#cults and rituals etc that was featured in exile//vilify
silverjirachi · 8 months
(fan fic writer asks) 5, 17
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
An entire like 70-100k fic set in the past with Astor as Ganondorf's royal seer, exploring their relationship and a pact made between them for Astor to resurrect Ganon in the far future. I will never write this on the scale I feel like it deserves because I just don't have enough ideas for it. However I do have a one-shot based on that concept in my drafts that I will release eventually.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I know marginally more about sailing and customs aboard pirate ships thanks to some digging I did for The Devil and the Dead Sea but I wouldn't consider myself knowledgable on sailing or boats by any means.
I also learned the entire plot of Black 2 White 2 because I didn't play them including stuff in the manga etc just so I could write Colress and his own fic.
And I know a little bit about shooting guns/historical rifles and clockmaking for Dnd character research (counting it because I'm writing a book about him also)
Fic writer asks!!
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