itttsarkanyokvannak · 9 months
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Release day 09/09/23
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runthepockets · 1 year
Crytopsy Artificial Brain and Dragged Into Sunlight confirmed for Maryland Deathfest 2024 so I guess I'm going to that next year.
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theblackbodyofmyworks · 9 months
The character sheet
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Yes, I know, I made a stupid music promotion in a character sheet, real embarrassing of me, but I could not pass the opportunity to bring awareness to one of my favourite genres of music, and I would love for people to give 3 or 4 albums a shot. I definitely recommend you check out Archspire, Beyond Creation, Origin, Psycroptic, Death's Prog Albums, and maybe a few Technical Brutal Death Metal ones like Crytopsy, Suffocation and Dying Fetus(the latter is probably the most accessible since they are quite tongue-in-cheek, definitely the happiest of the lot.) and there I go again, god darn it.
Back on topic, so I decided to make a city landscape for my robot, since I think it would bring to scale how massive it is. We're talking about something that's in line with its name-sake, this is a big robot that you do NOT want to anger.
Primary Artificial Brain is what PAB stands for, and the numeral values is the year it was first created.
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svenson777 · 7 years
CRYTOPSY "Pathological Frolic" (Album: Blasphemies Made Flesh, 1994)
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free-to-be-impaled · 6 years
get to know me  ♥
got tagged by @socially-ineptnerd .
This is my 7th attempt trying to do this. Just as an fyi. At this point admitting defeat means that I wasted over an hour of my life. I refuse.
RULES: Answer 28 questions and tag at least 20 blogs you would like to get to know better….def gonna break them
Nicknames: Dez
Gender: *shrug*
Star sign:  gemini
Height: My driver's license says 166 cm. That is a bold faced lie. I'm a whole 2 inches shorter than that.
Time: It was 10 pm when I started. It's no longer 10.
Birthday: 6/9
Favourite bands: Green Day and all of their side projects, MCR, Avenged Sevenfold, System of A Down, The Bourgeois, and I have a soft spot for Crytopsy
Favourite Solo Artists: Nancy Sinatra, Alizee, LaFee, Stromae, Aurelio Voltaire, Celia Cruz
Song stuck in my head: A mi manera as sung by Infierno 18. It's a cover of Sinatra’s My Way
Last movie I watched: Proud Mary
When did I create my blog: whenever the s9 finale of supernatural happened. Give or take a month
Last thing you googled: Kaia Nieves. I was going to change my profile pic with an edit I was making. But then the laptop shut off. It's been a hard night.
Do I have any other blogs: I have an art blog. Jm4tw, I don't even know why. I end up posting like half if my art in this blog anyway
Do I get asks: Rarely.
Why I chose my url: I sold my soul to the internet. By joining tumblr my productivity has decreased by like 1000.
Following: 800
Followers: 585
Average hours of sleep: Either 12 or 4. Rarely anything in between
Lucky number:  no
Instruments: I wish
What am I wearing: no
Dream job: scriptwriter or film editor
Dream trip: I don't enjoy traveling
Favourite foods: Chicken fried rice. Chili.
Nationality: Colombian
Favourite song right now: I hate this question so much. As of January 13 2018, 11:53 pm I'm going to go with Money Money 2020 by The Network
Tags: So I’m terribly self conscious about this, so I won’t directly tag anyone but if you see it and you want to do it, go ahead. Tag me if you do
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terrieallison510 · 6 years
CRYTOPSY Unveil Brutal "Sire Of Sin" Music Video
Awesome Black Metal Stuff!
Last week, Cryptopsy confirmed they are releasing a brand new EP, Tome II on October 26th – and yes it's...
The Most Offensive T-Shirts Are Here!!
from Terry A RSS Feed https://ift.tt/2NZJsGp via IFTTT
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La Musica in Persona – HxM Live: An Evening With Belphegor & Friends
November 20th 2017 – The Launchpad – Albuquerque, NM
Belphegor w/ Cryptopsy and Panzerfaust
      Albuquerque has had a pretty amazing year for not only extreme Metal tours but great tour packages in general visiting our beloved Duke City. More often than not, most tours often skip over our tertiary market of a town (RIP in Peace BTBAM Colors 10 year Anniversary Tour; It’s understandable, for who wants to book shows in a town where the attendance fluctuates from a full house to a consistent 5-10 people attending said shows?) Thankfully, 2017 has been very different. We had Marduk and Incantation come to the Launchpad back in February to a decent crowd. Darkest Hour came and held a celebratory album release tour with an ABQ date with Rivers of Nihil and Tombs back in March. Math-Rock up-starts in Covet played an epic headlining date back in April (Which we covered here). The summer was also pretty incredible, with Suffocation, Morbid Angel, and the Black Dahlia Murder (who headlined this years Summer Slaughter by playing their decade old classic Nocturnal in it’s entirety [you can read our editor-in-chief Bloomer’s review of this event here: https://www.scenesplitter.net/blog/2017/8/12/decade-of-the-warborn-nocturnal-slaughter]) stopping into town on their respective headlining tours and putting on impeccable performances. As for the fall, HxM favorites A Perfect Circle came into town in October (covered here) and played an incredibly profound performance that touched the heart of our editor. Mayhem, Immolation, and Black Anvil played the Historic El Rey Theater in mid November which also had a great turnout. And now, November 20th (nearly a week after the Mayhem show), we had the Austrian Blackened Death Metal Blasphemers known as Belphegor bring their Theatrically perverse Totenritual, along with their Canadian tour mates  - Brutal Death Metal Pioneers Cryptopsy and Ontario Black Metal Enthusiasts Panzerfaust, to ABQ’s own Launchpad. This Tour in particular was a great one to capture, for every band that played put on a very immersive and compelling performance that left strong impressions of what a good show is like for us at HxM. Below you can view and read the exploits captured in words by yours truly and pictures by our aforementioned HxM editor-in-chief/curley-haired Photopest extraordinaire Bloomer can be found here: https://www.scenesplitter.net/blog/2017/11/26/kvlt-of-photo-wonk-belphegor-cryptopsy-panzerfaust-abq-112017
    Due to my having just gotten off the clock of my mundane day job, Commander Bloomer and I arrived fashionably late to the show – causing us to regrettably miss about half the set of Black Metal curmudgeons and show openers Panzerfaust. Panzerfaust is a name I’d only heard or seen in passing, so I truly didn’t know what to expect upon catching them mid set. Of course, with a name like Panzerfaust, one can deduce that these Ontario natives play some kind of extreme Metal. Despite said deduction, I wasn’t prepared for what ensued. Walking onto the Launchpad’s darkened floor, the stage’s top 4 house lights were alight in blue, shining down and obscuring the stage in black. Greeting my aural senses was the sound of Black Metal dissonance that left a feeling of ominous foreboding – further adding to my lack of expectations regarding Panzerfaust. Obscured in black, the four members of Panzerfaust appeared mostly as sillouettes. These sillouettes beheld unto me and my fellow concert goers what Black Metal should be: evil sounding and performance driven. Their vocalist, garbed in black robe and standing behind the drummer atop the stage’s drum riser, would remain the focal point for much of their set as he cast a house-light induced shadow upon the stage. Exalting his depraved-frost-bitten orations over the powerful, groove driven, and at times, near Deathspell Omega-like dissonance, his performance was evocative. Complimenting our robed orator’s exaltations was Pf’s drummer, who had a keen ability to keep consistent time and groove that was quite catchy, which made for a nice easy to move to pace amidst their raw guitar and bass tones. Pazerfaust made quite the impression and fans out we at HxM and were the perfect pretext for the ensuing ritual to follow.
    With Panzerfaust concluding their amazing set, their French-Canadian-Brutal-Death Metal cousins Cryptopsy were up next. To describe myself as excited was an understatement, as it was my first time catching these pioneers who’ve given so much to the Death Metal genre with classics such as their brilliant and oft worshiped None So Vile and incredible debut Blasphemy Made Flesh. Cryptopsy had just finished embarking on the summer long Decimation of the Nation tour playing the aforementioned None So Vile in its entirety. My hopes were high that they’d play much of this touted release on this tour as well, for which they did not disappoint. A brief soundcheck of their instruments did little to forestall my elation. Cryptopsy began their set with their 2015 EP’s, The Book of Suffering, opening track “Detritus,” a song that plays to the strengths of Crytopsy’s classic precision based, technical, and frenetic Brutal Death Metal style. Vocalist Matt MaGachy had a very infectious and charismatic stage presence that worked perfectly in tangent with his visceral guttural attack. His vocals came across clear, thick, and menacing – his charisma goading the crowd into fist pumps and repeated chants of “Ayy” to said fist pumps. Easily one of Underground Death Metal’s best frontmen. Half the setlist comprised of None So Vile, so I will say that Matt MaGachy, having a distinct style from the infamous and original Cryptopsy vocalist Lord Worm, did great justice to those songs with his performance. It’s impossible to review this band without mentioning the talent of skinsman Flo Mounier, whose been the rhythmic back bone to this band since their inception. “Dynamite” is how I would describe him. His style is frenetic while also being precise, being able to explode in crazy fast blast beat passages and transition to groove underneath brutal Death Metal chug sections with tasteful fills. This man can do all that the songs call for on record and recreates live with near perfection. Trying to keep pace and move myself to his percussive insanity was a difficult task, but a fun one none-the-less. An impeccable performance! Bassist Olivier Pinard also had a standout performance with his amazing bass antics. With every chug or slam riff produced by guitarist Christian Donaldson or whether it was connecting with Flo Mounier’s rhythmic onslaught, Pinard’s mastery of his five-stringed bass gave beefy heft and power, elevating his band’s heaviness that would make even the stillest of concert goers convulse in some manner. He was extremely fun to watch through the entirety of their set. Cryptopsy are definitely up there with some of the tightest live bands I’ve seen and I’m thankful my first experience with them shall always be a memorable one. I don’t know what’s in the water in Montreal, Quebec, but what ever it is, its produced Death Metal greats like Cryptopsy. They stole the show for me and I’m very much looking forward to seeing them again soon.
  After being decimated by Cryptopsy, it was time to welcome Austrian Blackened Death tyrants Belphegor to the stage. This night would mark two occasions: The first is that...well, it was first for me. A first in witnessing these sickos live. The second mark of this occasion is that this night would end Albuquerque’s eight year Belphegor drought, for the last they’d played in the Ol’ Duke City was in 2009 in support of their then new album Walpurgis Rites – Hexenwahn.
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littlerockk · 6 years
Just got my ticket to see my lads from Ingested support Aborted with Crytopsy and Unfathomable Ruination.
Check them all out if you havn't 🤙
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itdjents · 9 years
What We're Djamming Vol. 23
What We’re Djamming Vol. 23
Needing some new music to djam to? Then take note of what some of the It Djents staff have had on repeat lately! Patricia is djamming to: And So I Watch You From Afar “I was in a ‘I don’t know what to listen to day’ until I end up seeing this live and pass the rest of the day listening to And So I Watch You From Afar.” Oscar is…
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Crytopsy-None so Googly
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bassbenny · 10 years
Crytopsy - Mutant Christ  dat oldschool sound :3
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hailfastcore · 10 years
Cryptopsy - Crown Of Horns
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fuckyeahextrememetal · 13 years
"The Pestilence That Walketh In Darkness" - Crytopsy
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