#crwn: reserve
crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
dong youngbae [BIGBANG] - lead vocal of GALAXY
gong minji [SOLOIST] - unspecified
lee hayi [SOLOIST] - unspecified
bang yongguk [BAP] - of SQUADRONE*
choi “sulli” jinri [SOLOIST] - main rapper, vocal of LUNA*
chou tzuyu [TWICE] - lead vocal of SOLAR*
kim “bobby” jiwon [IKON] - of SQUADRONE *
kim chungha [SOLOIST] - lead vocal, lead dancer of SUGAR*
takaaki “batoshin” batusing [XOX] - main vocal & maknae of SALT *
bambi collins [SUGAR] - @bambbles
kim mikyung [LUNA] - @miikyng
*waiting on accounts
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randombtsprincessa · 3 years
Bed Bereft || Epilogue
All Rights Reserved. © RandomBTSPrincessa, Tulips98.
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Taehyung x Reader x Kim Seokjin
Words: 18.7k (IT”S BELOW 20K SOMEONE HUG ME)
Genre: Smut, Angst (it ain’t mild this time, whoops), Fluff!
Rating: Mature (18+)
Summary: A month into your blissful relationship with your best friend and his boyfriend, you must face reality again.
Playlist: cln - Better Than (Feki Remix) Fluss - au revoir Phlux - Nym Zuri Akoko - Persian Rugs CRWN - Under Blankets (feat. Jessica Connelly)
Content Advisory - Office makeouts, semi public fingering, allusions to sex, getting drunk at work, lovers' spats, showers, making up, clubbing, social drinking, kitchen sex, oral female receiving, insecurities, doubts, fights, mentions of therapy pool sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, threesome (MMF), Polyamorous relationship, Polyphilia (all this, in addition to the previous warnings from Bed Bereft)
A/N: Happy birthday to TaeJin!...again! Dedicating this fic specially to @stealth-liberal​​.  I know I kept saying that it will be posted for months and months before but finally I decided that I would only get the any form of inspiration when the deadline hit. And naturally, that's when it happened. Enjoy!  As usual, please do let me know your thoughts on the work. And for Ask My Muse you can always hit me up! Requests for drabbles for Bed Bereft are open!
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The edge of your wooden desk dug into the curve of your back, but by god, if it wasn’t the sweetest pain you’d ever felt. Your body was bowed back, with Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you. Each time you whimpered, those arms tightened; his tongue tracing over that one spot on your neck that incited shivers in you. He tickled his way up to your ear, sucking your earlobe into his mouth.
“Jin wants to meet us at our Thai restaurant.” He whispered when he released the sensitive flesh.
Your hands gripped onto the sides of his thick cream sweater - one of your favorites - and pulled slightly away from him. “Oh,” Your voice was heavy, but you managed a facade of composure. “I don’t see how that warrants your...untoward behaviour here right now - at work.”
Taehyung didn’t bother to hide his mischievous smirk. “Because you love it.”
Damn him , you did.
The heat of his body pressed against yours did all sorts of things to you and now that he knew it, he was blatantly using it to his own advantage. However it only made you feel hot instead of rightfully angry.
...Damn him.
Taehyung could already tell that you had no argument for him, pressing his lips to yours for a heady kiss. His lips caressed yours softly, the barest hint of his tongue brushing inside your bottom lip. When he pulled back - too soon for your liking - you tried not to chase after his mouth, pouting at his kind smile.
“Why don't you sort your stuff out here? Meet me in the parking lot in ten minutes, I’ll bring the car around.”
You nodded, his hands prying away from your waist deliberately. Taehyung blew you a parting flying kiss as he exited out of your office.
Thankfully, your floor was empty. And even if the building receptionist saw you leaving together it wouldn’t matter. Your best friend had been thought of as your boyfriend by anyone  and everyone who didn’t know you well enough. Aside from the fact that now he truly was your boyfriend, nothing had changed...not in your work, your routines, or your behaviour towards each other.
Ok, so maybe he made out with you in your office a lot more now, but aside from that, there were no glaring changes.
You were safe .
The first thing you did when you heard the elevator close after Taehyung was peek at the mirror you had on the wall. Your hair was mussed to one side where Taehyung’s hand had gripped it, and the first three buttons of your shirt popped open, a hint of your purple bra peeking through. You quickly buttoned up your shirt, fetching your brush to take care of your hair.
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The Thai restaurant remained one of the things that hadn’t changed in your life, thankfully. The same swanky, dimly lit little place; it retained it’s cozy ambience with it’s spaced out, screened booths for privacy.
That came in handy whenever you dined out with your boyfriends...yep, boyfriend s.
You had never thought you’d be one of the people who got to claim two absolutely gorgeous, generous, gallant gentlemen as your lovers but here you were.
When you and Taehyung arrived, Jin was already in your usual booth, a menu propped open in front of his face. His eyes were focused on the sleek folder, blinking slowly behind his glasses. You had to contain the slight gasp that bubbled at your lips when you saw he was in a full black suit, the lapels glinting in the overhead lamp.
Beside you, Taehyung shamelessly released his groan, reaching Jin first. “Fuck, you look hot.” He said, with no filter of course.
Kim Seokjin looked up at his partners with an amused smile, chortling at the way the both of you ran your eyes over him. Taehyung let you slide in beside Jin, before huddling in close after you. He yanked the screen back into place for good measure.
“Hello, my loves,” Jin murmured, picking up your hand to place a kiss to your knuckles before mimicking the action for Tae. His businesslike mind usually stretched to PDA outside of the office, yes, but the conservative affection was a part of your request - with constant worry of the media attempting to snap pictures of the pair that they had been.
Any pictures where they slipped up and showed you physical affection could blow up in your faces.
“Hi,” You whispered, Tae’s head landing on your shoulder to pout at his boyfriend.
“Did you come straight from work?”
Jin nodded, making Taehyung sigh. “The things I would do to you in that suit.”
Jin laughed loudly at that, leaning in quickly to peck Taehyung’s cheek before looking at you. Thankfully, neither of them teased you about the wild flush that had flooded your neck at their blatant flirting. “And you, sweetheart, would you not want to do anything?”
You cleared your throat, trying to meet Jin’s eyes calmly. “I prefer turtlenecks.”
There was a split moment when Jin leaned in, as if to kiss you too before obviously remembering your request. He leaned back into his seat, clearing his own throat.
The atmosphere of the booth felt a bit constricted now.
You looked down resolutely, unable to meet their eyes anymore until Taehyung was dispelling the sudden tension. “Let’s get some food, I'm starving.”
“Oh god yes please, I didn’t even eat lunch today.” You blurted out, following his lead even as Jin frowned.
“Why not?”
“Well…Taehyung and Irene were out today to help a client with their collection of garden gnomes so I thought I’d go visit a site. It was evening and time to come back to the office before I knew it.” You shrugged it off mildly, flicking open the menu that Jin had discarded.
It wasn’t a big deal for you. You would sometimes forget to eat or just forgo it until Taehyung would come get you something or whisk you off to eat. It had been like that since you’d started at BHE.
“I think Jin takes it as a personal offense if you don’t eat, seeing as he’s a fair chef.”
“Excuse me, I am more than just ‘fair’.” Jin huffed at Taehyung, looking back at you. “Order whatever you want, darling. We’ll get something for tomorrow’s breakfast as well.”
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Soon enough bowls of egg stew, green curry, chicken satays and fried rice steamed on the polished table. Elbows nudged against each other as you all piled your plates, tearing into the food.
For a few minutes all that there was, were slurps, munching and drinking of soda when a mouthful  got too spicy.
Jin talked in his usual mellow tone, mumbling about the day he had had and what all he needed to get done for the week. At proper intervals, Taehyung put in mild hums and low huffs of annoyance at a name while you sat silently.
You weren’t nearly as ingrained in their lives as to be able to know and comment on every aspect of their lives - definitely not Jin’s. He had no problem bringing you to his office - and you had only been there twice. But of course, that had been purely professional.
Now…well, now you weren’t sure if it was completely appropriate to show up there. At least not so recently…
It made you resign yourself to listen to him talk and try to grasp names and positions. You didn’t mind. You loved the higher pitch Jin had compared to Taehyung. While they both lowered their voice when they were angry…or horny, it remained that the two were different men and while you were completely used to Taehyung, knowing him down to his bones - Jin was still mostly a mystery to you.
Your eyes drifted out the window from Jin’s lowered face, his words now becoming background sound. There were more voices behind you, all chattering - all with lives of their own.
How many of those lives had been thrown for a loop recently?
How many were feeling comfortable where they were?
Your thoughts were jarred to the real world when you felt a warm hand clamp right onto your knee. Your leg shot up slightly, mind jumping back to reality to glance at Jin who was still talking.
To your other side, Taehyung had a skewer in his hand and he waved it around as he nodded to whatever it was that Jin was talking about.
Jin looked up, sending you a casual glance back before reaching for his glass of water. You looked down hurriedly, embarrassed at the lack of attention you were paying to your partners on a date.
You swallowed your bite of rice, fully ready to pull up your socks and delve into the conversation again when you felt the hand at your knee squeeze.
You looked down to see it was Jins’, a pale braided gold ring on his thumb and his heavy watch peeking out of his shirt sleeve. You looked back up at the man in question curiously, wondering if he wanted to tell you something.
On his part, Seokjin looked completely unbothered, spooning some curry in his mouth before giving you another glance.
“What?” You mouthed at him. He stared for a few minutes.
“It seems,” He said, “that our Y/N is a little distracted today.”
His eyes were still blank, a slight hitch to his eyebrows the only change in his expression. “Are we not keeping your attention tonight, Princess?”
“No - I was, I’m just tired - I didn’t mean,” You stuttered a little when the hand rose up your leg, curving warmly over the top of your thigh.
“You’re tired?”
You managed a stiff nod. Jin hummed thoughtfully, glancing over you until his eyes landed to where his hand lay over your lap. “We should freshen you up.”
You had barely opened your mouth to say there was no need when your legs were pushed open. Jin smiled almost kindly at you as he placed two fingers where the skirt had ridden up your thighs.
Your cheeks burned. The fabric of the skirt stretched tightly over your skin, digging in till it was almost uncomfortable. And yet, those two fingers placed calculatingly on your skin only made you think about how it would feel to have him shove them inside you. You squirmed, glancing over at Taehyung helplessly.
Of course, it was silly to ask him for any assistance. Taehyung had a wicked look on his face, eyes deep and lips pulled against his teeth. He had already angled his body to hide you from the rest of the restaurant while Jin’s broad frame hid you from the window.
Sandwiched between the two powerful men, you felt as safe as you could from the world and yet, trapped between them you felt exposed to their own eyes - like a live wire. It was electrifying and terrifying.
You placed a hand on their chests when they drew closer, your head falling back to take in deep breaths as Jin inched the skirt up till it circled the top of your thighs, not cutting into your skin anymore but still not as freeing as you would like.
Taehyung lowered his head to your neck, slightly chapped lips travelling over the dewing skin, inhaling deeply.
You whimpered.
“What do you need, Princess?” He murmured against your jawline.
“Someone could see.” You managed to whisper.
“Is that what you want?” Jin put in, eyes meeting yours when they flew open wide in horror.
Before you could emphasize that NO - it definitely wasn’t what you wanted, Jin had already tugged the rest of the skirt up, fingers now tucking into the gusset of your work underwear. They weren’t anything special, just a practical set of cotton but the way the men eyed the fabric made it feel anything but simple.
Taehyung joined in then, his own dexterous and long fingers pushing the crotch to the side, hissing through his teeth. “Were you wet already?”
It was humiliating, Taehyung’s eyes boring knowingly into yours, Jin’s taking on amusement at the antics of his lovers. “Had your fun already then?” he asked Taehyung.
“Barely,” He whispered, going back to your neck. “But you carry on, I want to watch this.”
Ah yes, Taehyung’s voyeuristic tendencies; you remembered back to the first time you’d made love with them - the way his eyes had watched every move you and Jin had made - from undressing you to Jin fucking you the next morning.
If anything, it had gotten worse.
He moved back enough till he was covering you again, head on his palm with a smile on his face. A perfectly polite expression - as if he was watching his favorite rom-com.
Jin obliged, obviously. His middle finger traced over your mound, dipping into your slit to seek your clit. “Lean back a bit, baby.” He whispered, and you obeyed so he could have better access.
Your eyes peeked over Taehyung’s shoulder, through the slats of the wooden screens. The rest of the people carried on eating, with waitresses and waiters carrying trays of food and drink to and fro - unaware of the depravity you were succumbing yourself to.
And then Jin’s fingers were moving inside you and all rational thought flooded out your brain. Your back arched when he plunged a digit in, your boyfriends cooing and shushing the sharp keening sound that would have escaped you if Taehyung’s thumb wasn’t patting against your lips warningly, his palm soothening over your jaw and neck.
“Quiet baby, we don’t wanna be kicked out and blacklisted, do we?” He whispered soothingly.
You nodded quickly, legs parting of their own accord as Jin kept up his even pace, the angle barely hitting your sweet spot. Maddeningly close and yet so far away…you grabbed his tie before an idea struck you.
They weren’t the only ones who got to play with you.
Seokjin and Taehyung both choked when your hand dropped to Jin’s crotch in determination. You pulled down the zipper of Jin’s slacks, hand sneaking into the opening for his member. It was easy to find, hard and almost calling to you. Your older boyfriend adjusted his seat accordingly - now wearing a shit-eating grin when you managed to pull it out of its confines.
“Fuck,” Taehyung cursed from next to you.
You moved your hand over Jin’s dick, timing it with his fingers moving inside of you.
The little booth you were sitting in was heating up, the evidence of your actions hidden behind a wooden screen that could be pulled aside any moment anyone wanted to check in on you. Despite your wishes to keep public displays of affection aside for now, you couldn’t deny that this was turning you on more with each passing scandalous moment, making all sorts of sensations running through you.
One of them was the tightening ball in the pit of your stomach, aided by Jin’s fingers and then Taehyung’s, unable to keep from rubbing into your clit. Your own hand had speeded up on Jin’s cock way earlier, his plush lips falling open as he neared his climax. His pace was erratic now, most of the work done by Taehyung as he increased the pressure on your bundle of nerves.
It took Jin ten seconds more to finally hit his peak. Eyes fluttered and hair plastered to the front of his forehead, he balled his fist against his mouth to hide the deep grunt he let out. Your hand tightened on his cockhead just as he came. Cum dribbled over your hand, coating your fingers and palm in his thick and sticky release.
Jin breathed deeply for a couple seconds, unclenching his fist to run his hand through his damp hair. Removing his glasses, he groaned.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” He said, pulling his hand away from your body. Taehyung handed both of you tissues to clean up.
Taehyung helped you clean up your hand and push the skirt back down, before you looked at Seokjin, pouting as he rubbed at your drying slick on his hand.
“You don’t need to be sorry, I had fun.” You insisted, refraining from touching his face until you'd actually washed your hands.
“I wanted you to come.”
At that moment he looked so adorable - plump lips sticking out and glasses slipping down his nose, you couldn’t help leaning over to peck him quickly on the lips, stunning him.
“I don’t need to always come to feel good.” You whispered against his cheek, placing another quick kiss there before looking at both of your men.
“Shall we go home?”
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It had been a month since you, Taehyung and Jin had consummated your feelings and started a relationship. The first morning, both men had adamantly told you that the point of purchasing the penthouse was to be closer to you and then make it easy for you when you moved in.
The first morning, with your mind thoroughly scrambled, body sore and legs wobbling; you hadn’t exactly paid much attention to their words. They were your boyfriends sure, but you were so used to your little perfect apartment.
You were used to the drive from home to work, to drinks, to parties.
You were sure it would be a good amount of time before they could bring themselves to being used to your presence with theirs. You had to give that to them - after all, they’d been a couple long before feelings got in the way.
You should’ve known that determination went both ways with the two men.
It had been Taehyung who started it; a slow process of surely ingraining you into their lives and home.
It had begun with ‘accidentally’ taking you to the penthouse in a ‘sleepy haze.’ Or it would be Jin who called you over for dinner. And conversation, and…other things would make it too late for you to go home.
Soon, it got to the point that you found yourself comfortable enough to leave your belongings at the penthouse - on the kitchen island, on the bathroom counter, in the closet or dresser…
Three weeks in; you agreed and happily moved it.
You kept the apartment of course, still not able to stomach the idea of giving it up.
And that was one area Jin and Taehyung respectfully kept their opinions to themselves. After all, they wanted you there with them and they had you there now. The rest - they left up to you.
Your DVDs were stashed in with Jin’s collection, your books and work supplies arranged in the office Taehyung had painstakingly decorated for you. You had your own drawers, your own partitions of the wardrobe and an entire cabinet of the dressing sink had your skincare in it.
You had your assigned side of the bed.
For all intents and purposes, the penthouse was now your home. A home you had dreamt of forever - and Taehyung and Jin had generously made it happen, alongside giving you the men you loved the most.
A month since…and you jealously guarded your secret.
Except of course, from the people who had helped make it happen.
So naturally, Irene was the first to know, right after you finished the Chou project.
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Irene closed the file of the Chou family, signing off the last documents and slipping it into her cabinet. Clicking her pen closed, she slammed the door shut with a spinning flourish.
“And that’s done, I hope the lovely pair and their progeny are happy.”
You raised the small glass of wine that you’d secretly poured out. Your boss wasn’t around and you’d just closed on a good job done. You’d earned the grape juice.
Irene took her seat behind the desk, picking her own glass up. “God, it’s been a week.”
You hummed.
“I’m going to go home, unplug everything and just take a good long bath - I feel dirt has settled right into my soul.”
“You were right.”
Irene glanced at you. “About what? About the fertilizer…? Because that was just common sense -”
“About Taehyung and Seokjin.” You cut her off.
Irene closed her mouth for a moment, giving you those wide eyes that meant she was actually taken aback. Then her eyes narrowed, lips pulling into a smug smirk as she sipped slowly at her glass again. “Mmhmm…and what happened after you realized I was right?”
You clicked your nails on your glass, not meeting her eyes. Images dredged up into your memory - hot, messy and wonderful.
“Damn, Y/N - you slept with them didn’t you?” Irene was sitting up ramrod straight now, her voice a full bar louder.
“God, not so loud - shut up!” You screeched, getting up quickly to shut the door to her office.
Your friend continued to eye you with glee, almost bouncing in her chair. “You have got to give me all the details! I mean, I know it’s not college, but please Y/N!”
You collapsed back in the chair, sighing. “I’m not going to tell you everything .” You warned, pointing a finger at her.
And then, of course, you told her everything.
As the wine bottle edged closer to being emptied, Irene ended up on her couch, with you on the floor.
“That…sounds so fucking sexy.” She whined.
“It totally was…” You agreed, thinking back to the morning again.
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As Taehyung had announced, the day was spent making love, making out, cuddling, eating, watching comedies and then finally, having the ‘talk’.
You were tossed an old shirt of Taehyung’s, velvety and soft from the wardrobe and you yanked it over your head - followed by some shorts that had long since shrunk on Jin.
With the sun rising and sending beams through the floor to ceiling windows, you three sat on three different ends of the sofas, suddenly awkward and quiet.
“Well, I guess we should come out and say it first - make it official.” Seokjin said, turning to face you seriously. “Y/N, we made it clear what we want from you. Now, it’s your turn.”
You blinked at the straightforwardness of his words, glancing at Taehyung nervously. “What are you willing to give?”
“A relationship. You, me and Jin - a throuple…isn’t that what it’s called by the kids nowadays?” Taehyung very nearly rolled his eyes at your glare.
“Ok, fine - so we’re all dating now. Jin said that there’s no strings to pull, so what are we talking about, anyway?” You snapped at your best friend.
“Because we know you. You’re not exactly going to change overnight. You have weird ideas that are going to make you think we’re treating you like a toy and run off…like you were going to before.”
“Taehyung, it’s not exactly healthy to put it like that. We’ve all been idiots.” Jin cut in before you could retaliate. He turned his head resolutely to you.
“We must be clear about the time and space we share, and how we can make adjustments for your thoughts. You can’t deny you’ll have them nor can we assume that we ourselves will be safe from doubts of our own. We might not have a problem in the bedroom, but there’s more to the kind of relationship we want for us all. And for that to work, we need to talk about anything and everything we might need to contend with. Be it finances, jealousy…anything. We also need to talk about how we’re going to publicise our relationship. I, for one, don’t have any problems with people finding out - and I doubt Taehyung is going to have much trouble either. His family knows you already and mine are going to be happy that I’m happy.”
You flinched at that.
Publicising the relationship…now that was one arena you had given approximately zero thought to.
You thought about it for a minute - about being able to tell people that you had more than one boyfriend…no, that your boyfriends were your best friend and his long term boyfriend.
You thought of Wendy - already having called you out on your detachment from Taehyung and being worried that it might affect your work.
You thought of the multiple people who had thought that Taehyung was yours before realizing that he was dating Kim Seokjin.
You thought of Joy.
What would these people say?
“...I don’t think we need to worry about finances…as for time and space, nothing can change because you and Taehyung work together. And Tae will come home to me…depends on if you want to come live here too…”
“...I mean we got the penthouse with you in mind…”
Your eyes drifted out the window, to the sun that was glaring at you like the spotlight that you knew would come with this.
You hadn’t just walked into a relationship with two people who nobody knew or cared about. You had just marched into a relationship of two people who for all intents and purposes were happy and in love with each other. They were complete together.
They wouldn’t care that they wanted you.
They would only think of you and your reasons.
You’d be the one judged.
Your reputation will be the one under a microscope.
Worst names floated around in your psyche, tuning out anything that Jin and Taehyung discussed in that soft, soothing tone you usually loved.
“...we can even discuss therapy…just for a bit, if you want…”
And therein lay the problem, didn’t it? You would be the one who would need therapy, because it was your insecurity, your issues with loving Taehyung from afar for so long that you had forgotten how to work your way around a relationship…
And wouldn’t therapy be a form of public announcement too?
“I don’t think we need therapy.” You said finally, meeting Jin’s slightly narrowed eyes. “I mean, it's still fresh, right? Do we really need to think that we need to fix something that we’ve barely begun? Let’s see how it goes, right?”
Jin and Taehyung shared a glance, looking at you closely. “Are you sure? We have no problem.”
“I know, I know you don’t but I think the rest of it is workable. I mean Tae and I will be working together anyway, and he’ll come home to you. Nothing is going to change. And I know you said you want me to move in, but let’s take that slow. Is that okay?”
“Whatever makes you comfortable, Y/N, you know that.” Taehyung grasped your hand, giving it a sincere squeeze.
You nodded, looking down to where his fingers entwined with yours.
“Also…is it okay, if we wait to tell everyone?”
Taehyung hesitated at that, looking at Jin but the older man only leaned onto his elbows, rubbing a hand over his mouth.
You paused at that.
You could tell them. You could tell them all the reasons that had played in your mind not too many moments ago. After all, this involved them too.
And this talk was the place to let out these inhibitions, wasn’t it? That’s what they wanted.
But they were right. You couldn’t change overnight. And as much as you wanted to, you couldn't trust that they would understand. They would try to ease your mind with kisses, with distracting touches, with sweet words that wrapped you in a safe cocoon and left you too stupid to deal with the reality of the world.
And if you crashed?
It would be you who would have to pick up the pieces.
They’d help, but they couldn’t understand.
So you put on your sultry smile, tugging on Taehyung’s hand and he came immediately to sit closer to you. “I want to keep you two to myself for as long as I can.”
You didn’t check Jin’s expression - you knew he’d catch the studying look, the CEO who could understand people with a single glance would surely see through yours.
Taehyung looked unsure for a minute, looking at your mouth as if hesitating to kiss you but you managed to break through by beckoning Jin to come over as well.
You could talk again later, you thought, closing your eyes when the two men huddled you into their arms.
There’d be plenty of time to talk…once you’d sorted through your own worries.
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“What the hell are you two doing?”
Irene and you peered up to see the door open, Taehyung standing there with his arms crossed. There was an amused smile playing on his lips even as his eyes remained bemused.
“Ah…there’s the man who broke through the closet for his lady love!” Irene cooed from the couch, sitting up. “How are you Taetae?”
“Sober.” Taehyung snorted, coming in and shutting the door before walking determinedly to where you were propped against the chair on the floor. “I can’t believe you two got drunk at work. It’s not even break-time.” He slipped an arm under your shoulders, pulling you up to sit on the chair.
“Hey, we are celebrating a job well done, okay? That and the fact that Y/N finally got laid. And magnificently so,”
Taehyung quietly snorted again, opening the blinds you’d dimmed and grabbed a bottle of water. “Thank you for your opinion on our sex life, Irene. Now can you two please get a grip?” He handed her one and me another from the mini-fridge under Irene’s desk.
We obediently sipped at our water before she chortled again.
“Joy is going to bust a nerve.”
You didn’t have to look at Taehyung to know that he had lost his smile.
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You drove that night.
As you’d suspected, Taehyung had long since dropped his smile since Irene’s office. His brows were pulled in, thin lips pursed and his nostrils flared occasionally.
He was also silent, which meant that the atmosphere of the car had gone from boisterous to tense. He didn’t once look over at you, keeping his gaze out of the car.
That, at least gave you some peace of mind.
Taehyung only ever avoided the gaze of people if he was upset and didn’t want you to know. If he was angry, he would rather get in your face and look you in the eye as he listed your faults.
So, you decided to stay quiet yourself, knowing he would spit it out sooner or later. After all, you still were his best friend.
It was when you flipped the dial on the radio, a pop song from the latest charts filling the car that Taehyung turned to look at you.
You let out an internal breath, bracing yourself for whatever it was that he wanted to get off of his chest. It could be about the office drinking - but he had never had a problem with it before. It could be about you telling Irene - but didn’t they say they were ok with telling people? Irene was one of your closest friends, the one who had seen that Seokjin and Taehyung liked you. She deserved to know, in your opinion.
And then your hands clenched on the wheel.
It had to be about…
“So, you haven’t told Joy yet?”
You shuffled in the driver’s seat, glancing at him in a hopefully casual manner. “No?”
“Why not?”
It brought you back to that night - when Taehyung had asked you about why you would go to Joy to get set up. It flared the same type of annoyance in you.
“What do you mean, why not? I’m going to tell Joy when I have the time and inclination. I have had occasion for neither.”
Taehyung was silent for a split second. “Right.”
You nearly banged your head on the steering wheel. “Look Tae, I know how you feel about Joy, ok?”
“This reminds me of our conversation that night.” He muttered.
You stuttered to a stop, both of you remembering that night felt suffocating rather than bringing on the fondness it should’ve had.
You opened your mouth again, ready to ask if this was a conversation he was willing to have with you right then but Taehyung turned away again, this time his whole torso facing the window.
You closed your mouth.
Well...looked like he wasn't.
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One of the perks of the penthouse, as Jin and Tae had told you repeatedly, was the shorter distance from work to home. Their previous apartment and yours had been in the outer circles of the city. The penthouse now; put all of you much closer to the bustling hub of the city heart.
This reduction of distance was a perk on the good days. Now, you cursed the short time it took for you to get home and lower the car into the parking.
Before you could even cut the engine, Tae was out the door, slamming it shut and walking off to the elevators.
Why was he acting like this?
Feeling cowed and uneasy, you grabbed your bag from the backseat slowly, taking care to lock the car and check the doors before you realized that Taehyung had not, in fact, left you alone in the basement. He stood by the elevators, hand holding the door to the private one open - waiting for you.
Your feet quickened at that, hurrying to enter the lift and then the grilled doors were closing on you, carrying you up to your home.
Taehyung and you stood on opposite sides of the box, staring either at the reflections on the walls or the blinking pink numbers at the top panel.
The ding that announced your arrival was met with silence, leaving you to the sinking realization that Jin wasn't home yet.
Fuck, that left you alone with one of your sulky boyfriends and you had no clue how to deal with that.
You placed your bags in your office, coming back out to see Taehyung in the kitchen, looking through the fridge. Lingering in the hallway, you fiddled with the buttons of your shirt, wondering how to approach the dark head in your sight.
Is this how this was going to be? Taehyung used to tell you everything. You were used to Taehyung coming to you to unload when anything bothered him. Was this relationship going to change the most important thing in your friendship with him? Has it already shifted gears into being one of the worst mistakes you could’ve made?
But he was still your best friend. And if you couldn’t approach your best friend, he might never approach his best friend in turn.
Your voice only garnered a nod, his hands now digging into the tupperware of leftovers you’d carefully packed away for them.
You entered the kitchen fully, leaning against the island as you watched him fetch a fork and start scooping up some cold pasta. “At least heat that up first.”
“I’m too hungry to wait.”
“Taehyung,” You sighed again. “Talk to me.”
He looked at you then, eyes blinking in innocence that you didn’t trust. “Talk to you about what?”
Taehyung put another forkful of pasta into his mouth, chewing loudly and slowly. “Okay, talk about Joy then.”
“Not me - you - God, Taehyung!” You ran a hand through your work ragged hair. “Can we talk about why Irene mentioning Joy made you ignore me?”
“I’m clearly not ignoring you, Y/N.”
You gave him an unimpressed stare. It was enough to make him sigh like you, closing the tupperware container and shove it back into the fridge, fork and all. “I’m really not ignoring you, ok? I just don’t understand -” He broke off.
You waited, watching his throat work, eyebrows furrow and smoothen as he sorted through his thoughts.
“You know I have a problem with Joy. It's nothing new and not getting old anytime soon.”
“Ok…and I’ve hung out with Joy before. I know mentioning her makes you snarky but this is new. This…the whole…” You waved a hand at him. “You being so obviously upset about her being in my life.”
Taehyung crossed his arms, getting into a defensive stance when the elevator dinged again. Both of you blinked, jarred out of the looming fight and looking around to see Jin walk around the corner of the foyer. His briefcase hung from his shoulder, the elevator key spinning on his index. Stretching his neck, he froze as he spotted Taehyung and you in the kitchen with tension palpable in the air.
“Uh…” He quickly flicked his eyes between the two of you. “Something wrong?”
You straightened away from the island, caught suddenly between the two men. As much as you’d hoped that Jin would be home to act as a mediator, you couldn’t help but wonder if that would be appropriate.
Jin had never met Joy. He didn’t know her from Eve. All he knew about her was from Taehyung because you tried to not bring her up - just in case something like exactly your current situation arose.
Was Jin being here truly helpful in your situation?
“Nothing.” You lied, glancing back at Taehyung whose eyes were now sharp on you. “Just work stuff.”
“Wait, so you don’t want to talk about it anymore?” Taehyung took a step forward, towards you, eyebrows rising.
You shrugged his question off, backing a bit as Jin undid the latch of the bag from his neck. “I don’t see the point of getting even more upset about this.”
“Wait, who’s upset? What’s going on?”
No one responded for a few moments before Taehyung turned to his boyfriend. “We were just discussing Joy. About my…issues with her. Now Y/N doesn’t want to talk about it.”
Jin’s expression was still confused as he looked between you and Tae.
“Like I said, no need to worry about this anymore.” It was a last ditch attempt to get the topic over with. Now that Jin was home, there would be a talk, you were sure of that.
“Well, it obviously is if it’s upsetting both of you.” Jin pulled a chair from the dining table to sit on it.
“ I’m not upset. He is.” You pointed a finger towards where Taehyung stood, on the other side of the island. It already felt like a match.
“And with good reason, if you haven’t told Joy already then I want to know when and how you’re going to do it.”
“Why?” Jin cut in.
“BECAUSE - you know how Joy is -”
“There it is again, yes, we all know how Joy supposedly is. And yes, you’ve always been going at it with her about that but I promise you, I am not going to subject you to her and her to you.”
“That’s not what this is about.”
“What is it about then? What happened suddenly that has made you this worried about Joy? You barely used to give a damn about her unless it was to roll your eyes and take a jab before.”
“You weren’t my girlfriend before.” Taehyung slammed a palm flat on the island, stopping you mid-speech and making Jin emit a sharp noise of disapproval when you jumped. “You’re my girlfriend now. You’re Jin’s girlfriend now. Have you forgotten what you did simply because she told you to? You distanced yourself from us!”
“Well, it got us together, in all fairness.” Jin stood up, voice calm.
“Exactly; and so Y/N tells Joy about us. What if Joy makes you think this was a bad idea? She hates me, you know. And you, you will go along with her. It’s not like you didn’t already. I know we said we’ll give it time - I know your insecurities. Joy will play you like a fiddle.”
Taehyung took a deep breath.
“And I’ll be damned if I let her take you away from us again.”
A thicker silence fell this time around. Jin crossed his arms, looking at his feet with his tongue pushing against his cheek. Taehyung glared at you and despite the blatant sadness in his eyes, you couldn’t help the fear and anger that rose up in you.
He knew, of course he knew about the doubts that flared up under your skin sometimes. He probably felt them when he brushed a hand across your body, just bubbling under the surface. And he really thought that you would leave them because Joy said so.
“So you know about my insecurities. You’re my best friend, Taehyung, you know me better than anyone else. Or so I thought. Joy is my friend - she wants what she thinks is the best for me. Have her plans always worked out? Obviously not, but it was never out of malice. And you really think that I’m weak and stupid enough to break up with you, just because she talked me into it, don’t you? That’s really how low you think of me.”
Despite the emotions that had pushed the words out of you, none of it was injected into them. They fell flat, emotionless and thankfully without the tremor you could feel on your lips. It wasn’t even a question. You saw it clearly on his face.
A shuddering breath later, you turned and walked past Jin, who looked frozen in his place. You thought about fetching your bag, taking off for a bit - but you couldn’t bring yourself to drive right now. You just wanted to be alone, someplace silent.
You would have to settle for it being in the Penthouse.
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Taking the stairs, you entered the spare bedroom. This would have to be enough for tonight. You lay down on the guest bed, staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours, deliberately numbing and pushing away any thoughts that floated to you. However, as much as you would have liked to stay there till the morning, you couldn’t stay here in your work clothes for the whole night.
So shucking off your day’s clothes, you fetched your rattiest pajamas, cradling them close as you snuck into the bathroom. Thankfully, they hadn’t followed you up yet.
Dropping the shirt and slacks into the hamper, you twisted the shower dials till they would burn on your skin, and hopefully turn your mind to a useless glob.
You stood under the hellish spray, arms bundling your chest and heart to yourself. Your head lay on the tiles, deep breaths in and deep breaths out.
They were discussing you down there…
Yeah no shit…
They didn’t trust you either…
And you didn’t want to address that right now…
You had wrecked your most precious friendships for this…
Was it too late to turn back now?
The steam shifted around you, rising and falling like the breath of some monstrous being not unlike this cavernous ball of guilt, doubt and frustration that pulsed inside you.
The first cold touch on your shoulder made you flinch, the fingers pulling away momentarily before latching on again determinedly.
You were pulled back into a chest, arms wrapping around where your own held on to yourself.
You exhaled slowly, a head laying on your shoulder. It was quiet then, the heavy shower pattering against the tiles thudding in your ears like your nervous pulse.
Finally -
“I’m sorry.”
You didn’t reply. You didn’t move.
“I know what I said was shitty and I know I didn’t help matters. I shouldn’t have brought insecurities and doubts into it at all, I got it way before Jin just kicked my ass for it, I promise. I don’t want you to think that this is a precedent. It’s not. Joy just -” He stopped, arms tightening around you.
“Ok, forget Joy, you told me she has no place in this relationship and I trust you about that. I trust you, Y/N. I know you’re in your pretty little head about the fight but please, forgive me?”
You still didn’t say anything, but you didn’t need to. Your arms dropped, letting Taehyung wrap himself around you better before he was spinning you around. Taehyung clasped your face to peer closely at you, studying the way you silently gazed back up at him.
You simply nodded, his body relaxing visibly at the way the fight left you. “I’m still not happy about what you said, just so you know.”
It was his turn to nod, thumb caressing over your cheeks. “I know, neither am I and Jin. He went to his office after telling me I was an idiot and to fix it but I thought I’d better give you some time to yourself. That was before I realized you might need me here with you. If you want, I’ll even take the guest bed tonight.”
Your refusal was vehement; loud enough to echo in the tile and glassed space, your hands quickly clasping his wrists. “I don’t want you to sleep elsewhere, I want you to hold me.”
“I can do more than that.” Taehyung kissed you softly, lips brushing over your nose and forehead before he was leaning your head against his chest, “Shampoo and soap?”
You hummed in agreement, feeling him reach behind you for the bottles.
Taehyung massaged the blueberry shampoo into your scalp in delicate circles, focusing on the top of your skull and the backs of your ears.
“I’ve been thinking…” He said, rinsing the shampoo off and picking up the matching soap. You waited while he sudsed up his hands, beginning to rub into your shoulders.
“What?” You prompted.
“You should take us to the club.”
The sentence, coupled with his pensive tone was so out of the blue that you wiggled out of his hold, turning to give him an incredulous look. “ What ?”
He shrugged innocently, hands still lathered in purple bubbles. “I mean, I just thought you’d want to show off your boyfriends. Your, really, really hot boyfriends - if I do say so myself.”
“You do say so yourself.” You teased, giggles pooling out of you at the completely blank face he said it with. Grabbing the soap you ran it down his own bare chest. “Might as well actually shower now that we’re here.”
“Just let me finish your back first.” You were about to turn when he grabbed your arm. “But before that,”
He gave you a big, smacking kiss, smiling with all his teeth when you laughed against his mouth.
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The dress was an apology present from Taehyung. The mild, shimmering fabric breathed easily and swung around your knees as a perfectly modest skirt. But from the waist up…
The bodice consisted of satin and lace netting, ruching at the sleeves while flowery lace covered the rest of you. It was almost deceptively simple, when you’d picked it out of the box, but aside from the built in satin covering your breasts, you were showing a lot of skin.
And you could only wonder about what Taehyung had planned for you and the dress once you got home - all part of his making up to you, of course.
Beside you, Irene had shot you a knowing grin, decked in silver and blue as she and you found Joy at the bar already.
A dazzling vision of white, your friend had squealed at the dress, marvelling at the sudden boldness of you.
“You should do this more often, you totally pull this off.”
You swatted at her shoulder, drinks lining the counter soon.
It felt nice, getting back with the girls after such a long time. You hadn’t seen Joy since the first night you had spent with Jin and Taehyung. You had also brushed off her texts regarding Kim Namjoon with a spineless excuse of being too busy.
It felt awful doing that to one of your closest friends - someone you knew wanted only your happiness, regardless of what Taehyung believed.
If he had been so concerned with Joy taking you from him, he could’ve opened his mouth and talked to you way back then in college. But the past was the past and you were theirs now. It was meaningless to be upset at either of them.
“You really do look gorgeous, Y/N. Like, really glowing…have you found a man without telling us?”
You choked on your drink, glaring at Irene who gave you an impish smirk. Damn; these girls were going to be the death of you. First Joy, now Irene…
“It’s just the foundation - it’s new.” You threw back, tossing another shot down your throat. The burn helped bring some clarity to you, despite the alcohol slowing your senses already.
“You’ve got to give me the brand name of the foundation.” Joy rubbed a finger along your jaw and then checked her finger. “It’s like it’s not even there.”
You and Irene watched her take her shot. Joy shook her head quickly before levelling a look at you.
“So, I know you said you were busy but I talked to Namjoon just a couple days ago and he’s still not gotten your call or text back. And I saw him waiting for a date, so…I don’t even know anymore. It’s been a month, Y/N. Why didn’t you call him? He was a great man. You’ve also bailed on girl nights.”
“Oh…just, projects and paperwork have been piling up and I also just started a new project.” It felt horrible, lying to her face like this while she only peered at you in concern.
“I hope you’re taking breaks, babe. All this stress is only going to make you feel shittier at the end of the week.”
You hummed, circling a finger around the rim of your glass and staunchly ignoring Irene gesturing behind Joy’s shoulder.
Of course, not all of it was a lie. You actually had started another project. Min Yoongi was back and he wanted you and Taehyung on his file to decorate his studio. But it wasn’t nearly as strenuous as the Chou project had been. Nothing to warrant a drink over, definitely.
Irene gestured again and you sighed.
Your friend murmured an acknowledgement, picking up an olive from the bowl and popping it into her mouth.
“I have something to say…uh, to confess actually.”
Joy straightened at that, sleepy eyes widening to give you a look full of her attention. She studied you before looking carefully at Irene.
“Are you guys dating? Because I have a really amazing gaydar and I would’ve seen that coming.”
Yeah…turned out her gaydar wasn’t as accurate as she claimed but still…
“No, Joy, I am dating - but not Irene. Although she’d be a catch.” You looked quickly at her. “I mean -”
“Y/N,” Irene shook your shoulder. “Focus.”
You turned back to Joy. “I am dating Taehyung actually. And Seokjin…I am dating both Taehyung and Seokjin.”
Joy gaped at you for so long you and Irene both had to call her name at least three times before she blinked.
“You - you’re dating both of the Kim men?” She whispered harshly. Your heart dropped a few inches.
You nodded mutely.
“That son of a bitch; I knew it. I knew he’d get you back into his spell.”
There went your heart further down.
“Joy…it’s not like that. It’s crazy the kind of anger you two have against each other.” Irene cut in, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Oh he has anger towards me, does he? I wasn’t the one obviously and shamelessly leading their so-called best friend on for years and years.”
“Joy,” You said softly. The pleasant haze of the alcohol had long since faded and you doubted you’d be drinking again. “It’s really not like that. It was just miscommunication. Since College…it’s just been one giant communication problem.”
Joy opened her mouth angrily, making you brace yourself internally. But she sighed, fluttering her eyes quickly and plucking her shot glass up, taking it down. Slamming it onto the table she pointed at me.
“Are you happy?”
You thought back to the morning. You’d fallen asleep on the couch in the living room, the novel you were reading loosely clasped in your fingers. You’d woken up in the center of your huge bed, Taehyung and Jin to either side of you. Taehyung faced you, close enough for you to feel his sleepy body heat radiate under the covers. Jin was on his back, one arm behind his head and the other slipping under your pillow. You’d smiled, running a hand over that arm to snuggle closer to your older boyfriend. The motion made Taehyung follow after, burrowing into the duvet and his arm reaching for you, wrapping around your waist. Jin shuffled, hand finding the one you’d placed on his chest before stilling again as you all went back to sleep.
“Yes,” You said, sincerely. “I am very happy. They make me happy.”
“Then that’s good enough for me. And if they ever hurt you or keep you from seeing me, I will kick their asses in that fancy penthouse you designed for them.” She vowed before giving you her trademark gleaming smile. “We should all totally do a group date.” She finally gushed.
You burst out laughing, Irene following as the tension dissipated.
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You entered the penthouse sometime after eleven. Irene being the designated driver usually meant coming home at a very reasonable hour. She’d piled Joy and you in her cute little car and drove you both home. With many blown kisses and promises to meet and ‘date’ again, you’d finally managed to plug in your little key into the private elevator and ridden up to home.
The first thing you did after exiting the elevator was dig your heels into the floor, wiggling your toes and ankles to get the heel off. Kicking them to the opposite wall, you swung your handbag around, humming a tune you’d picked up at the club and flexing your feet as you entered the kitchen for water and snacks. No way were you in the mood to nurse a hangover tomorrow.
Seokjin was already at the dinner table, a movie playing on his propped up phone while he watched calmly, his hands clasped on his stomach.
“Is the TV broken?” You draped yourself over his right shoulder, smiling when you smelled your blueberry shampoo in his hair instead of the clean citrus he preferred.
He raised a hand instinctively, delving into your hair.
“Nope,” He turned to the side to pull you onto his lap. “How was the club?”
You pressed your face back to his neck, sniffing along the sweet scent. “It was okay, fun. Got drunk,”
Jin laughed softly in your ear. “I can see that. And how was Joy?”
“She played nice. She’s happy for me. Even asked if we could all go group dating,” You pulled away to press a kiss to his hairline.
You didn’t know if it was your words or your actions but Jin’s eyebrows hiked up, looking at you intensely.
“You’re…much more affectionate when tipsy.” He noted, voice deepening when you ran a hand through the back of his hair, scratching at the base of his neck.
“I am, aren’t I?” You mocked his pensive voice before looking around. “Tae?”
“Out with some of your colleagues, he’ll be back in an hour or so; which means,” He wrapped his arms tighter around you. “I'll get you to myself for a while.”
You cheekily pecked his lips, taking advantage of his distraction to swing one leg over his lap, straddling him.
“Fuck, definitely a lot more affectionate. Why don’t you act more like this with me?”
“Because sober me is still shy of you,” You said, completely matter of factly. You ignored the split second of hesitation and sadness that fluttered over his expression to press your lips at his pulse point. The stiffness of his shoulders subsided the more you nestled there, grinding subtly onto where he’d spread his legs to make your seat comfortable. “You should be taking advantage of this.”
Jin grabbed at the back of your neck, pulling back enough to give you a quick overlook. “You know what, you’re right. And what better way to do that than to make up for last time,”
“What happened last time - Whoa!” You grasped his shoulders when he stood up smoothly, your legs tightening around his waist to keep from tipping over.
Jin carried you - not to the couch as you expected - but to the damn kitchen island, hefting you up enough to sit you on the granite. He cupped your face, bringing you down to kiss you properly, tongue tracing over your bottom lip, parting the petals to plunder inside. Breaking away, he ran his large palms over the front of the dress, whistling through his teeth when he noticed the satin shift under his touch, revealing more of your breasts to him.
“Taehyung definitely went all out. Did you like your present Princess?”
You whimpered your agreement, Jin lowering his hands to squeeze your legs, prying them apart and pushing you to lay back.
“Wait, wait!” You looked back at the island and then at him. “You can’t be serious, here?”
He smirked, bringing his face closer to you. “I can press you up against the window if you want. I don’t mind, we’d make a sight to behold.”
You squeaked, pushing at his shoulder when he broke into chuckles. “Here’s fine.”
Seokjin just smiled when you willingly kicked back, supporting yourself on your elbows to watch him slip his hands into the skirt, just rubbing into your skin.
Catching sight of the red lines on your feet, he rubbed circles onto them, easing circulation. “Does it hurt?” He asked, the aura of lust dissipating for his caring nature to shine through.
You shrugged, “Just heels you know.” You trailed off when Jin’s lips pressed to your ankles, tiny kisses peppered up to your knee where he bent your leg, sliding it over his shoulder. He continued to rub the other leg, the skirt falling back further with his hands until the breezy thing draped over your stomach. He made quick work of losing the scrap of satin that covered you. Dropping the fabric to the floor, Jin left your lower half bare for his eyes and…you hoped - for his mouth and fingers.
As much as you’d all had the opportunity to hit the bed with each other, there had never actually been an occasion where you’d been able to have Seokjin completely to yourself. Taehyung had it easy, what with his proximity to you at work and his zeal to ‘make up for lost time’ as he put it. Coming home, you’d be too tired for a good long session with your boyfriends, or Jin would be held back at the office, or Taehyung would fall asleep early because of his excursions to shop for the clients.
And even though you knew no one would mind, it felt awkward to seek Jin’s attention when Tae wasn’t involved. At least not actively…
Drunk you had no such inhibitions. You were free to love Kim Seokjin and would proudly want him to touch you.
The first stroke of Jin’s fingers through your folds made you choke on a gasp, his lips following to trap your flesh between his teeth. He placed tiny nips on you, teeth worrying the delicate skin of your inner thighs while he circled your entrance, rubbing your slick back into your folds.
When he brought his mouth back to your core, you had to drop back to lay completely on the island. The stone felt chilly against your skin, while Jin’s head burned down there. Your hands wandered, pressing into the satin ruching of the dress, the sensation of it making your nipples stand at attention. The lace caught onto your goosebumps as you gripped onto the skirt before finally having to clutch onto the silken strands of Jin’s hair.
Jin was generous with his tongue, with a level of dexterity that had you openly moaning his name, any thoughts of holding onto your composure tossed out the window. His fingers dipped into your finally, stroking one into you before pulling back to thrust two in.
“I’m going to make you come, sweetheart.” He crooned up at you. “Are you ready? Do you want it?”
You could only arch your back when he twisted his fingers into you, angling them to hit the spot inside you that had you flushing with overwhelming heat. Your mouth parted into silent pants.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Jin chuckled darkly, lowering his head to you again.
Your eyes fluttered, his pace increasing as he roughly pounded two long digits into you, taking care to batter into the place they’d memorized so well. He slurped at your juices, pulling at your clit with his lips. The kitchen echoed with those sounds, crude and scandalizing but it only made lust pool further into your belly, toes curling against the pleasure that wound up your body into a tight string, ready to snap any moment.
It was when Jin grazed your clit with his teeth, that the string snapped.
You came with your eyes open, the pressure that released in your gut sending dark spots flying into your vision. You might have screamed, might have moaned, might have done a number of things but it all ended with you crashing roughly down into your body, still on the kitchen island, with Jin now hovering over you.
He called your name from somewhere much farther than from where he was standing, his clean hand massaging into your knee, bringing you back.
“Holy fuck,” Was the first thing you uttered, watching Jin laugh, before raising his hand. He examined the threads of slick that bridged his fingers, scissoring his fingers before letting them rest on his tongue. The way he closed his eyes, groaning around your taste would’ve pulled another orgasm from you had you not already emptied that bucket.
So you could only sit there, watching with your jaw lax as he pulled his fingers from his mouth, leaning in to kiss you in the gentlest way possible.
You weren’t in the mood for gentleness, though. You wanted him to press you down, ram into you till you couldn’t walk.
Latching onto him, you took over the kiss, pressing into him as tight as you could.
“Fuck me,” You told him, bordering on a command and he took it as one, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Tae?”
“Taehyung can join in when he comes.” You nearly whined, kissing the column of his extraordinarily long neck. “Please,” You whispered and he broke.
Sliding his hands back under your legs, he pulled you to your feet, waiting for a second just to see if you were steady.
Grabbing your hand, he led you up the stairs to your bedroom.
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Your short heeled boots clicked roughly on the polished marble flooring, skidding a bit when you clutched the binder to your chest and hurried to Wendy’s office.
You hadn’t expected Wendy to call you into her office. She rarely did that unless it was urgent or of course, her house that needed remodeling again.
So when her assistant had called your work phone to book your hour before lunch, you had quickly fished out Wendy’s file and flipped through it, making sure you had everything from design plans to receipts to present to her in case she asked.
When the clock struck the appointed hour, you got to your feet, marching your way to the Boss Lady. Your steps were decidedly professional, even if the twinge between your legs wasn’t.
You could only blame yourself, drunkenly climbing onto Jin. It had taken hours to calm down, your eyes seeing the red haze of lust when Taehyung had finally arrived home, v-neck sweater only sending you into an impassioned frenzy again.
Two days later, you were still feeling their presence.
You knocked on Wendy’s door, waiting for her muffled consent to push the door open. She sat at her desk as usual, looking utterly pristine in her pantsuit and in front of her…was a surprise.
“Mr. Min,” You exclaimed, unable to hide the shock. Why was he here? Nobody went to Wendy unless it was a hugely important client and Min Yoongi had given you the job for his studio.
“Ah, Y/N, excellent, come on in; we were just discussing how commendable your endeavor with Mr. Min’s spaces have been. Enough to warrant a little bonus at the end of the year, I’d say.” She laughed that pitchy laugh that was reserved for pushy customers and you smiled tightly, taking a seat next to Min.
“It really was my pleasure working with you.” You returned genially when Yoongi waved a hand.
“Kim Taehyung just finished setting up the pieces in the studio and I have to say that man has an eye that aesthetic scholars would’ve killed for during the enlightenment.” He joked. “There’s a rug he put down, seems genuinely Persian and very high end…nobody without expertise would be able to tell it’s not a genuine artifact.”
“Oh, I’m glad he found that. With the monochromatic scheme you wanted, I thought a touch of traditional art would pair up well.” You couldn’t help it, slipping a bit into one of the joys of your workplace - discussing exactly how a place was designed and what thought went behind it.
“I’ll admit I was doubtful at first, but when Taehyung put it down I had to agree. He was very proud when I said yes, kept telling me how his girlfriend had worked very hard and he wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Yoongi chuckled, not noticing the way you froze and Wendy’s smile flickered in confusion.
“Oh…I thought…hmm, perhaps I misheard.” Wendy said softly when Yoongi sombered again.
You didn’t look away from Yoongi, feeling a prickling on the side of your face. Wendy had her keen eye trained on you - suspicious and you internally cursed both Taehyung for blurting it out to Yoongi and Yoongi for blurting it out here so casually.
“Well, if you ever need more work done, Y/N is the best we have. I’d know,” She laughed again, picking up the file with her name on it and waving it.
It was a subtle dismissal but apparently it was enough for Yoongi to clap his hands and get to his feet, straightening the designer jacket he wore.
“It was wonderful having you design for me, Miss Y/N. Let’s hope we get to work again, I’ll keep you in my contacts.” He shook your hand, then Wendy’s and exited the office.
The moment the wooden door thudded closed, Wendy turned to you, face eerily calm.
“I thought Kim Taehyung had a boyfriend - Kim Seokjin. Had I misheard?” She asked.
You stared at her, weighing your options. For one, it wasn’t any of Wendy’s business, and you could try to pass off Yoongi as having taken Taehyung’s words the wrong way.
After all, people already assumed that you and Taehyung were together. It would be easy to spin that he had let that assumption lead him on.
You could lie about it, easily.
But then…what if Taehyung talked about it with other clients? You’d have to tell him to cut it out as soon as you got out of here.
He’d agree to your wish, of course, but he’d be unsure…hurt…and that was the last thing you wanted.
And what about Jin? Didn’t he get a say on how you and Taehyung were received as a couple in your workplace? Somewhere you’d be for years…?
You sighed.
This was exactly why you had wanted to keep the relationship secret, to avoid being put on the spot. It would’ve been easy to brush a colleague off, but Wendy was your boss - and she had been very supportive through your work here.
You didn’t want to even think about losing her admiration.
“Taehyung does have a boyfriend, and a girlfriend…we are all dating.”
After all, what was the worst that could happen? You trusted Wendy to not judge you - and this wasn’t something anyone had any right to judge anyone about. It was a relationship that had nothing to do with other people.
“So, it’s a polyamorous relationship.” Wendy said, point blank - not looking or sounding angry.
You nodded.
“I take it this is recent. The way you and Taehyung were cold towards each other, tells me this has something to do with that.”
Your eyes sharpened.
“With all due respect, Wendy -”
She raised a hand to stop you. “It’s not my business, I agree. Your relationship has nothing to do with me or any of the employees here. But just hear me out, okay? I have been a very lenient boss - tried to at least, for the most part. There haven't been any anti-fraternizing rules in my workplace because we’re human, with our emotions and our quirks.” She smirked. “Mine is getting my house remodelled anytime I want to.”
You didn’t smile.
“I am not disappointed with you or angry. I am not very happy, of course, I won’t lie but it’s not because I disapprove. I suppose we all should’ve seen this coming. However .” She clicked a long nail on her desk to mark a point.
“There is a very good reason why workplace relationships are frowned upon, even banned. That’s due to different interests, interests that might end up hurting the company. I am not saying that - and god forbid, anything comes between the three of you, but…you and Taehyung are my best people. A fantastic designer paired with a very persuasive and intelligent shopper - I counted my golden eggs when you and he finished your first couple projects with us. I have never once thought of separating you.”
She steepled her fingers.
“And that will not change - provided, your workplace ethic doesn’t change. You might want to discuss boundaries between yourselves if you’re going to bring your relationship to my doorstep. I will not entertain frayed nerves between my best team, I have already seen that happen once with you and him. You remained professionals because it was a friendship then. I will give you the benefit of the doubt but I don’t hold out much hope for stiff upper lips when it’s love concerned. Am I clear?”
What could you do? You nodded, pressing your hands to your skirt to soak up the sweat gathered there.
“I think I said what I needed to. I hope you heard me. Also, Y/N…I know Kim Seokjin is a very influential man, but you will have to work that much harder to prove that you’re your own success.” She finally cracked a smile - a sad one. “It’s just the way of the world, honey.”
It was humiliating, walking out of her office like a chastised child. Nothing that Wendy had said was wrong - or malicious. She was already a successful woman when you’d dipped your toes into your career. She had never led BHE astray and she had never wronged her employees. It felt shitty to have caused her that kind of disturbance.
And you had no one to blame. You couldn’t blame Seokjin, you couldn’t blame Taehyung. So who did that leave?
It left you, didn’t it? The one who couldn’t move on…the one who made stupid choices that led you here…
You slumped into your office chair, closing off the door and windows. The hours ticked on, your pencil and sketching sheets untouched on your desk.
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Your eyes were bleary when they caught the numbers on the clock. The sun must have set ages ago and you hadn’t even realized. Standing up on tired legs, you gathered your bag, the pleasurable twinge long since faded from your body.
It was almost poetic, because now the dreamy bliss of the relationship was shattered by the harsh reality of life.
You drove slowly, eyes heavy and limbs leaden. It took you three tries to park straight and ten minutes to pull out your key from your purse. Plugging it into the elevator, you sighed deeply, laying your head back onto the metal walls.
There was a throb in the back of your skull, the coolness of the metal doing nothing to dim it. It had been there since the afternoon, you supposed from grinding your teeth too much but you welcomed the pain, it’d keep you grounded.
Boundaries…you needed boundaries…
As much as you had jumped headlong into the relationship and despite wanting it to be seamless, you realized the world would never let you do that.
Your earlier insecurities had more weight than they had ever before.
You couldn’t sweep them under the carpet like yesterday’s dust any longer.
All too soon, the elevator was dinging your arrival. You stepped out into the foyer, taking a moment to inhale a bracing breath, finding your will within you. Not taking off your shoes or putting your bag down, you turned the corner, finding Jin and Taehyung on the couch.
They had a chess board open between them. A huge bowl of chips was set next to the board.
It was a painfully domestic picture, one you couldn’t help but smile at, despite yourself. You watched Taehyung grab a handful of chips and chomp down on them messily, shooting a grin at Jin who wrinkled his nose at him. “Complete animal,” He grumbled before noticing you.
“Y/N, baby,” He smiled.
“How was work, babe? I missed you!” Taehyung got to his feet, rubbing his hands off on his sweats. He walked over, reaching for your stuff.
“Why did you tell Min Yoongi that I am your girlfriend, Tae?”
Your question was quiet, serious. Perhaps, too quiet because Tae frowned before leaning in. “What?”
“Min Yoongi, he came to the office today - met up with Wendy. Now Wendy knows that we’re dating.”
Taehyung reeled back, his eyes widening. “I did not tell her anything. I didn’t even tell Min Yoongi - what the fuck, I -” His eyes widened even more when he remembered the instance when he must have blurted it out. “Shit. Ok, so I must have slipped up in front of Min, but I swear I didn’t tell Wendy.”
“I know, I did.”
Taehyung relaxed at that. “Oh, you told her, great. How’d she take it? Are we going to be told ‘I knew it’?”
“No Taehyung,” You sighed, your arms weighing down further when finally he noticed that something was off.
“Wait, what’s going on? Is something wrong?”
“I had to tell her about us when I wasn’t ready , Taehyung. Of course something is wrong.”
There was a moment of confused silence as Jin joined Taehyung, standing shoulder to shoulder. The way they had exited BHE once, the way I had seen them always be. Opposite me, always together…it was the way the world had always seen them.
“Do you know how embarrassing it was, to be told that Wendy would allow us to work together if we can keep our interests for the company the same as it was before? How…insulted I was, when I realised that somehow my name, my reputation would be the one judged and weighed because we love each other?”
“What does it have to do with anything? Did Wendy insult you?” Jin was about to touch you, reach for your hand but you shook your head quickly, balling your fist.
“I told you that I needed time and space to be able to tell people in my own way. Why couldn’t you just do that much for me?”
“I didn’t realise I spit it out! I was so happy that he accepted your rug idea, it just came out. What’s so wrong about it? It’s done and Wendy knows. She’s not kicking us out and she won’t make us work with anyone else. Nothing is going to change.”
“But everything already has changed! Don’t you see? People always assumed that we were together when we weren’t and now people have seen you and Jin be happy for ages. This relationship has already changed a major status quo for people. How can you not see that this relationship is going to affect me a lot more than it affects you two, because I am the one who is intruding.”
Jin’s hand fell, Taehyung’s face blanked completely as they stared at you, hurt and disbelieving. Your heart pounded, rushing your head with too much blood. But there was none of the excitement or electricity that usually accompanied you in their presence.
If anything, you were numb. Even though the look they had trained on you was obviously wounded, you couldn’t find it in you to take their faces in your hands, to shush or soothe. You couldn’t let yourself console them now - considering a barest brush of their skin against yours would crumble you.
If they considered it a mark of your insecurities - as Taehyung  had once put it - you could live with that. But how much of your own person could you handle losing to them, simply because you loved them?
You were used to living as Taehyung’s person, ever since you’d become friends. He had been the breath in your lungs for so long you’d forgotten how to survive breathing without him. And then you’d let Seokjin in as well. From afar, stretching your heart silently to fit two men meant nothing…but could you truly handle it if this stretch bled out?
And what if it bled out at work, staining your hard earned name, painting hours of designs, hours of screen time, your pencil ridden calluses, crimson?
You thought of the way their family would view you. You thought of the way your own family would view you.
They were real things. These were things you needed them to look at through your eyes. And yes, you’d told them you needed to take it slow, to keep them a tightly knit secret - for you to enjoy only for now. It seemed, however, that this knit was unravelling, the threads flying out of your hands too fast for you to control where they went.
“I think…it’s best if we take some time, some space…”
Taehyung’s face crumpled. “No!” His hand shot out, wrapping around your wrist too fast for you to back away.
He yanked you into his chest, arms around you protectively. “You can’t leave, Y/N. I promise you we’ll take care of this. We’ll deal with this together.”
You let his hot exhales soak into your skin, taking care to slip away gently. Taehyung was openly tearing up, bottom lip pulled between his teeth. Helpless, you looked at Jin - to understand - to make him understand.
“Do you really want this to come between us?” He asked quietly.
He was as composed as ever. Even the sadness had melted from his face, leaving him to look at you as if he was assessing you.
“Of course not, it’s not about what I want anymore. It’s about how we’ll be seen in the world. It’s about how people will look at me.”
He had nothing to say to that.
“So, we break up because of other people?” He asked finally.
“I’m not leaving you. I just want us to think about a lot of things.”
Taehyung’s eyes flashed up at that.
“We talked about this! A month ago, we were fine…”
You pressed the tips of your fingers to his lips.
“Circumstances have changed, Tae. We didn’t really think of anything but us when we talked that time. We need to consider how the world affects us now. And how and what we will meet the world as.”
You closed up to him.
“Just some time…to think, to sort through things…to work through them…”
He quickly shook his head but you pressed your lips to his softly. He exhaled roughly against you but you hoped he could feel that the kiss wasn’t a farewell, but take it as a plea.
You pulled away to look at your other boyfriend. He’d folded his arms across his chest and it was clearly to keep you at a distance from his body. You respected that. With a simple brush of your fingers over his arm, you went to the dresser to the side, rummaging inside the second drawer for the key to your apartment.
The clang of the keys made Taehyung call your name softly, making you turn to face him again.
“Please,” He begged.
“I’ll call.” You promised.
With that you clutched your handbag tighter to your shoulder and walked away from your breath and heart.
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You didn’t call.
At least not that night.
You sent a text to Jin, feeling him being the safer and more stoic option, letting him know that you were safe in your…home? Last apartment…? You didn’t know.
The place still had all your furniture; you were unable to let the place go to empty it. Pulling off the white sheets from your couch, you sat there for a while, staring at the phone in your hand.
The ticks on your message had turned to ‘read’ about fifteen minutes ago, but there hadn’t been any reply save for a cut and dried ‘Good.’ You could respect that as well.
You had been the one to ask for space. You shouldn’t be the one to whine when they obliged.
But it was late and you couldn’t function well enough to take stock of what you’d done. So venturing into your bathroom, you poked at the taps, thanking God when it gave way and clear, cool water poured out.
You scrubbed yourself down quickly, wringing your hair out and wrapping yourself up in a spare towel. You fell asleep on your stripped bed without making it, only putting on one of your old robes you’d left behind to bed.
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Every cell in your body screamed to stay in bed the next morning. Your legs burrowed into the fluffy robe, arms cradling your head before you stuffed your face into the mattress, groaning your frustration into it.
You couldn’t take a sick day after being told to work harder to prove yourself. You had to show that you were still YOU.
…but you had no clothes here…
You grumbled to yourself as you threw open the closet doors, eyeing the space critically. Almost all your clothes had been packed up and taken to the Penthouse, leaving behind a few t-shirts and a couple pairs of jeans that you had deemed okay to throw out.
Well…you guessed that was going to be your attire for today. You’d have to go shopping, depending on how long you planned to stay and ‘sort yourself out’.
Of course, you could’ve easily gone back to the penthouse to grab a duffel bag of supplies but real talk, you weren’t brave enough for that.
So tugging on a black tee and the jeans on, you belted your coat over it. You’d have to keep it on for the whole day you thought, dreading going into work and facing Tae and his hurt eyes.
Only he wasn’t there.
You waited until the first two hours, watching the office door with his name plate on not open or shut before you decided that he wouldn't be coming in. You delved for your phone, thumbing into his chatbox…but would it really be appropriate to send a ‘where are you, are you ok?’ text after you’d walked out on them like that?
You clicked out, sighing at the phone and getting to your feet. A day at any one of your sites would take your mind off things…
The same happened the next day. It seemed the tables had been turned. It was Taehyung, who now avoided you while your zeal to keep Wendy’s faith in you intact made you come into work.
You again stared at Tae’s door, growing more uneasy with each passing minute before you had to step out to keep your thoughts away from Taehyung and Seokjin and on your work.
At home, you sat on your couch and got to work on your thoughts. You wanted to be serious about the relationship you were entering. And as an adult, you couldn’t dive headfirst into it before considering all possibilities.
You even kept a pen and pad in front of you.
You’d gone shopping, bringing home a few shirts and slacks and skirts to tide you over. With those stuffed into the closet, you bit into your pen, staring at the pad.
The first thing you put in was your place at your job. For any stability in your workplace, you needed the people there to see you and the boys in a relationship. You needed to show it for them to accept it and not judge and throw labels around.
Irene and Wendy were already taken care of, and you hoped that people would keep their thoughts to themselves as nicely as Wendy did.
You wondered how it would go across in Jin’s own workplace, if he even still wanted people there to know.
You put a question mark beside “families”. You didn’t want to overstep and think you or them were ready for those introductions just yet.
Your social life was taken care of by Joy.
Staring at the list, you were taken aback by how your biggest issues only came down to three bullet points on paper. They seemed so small in black and white, and yet - they were fogging your brain as if nothing more could be done unless you moved them out of your way.
You continued to gnaw on your pen, before glancing at your clock.
9 PM
Leaning back into the couch, you tossed the pad back onto your coffee table. It was late, you were hungry, and now you felt silly because writing down your problems made you think that you were making a bigger problem out of nothing.
Absolute bullshit.
Picking up your phone, you pulled up your favorite food delivery app, scrolling through the options.
You ignored Thai completely, that was something you and Taehyung did. So, settling on some feel good Chinese, you got up to fetch cash and a water bottle.
A few minutes of checking through your To–do list for the next day, you looked up when someone rang the doorbell. You grabbed the money, walking over to open the door.
Only, when you opened it - it wasn’t a package of steaming hot food to fill your belly - it was Yeri.
Yeri, wrapped in a thick muffler and downy sweater, gave you a small smile. Your own smile, meant for the Angel who would deliver your food, flickered, before you leaned your head out to look at both sides of the hallway.
“Yeri, what are you doing here?”
“Seokjin sent me here.” She said and you glanced down at where she rubbed at her palms.
“Come on in.” You mumbled, confused about why Seokjin would send Yeri over. Surely her many capabilities were required elsewhere…
“Thanks,” She undid her muffler as she stepped in, looking around your apartment. “It’s nice, I can see you here.” She smiled again.
This time you returned it in all sincerity before waving her to your couch.
“Right…you said Jin sent you?” You prompted, even handing her the water bottle.
“Oh yes, Seokjin said something about understanding that you need your space but they are worried about you. Apparently you haven’t called them in two days.”
You crossed your arms, frowning at that. “I sent a text, and then Taehyung had been MIA for the last couple days. I thought they wanted to be left alone.”
“Ah,” Yeri nodded a couple times before starting to shake her head. “Miscommunication, it’s always crossed lines,”
“Sorry what?”
“A gap in communication; isn’t that what’s been causing the three of you problems…for a while now, as I understand it? One or more of you would misunderstand something the other wants or says and boom, trouble in paradise.”
You gaped at her, the casual way she put the crux of your relationship drama out into the open. You weren’t sure if you liked it.
Yeri wasn’t done however, she leaned back and patted the couch for you to sit as well.
“Now, I know it’s not my business but I am one of Seokjin’s most loyal employees and one of his closest friends. He tells me things - rambles really, so I know a bit about what’s been going on.”
She paused.
“First of all, congratulations at getting all those pent up feelings to come out, it must have been hard - having to face things you’ve repressed for so long.”
“Oh my god, I…yes - thank you!” You flapped your hands at her words. Finally, finally , someone here who saw - who saw how difficult it was to simply transition from friends to lovers. The changes, the non-changes…they weren’t easy to wade no matter what the rom-coms wanted you to believe.
She squeezed your knee.
“Seokjin said you guys talked about some stuff when you guys began officially dating, but there’s some more stuff that needs addressing?”
“Of course there are,” You pushed the pad towards her. “I know it’s just three things. Silly, but -”
“Problems are problems. You can’t think of them as quality vs. quantity.” Yeri muttered absently before pushing the pad away again.
“So, I take it Work is the biggest issue, right? Because I know Seokjin’s family and they’re very open-minded about his life. Also, there’s a question mark in front of that and a check in front of ‘social life’.”
“God, I can see why Seokjin keeps you around. You’re scarily good at this.” You huffed, running a hand through your hair when she laughed.
“I’ve been solving problems since I entered the biz, Y/N. You get fast about it.” She beamed before turning serious again.
“As for the solution to your problems; I can only tell you one thing. You have to accept your own worth.” She shrugged as if her words were not at all complicated.
“I know what I’m worth - it’s just, labels can make it very hard for me to -”
“Do you? Do you really? How sure are you in your standing if you think your personal life is going to affect your clientele?”
You opened your mouth to answer her, taking a few moments to think first. “Isn’t that how the world works? Why don’t we buy products from companies who test on animals? Why are people so nosy about people who are gay or trans? They think it matters somehow.”
Yeri studied you for a minute, her keen eyes not unlike Seokjin’s. Only, there was an understanding in them you hadn’t seen in him.
“You’re a woman, Y/N. Let’s face it, we are going to be judged under microscopes for simply existing. There’s bigger things that need to be changed before we can change that - but for the time being, we can do something very simple to help ourselves.”
“And what’s that?”
“Live your life by your own standards.” Yeri winked when you looked at her sharply.
“You are one of the leading designers under a very prestigious label. Your boss is a woman who has fought tooth and nail to carve her name and you’ve followed her footsteps. Your name hangs on the credits of a lot of big names in this city. You are competent, efficient, creative and very accomplished. No one can ever change that. No one will ever take that from you. So why are you giving up the men you love for the people who have absolutely zero power over you?”
You stared at her, blinking, considering, absorbing her words.
Yeri placed a hand on yours, making you look in her eyes again.
“Seokjin and Taehyung love you - very much. You three finally have something beautiful together with a lot of potential. Are you going to stop fighting for it because of people? Or are you going to go back and own them, because you want to live the way you want to?”
Your answer was cut off by the ringing of the doorbell again. Yeri left you on the couch to answer it, grinning when she carried back the Chinese you were waiting for and handing the delivery boy the cash on the table.
“Yeri?” You called.
She hummed.
You nearly leapt up off the couch, rushing to your bag to pull out the house key. “Can I trust you to lock up here and keep the key safe? I have someplace I need to be.”
She looked over, glancing at the proffered key set and then back up at you with a knowing smirk. “And the food?”
“Help yourself.”
Yeri nodded, taking the keys from your hand. “I’ll give them back to Seokjin when I see him at the office again, don’t worry.”
“Fantastic,” Grabbing your shoes and making sure you had the elevator key to the penthouse in your bag, you paused at the door before coming back to hug Yeri quickly. “Thank you, I owe you!” You whispered to her.
Yeri chuckled but patted your back. “Seokjin owes me too, remind him that, will you?”
“I will!” You called, shooting out the door.
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The elevator ding was as familiar to you as the voice of your mother. The grilled doors couldn’t open fast enough for you as you bounced just behind them on the balls of your feet, too wound up to even take a second to wait.
The drive over had been recklessly blurry but the ride up had somehow sharpened your focus in crystals. You were aware of every groove in the rails and grills and you were aware of every stroke the brush had made of the paint on the foyer walls when the door finally opened.
Your sneaker wearing feet were much quieter than they’d be if they were heels but it made you quicker, turning the corner of the foyer into the main space.
There, at the dining table with his back to you was Jin - again.
It brought back memories of the night out with Joy and Irene, of coming home to him in that exact same place. If you squeezed your eyes shut and tried hard enough, you could almost convince yourself that the last few days hadn’t happened at all.
Something must have alerted Jin to your presence because he turned around to check over his shoulder. At the sight of you, his eyes flew open wider, legs scrambling to heft his tall frame out of the chair.
There he paused, unsure about taking another step towards you. “Y/N,” He said softly, the hesitation in his voice making you surge forward. You crossed the distance between you two with seven determined steps. Your hands clutched his face, pulling his face down to yours.
The kiss was a clash of the warmth of home and coldness of your own face, having just come from outside. Slowly, the heat was soaking into you too, as Jin took a deep inhale into the kiss, his hands cradling your back as if giving you the way to back out if you wanted to.
You didn’t want to. You wrapped your arms around his neck, tiptoeing to delve into him better and then his own arms were wrapping around you as well, familiar and wanting.
“Wait,” He said suddenly, backing off to look at you. “You’re home?” He asked.
“I am.” You smiled widely, when you realized exactly what it was that had made Jin turn to look around. The heavy presence that lingered behind you now made your skin prickle, accompanying Jin’s gaze shifting from you, over your head.
You turned to look at Taehyung, standing by the couch. He was in his pajamas, a thick grey hoodie and sweatpants, socks on his feet. His hands were buried in the pockets as he blinked owlishly at you, hair every which way.
He must have come down the elevator because you hadn’t caught him climbing down the stairs.
“He’s been in bed, for a while now.”Jin murmured, low enough so only you could hear him. It made your heart thump painfully, thinking about his absence and him spending the days in bed. Had he heard you coming in? Or simply come down to grab supplies?
“Taehyung,” You breathed, Jin letting you go so you could take halting steps towards your other boyfriend. His eyes remained sleepy, hands not moving out of his pockets.
A few steps in, he shifted, the socks shuffling on the floor.
“You’re here.” He said, simply.
“Yeah,” You waited to take another step, finally closing in enough to see his eyes had focused, looking resolutely down at his toes.
“I didn’t think you’d come back. You didn’t even notice me not going to work.”
“Of course I did, I just didn’t think it’d be appropriate to text after leaving the way I did.” You touched him, just your fingertips at his elbow and he shuddered.
“You’re still my best friend though. You could’ve used that as an excuse.”
That made you straighten up, your touch more sure on him. “I don’t want any more excuses. Not from me especially,”
Taehyung gazed at where your fingers had curled over his arm. “So what brought you back?”
You smirked over at Jin. “Yeri knocked some sense into me. Also I put my problems down on paper and they felt too small and ridiculous for me to give up on the men I love.”
“You love us.” You looked back at Tae, while he now gazed at you, those soft dark eyes wide.
“You know that.”
“You’ve never said it like that before.”
You would’ve asked what he meant by that but you were suddenly distracted by a bear hug. Taehyung crushed you to his chest, his face burying in your hair as he took long gasping breaths.
“I missed you so fucking much. I thought I’d die. I am filthy and desperate. I thought Jin was going to start sleeping in the guest bedroom.”
His word vomit was only barely legible but you caught it all, pulling away to trace his features.
“I’m here now. I won’t go anywhere.”
“We can do anything you want. Counselling, family introductions - mine already know you of course - anything you want.”
You shushed him quickly, feeling Jin pad over to calm down his boyfriend. “We’re going to do what we want. What’s going to be good for us , collectively… together , right?” You looked at Jin.
“Absolutely; also, you don’t stink that much - but please go take a shower…and eat something.”
Taehyung lifted his eyes from yours to Jin’s, pouting. “Fine, can we get take-out?”
“God yes.”
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The sound of lapping water had lulled you into a state of absolute calm. You weren’t asleep - just conscious enough of your surroundings, but close.
You were aware of the warm chest at your back, of the hand that was stroking through the strands of your hair, scratching gently into your scalp at times. You were almost complete laying back against Taehyung, his legs parted to accommodate you as your head rested near his clavicle.
Jin sat right next to the two of you, his hand still cradling a bowl of thai. His eyes gazed out over the city line view, sometimes turning to you and Taehyung dozing and getting soft before he looked back out again.
The water was warm, perfect and you were finally home - in the loving embrace of the men who owned your heart and soul.
Taehyung had showered while you and Jin put on a movie - an old family classic that he loved and waited on the couch for the food. Yeri had texted Jin around that time, causing him to snort and ask you if you couldn’t have waited till the next day to rush over.
Of course you could have. But you hadn’t wanted to.
With the food delivered, and all of you sufficiently starving, you’d torn into the containers as if you hadn’t eaten in days, getting through the rice, stews and meat in a matter of minutes - right at the couch.
An hour or so later, Taehyung had suggested breaking into the pool - something none of you had gotten to do while at the Penthouse.
So the pool on the terrace had been filled enough to sit in, whatever remained of the food brought up and into the water you’d gone.
Right then, in your best friend and lover’s embrace, if someone had told you to stay there forever, you’d have been content. However, you could feel Jin shifting next to you, uncomfortable and disturbed.
Your head automatically rolled to the side, peering up at him and trying to discern what exactly was it that had him squirming. It took a few seconds for your dazed brain to make sense of what you were seeing before your head tilted up.
Taehyung had his hand wrapped around Jin’s length - poking up from where his swimming shorts had been tugged down his thighs.
You turned to look at your lovers, eyebrows up into your hairline. Jin eyed you with his lips pulled between his teeth, while Taehyung’s hand slipped from your hair, unabashed and shameless.
“What? I’ve missed having you two this close to me. I want to touch and play.”
You stared back down to where Taehyung increased the pace of the torturous grip he had on his lover, the water making the slide both easier and harder. It was fascinating, the way Jin’s head kept tilting back, unable to hold eye contact anymore. He finally tipped back, the bowl hurriedly placed onto the pool's edge to keep from spilling over, the line of his neck popped, moving along the moan that fell from his lips.
“It’s been a while hasn’t it, baby? Did you miss my hand, my mouth?” Taehyung sat up on his knees, placing delicate kisses along those nerves you’d been staring at.
“Your fucking ass.” Jin grunted loudly, making both of you giggle.
Watching your boyfriends now, gave you an idea. You knew that they liked to watch you with the other. But you’d never had the opportunity to really sit back and watch them at it.
So you drew back, carefully so they wouldn’t notice the water displacing too much around them. Opposite them you crossed your legs, just watching, still in that half sleepy, half fascinated haze.
It was a picture. A beautiful, envious picture - with Taehyung leaning into Jin, mouthing at the thin skin that joined his neck to his shoulder. Jin’s shorts had been now pushed to his knees, back lowered into the water to give more access to his cock for Taehyung.
It reminded you awfully of that evening in the Thai restaurant, when Jin had fingered you in that booth.
Your legs curled, hands moving over your lower body with a mind of their own. Your fingertips trailed over the round of your stomach, loving on the delicate skin under it, tickles from the water and the sensation of your hands winding you up further.
You had no idea when you were slipping out of the boy shorts you had on. Your hand fell to your core, hot even in the comparatively cooler water.
The next guttural, deep groan from Jin reverberated through your own hands, applying pressure right there.
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The first whimper out of you had both men’s eyes flash to you, zeroing on your hand at work between your legs.
“Ah baby, you like watching me make a mess out of our Jinnie?” Taehyung panted out, running a palm down the flat of Jin’s chest, now both hands around the thick, throbbing length.
You didn’t answer, instead choosing to copy his action on your own body, the second hand dipping into the slick you could feel gathering at your entrance.
“I think she’s caught your voyeurism bug.” Jin laughed, thrusting his hips further into Tae’s hands, arms now along the edge of the pool.
“Sit on the edge, Princess. I want to watch you make yourself come while Tae plays with me.”
The command was so filthy and yet so compelling you couldn’t find it in yourself to say no. Hiking yourself up, you sat right at the edge of the pool in front of them. At this height of the high rise building, you had the security that not many people could see the abominably lewd display you put on. You were only doing this for two pairs of eyes and those were the only ones you cared about at the moment.
You used the sight of Taehyung’s quickly moving hands as fuel, harshly rubbing into your own clit to get the juices flowing again.
“Once this is done, I am going to eat you out, baby. I haven’t had your taste on my tongue for so long.” Taehyung’s voice lowered into a deep whine and you ran your nails over the inside of your thigh, fingers slipping into your cove.
“That’s it baby, pump those fingers in you.” Jin murmured, egging you on.
And yet, your own fingers felt nothing as good as you knew theirs would. The length of theirs, the angles they hit, the expertise they’d got on your body and pleasure. You wanted them to do it, period.
Your dissatisfaction must have been obvious because Taehyung chuckled darkly. “Not enough?”
You answered by removing your fingers, your hole dripping and bereft of the fullness you really craved at the moment.
“We’ve spoiled you, haven’t we? What, your own fingers aren’t good enough anymore?”
The words were cruel but you took none of them to heart, only running your slick ridden fingers up to your nipples, now freed of your bikini top. You rubbed the wetness onto the peaking nubs, throwing your head back in a lascivious show.
With twin cries of curses, you were crowded. Hands cupped your pussy, two long digits you’d wanted filling you up to the knuckle, curled perfectly to rest in your sweet spot.
A tongue laved over your breasts, running over the underside before fluttering up to trap your swollen nipple.
You cupped Taehyung's head closer to you, another hand gliding down to wrap around Jin’s wrist, to make him increase his speed.
The crude sounds of groaning, grunting and the squelching sounds had you tightening, eyes fluttering shut until you were sensation itself - unable to tell where one of you ended and the other began.
Voices murmured in your ear, words of praise, joy over reconciliation and you’d have returned them, if only you weren’t being flushed away with pleasure, the feeling of their love and efforts towards you thick and viscous in your nerves.
“I want you two inside of you.” You managed to say, gasp out more like and both men halted, looking at each other before down at you.
“Are you sure? We’ve never actually…” Jin started to trail off.
“We’ve never done something like that with you before.” Taehyung picked up the mantle instead.
They removed themselves from you, Jin pulling away his hand and Taehyung sitting next to you to look intently at you.
“I’m sure. I mean, we can take it slow but I’m sure.”
Tae and Jin gave you another serious look before looking at each, long and hard - the way you knew they were having an important conversation.
“Okay, but let’s just work up to it, alright?” Tae said as Jin wrapped a hand under your jaw to make you look up at him.
“We do anything you feel uneasy with, you stop us.”
You promised you would, through squeezed cheeks before your lovers were moving.
“How do you want us?”
You looked down to where Jin’s length bobbed, “I want to suck you off while Tae fucks me.”
Not the sort of words you’d ever had the gall to say in the month you’d shared their bed and it only worked to make Jin’s length twitch, Taehyung openly groaning.
“If spoiling you makes this open, then we gotta do it more.”
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Taehyung helped you bend over Jin’s lap while Jin secured your shoulders and neck against his strong legs. Even with you nuzzling against his hot, hard cock and Tae running the leaking head of his over your slit, Jin’s voice was soft and concerned.
“You tell us if anything feels off.” He said again, your hum reverberating in his skin before you engulfed him into your mouth.
Jin’s breath rattled and Taehyung took that as cue to slide into you, slow - careful - brilliant.
Your lips stretched around Jin’s girth, the angle you bent at making the action feel new and different as he slid over your tongue. You paused there, feeling Taehyung manage to run his member into you until his hips touched your rear.
It was a rather…fresh feeling - something original.
It was exciting.
Terrifying somehow, but exciting - as trying anything for the first time was.
“Y/N, good?”
It was Tae, voice deep from the restraint lust he wielded and you could barely nod with Jin’s cock in your mouth. Thankfully they got the message.
Pulling back, Tae set an unhurried and meticulous pace, careful to hit the spots he knew you had but making sure not to push it too much.
Getting used to the increasing sparks of pleasure, you used your hands to attend to the rest of Jin. Cupping his balls, you ran the tip of your tongue over the base before licking up to the top.
Jin braced his hands back, chest heaving as he allowed you to pleasure him the way you could with this new position. Taehyung’s hands were slowly digging into the flesh of your hips, fingers tight on you as his thrusts - though still unrushed - increased in hardness. They were enough to push you further into Jin who wrapped a hand into your hair, scratching and massaging into your scalp, soothing you through the act.
Between the way Taehyung aimed his hips into yours and Jin’s cock breaching into your throat, leaving you to choke and slobber over his skin, you came first. Your back arched, Jin’s hand still curled into your hair. Taehyung grabbed your shoulders, helping you to arc just so he could move inside you the way you liked. It wasn’t explosive, not the way you came when Jin and Taehyung actively focused on you. It was an earthquake, crumbling you to fall against your older boyfriend. Leisurely you stroked him, kissing at his chest while he broke out in goosebumps, beginning to squirm again.
His eyes had fallen shut by now, hips canting up to chase the lazy release you offered and then he was spilling over your hand - reminiscent of the restaurant. Thick globs of his come coated over your fingers and palm and instead of moving to clean up, you raised your hand to your mouth, sucking a finger of his juices clean off.
Taehyung came last. Still working up to it inside you, he cursed roughly at the sight of his boyfriend coming for his girlfriend, before finally losing it when he watched you lick his essence off.
Hips crashing into yours, he forced you further into Jin, hands flying to your chest to grip your breasts like handholds, emptying himself into you.
You took deep breaths, cushioned against Jin’s body now as Taehyung waited a second to pull out of you, his hand pressing deliciously into your used core.
“I’m saying it again. We need to spoil you more and more.” He repeated, helping you stand up straight. You turned to kiss him, Jin closing in now to pepper light kisses over your shoulder and neck.
The pool water continued to lap away at your bodies, thankfully the space had only been filled to knee length, not enough to hinder your actions. The air had chilled as the night grew old, making all of you huddle closer.
Lust dissipated, and in its wake, only left a craving for comfort.
“We should get to bed.” Jin muttered.
“We should clean up first.” You added.
Grabbing the bowls and towels you’d brought up, discarded clothes were collected, feet hurrying to get back into the warmth of the penthouse.
You glanced back to where Taehyung was wrapping his towel around his waist.
“I meant what I said. Anything you want, we’ll do it. Don’t worry about what people will think.”
You stared for a minute, smiling as you pulled him closer to you.
“And I meant what I said; I’m not going anywhere. I love you. I love Jin. You’re my home.”
Taehyung tilted his head to look at you, eyes soft like the very first day you’d called him your best friend.
“I’m home.”
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touristguidebuzz · 7 years
Music Festivals in the Philippines
Out of Town Blog Music Festivals in the Philippines
Why pay for the price of 1 when you can see plenty of artists all in one stage. Agree?
There are plenty of reasons why we attend concerts and music festivals. One of which is the exuberant feeling of hearing the crowd scream, and meeting some fellow fans sharing that common love for that specific band or artist.
Here in the Philippines, popularity of festivals is increasing every year. Roster of talented local and international acts come together to perform in one stage for a one-of-a-kind live music experience.
So let loose and make sure you mark your calendars with these exciting list of music festivals in the Philippines you might be interested to watch next year!
Image from Malasimbo Facebook page Music Festivals in the Philippines
Doesn’t it excite you when music festival takes place in some of the most beautiful locations in the country? Well guess what, fam! Music and Travel aficionados can enjoy this annual music festival in Puerto Galera – the Malasimbo Festival.
What differs Malasimbo from other festivals is that they celebrate music, arts, and nature. The festival is usually held at the grass-terraced amphitheater at the foot of Mount Malasimbo overlooking Puerto Galera Bay, while artists – local and international – play along in the open air.
Next year, Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival will be held on March 23-25, 2018. The first round of performers was announced on their Facebook page. Say hello next year to Hiatus Kaiyote, Laneous, Ruby Ibarra, Stick Figgas, Skarm, Crwn, and Yung Bawal.
For more information and reservation of tickets, kindly visit http://bit.ly/2jDxqoL.
Photo grabbed from asia361.com
This annual music festival which started 2013 is the go-to place of indie music lovers during summer. Same with Malasimbo’s concept, Wanderland is also a music and arts festival based in the Philippines, with performance of great international indie bands and homegrown indie acts.
Some international acts who performed in this festival are The Temper Trap, The Ting Tings, LANY, Honne, and Bon Iver to name a few.
Also, Wanderland Festival is scheduled to take place on March 10, 2018 Filinvest City Event Grounds Alabang. First set of line-up include Ben&Ben, Quest, Kodaline, and LAUV.
Tickets are available at SM Tickets outlets and wanderlandfestival.com.
Here is Kanye West during the Paradise Music Festival held in 2016. Image via Bandwagon Asia.
Get ready for some multi-sensory live music experience at Paradise International Music Festival. Last 2016, the star-studded event was headlined by Kanye West, Wiz Khalifa, Afrojack, and our very own Up Dharma Down.
Although there are no further announcement on 2018 lineup, the IMF organizer promises a grander and bigger show next year. Make sure to save early as ticket prices could go as high as PHP 15,000.
Photo from ph.asiatatler.com
Known to be one of the most famous EDM festival worldwide, bringing thousands of EDM listeners in one big venue.
Last 2017, Road To Ultra was held at the Mall of Asia Arena with international acts like Hardwell, Zedd, supported by fast-rising stars Getter, RESS, and Sam Feldt. Everyone loved the pyro, impressive pre-loaded clips and graphics at the DJ’s background, and more!
Some of the biggest electronic talents which perform in Ultra are Alessa, A-Trak, Skrillex, and Tiesto.
There’s so much love with this much-awaited music festival happening on February, 10, 2018! 90’s kids are sure to get stoked with Playback Music Festival featuring artists such as Leigh Nash from Sixpence None The Richer, Blue, Stephen Speaks, and Vertical Horizon.
Tickets are available at any SM Ticket and online. For more information, kindly visit their official Facebook page at http://bit.ly/2jBatTm.
Read our full article here: Playback Music Festival to happen in 2018
A Rocket To The Moon at the BRF stage. Image from Philippine Concerts.
Fans of rock music unite at this annual rock festival organized by Pulp Live World. It is said to be the first indoor music festival in the Philippines featuring artist from different genre: from pop rock, punk rock, metalcore, alternative, and more.
Started in 2012, some of the international rock bands which have performed are Mayday Parade, The Used, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, You Me At Six, The Maine, Anberlin, Taking Back Sunday, and more.
Visual treat from The 1975 during their In The Mix performance in 2016. Photo from Philippine Concerts.
Now here is an exciting music treat for millenials! Leading concert promoter in the Philippines, MMI LIVE started this music festival in 2016 with artists such as Third Eye Blind, The 1975, Elle King, Twin Pines, and Panic! At the Disco.
After the successful run in 2016, MMI LIVE decided to put up another amazing line-up just this year with amazing performances from Daya, Dua Lipa, Zara Larsson, DNCE, and Two Door Cinema Club.
Image from Love Radio Manila
Lastly, let’s not forget the biggest OPM festival in the country – the Fusion Music Festival. The annual event takes pride on their purely local artist in the country. It is a gathering of the best artist in the country. They uphold their advocation of igniting all OPM artist in the country.
This became an annual festival after the successful run last 2015 which was headlined by Bamboo and Sarah Geronimo. Other performers include Kitchie Nadal, Gloc-9, Rico Blanco, Kamikazee, Ebe Dancel, and more talented OPM artists.
Also Read:
MIMAROPA Festival 2017: An Array of Culture and Colorful Tradition
Nightlife of Manila Revealed : Eivissa Superclub
Malasimbo Music and Arts Festival 2017: Here’s What to Expect
Music Festivals in the Philippines Denise Alyssa G. Villamar
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gorillahittt848fm · 8 years
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TODAY SUNDAY BRUNCH aT JUE LAN CLUB 49 W 20st. NYC ... @Day.Dream.Brunch .. Expect another Sold Out Brunch ... hmu to Reserve Your Table.. ! ¡ ! ○ #juelanclub #nyc #brunch #daydream #trendy #food #lifestyle #balleralert #GCWU #manhattan #revolttv #nyc #lounges #clubbing #shaderoom #nytimes #vibemagazine #bookings #Hennessy #dishnation #thetea #downtown #crwn #HRDCVR #thisis50 #effenvolka #showmagazine ● #themarathoncontinues #145_Adverts #HOODKNEWGLOBAL #145Work848
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crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
chang seungyeon [CLC] - lead rapper, main dancer, vocal of LUNA
choi “sulli” jinri [SOLOIST] - main rapper, vocal of LUNA
kim chungha [SOLOIST] - lead vocal, lead dancer of SUGAR
kim jennie [BLACKPINK] - unspecified **
leigh-anne pinnock [LITTLE MIX] - main rapper, vocal, main dancer of SUGAR *extension
takaaki “batoshin” batusing [XOX] - main vocal & maknae of SALT *extension
bang yongguk [BAP] - of SQUADRONE/CEO
jung krystal [F(X)] - main vocal & maknae of SUGAR
kim “bobby” jiwon [IKON] - of SQUADRONE
kim “kai” jongin [EXO] - lead rapper, visual of GALAXY
lalisa manoban [BLACKPINK] - vocal, sub-rapper & maknae of ORCHID
lee jooheon [MONSTA X] - main rapper of APEX
min “suga” yoongi [BTS] - leader & lead rapper of TKO
park jay [SOLOIST] - of SQUADRONE
park “ha:tfelt” yeeun [SOLOIST] - leader, main rapper & vocal of VENUS
song “mino” minho [WINNER] - of SQUADRONE
hirai momo [TWICE] - lead rapper, main dancer of LUNA 
kim jennie [BLACKPINK] - unspecified
minatozaki sana [TWICE] - main vocal of LUNA 
** a seperate reservation from the one that expired
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crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
bang yongguk of [ BAP ]
park sooyoung [ JOY ] of [ RED VELVET ]
we have received your reservations and you have until 7/23 to send in your application from your account!
meng meiqi of [ WJSN ]
park junghwa of [ EXID ]
0 notes
crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
kim lip of [ LOONA ]
lee minhyuk of [ MONSTA X ]
park junghwa of [ EXID ]
meng meiqi of [ WJSN ]
we have received your reservations and you have until 7/20 to send in your application from your account!
0 notes
crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
choi “sulli” jinri [SOLOIST] - main rapper, vocal of LUNA
dong youngbae [BIGBANG] - lead vocal of GALAXY
gong minji [SOLOIST] - unspecified
kim chungha [SOLOIST] - lead vocal, lead dancer of SUGAR
lee hayi [SOLOIST] - unspecified
bang yongguk [BAP] - of SQUADRONE*
0 notes
crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
gong minji [SOLOIST] - lead rapper, vocal & lead dancer of SUGAR
hirai momo [TWICE] - lead rapper, main dancer of LUNA 
jeon jungkook [BTS] - main vocal & rapper of TKO
kim jennie [BLACKPINK] - unspecified
leigh-anne pinnock [LITTLE MIX] - main rapper, vocal, main dancer of SUGAR
minatozaki sana [TWICE] - main vocal of LUNA
park kyungri [9MUSES] - lead rapper & vocal of VENUS
takaaki “batoshin” batusing [XOX] - main vocal & maknae of SALT
bang “c.a.p” minsoo [TEEN TOP] - lead rapper of TKO
bang yongguk [BAP] - of SQUADRONE/CEO
choi “zelo” junhong [BAP] - a SOLOIST
jung krystal [F(X)] - main vocal & maknae of SUGAR
kim “bobby” jiwon [IKON] - of SQUADRONE
kim “bi” hanbin [IKON] - of SQUADRONE
kim “reddy” hong woo [SOLOIST] - of SQUADRONE
kim hyuna [SOLOIST] - leader, main rapper & main dancer of ORCHID
kim taehyung [BTS] - lead vocal & rapper of TKO
kim yoohyeon [DREAMCATCHER] - a SOLOIST
koo “june” junhoe [IKON] - main rapper of TKO / lead rapper of TKO *
lalisa manoban [BLACKPINK] - vocal, sub-rapper & maknae of ORCHID
lee “cl” chaerin [SOLOIST] - a SOLOIST/CEO
lee harin [MODEL] - lead rapper & vocal of ORCHID
lee jooheon [MONSTA X] - main rapper of APEX
min “suga” yoongi [BTS] - leader & lead rapper of TKO
park “ha:tfelt” yeeun [SOLOIST] - leader, main rapper & vocal of VENUS
song “mino” minho [WINNER] - of SQUADRONE
shin wonho [MONSTA X] - leader, main vocal, main dancer, visual of APEX
* one fc reserved as plotted identical twins
0 notes
crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
gong minji [SOLOIST] - lead rapper, vocal & lead dancer of SUGAR
jeon jungkook [BTS] - main vocal & rapper of TKO
kim “reddy” hong woo [SOLOIST] - member of SQUADRONE
kim jennie [BLACKPINK] - unspecified 
kim taehyung [BTS] - lead vocal & rapper of TKO
park kyungri [9MUSES] - lead rapper & vocal of VENUS
takaaki “batoshin” batusing [XOX] - main vocal & maknae of SALT
bang “c.a.p” minsoo [TEEN TOP] - lead rapper of TKO
bang yongguk [BAP] - of SQUADRONE/CEO
choi “zelo” junhong [BAP] - a SOLOIST
jung krystal [F(X)] - main vocal & maknae of SUGAR
kim “bobby” jiwon [IKON] - of SQUADRONE
kim “bi” hanbin [IKON] - of SQUADRONE
kim hyuna [SOLOIST] - leader, main rapper & main dancer of ORCHID
kim yoohyeon [DREAMCATCHER] - a SOLOIST 
koo “june” junhoe [IKON] - main rapper of TKO / lead rapper of TKO *
lalisa manoban [BLACKPINK] - vocal, sub-rapper & maknae of ORCHID
lee “cl” chaerin [SOLOIST] - a SOLOIST/CEO
lee harin [MODEL] - lead rapper & vocal of ORCHID
lee jooheon [MONSTA X] - main rapper of APEX
min “suga” yoongi [BTS] - leader & lead rapper of TKO
park “ha:tfelt” yeeun [SOLOIST] - leader, main rapper & vocal of VENUS
song “mino” minho [WINNER] - of SQUADRONE
shin wonho [MONSTA X] - leader, main vocal, main dancer, visual of APEX
* one fc reserved as plotted identical twins
0 notes
crwn-empire-blog · 7 years
gong minji [SOLOIST] - lead rapper, vocal & lead dancer of SUGAR
kim jennie [BLACKPINK] - unspecified 
park kyungri [9MUSES] - lead rapper & vocal of VENUS
takaaki “batoshin” batusing [XOX] - main vocal & maknae of SALT
bang yongguk [BAP] - of SQUADRONE/CEO
choi “zelo” junhong [BAP] - a SOLOIST
jung krystal [F(X)] - main vocal & maknae of SUGAR
kim “bobby” jiwon [IKON] - of SQUADRONE
kim “bi” hanbin [IKON] - of SQUADRONE
kim hyuna [SOLOIST] - leader, main rapper & main dancer of ORCHID 
koo “june” junhoe [IKON] - main rapper of TKO / lead rapper of TKO *
lee harin [MODEL] - lead rapper & vocal of ORCHID
lee “cl” chaerin [SOLOIST] - a SOLOIST/CEO
park “ha;tfelt” yeeun [SOLOIST] - leader, main rapper & vocal of VENUS
shin wonho [MONSTA X] - leader, main vocal, main dancer, visual of APEX
 * one fc reserved as plotted identical twins
0 notes