#everything on divination there etc
silverjirachi · 8 months
(fan fic writer asks) 5, 17
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
An entire like 70-100k fic set in the past with Astor as Ganondorf's royal seer, exploring their relationship and a pact made between them for Astor to resurrect Ganon in the far future. I will never write this on the scale I feel like it deserves because I just don't have enough ideas for it. However I do have a one-shot based on that concept in my drafts that I will release eventually.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
I know marginally more about sailing and customs aboard pirate ships thanks to some digging I did for The Devil and the Dead Sea but I wouldn't consider myself knowledgable on sailing or boats by any means.
I also learned the entire plot of Black 2 White 2 because I didn't play them including stuff in the manga etc just so I could write Colress and his own fic.
And I know a little bit about shooting guns/historical rifles and clockmaking for Dnd character research (counting it because I'm writing a book about him also)
Fic writer asks!!
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kagoutiss · 9 months
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rly rough sketchies…..ft impa
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
just thinking out loud here but i feel like a lot of popular perception of kon esp in online fandom spaces is colored by his joie de vivre and all the times he's silly and goofy. which i do of course adore!! i love when he's silly and goofy. but comparing that perception to, that of like, clark or kara, i feel like kon gets shunted into the box of "dumb comic relief character" a lot more easily. lots of factors probably contribute to that (sb94 having a bad rep, while no other kon comic really goes into a lot of his tragedy; conflation with the side of the fandom that doesn't read comics; the fact that comparatively postcrisis kara doesn't have a team the way kon has yj and clark is seen as a more capable adult, so other characters in the jl get the "dumb comic relief" short end of the stick more often; etc) ...
... but what really gets me about him is that he does embody a lot of the same traits as the rest of the kryptonian superfam. he's so extremely kind. he's got that same noble heart as the rest of them; he cares about everyone and he wants to protect everyone. and he's so, so lonely. he struggles between cultures and worlds where he feels like he doesn't belong to either. he is so strong and capable and holds so much power that it scares him.
cradles him gently in my hands. he contains multitudes... come closer don't you want to love him 🥺
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soldier-poet-king · 4 months
I very much try to live by a 'most generous interpretation' ethos and just try desperately to believe everyone is trying their best to seek and do Good, even though our understanding of it is always necessarily incomplete and limited, I truly do believe most people are fundamentally searching for that, but oh man sometimes y'all make me read theological opinions on this site that's not just 'i severely disagree but see how one could get to that opinion even if I think it an awful conclusion' but more like 'this is the worst thing I've ever seen and I wish I didn't have eyes'
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ilynpilled · 1 year
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i know people mostly take note of jaime being associated with the warrior & the maiden because of the whole huge gender extravaganza that is going on with j/c/b but i love how he also seems to be strongly connected to the stranger throughout the text. other than all this, he has the death motif (death of the boy, scythe sword chops hand/rebirth, aerys, ilyn the executioner, the bear, stoneheart, cersei, hooded figures in his dreams, the ghosts etc) along with the emphasized dance with death thing. when he refers to himself as “a stranger in my own house,” in the next few chapters he gifts oathkeeper to brienne and aids her in working against his family’s interests, the major color symbolism shift starts: crimson/gold vs white, and frees tyrion which leads to the death of his father and the head of his house (he told the corpse. “The blood on his hands as much as… Tyrion’s.” The blood on his hands as much as mine, he meant to say.) and i think we can all guess what else is coming when it concerns jaime embodying the stranger in the future. i like that cersei “all the time was the stranger” to jaime, and he comes to that epiphany and continues diverging from her, and he “has become” it for cersei, but she is not aware of it, like she doesn’t think he means her death. and i am sure it is meant to be loaded that the character who is the primary deconstruction of knighthood/the kingsguard in the series also embodies the stranger (he certainly fulfills the role of executioner & judgement in some form, and i do like these layers when it comes to the medieval narrative of “it is ‘god’ who shall judge tyrants, not anyone else” which can also serve as a tool for class stratification, and avoiding the precedent of sovereignty being challenged. it is touched on in different ways in the text) but i dont have my thoughts together enough about this lol. we do know george is an agnostic:
"I suppose l'm a lapsed Catholic. You would consider me an atheist or agnostic. I find religion and spirituality fascinating. I would like to believe this isn't the end and there's something more, but I can't convince the rational part of me that that makes any sense whatsoever. [...] And as for the gods, l've never been satisfied by any of the answers that are given. If there really is a benevolent loving god, why is the world full of rape and torture? Why do we even have pain?”
his view is verbatim jaime’s argument: “If there are gods, why is the world so full of pain and injustice?” and the whole conversation parallels brienne’s statement: “Jaime Lannister murdered the rightful king […] Where were the gods then? The gods don’t care about men…”
but george is absolutely not a nihilist in any way, so i think much of it is about placing human agency at the center of all this, and it is some kind of discussion when it comes to karmic or divine intervention. he is half a corpse too. a man is a man, not god. and a man is “whatever he chose.” it is man who acts, not gods.
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was really wanting to draw something horse-like/deer-like, so I sketched out a design for another rise of the tmnt oc :]
she’s a kelpie who was raised by a yokai family of kirin in the Hidden City
she’s a trans mare and her pronouns are she/they
her name is Meer I think (that might be short for a longer name, but I haven’t decided yet)
they’re a healer and they run a plant shop, that specializes in mystic and/or medicinal plants and bonsai trees, that River eventually works for ​(there’s a lot more flowers in the shop after River starts working there)
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oflgtfol · 3 months
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he was only nineteen???? he should've been at the clubbbb
#guess what musical ive been relistening to .#but the musical is very hard to get plot beats out of cuz theres so many story gaps between the songs. hence why im here#even though this is the book's wiki page. and im pretty sure the musical and the book differ a lot. but still.#brot posts#music#back in middle school when i was in my musical phase (phantom/monte cristo/jekyll and hyde/etc)#and also just old literature in general phase (divine comedy/paradise lost/etc)#i really wanted to try to read the source material#but like. i was in 7th grade. i had no fucking idea what the hell was going on#i tried so hard to read paradise lost LMAOOOOO#like girlie pops you are 11 you havent even read shakespeare in class yet#so after i gave up on paradise lost i gave up on reading everything else as well.#although i do think i tried to do phantom at one point in middle school but also barely got through it#and then i tried it again in high school and only barely got a little furhter#though the high school time was just cuz i didnt have the patience#so yknow sitting here its very easy to say i would love to read the count of monte cristo instead of listen to the musical#but will i actually read it? probably not#god looking at the wikisoruce for it. its long as fuckkkkkkk man im not reading this LOL#ive read jekyll and hyde but thats because it was pretty short so the patience aspect wasnt a problem#so j&h is the only musical-based-on-1800s-literature that ive actually read the source material for. <3
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wizardnuke · 1 year
every once in a while i think abt essek "weird theories about the luxon and how it works" thelyss and get a vivid mental image of him pacing around his towers, muttering to himself about the evils of magic 5G
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slverblood · 5 months
oooooooh feeling things about when you ask what Isobel intends to do now and she's like "take care of my angel, of course"
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ultfreakme · 1 year
You must be in a tumblr bubble because how have you never seen posts with thousands notes claiming most classical literature is actually fanfiction of bible and the rest is of mythology. Like, this isn’t a hot take on tumblr, unfortunately.
Probably because I have a life outside of tumblr and curate my experience, but yes, I have seen posts about how Paradise Lost is just Bible fanfic and Dante's Inferno is self-insert fanfiction, but mostly from people who watch OSPD videos and say it as a joke. It's a major simplification of about a dozen concepts but okay, if you look at it from the point of definitions, yeah, Paradise Lost & the Divine Comedy are technically fanfiction; they are based on pre-existing work, with Dante there's irl people in scenarios they've never been in, etc etc.
Although I have never seen anyone saying any particular fanfic is a literary masterpiece that must simply be taught in academic settings, which is what that OP's post was actually implying.
And here's the thing; I think fanfic has the potential to be considered a classic. Because, what makes let's say, the Divine Comedy so important? It's not because it's old, but because it struck a nerve among the masses, it did things against the societal structure no one dared to do before, it transformed the Italian language as we know it, it's this carefully, excruciatingly crafted work in terms of sentence structure and is primarily a theological exploration. Now this stands out also because the og canon content, the Bible, is MASSIVE in influence. That thing STILL shapes social norms, conventions and expectations.
No current fanfiction now will ever come to be seen as a true classic unless the canon thing the fic is based on reaches Bible levels of influence on society, which is going to take centuries. Same can be applied to Greek Myths in general(also in both these cases the canon thing is also tied to social structure and religion which large portions of the world follow). We don't want to equate the term 'fanfiction' to that stuff because it feels like it's beyond that but technically, yeah. It's fanfiction.
But the term fanfiction itself is extremely recent, it was said first in 1939 and therefore carries temporal contexts and definitions. It's why it feels juvenile and uncomfortable assigning such a new, and initially frowned-upon term to classics. Being angry about what is and what isn't fanfiction depends entirely upon how you view the term 'fanfiction'.
For me, it is value-neutral and doesn't immediately denote lowered quality these days because at the most fundamental level, fanfiction is literary work based on pre-existing media. But if you add the current cultural context in which fanfiction is primarily written, ie., posted online by anyone and everyone with a desire to write, mostly to fulfill shipping fantasies or certain character scenarios canon didn't provide, then I can see why people would consider giving the label of fanfiction to the classics an insult or "shooting too high".
Maybe 'fanfiction' isn't fitting because of all the social stigma around it, maybe it doesn't apply because it feels like trying to apply modern story beats and terms to ancient mythology. What specifically, is making someone uncomfortable about the term 'fanfiction' on the classics? What the hell even is "fanfiction" in the first place because you could argue that The Song of Achilles is canon-compliant POV change fanfiction but its advertised as a retelling. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies also counts for fic. I think there's a good discussion to be had on what makes "fanfiction" as we know it now what it is because even I think assigning the term to Divine Comedy or Paradise Lost feels wrong. Maybe it's about intent? The classics are written with the need for social change or to make people see things different; art for life's sake. But most fic these days are purely art for art's sake- it is peak self-indulgence and self-expression.
I'm looking it up and people keep narrowing the definition of "fanfiction" as like
Amateur writing
Based on copyrighted characters
Without permission from og creator
Now that whole "copyright" concept complicates things because Romeo & Juliet? Not originally by Shakespeare. Dude borrowed characters from a different play, pretty sure he changed Juliette's name, and he wrote it when the og was only recently made. The concept of "copyright" and "author permission" is also VERY recent. What even counts as actually "amateur" because Van Gogh is considered a pro now but when he was alive he only sold one painting apparently so back then he could've been classified as "amateur"?
I have fully derailed. I forgot what I wanted to say-- Okay yeah I'm aware people say the classics are fanfiction, and in a way, yeah, it is, depending on how the individual defines "fanfiction".
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greentypewriters · 1 year
for some reason i am really good at conventional 2d puzzles and really bad at video game puzzles. saying this as i fail miserably to comprehend vah naboris
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alhavaradawnstar · 7 months
shit needs doing so naturally I am thinking about. The swap au
#shakes swap gelebor by the shoulders WHEN WILL YOU LEARN. WHEN WILL YOU LEARNS THAT YOUR ACTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!!#blood. Blood. gallons of the stuff. More than you could drink and it will never be enough/ref He's so. SILLY#gripping mswap like a stress ball and he crumbles into dust. He's like actually living mummified it's fucked up#vampirism 4 him is like. Giving up auriels light so others can have it. Maintaining everything from the shadows. Humanoid church grim. Etc#THEN EVERYTHING WENT TO SHIT!!! vyrthur still creates the prophecy out of like. Grief I guess rather than selfrighteous anger#The fact that gelebor is adamant that vampirism is Good and auriel still loves them pisses him off so much. They have Nothing and#Auriel has done nothing for them. And still he does everything#Checks in on vyrthur. Is horrified at the state of the wayshrine. Vyrthur cleans up. They dont talk to each other for 400 years. Repeat#swapau#mswap is so. goofy lovestruck grin imagining him in the family guy death pose. I need to draw him covered in blood again#Character embodiment of divine madness has yet to experience the divine reckoning. Honey youve got a big storm coming ❤❤❤#lectures you for 3 hours on how while cannibalism is the most literal and therefore most divine eucharist it is still inferior to blood alo#^I'm not christian ik this is inaccurate but I often draw from catholicism 4 him because they have got some WEIRD SHIT to play with#also is the religion of midnight mass and faith both of which are. Huge influences on this au. I cannot stress how much mswap is msgr pruit#he would say the honesty monologue if he had anyone to talk to. Arguing w riley* (*his inner demons)
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eorzeashan · 1 year
last thoughts of the night but. I keep asking myself why it's so hard for Eight to be in vanilla game romances, why any kind with any NPC feels doomed from the start, and I think it's because of his conviction and his devotion to a cause that ultimately supercedes him. until he fulfills that duty, he can never rest; again, it's one that would only ever be taken up by someone who is so far from a person that it's inconceivable to be done by anyone who wishes for a life beyond it. at the same time, he sees it as the only way he can become enough of a person to be able to have that peaceful life someday, yet it's the very thing keeping him from it. everything he is, he pours into purpose, a singular one so finely honed it is unrivaled. who could possibly join themselves to one who can never return home?
both he and jadus share this trait at transcending their previous lives in search of greater meaning but in turn, are forced to wander indefinitely on personal sojourns with no answer as to how long their journey will be or if they'll ever find what they seek. it's also a situation many cut loose from Intelligence or disillusioned by their own pasts find themselves in, where they have to ask what now?
in this case, the universe cannot answer them, and so they carry on.
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blackmoldmp3 · 2 years
ok so it has taken like 3 years of therapy but i think im finally understanding things. fucked up thats its taken me this long to kind of get a handle on basic shit weve been repeating every couple weeks but yknow theres been a lot going on for me in my life and in my body
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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Probably I’m coming late as hecky with Starbucks for this, but that one last sentence after the comma? The premise that constellations are shaped as per the allogene heart’s desires as opposed to something forced on them? This is peak content here to consider.
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soutsuji · 1 month
Do you even understand what Chiori was to Morisu
#.txt#decagon house#mansion murders/yakata series#she was the love of his life and his lifeline and symbolized everything that was good to him#he believed so earnestly that she was perfect and flawless and incapable of wrong#she was like a god to him in a way#and believing that she was perfect and perfectly innocent was his religion. in a way#of course he thinks she couldn't have gone to a party and gotten drunk#that goes against his core beliefs#of course he thinks she could never have gotten so blackout drunk of her own will to have died#of course he thinks she was pressured into doing all of this#of course he thinks that she was murdered#ideal victims create ideal perpetrators etc. etc.#of course he thinks the mystery club killed her#he doesn't care about what motive they could have had (for they had none)#his god was dead and they killed her#of course he decided to kill them in turn#of course his 'last reason for living' became to 'paint a world without those sinners in it' (not direct quotes but close enough)#of course he fancied himself as some sort of divine judge#'i know Man can never become a god' and all#and who knows who chiori actually was#maybe she was just as morisu made her out to be. maybe she wasn't#in the end it doesn't matter#in the end chiori is only relevant as the driving force behind morisu's actions#maybe he always believed her to be so. or maybe he retroactively defined his beliefs around her death#we will never know#kawaminami and also sort of orczy and leroux give us more information about chiori#but even then she could really just be a normal girl who was pretty and kind and shy#who decided to have some fun for once and took some risks and died because of it#and it's just morisu who's absolutely deranged about her
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