crossedrealmsverse · 1 month
Introducing the Crossed Realms Blog
Good timezone, everybody~
To introduce myself, my name is Danny but you can also call me other names as well- once I link my hoard of names (/lh). I am the owner of this blog, 23 years old and use they/them pronouns!
To start us off, the Crossed Realms blog is a multi-fandom project featuring some of my favorite medias from the 2000's which includes Laika films, superhero cartoons, and more where they will cross-over in my fanfictions! One such AU is Unlocked Doors, which has become a spinoff to the Mystery Kids universe ft. Danny Phantom, Coraline, Paranorman, and Gravity Falls (#unlockeddoors will be the name I give it!)
As for the second project, it follows the Secret Trio - in other words, Danny Phantom, American Dragon: Jake Long, and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. As of right now, this AU does not have a name and little is known about it!
Now, anyone who stumbles across this blog will expect some of the following;
~ Posting might be sporadic but I will do my best to not abandon this blog! This will mostly be dependent on what I have to do during the day and then some
~ Most of the characters will be aged-up in order to have the storyline fit a little better, as there is going to be an emphasis on serious and mature themes
~ LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergency subjects will be breached- as well as disorders in general. Most are ones that I personally have, so any intolerance, disrespect, or bigotry will not be tolerated on the blog!
~ Most of the storylines will take place after the end of the selected medias (with some exceptions, depending on my plans); full knowledge of the series and/or movies isn't necessary, but this will be a spoilers zone!
~ Headcanons will be used a lot
~ These are independent projects I have created out of love for the medias. They are in no way, meant to be taken fully seriously- (other than the fact I do make most of them a lot more realistic)
[Information regarding each of the crossovers will be posted separately!]
✧ Mod Danny
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