#mysme prompts. mystic messenger headcanons
ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
So for Day 16 of the event, I used prompt 16 and the word ‘lies’ for Saeyoung from Mystic Messenger! Thanks so much for putting up with all the unrequested posts on here and I hope you all enjoy the headcanons 😊
I’m going to be completely and totally honest with you lovely readers here – Saeyoung can lie as easily as he breathes. It’s a trait that he’s really had to learn to develop throughout his life, not just in his work but even growing up with his mother where he had to learn to lie with a straight face and have her believe him to keep both him and Saeran safe.
That habit only had to strengthen when he went to work. He could never tell anyone who he really was – he had to lie about how he grew up, had to lie about his birth name (which is part of what led to him taking on a baptismal name, on top of him finding religion), had to lie or distract from what he actually does in his job. There’s so much of him that is lies, pranks, distractions, that at points, he felt drowned in all the lies in his life, where he almost loses sight of who he actually is under all those lies.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to be honest, he just doesn’t really know how and the thought of being completely honest and transparent and letting anyone fully know him? It’s something that terrifies him, on a very base level. He downplays it, knows how to use humour and silliness to make sure people don’t really see it, but along the way, the lies really did help him feel safer.
Even when, after everything that happens on his route, he gets love and his family back, Saeyoung really struggles to tell the truth. Lying is a habit for him, and it’s a hard one for him to break. He has little reason to tell lies anymore but he just can’t seem to stop himself, especially if what he’s lying about is something actually important to him or something that’s close to who he is and what he feels and how he thinks.
His loved ones and his friends will have to be patient with him. It doesn’t mean they should tolerate his lies and can’t call him out on them, but they should be gentle with him and try to be understanding. When something has been that big a part of your life for so long, it’s not easy to just stop. He will get better about telling the truth and being more vulnerable, but they need to give him time.
Of course, it’s Saeran that Saeyoung has the easiest time getting comfortable being completely honest with first and Saeran is also the one who challenges him the most on his lies, but in a way that Seven responds the best too.
Vanderwood and Yoosung remain the ones that Seven continually finds himself telling fibs and lies too, though eventually it really is just because he finds pranking those two or getting reactions out of those two too hilarious not to.
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kirishwima · 4 years
Can I have all with then helping you take care of curly hair ?
yes!!! im a fellow curly-haired person and my dude......it’s a StruggleTM
I didn’t add Saeran, but if you’d like me to write for him too let me know! :)
* Honestly, as a kid he loved to try and braid his sister’s hair, even if he always ended up tugging at her locks until she got mad at him lol
* So when he heard MC’s groan of furstration from the half-open bedroom door, he gingerly peeked his head into the room, smiling at the sight; his beloved, sitting on the bed cross legged in their bath robe, a hairbrush stuck in their slowly-drying wet curls. 
* MC looked at him, exasperated as they pointed to the brush still stuck in their hair, defying gravity at all costs. 
* “Do you see what I have to deal with? I swear, I should just shave my head and get this whole mess over with” they groaned, and Yoosung laughed as he walked to sit besides them, leaning to kiss them on the corner of their lips.
* “Can I try brushing it for you? I don’t know if I’ll be any good but-I want to help!”
* Hesitantly, MC nodded; they knew that it was probably a bad idea, that even if Yoosung meant well he might end up tangling their thick curls more than they already were, but his hopeful look, the small shy smile he gave them-how could anyone say no to that face?!
* So Yoosung sat on his knees on the bed behind MC, gently pulling curls away from the hairbrush to try and tug it off of MC’s head. Surprisingly...it didnt’ hurt all that much. Sure, when he finally tried to pull the brush off of the remaining strands of hair MC could feel the pull, but Yoosung’s movements were so slow and light, MC sighed a sigh of relief. 
* As he seperated their hair into small sections, brushing through their hair so slow the ministrations felt almost like a massage, MC felt their eyes flutter shut. Was there such a thing as being a pro in hair brushing? If so, Yoosung should win all awards for that-MC would see to that, no matter what.
* Once Yoosung was done with the back and moved to the final strands framing MC’s face, he noticed how slump their body became, how as he shifter they lolled onto him, their head on his chest as they slowly fell asleep. He smiled, setting down the brush to tug MC closer to him, letting them rest on his chest. He’d be sure to ask them to brush their hair every day from now on.
* You’d think he’s a pro at hair brushing considering his long rat tail-ehm, ponytail. 
* (I have a personal vendetta against that ridiculous ‘pony tail’ im sORRY-)
* Whilst he always has hair ties and hair beauty products laying around, he’s actually the WORST person MC could ask to help them style their thick curly hair-his was so silky soft and straight, he literally barely had a used for hairbrushes. Instead, MC was left to suffer, lathering product after product on their hair to keep their curls prim and proper, preforming a whole ritual when it came to brushing their hair after a shower.
* Zen, bless his sweet loving soul, he tried to be helpful-he’d bring MC shampoos specific for curly hair, would look online for hairstyles they could do, but when it came to actually helping MC tame their curly head-that’s where he became a clumsy mess.
* He was so afraid of accidentantly tugging on MC’s hair, that he nearly refused to touch their head at all. If he saw MC struggling to tie their hair in a pony tail, loose strands falling out of their grip, he’d simply point it out to them, refusing to actually touch their girls-what if he pulled on it and MC squealed in pain? He’d never forgive himself for that.
* However, late at night, when MC would be asleep-he’d gingerly run his fingers along their soft curls, smile to himself as they shuffled closer to his hand at the sensation; it’s something he didnt’ allow himself in the morning light, but here, with MC asleep, and with his hands moving ever so gently, he knew it’d be impossible to hurt them-not if the way they nuzzled into his hand was any indication.
* Seriously though, Zen, PLEASE just help poor MC next time you see them struggling to braid their hair. It’s just hair for God’s sake just-help them out! They won’t bite!!
* As a girl with very short hair, she actually has a hair-care routine that rivals any lazy man’s; she uses an all-in-one shampoo-conditioner, much to MC’s horror, and just simply dries her hair with a towel then lets them be. No hair care oils, no special shampoos, nothing. She just....lets them be.
* Well, not under MC’s watch she won’t-MC is actually the reason why Jaehee eventually let her hair grow out into the gorgeous wavy locks she now has-she saw the special care MC took with their curls, how they even used specific satin pillow cases so their hair wouldn’t frizz up, and Jaehee looked to her own hair, tugging at a strand with a soft frown.
* Eventually, she shyly asked MC for advice-her cheeks went bright red as MC smiled and took a hold of Jaehee’s hand, taking her to their favorite beauty store to look at products that could match Jaehee’s hair.
* Once Jaehee’s hair started growing longer, they actually set up a small daily ritual together-they’d help each other brush their hair after a shower (”Never brush dry hair!” MC would chastise Jaehee, and she’d simply nod, never really asking why-not until one day, she saw MC purposly combing through their dry curls for a 70s’ themed party, lol), they had their favorite hair oils and dry conditioners on the bathroom coutner, ready at all times-Jaehee considered these times an intimate quiet moment between the two, happy to have someone she loves to build a routine with.
* At some point the two decided to dye their hair together-they worked at their own coffee shop, they were their own boss, so there was no one around to tell them not to go crazy with their hair, right?
* So Jaehee chose a gorgeous ombre for her hair, starting as her natural colour on the roots, ending into a deep purple on the ends; and MC chose a vibrant blue, ‘to match their bright personality’ as Jaehee put it. 
* Seeing kids stop and look at their hair in awe always brought a smile to Jaehee’s lips; and seeing MC smile as bright as they did, their blue curls framing their face, she felt her heart swell with love.
* Honestly...he has every good intention, but MC should never, EVER let him near their hair.
* He’d love to run his hands through MC’s curls, yet everytime he tries to, his fingers end up stuck inbetween locks, eliciting a soft hiss of pain from MC-he always apologizes, and MC never chastisies him for it, but damn did it hurt! 
* Sometimes he’d see the strenuous process MC went through to comb their hair after a shower, how they’d yell curses at the brush when it got stuck in their hair-he frowned at that, wondering what he could do to help MC with their struggle.
* “Darling”, he decided, “I’ll hire a personal hair stylist for you. You’ll never have to yell insults at a brush ever again.” 
* Jumin...no. MC explained there was no need for that, their hair was just naturally the way it was and there’s little to be done about it. 
* “Then I can find the best hair stylist to make your hair permanently straight. Would that help?”
* “No!” MC looked to him; they explained how they appreciated the sentiment, but even if it was a pain in the butt sometime, they loved their natural hair-there’s so many people paying to have curls like they do, and they have the privilege of having them naturally-it’s something they got from their parents, something that links them to their family, and they’d never want to alter it permanently in such a way. 
* Jumin hummed, but nodded, and instead decided to be the best um, hair...hair-supporter he could be. He’d buy the best products for curly hair he could find, not-so-discreetly putting them in MC’s stuff, buying anti-frizz hair brushes, and even changing all their pillows into specific, satin ones so that MC would never have to wake up with a frizzy head ever again.
* Honestly, 10/10, this man just wants his beloved to be happy and he’ll do his best to do that, give him some credit
* He’s the type of person that CONSTANTLY gets bored with his look, and the easiest thing to change is your hair, so...
* ...So he’ll have a different hair colour every other month. From neon pink to darker than the night sky, this boy has tried every hair style and colour under the sun.
* He has never, ever dealt with curls as pretty as MC’s before. He’ll compliment their hair constantly, and will often try and tug at their curls to see them recoil like a bouncy spring-MC would simply look at him with distaste, but soon smile as they see the fascination in his big bright eyes. 
* He wants to match MC’s pretty hair too!!
* Of course he’ll let his hair grow out a little longer so he can curl them, burnign his hand on the curl iron more than once-eventually he’d ask for MC’s help with a defeated tone as yet another faield curl frizzes and goes limp on his head, unable to stay as thick and curly as he’d like it to be.
* So rather than him helping MC take care of their hair....MC would be the one to style his hair and curl it, dousing it with hairspray to keep the curls in place-and boy, the excited look on Saeyoung’s face is so, so worth it.
* “Baby look! We match now!” he screams, hugging MC as he hides his face in their curls and yeah-he’s a big idiot alright, but he’s their idiot.
* He’ll constantly compliment MC’s curls, smilign whenever he sees how they bounce as they turn their head this way and that-it’d frequently become a muse for his drawings, which let’s face it, would feature MC 90% of the time.
* He’d never personally suggest he help MC brush or style their hair-he doesn’t know anythign about curls, and would hate to do anything to hurt or ruin MC’s hair.
* If MC asks though, he’ll be there in an instant-he’s so gentle and if MC asks him to help brush their hair, he’ll hold them form high up near the roor and brush them with his wrist behind the locks for support, instinctually knowing how to brush them without hurting MC.
* Don’t ever ask him to braid hair though-while he’d love nothing more than to do beautiful intricate braids on MC’s head, he finds it impossible to seperate their curls enough to form sections to braid-MC would instead probably end up with a sad excuse of a pigtail...but well, A for effort, right?
* This poor bean is trying his best though, so cut him some slack. He’ll even go online and look at tutorials so he’ll be prepared for the next time MC asks for help! 
* Might jokingly ask if MC would like to dye their hair to match his-if they do, he’ll be so shocked but also happy because hey-they match!!!
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for characters reactions!-
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saeran-imagines · 3 years
Ooo can I get a rockstar! AU Saeran relationahip headcanons? Please and thanks!
Thanks for the request!! I wasn’t sure if you wanted the MC to be a part of the band or a fan or something else so I took some creative freedom with this, just let me know if you’d like something different and I’ll be happy to write up something else 🥰 It’s fun to think about how the RFA would react in different AUs and stuffs!
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Hmmm if I were to put the RFA in a band, Jumin would be the manager, Zen would be lead singer, Seven would be lead guitar, Yoosung would be bass guitar, Jaehee would be on drums (on Jumin’s command, but she’d grow to love it) and Saeran would be rhythm guitar. For the sake of this AU I’m putting MC on PR and advertising duties! Though that might be a personal bias because I love that stuff hehe~
The band gets along surprisingly well. Everyone’s close enough and there’s enough problem solvers in the group that any conflicts that come up get resolved quickly. It’s a great group of people to be around and everyone loves having you there!
Saeran would rather leave being the center of attention to the other members, which is the main reason why he took up the position that he did. His sound gracefully ties the rest of the instruments together without any pressure to make a flashy performance. It gets difficult to explain, though- when he says he plays guitar everyone assumes he plays lead or bass. Nobody remembers the rhythm guitarist :’)
Saeran is always looking for ways he can help you out with your job. PR is a big task for one person, after all! More than helping you out directly, he keeps the more obnoxious members at bay. He’ll notice Seven and Zen constantly taking dumb selfies and begging you to put them in flyers, and he’ll gently take them aside and say “hey, maybe you could filter some of your… ideas… through me before asking MC? :)” He’s a lifesaver.
He gets a little embarrassed when you want to listen to him play for you, but he secretly loves it. It relaxes him to get away from the band a bit, but he can get a bit anxious when he’s completely alone so solo sessions are just as stressful. Playing for you and only you is the perfect middleground. It’s one of his favorite things!
If you tell him what your favorite songs are he’ll learn them to play for you, even if they’re not his usual style. He loves sharing his own favorite songs, too, but he’d never bring it up on his own. Please ask him to play them for you! If you catch him in a really good mood he’ll even sing for you. He’s insecure about his singing voice so you’ll have to lean in to hear it, but it’s the softest and sweetest melody you’ll ever hear.
When the band goes on tour Saeran insists you come along, even if he has to stretch to come up with a reason. You know, for “emergency PR situations,” he just wants to be safe! Of course they COULD email you the content to post on social media but… but… it just isn’t the SAME, if you don’t see them perform in person you won’t be able to relay the musical experience to your instagram followers. He thinks he’s being subtle but everyone else in the band knows what’s up.
You’re just his anchor, he wouldn’t be able to play as well without knowing you’re waiting for him at the end of the performance. Whether you’re dating or not, you give him the encouragement and strength he needs for this stressful job. Please hold him he works so hard 😭
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How would Jumin and MC's first kiss play out if Sarah had just taken the hint and left/got escorted out by bodyguards so the canon kiss never happened?
Alternate Jumin/MC first kiss
He's wanted to kiss her since he first saw her. He, more than anyone else, knows how ridiculous and absurd that urge is. It's intensely difficult to explain even to himself exactly how he feels about her, so maybe it's just the silly soap operas he's been watching recently, but seeing her...he wanted to gather her up in his arms and kiss her right there at the door.
It's a bizarre urge, because he's never had any particular urge to kiss anyone at all before. Even his father, he'd never felt any particular compunction to give a familial kiss as he'd seen others do for their family. A hug conveyed warm affection just fine and was far less...dirty, for all involved. It's not as if he doesn't understand why people kiss, it's merely that he's never himself had the urge to do so.
Thus, it's so much more confusing when his gaze keeps trailing down to look at her beautiful, cherry red lips. He tries to be polite and gentlemanly, but whenever he looks at her, he finds his gaze inevitably falling there before he can correct himself. Zen speaks nonsense more than he speaks anything approaching comprehensible language, but...for once he isn't completely wrong.
Wild, unfair, inappropriate thoughts flash through his mind whenever he looks over and sees her near him, when she speaks to him and he's suddenly reminded by the sound of her voice breaking the silence that he isn't alone in his penthouse, and when she smiles and he can't help looking at her lips.
Unlike what Zen thinks, he's completely in control of himself. Mostly. Well enough. But most pressing, most urgent and repeating of those unfair thoughts is gathering her up and kissing her.
Not just one way, not just in one instance. He thinks of kissing her in so many different ways. Over the first cup of coffee, while she looks so cute and groggy in the morning, gaze flickering between the pancakes he's made and him - he wants to lean in and press his lips to hers, to see if she tastes like the sweet cream she's drinking. When he turns the corner and she's there, looking up in surprise and a sparkle of excitement, he wants to pull her in gently with his hands on her jaw and tenderly place a kiss on her cute expression. When he reaches over to brush hair from her face as she's reading something and she looks up at him with laughter in her eyes, he wants to close the distance right then and kiss her in that utterly theatrical and steamy way he's seen on television.
It's somewhat disturbing, in all honesty, the fact that he can't keep his mind off it. Even after Elizabeth the 3rd ran away, when his mind should be focused on the cat, it keeps drifting back to her, back to kissing her, without his permission.
The daydream he's living with this wonderful woman at his side is interrupted by that Sarah. The irritating one who invaded his privacy in the past. She's mouthy and loud, and the sound of her voice sets him on edge. She'd learned of the missing Elizabeth, and in a pathetic attempt to either curry favor or trap him, she'd arrived with the picture of...a stock image of a cat, obviously found on google.
Perhaps more insulting than intruding on his life to lie to him about his cat, she harangues and harasses the woman beside him, insulting her in a pathetic display of misplaced jealousy.
She kept reassuring Sarah that they were only friends, and that she was simply visiting because she worried for him.
It's...true...but he finds he doesn't like it. It makes him feel restless, and the need to kiss her, to make his intentions and his feelings about her known clearly and unambiguously only becomes greater. A part of him really just wants to kiss her right there in front of Sarah. To take the pressure of a first kiss off somewhat by redirecting it into pettiness by expressing in no uncertain terms that the woman he's chosen to love forever is not Sarah, but this one.
Sarah storms out flustered and angry before he can commit to actually doing it, and the woman he loves - he certainly loves her, of that he has no doubt nor question - smiles up at him nervous and awkward, and he nearly kisses her then and there anyway.
It's honestly annoying how much he can't stop thinking about kissing her. He's noticeably distracted, as he turns over in his mind the different ways it could happen, whether it should be a surprise of passion, an almost awkward and uncertain slow descent to give her opportunity to reject him, or an over the top romantic moment at the end of some...romance movie in the candlelight.
All he knows for sure is that he absolutely, definitely, must kiss this woman. He'll go mad if he doesn't, and frankly it's starting to hurt his heart not making it clear that what he feels for her isn't simply an innocent friendship. He's quite sure she feels the same, but even if she were not to, it's better to be honest and straightforward than bury it and hide it away. Especially from her. Somehow, it feels like she can already see and accept so much of him, it's an insult to suggest even in his mind that she can't accept all of him, even if she doesn't return those feelings.
It doesn't happen that night, but he can't sleep at all. He reads a story for her - that story - to help her fall asleep, and he can't take his eyes off her while she sleeps. He's never slept alongside anyone. As long as he can remember, even in his earliest memories, he's always been alone in bed, alone in his room, save for Elizabeth who would usually sleep in her bed on the other side of the room. It's not like he's never seen a human sleep before, or anything. Obviously.
But...to be trusted to share this quiet time, someone at their most peaceful and vulnerable...he's never experienced. It's strange. She looks magical. Like Sleeping Beauty, lips slightly parted in breath, eyes flicking this way and that in her dreams. She's so still besides that, he almost believes that she might never wake up on her own, like with the morning light he'll have to kiss her just to wake her up from her dreams.
He's entranced. Enchanted. There can't be anything more beautiful in the world than what he sees, and he's afraid to look away or close his eyes in fear that it will be gone when he opens his eyes.
He doesn't kiss her, but she wakes up just as beautifully as Snow White, groggy and messy haired, rubbing the back of her hand at bleary eyes.
Is this really what love feels like?
How does anyone concentrate like this?
He makes her pancakes again, and she lights up in such a cute and happy smile once more, commenting on the strawberries from last time, that he has the sudden urge to hire that one chef to teach him how to make everything, just so he can make her food every day, every meal, and watch her smile like that each time.
He still manages to resist the urge to lean over the counter and kiss her, only because he doesn't want to make the smile go away.
She tears into the food like a wild beast. It's both impressive and adorable. Hers is gone long before his, but that might have more to do with the way his gaze keeps turning from his food to her instead, sitting across from him, so close and yet so far, within reach if he only reaches out to touch her, but still so far away that a part of his heart aches and he doesn't know why.
When she finishes, there's strawberry jam smeared across her lips, just a little bit collected in the corner of her mouth as well.
She tastes like strawberries and cream.
Before he'd really committed to it or decided on it for certain, he'd leaned across the table and pressed his lips to hers, body taking the excuse of helping her to clean her lips even before he realizes that's what he's going to do. Perhaps it's not the most dramatic or romantic of kisses. Strawberries, whipped cream, and the sweet taste of pancakes all blended with the taste of her lips on his, and he gently reaches up with one hand to hold her in place just a little longer, savoring the taste of her, the experience of their first kiss.
The sound that vibrates from her throat, escaping her lips against his when he unconsciously attempts to taste her lips more directly, makes him feel light-headed.
Perhaps the table between them is for the best, because he's so close to being overwhelmed and swept away with the magic of flesh on flesh that there's no telling what would happen if not for the slightly painful press of wood cutting into his abdomen and shielding her against anything he might think to do.
When he finally manages to pull away, her cheeks are flushed so beautifully that it takes his breath away all over again.
Much as he would like to make perfect sense and make it seem logical, he fears that his hurried explanation doesn't actually make sense at all. And still, she doesn't look worried or upset...only shy, smiling bashfully up at him from across the table.
Of course, as she says, there truly are more pressing concerns just now, but still...
Somehow...it's easier to think again, now that he's finally managed to kiss her. Those suffocating threads around his heart loosen, just a little, and when her hand gently settles over his on the table, he can't help but notice that it's finally been given enough room to race.
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thebarkingraccoon · 3 years
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Taking Mystic Messenger prompts! All those fun reacts, imagines, and scenarios we love to binge~!
See Rules below cut!
What I will do:
Triggering topics/scenarios
Dark themes
Character Specific prompts
What I will not do:
Gore, like really nasty violence.
What I specialize in:
Depressing stuff, like angsty things. Generally sadistic towards characters whenever possible lol
NSFW stuff is definitely up my alley
LONG headcanon prompts
MC/Reader centric stuff (so RFA reacts to something involving MC)
Pretty much I'll judge individually, but feel free to ask away! I will do my best to post as quickly as I can!
I also will also be making various prompts for my own CMC, Daiji! I really hope to start sharing her and her story a bit more~ ≧◡≦
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sunseteyes · 4 years
prompt 32 and 33 heavy angst for jumin han of mystic messenger please
prompt 32. “I’m here for you! Can’t you see?” prompt 33. “Am I just a friend to you?”
teacups and books. unlike any other kids, you and jumin were raised like a princess and a prince, off to grab every opportunity for growth and maturity at such a young age. you two were corporate heirs and aside from jihyun, you were on of those whom he trust the most, and it was the same for you.
if only you had warned yourself from the start; to fall for someone else and not the one whom you had grown up with ever since you were a little child, then maybe... maybe you had saved your heart from crumbling into pieces that could rival your own money. and that’s saying something.
jumin is handsome, and intelligent, and bold, even as a little boy. you couldn’t really blame your past self for having developed such unneeded feelings. but those qualities weren’t the only ones that had pushed you to go against the odds. no. your father had taught you well about choosing well for your investments. if he were alive, then he must be glowing with joy once he learns that every minute he spent teaching you was not a waste after all--you succeeded, and were continue doing so.
almost everyone would describe jumin as cold-hearted, but for you, he wasn’t like that. you know that deep inside that frozen facade was a man who knew the word “hurt” and the only reason why he acts this way is because he was taught to be like that. you know because you were taught to be like that too, and there was no one else who could relate to you just as much as jumin could. 
because by the night your father died, he was there. 
you know it may have been because of your eyes; the way he read it and transcribed in his mind that you were hurt, and grieving, and in need of comfort. so he gave you one, in his own little way.
a blue handkerchief, one that has his name embroidered on it. 
“take it.” he sounded demanding, but his eyes were soft, and you knew you had fallen there and there.
but as the years passed, you learned something else that your father had once taught you but you clearly had learned it the hard way.
and it was not to expect that everything would turn out the way you want it to be.
it was great at first, when your mother had told you that she’ll give you what you want, until you sooner learned that she was going to arrange a marriage between you and jumin. it made you speechless, really. because how could your mother had known that you harbored feelings to the man when you had never told it to anybody? but it was fine. everything was going your way, anyway.
but that’s just what you thought.
you thought jumin also agreed. you thought he liked you too.
when jumin lost his cat, elizabeth, you tried so hard to find it for him; putting up ads in newspapers, posting in social media. you had probably done it all to help him. and just then, you decided to visit him in his penthouse.
“what are you doing here?” he did not let you in at first, but when he did, he had a scowl on his face, one that only you could recognize due to the long time you had observe his reactions and facial expressions. he was displeased. but why? why is he acting this way? you were confused, but you stood your ground, thinking it might just be because of work.
“i’m here to visit you, i heard elizabeth is missing. is she found yet?”
“no she hasn’t. if that’s all you came here for, you can get out now.”
once again, you ignored his words.
“i qanted to say that i am also doing the best i can to find her. i know how much she means to you.”
there was a flash of the old jumin in his eyes, for a brink second. but it was gone before you could even say more.
“you don’t need to do that.”
“but i have to. you’re going to be my husband and-”
“who said i agreed to that?”
you halted then, “what?”
his eyes were cold, piercing like a knife. “i did not agree to that.”
he was being in denial. you knew he cared much more than that.
“am i just a friend to you?” he had no answer. he didn’t seem he would, honestly. but you knew the answer.
“i even if i am,” you swallowed the pain. “i know you have a heart, unlike what everyone else says so. but i’m here for you. can’t you see?”
he sighed then, raising a hand to the bridge of his nose, looking stressed. you were about to say more when you saw movement by the corner of your eyes. you followed it and you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. it was a girl, wearing jumin’s clothes, you could recognize it of course, he had worn it once in one of the joint family dinners you, your mother, your father, him, and his father had.
your gaze went back to jumin, your heart aching but you were voiceless. you had misunderstood the whole thing. you knew jumin did not have anyone for a very long time because of the women his father always had. you thought you would be the one who could heal him.
he looks at you with a troubled look then, one that you’ll probably remember the rest of your life as he spoke the words. “i already have someone for that.”
you kept it together, but deep inside, you were hearing your heart shattering, like a broken glass that was actually fragile even if everyone thought it was strong.
and it took the same man who you bonded with teacups and books to do that.
i don’t know to you but this one is a pain to write because it literally pained my heart bc jumin’s my fave in mm
feel free to send more requests! prompts are here!
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lodi-writes · 4 years
4, 8, 16, and 22 if you please for the writing prompts! ^^ and how about them for V?
These ones were tricky!! Thank you for the challenge though, and thank you for the request!!
4. What would be their ship name?
This one is tough since MC’s name depends on the player, so for a general ship name maybe something like “Photo Planner” or something like that? Again, it’s hard to come up with something since MC’s name is case by case ^^;;;
8. What were their first impressions of each other? 
(For the sake of avoiding Another Story spoilers, I’ll keep it to Casual/Deep Story circumstances. Additionally, when anyone requests these, I’m probably gonna do them as quotes of inner thoughts)
In the chat:
“What a sweet man.” -MC
“I don’t know why but...I think I can trust her.” -V
In person, at the RFA party:
“I thought he’d be taller...But he does kill the suit look.” -MC
“She has such a kind look in her eyes.” -V
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other?
Depends on why they broke up, but I have a feeling that in almost any situation, it would be a feeling of mutual respect. They simply would have high respect for one another as human beings, before, during, and after their relationship. Of course, there would be tension and a bit of strain, perhaps MC lashing out at him for certain quirks that she liked about him during their relationship but now bother her to no end.
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love?
I like to think that a lot of “fate” type stuff is at play in Mystic Messenger. I do believe that even if they had met under different circumstances, they would have still fallen in love.
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askmcs · 4 years
50 Prompt (Mystic Messenger)
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Send a ship (or more, or specify the characters you want to see) and a number. Add more details if you want. You could also tell me if you want a comic, headcanon or a short story. And I’ll do it! :)
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commander-yinello · 5 years
I really loved your angst drabble!!! I was wonderying will you do something Juzen for VDAY? doesn't have to be much, maybe something silly like HCs how would RFA react to accidentally walking in on Jumin and Hyun getting in on? 🙈 or anything, I really love all you write and the time and care you put in them 💕💕💕 even if you won't do anything you're still the best!!!
ANONNNN I LOVE YOU AND ADORE YOU it is you who is the best please let me kidnap you so we can binge on discount chocolate tomorrow
Just for you, here are some headcanons of the RFA + more reacting to Jumin and Zen being risky!
This poor boy
It’s not his fault the guys can’t stop themselves at a party
He never wished to walk in on the twowith their pants down in the bathroom
He squeaks and apologizes loudly and slamsthe door shut, eyes still closed as he runs into a nearbywall
Zen doesn’t dare nag him about LOLOL for amonth
Really Jumin and Zen have only themselvesto blame
They know Jaehee is the eyes and ears ofC&R’s office
Catching them making out on the desk wasinevitable
Her voice says here’s the report but her eyes scream I’m done
Jumin instantly gives her the day off, no, the week off
She deserves it
He actually genuinely didn’t expect it
He was sneaking into Jumin’s apartment to catnap Elly and found the two of them on the coffee table
“Thank you God”
Asks if he can take photos for tripter
Turns out two men are definitelywilling to interrupt sexy times to throw him out
This boy has gone through too much in his life
Two naked men doesn’t even come close to the top of his wtf list
But it does weird him out and he asks where the exit is of RFA HQ
Rejects Saeyoung’s proposal to use it as leverage for Elly
He doesn’t see them at first
Not because he’s blind but because he was looking for his camera in the dressing room
But oh dear that definitely is his best friend trying to undress Zen from the cat commercial outfit with his mouth
How many apologies can one say in one minute? A record broken by V
He makes sure to knock every time from now on
Everyone in the RFA is crazy
Who the hell has sex in a semi-public space?!
He makes sure the security camera there “accidentally” deactivates
No one needs to see that, especially not him
Even without eyes she saw this coming miles away
Gives the thumbs up and walks out
Starts a cult to worship sexy men instead
Peace has been achieved
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 month
So for Day 16 of the event, I used prompt 16 and the sleepy face emoji for Saeran from Mystic Messenger! I hope you’ll all enjoy these little headcanons for him!
Sleep headcanons
Sleep has never been Saeran’s friend. Starting in early childhood, he’s always been plagued with really horrible and vivid nightmares when he sleeps. He can’t remember a time when there weren’t periods where he’d wake up randomly during the night after a bad dream with his heart racing, finding himself almost on the verge of tears. He’s not someone who really remembers what the nightmare was fully about though, maybe brief pieces and bits of it for a couple minutes after waking, but almost all the details or what the dream really was about aren’t things he really remembers. He just knows the dream was a nightmare and that his body has responded really strongly to it.
As he grows up, especially after Saeyoung leaves, Saeran finds himself plagued more and more often with terrible insomnia. After his introduction to Mint Eye, it’s nothing for Saeran to go days with maybe two to three hours of sleep, caught in little naps here and there. Sleep eludes him a lot of the time. He’s thought about taking melatonin, might have tried it once, but it does nothing for him and he almost has a fear of prescription or even over-the-counter sleeping pills, of possibly not waking up if something bad happens, of leaving himself that vulnerable, or of becoming addicted to them.
Even after reuniting with Saeyoung and being free of Mint Eye, sleep continues to be something Saeran will struggle with. It will take him years to get into a comfortable state of learning to sleep normally and accepting the help of pharmacological sleeping aids.
Because of this, Saeran tends to have really weird sleeping habits. He sleeps when he absolutely has to or when his body just can’t go without it anymore, often napping and then staying up all night, or catching fifteen minutes here, fifteen minutes there.
He likes to sleep curled up into a little ball, tucked away where nobody would really see him from the doorway. For a little while, until he got to a point where he felt really safe, Saeran actually napped under his bed instead of on it, figuring that people, not seeing him in bed, would assume he was elsewhere. When he does start to feel more safe with people, he definitely becomes someone who prefers to sleep beside the people he feels safe with instead of alone.
He’s an exceptionally light sleeper and that’s something that will never change, no matter how long he’s in therapy, no matter how old he gets. The slightest sound will have him awake again, so it’s nothing for him to wake up a dozen times a night when he finally is able to sleep in a normal fashion.
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kirishwima · 4 years
May I have a request a finding out that the MC finds out that they are pregnant with RFA +V, V's is with Lucy?
yes, i love this prompt! however for V, I’d rather have Lucy still be their adopted daughter-changing the way she came to be their child doesn’t sit right with me, I hope that’s okay :)
I’ll use she/her pronouns for MC, but if you’d like me to change them then feel free to let me know <3
* Knowing how much of an over-excited mess he’d become at the news, MC waited patiently for him to be done with work for the day, come back home, take a shower and finally come to flop down on the couch besides her, leaning his head on her shoulder.
* This was their usual routine, finding some time before bed to talk about their day, plans for tomorrow and what not. MC gently ran a hand through Yoosung’s hair, toying with the blonde curls. “So...I’ve got some news” she started, biting at her lip.
* Yoosung hummed, already dozing off on MC’s shoulder, blinking back the sleepingess as MC nudged him off her shoulder. “Baby come on, I think you’ll want to be awake to hear this” she laughed, teasing him as he stifled a yawn.
* “You’re saying there’s something more important than a full 8 hours of sleep?” he asked, fully aware of the irony-how in college he’d go nights without sleeping a minute to game, to the present, where he can’t function properly without a minimum couple hours of sleep before work.
* MC hummed, pretending to think as she tapped a finger to her chin. “Let’s see...would knowing you’re about to become a dad be important enough?” 
* She smiled, raising a brow as she saw the range of emotions running themselves over Yoosung’s face. Shock, confusion, excitedness-his mouth agape, eyes wide and teary. 
* “You-what-we-who-we-baby?!” he jumped off the couch, pointing to MC’s stomach as she bit her cheek to contain her giggles at his over-exaggerated reaction.
* “Yes Yoosung”, she affirmed, nodding down to her own belly, “there’s a baby right there. How...how do you feel about that?” despite the shaky grin on his face MC was still hesitant, worried how Yoosung might feel once this excitement wears off. Sure, they ocassionally discussed future plans, but never to great lengths, and it’s normal to freak out in such a situation and-
* “Are you kidding me?! We-MC we’ll be parents! Omigosh I’m-” he fell to his knees, leaning forward to lean his head into MC’s lap, his hands on her thighs gripping tight. 
* Gingerly he looked up, gently bringing a palm to rest on her lower abdomen. 
* “Hi baby” he whispered, not caring if the baby was old enough to hear him through the womb or not. He’d be sure to study all that later. “I’m-I’m your dad. I can’t wait to meet you buddy...”
* Honestly....both he and MC teared up at that. Neither of them really expected it, but they both couldn’t wait to be parents. 
* MC had taken a pharmacy test that came back negative, but her period was still running late. Confused, she decided to book an appointment to her gynecologist as soon as possible, worried what the implications of this may be. If not pregnancy, then what...?
* Zen had come into the room the moment she’d been on the phone, booking an appointment for the following week. He raised a brow as he heard her, but she simply smiled, holding up a finger as a cue for him to wait a moment.
* “Babe, what’s up? Everything alright?” he asked as soon as she hung up, coming close to wrap his arms around her waist.
* “Mm, yeah just, my period’s late and uhm-” she hesitated, unsure of how to continue. Quite frankly, she wasn’t sure of what was going on either, so how was she to explain it to Zen?
* She felt his grip around her waist tighten, his breath hitching. 
* “Wait-does that mean-could you be...?”
* She turned around to face him, not surprised to find pure glee on his face-they’d discussed their plans for the future before, and they both had agreed they’d wanted to start a family together, just never decided on the when.
* MC smiled, running her fingertips across Zen’s knuckles. “I don’t know. I really don’t, but I guess we’ll find out once I go to the doctor” she shrugged.
* Zen hummed, leaning his head atop her shoulder. “Next week right? Tell me the time, I’ll make sure to make time to come with you.”
* “Wha-Babe you don’t have to-” MC started before Zen cut her off with a quick peck on the lips and a wink as he twisted her around to face him.
* “Shush. Whatever the doctor tells you, I’ll be there with you, and we’ll face it together. Always” he said, his smile softening. 
* And as a man of his word, Zen was there with her at MC’s appointment, holding her hand as her gynecologist took an ultrasound probe and looked knowingly at the screen, turning to face MC and Zen with a smile.
* “Congratulations you two”, they smiled, both Zen and MC turning to the doctor with wide eyes, “you’re about 5 weeks pregnant!”
* Now, if anyone asks, he won’t admit it, but did Zen jump up and down in that examination room, screaming and giggling like a kid? Did he cry and lean down to kiss MC, who was currently stuck with an ultrasound probe inside her and a little unable to cheer as excitedly with him? Did he have to clear his throat and apologise to the doctor who had to hide their laughter behind a cough? 
* Yes. Yes he did. 
* He’ll talk to MC’s belly non-stop, will be there for EVERY appointment and ultrasound, will cry when he first hears his baby’s heartbeat or sees the first 3D ultrasound. He’ll do every single bidding of MC, from weird cravings to holding her when the morning sickness hits, just 100/10 the best partner and father.
* Plus the first thing he teaches his kid is to never ever call Jumin ‘uncle’ :’)
* Okay listen, there’s a little backstory here that I can add thanks to my current weeks of working at an ObGyn and Fertility clinic;
* So Jaehee and MC, after establishing their coffee shop and having it run well for a few years, decided they were ready to take the next step and start a family together. However, there were many limitations when they tried to adopt a child, so they researched other options, and found that a single woman, can in fact, receive a sperm donor and an IUI (In Utero Insemination-just fancy terminology for ‘putting the sperm in the womb with a tube!), without too much of a hussle. 
* So they opted for this option. They sat through the paperwork together, mutually decided who it’d be who’d try and get pregnant-they both had no quailms about it so they kind of decided over rock-paper scissors lmao, and so the process began.
* However, even with modern day medicine, pregnancy in such means isn’t 100% guaranteed; in fact, the chances are about a little over 40%. So after the procedure the two worried, hoped luck would find them and they’d be able to start their own little family.
* A couple weeks after the procedure, Jaehee was manning the coffee shop whilst MC took a break back home to come take over the evening shift later on. It was a quiet day, not many people in the shop save for a few of their regulars and a couple friends, their cat Cocoa who’d now become the cafe’s mascot strolling around like she owned the place.
* Everything was peaceful...until MC came running, the bells over the front door jingling manically as she slammed it open and ran to the counter Jaehee had been standing at.
* MC panted, leaned on the counter to catch her breath as Jaehee fretted over her, a million worst-case-scenarios running through her brain.
* “MC? What-what’s wrong, what happene-”
* Before she could speak MC lifted her head, a huge grin on her face. “Jaehee. Baby we did it! We’re pregnant!”
* Jaehee was, for the first time in forever, at a loss for words, her lips slack, her hands dropping to her side as her brain short-wired. “We-we are? You took a test? You?”
* MC nodded along to Jaehee’s line of half-questioning half-realising, laughing as tears welled up in Jaehee’s eyes. She ran across the counter to MC, meeting her half-way into a crushing hug as they laughed and cried together. 
* “We’ll have a baby” Jaehee whispered into the crook of MC’s neck, the wetness of her tears pooling into the cusp of skin.
* “Yeah. Yeah we will Jae” MC nodded along, stroking soothing circles into Jaehee’s back.
* They were lost in their own little world...before the sound of clapping brought them back to the present.
* Of course the few customers in the shop had heard and seen everything, and both their regulars and their friends were eagerly cheering them on, some even whistling and yelling ‘congratulations’ at the two who were now a blushing mess.
* Even Cocoa the cat came by to meow at them, as if to say ‘eh, whatever, congrats I guess’ which was....probably the nicest thing this cat has ever done for them lmao
* And that’s the story of how their coffee shop had now become famous for the ‘super mom duo’ that runs it hehe
* If you think this man wouldn’t get emotional over finding out he’ll be a father you’re a) WRONG b) REALLY WRONG and c) GOTTA PLAY HIS ROUTE ALL OVER AGAIN
* Will he be scared? YES! He’ll be stressed, but listen-it’s probably not for the reasons you’re thinking.
* When MC announces her pregnancy to him, it’s not over a candle-lit dinner or whilst lounging on the couch. Nah, this man is observant af, especially when it comes to the person he loves.
* He noticed her coming home with a pharmacy bag after work and frowned, instantly wondering what its contents were.
* “MC, you seemed in perfect health today, is something wrong? Should I call a doctor?”
* MC was quick to reassure him that no, she was fine, but was hesitant when explaining that her period was running late, worried how he’ll take the news-sure, they were married, but they never really explicitly discussed the potential of having kids and a family, she didn’t know how Jumin would react to it.
* “I see” he nodded, “You did seem worried, I was hoping you’d eventually talk to me about it. So you’re taking a pregnancy test? If it’s alright with you, can I wait outside for you to tell me the results?”
* If anyone else were to hear the conversation, it might seem like Jumin was cold, distant even. But MC could tell the little incantations in his voice, how his eyes gleamed, his mouth twitching at the corners-he was hesitant, yes, but also excited. And to be honest...so was she.
* So Jumin waited, his arms folded and foot tapping anxiously on the floor as he leaned on the wall right next to the bathroom door, holding his breath until he heard the door open, seeing the little stick MC held in her hands, how her shoulders shook as she looked down at it.
* “W-what does it say?” he asked, fearful of looking down at the test himself-he doubts he’d be able to understand it even if he did.
* “It’s-it’s positive. Jumin it’s-if this is right then I’m pregnant” she looked up to him, eyes welling up with tears. Jumin sighed, unable to contain a smile from forming on his own lips as he wiped away MC’s tears, holding her face in his palms.
* “We’ll book an appointment with a gynecologist first thing tomorrow, but if it’s true then...MC, I’m happy. I truly am.” He said, knocking his forehead with hers. 
* She let go of the test, put her hands around his back, feeling the soft shake of his body as he took in the new information. It was a shock to them both, but together, they’d be able to prepare for it. However...
* “Jumin...? Are you truly happy?”
* He leaned back, smiling down at her. “If I were the same person I was before I met you-before I fell in love with you...I wouldn’t be. Then again, I never would’ve been in this predicament if that were the case, but regardless, back then I would’ve worried that the woman coming to me with a child of mine would seek out only money and fame, not to give the child the love and nurturing it needs to grow up well and safe.”
* He let his eyes flutter shut, opened them again as he looked on, shakily bringing a hand down to MC’s abdomen. 
* “With you....with you I know it’s a child that’ll grow up loved, cared for. We’ll raise them together, and they’ll get to grow up as a child, not as a tool. That’s...that’s all I want for our child. To grow up loved, happy.”
* So...yeah. He’ll be scared, and boy oh boy the first time MC gives him his child to hold he’ll be so scared but also so happy I think it’ll be the first time Jumin Han will cry with joy, but overall? He’ll be one dang great father
* Let’s assume that this all happens well after he finds his brother and leaves the agency-he’s still a hacker, but a ‘white hacker’ or whatever it is they’re called, often-times collaborating with C&R to strengthen their online security, doing hacking tests e.t.c. 
* He’s in a good place, his bond with Saeran is slowly improving, and his love for MC is constantly growing, so the two have had the time to talk about their plans for the future, about what they want and the relative timelines.
* Saeyoung always wanted a family-that much we’re all aware of. But...he never expected he’d be allowed to have one. Now that he’s given the opportunity to start anew he’s excited, but also terrified, waiting for something bad to come right round the corner and take it all away. So to now become a father...he’s not sure how well he’ll handle that responsibility.
* Well, he shares these fears one late night with MC, which...makes it all the harder for her to tell him when the tell-tale signs come up. When her period’s late, when it’s completely gone for one, then two months. When she feels sick in the mornings, nauseous and bloated, why she makes excuses for her odd behavior much to Saeyoung’s dismay.
* In fact, it’s actually Saeran that notices what’s up, quickly putting two and two together since he’s not the one MC is actively trying to avoid. 
* He confronted her about it, and she broke down, explained it all to him, how she’s done more than a few pharmacy tests to confirm her suspicion and they all came back positive, what Saeyoung had told her and why she feels terrified of telling him the truth.
* And Saeran...well, he’s dumbfounded.
* “You...are you really that stupid?” he asks, brows raised. MC can’t help it-even though she was crying whilst speaking to him, her tears stop at the sudden proclamation and she looks up at him wide-eyed. 
* “Listen, I know my brother’s an air-head and all, but do you really think that little of him? That he wouldn’t be over the fucking moon if you told him he’s gonna become a dad?”
* Well......talk about perfect timing, who happened to come back home and walk into the living room at the perfect moment to hear this very last bit of the conversation?
* Yup of course Saeyoung stood there, his keys dropped to the floor as he stared at his twin and his girlfriend, confusion and shock evident on his face.
* None of them spoke for a long moment whilst Saeyoung composed his thoughts.
* Then, with perfect calamity he simply took a deep breath, let his eyes fall shut. “Saeran, can you leave for a bit? I need to speak with MC.”
* Saeran merely nodded, throwing an apologetic look MC’s way before heading out the door, the loud thud alerting MC and Saeyoung to the fact that they were now the only two people in the house.
* The silence was deafening, constricting MC’s lungs like a monster’s tentacles around a shipwreck. 
* “Sae-listen, I’m sorry, I should’ve told you sooner, I didn’t know how to and I-”
* She didn’t get to finish her words. Saeyoung held a palm up, motioning for her to stop. “How far along are you?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, breaths raspy and shaky.
* “...about 8 weeks now” she admitted. 
* Saeyoung took a step closer to her, crumpled onto his knees as he wrapped his hands across her belly.
* “I’m-I’m going to be a dad” he whispered, mainly to himself, a declaration to make himself believe it, “and all I’ve done so far is make you worry-MC, I’m so sorry. I should’ve never, never made you feel like there was anything you couldn’t talk to me about. I’m-I’m worried. I’m terrified but I’m so happy-so, so happy” he mumbled the last words into the fabric of her shirt, hiding his tears on her body.
* MC wrapped her arms around her, stroked his hair as he cried. They eventually found themselves laying side by side on the carpet like a pair of teens wasted at a house party, holding hands as they stared up at the ceeling.
* “...Do you think they’ll be twins?” Saeyoung joked, relishing in the small huff of laughter elicited from MC.
* “I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle another pair of twins in this household” MC teased back, “that’s like...quadruple the amount of pranks” she shrugged.
* They stared at the peels on the paint, content in the silence before Saeyoung propped himself up on his elbows, turning to his side so he could rest a hand on MC’s abdomen.
* “Think it-they-whatever, think our child can hear me?” he asked, trying his best to hide the creeping blush blooming up his neck.
* MC hummed. “I’m not sure”, she admitted, “but I think you should try and speak to them regardless.”
* Saeyoung nodded, taking a moment to compose himself. “Hey baby. Or babies. Or whoever it is in there” he laughed, “um, this-this is your dad. Don’t confuse me with your uncle, otherwise I’ll be super sad okay?!” He rolled his eyes as MC’s belly shook with laughter, waiting for her to calm down before he continued.
* “Listen...I’ve always dreamed of being a dad, and of having a big happy family. I’d tell my brother-that’s your uncle, I’d tell him every day when we were young that when we grow up we’ll live together in a biig house, and we’ll have a toy factory together, and I’ll have a direct line to Santa Claus so I could help him provide gifts to all the kids in the world-and that I’d have my own big family, and that my kids would always get any toy they want, and if that toy didn’t exist, then I’d make it for them. And...and I’ll do that for you too. So if there’s anything you want, start thinking about it, and I’ll make it for you. Anything.”
* He smiled, stroked his thumb across MC’s belly. “I need you to know I love your mom very very much. If she wasn’t here, I don’t think I’d ever be able to dream of having a family and being a dad again. So...so you should know she’s an amazing person, and that I’ll forever be grateful she stumbled into my life, and that she chose me out of everyone else out there.”
* He looked to MC, leaned back down to knock his forehead across hers.
* “Thank you”, he whispered, “thank you for the best gift I could’ve ever asked for”.
* This happened after the two had adopted Lucy. Their daughter was a bundle of joy, an angel that brought so much happiness to their daily life, that Jihyun could barely even remember the horrors of his past.
* Even if he were to ocassionaly have a nightmare or remember a horrible memory, MC would be there to hold his hand, or Lucy would be there with her big smile and tight hugs, the two chasing all the bad things away.
* Lucy was also equally happy, absoloutely adoring her parents and her uncles and aunt of the RFA-there was only one tiiiny complaint she had...
* “Mommy, daddy? Can I have a baby brother or sister to play with? Pleaaase?” she’d ask, sweetly blinking those big blue eyes of hers as if she was asking for a new toy or a candy, ignoring the awkward looks her parents shared trying to think of how to explain to her that they can’t just...bring a baby sibling to her on demand.
* This led to an awkward talk of the different ways babies come into a family; from the belly into the world, and then into the arms of a loving mom and dad, be it biological or not. Luckily, Lucy never seemed upset about being adopted; the two always worried wether it was right to tell her from such an early age, but Jihyun prided honesty above all else, so the two decided to ease her into the topic, making sure to shower her with love and affection so she’d know that how she came to be their daughter didn’t matter to them at all-they were just happy to have her in their lives.
* But lo and behold; her wish really did come true.
* One day Jihyun and Lucy were in the back garden playing with watercolours, making the white t-shirts they were both wearing a swirling mixtrue of colours. As Jihyun came back inside to wash up, he found MC in their bedrooms’ bathroom, holding something in one hand, the other covering her mouth as if in shock.
* “MC...? What’s wrong, is everything alright?”
* She turned to him, eyes teared up which only added to his worry as he looked down to her hands, finally noticing the stick she was holding.
* Slowly, he put two and two together, his brows raising. “You-this is....are you..?”
* MC nodded, biting her lip as Jihyun gasped, laughed, a quiet huff at first before he burst into a full laughter, tears welling at his eyes as he gripped MC by the waist and swirled her around, holding her tight. 
* Lucy walked into their bedroom at that very moment, peering in curiously at the commotion. “I wanna lift too! Me too!” she giggled, running to her dad with her arms extended. 
* Gleefully Jihyun picked her up, bringing both her and MC close for a family group hug. 
* “Lucy, honey, you said you wanted a baby brother or sister right?” MC asked, stroking her daughter’s hair as Jihyun held her up to their eye level. Lucy nodded furiously, her cheeks red, eyes gleaming.
* “Do you still want one now?” MC continued, biting her lip to stop from smiling. Lucy nodded again. “Yes!! Yes, I do, I want one! And I want to help them drink their milk and put them to bed when they have bad dreams. And when they grow up we’ll play together all the time!” she beamed, Jihyun hiding his grin into her hair as MC nodded along to her daughter’s words.
* “Well baby, you’ll get a sibling soon. Mommy has a baby right here” Jihyun explained, bringing a hand to touch MC’s abdomen, “and when they’re born you’ll be a big sister!”
* Lucy was in awe, staring at her mom’s belly like it was made of gold. “There’s a baby in there?!” she pointed, looking incredulously to her parents. 
* Jihyun nodded, gently leaning down to let Lucy back on the ground. “They’re still very very small”, MC began to explain, “but as they grow you’ll even be able to feel them kick and move”.
* Suffice to say, everyone in their little family was thrilled at the news. Jihyun was worried, ever a worry-rat even when Lucy was a baby, but Lucy was already preparing to be a big sister, insisting on coming along with her parents at every doctor’s visit, asking the doctors a dozen questions each time. 
* As the baby grew and MC’s pregnancy got heavier, she could see the worry plaguing Jihyun, a concern he refused to voice. But MC was no fool-she could tell what it is he was thinking.
* “You know”, she told him one night, as she rested her hands on her growing baby bump, “I wish they’ll have your eyes-that gentle gaze of yours, it’ll be really nice if they inherit it from you.”
* Jihyun sighed at her words, turning on his side to bring a hand over her belly. “I don’t...MC, you know what I fear. I don’t want them to be anything like me I don’t-I don’t want them to go through anything remotely similar to what I did, to be anything like me, like I was, like I still am if I stop trying to change-I want them to have a good life. Them and Lucy..I want them to be happy.”
* MC pouted, gripping Jihyun’s hand, interlacing it with hers. “What you went through didn’t happen because of who you were, only because of the circumstances you were put under. You’re kind-hearted, self-less, caring and gentle, and yes, you put others above yourself and are quick to carry all the burden even when there’s others around you willing to lessen the load. But none of those are bad qualities Jihyun. And improving yourself isn’t a goal-directed process, it’s an open-ended journey. I hope our kids grow up to be like you.”
* Suffice to say, Jihyun was floored. MC had read him like a book, and he knew that, even if he initially didn’t want to admit it. Eventually he laughed, shaking his head. “I love you, you know that?”
* MC rolled her eyes.
* “I sure hope so”, she teased.
I went a ~little~ overboard with these but listen I’ve been doing ObGyn work for nearly a month now so it had to serve as inspiration somehow hehe
-send me mystic messenger headcanons for character(s) reactions!-
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takara-kaneko · 5 years
Ready to write!!
I am back from my trip and ready for any requests! If you need any ideas I have a prompts list on my bio 💕🥰
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yandere-daydreams · 6 years
General yandere hcs for secret ending Saeran, not towards Saeyoung's Mc but to some one else he meets after his recovery please?
Just a reminder to anyone who doesn’t remember the Secret Endings, Saeyoung and MC still end up together, but Searan is now recovering and part of the RFA.
~ To put it simply, you were an angel to him. As one of his nurses, so it was only natural for the two of you to spend a lot of time together while he was recovering. You made it your mission to ensure that the was well cared for and happy, even if it meant sneaking in wild-flowers and pints of ice cream. Saeran appreciates your small gestures more than you would have imagined, enough to seek you out after he had been released from the clinic.
~His intention, at first, was to just befriend you and repay you for the kindness you had shown him. Unfortunately, you made this impossible. Every time you insisted on cooking him a decent meal, check up on his health, or just showed him that dazzling smile of yours, his debt only grew. Within a few weeks of meeting you, he practically had to take care of you.
~Saeran would be an incredible stalker, especially with a male s/o ( since he’s less likely to be able to pursue them as openly). He’ll pull all-nighters to watch you sleep, hacking into your computer and phone to make sure that no one is trying to harm you. If he finds anything, then pray for the person who threatened you. He’s merciless when it comes to the scum that try to interfere with your life. Physical torture would definitely be an option, but blackmail is more likely. The aggressor will be fired, humiliated, left with nowhere to go, and no one to run to.  
~He isn’t very likely to confess, even if you seem to return his sentiment. He doesn’t think he’s worthy of you yet, despite how hard he’s trying. If you make the first move, things will only get worse. His stalking slows down, but it’ll be more obvious that he has been watching you. He won’t try to hide that he knows all kinds of things that he shouldn’t. It’ll leave you paranoid, suspicious of him and everyone else around you. His clinginess will take a turn for the worst, too. You won’t be able to go anywhere without him, unless you want to come back to a sobbing Saeran demanding to know why you don’t love him anymore.
~Saeran wants the best for you, even if he has to hurt himself and everyone else to do it. If you want to leave him, then he’ll let you believe that he’s come to terms with it while still watching over you secretly. And if you want him to change, then he’ll do a perfect job pretending that your ‘little acts of rebellion’ don’t bother him. Just don’t give him a reason to think that you suddenly hate him. You don’t want to know what he’ll do.
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sae-bae-ran · 6 years
Saeran with Romance ! >v
Saeran + 23. Romance
When it comes to romance, Saeran tends to rely on actions a little bit more than on words.
His way of conveying his feelings is very similar to the flowers he loves to give you. Just like how each one of them has a special meaning in the language of flowers, it’s through this meaning that he tells you how much you mean to him.
He will always find a way to give you a lily of the valley on your anniversary, even if it happens to be during the winter. Your promise of happiness means everything to him.
Being a good cook, he has no problem making a bouquet of chocolate flowers, usually roses, for you. Even if he has to spend a whole night working on it, shaping each petal, making it perfect, he doesn’t mind. Your smile when you see your gift is absolutely worth it.
"Go big or go home” is not something he applies to his romantic gestures. His love shines through the simple, yet incredibly sweet things he does for you in your everyday life.
Always buys you a new toothbrush in your favorite color.
If he wakes up before you, he always tries to be as quiet as possible so as to not wake you up.
The last slice of your favorite pizza is always yours.
It’s the little things that matter.
Word Prompt HC Meme 🔠
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queenwinterofluna · 6 years
Writing Requests are Open!
I’m open for writing requests! I don't write smut, so SFW prompts only! (Character headcanons/headcanons will also be accepted)
Fandoms I write for:
-Yuri!!! on ICE 
-Mystic Messenger 
-Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
I also can write for Voltron: Legendary Defender, but I cant guarantee it will be good 😂
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50shadesof707 · 6 years
taking headcanon requests!
i’m kind of in the mood to write, so pls send me some mystic messenger or anime headcanon or oneshot ideas please!!  you don’t have to be following me either i’m a new account rip
here’s my first attack on titan headcanon if you’re interested
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