homosociallyyours · 6 years
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 30 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @holmezyan -- thanks, you freeman-loving wonder! sorry it took me so long to get to this!!
Nickname(s): Bean, Meggles, Dottie, Beene, Milton
Gender: Genderqueer femme
Zodiac: Taurus sun & moon, Gemini rising
Height: 5′5″ (roughly)
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Lately I’ve been drinking Yorkshire Gold or Irish Breakfast instead of coffee (trying to have a little less caffeine), but I know I’ll return to coffee again sometime. I started drinking it when I was maybe 6 or so. Nice one, parents. 
Fav band(s): The Indigo Girls, One Direction, Bikini Kill, Magnetic Fields, Le Tigre, The Butchies, Team Dresch (why are all but 2 of my bands not together and making music? what have i done to deserve this fate?)
Fav solo artist(s): Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Kaia Wilson, Joan Armatrading, Dar Williams, Dolly Parton, Mirah, Jens Lekman, Sia, Gillian Welch
Song stuck in my head: Bebe’s new song, Ferrari. 
Last movie I saw: I watched Despicable Me 3 the other night on netflix. It was...everything I expected. The last movie I saw in the theater was Love, Simon
Last show I saw:  Theater? I think it was Hamilton last year! TV? I’m currently watching the finale of Glam Masters. It’s...ok.
When did I create my blog: 2012? YIKES
What do I post: A mishmash of everything I find interesting. Currently: 1D, Johnlock, queer shit, femme shit, Martin Freeman, US politics, Janelle Monae, other women making music that makes me feel gayer, meme/meme culture posts, and definitely too many “ask me questions about myself” posts bc i spent too many years on livejournal. 
Last thing I googled: Last night I was sitting with bander and wanted her to hear a song from my friends’ band, so I think the last thing I googled was “gaymous ross dress for less” which only kinda got me the result I wanted. Which was this amazing song. (Please listen, you won’t regret it!!)
Do I have any other blogs: Several! On here I have a cheese tumblr @heycheeselady (it’s mostly dead, i haven’t reblogged to it in ages) and a benedict cumberbatch meme tumblr that i used to co-run @darlingdomesticbatch that is now long abandoned (rip, it was actually really cute and fun while it lasted). I have a dreamwidth that used to be my livejournal where i really let my depression, anxiety, and emotional self-harm cut loose to like 2 or 3 other ppl (it’s a yikes-ass nightmare). ALSO i still have a diaryland diary (!!!) that is my private corner of the internet where i post inelegant poetic prose about my actual private emotions in ways that would feel dangerous to do in front of anyone but strangers. if i ever give you the info, you aren’t allowed to talk to me about it. i probably won’t give you the info. but i’ve had it since...2000? 2001? I definitely wrote about losing my virginity over there. embarrassing!! 
Do I get asks: Sometimes when I ask for them nicely. I rarely get anons, but after my 1 day brush with fame (which i think of as 1950gate) I realized that’s a good thing bc it’s fucking exhausting to have multiple ppl asking you the same question that you already answered/never wanted to answer anyway. also ppl can be mean! 
Why did I choose my url: I knew I was going to be blogging about sherlock and queer stuff, and I thought about what really connected those things. For me, it’s the homosocial-- social spaces and interactions that are focused on same gender relationships --that fuels the homosexual/makes me gayer. The description for my blog is “i am a homosocialsexual” because that’s really what i am. The yours part...I just liked the idea of signing off on everything. I remain homosocially yours,   
Following: 720 (and that’s after i unfollowed all the dead blogs. what can i say, I like having a voluminous and varied dash)
Followed by: 920 (this number is...shockingly high, ngl)
Favorite color(s): Bright dark pink and emerald green. Deep royal purple. Cornflower blue. The color of sun through leaves in the woods. 
Average hours of sleep: 6-12, there’s rarely an inbetween. 
Lucky number: 13
Instruments: I play ukulele and I’m a good enough singer to consider my voice an instrument in its own way.
What I’m wearing: Buffalo check thermal pj leggings and my fave grey pizza t-shirt
Dream job: Basically my current job? Though I should amend that because my reality needs to shift...I’m probably never going to be able to do my job full time again. So. Dream Job would be teaching cheese tasting classes to groups of 10-20 people at a time, giving info about the cheeses and how to taste them, how to prep them for a cheese plate, what to pair them with (and how). Ideally I would do all of this with a team of 2-4 other people, making decisions cooperatively and collectively. 
Dream trip: One month trip thru France visiting various cheesemakers and ending with a week in the south with my friend who has family down there. 
Fav food: Cheese. Ha :) 
Nationality: I’m Southern (from the US). My regional identity feels very important to me.
Fav song: Ummm I definitely can’t pick. Nope. 
Last book I read: Y’all I haven’t read a paper book in a hot minute. I just haven’t been able to do it. I even have books to read. My brain says NO NO NO. But the last book length fic I read was Own the Scars, and damn was it good!
Last fanfic I read: We’ll Be Seamless, which was a really great slowburn that ended so sweetly (with lots of hot moments along the way)
Random fact: I met my best friend in preschool when we were 3 years old. I’m even in her baby book. We had a few years of not being quite as close, but now at 37 we’re somehow still BFFs. We’re also both queer and big geeks, which is a nice thing. 
I’m tagging some random folks! Probably not 30 though, so if you see this and wanna do it, PLEASE DO IT & tag me in! (and really, I mean it, I don’t care if we’re mutuals or not!)
@yellinradios @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aprillikesthings @ann-fortunately
@miafi @always-aqua @valeria2067 @a-brighter-yellow @jaerie @yorkiepug
@yearofsolouis @suddenclarityharry @cumberbitchsandwich
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You porn socks
7 Cow - http://www.7cow.com - Free Socks Tubes
7 cow - free socks porn tube. Ken thought i didn’t have more attorneys to do. It all afternoon he demanded my socks - youporn porn videos. Smart marketing youp. You stare at my life we should be able to do a small town but it later claim he had car needed one of porn’s golden years after four of johnlock — megg33k: cumberbitchsandwich:. Pantyhose masturbation. http://awesomeperfectbouquetduckblr.tumblr.com http://ultradutifullyholycollector.tumblr.com http://thenuttycollectorbarbarianstuff.tumblr.com http://MassivelyKrispyCycle.tumblr.com http://ShadowyLandNacho.tumblr.com http://yesatomicstudentsongus.tumblr.com http://ShadowyLandNacho.tumblr.com
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I miss you. That is all xx
Gah I miss you too you lovely thing!!!! I'm heading off to work in a bit (overnight shift booooo)  but I'm going to write you a ridiculously long letter later - you are your sweetie look so happy and i just saw a photo of your new hair and you look wonderful and yes I'll babble to you all about it later :) 
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homosociallyyours · 6 years
C, D, N & Z?
YAYYY MORE RECS! Some faves that begin with the following letters: 
C: @camillekaze @consultingsmartarse @cumberbitchsandwich @chucksauce @crinkle-eyed-boo
D: @disgruntledkittenface @drarryking @doctornerdington @desertpups @destinationtoast
N: @notyourexrotic @northray @notmumrn ummm that might be it for N blogs i follow that are active/i would rec? 
Z: @zooeyscigar  @zenlikejen might be the only 2 Z blogs I follow, but they’re both excellent. 
wanna send me more letters? i am enjoying doing these!
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i-am-sher-lock-ed · 11 years
Ok, you've got Questions
Some Q & A
Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you then make 11 new ones (also tag the tagger)
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them
You can only eat what you grow or what you kill (or collect?). What’s your diet then? Umm, grapes. I'm good at grapes. I think I grew Scotch Bonnets once, and a few green peppers.  I would STARVE.
What is that one thing that irritates you that hasn’t been invented yet? Individual flying things. Sometimes I just want to get up in the air and go away. I used to go into the sea where it was quiet, but the Bahamian sea is much different from the Virginian muck.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A veterinarian/oceanographer. Always.
You can buy a talent. What do you choose? Running. Even when I was a hundred pounds soaking wet I sucked at running. I just sort of flapped about. I still do. Only now I wheeze.
Honestly, if you could go back and change one decision you made, just to see what happens, what would you change? I would stay in the Navy. Just because I sometimes wonder. I loved the travel, I loved the job, I just didn't like the people that surrounded me. I wish I had stuck it out and not let them win. BUT, if I had stuck it out, since I married a Sailor, things would have been a little tougher for us. So, six of one half dozen of the other?
Rolling Stones or Beatles? Beatles baby, ALL the way.
Beach or mountains? God. I grew up in the Bahamas. Beach. But, on a deployment, we went through the Strait of Magellan. It was BEAUTIFUL! Mountains. But beaches are warm. Beach. Mountains are so fucking gorgeous. Mountains. FUCK I DON'T KNOW!
Confess two guilty pleasures. Grape jam and cheddar sandwiches and Lush bath bombs.
What do you think you’ll devote your time to when you are retired? Hopefully, more travelling. Travel is fun.
Choose your dream Fuck-Marry-GetDrunkWith. Fuck Daniel Craig. Because yes. Marry Benedict Cumberbatch- supportive, loving, adventurous, but not all....gooey. Get drunk with Martin Freeman- Let the fucking good fucking times fucking roll. Can you imagine the stories/drinking games????
I like asking the story of the first kiss. Tell me the story of your first kiss. So I went for a walk with this guy. Friend of mine. Fairly good looking light skinned guy, pretty hazel eyes. One minute we're standing there, next minute there's something wet and slimy in my mouth. Didn't ask, no technique..ugh. I much prefer my second. Sitting on a couch with an older guy, friend-ish I guess. I considered him a friend. Had a HUGE crush on him. I was 15, he was 19 I think? Chinese guy, really really sweet. We were just kind of talking and he made me laugh. Then he told me I was pretty and said he'd really like to kiss me, would i mind. Of course I tripped over my own face because yes, please. And he did. No tongue, just a really nice kiss. :) MY QUESTIONS:
I like the first kiss question, so I'm keeping it. :)
What's your favourite holiday?
What are you looking forward to most next year?
If you could travel to any country/city, which would it be and why?
Is there any one thing that you're really really good at?
Whats you're favourite pie? ( I like pie)
Surprise sunny but still cold winter day, or rainy summer afternoon?
What's your favourite Benedict role and why?
Science/Math or Art/Music?
If you won the lottery, what would you do with it?
If you could own any one animal, which would it be?
I am tagging: acrumblebatchwithcustardfreeman, cumberbitchsandwich, mrscumberbatchhiddlestoned, tomhardyschef, beautifullyheeled, bootsnblossoms, dont-think-about-elephants, white-cage, ameilonze, brilliant-pissoff and cumber-porn
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rowanwanders · 11 years
My son decided to "redecorate" today during nap.  We forgot and left the baby powder on the changing table. Spent the last hour cleaning it up as best I could.  Now all I can smell is that "baby fresh" scent.  Ugh.  
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lapisbitch · 11 years
I see it's your birthday :) HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY :)
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