kingofnxwyxrk · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR: kat plumber & crutchie morris @crxtchiemorris​
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the night was still young when KAT noticed her two friends, les and crutchie, walk into the party. alone & together nonetheless. she would even dare say... they even cleaned themselves up a bit better than usual. after both boys had confided in her about their previous night together, the sight made her raise a curious brow. 
at the earliest opportunity, she tried to talk the crutchie alone without drawing too much attention. “ so what’s up with you two? ” she was quick to jump into business. “ and don’t say you got all spiffy for this party. don’t get me wrong, you look nice, but... ” she gave him a smirking look instead of actually finishing her sentence. 
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iindigostreaks · 4 years
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“CRUTCHIE, thank you so much for being my friend...” shaking her head, unable to help how full her heart was when she was around the other. “you are seriously becoming my closest friend here, and i just---- i appreciate how you’re ALWAYS HERE FOR ME. you know, you could come to me for anything. i will always be there for you as well. i just--- i wanted you to know that !!”
( closed starter for zara & crutchie ) / @crxtchiemorris​
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It wasn’t very often that Cory went out with Tegan in the middle of the day. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his daughter, but that he knew the paparazzi would have a field day with it, and so far he had shielded his daughter from it all. Today though, he hadn’t run into any of them, and he was actually able to relax for once. That was of course until the little girl ran up to someone and started talking. He’d only blinked. “Tegan, what have we said about running off? Sorry about that, still working on stranger danger with her”. 
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onlyzoemurphy · 4 years
💛  for a moodboard about our muses’ relationship (Zoe/Crutchie)
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mirrorbluemelchior · 4 years
Ernst and Melchior (non verbal) love
[ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance 
He could see the frustration in his friend’s eyes, not out of anger, but out of defeat as he tried to figure something out but just couldn’t get the hang of it. It broke his heart to see Ernst struggle like this, to get so run down because of things he couldn’t control. As he watched the boy toss the project they were doing onto the ground, Melchior knew he was about to break down, he’d seen it before and he moved towards him as a hand rested on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay, we can take a break.” The therapist said with a gentle smile, hands moving to assure him in ASL before sighing and pulling him closer, his hand now coming up to cup the back of the boy’s head to cradle him and keep him close. He would never understand what Ernst had to go through on a daily basis, the troubles he had to deal with being deaf, but all he could do was continuously show the boy that he was here. That he would always be here and would always be on his side, no matter what.
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musicalhqs · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ Jessica Sula, Female, She/Her ⊱ i think i just saw SAM BROWN walk across trafalgar square, singing to YOU'RE SOMEBODY ELSE * (FLORA CASH ). you know, the TWENTY ONE year old PSYCHOLOGY STUDENT? people claim that they are just like SAM BROWN from THE MAD ONES**. it must be because they are AMBITIOUS and CYNICAL as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at PETERSBURG*** apartment. {Meranda!}
⌞ʾ⁎ 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕒𝕪, 𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪┆congratulations MERANDA and welcome to musicalhqs ! we cannot wait to see what SAM BROWN will bring to london. you have 48 HOURS to send in your account and read through our CHECKLIST. have fun, dear friend ! JESSICA SULA is now taken ! xoxo
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wundcrlust · 4 years
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Les had been avoiding the blonde boy with a limp all night. Getting hammered enough to explain to the boy why he’d been acting weird since dinner. Quite expertly, might he add. But when the boy basically materialized right in front of a drunk Les, he opened his eyes wide as he actually ran into him. Reaching to catch him, but instead pulling the other boy down on top of him. “I’m sorry for running off. I got...nervous...” Les laughed, rolling the other off of him as he stood up, helping Crutchie up. “I don’t know how drunk you are...” He said, looking Crutchie in the eyes, a loose smile on his face. “But uhm you should do some shots of water or alcohol  with me depending and then we can dance some and then...” Les’ smile turned upwards in one corner, one of his brows shooting up. “I got a bed and a spare pillow with your name on it, Crutchie Morris. Because, you know...driving not smart.” He winked, a sweet drunken smile on his face. “I’ll be back, I promise this time.”Les walked off to grab a bottle of water and half a bottle of liquor. “For you.” He handed him the water. “And for the both of us.” Les opened the bottle, taking a swig before nodding to the living room. “Wanna go sit down?” he asked, his hand touching Crutchie’s arm playfully.
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seizethxdavey · 4 years
“Crutchie, mate, I need you to make me a promise.” There was a lot David wanted to unpack, but if he had learned anything from their drunken ramblings of honesty the night before, it was that he didn’t want to scare Crutchie off. The other had admitted to being almost scared of him, among other things, and the last thing he wanted was for his own mistake to change the bond that they had forged over their crushes. “Never let me drink that much ever again. I’m serious, if you see even so much as more than a light cider in my hands, I want you to knock it out of my hands or something.”
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dimplcsandcurls · 4 years
@crxtchiemorris​ Les and Crutchie hardly hung out of late. But Les really enjoyed the other man. They were close, and more importantly Crutch was always really kind to him. Tonight, the boys were just hanging out at Les and Davey’s apartment. Davey had some event he had to run, and so Les was left at home to his own devices. He’d invited Crutchie over for some dinner, maybe some good old fashioned movies, and some drinks. Nothing insanse since Les was a college kid dancing at a nightclub, but he’d managed to find something half decent to make and buy for consumption. They’d finished up dinner and Les had cleaned up while he’d tasked Crutch with drink making. This was a rookie mistake on his part. Crutchie did not drink. About half way through the movie, the drinks began hitting him. Hard. Crutchie couldn’t have been too far behind. Les leaned back softly, he and Crutchie just a few inches apart. This was normal for them, but something was different this time. In the light of the television, amber hues of the movie they had been watching flicking across Crutchie’s face, Les leaned in and touched the boy’s face. “You had an eyelash.” He giggled, holding his finger up for proof, somehow as if the man wouldn’t believe him. Looking into the other man’s chocolate brown eyes, Les did something he’d probably regret, but his head was swimming and his judgement was clouded. Scootching in closer, he felt Crutchie’s breath and with a final burst of courage gently grabbed the blonde’s chin, bringing it up to meet his face as he selfishly let his lips cascade over the other’s. It was a gentle and chaste kiss, but a quiet hunger could be felt behind it. Pulling back breathless, he looked into his friend’s eyes with a lopsided grin. “Sorry...you just...you looked so cute.”
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treecnthehill · 4 years
Grover wasn’t sure how it happened, one moment he was there setting up a shot for him and this guy who were chatting and the next he was standing by himself, two shot glasses filled with shitty alcohol. His eyes scanned the party, landing on the redhead not too far from him. “Hey! Charlie- No, wait, you said you go by Crutchie, right?” The nickname was a bit on the nose, but he liked it. “Come do a shot with me, dude!”
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walkingmxuth · 4 years
“Come on, sit down.” Grover hadn’t seen Crutchie since the party but he was surprised once again to see the other outside of physical therapy. The other had looked a little worse for wear (something Grover could only tell because he honestly felt the same). He patted the seat next to him, the happy-go-lucky grin still settled on his cheeks. “I really gotta stop partying so hard, it’s been like, a week since that party and my legs are still killing me.”
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kingofnxwyxrk · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER FOR: julia adams & charlie ‘ crutchie ’ morris @crxtchiemorris​ 
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it was quiet in the cafe, so JULIA took the opportunity to scribble in her journal. she was working on a poem, needing to get some thought to paper. her poems were personal to her, and her alone. however, she seemed stuck. rereading her words, she began to wonder what they meant. was this as sad as it felt to her? or did it have the spark of hope?
despite feeling like her poems were only for herself, she wanted a second opinion. she turned to the nearest person: the male barista. “ hey. quick question: how does this sound to you?  letting go of what might have been, and letting something else in, only then; love will come find me again ” she shut the journal, leaving her pen to mark the page. “ does that sound.... hopeful to you? ”
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havencfear · 4 years
@crxtchiemorris​ sent: [ guard ] + [ hit ] for spot and crutchie --> [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger // [ hit ] for your muse to attack mine
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Spot and Crutchie had just been walking along after getting coffee, grinning about something the other had said. It was nice to get to just hang out after everything that had happened in the last few weeks, no stress or worries, just the two of them having fun. He opened his mouth to speak when he saw a bicyclist barrelling towards them and did the only thing he could think of: he tackled Crutchie into an alley, thankfully landing on the mattress he’d planned for them to land on before the guy could run into them. Before Crutchie could say anything, Spot was standing up and face to face with a random guy with his arms crossed. “ Nice trick, asshole. What’s your plan, have your buddy run people over and then you snatch their wallets while they’re trying to get up? ” As soon as he called the guy out he was taking off down the sidewalk, and Spot sighed as he turned to Crutchie, offering a hand to help him up. “ Sorry... You good? ”
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pcmegranateprincess · 4 years
who around london would u like to get to know better?
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“Jason seems like a nice boy, he’s not around a lot and that’s a damn shame. Crutchie was so lovely when I met him out I wouldn’t mind spending some more time with him. I’ve got my eyes on Jack, for purely friendship reasons and JD seems like a trouble and though I don’t want the kind of trouble he’s peddling, I’ve got my own brand that I might not mind mixing with his. Anna and her sister Elsa? Honestly? They’re both just so gorgeous???”{ @elsaxainsley , @thctgolden , @defyingrcvity, @jascndeann, @crxtchiemorris }
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onlyzoemurphy · 4 years
Zoe had heard that baking was good in times of stress, at least someone had said it on one of the cooking shows she had on in the background last night as she sent e-mails. She was pretty sure it was Masterchef Junior but who knows at this point, her mind had been overtaken with one hundred other things since that moment. Still she was always up for something that might bring her heart rate down since it’s current resting speed was only slightly shy of a panic attack. Which was how she’d ended up having to go to the supermarket to pick up some cookies they had baked, she’d managed to set her fire alarm off with her own attempt. Holding a bag in each hand, she had gone out for cookies and come back with more than just that obviously, the girl broke out into a warm smile as her eyes clapped on a figure she’d come to know in passing since moving into the building. “Hey, Charlie right? Sorry if I woke you up last night with my fire alarm going off, I tried to bake…” pulling a self deprecating face she held up the bag in her left hand. “Finally gave in and just bought cookies like a normal human, I think the fire department will thank me, want to come taste test the kinds I bought with me? Please, otherwise I’ll eat them all on my own. Save me from myself.” She chuckled. @crxtchiemorris​
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pcper-fcntcsy · 4 years
for jason: who are 5 people you'd like to get to know?
honesty hour…
“I guess Crutchie, he and I seem to get along, but he’s always so busy. I really want to be friends with Anna too, I like her a lot. Miss Jenna has also been so, so nice, so I don’t know, maybe I should offer to baby sit or something? Alana tries really hard, and I feel bad thing got off to a rough start with us, so I’d like to get to know her more. Lastly? Probably that flower child, Persephone. I don’t get out a lot, so she might be good for me.”
@crxtchiemorris @thctgolden @musicplaying @stvrcrcssed @pcmegranateprincess
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