#curly haired lou making his first appearance since I found a hair that suits him
ophernelia · 1 year
it has rained majority of their trip. i don’t think they care.
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spideywars · 7 years
hey!!! if you are doing those promts can you do a one where niall is a photographer/director kinda young hot making wave in industry types and harry a model who just got a shoot with him (h is kind of internet model, done some major shoots just not too many ). can you make it flirty and a bit angsty!!! thanks!!!
One of my favourite one shots I’ve written so far, I really enjoyed writing this. All fluff and a small bit of angst for you all. 
“Can you turn your head a little to the left? Yeah, perfect, actually a little more…that’s great.” Niall’s camera flashed and lit up the dark room of his apartment/workplace. The man sitting on the stool in front of the little grey background Niall had set up was wearing a fancy suit, hair brushed to perfection, beard trimmed. He was here for a business magazine, a random model Niall had found in his booklet that he kept for calls if he needed someone, this lad seemed perfect and looked fancy enough to be slapped on the cover of that kind of magazine.
He took a second shot with the loud click of his professional camera when the door to his apartment opened, loud footsteps walking behind him. Niall almost rolled his eyes, leaning down to look through the lens and getting ready to take another picture when a hand came to rest on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly and making him flinch.
“Nialler, got some new information on that magazine cover you’re doing for Rolling Stone?” His head shot up at that, remembering one of his biggest projects that he’s ever had to do. The person reminding him was his assistant, Deo, who was also his cousin.
“What do you need? I’m in the middle of something.” He tried to act cool, not wanting to be too pushy and frantic to know what Deo needed to tell him. Anxiety was building in his chest like his lungs were filling up with concrete.
“Just take a five minute break, let him get restyled by Lou so we can chat.” Deo was tugging on the end of his shirt sleeve, tugging him along towards his kitchen. He lightly pulled away, turning towards the model who was raising a perfectly plucked brow at them.
“Let’s take a five or ten minute break. Just head over to your station and I’ll be back in a second.” He gave the man a smile, who returned one back before they parted. Now, Niall was being dragged into the kitchen, the lights being turned on and making him cringe at the suddenness of it all absorbing itself into his sensitive eyes.
Deo was sitting himself down at the island, looking over towards Niall like he was waiting for him to join him.
“What’s happened?” He moved to do was Deo wanted, sitting across from him and patiently waiting for his cousin to speak. He could hear Lou and the model talking, their voices echoing through his home and into the kitchen.
“I’ve got some good news and bad news.” Deo looked restrained, trying not to show the pained expression. He knew Niall hated bad news, hated changes like due dates being moved closer or plans cancelled, models sick or not showing up. But ever since Niall grew popular with the magazine and website photoshoots he has forced himself to get used to constant mishaps that make him lose his head. It’s part of the job.
“Tell me the bad news first, so I can get it over with sooner rather than later.” Niall spoke hesitantly, feeling himself sink further into his stool with dread washing over him. He has no idea what Deo is going to say, because there is bad news, and then there is bad news.
“Alright,” Deo shifted and grabbed his phone from the back pocket of his jeans, tapping along it for just a few seconds before looking up to meet Niall in the eyes again. “I got an email from Rolling Stone and they said they need the photos from your shoot sent to them by next week.”
Deo was already cringing, and now Niall was letting out a loud groan, hands flying to grip at his hair. This was bad news, because all his photoshoots planned for this week had to be cancelled because of this one stupid magazine company that couldn’t bare to wait for the photoshoot to come on the original date. But Niall couldn’t just let this go, Rolling Stone magazine was a huge company that gave Niall a jaw-dropping price for him to make this bloody shoot. If they wanted the photos to be sent earlier, then he will do it.
“So basically clear my entire schedule for this week then, move every shoot planned this week for the next. If anyone backs out because of that, just let them, I have no energy to fight.” He was pressing the heels of his palms against his eyelids, digging them harshly into the sockets enough to be a little painful.
“I knew you’d want me to do that, already done and settled. I’m just waiting for the people to get back to me.” Deo was truly an angel sent from heaven, already trying to lift the weights off his shoulders.
“Okay, tell me the good news now that that shit is out of the way.” He blinked rapidly as he moved his hands away from his eyes, the pressure from digging into them making soft black dots spot along his vision.
“The good news is that I have your model ready and set for you to see tomorrow, he’s from here in England, you should search him up to get a good understanding on what you’re working with.” Deo was giving him that look, almost like a cheeky smirk he was trying to hide and it made Niall want to slap it off. Whenever he worked with new models his mates including Deo had to be up his arse and pushing him to date one of them, but he’s officially boycotted models off his dating list.
“What’s his name?” Niall decided to ignore Deo’s wiggling brows and pout, instead moving to grab for his own phone in his pocket to go on google.
“Names Harry Styles, a new model in the business. You might know him off Youtube doing covers and such, done a couple pub gigs a few times around London.” As Deo explained, Niall tapped the name into the search bar. He kind of knew this Harry guy, has seen posters of his upcoming album being plastered along London and his Youtube videos sometimes get recommended to him whenever he goes online. But he’s never really looked into him, now he will have to.
And wow, is he ever attractive. The first couple pictures he’s seeing is him with a pearly white smile and charming grin with a pair of dimples poking out on the sides of his mouth. He’s got lush curly hair and smooth skin, definitely model material.
“Looks like your type.” Deo’s comment made Niall’s eyes roll hard into the back of his head, and he was still sitting across from him looking all happy and smug. It got on Niall’s nerves.
“Deo you knew damn well I refuse to date models, I’ve been down that road and I’m not making that mistake again.” He made sure to scold his cousin who was now looking a little guilty at being caught in the middle of his little act.
“Zayn was two years ago now mate, you should move on and find someone who’ll treat you right. You gotta realize not all models are like that.” Deo had a pleading tone, almost whining as he leaned over the table, desperately trying to get Niall’s attention. But Niall could hear him loud and clear, has heard this speech a million times from separate people, actually.
“I’ve been working with models all my life, I think I’d know them more than anyone. They know they’re pretty, they know people would die to be in a relationship with them. They also know they can have anyone they want, at any time. All are either cheaters or never would actually get in a serious relationship because they’d rather sleep around with different people every day.” Niall didn’t mean to rant, but the words were already tumbling out of his mouth.
Deo seemed to notice his distress though, realizing he hit a nerve with this topic. So he stayed quiet, only silently nodding before Niall was getting up and out of his seat to go and finish up the photoshoot.
Niall did his research on Harry Styles, listened to some of his covers, went on his website, looked through some photoshoots he’s done in the past. Now today is the day where he meets the lad, Niall already is set up in his apartment, waiting patiently with his starbucks coffee cupped in his hands to keep him company until there will be a knock at the door.
Harry isn’t really doing so well already though, Niall has specifically sent him an email saying he should come a little earlier than the time originally planned-which was 9am-so they could get him in wardrobe, but it’s almost 9 already and the lad hasn’t made his appearance.
All models decide to be fashionably late, that’s what Niall has made himself realize as well.
There’s a knock all of a sudden, just as he finishes his thought. Deo and Lou look up from their phones as they were slumped on his couch, now getting up to be in their places when Harry comes inside.
Niall makes his way towards the front door, looking in through the peephole to see a tall man standing in the doorway, and the curls gave it away.
“Hello,” Niall restrained himself from acting mean, feeling the frustration eat away at his insides just looking at this guys happy and innocent grin as if nothing happened, as if he didn’t do anything wrong. “You must be Harry Styles, pleasure to meet you.” He greeted as Harry moved his way inside and shrugged off his coat.
“Good morning, nice flat you have here.” Harry was looking around almost in awe, which made Niall want to raise his brow in confusion. This lad probably already had a mansion as his house at the fresh age of twenty-three, so why the hell is he gawking over a small two bedroom flat?
“Uh, thanks. Mind going straight to wardrobe where Lou is? She wants to get you dressed, makeup on, hair done. I emailed you saying you should come earlier but I guess it didn’t go through.” He played it all well, pretending he wasn’t boiling in anger as he pointed towards the stylist section of the flat. But Harry wasn’t budging from where he stood in front of him, now staring at Niall in confusion.
“Oh fuck, I totally forgot about that. I saw your email, read it over and everything, I’m sorry about that mate.” Harry moved a hand to pat at Niall’s shoulder, it had him even more shocked at this guys reactions to things, or how he dealt with being in a business like modelling. Usually models who walk through Niall’s door have no interest in him what-so-ever, and Niall doesn’t either. As long as they listen to his orders when they’re doing the shoot, he doesn’t care if they ignore him.
“Everything forgotten, I’ve moved on. Just get to wardrobe and we’ll start as soon as you’re all pampered up.” Niall gave Harry a tight smile, watching on as he turned to do what he said, greeting Lou with a charming smile and a handshake.
“Can you tilt your head to the left, yeah like that. Now can you put one leg forward, good.” It was almost dinner time when they were rapping up, Harry standing and posing for the camera looking like he was ready to have a good sleep just standing up. It was getting harder for Niall to give orders, and he had to take a deep breath so he didn’t get frustrated again.
“Okay that’s a wrap for today.” Niall lowered the camera, letting it dangle from the strap it was attached to from his neck so he could settle his hands on his hips. Lou was already escorting Harry back into the change room-aka Niall’s bathroom-giving Harry his clothes so he could change back into them.
“What a polite lad he is, isn’t he?” Deo’s voice came rising up from the surface of Niall’s cluttered mind and he looked over towards him, seeing his cousin with that similar cheeky smirk, but this time it not too obvious, more like he was just making a friendly point.
But Niall couldn’t just lie, Harry had been extremely well-behaved the whole shoot, even making conversation about random things, letting out jokes here and there. He was kind, not rude and anti-social like most of the models. And damn, he hated to admit that Deo might be right about this one, maybe Harry isn’t like the others, or more specifically, like Zayn.
“Yeah he’s nice, got manors and loves to chat.” Niall shrugged as if it was nothing, not really ready to give Deo the pleasure of knowing he was right. He moved towards his camera case, placing it inside so the lens didn’t get dusty.
“Would be a great guy to go out for a beer with…” Deo was doing it again, trying to slip in his matchmaking skills. But it was weird how Niall wasn’t as agitated as he used to be, maybe it was because Harry really was a guy he would love to date. But hell, he didn’t even know if this guy was in a relationship, or even gay.
“Deo, lay off yeah?” He turned to give his cousin a hot look, showing that he will get angry if this continues. “Besides I don’t even know if he’s gay, or with someone.”
Deo was smiling now, letting out a chuckle and was laughing softly for a good minute before he calmed down and looked back towards Niall. His grin was wider now, eyes shining with curiosity and excitement.
“Have you seen his Youtube videos? I guess you didn’t do good research on him after all, he’s a single man, and gay. He made a coming out video on Youtube and everything.” Deo was grabbing for his phone frantically, and was pressing on the Youtube app when the bathroom door opened, revealing Harry in the clothes he came with.
Deo slowly put his phone back, obviously realizing he couldn’t really show Niall the video at the moment.
“Same time tomorrow? Or do you want me to come earlier? I promise I won’t mess up next time.” Harry was looking at Niall with those mesmerizing green eyes, a small hint of a smile across his face like he was trying to calm the waters between them. Niall hated that he had greeted Harry so toughly this morning, he feels bad now.
“I know you won’t, just come earlier if you can that would be great.” Niall answered, walking Harry towards his door and opening it for him as he grabbed for his coat and put it on.
Before Harry took a foot out the door though, he turned towards Niall still holding that same loving smile as if he’s known Niall for years. “I’ll grab us some coffee tomorrow morning as well, as an apology.”
Harry had started get a little more warmed up towards Niall, because as the days past with their photoshoots Harry had started to get flirty. He’d always get them coffee, settle it down on Niall’s living room table before he’d shrug off his jacket. ‘Nialler’ was what Niall’s name turned into, and it was really bad how Niall would stay up later than he should thinking about this Harry Styles guy.
Today was the last day of shooting though, and today Deo was off picking some props up for Niall’s photoshoots for next week, and needed help from Lou who also needed to grab hair products and makeup from her shop. So here Niall was doing triple the amount of work than he expected to do, regretting leaving the raining flowers part of the shoot till the end.
He knew how to be flexible though, so he had set his camera on the tripod and put it to a ten second countdown for each shot that would be in three’s. It would take as many as Niall wanted until he’d have to go over to it himself to turn the camera off. So now he was able to stand on a chair outside of the camera’s lens, holding a bucket of pink flowers and ready to rain them down on Harry’s head.
“Okay it’s gonna beep ten times and then the camera will flash. Just get ready to make your pretty face when the camera hits ten beeps.” Niall got the bucket ready, hands fisting into the flowers and counting to nine before he starting to sprinkle them down onto Harry’s head. At ten, the camera flashed and took three photos.
“Lovely, I’ve got a couple handfuls left.” He grabbed for the flowers again, Harry nodding up at him and both of them waiting and counting the beeps until Niall repeated what he did before, letting the flowers gracefully flow down onto Harry’s hair and face.
Once he was done, he climbed down from the chair, and was about the move to turn the setting off the camera when he was pulled by the hips in the middle of the photoshoot. He yelped, dropping the bucket and was about to ask what the hell was happening when he suddenly felt lips on his, soft and plush and tasting sweet like mint.
The camera’s three flashes made them pull apart, and both of them were now just standing in each others holds, Niall blinking up in surprise at Harry who looked smug but also a bit shy with the way his cheeks were dusted with a blush.
“I needed to like, do that before I left cause you’re so, so handsome.” It was weird hearing that from a model, that he was handsome. It made Niall bite his bottom lip hard to stop himself from smiling, hands leaving from where they were gripping at Harry’s cheeks to fiddle with his shirt.
“Didn’t see that coming.” Niall chuckled out nervously, and Harry only smiled silently, staring at Niall like he hung the moon and every star in the sky one by one.
“That was my plan.” Harry answered, moving to step back and let his hands fall from Niall’s waist, but only to move them and grab for Niall’s fidgeting ones in his.
“Would love to see you again, I know the kiss was pretty forward but I wanted to make it obvious I don’t want to meet again as just friends or…photographer and model.” Niall’s heartbeat grew louder and faster in his chest, hearing Harry say these things made him rethink all the thoughts he had about models, everything turning onto its head.
“Yeah, I mean yeah of course I’d love to.” Harry pulled Niall in back towards his chest at Niall’s answer, both holding each other surrounded by pink flowers, not caring the camera was still flashing.
It was after Harry left, when Niall was looking through the photos on his laptop, when he came across the photos of him and Harry kissing. Flowers were stuck in Harry’s curls and along his shoulders, Niall’s hands wrapped tightly along his neck.
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