Cuckoo is listed as neither male nor female, so I think Cuckoo should go by either xe/xem or ze/zir
can't decide which one fits them more...
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Okay did it
there aren't a lot of medieval picrews, but because Alder and Myrtle are based on characters from that general era, I thought this would be fun
Cuckoostar (top), and Rainstar (bottom)
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the mountain territories
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more info and lore under the cut
the mountain territories were formed many years ago from the remains of the ancient pumaclan. over the centuries, the clans have split into distinct groups based on which ones prefer to live where. 
CLIFFCLAN -pale grey-
Founder: Mountainstar
Current leader: Cuckoostar
Deputy: Sleetface
Medicine cat: Icecpond
Cliffclan used to be Mountainclan. a great clan which used to be over fifty cats strong. under the great Jaggedstar, Mountainclan fought and took tons of territory from every other clan, making them small and secluded. eventually, Jaggedstar became power-hungry, deciding to destroy the other clans, and leave infinite territory for her to lead. after that, most of the cats started a mutiny, and left Mountainclan. The cats that stayed with Jaggedstar became Cliffclan.
They are the only cats daring (or stupid, as the other clans say) enough to live on the high cliffs, away from the other clans. because of this, they are fairly aggressive to any cat trespassing in their territory. their pelts are often thicker than most, due to their often very cold temperatures.
The cats of Cliffclan hunt the birds and small rodents hidden in the cracks of the rocks, so they are always very lean because they get fairly little prey. Their camp is a large cave, conveniently situated between a few large boulders. but they never guard their camp, as they know that no cat will go so far just to raid their camp.
this clan is known for being very open with each other, to make up for what Jaggedstar did.
STONECLAN -dark grey-
Founder: stonestar
Current leader: Garlicstar
Deputy: Slugfoot
Medine cat: ashwillow
Stoneclan is made up of the cats that rebelled against Jaggedstar. since they are still developing, they accept any cat that wishes to join, for they still fear that Cliffclan will attempt to take them out. these cats are renowned for being excellent hunters, as well as very kind cats in general.
stoneclan’s territory consists mostly of rolling foothills and some higher peaks. they hunt small rodents, and occasionally young mountain goats. their camp is nestled between a few boulders, it it high up, so that any cat approaching can be seen from miles away.
Founder: Azalea
Current leader: Crowstar
Deputy: Spiderstone
Medicine cat: Squirrelface
Azaleaclan is known for being fairly odd, they mostly consist of former kittypets and they are still somehow the strongest clan in the area. they are founded when a kittypet came upon the remains of Leafclan, which had been destroyed many moons previously. this cat brought some of it’s friends over and they created the unofficial Azaleaclan. nowadays, this clan thrives, living off the many rodents, birds, and even rabbits their territory has to offer.
their camp is a clearing in the sparse forest they call home. they treat the other clans with respect, but some of them look down on the newly formed stoneclan, despite them being not much older.
founder: marshstar
Current leader: orchidstar
Deputy: cootwhisker
Medicine cat: adderfur
Marshclan is tiny, they were one of the first clans to settle, alongside Oakclan, Pineclan, Mountainclan, and Meadowclan. and they keep their allience with these clans to this day.
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collabwithmyself · 6 years
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More kitties!
Cuckoofang/Cuckoostar - A mussy blue-grey cat with russet-colored patches and mismatched eyes.
Haytooth - A small, shaggy golden tom with dark markings and crooked teeth.
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About SolarClan
PAST LEADERS: Volestar [founder], Pipitstar, Cuckoostar, Duststar, Honeystar, Swiftstar, Wisteriastar, Diverstar, Salmonstar, Rookstar, Loonstar, Ashstar, Slugstar, Lizardstar, Rainstar, Chanterellestar, Burnetstar, Whitestar, Campionstar, Rushstar, Cherrystar, Twitestar, Beetlestar, Honeystar, Juniperstar, Maplestar, Cedarstar, [unknown]star
PAST MEDICINE CATS: Grousetail, Kitenose, Knotwhisker, Foxfur, Harrierfur, Gadwallfang, Emberpelt, Burdockclaw, Dunlinleaf, Goosefur, Goldentail, Thrushflower, Eagleheart, Cherryfur, Goldennose, Boulderstorm, Harriertail, Nettlestream, Bramblingflower, Fogstream, Wisteriafur, Waxstorm, Waspnose, Avocetcloud, Mallowtail, Sycamorewhisker, Crowfang, Brownstorm, Otterfoot, Heronfang, [unknown]
CAMP: ShadowClan’s abandoned twolegplace. Each of the rooms are used for differing dens: the bedroom for the nursery, the bathroom for the medicine den, the study for the leader’s den, etc. and etc. It was here that the original Clan cats found strangers living, and joined forces with them in an unheard of pact between loner and Clan. They were named Solar- after the other group’s founder, an ancient cat named Sol, signifying the union of the two groups. 
TERRITORY: ShadowClan’s ancient territory. At one point they owned half of SkyClan territory, however due to WildClan’s advances they were pushed back behind the little waterway. Keeping the smallest territory, SolarClan is in a bit of a stitch, as they cannot claim more territory from WildClan due to the waterway that now seperates them (and WildClan’s fierce protection of the twolegplace bridge); but they can’t take any territory from FarmClan due to their strength and deep, cascading river.
PERSONALITY: SolarClan is notably different from the other two, thanks to the joining of Clan and loner. Loner culture made its way into SolarClan’s daily life, such as a difference in how outsiders are regarded, and how tightly one should stick to the Warrior Code. They ask many questions, often ones that have no forseeable answer. They are a bit more artistic and - if one’s being honest with themselves - eccentric.
APPEARANCE: SolarClan cats tend to be big, fluffy, and dark. It seems that white just doesn’t occur in their genepool, for whatever reason - at least, not pure white. And it isn’t that they almost exclusively sport black or grey cats - no, they might be the most colorful Clan on the spectrum! The difference is that they just happen to be incredibly dark. Their ginger cats are always dark russet or deep rust; their grey cats are charcoaly; their brown tabbies are a deep ruddy brown, and their black cats come out blacker-than-black it seems. They have very lithe builds under all their fur, and are quite nimble despite their percieved size. They have almost strikingly pale eyes, ranging from green to blue. They also tend to have slightly strange white patterns, such as having white faces or an all-white back half, giving them the effect of ‘pants.’
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@ambitiousauthor okay...definitely building
Cuckoostar's grandfather was a kittypet who lived in a bad household. His Twoleg meant well, and their illness was not their fault, but they were a hoarder, and because of that, Nameless Grandfather's home soon became very dangerous.
They had many close calls--almost being flattened, almost suffocating, almost losing their tail and losing several claws.
Some kittypets in the series are seen to be friends with their different-species denmates. Well, NG considered the cuckoo bird his Housefolk brought home as an injured chick to be his dearest friend. They both grew up together, and now they were the only ones that understood each other's situations.
The only thing was, food was becoming scarcer and scarcer. NG genuinely couldn't tell if his Housefolk stopped bringing any, or if he just couldn't find it anymore. The place was a dangerous maze, and it was impossible to smell anything beyond the gunk.
NG had no choice....
But he wouldn't have his friend die in vain. He used the little extra strength the meal gave him and pushed himself to find a way out. It took a long time and more than once he came close to giving up, but eventually he made it out.......and found a Clan.
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All ShadowClan leaders according to canon and this blog
[....] -> Indicates unspecified gap
Some leaders are stand-alone, such as the ones seen in books with short stories. Many come from Code of The Clans, and will be placed in order of the code introduced (because obviously)
Also links will be provided for canon characters to their wikis!
This currently only includes some OCs, the main arcs, and cats from Code of The Clans. If you know a ShadowClan leader that I missed (canon or otherwise) feel free to let me know!
Shadowstar (formerly Tall Shadow)
Ravenstar (formerly Raven Pelt)
Lakestorm (Brindle's deputy and likely succeeding leader)
Marshscar/star (safe to assume he becomes leader, as he was deputy when Ripple died)
Silvermask (deputy and likely future leader)
Snaketail (Dawn's deputy and likely successor)
Nightpelt/star (unofficially)
Holly and Brindle are both alive alongside the same leaders, so it's safe to assume they lived together. Hollystar agreed to the proposition of the first code: loyalty to the Clan above all other things.
Brindlestar was one of those that agreed on the second law of the warrior code: that borders were not to be crossed.
Lilystar introduced the fourth law of the warrior code: prey is killed only to be eaten, and cats must send thanks to StarClan.
Blizzardstar was alive when the fifth law was made: kits must be at least six moons before beginning their training. He, along with the leader of WindClan, Hazelstar, agreed to the code due to the fierce argument for it from the queens on both sides.
After the death of Snowstar and her deputy, Brightwhisker, Redscar (the medicine cat) faked a sign that Flowerstar should be chosen as the next deputy. He proposed the ninth law of the warrior code: the deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
Ripplestar attacked the other Clans at a gathering, prompting the creation of the tenth code: the gathering is a time of peace.
Yellowstar agreed to code thirteen: the word of the Clan leader is the warrior code. (Though her eyes look troubled when the law is introduced).
Silvermask was alive when the fourteenth law was introduced: that warriors do not need to kill to win their battles.
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The Thinking Stone
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Aw, the days when ShadowClan had a good leader, quite possibly one of the best the Clan had ever known, yet one that was still forgotten with time....
It's almost funny. He's nothing like someone who is typically called 'cuckoo,' nor does his behaviour relate much at all to the cuckoo bird. (@ambitiousauthor named him and I designed and built his personality, I'm thinking maybe his father's father was a kittypet, who lived with a bird that was called a cuckoo--which the owner probably shouldn't have kept).
Cuckoostar spent much of his time thinking about his Clanmates and what he can do to help them everyday. Since he has misophonia, he tends not to think in his den which is too close to noise. Instead, he chose a large rock to settle on and think--far enough to avoid most of the sound, but close enough to race back in case there is an emergency--which, at this distance, he could hear from the much louder yowling (or could smell by chance if there are invaders).
It is sad that his great reign was followed by Stormstar, a cheater and neglectful father that lead his Clan into many wars, and Alderstar--intially thought to be a wonderful leader, until it was revealed that he had been murdering his Clanmates.
Finally came Rainstar, chosen by Starclan.
He will go the stone as Cuckoostar once did, hoping that he would somehow gain some of the wisdom of the leader before him had.
(Btw the 'good leader' comment was because of the two that came after him).
F2U 2 in 1 base by Rexolete on DeviantArt
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Back But Not The Same (short story)
Cats raced toward the camp entrance. Sedgeshell hissed at them, pushing them back. “Give her space, for Starclan’s sake!”
“How did you find her?” Bluefeather, Gorsedaisy’s brother, asked. His tail twitched with nerves and impatience. He was looking over Sedgeshell’s head, waiting for his sister.
“She found us!” Lightpaw chirped from his mentor’s side. 
“Where has she been?” Stormfleck inquired. 
Cuckoostar pushed through the crowd and stopped in front of Sedgeshell. “Is she okay?”
“We don’t know,” Sedgeshell admitted. “We saw her heading for the camp, but I’m not sure if she knew where she was. She looked dazed, and she was bleeding. Aspentalon, Oatflight, and Drizzlespots are bringing her now.”
“Back up more, then!” Hickoryskip snapped. “She’ll need a clear path right to our den. And don’t go asking her questions until I’ve checked her over!”
Marblegaze held her breath. She returned to the nursery, curling around her kits whilst never taking her eyes off of the entrance. After Redjay’s betrayal and murders and the flood that had swept through all the territories, the Clan needed a miracle. Thank you, Starclan, for guiding Gorsedaisy back to us. 
The leaves began to rustle. Her head shot up, watching intently. Oatflight padded out. Her ears were twitching and she seemed alarmed. Brokenpaw followed her. Behind them was Gorsedaisy and the rest of the patrol. 
Marblegaze couldn’t hold back the gasp that had escaped her. Gorsedaisy’s fur stuck out in wet clumps in every direction. Her lighter spots were stained darker, almost unnoticeable against her black pelt. Marblegaze was too far to tell if it was muck or blood, and she was shocked to see singed fur on the end of her tail, surrounding red skin. How had she been burned during a flood? Sorrowfully, she took in the scars that marred the medicine cat’s face as she was led to her den. In spite of Hickoryskip’s warning, she desperately wanted to embrace Gorsedaisy, to listen to what on earth happened to her and make all the pain go away. 
It was not at all how Marblegaze had been expecting Gorsedaisy’s return to be like. She would be joking, ask the Clan if they really thought that Starclan would allow such a great medicine cat to die. She would be glad to be back to the Clan, of course, perhaps share prey with them as celebration for her return, maybe put aside her duties for the rest of the day and play a kit-like game with the younger warriors. She was not supposed to be…. 
She had looked so wrong. A wet, red-tinge that reflected what Marblegaze could only call horror glazed over her darkened, empty eyes. What had happened to her? Stars, what had happened to her?
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ShadowClan leaders
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This time I used different artist refs since it's pretty hard to find free bases of more than three cats. Alder is probably the most noticeable. (Artists will be linked at the bottom of the post). Again, this is NOT to scale.
--Flowerstar is the only she-cat seen in the line-up!
--The leader before Cuckoostar is known. They are Hailstar, related (littermates, I believe) to ThunderClan's own Hailstar.
--First we have Cuckoostar! He was the leader during Gorsedaisy's Nightmare. He was friends, though not close friends, with Stormfleck, who succeeded him.
--Stormstar chose his son, Aldereyes, to succeed him, because no one else but his own blood was good enough. He didn't appoint his daughter, Hollyclaw, because their relationship was too far tainted by his abusive training, and he figured his son would be easier to mold into the leader that Storm wanted.
Storm was killed by Alder during a harsh storm.
--Alderstar did not choose Rainstar as his successor. Rather, his deputy was Hootpetal. But after both Alderstar and Myrtlewing were revealed to be serial killers, Hootpetal couldn't stand staying home, and left the territories.
Rainbur was chosen by Starclan after a prophecy was sent to WindClan's medicine cat, Houndpaw/hare.
Rainstar's first choice of deputy is currently not known, but they had either died or retired before taking the leader position. The one who did succeed him was Snowstar, his grandson (son to Runningcloud and Silverwhisker).
--Snowstar is a canon character who died of greencough.
--Snowstar's deputy also passed due to greencough, causing the medicine cat, Redscar, to choose Flowerstem, his cousin, as the next leader, faking a sign.
Flowerstar is the kit of Birdsun and Elderchirp. Redscar is the son of Lionfeather and Grassbloom.
Bonus-- if we take the Curse of The Roots idea, Flowerstar was the one to kill Snowstar and Snowstar's deputy, Brightwhisker. However, she is seen in Starclan (gave Tigerstar a life), so if this is true, she was likely an amazing leader and made up for it with the way she lead her Clan.
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Alderstar, Flowerstar and Rainstar's bases are by Spadecraftt
Cuckoostar, Stormstar, and Snowstar's bases are by PineappleJuicyfruit
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Dark Forest Resident: Redjay
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Aliases / Nicknames: Red, Monster, My Songbird, Mimic
Gender: male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, Marblegaze (former mate), Grebekit (daughter), Swankit, Lightkit, Brokenkit,(sons) unnamed unborn kits, Myrtlewing (descendant)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: proud, killed toms he found attractive, based partially on a character from a crime thriller, creepily good at mimicking voices
Number of Victims: 7
Number of Murders: 4
Murder Method: shaking, drowning, trapping, poisoning, disemboweling, shoving into a speedboat engine, degloving body
Known Victims: Grebewing, Swanface, Lightheart, Brokenclaw, Marbleface, Cuckoostar
Victim Profile: pretty toms
Cause of Death: blood poisoning
Cautionary Tale: ??
Marblegaze pushed past the guards, face hard despite her trembling whiskers.
“Well, this is a surprise.” Redjay stretched out, staring at her deliberately from his cloudy left eye. He knew she hated that.
“Is it true?” She asked, hardly trusting her voice not to fail under the weight of her dread.
“Did I kill them?” He asked, grinning. “Yeah. I thought you would’ve noticed the scent of blood, but maybe you just didn’t want to believe that you could possibly  be mated to a monster.”
Marblegaze drew in a breath. “So it was all a lie?”
Redjay’s ears twitched boredly. “Yeah… To be honest, I wasn’t even interested in you enough to kill you. I was more interested in the others.”
“What?” Marblegaze asked.
Redjay grinned. “Well, if you want the full story....”
Marblegaze nodded, gulping in air, trying to focus on the mental image of the good side of her former mate. Him playing with their kits on a sunny leaf-bare day, him teaching them how to catch tadpoles out of a mud puddle, him covered in blood under a claw-shaped moon--
She shook her head. “Tell me.”
“Cuckoostar wants a confession before they execute me, don’t they?”
Marblegaze flattened her ears.
“You killed their sons!”
Redjay adjusted on the mossy floor.
“Ah yes. I thought Swan was the most fun. The blood was a bitch to get out of my fur though.” He leaned forward, teeth glinting in the thin beam of light shining through the thick bramble walls. “He begged so much. ‘Please Red! Please don’t hurt me!” His voice came out as a sickly, perfect mimicry of Swanface’s, and Marbleface’s hackles rose up and down her back.
Redjay grinned wider. “Would you like to hear the others?” Marblegaze shook her head. Redjay tilted his own. “Too bad. I’m gonna do them anyway.” He took a deep breath, clearing his throat, then began.
“Help! Someone please-- Please help!” Grebewing’s high voice, pitched up high in utter terror, and Marblegaze shuddered as she remembered how they had found his mutilated corpse mere fox-lengths from camp. How had none of them heard him?
“He was the first to go.” Redjay giggled and his long tail twitched. “I’m surprised he wasn’t my last as well, with all the screaming he did.” He pretended to think. “Now who was next?” His good eye turned to stare at her like a bird of prey would eye a helpless kit.
“Was it Lightheart? Now he was fun to kill.” He tucked his paws under himself and tilted his head. “Such pretty white fur... It was all red by the time I was done with him.”
Marblegaze felt like retching, and she fought the urge to flee as Redjay went into detail about how he had killed Lightheart. “Some stupid Twoleg had a water monster upside down, I just put his head in the jaws and simply waited.”
Marblegaze felt bile rise in her throat, and she fled the den, leaving the monster to await execution.
Redjay chuckled as he lay alone in his den, relishing the pain in his infected paw. He knew that there wasn’t much time left for him, but to be honest, his only regret was that he would never see the litter that Marblegaze was carrying. But oh well. Knowing that Cuckoostar couldn’t kill him before blood poisoning did was more than enough of a reward.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @ambitiousauthor​
- he named his kits after his victims
--He would be so proud of his serial killer descendant assuming he knows Myrtle exists
--He took Marblegaze as a mate to appear ‘normal’
--One of his eyes is cloudy
--A really cool way to make a submission! Telling the story in a creative way
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What was Stormstar’s warrior name? Also, do you have appearances in mind for any of the characters that lived during Cuckoostar’s reign?
Stormfleck! think Thistleclaw. He was a mottled grey with white flecks, especially on his face. Scarred. Orange eyes. Not a very nice individual.
Marblegaze we know was white. White is a recessive gene, so at least one of Redjay's parents would have carried the gene and possibly also been white to pass it to his kits. Either they or Myrtle's father passed on blue eyes.
Shimmerstone was black with yellow-orange eyes.
Sweet(paw?)tree was pale golden. Light blue eyes.
Rainbur's appearance was recently posted, although his younger self was probably less scruffy.
Littlelight would be dark brown, since so was her daughter.
Blaze(kit?)pawpad was orange and white.
Birch(kit?)pawcloud was a light tabby with dark stripes.
Conetoe was a yellow-golden (Sweet's mom). Blue eyes.
Oatflight was grey and white (Rainbur's mother).
Drizzlespots was dark brown (possible Hootpetal father).
Wavewillow was light brown (possible Hootpetal father), turquoise eyes.
That's all I know! pretty much just based on who I know or who would have to be a certain way because their kits are.
Some things could change since daughters get things from mom and dad, so maybe Littlelight wasn’t brown, or at least not dark brown. Also depends on how recessive the gene is ig
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Cuckoostar -- Stormstar -- Alderstar -- Rainstar -- Snowstar -- Brightwhisker -- Flowerstar
Finally made an actual leader ‘timeline’ thing!
Four are OCs, Flowerstar, Snow, and Bright are actual canon characters, which helps to give perspective of when this was.
Cuckoostar chose Storm to succeed him, Storm chose Alder, and Alder actually chose Hootpetal, who, grieving for her mate, told everyone she would go to receive her nine lives and instead never came back.
After some time, the Clan decided to choose a leader. It was either because of a sign or some other reason, but either way, Rainbur was chosen. He named a deputy who would later die, and then name Snow (who was not born the first time around, or was a kit or apprentice) as the new deputy.
Rainstar was a good leader, even if he never expected it or didn’t have much time to prepare. He had to rebuild his Clan after the damage and betrayal caused by both the previous leader and the medicine cat (and had to figure out how to get a new medicine cat).
Hopefully link works, but you can read about them here (Code of the Clans): https://mega.nz/folder/2VsSwZQA#NvhyULK_79Pqlwix0CtdPg/folder/GZkSgCAJ
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Rainstar’s not nearly as old as Hailstar, but he’s not young either. He was either a kit, maybe a young apprentice or even a warrior under Cuckoostar’s reign
he was a senior warrior at the time of Rainstar’s Burden and was Decidedly Not ready for this sudden responsibility so late in his life
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Also let’s appreciate that so many Shadowclan leaders around this time had names that fit together
Hail, Storm, Rain, Snow, Blizzard
Alder, Flower
Cuckoostar might fit with Alder since birds live in trees but otherwise they’re in their own lil category
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Fun fact! Hailstar of Shadowclan (Cuckoostar’s predecessor) is the littermate of Hailstar of Thunderclan (who was leader of Thunderclan during Gorsedaisy’s Nightmare)
Their mom wasn’t very creative lmao
gatherings must be so confusing
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