#dark forest refs
ShadowClan leaders
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This time I used different artist refs since it's pretty hard to find free bases of more than three cats. Alder is probably the most noticeable. (Artists will be linked at the bottom of the post). Again, this is NOT to scale.
--Flowerstar is the only she-cat seen in the line-up!
--The leader before Cuckoostar is known. They are Hailstar, related (littermates, I believe) to ThunderClan's own Hailstar.
--First we have Cuckoostar! He was the leader during Gorsedaisy's Nightmare. He was friends, though not close friends, with Stormfleck, who succeeded him.
--Stormstar chose his son, Aldereyes, to succeed him, because no one else but his own blood was good enough. He didn't appoint his daughter, Hollyclaw, because their relationship was too far tainted by his abusive training, and he figured his son would be easier to mold into the leader that Storm wanted.
Storm was killed by Alder during a harsh storm.
--Alderstar did not choose Rainstar as his successor. Rather, his deputy was Hootpetal. But after both Alderstar and Myrtlewing were revealed to be serial killers, Hootpetal couldn't stand staying home, and left the territories.
Rainbur was chosen by Starclan after a prophecy was sent to WindClan's medicine cat, Houndpaw/hare.
Rainstar's first choice of deputy is currently not known, but they had either died or retired before taking the leader position. The one who did succeed him was Snowstar, his grandson (son to Runningcloud and Silverwhisker).
--Snowstar is a canon character who died of greencough.
--Snowstar's deputy also passed due to greencough, causing the medicine cat, Redscar, to choose Flowerstem, his cousin, as the next leader, faking a sign.
Flowerstar is the kit of Birdsun and Elderchirp. Redscar is the son of Lionfeather and Grassbloom.
Bonus-- if we take the Curse of The Roots idea, Flowerstar was the one to kill Snowstar and Snowstar's deputy, Brightwhisker. However, she is seen in Starclan (gave Tigerstar a life), so if this is true, she was likely an amazing leader and made up for it with the way she lead her Clan.
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Alderstar, Flowerstar and Rainstar's bases are by Spadecraftt
Cuckoostar, Stormstar, and Snowstar's bases are by PineappleJuicyfruit
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fowlblue · 10 months
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Got back into making edgy battle cat OCs so… introducing Spiresnare, the young healer of Mossclan, and his… friends from the ‘other side’. A suspicious-looking bunch, aren’t they?
(little bit more lore beneath the cut)
Spiresnare has his eyes on another cat in his clan, Rattlebone, his good friend from back in their apprentice days. However, he struggles to find a way to get his attention, as Rattle is a brooding, haunted tom who spends most of his time lost in his own thoughts. He’s a warrior well-known for sniffing out trouble, which leaves him picking up after most of the clan’s problems.
So, Spiresnare turns to his other friends- ghostly cats from the Dark Forest (cat hell), who he’s been close with his entire life (he lacks a connection with Starclan, and has no family left within his clan). They advise him to begin causing disasters within the territory, a spiraling murder mystery that Rattlebone with undoubtably have to solve, giving them the unknowing back-and-forth of a killer and detective- Spiresnare can even help him ‘solve’ the crimes!
So, heeding their words, he begins to do just that.
Other details of note:
- Spiresnare is clumsy and, on his own, incapable of defeating a properly-trained warrior- to get around this, he allows himself to be temporarily possessed by his Dark Forest mentors so they can do so through him. The added benefit of this is that he has no memory of these events, keeping him from blurting out the wrong thing at the wrong time.
- There is another cat in his wicked little found family- Sheepstar, pseudo-leader of the Dark Forest. She was the first to meet him, and the one his closest with. She is like a mother to him and fiercely protective- you’ll see her eventually >:)
- Each of his Dark Forest friends is coded after a particular entity from The Magnus Archives, and is responsible for various horrible crimes in the histories of the clans:
• Waxenbramble was a small, frail cat who decided to win a war against an opposing clan by setting their territory alight- the fire spread and many were killed. When confronted, she cursed her clan for condemning her, and leapt at her leader- she was then killed and woke up in the Dark Forest.
• Honeyheather was a healer of Mossclan from many, many moons ago- soft-furred and sweet-tongued, they were admired for their gentle soul- this compassion, however, had a dark side. When Honeyheather encountered injuries and sickness he could not heal, his patients would disappear- missing, that is, until his nearby ‘apiary’ was discovered. In the Dark Forest, they are known by some as ‘The Beekeeper’.
• Garwhisker was an older tom from a rival clan who was, unbeknownst to others, obsessed with the concept of the ‘perfect predator’, an unbeatable hunter- he observed the hunting tactics of other carnivores, experimented, changed methods and chased creatures of all kinds. But it still was not enough, and he turned his teeth and claws to his own kind to hone his skills further. There are rumors he even allied himself with creatures of other species, learning to speak their tongue as easily as his own.
• Boarpaw was a young apprentice when they died- violent and raging even as a kit, their strength grew with them, to the point they lacked the means to control it… if they ever would have to begin with. Boarpaw excelled in fighting alone, and never pulled a blow. In time, the other apprentices grew to fear their quiet, hollow-eyed peer, and refused to spar alone with them. Their mentors found themselves at a loss. A pity for them, it was, when three were set to spar against them at once and, in quick succession, Boarpaw killed them.
• Heavypebble was a quiet, mysterious, but dutiful warrior of Mossclan. However, he began having visions of holes opening beneath the ground, bones and bodies and the like, after he was forced to bury his mate when she perished from sickness. Over time, he seemed to become obsessed with the earth beneath his feet, finally snapping one day in a storm and fleeing to his mate’s grave, digging and digging desperately in an attempt to reach her- and yet, he found nothing, the hole deepening as he went. When a clanmate attempted to stop him, he dragged them in with him as the earth collapsed.
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live-at-fortune-city · 4 months
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Ashfur reference time baybeee (starclan + dark forest vers under)
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Loosestar more like LOSERstar amiright
Base: F2U Cat Ref Sheet by Cedardew on DeviantArt
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monpalace · 1 year
!!! Pls post your art I wanna see
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yh no she might be the reason i claw out of artblock
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Character notes: 
Co-owned by @liberhoe and myself 
gender: Molly 
sexuality: sapphic 
Characteristics: has a collection of beetle exoskeletons, indifferent, quiet, very chill, witty 
Her favourite plants can be found here: https://at.tumblr.com/wills-woodland-warriors/idk-if-emoji-asks-are-still-open-but-bouquet/rf74wpc6ms04 
her warrior name would have been AmaranthTuft 
she is slightly allergic to amaranth flowers! 
Design notes: 
I tried to make her eyes have purple in them because of amaranth. Amaranthine is the purple-red or reddish pink colour of amaranth plants. It can also be genetically explained through FadingStar’s pinky red eyes. 
Amaranth is known for its spiky leaves and that it never fades in colour, and was sometimes referred to by ancient Greeks as “unfading” and even “immortal”. It can also symbolize rebirth and purity. 
Amaranths are highly toxic to cats, and to FleaThistle’s distress FadingStar kept craving them when he was expecting kits. FadingStar is thankfully (hopefully) smart enough to never eat them but gods did it stress FleaThistle out 
I gave her spiky fur after the spiky leaves, and the floppy ear after the fact that one type of amaranths droop down. The floppy ear can also be a similarity to FleaThistle in the fact that he’s missing his one ear because of genetic reasons, and I’ve always thought the would have had one floppy ear. 
I gave her a few extra spots on her shoulder in the same place as fadingstars, same with the back paw matching his. 
Her paws and nose spots are the same as FadingStar, and her mouth is the same as FleaThistle’s. 
@liberhoe if you’d like me to add anything let me know!! 
The next kit I’ll be working on is sweet RaspberryKit, who looks a more like FleaThistle! Also… should Raspberry get the floppy ears? 
Her fathers refs for comparison, Fadingstars is by liber of course. (Also updated FleaThistle): 
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bumbleclan · 4 months
strike stripe you will always b famous...
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Anakara Ref
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Ankara! She's not the antagonist, nor deuteragnost. I think foil might be apt - she's not an excat opposite to Rius but she's integral in causing Rius to examine himself.
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dark-myst28 · 1 year
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My main oc
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lonelysheepling · 1 month
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Recently read @queenofthequillandink ’s DPxDC crossover fic Unearthed, Reborn
I got inspired to draw character sheets for Danny, Sam, Jason, and Jazz’s vigilante personas. Here’s a link to the author’s drawings of their outfits (these were a vital reference for me when doing this so thank you so much for sharing them Quill) More commentary (like 7+ paragraphs plus 2 images) about this project and the designs below the “keep reading” line.
None of these thoughts I have for each character are in order, but I have a lot of commentary for these since this project was a lot more conceptual than my normal work. I also just like talking about my art/design process. If you ever find yourself wondering at some point why an element from the original design wasn’t included, the answer is that the removal was completely intentional and part of my grandmaster vision for this work and wasn’t because I just forgot about it entirely during the design process.
Aconite (Sam)
This was the first one I sketched out, I wasn’t even sure at the time if I was going to fully commit to drawing all of them. I thought that Sam was gonna be the hardest since her description was way longer than the others, but then bird boy beat her out. I took a lot of creative liberties with her design, the bag was added bc I couldn’t figure out how to add pockets to the skirt. I was trying to avoid a joker color scheme so I had a lot of ref images that I got by searching like “purple green aesthetic” on Pinterest. The dark purple and dark forest/blueish green won out in the end. I desaturated a lot of my colors for her just to get as far away from the neon Gotham rogue aesthetic. I also added the bdsm harness over the armor to add more punk elements to her design, I know that in real life that would be very uncomfortable to wear over scalemail armor but sometimes we take creative liberties when they look sick as fuck. Also, I didn’t realize until I went to look for a reference for aconite flowers that aconite is wolfsbane! That was neat to learn! Also, the font I used for Aconite is called “zai Art School Calendar 1931”, I’ve used this a few times for other projects, it’s one of my favorite fonts. The ‘zai’ fonts the creator has are all very good.
Shade (Danny)
There wasn't much to add to this page. His outfit is pretty simple (besides the patterning). I wasn’t sure how to pull of an optical illusion pattern but I was reminded how I sometimes get an eyestrain induced headache when looking at someone wearing a patterned shirt with really thin stripes so I just leaned into the idea of a small/detailed hard lined pattern. I originally made 5 separate patterns for him and then turned them into stamp brushes in procreate. I only ended up using three of them, the one on the chest, the one on the legs, and the one on his hand. But, I imagine the patterns fade and shift when he moves, sort of like a lenticular print. I gave him constellation freckles and stylized the hair’s fade into white. The hair was inspired by how time-woods draws Martin Blackwood’s hair (linked: time-woods’s fanart of Martin Blackwood). Also put way too much effort into the teeth on the mask. I just like the chunky teeth design. Oh yeah and the font I used for him is called “Typewriter_Condensed_Demi”
Erinys (Jason)
Repeatedly ran into the issue of not having enough canvas space bc of my fervent need to thoroughly document and plan out how the wings worked. I also reversed the colors for the bodysuit & armor so the under layer was black while the armor plates were red. I only realized afterwards that I may have been inspired by the red centipedes in Rain World (linked: gif of the red centipede, don’t click the link if you’re unsettled/afraid of bugs/insects), artists subconsciously draw inspiration from other artists all the time though so I’m not like upset about it. I stand by it because it looks sick as hell. Also leaned into the magpie theming for the wings. I think the vigilante form was supposed to be reverse magpie coloring? I can’t remember, but I stuck with normal magpie coloring. The anatomy of how the wings connected to the collarbone was inspired by JayEaton’s Magpie Bridge Project. Reference image link. Link to the article the image is from. I didn’t draw the wing armor because I couldn’t figure out how to would work with the wing anatomy and I ran out of canvas space. Finally, the font used for him is “DIN Condensed” this is a default font, I would’ve used something more punk but I needed the text to be legible.
Insight (Jazz)
I did Jazz after I’d already finished the initial trio, so I had to switch to a new canvas for her bc I’d hit the layer limit multiple times on the previous one. I really do love doing that spiked under-eyelash thing with characters. Don’t know when that started. Anyway, I added the shoulder pads to her outfit to help break up the empty space. The golden eyes were a nice accent color since her design is very overwhelmingly green. Honestly the braid hairstyle and gold eyes really do obscure her identity, multiple times when drawing her I was worried that she didn’t really resemble Jazz enough. There wasn’t a drawing from the author for her so I only had the text description to go off of. I just realized that she sort of reminds me of a forest ranger and I don’t know what to do with that realization. I copy/pasted my drawing of her eyes when gold and recolored them to match her normal eye color. There were two layers for that, a hue shift and a hard light layer to emphasize the shadows.
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Here’s what it looks like without the hue shift: 
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It looks really cool and I’m 100% that color combo in another drawing down the line. Oh yeah and the font used for this sheet was “Euphemia UCAS”. It comes with Apple’s operating system, I use it as a neutral default text most of the time bc it’s nicer than helvetica but not overly fancy like Times New Roman—and why am I talking about fonts. ——————————————————————— Anyway, this project was very fun to work on. The alt text for this was its own endeavor, hope the folks using screen-readers don’t mind 4-5 paragraphs of description text. Also, I cannot remember for the life of me if Dani got a costume description, but if she does I’ll make sure to update this image set with a sheet for her. And to the author, QueenOfTheQuill, if you’re reading this message that I’ve left at the very bottom of this post below a read more line, thank you for the fic. It’s very good and I’m glad I caught it during my slow decent into DPxDC brainrot. I love the interactions between Jason and Tim, it’s nice seeing a revived Jason that’s not bogged down by pit rage. They definitely seem like they could’ve been good friends if not for the unfortunate circumstances that led them to meet in canon. Also, I’m sure Jazz will love interacting with Batman and Nightwing. So much psychological & childhood trauma to unpack with them. Feel free to use/share these images if you so desire and thanks again for your work.
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dhl-au · 9 months
Main blog: @ark-fork Support me: [🔥Boosty] - requests ✅
This post is too big, so, just press <keep reading> button and enjoy! Old tags: The horror circus au, thc au
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The Amusement park
Tutorial area: [Unlocked] The park [The park is full of attractions, abandoned a long time ago.] [The danger inside - Mannequins that can move if the lights are off. Happily that there's always bright.] The Circus tent [A dark circus tent that has no bright light inside.] [The danger inside - two clown puppets whom a tutorial encounters that Pomni uses to teach the player how to fight. A dark maze where Pomni plays hide and seek (under the tent)] Boss: Pomni [immortal]
Side chapter: The attractions area [there are many attractions, all of which are broken and not working, where you can see a lot of old mannequins.] [The danger inside - Mannequins, light cut off] The carousel [12 horses, mainly unicorns, pegasus, and common horses.] [The danger - these encounters can move and try to kill you if you come too close.] Boss: [̵͎̜͕̊ͅḐ̸̧̞̦̯͐Ĕ̷̪̘̑L̷̮̭͇̮̏̑̓̓ͅÊ̴̺͊͗̊͝ͅT̵̖̭͙̜͗͐́̕Ę̸̛͙͎͌̏͌͜D̴̢̨̢̬̚]̵̝̈́̉̀̕
Greek drama comedy pantheon
Chapter 1: [Unlocked] The pantheon [The giant ancient Greek pantheon that is based on Greek attributes like mazes with common myth encounters, traps, and puzzles.] [The danger inside - Minotaur, soldiers, dark in location] The Amphitheater [A large arena with a stage where operas were. Mostly destroyed.] [The danger inside - traps, gladiators, common myth encounters] Boss: Gangle
Chapter 2: [Locked] The garden [The big garden with a dollhouse in the center, abandoned and broken giant villa with three floors. The garden is desolated and filled with dangerous encounters.] [The danger inside - Dolls, spiders.] The house [Giant villa, abandoned, broken, made in dark-colored wood and stone. ] [The danger inside - Dolls, bugs, traps, old floors.] Boss: Ragatha
Playground Meat Factory
Chapter 3: [Locked] The Factory [An abandoned meat factory for a long time, but with the mechanisms still working. There are many gigantic rooms here, which have complex mechanisms] [The danger inside - traps, puzzles, encounters "workers" and mechanisms] Boss: Zooble
Wonderland Nightmare-land
Chapter 4: [Locked] The forest [Huge forest full of mushroom trees, trees. Some of it can remind of human silhouettes.] [The danger inside Wild creatures (animals mostly), Card guards, flowers with faces, living trees.] Mini-boss: Cheshire cat The Madman's house [A small house in the shape of a hat is unremarkable at first glance. However, the inside of it is much larger and consists of long corridors with many doors. The location is full of scratches of nails, broken portraits, and furniture.] [The danger inside - Jax] Boss: Jax
Chess castle
Chapter 5: [Locked] The chess desk [A giant chessboard inside a majestic castle divided in half by two colors - old, slightly faded platinum and dark copper. There is weak lighting around the field from torches attached to holders.] [The danger inside - the chess. The Pale King] Boss: Kinger
[Locations gates] [The gate is giant and looks heavy because of the forged steel. Each gate has its unique tag belonging to one or another boss of the location behind these gates.] [Five gates in summary]
Pre horror: [dont turm on the light!]
Game stuff: [cover]; [chapters menu]; [...] About: [DLC?]; [non canon DLC]; [winter DLC]; [...]
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Post horror:
Size line: [additional]
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3 | 6 Main Bosses
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Hmmm I wonder what our boy went through?
Attribute credit:
Golden pelt = @umbranoxs
Tuxedo pattern, missing paw, blue/yellow heterochromia = @starfalcon555
Joint pain, vitiligo moon = @ambitiousauthor
Dark-salmon skin = @indigo-flightly-falls
Bengal, male gender = myself
Not seen on the ref, but he's a long hair as decided by @elementaldeityoffood As well, he becomes Bossy (decided by ambitiousauthor) we'll see how in his story!)
Ref: Full Reference Cat FTU Base by Naxolite on DeviantArt
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petra-creat0r · 1 month
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Chapter 1 Shopkeep
Okay so this should be the last important character ref for Chapter 1, aka the Attic World. (i need a better name for this Dark World.) After this my plan is to post the minor characters like enemies, NPCs, and Minibosses but once those are out, I'm not sure what to start on next. I have many things I could work on, it's just a matter of choosing. Thus why shortly after posting this, I'll be putting up a poll. Anyways! Onto Jeanie!
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The shopkeep of the first area, aka the Dusty Plains, Jeanie (like the spirit) is a mystic snake who lives alone in her tent and tells the fortunes of whoever enters. If we're to think in terms of mapping parts of the Attic World to Chapter 1 of Deltarune proper, imagine Jeanie as the Seam of the chapter. Some of her dialogue even makes mention to the cat plush, even though the two have never met proper.
Her name is a play on "genie", being said the same, just spelled differently, and tying to her mystic, fortune-teller vibe and occupation. As for inspiration, asides from taking on the appearance of a hooded cobra (a lot of the Attic World has some snake ties because of Broadway), Jeanie is an old fortune telling machine. I'm not sure if she's the full machine, or just a part of it, but that is her Light World counterpart. Her connection to tarot cards is likely due to the machine incorporating them into it's gimmick.
Being the first shopkeep, Jeanie's wares are rather basic. A healing item found a few times prior to meeting her, aka the Fortune Cookie, a stronger healing item in the Stitched Stew, a basic armor in the Crystal Lace, and a weapon for Chicago in the Fortune Cutters. I have descriptions for each of those items incase anyone's interested.
For a better look at her character, here's a quote from her shop dialogue when you ask Jeanie about herself.
"The name is Jeanie, like the spirit. Mystical Serpent of Mystery. This tent is my where I sell mystical charms and read palms, paws, and tails. I've seen quite a lot in my time telling fortunes. The past, the present... Perhaps even the future. Hee hee hee..."
Aside from asking about herself, during their first encounter with Jeanie, the player would be able to ask Jeanie about the Magician, ask for a Card Reading, or ask Jeanie how she was expecting the party based on her shop enter dialogue (depicted in the image above). Some of her dialogue will change later in the chapter, mostly after running into her a second time in the second area (the Feathered Forest) or once encountering Dorothy (the secret boss) both before and after fighting her. Under the cut is a list of what Jeanie has to say in her talk options.
You were expecting us?
"Legends have spread far and wide of Lightners who will come to seal fountains. Three legendary heroes who will save both light and dark from calamity. More recently, there have been tales and rumors among the Upper Choir of three young heroes destined to replace the Blue Knight and dethrone the High Priestess.
Call it premotion, call it fate, if you will... I simply call it inevitable that we would meet."
The Magician?
"Hmm? I'm afraid I do not know of the cat you speak off." She grins "Hee hee hee. Just kidding. You mean Magico, correct? He is quite the trickster, isn't he? I heard he's been trying capture the Lightners who've come to seal the Fountain. All in the name of the High Priestess. He wasn't always under her reign. None of us were. Our land did not have a singular, set ruler until recently. We were ruled by a collective choir. Until one day, a mysterious knight appeared, and appointed the highest Choir member, the Priestess, into power. After which, she appointed Magico the Head Magician and her right hand. It's been quite some time since this land has seen such upset in the Choir. Not since... Well, perhaps it's better you not learn of that just yet."
Card Reading (Beginning of Chapter, before Broadway joins party)
"The Fool, The Magician, and The High Priestess. It seems your journey is just beginning, young heroes. Yet I sense great potiental and power shining within you. Perhaps such potential will aid you in the facing the powers and entities yet unknown. Even still, buying a small protection charm wouldn't hurt."
Reading (Encountering Jeanie outside of her shop in Feathered Forest with Broadway)
"I left my cards back at my tent, but I can still read your fate through the vibrations of your soul. Hmm... Interesting. I sense a lack of control. A slipping of string. Perhaps brought on by someone close to you interfering with your prior norm? ... I suggest you talk things out with them, young hero."
Card Reading (Back tracking after CK and Remie re-join the party again but before the Chapel)
"Three of Cups, Eight of Swords, and Five of Wands. It seems the rest of your party has returned to you. Though you've been apart for a time, it's important to remember the value of working as a team. Especially since a great challenge still awaits you all on the path ahead. The Chapel and Priestess still lie ahead, young heroes. Be weary not to let your own ambition and feelings get in the way of your collective goal."
Card Reading (Back tracking after entering the Choral Chapel)
"The High Priestess, reversed Nine of Swords, and Nine of Wands. It seems the final leg of this journey lays before you, young ones. Soon you shall duel with the Priestess to end her tyrannical reign. Bringing a new light to this land. However such a battle can wait for a little while. Your adventure has been long and tiring, has it not? Why not take a short rest? I can make some tea and read the leaves before you must set off once more."
Odd Doll (After first talking to Dorothy)
"I sense you three have come across a strange presence oddly familiar but which you've never known. A strange prisoner whom speaks in stitched together tongue? ... So I see. Seems the Magician couldn't hide her from all eyes forever. ... I see many paths if you chose to go down this route more, yet oddly enough... The one in which you try and release her holds the most promise. It would not be my personal advice but... The stars have yet to steer me wrong yet. Perhaps dealing with the doll once and for all will yield a brighter future for everyone. ... Perhaps it was wrong to lock her away to begin with. A key? I do not hold it, but I have a sense as to were the Magician hid it. Hidden among the trees, in the thicket of the dark. You'll find the path you seek, if you chose to take the lark. That's all the advice I can give, so I would advise turning to the Magician if you get stuck further. I wish you luck on your journey, young ones, and my the stars guide your path."
"Gate blocking your path? As I said, I can offer no more advise. Perhaps seek the Magician for assistance."
Odd Doll (After opening Dorothy's cell)
"So you say you've opened the door? That explains the wrathful energy I feel far away..." I'm afraid can't see where your future leads from here. Do tell me how this plays out, if you can. Or don't. I merely predict your path, only you can decide it."
About DOROTHY (After defeating Dorothy)
"Judgment, Reversed six of wands, and The Chariot. I may not have known that doll for long, but I knew her cards, her fate, the path the stars laid out for her. Or perhaps the path she forged herself… Once she was nothing more than a blank doll. No face, no name, no path. She was a fool just as you are. Yet one day, she came across a strange someone and it seemed her stars had finally aligned. She had been gifted an identity and purpose from some higher power, she said. To this day, I still don't quite understand what she meant by that. Rambling on about the Truth, or our purpose, of creating our own stars…Yet I didn't NOT understand at the same time… At some point she was let into the Upper Choir, but even they eventually grew annoyed with her ramblings. And so they cast her out. Exiled her back to these dust ridden plains. She grew enraged, filled with an anger and hatred for all that betrayed her. She had to be locked away before she could hurt anyone else. It shames me that I had to be the one to call the guard… Ever since, I've mulled over the cards and stars, seeking answers to what she said. Yet the skies shone dark and the cards even darker. The only thing I've come back with are more questions than when I started. It makes one wonder…How much of the universe and fate can be understood and predicated… And how much can only be navigated by the blind?"
We Won (After defeating Dorothy)
"The six of wands, the Tower, and the Devil. So, it is true? You really defeated her? Then you three truly must be the heroes of legend after all… However be warned, DOROTHY is merely the first step in your fool's journey. There is still a long way to go, and many more obstacles to face. And one day soon… even the most darkest evil of all. Hee hee hee… Well, I can only wish you luck. Perhaps once you reach that point You can come back here and I shall read your scattered destiny once more."
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31 39s 38, 24ish 27 39ed 6. 50r 47 37 32. 17 39, will 35t 50?
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bouncybongfairy · 7 months
Can you please do a live action jet x reader? Literally do whatever plot you'd like I just want smut for him so bad, thank youuu
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Caught Off Guard
Jet x Fem Reader
Summary: On your way home from the market, Jet catches you by yourself. He loves a good chase before getting what he wants.
Word Count: 1.0k+
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Knife play, CNC kink, Blood kink, Nasty Smut, Masochism Kink
You were walking home from the market. It was dark and navigating your way home through the dense forest was becoming increasingly harder. Your anxiety was running through the roof, worried you’d run into a fire nation soldier or a wild animal. Walking as fast as you could because hearing random noises makes you paranoid. Your breathing becomes harder, hearing the sound of metal clanking together, you drop your bags and start running. As you stop for a couple seconds trying to figure out where to go, someone drops down in front of you from the tree above. Falling to the ground from being taken so off guard. The first thing you noticed was the two hook swords hanging by his side. His head hangs low, allowing his shaggy hair to flop onto his forehead, covering his eyes. You stood up, scrambling to get your footing before taking off. 
“Go on, the chase is the best part!” You hear him call out. 
For a while you could hear the crunching of the forest floor as he chased you from behind. Eventually you have to stop running, giving yourself a second to catch your breath. Trying to be as quiet as possible even though you were doing a terrible job. Your mind was spinning and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. Waiting there for a couple minutes until you were fully settled. Little did you know Jet was watching from above, humored by the fact that you were letting your guard down. He drops down again, laughing at how scared you become, yet again. 
“Please, you can have all my bags that I dropped, they have my leftover money just please let me go home!” you pleaded. 
“This isn’t about what you have or money. I want power, and right now I have all the power in the world over you,” he said, using one of his blades to pin your long skirt to the forest floor. You pulled away hard enough that it sliced the fabric, letting you run once again. At this point, you were completely lost and disoriented. Unsure of whether to continue running or find a place to hide. Tears ran down your face, hearing him laugh as he chased. Becoming over exerted and stimulated, you stopped running. Unwilling to take the torment anymore, he chuckled as he walked towards you. Backing you up into a tree, pressing one blade between your legs and the other against your throat. 
“From the way you gave up so early, I'd say you’d wanted me to catch you,” he said, breathing hard into your ear. 
“Please,” you whisper out, gasping as he applies more pressure to the blade. Just barely breaking the skin, you began to squirm and shake. 
“Aww you’re shaking? That’s cute,” he said, finally pulling back on the amount of pressure the blade had on your throat. 
Keeping the sword that was between your legs in place and putting the other in its sheath. Using his free hand to trace your lip with tongue, eventually pushing the digit into your mouth. Gagging and pushing your tongue back, he would let out a small groan every time he made you gag on his fingers. For a second, you find yourself enjoying it before snapping back out of it. Biting down on his fingers as hard as you can, he yanks his hand away. Attempting to run but being stopped by the blade between your legs cutting your inner thigh. He grabs you by the hair, shoving you onto your knees. Immediately you go to tend the wound on your thigh. He grabs you by the chin, forcing your attention onto him. 
“Bite me again and I’ll slice your tongue out,” he growled, shoving your head back. Stepping onto both of your hands before unzipping his pants. Trying you best to get away but not being able to was making you panic. Revealing his cock, completely erect and pre-cum dripping off the tip. Trying to press past your lips but being stopped by you turning your head to the side. Being enraged by the audacity you had, he uses both hands and forces the back of your head against the tree. 
“You won’t be getting out of this sweetheart,” he chuckled before finally pressing past your lips and starting to fuck your mouth. 
Becoming dizzy from blood loss was starting to make you more pliable. Not fighting back as much, even at times leaning into these thrusts. He noticed this, once you stopped trying to free your hands from under his boots. Letting out a moan as he looked down at you. Saliva dripping down your chin and the sides of your mouth; eyes glossy and blinking slowly. 
“Awe see, I knew you’d learn to like it,” he teases, skull fucking you at a merciless pace. Pressing his pelvis hard against your mouth, pinning your head against him and the tree. Feeling him throb and spasm as he pumped cum down your throat. Grunting every time your throat involuntarily swallows around him. Once he finishes he pulls out, still holding onto your hair as you cried. 
“Fuck I don’t know if you think your tears make me pity you but they only make me want to fuck you more,” he said, pushing you onto your back. 
Climbing on top of you, securing your wrists above your matted hair. Lining his tip with your entrance, lifting your legs up for him to penetrate easier. 
“Mm, I knew you were a fucking whore,” he said, fucking into you. 
Feeling his dick stretch you open made you scream. The burning from how rough he was pounding into you felt good. Fully giving into his will as he used your body to please himself. Knowing you were too weak to fight back, he lets go of your wrists. Reaching down and grabbing a smaller knife that was fastened to his belt. Flicking it open and looking for the perfect place to mark you. Smacking your chest and pinching your nipples for a while before beginning the real fun. Carving his name across your chest, watching the blood start to drip down towards your shoulders. You were letting out a mix of moans, whimpers and cries as he did this. Still too drained from tightening and cumming around his cock. 
“I love feeling how greedy your hole is, just can’t get enough can you?” he said, dropping the knife and continuing to abuse your pussy until he came again. Pressing himself as deep as he could while he released inside you. Collecting his clothes and things, leaving you passed out on the forest floor.
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dirt-clan · 2 months
Welcome to Dirtclan
Hello guys! It’s @lockandkeyhyena (he/him) with my second ever clangen!
Dirtclan’s founders were part of a coup trying to take over Foxclan, their original clan. The plan was to instate Wormtail as the new leader of Foxclan, given he had lead the plot. The coup was instead defeated and Wormtail was killed- however he was given nine more chances at life by a Dark Forest cat.
Taking his followers, the newly christened Wormstar lead them to a stretch of unclaimed territory where they would set up camp in an abandoned badger’s burrow. Now their plan is to grow in size until they are eventually accepted as a new clan alongside the current Foxclan, Badgerclan and Raccoonclan.
#update - any Dirtclan update
#moon [number] - each moon and posts (such as character asks) that take place during said moon
#art - all non-update art
#ref - character references
#ask - asks and responses
#chatter - miscellaneous text posts
#fanart - art of Dirtclan not by me! greatly, greatly appreciated
#[trigger] - any post that contains depiction or discussion of potentially triggering topics
Playing on Expanded Mode
Prey mechanics and hunger are disabled
Unmated cats can have kits
Romantic interactions with first cousins and former mentors are disabled
Same sex breeding is disabled and same sex adoption is increased
Deputies are manually chosen
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mantis-clan · 3 months
Mantisclan Masterpost
Hey guys!! It’s Sasha (he/him) and this is my improvisational clangen blog. My main is @lockandkeyhyena and I post about warrior cats and all things that interest me there. I finally caved and decided to create a clangen blog. The presentation of updates and such will likely vary a bit before I settle into a proper groove, as well as the artstyle varying due to my inability to keep my style consistent, but I hope you stick along for the ride!
I plan on tackling some dark themes with this clangen and will not be shying away from depicting tragic in-game events. Currently, however, the tone is relatively lighthearted.
Here’s all you need to know before diving in!
Mantisclan, Snailclan and Cricketclan live alongside one another in a verdant forest on the outskirts of twoleg civilisation.
Mantisclan Allegiances (up to date. contains spoilers)
All Updates (start here!)
#update - any Mantisclan updates
#moon [number] - each moon and posts that take place during that moon
#ref - character references
#[snailclan/cricketclan] - posts about the other clans
#ask - any response to an ask
#[trigger] - any post that contains discussion of or depiction of potentially triggering or dark topics
#misc [chatter/art] - miscellaneous chatter and character art/ask responses
#about - informational posts
#fanart - art of mantisclan not by me. greatly appreciated <3
#cheating - any posts covering changes i cheated away! feel free to block this tag if you want your suspension of disbelief retained
Playing on Expanded Mode
Prey mechanics and hunger are disabled
Only mated cats can have kits
Romantic interactions with first cousins and former mentors are disabled
Same sex breeding is disabled and same-sex adoption is increased
Deputies are manually chosen
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