#curly hair gang uniteee
kirishwima · 4 years
Can I have all with then helping you take care of curly hair ?
yes!!! im a fellow curly-haired person and my dude......it’s a StruggleTM
I didn’t add Saeran, but if you’d like me to write for him too let me know! :)
* Honestly, as a kid he loved to try and braid his sister’s hair, even if he always ended up tugging at her locks until she got mad at him lol
* So when he heard MC’s groan of furstration from the half-open bedroom door, he gingerly peeked his head into the room, smiling at the sight; his beloved, sitting on the bed cross legged in their bath robe, a hairbrush stuck in their slowly-drying wet curls. 
* MC looked at him, exasperated as they pointed to the brush still stuck in their hair, defying gravity at all costs. 
* “Do you see what I have to deal with? I swear, I should just shave my head and get this whole mess over with” they groaned, and Yoosung laughed as he walked to sit besides them, leaning to kiss them on the corner of their lips.
* “Can I try brushing it for you? I don’t know if I’ll be any good but-I want to help!”
* Hesitantly, MC nodded; they knew that it was probably a bad idea, that even if Yoosung meant well he might end up tangling their thick curls more than they already were, but his hopeful look, the small shy smile he gave them-how could anyone say no to that face?!
* So Yoosung sat on his knees on the bed behind MC, gently pulling curls away from the hairbrush to try and tug it off of MC’s head. Surprisingly...it didnt’ hurt all that much. Sure, when he finally tried to pull the brush off of the remaining strands of hair MC could feel the pull, but Yoosung’s movements were so slow and light, MC sighed a sigh of relief. 
* As he seperated their hair into small sections, brushing through their hair so slow the ministrations felt almost like a massage, MC felt their eyes flutter shut. Was there such a thing as being a pro in hair brushing? If so, Yoosung should win all awards for that-MC would see to that, no matter what.
* Once Yoosung was done with the back and moved to the final strands framing MC’s face, he noticed how slump their body became, how as he shifter they lolled onto him, their head on his chest as they slowly fell asleep. He smiled, setting down the brush to tug MC closer to him, letting them rest on his chest. He’d be sure to ask them to brush their hair every day from now on.
* You’d think he’s a pro at hair brushing considering his long rat tail-ehm, ponytail. 
* (I have a personal vendetta against that ridiculous ‘pony tail’ im sORRY-)
* Whilst he always has hair ties and hair beauty products laying around, he’s actually the WORST person MC could ask to help them style their thick curly hair-his was so silky soft and straight, he literally barely had a used for hairbrushes. Instead, MC was left to suffer, lathering product after product on their hair to keep their curls prim and proper, preforming a whole ritual when it came to brushing their hair after a shower.
* Zen, bless his sweet loving soul, he tried to be helpful-he’d bring MC shampoos specific for curly hair, would look online for hairstyles they could do, but when it came to actually helping MC tame their curly head-that’s where he became a clumsy mess.
* He was so afraid of accidentantly tugging on MC’s hair, that he nearly refused to touch their head at all. If he saw MC struggling to tie their hair in a pony tail, loose strands falling out of their grip, he’d simply point it out to them, refusing to actually touch their girls-what if he pulled on it and MC squealed in pain? He’d never forgive himself for that.
* However, late at night, when MC would be asleep-he’d gingerly run his fingers along their soft curls, smile to himself as they shuffled closer to his hand at the sensation; it’s something he didnt’ allow himself in the morning light, but here, with MC asleep, and with his hands moving ever so gently, he knew it’d be impossible to hurt them-not if the way they nuzzled into his hand was any indication.
* Seriously though, Zen, PLEASE just help poor MC next time you see them struggling to braid their hair. It’s just hair for God’s sake just-help them out! They won’t bite!!
* As a girl with very short hair, she actually has a hair-care routine that rivals any lazy man’s; she uses an all-in-one shampoo-conditioner, much to MC’s horror, and just simply dries her hair with a towel then lets them be. No hair care oils, no special shampoos, nothing. She just....lets them be.
* Well, not under MC’s watch she won’t-MC is actually the reason why Jaehee eventually let her hair grow out into the gorgeous wavy locks she now has-she saw the special care MC took with their curls, how they even used specific satin pillow cases so their hair wouldn’t frizz up, and Jaehee looked to her own hair, tugging at a strand with a soft frown.
* Eventually, she shyly asked MC for advice-her cheeks went bright red as MC smiled and took a hold of Jaehee’s hand, taking her to their favorite beauty store to look at products that could match Jaehee’s hair.
* Once Jaehee’s hair started growing longer, they actually set up a small daily ritual together-they’d help each other brush their hair after a shower (”Never brush dry hair!” MC would chastise Jaehee, and she’d simply nod, never really asking why-not until one day, she saw MC purposly combing through their dry curls for a 70s’ themed party, lol), they had their favorite hair oils and dry conditioners on the bathroom coutner, ready at all times-Jaehee considered these times an intimate quiet moment between the two, happy to have someone she loves to build a routine with.
* At some point the two decided to dye their hair together-they worked at their own coffee shop, they were their own boss, so there was no one around to tell them not to go crazy with their hair, right?
* So Jaehee chose a gorgeous ombre for her hair, starting as her natural colour on the roots, ending into a deep purple on the ends; and MC chose a vibrant blue, ‘to match their bright personality’ as Jaehee put it. 
* Seeing kids stop and look at their hair in awe always brought a smile to Jaehee’s lips; and seeing MC smile as bright as they did, their blue curls framing their face, she felt her heart swell with love.
* Honestly...he has every good intention, but MC should never, EVER let him near their hair.
* He’d love to run his hands through MC’s curls, yet everytime he tries to, his fingers end up stuck inbetween locks, eliciting a soft hiss of pain from MC-he always apologizes, and MC never chastisies him for it, but damn did it hurt! 
* Sometimes he’d see the strenuous process MC went through to comb their hair after a shower, how they’d yell curses at the brush when it got stuck in their hair-he frowned at that, wondering what he could do to help MC with their struggle.
* “Darling”, he decided, “I’ll hire a personal hair stylist for you. You’ll never have to yell insults at a brush ever again.” 
* Jumin...no. MC explained there was no need for that, their hair was just naturally the way it was and there’s little to be done about it. 
* “Then I can find the best hair stylist to make your hair permanently straight. Would that help?”
* “No!” MC looked to him; they explained how they appreciated the sentiment, but even if it was a pain in the butt sometime, they loved their natural hair-there’s so many people paying to have curls like they do, and they have the privilege of having them naturally-it’s something they got from their parents, something that links them to their family, and they’d never want to alter it permanently in such a way. 
* Jumin hummed, but nodded, and instead decided to be the best um, hair...hair-supporter he could be. He’d buy the best products for curly hair he could find, not-so-discreetly putting them in MC’s stuff, buying anti-frizz hair brushes, and even changing all their pillows into specific, satin ones so that MC would never have to wake up with a frizzy head ever again.
* Honestly, 10/10, this man just wants his beloved to be happy and he’ll do his best to do that, give him some credit
* He’s the type of person that CONSTANTLY gets bored with his look, and the easiest thing to change is your hair, so...
* ...So he’ll have a different hair colour every other month. From neon pink to darker than the night sky, this boy has tried every hair style and colour under the sun.
* He has never, ever dealt with curls as pretty as MC’s before. He’ll compliment their hair constantly, and will often try and tug at their curls to see them recoil like a bouncy spring-MC would simply look at him with distaste, but soon smile as they see the fascination in his big bright eyes. 
* He wants to match MC’s pretty hair too!!
* Of course he’ll let his hair grow out a little longer so he can curl them, burnign his hand on the curl iron more than once-eventually he’d ask for MC’s help with a defeated tone as yet another faield curl frizzes and goes limp on his head, unable to stay as thick and curly as he’d like it to be.
* So rather than him helping MC take care of their hair....MC would be the one to style his hair and curl it, dousing it with hairspray to keep the curls in place-and boy, the excited look on Saeyoung’s face is so, so worth it.
* “Baby look! We match now!” he screams, hugging MC as he hides his face in their curls and yeah-he’s a big idiot alright, but he’s their idiot.
* He’ll constantly compliment MC’s curls, smilign whenever he sees how they bounce as they turn their head this way and that-it’d frequently become a muse for his drawings, which let’s face it, would feature MC 90% of the time.
* He’d never personally suggest he help MC brush or style their hair-he doesn’t know anythign about curls, and would hate to do anything to hurt or ruin MC’s hair.
* If MC asks though, he’ll be there in an instant-he’s so gentle and if MC asks him to help brush their hair, he’ll hold them form high up near the roor and brush them with his wrist behind the locks for support, instinctually knowing how to brush them without hurting MC.
* Don’t ever ask him to braid hair though-while he’d love nothing more than to do beautiful intricate braids on MC’s head, he finds it impossible to seperate their curls enough to form sections to braid-MC would instead probably end up with a sad excuse of a pigtail...but well, A for effort, right?
* This poor bean is trying his best though, so cut him some slack. He’ll even go online and look at tutorials so he’ll be prepared for the next time MC asks for help! 
* Might jokingly ask if MC would like to dye their hair to match his-if they do, he’ll be so shocked but also happy because hey-they match!!!
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for characters reactions!-
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