists and ankles, just like so many others have done in the past. And other than a few mumbles, if not a few grumpy little cusses beneath his breath, he was at least wise enough not to shout or scream then. For it would just be a waste of his energy, doing neither he nor him any favours... And especially when it wasn’t exactly showtime, just yet.
   “Mm yes, you of all people~” His response would come out clinical if not distant. So very much like the flat, mechanical voice that would escape past that sinister mask of his then. Though soon enough, it was replaced by mild bemusement, as the other suddenly began to smile and laugh away. Straightening back up then, as he tilted his head down at him. 
   ... Hmm, so soon? Was he already losing it? It would have been disappointing, if that had been the case. But, oh, no… this one was EXTRA SPECIAL… The older man had long since gained an eye for these things. Noting that silly little crooked smile of his, and the AMUSEMENT that would begin to fill those once frightened eyes of his... Ohhhh, he was truly a special one, alright...
   And the CHAT was going to LOVE him.
   “… Do you now?” While such a statement should cause anyone else in his position to panic, the beast kin would merely place a hand over his heart. Almost as if he was FLATTERED, more than anything, “Why… to think that I would have a fan such as yourself within law enforcement! Ohh, you truly have made my day!” But of course... despite that bold claim of knowing everything about him-- they would just have to wait and see, wouldn’t they? To see whether the Detective did indeed know know that much about him and the Chat, and if he was actually PREPARED for what was to come. “And that means we can skip the introductions! Seeing as you after all already know me so, so well. And I-- know YOU.”
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   “Hm? A game?” He would tilt his head ever so slightly then, vulpine ears twitching curiously for just that moment. “Hmm, I suppose we have some time for that… Why, you might even get a little REWARD if you get it right! … Or a penalty!” His eyes would crinkle in open DELIGHT, before he would gesture a clawed hand in his direction, “So… by all means.”
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strywoven · 1 year
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@crookedredtie has requested a story : "Hey, don't look at me like that. I deserve a break now and then, too, you know..." His brow's furrowed as he takes another bite into his Topsicle, his other hand acting as a makeshift fan to cool his flushed cheeks. The summer heat's clearly been an influence on his decision making. He's quite obviously enjoying his cold treat, too, and is quick to make it known that he isn't willing to share. "If you want one so bad, get it yourself. Surely you can handle that, can't you...?"
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Summer is not their favorite ; never has been.  It’s the bleak , brooding sobriety of w i n t e r where Kaen thrives most ( everything rightly absolved for one grand measure of the year , reduced to ice & cold & frozen peace ) .  One could very well argue the heat is what stokes their ire , FEEDING their deep-seated frustrations ; like a certain s e e t h i n g something , a lurking distemper , just under the skin , polluting their character , EAGER for the opportunity to immolate a too-fragile host.  But did such a fire not need k i n d l i n g ?  Did it not need a reason to burn to begin with ?  Secrets like those , of course , are always kept close ( hidden cleverly behind a pleasant veil & kindly air ) ; Kaen can play pretend all they like , but some things … NEVER CHANGE ( & history could verily repeat itself if we are not careful enough ) .
Thus , packed away are their cozy overgrown shawls and sweaters and come out are the l i g h t e r and b r i g h t e r wears ( much to their chagrin , though their manager practically insisted they incorporate proper color into their wardrobe for the warmer seasons , at the very least ) .  Uncomfortable enough is the fact they cannot simply walk through Inaba without being recognized , now they’re risking being NOTICED & SEEN !  A terrible thing , that.  Being in the spotlight was one thing , having people’s gaze fixed to you off-camera – expectant , prying , hungry – was an entirely different occasion ( & one they did not much favor ) . They were indeed warned that venturing into stardom would feel much like selling their soul , they simply didn’t figure it to be quite so o b v i o u s .  So there they stand , top buttons of their shirt casually undone , the collar splayed / flayed delicately to the sides for a PLEASANT ENOUGH VIEW .
❝ Look at you like w h a t ? ❞  Like THIS , apparently , with finger and thumb tugging down the pair of sunglasses so they may fix Adachi with a pointedly disapproving look over the rim of the tinted lenses.  Red brows raise at his words , Kaen scoffs softly , pushing the sunglasses back into place over their eyes.  ❝ Who said y'didn't deserve a break ? I jus' find it funny I’M more personally concerned ‘bout your job than you seem t’be. ❞  Arms cross , head turns away.  Truthfully , it’s really none of their business w h a t he does with his time ( however , if he’s going to continue to insert himself into their life , it seems only fair they feel inclined to do the same ! ) , even when he elects to spend it unwisely.  ❝ Didn't y'say you had things to take care of t'day ? … Yet , here y’are , I guess. ❞  Words can barely be considered chastising , but they are prodding him a bit , if only to tease.
A shrug is given. ❝ Well , hey , do what y’want !  I can’t stop you. ❞  Not that they’d think to t r y .  Turning , Kaen is already making an exit , leaving him to his own devices , though not before tossing another remark over their shoulder , giving him ONE LAST THING to consider , ❝ Oh , by the way , I'm plannin' on takin' y'out for drinks later , alright ? M'treat. So get your work done or e l s e ! ❞  Oh , if only he could see the SELF-SATISIFIED smirk on their lips.
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crookedredtie · 10 months
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#CROOKEDREDTIE — An independent and selective roleplay blog featuring Tohru Adachi of Persona 4. Loved by Vulpe ♡ Read my rules before interacting!!
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furysprodigy · 1 year
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yukikorogashi · 9 months
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NAME: Itsuki
NICKNAMES: Snowball, Snow Fairy, Brat, Snowflake, Snow Hick Child, Puff, Itty etc.
AGE: 12
BIRTHDATE: March 15th
GENDER: Female
FACE CLAIM: Mana Ashida (Child), Suzu Hirose (Teenager), Erika Toda (Adult), Suzune Amano (Older Animated), Yuyuka Nekota (Older Animated)
FAMILY: Horpecha Upash (Grandmother), and the entire village tbh
PARENTS: Tomoko Upash (Mother, Deceased), Unknown (Father)
SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: She does get eventually courted and proposed to in her older KNY verse 8')
HAIR COLOR(S): Silvery-Grey
HEIGHT: 4′6 / 137.16 cm
WEIGHT: Has not been officially weighed, but most people can likely pick up and toss her if they wanted to (DO NOT, THOUGH!)
BODY BUILD: She is lean and rather long limbed for her age. And while she is small, she's much sturdier and packs a way harder punch than one first expects her to (Think this scene).
tagged by: @geniusdonkey (Thank you my sweet!!! ❤️)
tagging: 👏❤️🙌 @magnifiico @howthesleeplesswander (Amaya!) @quirofiliac @thusspoke @determinazione @epitaffia @uppermoonkoku @asteriskheart (Kairi!) @topmechaniic @hamadaxfighter @wxtchpilot @icesheen @kyukicho (Mahito!) @juhotookaku @norowaretaai @bubblybabins @crookedredtie @garlculean @giraffeiisms/ @flxshy (Akaza!) @phonokinetix @honoosenshi @fearbend @heedingcalls (Crimson!) @crimsonfacets (Wednesday!) @digenvez (Shoko!) @needlenxggin @achroanimus... catches my breath now. OTL
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yukikorogashi · 11 months
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ᴀʀᴄ ?
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hero arc
well done - you did things right. this may seem like a boring answer, but i promise it isn't. you believe in goodness and you believe in doing good, and through everything, you work to keep that goodness. you have seen so much blood, and your instinct is always to stitch. you grew and fought and won, and i'm glad you did, because someone had to. i'm glad you kept believing in the world you were trying to save. you are far braver than most could ever be.
tagged by: @zangyo (Ahhh thank you, sweetpea! ❤️)
tagging : @asteriskheart (Kairi) @wxtchpilot @quirofiliac @thusspoke @determinazione @crimsonfacets (Sally!) @crookedredtie @greedbent @spydcddy @wintercrown @devilsvoyage @garlculean @masat0o @chiratsuku (Gojo!) @companypride @hxperion @honoosenshi @fearbend @cauterisen @riiese (Hilda!) @ristorantebar @mystiic @quickdeaths (Izumi!) @more-than-a-princess @howthesleeplesswander (Kaeya!) @ravusnightblossom @orcristwielder @pomfiores @streetslost @storybounded @galaxycrxss (Echo!) @blazingsouled (Sophie!) @heedingcalls (Kitty!) @twcwheeler @undeadunalive @epitaffia @busterswrd @lxckheart @shokutsus @doueegezh (Kenjaku!) @ofconfiscation ... WHEW 💦... BUT ALSO WAVES AT!!! ❤️💕
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yukikorogashi · 1 year
What’s your phone wallpaper: This piece by Yuumei! Last song you listened to: Levantine - Midnight (Agent Stereo Remix) Currently reading: Uh just a bunch of fanfics in my free time. Last movie: I think it was The Medium, and that was weeks back, LOL! Last show: Abbott Elementary What are you wearing right now?: Pajamas. Piercings / Tattoos?: Just on my ears! c: Glasses? Contacts?: Both. Though I’ve been wearing my glasses a lot more lately after a really bad infection I got from some contacts a couple of months back... Still, if I can, I do like putting on my colour contacts for when I go out! Last thing you ate: Sour cream chips, I feel awful rn, lol. But I’m drinking green tea now to cleanse! Favorite colors: Green and purple! Current obsession: I’m back on my Resident Evil bs, tbh, LOL! Favorite fictional characters: Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3, Chris Redfield, Lucas Baker and Jack Krauser from Resident Evil, Taki and Seong Mi-na from Soul Calibur, Asuka Kazuma and Hwoarang from Tekken, Date Masamune, Saika Magoichi and Narita Kai from Samurai Warriors, Date Masamune, Saika Magoichi and Chosokabe Motochika from Sengoku Basara, Joseph Joestar, Jean Pierre Polnareff and Risotto Nero from JJBA, Kiryu Kazuma and Tianyou Zhao from RGG, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Kaito Momota from Danganronpa, Starscream from nearly every TF continuity... juuuust to name a few! 💦
Tagged by: @crookedredtie thank you so much, bestie! u3u 💕
Tagging: Rolls up my sleeves... okay, @05872 @wxtchpilot @etcnnante @epitapf @undeadunalive @thusspoke @quirofiliac @matteredloyalty @howthesleeplesswander @riiese @oddlies @crimsonfacets @heedingcalls @trvehearted @hamadaxfighter @topmechaniic YER UP!!! (I-If you want to, ofc! uwu) ❤️💕
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idyllicserendipity · 1 year
   Wow whee do I love and admire @crookedredtie so very much, truly one of the most talented, fun-loving and the sweetest of the sweet there is. I’m so honoured to know her and have her in my life. 😔💕❤️
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idyllicserendipity · 1 year
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