#csm being animated was a mistake
sirenascales · 2 years
Himeno is NOT A GROOMER. WORDS HAVE MEANINGS. Aki is NOT 19. He is 3 years Denji's senior by means of working at Public Safety. He smokes and drinks, and you have to be in your 20s to do that in jpn! The math maths! And besides, we dont even have concrete, canonical set ages for Aki and Himeno! Relax!
What she did with Denji was gross and I won't ever defend that, but seeing as how she was drunk off her fucking ass, so much so that she didn't even remember the night before, it's safe to say that neither of them were capable of consent. Seeing Denji is clearly underage and Himeno was black out drunk and not of sound mind. Those are two situations where both parties CANNOT consent. It was a shitty fucking situation overall to be in, Denji because he was so easily to manipulate at the time and for Himeno who's coping mechanism being alcohol and sex left her in situations she probably wouldn't be in if she wasn't so messed up. She clearly only liked Aki anyways.
You don't have to like her, cause I get it. I'm a csa victim and have been preyed on by adults as a teen. But god am i fucking tired of seeing yall throw the word pedophile around willy nilly. Just stop!
Stop putting her in the same likes as fucking Makima lmfao
ALSO: stop being fucking hypocrites judging mofos who like Makima when I know yall be stanning other villains and murderers lmfao
like get a grip, actually learn how to read and analyze shit, and stop throwing words around to make yourself seem smart. Its silly
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aszles · 8 months
csm chapter 120 but in toki pona (first 10 pages)
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alright hellooo!!!! this is my first published translation in 2024 i guess!
of course i'm marketing this towards english speakers since i'm not sure if there actually is a part of the csm fandom that speaks toki pona... i hope you'll stick around to see something a little fun and different!
so if you don't know what toki pona is, allow me to explain! ☝️🤓 toki pona is a conlang created by Sonja Lang where the main draw of it is that it has less than 200 words! it sounds like it may be tricky to speak with so few words, but it's surprisingly easy and very fun! i always recommend it to anyone who has a bit of time on their hands and wants to try something new.
here i was mostly trying out gimp for comic translations, and so i translated the first 10 pages of chapter 120! i chose this because... it's silly! also fun fact, the start of this chapter was one of the things that pushed me to read chainsaw man!
ok that's enough preface rambling, let's get on with it!
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i think typically the first page should be full sized if it has to, but nayuta peace sign is just so cute..!
alright, if you wanna feel like you're on a date with asa then keep reading to find an english translation and translator's notes! if not... feel free to leave, i hope you eat something nice today! (omekapo!)
semi-literal translation:
yoru: woof! woof! woof!!
nayuta: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! yoru: woof woof! wooof!! denji: Nayuta! what did you do?! nayuta: i turned her into an animal. denji: why?!?! nayuta: because she [kissed] my thing! (here she basically says that yoru interacted with nayuta's thing using her mouth. it's a very vague statement)
denji: i'm not your thing! turn her into a human now!! nayuta: want food! can't! (technically she says "food desire! no ability!") nuh uh! denji: ah?! i'll make food. when you eat turn her into a human!! nayuta: 'kay!
denji: eat and turn her into a human. i'm not joking. nayuta: hey! this is my food! bad! bad!! nayuta: hey... do you really want her humanity? (sounds very weird in english but i'm not sure a better way to put it) denji: what?
nayuta: Denji. every woman tries to kill you, right? why is this animal different? denji: why...? i have a feeling. nayuta: hmmmm.... good. (this is being used as an affirmation similar to "alright" or "very well then") you won't die. okay. i'll turn her into a human.
nayuta: but, two things. if they're not good to you, then she'll be an animal forever. denji: what are they?! nayuta: number one. i can eat ice cream (cold sweet) all the time. denji: i want (it) too. nayuta: number two.
nayuta: don't be nice to her. denji: are you joking?! nayuta: uh, i'm (being) real. this is the best. she's bad to my nose. denji: your nose?
denji: is she like a wet animal? nayuta: weirdo, wet animals are good! anyways, don't be nice to her! i'll change her knowledge... so that to her you didn't come (today)! denji: you'll what?! then she'll hate me!
nayuta: not important. you won't talk to her. denji: ahhh...
denji: you're number one, nayuta...
tadaaaa! there we have it! now time for some translator notes, of which there are actually not a ton.
toki pona is surprisingly difficult to adapt for different kinds of characters. due to having no register, it's hard to make characters seem more punky or polite than normal, and to distinguish between adult and child characters. here particularly we have the issue that, while Nayuta is a child, she's also super smart! so making grammatical mistakes doesn't really seem in line for her character. the main action i took was doubling up "la" with her. this isn't incorrect, but there are more optimal ways to say things to avoid ambiguity. i thought that perhaps a kid wouldn't think ahead with their words as much as an adult would, and may end up with this quirk in their speech.
related to the last note, one possible way of making a character seem younger or less proper is having them use nimisin ("unofficial" community made words). it's a fun idea, but it's kinda inaccessible and also... i don't really know nimisin! guess i'm not hip enough >_<
the name Nayuta luckily fits with toki pona phonetics (with the y changed to a j)! Denji doesn't quite, so i opted for Tensi. this is the most direct tokiponisation of his name. it sounds a bit like tenshi! (angel in japanese)
just a little something. i went with humans being "jan" and devils "monsuta" (hybrids and fiends may be jan monsuta and monsuta jan respectively, or they could have nimisin) so.. why are these two using jan? well for Denji that's an easier question, as he is basically human-first and also had the name before he became a hybrid. (also there's no need to be so descriptive with a headnoun) as for Nayuta, she uses jan because she's sort of undercover. depending on the circumstances, or when referring to her with her real name (like saying Control Devil in english) she would be monsuta. some devils who gave themself a name use jan, while others such as Power use monsuta (because why would she call herself a human when devils are clearly superior?!)
suwi lete or lete suwi? that is the question. here i decided to go with suwi lete because i think the most appealing aspect to Nayuta is likely the sweetness!
i hope this was at least somewhat enjoyable! i wonder what i'll find to translate next >w> thank you so much for reading if you did! sina lukin la mi pilin pona a!
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pixiecaps · 2 years
hi ^_^ i just wanted to ask since i know you’re interested, should i give chainsaw man a shot? it’s been on my radar for a while now and the art seems really cool i just never had that much desire to read it ya know? i guess what i’m asking here is parts of the story that made it intriguing to you… no pressure to answer this!
so hi anon!! i love chainsaw man !! however it can be very triggering so i really recommend looking up any warnings before getting into it but without further ado!!! i really recommend for everyone to go read csm before watching the anime. i feel like it gives you a different perspective going in and while watching. its also just an amazing read with incredible art and you really get a grasp of the characters better then you would in the anime.
the parts that really compelled me to the story was the accuracy in fujimotos writing of a manipulated teenage boy just navigating right and wrong and his own emotions and what they mean. friendship and found family. the inherent emotions that come with being a teenager. the comedy and the humor of it all. the morbid truths and loss and grief. the truth inside that you still love someone who hurt you. growing and trying and changing. knowing your fate is sealed and still fighting with every fiber of your being. thats more of general vague concepts spread throughout csm. (one of the reasons i love it so much is the fact you can analyze so much of it) but a more specific thing i love about csm is the main character denji. i love teenage characters written and acting as teenagers. i love seeing these characters make mistakes and grow. i love seeing them deal with the emotions and trauma and everything. seeing them heal in their own way. denji is a really beautiful character that can seem surface level but a lot of what he says and does is incredibly intention and has thought behind it. i also really
fucking love the plot i love all the foreshadowing and character arcs and everything. its a really interesting storyline to go down. there is a lot more thought put into the mechanics and devil stuff then it may seem. overall
i think right now is a pretty good time to get into csm. the main storyline the anime is going through right now is completed and its like in a second phase in the manga. so you get to read all that understand everything. be one of the readers who was there for the start of a new storyline and bonus you get to see this anime adaption of the first storyline come to life and. idk its really cool. you should totally read it okay bye👍 (also try going in as spoiler free as possible for the best experience ever. dont look at any csm posts or art until u finished) (people dont rlly tag spoilers) (aka me i also dont like to tag spoilers ) (also if u do end up reading it i would love to hear your input while u get through every chapter👍)(through asks and stuff)
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kagejima · 2 years
Ushijima was kinda rude towards Oikawa and also way too blunt with his wording, that Oikawa made a mistake by not joining Shiratorizawa
But!!! That doesn't mean he is always rude or aggressive etc, yes in the games he for sure is kinda, but that's all it
They make this his entire personality, I'm sorry but I look like I wanna break somense legs when I dance, but I am a really shy person and yes I also can be blunt and say things which shouldn't be said, but that's not my entire personality, that's bids of me so its bids of him
Ushijima is like every other character -> a human with emotions
He ain't my favorite, far from it and still even I see that he isn't just the stoic man everyone tries to mark him as
Everyone ca unterprete him differently, sure, but they need to stop being so blind and focused on Tumblr, but maybe re watch the anime and think about life
I hate seeing my baby denji marked as the horny boy, who only wants to see boobs and shit and not as a boy who was isolated from society and who had a traumatic childhood plus him just being used by Makima, he ain't only the horny boy... fr and his relation to Power shows that he cares for her and that 'love' in his mind isn't only just books, but also caring for people who are like family
Some should really take a break from tumblr and re read and rewatch some animes or atleast some short clips
ALL OF THIS!!!! OHMYGOD you are so right saying all of this.
I won't get into my thoughts about Ushijima's childhood, because I will turn this into a seven thousand page essay --
But Ushijima gives me like such... Good Boy vibes? He just wants to do everything in his power to have the people that are important to him be proud of him, whether that be his father or Washijo, etc.
Like you don't think Ushijima probably laid awake at night and had (silly in retrospect but it feels all too real in the moment, trust me) gut wrenching anxiety that if he stopped being who he thought people wanted him to be, who he was perfected to be, The Ultimate Player, he thought he would stop being loved?????
Like you said, he's just like every other character, a human with emotions!!!
Also I haven't read CSM so I only know whatever bits and pieces of Denji's backstory the anime is giving us, but baby, I'm so sorry it's happening to you too.
I know these people aren't real, I get it. But like, especially too with a comfort character, it is just not fun to see them "explained" in a single word. Like there's always so much more to a character than that. Always. Even if it isn't flat out presented, authors give so many little things to you and you're able to read between the lines.
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