#css skin too for the TL
space-blue · 4 months
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Woken from prophetic nightmares in the middle of the night, Paul slips away from his room in search of Feyd-Rautha.
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prorevenge · 6 years
A Dish Best Served Code
I have a friend who likes to role-play online but doesn't know how to code - for the purpose of this story, I'll call her Blue. Around a week ago, she contacted me saying that she wanted to start up a new site and then handed me this list of jobs that needed to be done without ever asking me to help or whether I had the time to do any of it (note that she knows I'm currently a full time student and I'm right in the middle of my coursework period at the moment).
Right now this is all I can think of off the top of my head. We'll need a new header pic for you to add too but I have to find one first:
Add a skin
Fix add acount feature
Add/set up Discord
Add Ratios
Fix member groups and add emoticons
Add Quick Links
Add Custom Field Content to profiles
Figure out how to put those sub forum boxes in there
For those of you who don't know, this was pretty much building the entire site for her except for the main forums where the roleplaying would take place - I had adamantly refused to do those because I knew how long they would take.
So, I thought this was a little presumptuous of her to think that I just had the time to drop everything and do whatever she needed but, hey, we'd known each other for something like three years and I used to role-play with her, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to help her out just a bit. Besides, all the jobs on that list were very easy things that I could do in about ten minutes each at most.
Unfortunately, Blue decided to recruit a group of other people who I'd never met before to help her out. Where she and I were listed as site owners, the rest of them were listed as general admins, with two of them being moderators. No biggie: they can stick to their jobs and I can do mine. Didn't happen. These girls were horrible. I have no idea where she'd found them or what their relationship was but they stormed in like they owned the place, throwing their opinions about and editing bits of the site coding that I'd been working on in ways that, ultimately, totally messed everything up. I asked them to stop, they kept doing it. This went on for a while.
I'll be the first to admit that I have a short temper. But I put up with this for a couple of days and just tried to make general requests that they stop undoing my work. These were jobs that should have taken me just under an hour and a half to finish and yet was taking days because they continued to change things. I was messaging Blue separately and asking her to tell them to stop because she was supposed to be head of the staff team. She didn't do anything and, eventually, things started to get heated between myself and these four girls.
I would have thought Blue would side with me. I was wrong.
Instead, she basically told me to stop picking fights with them and to shut up and do my job. She then made two of the other girls moderators on Discord and gave them the highest permissions, something which they later used to continuously remove me from my staff position and making my job infinitely harder. I was starting to feel constantly targeted and it was seeping into the work I actually had to do for university. I ended up staying up all night three nights in a row, trapped in endless arguments with those other staff members and Blue herself. I was exhausted and stressed out, and my intention was to finish the jobs and then leave them alone. I probably should have left earlier on but given the history I had with Blue, I thought I might as well be nice enough to do this for her because I knew she was excited for her role-play.
The final straw came over the stupidest thing. She forgot to close a <u> tag somewhere. I fixed it, I reminded everyone to make sure to close their tags. Simple stuff, right? I would have thought people who were allegedly helping to build a site would know how to handle such basic things. I was suddenly bombarded by DMs from Blue telling me that she hadn't done anything wrong and if there was an error then to "fucking show me how it's supposed to go". I tried to explain, repeatedly, what the issue was and how to fix it and, in return, she began to argue that she wasn't doing anything wrong, despite there being obvious coding issues. Things got heated. I cracked. I was done.
After I'd tendered my resignation from ever helping her out again, she hadn't yet figured to remove my staff permissions on the site or on the Discord server so, while she was otherwise preoccupied flailing over suddenly being blocked and not knowing how to code anything else, I quietly went into the code I'd set up for her and removed one ; and one } and all the comments in that code which might have helped them figure out how to solve any future problems. (Lucky for me the control panel didn't update to changes in the site's css).
Then I sat back and watched the panic in their staff Discord when parts of their site stopped looking all pretty and started looking like this:
They removed me from the Discord a short while after that and ip banned me from the site (because I guess they don't know I can just use a proxy). But I'm enjoying watching them panic as they try to figure out what I did. Jokes on them for having a guest-accessible Discord server right on the main page of their site.
Moral of the story, I guess, is don't mess with the only person on your site who knows how to code anything.
TL;DR: An Illiterate Pineapple asks me to help her code her site; treats me like shit; gets her code fucked with.
(source) story by (/u/aalyoshka)
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