All ShadowClan leaders according to canon and this blog
[....] -> Indicates unspecified gap
Some leaders are stand-alone, such as the ones seen in books with short stories. Many come from Code of The Clans, and will be placed in order of the code introduced (because obviously)
Also links will be provided for canon characters to their wikis!
This currently only includes some OCs, the main arcs, and cats from Code of The Clans. If you know a ShadowClan leader that I missed (canon or otherwise) feel free to let me know!
Shadowstar (formerly Tall Shadow)
Ravenstar (formerly Raven Pelt)
Lakestorm (Brindle's deputy and likely succeeding leader)
Marshscar/star (safe to assume he becomes leader, as he was deputy when Ripple died)
Silvermask (deputy and likely future leader)
Snaketail (Dawn's deputy and likely successor)
Nightpelt/star (unofficially)
Holly and Brindle are both alive alongside the same leaders, so it's safe to assume they lived together. Hollystar agreed to the proposition of the first code: loyalty to the Clan above all other things.
Brindlestar was one of those that agreed on the second law of the warrior code: that borders were not to be crossed.
Lilystar introduced the fourth law of the warrior code: prey is killed only to be eaten, and cats must send thanks to StarClan.
Blizzardstar was alive when the fifth law was made: kits must be at least six moons before beginning their training. He, along with the leader of WindClan, Hazelstar, agreed to the code due to the fierce argument for it from the queens on both sides.
After the death of Snowstar and her deputy, Brightwhisker, Redscar (the medicine cat) faked a sign that Flowerstar should be chosen as the next deputy. He proposed the ninth law of the warrior code: the deputy must be chosen before moonhigh.
Ripplestar attacked the other Clans at a gathering, prompting the creation of the tenth code: the gathering is a time of peace.
Yellowstar agreed to code thirteen: the word of the Clan leader is the warrior code. (Though her eyes look troubled when the law is introduced).
Silvermask was alive when the fourteenth law was introduced: that warriors do not need to kill to win their battles.
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mud-castle · 1 year
Finally tried out clangen. My favorite cats have been the first to die 3 times in a row. Tf.
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wispurrpines · 2 months
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💜 Tanglestar
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birdcanart · 2 years
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been getting into clangen lol, meet Gorgeclan on moon 0! don’t know if I’ll do much w em but i miss drawing kitty cats, more info under the cut!
Tanglestar - 117 moons - leader charismatic & great teacher formerly tangletrip, named for her unruly coat, and the tangling patterns of her fur oldest of the clan and determined to keep everyone together&keep them all safe sees Sunnywhisker & spottedpaw as family, Spottedpaw’s mentor before she became leader
Thornfern - 100 moons - deputy careful & very smart named for his spiky coat very caring guy, has followed tanglestar for a long time. Cared for pantherpaw for a long time
Sootcry - 49 moons - medicine cat shameless & (ironically) great hunter named for the tear-track like marks on her face Tries very hard to prove herself, respects tanglestar immensely, almost like a parental figure, jealous of sunnwhisker’s relationship with her
Sunnywhisker - 72 moons - Warrior playful & strong connection to starclan named for his upbeat attitude forming a clan was his idea in the first place, after receiving a message from starclan known tanglestar his whole life very content with his place in life, often doesn’t seem like he takes things seriously
Sparrowdawn - 61 moons - warrior thoughtful & good speaker named for idk her tail colours look like a sparrow ok this clan stuff seemed like a good idea, followed thornfern along not real happy with tanglestar atm
Spottedpaw - 7 moons - apprentice bold named for his spotty coat raised by tanglestar, greatly admires sunnywhisker from stories told to him by her
Pantherpaw - 6 moons - apprentice altruistic named for her quiet pawsteps raised by thornfern, very excited to be around a cat her own age in spottedpaw, annoyed by how he clings to sunnywhisker
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thefouraboveall · 5 days
chaos gods warrior cat names
Tornface (Tornstar) - Khorne ( Blood Clan )
Tanglepelt (Tanglestar) - Nurgle ( Rot Clan )
Sleekstep (Sleekstar) - Slaanesh ( Water Clan )
Stormsight (Stormstar) - Tzeentch ( Lightning Clan )
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DarkForest Kits - an updating list 
bold = death
italics = born outside of the dark forest
FishDrop (bio FungiChomp, adoptive FadingFlea)
TawnyTrot (bio HornetLeg, adoptive fadingflea) 
AmaranthTuft, PoppyPerch, RosewoodSpring, RaspberryThorn, HarlequinCress, WeepingWobble, SpiceBushTumble, FoxgloveChirp, LavenderMottle, SweetpeaSnaggle, OysterGlow, FennelBones (fadingflea bio babies) 
CypressKit, BadgerKit, PebbleKit (adopted by Doesong and SparkTail) 
FrostKit, MoleKit, BrokenKit, AshKit (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
FressiaKit, DoeKit, JayKit, ProteaFang (EmberDawn and GorseHeart bio) 
OwlGaze, LizardTalon, BreezeWhisper (bio WebStripe and DahliaBreeze)
WebFang, LilyClaw, SilkTangle, PetalStripe (bio WebStripe and LilyWater) 
MyrtleKit, AlderKit (bio SwanTail and LupineFrost) 
BlackKit, MudKit (adoptive FernDoe and JackDawFoot
JackDawKit (bio SwanTail and DahliaBreeze)
BeechBlaze, RowanShade, GooseStep (bio WebStripe and LupineFrost) 
CherryKit (possibly kidnapped by Gramps) 
RosyKit (bio PeanutFur) 
CandyKit (bio CrunchSnow)
JellyMoss, PineNutPounce, GlitterKit, StrawberryKit (bio SmokeFleck)
PaleShine, SilverCloud, ThistleTooth (TansyFang x WebStripe bio)
SlugWing, SpiderSpots, HawthornFrost, TansyKit, CarnationLeaf, HawthornKit, FawnHeart (BegoniaLeaf and WebStripe bio)
WaspKit, NightKit (Adopted by FennelBur and SableFleck)
MellowTooth (adopted by Wordweaver and DasiySong, bio WebStripe and WaxFeather)
WormKit (adopted by LoonFur, FallenFire, RoseFrost)
TreeSpall, DrizzleStare (bio AlderStar and HootPetal)
BlazeStrike, HoneyFlower, HawkFlight, StoneFrost (bio AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm, surrogate ShiverRose)
MoonTail, DaisyPelt, ThrushRun, RedSnail, AntPounce (bio BrownMouse and WebStripe) 
JumpPool, SnipNight, CrabNeedle, MinnowBlink, PranceKit/Ears (bio BrownMouse and NightStar) 
TigerKit (adopted by RoomStorm, KiteBurn, AspenRoot)
SmokeyFlame, BarkTail, SandKit/Spark, DeerTongue, WoollySpark, LeafCurl, YellowEar, EarWigKit, AphidHeart, ClaridaeGoose, bio SmallJump and BasilTooth, SparkTail as the surrogate)
KestralStorm, GoldenDusk, RookLight, CrowPine, RavenCall (bio Jackdawfoot and Ferndoe)
HareTuft, AdderClaw, LarkSnow (bio BirchFlight and GorseHeart)
SootShade, CloudStep (bio EmberDawn and foxfire)
Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, Choughwolf (bio EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
StarlingKit, BuzzardKit, AspenKit, DuskKit (GrouseMane and MyrtleWing, BrownMouse as surrogate)
DoeSnap, DaisyHeart (bio Hiverose and SandFoot)
MouseHollow (bio SandFoot and FrostWish)
ThistleHollow (bio SandFoot and Shademask)
OtterBounce, TurtleBreeze (adopted by PoppyHill)
OppossumKit, RaccoonKit (bio SkunkSpots and TangleStar)
LionKit, BirdKit (bio FlickerPine and TangleStar)
CreekKit (bio GhostWatcher and TangleStar)
WaspRib, FallenIris, (Bio MyrtleWing and AlderStar, surrogate TangleStar)
ShrikePaw (adopted by MyrtleWing, AlderStar, GrouseMane, HootPetal)
LightKit, LittleKit, RoseKit, SweetKit, BubbleKit (bio MellowTooth and WillowRuffle)
CardinalKit (bio TawnyTrot, ProteaFang, and doner webfang)
ToothwortLeaf, LilacLight, OrchidSnap, ButtercupBloom (bio FoxgloveTrot and MellowTooth)
AppleKit (bio sandfoot and cherrystar)
AntKit, CinderKit (adopted by AspenRoot, KiteBurn, RookStorm)
LavenderKit (adopted by HillMinnow and BlackDawn)
HootKit, FlareKit (adopted by CricketClaw)
TrillKit, CardinalKit (bio ProteaFang and doner WebFang, adopted by TawnyTrot and ProteaFang)
WoolCarderStripes, AshyToes (bio TawnyTrot and doner WebFang, adopted by ProteaFang and TawnyTrot)
SprinkleToes, SyrupSplash, SkrunklyBelly (bio CreatureFall and SnakeWhisker, surrogate CrunchSnow)
OspreyKit, CoyoteKit, ScorpionKit, IbexKit (bio DoeFire and LilyClaw)
GlasswortSnap, IndigoCloud, SassafrasKit, CeladineSniffle, LoquatKit (bio RosewoodSpring and HawthornFrost)
OakKit, SkyKit, BloodKit, DustKit (bio Motheyes and SnowWing)
ScabKit/Drip, BlightKit/Train (bio BlackFinch and FallenIris)
VultureKit, PoplarKit (bio HoneyFlame and SpiderSpots, doners are SmokeyFlame and AdderClaw)
RhubarbKit, AlmondKit (bio SpiderSpots and HoneyFlame, surrogate HawkFlight)
MallowBlight, JayFrost, LightFern (adopted by EmberDawn and GorseHeart)
GlassRiver, PagrusRose (bio Shallowfig and Banshee)
CoalFlower, PebbleHare, CricketFreckle (bio WebStripe and CloudFang)
AngelFishTooth, FidgetGills, TetraTail, BlueSpore (bio GoldfishFur and CreatureFall, with BrownMouse as surrogate)
RedRuffle, SandKit, IvyPurr, AntlerPaddle (bio TetraTail and FennelBones)
MeowyRibs, SeaNymph, MouseNectar, RosemaryWarble, BullFrogThistle, GingerKit, AmbrosiaWater, CinnamonKit (bio SkrunklyBelly and FennelBones)
EmberPoppy, ParsleyKit (bio FennelBones and CrunchSnow)
Dullahan (bio AlderStar, MyrtleWing, and HootPetal)
Mates - an updating list 
GrouseMane X MyrtleWing X AlderStar X HootPetal 
EmberDawn X GorseHeart X Foxfire X BirchFlight
JackDawFoot X FernDoe
FadingStar X FleaThistle 
FidgetGuts X MottleCry
AspenRoot X RookStorm X KiteBurn
Avery x BristleBlaze
BasilTooth x SmallJump
FallenFire X LoonFur X RoseFrost
FoxFlake X ShiverRose
HawkWhistle X Lola 
GustTalon X AshFlower
GremlinPaw X LaughingMoss
LighteningSpring X RedBloom
FungiChomp X SmokeFleck X BrownMouse X NightStar
SwanTail X LupineFrost X DahliaBreeze
FennelBur X SableFleck
WordWeaver X DaisySong
TawnTrot X ProteaFang
FoxgloveChirp X MellowTooth X WillowRuffle
BlackDawn X HillMinnow
SkunkSpots X TangleStar X FlickerPine X GhostWatcher
BlazeStrike X DrizzleStare X KestrelStorm
WeepingWobble X DoeFire X LilyClaw
RosewoodSpring x HawthornFrost
SnakeWhisker X CreatureFall X GoldFishFur
FallenIris X BlackFinch
SpiderSpots X HoneyFlame
ShallowFig X Banshee X FennelBones
SkrunkyBelly X FennelBones
FungiChomp X BrownMouse
GoblinSnap x GremlinPaw/Frost
SnakeFern x SparrowFall
HiveRose x SandFoot
CoyoteTuft X RoseClaw
FleaThistle X BrownMouse
Let me know if I missed anything! @residents-of-the-darkforest @liberhoe @ambitiousauthor @starfalcon555
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chodoyodes · 2 years
i’ve been slowly re-developing the extensive universe of warriors ocs i had when i was a kid and i wanted 2 share some of the best names i have thought of so far:
- Tanglestar (Tanglestep)
- Crinklewhisker
- Frecklefur
- Heavyheart
- Halfpelt
- Shimmerstep
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Tanglekit > Tanglepaw > N/A* > Tanglestar Kit > Apprentice > Warrior > Deputy > Leader SkyClan - Non-binary tom (they/them) Mates: Mumblefoot, Mothstorm *Warrior name unknown
Tanglestar is a fairly chill and humorous cat, who knows when to be serious. They don't mind a little rulebreaking, and often search for solutions 'outside the box,' so to speak. They are in a loving poly relationship with their deputy, Mumblefoot, and medicine cat, Mothstorm, which the clan is aware of and mostly supports. Cats outside SkyClan generally only know Tanglestar and Mumblefoot are mates, since medicine cats are still viewed not to be able to have mates.
They were good friends with the ShadowClan leader before Echostar, and continue to be allies towards ShadowClan during the ShadowClan-RiverClan war. They are sympathetic towards Echostar, sensing the young ShadowClan leader is hiding many secrets.
Tanglestar does not like Sorrelstar of WindClan when she rises to leadership, and believes she should 'chill out.' They get along excellently with Branchstar of ThunderClan as they share similar senses of humor, and are wary towards Berrystar of RiverClan, since they are allied with RiverClan's enemy.
“Light brown tabby cat.”
Fun Fact: They are a non-binary tom, born male at birth, and uses they/them pronouns, as well as polyamorous panromantic/sexual.
Wiki Link.
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rosebeees · 4 years
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another redraw
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tanglestripe · 7 years
New Warriors Blog
Hi everyone! This is a new warriors sideblog I made to show off the awesome art the fandom has to offer but also as a place to share my new fanfic. It's my project for this years national novel writing month, where I'll atempt to write 50,000 words in 30 days. The story will follow Tanglestar as she becomes leader and leads her clan against the dogs invading the island. I'll post the link to my AO3 when I've got the first chapter up, but I would appreciate it if you gave my blog a follow ^-^
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lunalechuza · 6 years
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wow wow wow! I remember making this for a certain @xtanglestarx for her birthday!! ...except I only showed it on twitter. here it is now!
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Myrtle and kits!
Just wanted to see them together~
Pipitfeather and Ashwing was born to Nightfly, Myrtle's ftm victim that he didn't realize had gotten pregnant. They have sister littermates as well. Both their designs are by @ambitiousauthor
Falleniris came next, with Tanglestar (ftm) being a surrogate to her and Waspbeak, Alder's bio son.
Lastly came Hemlockpine, the only kit that Myrtle's gay ass would ever have with a she-cat, only because he and Hoot were close enough to cover up a lot of the discomfort.
Base: CAT BASES 3 by ariamisu on DeviantArt
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murkshade · 3 years
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Finished commission for @tanglestar
My commissions are open here!
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wcstarless · 2 years
Did Foxtail-- Firefall's victim-- do anything besides being made deputy to piss Firefall off enough to murder them?
Foxtail wasn't made deputy, Thornheart was. Foxtail teased Firefall a few times and turned him into Thornheart & Tanglestar for being reckless.
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thelaketerritories · 4 years
Update + Allegiances
Hey everyone! We’ve got about a week left until applications close, and wanted to give some updates. We realized that not everyone could view the allegiances page, and as such we’ve gotten a couple of applications for roles that were already taken.
If you have applied for a role that was taken you can either have them be a warrior in your chosen Clan or apply for a different Clan’s open rank. When we start contacting people about joining the RP, we’ll let the people know who need to change things about their application then.
In addition, for those who are still looking to apply and would like to know how the applications are split, currently we have the most applicants for ShadowClan and the least for WindClan and ThunderClan.
These are the current allegiances as of November 27th, 2020. 
Leader: Gourdstar
Deputy: Spinefur
Medicine Cats: N/A
Medicine Cat Apprentices: N/A
Warriors: Bearbelly, Honeylight, Hailsong, Littlebird
Apprentices: Dandelionpaw
Monarchs: N/A
Kits: Fidgetkit
Elders: N/A
Leader: Tanglestar
Deputy: Poppythorn
Medicine Cats: Lilydawn, Birchsong
Medicine Cat Apprentices: N/A
Warriors: Jaggedtooth, Indigohaze, Spiderblossom, Thistletuft, Crowbough, Ebonywhisker
Apprentices: N/A
Monarchs: N/A
Kits: Thistlekit, Pinekit
Elders: N/A
Leader: Goosestar
Deputy: N/A
Medicine Cats: Stoneshade
Medicine Cat Apprentices: N/A
Warriors: Cloversting, Maplebranch
Apprentices: Redpaw
Monarchs: N/A
Kits: N/A
Elders: N/A
Leader: Halfstar
Deputy: Sunsky
Medicine Cats: Swanflight, Otterberry
Medicine Cat Apprentices: N/A
Warriors: Rustyrapid, Russetfield
Apprentices: N/A
Monarchs: N/A
Kits: N/A
Elders: Vixenflight
Leader: Poisonstar
Deputy: N/A
Medicine Cats: N/A
Medicine Cat Apprentices: N/A
Warriors: Bunnystomp, Sunshine, Hollowscreech, Vervainflight
Apprentices: N/A
Monarchs: N/A
Kits: N/A
Elders: Rockskip
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krookedstar · 5 years
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I wanted to wait until I had more than one set to post, but I don’t want to keep y’all in suspense anymore. Here are Tangestar (Entrapta) and Hordak (+ Hordak’s pet Imp)!
Tanglestar is the former leader of SteamClan (Dryll) who has defected to the Horde. She operates as a sort of pseudo-deputy, being right-paw of Hordak. Yes she’s still a mechanic, and yes she still has Emily.
Hordak is a “lykoi” but not really, with the hairless parts of his body betraying his illness. He is almost never seen without his armor (for the sake of this au I wanted to draw him without it)
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