2ndvice · 4 years
@crtlv​   ✖   hinata / kageyama   (   short   s / c   )
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     ❝  What's   gotten   you   all   sulky,   all   of   a   sudden ?  ❞      the   boy   questions,   his   left   eyebrow   raising   as   he   glances   down   at   the   first - year.   ❝  It   isn't   like   you   to   sit   here   all   dark   and   quiet . . .   something's   clearly   upsetting   you   today   and   I'm   all   ears   for   it.  ❞   he declares, gradually lowering himself until he's squatting ( his balance resting solely at the front part of his sneakers ) in front of his friend.
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jikangai-a · 4 years
@crtlv​ || denki starter call 
‘ MINAAAAAAAAAA !!! ‘ he comes skidding down the hall in his socks, a chaotic tornado ripping through the dorms. he’s in a panic, and was definitely being too loud for the hour, but he’s not worried about noise complaints right now ! this was serious ! 
he sticks his head in her door, almost skidding too far and missing the entryway entirely. 
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‘ i completely forgot about the english test tomorrow ! i’m so totally screwed ! please tell me you studied ! ‘ 
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setternine-a · 4 years
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@crtlv​ : bokuto giving kageyama the headpats he deserves :-) <3
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     Sudden boost of serotonin. Getting headpats in general is already very nice, but getting headpats from Bokuto himself?! His little heart is soaring. “ ... !! ”
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shibemuses-a · 4 years
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WORD PROMPTS [accepting] [x]
@crtlv​ said: [ cover ] // from rengoku !!!
[ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket
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Blues widen, hands flexing and tempted to rush to grab whatever had been placed on her body. But then she realized what it was, head tilting to look at the one who had place the cloth over her shaking form. 
He didn’t deserve to see her like this, a shaking, pathetic whelp after fighting a demon who had once been a friend from her forest village. It hadn’t helped that the demon had screeched that it was her fault, she left him behind, that was why he had become what he had.
He was out of his misery, now, at least. Robin looked up at the Flame Pillar, eyes wavering with a sea of mixed emotions. Even when she was at her lowest, her want to help others and give kindness came first.
“Won’t you be cold?” She held out the edge of the cape, gesturing. “You’re taller than me, but... I think we could share until sunrise.”
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innosen · 4 years
@crtlv​ ( for bokuto ) / sc.
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concerned    was    her    gaze    as    she    stared    at    the    DEJECTED    OLDER.    as    brows    and    lips    contoured    into    a    petite    frown    ,    either    palms    GENTLY    LANDED    on    his    shoulder    giving    him    a    shake.    ❛    but    ,    you    gotta    play    tomorrow !!    ❜    another    nudge.    ❛    you    promised    that    you’ll    win    the    game    !    ❜        
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homefronttmoved · 4 years
yachi’s  not  familiar  with  any  of  the  people  in  the  nekoma  cheering  squad,      but there’s this one girl who stood out to her the most.  she’s tall,  blonde,  and incredibly pretty that yachi feels herself sinking in her presence.  it doesn’t take her long before she realizes that the girl must be related to lev,  after all they share a lot of the same features.  the enthusiastic eyes and the time-stopping smile. 
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          “   are you here to cheer for lev ?   “      she asks shyly,  looking up at the other girl and hoping to god that she did not assume wrong.  she doesn’t think that she has the emotional capacity to be embarrassed today after being put through several bouts of nervousness from the boys’ matches.  after all,  she’d only visited to see nekoma’s match while the karasuno boys are resting.      \      @crtlv​.   ♡ ‘d. 
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fuyuonee-a · 4 years
@crtlv​ - from this
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In her dreams, she’s weak. She never learned, never gained any strength from her anger. The demons take her big brother away, or she falls through the cracks of memory, cursing her mistakes in past battles. She still remembers watching blood pour from Tanjirou’s body, strung up like a butcher’s catch against the full moon. Oh, she had hated that lower moon with her entire heart then.
But tonight, she dreamt of the swordsman who  had attacked Tanjirou. She remembered how helpless she felt, the roars of her transformed, enraged brother, and then the wails of her little sister, begging the swordsman to stop, for Tanjirou to calm down. The only human survivor of the family. 
She awakens to warmth, eyes opening with tears that poured. The rose optics flickered up, noticing the warm eyes of her little sister, and for one blissful second, she feels as if she was home again. But she sees only two strings... the bright, vibrant pink of her sister, and the faded gray-red of her demonic onii-chan.
“Hanako...” Nezuko whispered. “I’m sorry.”
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chisupamoved · 4 years
❥ ┇ carried on from X  || @crtlv​
SO MAYBE he was new to making hot chocolate, really anything sweet wasn’t his thing. but he wanted to try for her, he wanted to make her something that she liked ——- while he had no idea how, he’d watched other students do it, it seemed easy.  he had made it himself a couple of times just to try, which was a MISTAKE. he hated the taste and ended up tipping it away— he thought about asking someone for help, but anyone he knew— would know who it was for and that would’ve lead to him wanting to murder them. felix WISHED it was easier, he would’ve tried baking but the likelihood of giving her food poisoning?!? NO WAY. 
felix watched her, that tight feeling was back again. that RINGING in his head. his knees feeling as if he’d been in battle armor for a week, why was he feeling this more and more? THOSE SONGS… those damn songs stuck in his mind, he sometimes found himself singing them to himself. 
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then she spoke. his eyes snapped to the side, shit he really had messed up. he could see that in her face, usually he would’ve said forget it but walking away from this? what type of man would he be? besides maybe she had a hot chocolate making song, he’d be a fool for running from that wouldn’t he?
“ You know I don’t like sweets, ”  a hand lifts up “ but I’d be willing to learn to make hot chocolate. ” his lip twitched, he wants to say ‘for you’ but dealing with being teased by her? he was not sure his heart could take such a thing right now.
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pruinesce-a2 · 4 years
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      ‘   you’ve  got  a  natural  talent,   but  you  still  need  to  rely  on  your  team  more,   kageyama - kun.   ’   nothing  he  hasn’t  heard  a  thousand  times,   surely.   ‘   after  all,   we  setters  are  nothing  without  someone  to  toss  to,   ne   . . .  ?   ’
@crtlv​  /  hq starter  !
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whatsyourwish · 4 years
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SPARROW.  innocence.   big dreamer.  waking up too early.   walking home.   being afraid of meeting new people.   slim hands.   always cold.   reading a book under a tree.   the smell of the forest.   missing your home.
EAGLE.  independent.   caring too much for others.   sharp looks.   walking through the city late at night.   the tallest and most spectacular building.   iron.   being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad.
SWIFT. falling in love easily and heavily.   traveller.   the infinity of the bluest sky.   storms.   broken smiles.   forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones. feeling out of place. mistrusting people.   a fleeting romance.
CROW.   feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot.   prejudging.  tight hugs that leave you breathless.   a grey sky.  serenity.   intelligence.   being left behind.   chains.   smoke.   the pride of someone wise.  
DOVE. petals.  jealousy.   being tired of living with the same old faces.   whispered secrets.   marble.   sundresses.   white clothes.   the first sunset of winter.   pride in who you are.   learning to get over someone.
SEAGULL.   family.   golden light.   the sea murmuring in your ear.  summer afternoons.   caramel ice cream.  collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures.   living breezy and carefree.   swimming in the sunlight.
CANARY.   artistic.   getting excited easily.   dancing and singing while you are alone.  looking at your friends having fun.   no phone.   being afraid of judgment.   spring.   a meaningful gift. the first ray of sunlight.
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tagged by :    @innosen​ .   (   thank you, kaya ♡ !   ) tags :    @pnkfox , @mutd , @crtlv , @kisedari​   💕 !
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crtlz-a-a · 4 years
yeah im writing bokuto’s oldest sister for @crtlv . and what about it .
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jikangai-a · 4 years
“ it’s okay to be confused . nobody has all the answers . ” // tendou @ goshiki... twiddles fingers....
hurt & comfort || still accepting !
‘ i don’t have time to be confused ! ‘ how is he supposed to be the ace and surpass ushijima at this rate ? he felt like a stupid kid. sure, he was just a first year, but that just meant he had to work twice as hard to catch up with the older students. it wasn’t enough to not know ! he didn’t have time to not know. he had to know it all, and he had to know it now. he was running out of time ! and he had to be the best. anything less just wouldn’t do. 
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‘ i’m going to get it this time, just watch. ‘ 
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setternine-a · 4 years
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@crtlv​ : you already know what time it is!! bokuto hug time!! he hugs kageyama with force so that he can lift his friend off the GROUND!!!
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     Oh no, oh no, oh no. Surely he had enjoyed the headpats, but hugs ━ BEAR HUGS, on top of it all, from Bokuto ━ were a bit overwhelming if not rather painful. Kageyama immediately grunts at the squeeze, breath caught in his throat as he is lifted off the ground. His arms are trapped into the hug, glued to his sides, back arching inevitably with the strong wrapping of the other’s muscular arms. He appreciates the sole fact that Bokuto would be so affectionate towards him, but God, it’s so absurdly embarrassing and so difficult to breathe.
     “ B..Bokuto..sa..n... plea..se... S.. STOP.. IT...!! ”
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shibemuses-a · 4 years
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FULL NAME.  Robin Calatia MEANING. Red-breasted bird, city by the sea  NICKNAME.  Little wolf, little light, birdie  GENDER.  Female HEIGHT.  5′5″. AGE.  24, verse dependent   ZODIAC. Sagittarius SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  English + Japanese 𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬 ! HAIR COLOUR. Blonde EYE COLOUR.  Blue SKIN TONE. Fair, it has rosy undertones and she has naturally pink cheeks that tends to grow redder when she feels intense emotions! Light dusting of freckles on the arms and knuckles. BODY TYPE.  Average size, but with an obvious tone to her arms and legs. ACCENT. General Eastern US accent, not really noticeable. VOICE. Hard to describe? I personally give her the Japanese voice of Aki Asakura (The Tale of the Princess Kaguya) and English... Julia Garner (her fc!) DOMINANT HAND. Right POSTURE.  Relaxed  SCARS. Star shaped gash on her abdomen, where a bear had attacked her as a child. She was only able to survive because of her budding powers, which had come out in her time of need and scared the bear away, while also cauterizing the wound.   TATTOOS.  n/a MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). Her feral blue eyes. Many have likened them to those of a beast. It’s the one part of her body she can’t control the shifting of. That and her smile, with slightly sharp canine teeth. 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 ! PLACE OF BIRTH. Lost Woods, Adirondack Mountains, New York HOMETOWN. n/a BIRTH WEIGHT.  Average BIRTH HEIGHT.  6 inches MANNER OF BIRTH.  Born at home, without a midwife. Her mother was afraid she would be born as a pup, but thankfully, she was born as a human child. FIRST WORDS.  Mama/Papa SIBLINGS. Older brother, he is three years older than her. PARENTS.  Lincoln Calatia (father, called Link by his friends, swordsman), Miyuki Kobayashi (Japanese immigrant, painter and secret swordsman) PARENT INVOLVEMENT. Her parents were very close to her and her brother. They made it a point to be there for their children from day one, and teach them everything to defend themselves and love their forest. Unfortunately, her mother died from an illness, and her father was killed in combat not long after. From 10 to 15, she was raised by her older brother. 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 ! OCCUPATION. The protector and guardian of the forest. Self employed artist and author of woodland fauna guides. CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Her family’s little cabin in the woods. CLOSE FRIENDS. Her brother. (verse dependent: Link (hylian-champion), Elsa (iskrone), Ray (dullweapons), Cat (streetxcat), Spirit (hxldtheworld), Nezuko (nezukoo), Rengoku (crtlv), Revali (ritohonour), Urbosa (gerudofury), The Prince (woodsbled), etc) RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  Verse dependent (Zelda (legendarylullaby), Niamh (intothewildsea), Volga (volcania), Rapunzel (maskedmuses), Dark (egotisticle), etc.) FINANCIAL STATUS.  Middle class (?) DRIVER’S LICENSE. Verse dependent.   CRIMINAL RECORD. no VICES.  Clingy and anxious due to trauma revolving around abandonment. Suffers self doubt and hatred, depression. Stubborn. Too willing to self sacrifice. 𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ! SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Pan ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  Pan PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive       |       dominant  |       switch | PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive       |       dominant       |       switch  | im open to discussing this more if our muses have a relationship, but it will all be privately done LIBIDO.  see above note TURN ON’S. again- TURN OFF’S.  again again- RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Very very cuddly. She likes to give gifts and cook for her partners, show all the affection she can muster so they know how much they mean to her. 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 ! CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. there’s a lot HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.   Drawing and writing, mostly. But she adores drawing, especially when she can explore and get inspiration from the world around her. She also enjoys cooking and baking, gardening and reading. MENTAL ILLNESSES.  anxiety, depression, PTSD PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  n/a LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. whichever one is the creative one lmao PHOBIAS.  Losing everything she loves (again), failing her parents, not having the strength to continue living, being forgotten. SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  Pretty confident with bouts of doubt from time to time, nonetheless she’s someone who gives it her all with whatever new thing she’s trying out. Confident about herself in terms of her abilities, not so much her self worth in the endgame. VULNERABILITIES. She’s far too kind for her own good, giving benefit of the doubt to many. She’s also very responsible to a fault. And as implied above in phobias, well, she tends to put people’s own needs and safety above her own first and foremost. TAGGED BY: @spiritmaiden​ TAGGING: say i tagged you, especially if you were listed as one of Robin’s friends/lovers owo
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innosen · 4 years
who is ur muse like in spirited away ? / accepting
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hinata as the SOOT SPRITE(S) tho !!  ALSKDFJ
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woon0 · 4 years
what kind of herb are you?
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The world is a puzzle, so complex and multifaceted that you long to run your hands through the tapestry of its wonders and stay there forever, lost in the threads and colors and stories. You wish to stay there forever and you tell yourself it's to know the world but maybe it's not, maybe it's a fear that you're not enough, that you're so fragile and helpless in a world that moves too fast, to sharply, too many bright, painful colors that you stay locked inside your mind and thoughts, where you decide the tempo of your world, where you can grow and be as competent, as capable as you want, where the world is as wide as you can imagine it and never out of control unless you want it to be. Your shield is your knowledge, your mind, and you never feel ready enough for the world around you, never feel prepared enough, never safe, and you wonder if things could have been different, if you could have been better, happier, more like everyone else if you'd just known what you know now.
tagged by : @fatedcore​ thank u :o
tagging : @crtlv @crtlz @haeroics @pruinesce​ + whoever wants to do it !
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