mercuryclan · 6 months
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MercuryClan has begun their life in the wastes! It's going....mostly well!
(in future, I likely won't include every cat's doings/every patrol, but it felt right to do so for the starting moon!)
With that, you can now send asks to everyone!
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"All cats of Needleclan, gather for a Clan Meeting!"
Speckleback glanced up from the medicine cat den.  Currentkit pushed Riverkit towards the center of the camp, and Riverkit whined. A red leaf drifted from a branch above Finchstar, and the leader watched as it twirled around, eventually landing on Lichenpaw's head.
Hollypaw watched from the medicine den, looking a little irritated. Speckleback was keeping him confined to the medicine cat den, despite the fact that he wasn't woozy anymore. At least he was paying attention. 
Daisyshadow poked out a head from the nursery. Whiskershadow glanced up from the fresh-kill pile, which was nearby.
"I have the honor of stating that today, we have our very first warrior promotion!" Finchstar purred, meeting eyes with Lichenpaw. She hopped down from a tree branch. "It has been my pleasure to have trained Lichenpaw, even before we were a part of a Clan. Her judgment has been vital to her protecting our clan." 
Finchstar hopped down from the tree completely, walking towards Lichenpaw. They were on the same eye level, now. "Lichenpaw, by the powers of me being leader, I name you Lichentooth."
Lichentooth looked almost surprised. 
Finchstar purred, touching noses with Lichentooth before backing away.
Hollypaw was the first to cheer, "LICHENTOOTH!" The other cats followed, even the kits after a few moments. It was small, so Finchstar joined in. Lichentooth stood in the center of it, shrinking a little but still smiling.
Once the cheering had stopped, Finchstar continued, "Now, for the second task of today..." Finchstar met eyes with Riverkit and Currentkit. Currentkit bounced up and down, and Riverkit nudged his shoulder to get him to stop. "Riverkit and Currentkit. You two have reached six moons, and are therefore now apprentices. Until you are trained fully, you will be called Riverpaw and Currentpaw."
Currentpaw grinned. "I'm Riverpaw, right?"
Riverpaw shook her head, still smiling a bit herself. 
Finchstar jumped up onto the roots that made up the entrance to her den. She didn't jump back up to the higher branches again. "No, Currentpaw. Now..." Finchstar met eyes with Whiskershadow, and her deputy straightened up. "Whiskershadow. As my new deputy, you haven't yet explored everything about the territory due to being confined to camp." She grinned. "You might as well explore it with an apprentice." She was not going to bring up how Lightningpaw was once his apprentice, as well. "You will be Riverpaw's mentor."
Riverpaw got up, blue and green eyes sparkling despite the deceptive calmness to her movements, and walked over to Whiskershadow. She reached up to Whiskershadow's nose, and Whiskershadow leaned down to meet her. After that, she moved to sit by him.
Lichentooth straightened up upon being called again. "...me?"
"Yes. Your judgement is excellent, and your calm nature would help with teaching." Finchstar paused. "I think it does, anyway. You will be mentoring Currentpaw."
Currentpaw gasped, then jumped and dashed over to Lichentooth, stopping just in front of her. "I get to be your first apprentice!"
Lichentooth still looked a little shocked. "Are you... are you sure?"
"Confident." Finchstar nodded. "You'll do great, Lichentooth. I know you can."
Lichentooth didn't seem convinced. But she leaned down to touch noses with Currentpaw, who vibrated in his spot. He then sat down right there, only turning to look at Finchstar again.
Finchstar held her head up. "Clan meeting is over!" She hopped off the root, heading for the fresh-kill pile. "Why don't you go get acquainted with your apprentices?"
As Finchstar reached down to grab a bird from the pile, she heard Riverpaw ask Whiskershadow about gathering fresh bedding for everyone. After a few moments, she heard Currentpaw turn and whine at Lichentooth to NOT do that.
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Events Referenced: Lichenpaw gets promoted to a warrior. Finchstar says it's been an honor to train her, and names Lichenpaw Lichentooth, and commends her judgement. Riverkit becomes Riverpaw and gets assigned to Whiskershadow. She offers to immediately start gathering bedding. Currentkit is so excited to become Currentpaw, and is assigned to Lichentooth.
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crystalsclangencorner · 4 months
(Challenge: The Curse of the Dark Forest, the rules can be found here)
(I don't remember the name of who created the challenge, but I know the creator's in the ClanGen discord-)
Now... Let's meet the founders...
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And Dancingmask
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Moon 0 (Newleaf)
Two cats, Jasminedream (69m Female) and Dancingmask (70m Female), form JasmineClan. Dancingmask decides to be a healer.
Dancingmask and Jasminedream discuss StarClan while collecting burdock.
Moon 1
Jasminedream is prancing around in front of Dancingmask.
Dancingmask wonders what Jasminedream thinks of mates.
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(DancingJasmine let's go-)
Dancingmask has gotten a running nose.
Moon 2
Jasminedream escapes a rouge ambush.
Dancingmask thinks Jasminedream is very helpful!
Moon 3 (Greenleaf)
Dancingmask confessed to Jasminedream...
But got rejected.
Dancingmask's nose has stopped running.
Jasminedream feels somewhat guilty for rejecting Dancingmask, so she goes herb-gathering with her, hoping it makes her feel better.
Moon 4
Jasminedream wonders what Dancingmask thinks about mates.
She then finds out she does want to be mates with Dancingmask.
Jasminedream confesses her feelings to Dancingmask and they have become mates.
Dancingmask gives Jasminedream a beautiful feather she found, and hides behind her whiskers when thanked.
Dancingmask has gotten heat exhaustion, causing Jasminedream to step up as a healer for a while.
Moon 5
(Nothing interesting happened)
Moon 6 (Leaf-fall)
Dancingmask has recovered from heat exhaustion.
Dancingmask receives an omen that Jasminedream is to be the leader. She escorts Jasminedream to the Moon Cliffs...
... Yet something is wrong...
Dancingmask talked about StarClan, this place... Wasn't StarClan...
Several shadowy figures appear...
One gives Jasminedream a life for confidence, another gives her a life for bravery.
Another one gives her a life for authority, and yet another one a life for certainty.
Two more shadowy figures give her a life for resiliency, and for courage.
The last three step forward, they give Jasminedream a life for brutality, a life for cunning, and a life for strength.
Jasminedream is now Jasminestar.
Moon 7
Jasminestar talks with two IrisClan cats, specifically the leader and an apprentice. Jasminestar compliments them both about how the young cat's training is progressing.
Dancingmask is giving some advice to Jasminestar.
Jasminestar thinks Dancingmask is really funny.
Dancingmask and Jasminestar have a long discussion about goals and aspirations, and find out they both have a lot in common.
Moon 8
Jasminestar fails to drive a small dog off the territory.
Moon 9 (Leaf-bare)
Dancingmask is expecting kits!
Jasminestar tells Dancingmask to count on her in a difficult situation.
Jasminestar finds an abandoned kit, she brings her back to camp and names her Echokit.
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(Shahsh I love her-)
Moon 11
Dancingmask moves into the nursery.
Echokit checks on Dancingmask.
Jasminestar is looking out for Echokit's well-being.
Moon 12
Dancingmask gave birth to two kits, Currentkit (Male) and Frostkit (Female).
Jasminestar is concerned, the clan doesn't have any other healers. This affects her patrol on the CornflowerClan border. She puts a scent marker in the wrong spot, and Ravensun sees this! Jasminestar now has a mangled tail.
Moon 13 (Newleaf)
Currentkit appreciates how Echokit always seems to ask how he's doing.
Frostkit is asking her moms how kits are born.
Moon 14
Echokit wishes she could get her pelt to shine like Currentkit's.
Currentkit reminds Frostkit to eat if she hasn't already.
Frostkit is playing hide-and-seek with Currentkit. She hides under a bush, but can't stop giggling.
Echokit is growing fond of Currentkit.
Echokit has a headache...
Moon 15
Dancingmask has recovered from giving birth.
Echokit no longer has a headache.
Echokit is now an apprentice! She decides she want to be a healer apprentice, her mentor is Dancingmask.
Frostkit is asking Dancingmask about StarClan.
(Also... Here's Frostkit and Currentkit)
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Moon 15 (Greenleaf)
Dancingmask, Jasminestar, Frostkit, and Echokit are concerned, they notice that Currentkit has been acting strangely lately..
Jasminestar sneaks out at night to sleep in Dancingmask's nest.
Jasminestar gets a torn pelt while on border patrol. She was trying to track down a rouge and got attacked.
Moon 16
Jasminestar and Dancingmask stare at Currentkit with an unreadable expression.
Jasminestar's torn pelt is looking much better.
Jasminestar finds a loner named Mistlefreckle (11m Male). She tries to convince him to join, but he politely refuses.
Moon 17
Frostkit and Currentkit are now apprentices! Frostpaw chooses to be a meditator apprentice while Currentpaw gets Jasminestar as his mentor.
Currentpaw fails to chase a small dog off of JasmineClan territory..
Currentpaw has been acting more cold and distant lately... Echopaw feels a sense of dread...
Moon 18 (Leaf-fall)
Currentpaw decides to try to distract himself, he helps Echopaw gather herbs, they have a herb gathering competition and it ends in good spirits.
Moon 19
Dancingmask is pregnant again!
Frostpaw finds the way Currentpaw is acting increasingly uncomfortable.
Dancingmask gives Currentpaw bitter herbs on purpose, hoping that the Dark Forest will leave him alone...
It works...
Currentpaw immediately begins to sputter out apologies to all the cats he may have accidentally hurt.
(Bless the die for being on Currenpaw's side- 😭)
Moon 20
Dancingmask moves into the nursery.
Echopaw wonders what her full name will be.
Currentpaw wants to visit Echopaw at the healer den.
Jasminestar has a mangled leg after chasing a large dog off the territory.
Moon 21 (Leaf-bare)
Jasminestar lost a life from her mangled leg.
Dancingmask gave birth to three kits! Dapplekit (Female), Chanterellekit (Male), and Flamekit (Female)!
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Echopaw wonders how Currentpaw is doing.
Jasminestar is questioning her ability to lead...
As Jasminestar and Currentpaw trudge through the snow, Jasminestar spots a wolf pack round a kill in the distant valley below and calls Currentpaw over. It's a good opportunity to observe the dangerous predators from afar. Currentpaw is surprised to watch them play, taking turns chasing and running from each other in a way that reminds him of the games he plays with Frostpaw and Echopaw.
Moon 22
Flamekit heard an ugly rumor about Currentpaw.
Jasminestar brings a kittypet named Capella (21m Male) back to camp.
Moon 23
Currentpaw is now a warrior! His name is Currenthaven.
Capella heard a rumor that Echopaw likes someone else...
Currenthaven is now the deputy!
Moon 24 (Newleaf)
Echopaw has finally earned her full healer name at 16 moons old, she is now Echoblossom.
... And then she announces that she's expecting kits.
Meanwhile Frostpaw becomes a full meditator, her name is now Frostfreckle!
Dancingmask has recovered from giving birth.
Moon 25
Echoblossom moves into the nursery.
Echoblossom and Currenthaven seem to be spending a lot of time together...
Jasminestar gives Currenthaven some crow feathers, he decides to wear them.
Frostfreckle tossed a snake out of camp before it could bite anyone.
Currenthaven feels a sense of dread.
Moon 26
Echoblossom had a single kitten named Skykit, she is absolutely refusing to talk about him or acknowledge him at all.
Jasminestar learns a helpful skill from Currenthaven.
Dancingmask comforts Flamekit after a nightmare.
Moon 27 (Greenleaf)
Dapplekit, Chanterellekit, and Flamekit are now apprentices! Dapplepaw gets Capella as her mentor, Chanterellepaw gets Currenthaven as his mentor, and Flamepaw gets Jasminestar as her mentor!
Dancingmask has gotten heat exhaustion.
Flamepaw decides she wants to be a healer, Echoblossom is her new mentor.
Jasminestar lost a life after being ambushed by rouges on a border patrol.
Moon 28
Jasminestar wonders if StarClan has given Dancingmask any prophecies lately.
Flamepaw and Dapplepaw talk about a vision Dapplepaw had.
Moon 29
Dancingmask has recovered from heat exhaustion.
Echoblossom has recovered from giving birth.
Capella fought a hawk and got hurt.
Flamepaw wonders if she's good enough to be a healer apprentice...
Moon 30 (Leaf-fall)
Dapplepaw decides she wants to be a meditator.
Dancingmask saw a kittypet sitting calmly next to a dog!
Moon 31
Dancingmask called Flamepaw the wrong name...
Chanterellepaw hopes his name will end in -claw.
Moon 32
Jasminestar is expecting kits! She decides to not move into the nursery yet.
Capella has recovered from his claw-wound.
Skykit is now an apprentice! His mentor is Jasminestar.
Currenthaven, Capella, Skypaw, and Chanterellepaw go out hunting. They avoid getting crushed by a branch. They end up being plenty of squirrels and oak leaves back to camp.
Moon 33 (Leaf-bare)
Jasminestar thinks she'll have a large litter. She doesn't believe she can efficiently perform her duties while expecting kits so she moves into the nursery.
Echoblossom confessed her feelings to Currenthaven and they have become mates.
Skypaw has realized that tom doesn't describe the way she feels anymore.
Dapplepaw is now Dapplefeather!
Chanterellepaw is now Chanterelleflower!
Skypaw brings an injured cat named Dancingdaisy (110m Male) back to camp.
Moon 34
Jasminestar gives birth to a tom (Weaselkit) and a she-kit (Hemlockkit)
Moon 35
Capella brought a litter of four kits, a tom (Rindlekit) and three she-kits (Bluekit, Strikekit, and Raggedkit) back to camp.
Flamepaw has gotten a sprain.
Echoblossom has been acting strangely around Skypaw lately...
Moon 36 (Newleaf)
Jasminestar has realized that she-cat no longer describes the way they feel anymore.
Moon 37
Dancingdaisy recovered from his broken jaw but will always carry the evidence of it.
Flamepaw is now a full healer! Her new name is Flamerise!
Dancingdaisy brought a litter of four kits, two toms (Whistlekit and Drizzlekit) and two she-kits (Fallingkit and Daisykit) back to camp.
Dancingdaisy mangled his leg after escaping a twoleg trap.
Jasminestar has recovered from giving birth.
Chanterelleflower was killed by rouges...
Moon 38
No parent wants to outlive their child, and Jasminestar wails over Chanterelleflower's body. Jasminestar can't be bothered to get up out of their nest the next day, refusing to speak a word to those around them.
Echoblossom gets into a fight with Skypaw, it is broken up by Currenthaven.
Capella meets up with a all-too familiar cat he knows from IrisClan...
Moon 39 (Greenleaf)
Capella's tail was badly injured by a fox.
Strikekit is scolded for trying to sneak out of camp.
Skypaw is now Skycliff! Echoblossom, however, does not celebrate her daughter becoming a warrior.
Moon 40
Dancingdaisy has recovered from his mangled leg.
Jasminestar is expecting kits again!
It is noted that Echoblossom seems to be planning to murder Skycliff... But Currenthaven defends Echoblossom.
Weaselkit and Hemlockkit are now apprentices! Weaselpaw gets Dancingdaisy as his mentor, while Hemlockpaw gets Jasminestar as her mentor.
Weaselpaw and Hemlockpaw play in the forbidden tunnels, keeping their little secret.
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Shoreclan moons 50-100!
Moon 53:
- Yellowstar loses a life to age
Moon 54:
- Fidgetpaw returns! She’s given a warrior name- Fidgetroar
- Cavepaw becomes Cavemoss
Moon 55:
- Yellowstar loses a life to age
- Ibispelt is expecting kits!
- Coyotepaw becomes Coyotemark
Moon 56:
- Stormpaw becomes Stormpearl
Moon 57:
- Yellowstar loses remaining lives
- Ibispelt has a single kitten- Bearkit
- Yellowclaw is promoted to leader, becoming Yellowstar the second
- Yellowfleck is promoted to deputy
- Stormpearl is lost
Moon 58:
- Caterpillarpeak died of snakebite
- Oddblink is expecting kits
Moon 59:
- Yellowstar 2 brought back 2 kittens- Oakkit and Lizardkit
- Oddblink and Kitekick had 2 kittens- Umberkit and Breezekit
Moon 62:
- Quillpaw brings home 4 kittens- Dawnkit, Splashkit, Juniperkit and Whirlkit
- Quillpaw died
Moon 63:
- Bearkit becomes Bearpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
Moon 64:
- Coyotemark drowned
- Yellowfleck is expecting kits
- Swiftspeckle brought home three kits- Tallkit, Slightkit, and Umberkit
Moon 66:
- Yellowfleck had two kits with Curlstripe- Flashkit and Lilykit
- Currentkit joins the clan
Moon 67
- Oakkit becomes Oakpaw, and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Lizardkit becomes Lizardpaw, and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Umberkit becomes Umberpaw, and is apprenticed to Cavemoss
- Breezekit becomes Breezepaw, and is apprenticed to Curlstripe
Moon 68:
- Bearpaw becomes Bearspeck
- Yellowstar 2 loses a life
- Dawnkit becomes Dawnpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
- Splashkit becomes Splashpaw and is apprenticed to Bearspeck
- Juniperkit becomes Juniperpaw, and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
- Whirlkit becomes Whirlpaw and is apprenticed to Fidgeroar
- Currentkit becomes Currentpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
Moon 69
- Ibispelt dies
- Saplingkit joins the clan
Moon 70:
- Umberkit becomes Umberpaw and is apprenticed to Bearspeck
- Slightkit becomes Slightpaw and is apprenticed to Kitekick
- Tallkit becomes Tallpaw and is apprenticed to Curlstripe
- Juniperpaw becomes a med cat apprentice
- Valleypelt joins the clan as a new med cat
Moon 71:
- Hailkit joins the clan
Moon 72:
- Stormpearl returns
- Flashkit becomes Flashpaw and is apprenticed to Tuftstep
- Lilykit become Lilypaw and is apprenticed to Stormpearl
- Saplingkit becomes Saplingpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowfleck
- Melba joins the clan
- Muffy joins the clan
Moon 73:
- Yazhu joins the clan with kits- Bouncekit and Frozenkit
- Fallenshade joins the clan
Moon 74:
- Splashpaw dies via sea monster
- Lizardpaw becomes Lizardwatcher
- Breezepaw becomes Breezetooth
- Swiftspeckle has three kittens- Greenkit, Fidgetkit, and Raggedkit
Moon 75:
- Cavemoss died of redcough
- Umberpaw becomes Umberwind
- Tallpaw becomes Tallfluff
- Hailkit becomes Hailpaw and is apprenticed to Tallfluff
- Bristlekit joins the clan
- Slightpaw died in a flood
Moon 76:
- Odetta and Kitekick drown in a flood
- Curlstripe curses Odetta at the vigil???
- Koba joined the clan
- Dawnpaw becomes Dawncry
- Juniperpaw becomes Juniperfade
- Umberpaw becomes Umberwhisker
- Saplingpaw died in a flood
Moon 77:
- Currentpaw becomes Currentfern
Moon 78:
- Bristlekit becomes Bristlepaw and is apprenticed to Umberwind
Moon 79:
- Whirlpaw becomes Whirlheart
- Flashpaw becomes Flashdapple
- Bouncekit becomes Bouncepaw and is apprenticed to Muffy
- Frozenkit becomes Frozenpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 2
Moon 80:
- Greenkit becomes Greenpaw and is appreciated to Melba
- Fidgetkit becomes Fidgetpaw and is apprenticed to Currentfern
- Raggedkit becomes Raggedpaw and is apprenticed to Whirlheart
Moon 81:
- Lilypaw becomes Lilyrip
Moon 82:
- Hailpaw becomes Hailweb
- Fidgetroar died of whitecough
- Stormpearl and Yazhu are both expecting!
Moon 82:
- Raggedpaw died of yellowcough
Moon 83:
- Stormpearl and Tallfluff had one kitten! Moorkit!
- Breezetooth is expecting
- Muffy had two babies (some warning would’ve been nice!) Rainkit and Dolphinkit
- Yazhu had three kits! Faithkit, Duckkit, and Boragekit
- Bristlepaw becomes Bristlemoth
Moon 85:
- Yellowstar 2 lost all remaining 8 lives at once
- Yellowfleck has been promoted to Yellowstar 3, and gets lives from: Ibispelt, Kitekick, Odetta, Coyotemark, Sneeze, Caterpillarpaw, Quillpaw, and Yellowstar 2!
- Oddblink is promoted to deputy
Moon 86:
- Breezetooth had three kits! Pearlykit, Dogkit, and Clearkit
- Frozenpaw becomes Frozenlake
Moon 87:
- Frozenlake found dead near Slumberclan border
- Greenpaw becomes Greencreek
- Bouncepaw becomes Bouncetree
- Tuftstep and Lizardwatcher become mates
Moon 88:
- Fidgetpaw becomes Fidgetmask
- Pearlykit died of a claw wound
Moon 90:
- Moorkit becomes Moorpaw and is apprenticed to Lizardwatcher
- Rainkit becomes Rainpaw and is apprenticed to
- Dolphinkit becomes Dolphinpaw and is apprenticed to Bristlemoth
- Faithkit becomes Faithpaw and is apprenticed to Melba
- Duckkit becomes Duckpaw and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Boragekit becomes Boragepaw and is apprenticed to Currentfern
- A rogue ambush kills Koba, Currentfern, and Lizardwatcher
Moon 91:
- Hazystripe joins the clan
Moon 92:
- Dogkit becomes Dogpaw and is apprenticed fo Flashdapple
- Rainpaw is jealous of Dogpaw?!
- Clearkit becomes Clearpaw and is apprenticed to Yellowstar 3
- Bouncetree has been lost
Moon 93:
- Melba and Stormpearl are both expecting!
- Valleypelt brought a kitten back to camp- Whitekit
Moon 94:
- Curlstripe brings two kits back to camp- Lightkit and Rootkit
- Dogpaw and Faithpaw died in a flood
Moon 95:
- Curlstripe has redcough
- Stormpearl has three kits! Mistlekit, Graykit, and Jaggedkit
- Melba has two kits- Mudkit and Umberkit
- Muffy died of Greencough
- All the death gives poor Mistlekit shock
Moon 96:
- Fidgetmask is killed by rogues
Moon 97:
- Rainpaw becomes Rainblink
- Boragepaw becomes Boragespeckle
- Dolphinpaw died of yellowcough
- Jaggedkit is interested in the Dark Forest????
- Greencreek becomes a med cat
Bristlemoth, Bearspeck, and Flashdapple die in a flood
Moon 98:
- Moorpaw becomes Moorslash
- Clearpaw becomes Clearriver
- Oliverspot joins the clan
Moon 99:
- Fallenshade retires to elder’s den
- Duckpaw becomes Duckstalk
- Whitekit becomes Whitepaw and is apprenticed to Moorslash
Moon 100:
- Lightkit becomes Lightpaw and is apprenticed to Oddblink
- Rootkit becomes Rootpaw and is apprenticed to Umberwhisker
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@residents-of-the-darkforest, @wills-woodland-warriors, @starfalcon555
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meadow-brook · 1 year
FinClan Tales - Chapter 2 The Starstone - part 2/3
“A cat with nine lives,” Leapshock breathed. “Who would’ve thought?”
Olivepelt didn’t reply as Finstar led the way out of camp and towards the Starstone. Olivepelt had remembered that the strange warrior had remarked on her “excellent fighting skills” when the warriors talked about their skills, to see who was best suited for what. Olivepelt figured that if they did run into trouble, such skills would come in handy. Firebird had commented on similar skills, even challenging Leapshock to a sparring match to see who was better, but Olivepelt didn’t want to take him away from Currentkit, who had so recently been lost from his mother and needed the company. He had started to warm up around the other cats, but had stuck so closely to Firebird that Olivepelt worried about him.
Aside from Leapshock’s occasional chittering at StarClan knows what, the patrol was relatively quiet. Occasionally, Olivepelt glanced at the sky as they walked. The first warriors of StarClan were beginning to make themselves known amongst the dark pelt of dusk.
A sudden fear gripped Olivepelt’s fur. What if StarClan truly doesn’t exist? Is this a lie after all? A tale for kits?
Olivepelt shook herself. It couldn’t be. Even though the mysterious starry warrior hadn’t visited her since her first night in camp, she knew it was more than just a dream. She had spoken with a real warrior from long ago. Perhaps she would have the chance to speak to him again tonight.
“Who are you?”
The sudden hiss broke Olivepelt from her thoughts. In front of Finstar were two cats, a dark brown tabby tom, and grey smoke she-cat. Both cats had some light scarring, suggesting they have been on their own for a while, perhaps since birth, and the grey she-cat was carrying a fish in her jaws.
“What are you doing on our territory?” the brown tabby continued, his fur beginning to bristle.
Olivepelt stepped forward confidently. “What constitutes your territory?” she asked politely. “I don’t smell any markers.”
“Markers?” the grey she-cat spat, having set down her fish. “We’ve never needed markers. Cats know well enough to keep away,” she growled, unsheathing her claws. 
Leapshock was padding forward, her neck fur bristling, but Olivepelt held her back with her tail. She didn’t worry about Finstar, who was taking a couple paces back, as if ready to retreat already.
“You might need to,” Olivepelt suggested gently. “We mean no harm, but we’re forming a Clan over there.” She gestured with a twitch of her ears back towards their camp and the rest of their territory. “We’ll be setting our own markers, but it’d be polite for us to know where your territory starts first, before we set ours. We don’t want to intrude.”
Olivepelt watched as the two cats shared a confused glance. Their claws were still unsheathed, but they seemed to relax slightly. They clearly weren’t expecting politeness, or the sudden news of new neighbors.
“We’ll think about it,” the brown tabby answered carefully. “But you still haven’t answered why you’re on our territory. Not many cats come this way anymore.”
Olivepelt looked past them. She could see the rocky hill a lot closer now, though she still couldn’t quite tell where the Starstone might be. A sudden fear gripped her. What if it had been so long it had eroded away, or disappeared? She prayed it was still there, forcing her mind back to the topic at hand.
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind, we were traveling up there.” She pointed with her tail. “We need to speak with our warrior ancestors through the Starstone. Have you heard of it?”
Olivepelt’s words had sent the grey she-cat’s neck fur bristling again.
“You stay far away from there,” she growled with such ferocity, Olivepelt took a step back. The grey she-cat’s muzzle was curled in such a snarl, the scar at the bridge of her nose threatened to reopen. If she was always like this, no wonder it never healed.
Before Olivepelt could speak, the brown tabby held up his tail, as if holding his companion back. “Warrior ancestors, you say?”
Olivepelt nodded, hesitant about how much she should tell these cats. Surely they had a right to know the history of their territory?
“Long ago, there used to be Clans here,” Olivepelt began carefully. “They lived by a set of rules they called the warrior code, met every full moon to share news with each other, and every half-moon the Clan healers would go to the Starstone to talk with their ancestors.” She didn’t want to bring up Finstar getting his nine lives, worried that these cats would see that as them becoming more powerful and therefore a potential threat.
“It’s not the half-moon, though,” the brown tabby meowed suspiciously.
“Yes, well, er—”
“We wanted to make sure it was still available for us,” Finstar spoke for the first time, padding up beside Olivepelt. “And make sure we were on the right track forming our Clan, FinClan, by speaking with our ancestors. Surely you wouldn’t keep us from doing so peacefully, when it has nothing to do with you?”
“It has everything to do with us! It’s our territory!” The grey she-cat’s tail was lashing, but the brown tabby looked thoughtful. He turned towards his companion.
“Salt, could you take the prey back to the dens and let Stout know? If I don’t let these loners pass, they’ll try to find another way up and be more of a threat. I’d rather escort them.”
The grey she-cat, presumably Salt, opened her mouth as if to argue, but seemed to think better of it. She nodded, picking up the fish and padding off, towards the tumble of rocks.
Olivepelt was too relieved to worry about being called loners. They’ll know who we are soon enough, she decided. This is a good start.
With a flick of his tail, the brown tom ushered the group of them forward.
“I’ll watch from the back,” he decided. “I presume you know where you’re going.”
He doesn’t want us to wander off while he isn’t looking, Olivepelt thought. I can’t say I blame him.
Leapshock padded beside Olivepelt. “I’ll watch him while he watches us,” Leapshock hissed in her ear, and before she could respond, she was skipping ahead.
The walk to the Starstone was somehow even more silent than the walk to the stream where they had met the two rogues, and eventually the group found themselves walking up the hill of boulders. Olivepelt noted that there were a couple cats hanging around the side adjacent to where they climbed, though they did not bother them. She guessed they were guarding the entrance to their camp after Salt altered them.
All thoughts about the strange group of rogues vanished when Olivepelt climbed over the crest of the hill. Night had fallen, and plenty more stars scattered across the sky. What drew Olivepelt’s attention to them was not the beauty of Silverpelt itself, but their reflection in the large stone in front of her. Glittering in the moonlight, Olivepelt almost had to squint at the brightness, as billions of stars reflected off its surface. She could spot even the faintest twinkle on the stone’s surface,
“This is it,” Olivepelt whispered. “This is the Starstone.”
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signs-of-the-moon · 1 year
Moon High: Chapter 8
Hazepaw's belly was feeling funny when he made it back to the Twoleg Settlement Bridge. The sensation had started not long ago, but he couldn't understand what was causing it. It wasn't painful, thank Starclan, but it wasn't comfortable either. And since he wasn't suffering, Hazepaw decided not to see Curlear or Bluesky about it. Still, he'd like to know what it was. Maybe he had to make dirt? But Hazepaw hadn't eaten anything today, to ensure his senses would be sharp for his solo hunt. Perhaps he was hungry? The growl rumbling in his gut confirmed this suspicion. Hazepaw decided once he gave his mouse to Beckycreek, he'd grab something for himself. Then he could finally start to feel better.
But thinking about the mouse made Hazepaw's belly feel a little bit worse. It reminded him that this prey was not actually his. It was that Treeclan cat's--Moonpaw's. Did that mean it was actually guilt that he was feeling? No. Hazepaw knew what the twist in his belly felt like when he was guilty. This sensation wasn't as sharp, or nauseating. The feeling in Hazepaw's stomach felt as though he'd swallowed a school of tiny fish. It was like they were swimming around in there, their tail fins brushing against his intestines in a way that almost tickled. It was really annoying. Hazepaw tried to push the feeling away as he padded across the camp, up to the abandoned car that made up the nursery.
Inside were the den's remaining residents. Richfur, the Den Mother, was sunbathing up on the flat platform next to the car's front window. And in the makeshift nests below, Beckycreek was busy cleaning her youngest kits. She was diligent in her work, hardly registering the apprentice's appearance. Her older kits, however, took notice.
"Woo, it's Hazepaw!" Cheered the only tom of the litter, Currentkit. He rushed over to greet the fluffy white apprentice, tail held high. His sister Stonekit came crawling out from beneath one of the nests to join him. The last of the litter, Whisperkit, watched from her perch overtop the nests, excitement glittering in her soft yellow eyes. Hazepaw nodded a greeting to each of them as he walked over to their mother.
"This is for you," he told the queen as he placed his prized mouse in front of her.
Beckycreek purred with gratitude. "Thank you, Hazepaw. It was kind of you to bring us something to eat." Grabbing the mouse, Beckycreek called for the attention of her younger kittens, Turtlekit and Duckkit. "Look my loves, here is some prey for you to try."
Whisperkit leaped down from her perch, into her mother's nest. She smiled, raising her tail. Beckycreek did not look pleased to have the older kitten in her space. "May I have some of that too, mom?" Whisperkit asked sweetly. Her littermates exchanged a look then ran for the nursery's exit.
Beckycreek remained silent for a few moments, tearing off chunks of her meal to share with her little ones. She almost seemed to be ignoring Whisperkit. "This isn't for you," she meowed eventually, voice monotone. "You're old enough to eat on your own anyways." Whisperkit's eyes watered a little.
So Beckycreek isn't going to share? Hazepaw felt a little shocked. Although he shouldn't, considering the queen usually gave her oldest litter the cold shoulder. He could hardly remember a time when she was genuinely comforting towards them. She was good at mothering, that much was certain; but she wasn't a very good mother. At least not to them. Turtlekit and Duckkit, however, were treated with the utmost love and care. It was strange. Hazepaw couldn't wrap his mind around why Beckycreek would show more favor for one litter over another. Maybe it had something to do with their fathers.
"Here sissy, share with me!" Squeaked Duckkit at Whisperkit, pushing her piece of prey closer to her older sister.
Whisperkit purred at the kit, perking up a little. But when she reached out to take her share, Beckycreek growled at her, pullling Duckkit back and snatching up her portion of the mouse. Whisperkit's ears lowered, and although she looked sad, she didn't seem surprised by the queen's actions. A pang of smpathy squeezed Hazepaw's heart.
"Hey, why don't you come share something with me outside?" He offered, touching his tail-tip to her back. Whisperkit smiled at him a little and nodded. She followed behind as the fluffy white tom took his leave without saying another word to Beckycreek.
Over by the fresh-kill pile, Urchinpaw and Otterpaw were sharing tongues, with a half eaten seagull sitting in front of them. Whisperkit padded in their direction while Hazepaw fell behind apprehensivly.
"What about this fish?" Whisperkit suggested, turning to meet Hazepaw's gaze.
Hazepaw gave a shrug. "Doesn't matter to me. Food is food."
Whisperkit giggled in response. She grabbed the fish by its tail and dragged it from the fresh-kill pile. It was fairly large, it probably took two cats to fish it out judging by its size. Whisperkit was struggling to move it on her own. So Hazepaw padded over to help, carrying it with her about a fox-length away.
"Aww, look at that," Urchinpaw crooned mockingly from the sidelines. "Hazepaw's finally learning to play nice with others!"
"I never thought I'd see the day," chimed Otterpaw, lifting a paw to her muzzle. She was pretending to suppress a giggle. "I was sure hedgehogs would fly before he would be nice to anyone besides himself."
"Guess we'd better go and look for those hedgehogs then!"
Hazepaw growled in annoyance. He tried to keep his calm, really he did, but the obnoxious laughter of his denmates set him off. "Yknow what, that sounds like a great date idea for you two!" He sneered, forcing a malicious smile to curve the corners of his muzzle. "And while you're at it, you can talk about the names of your future kits together. I'm sure they'll be just as loud mouthed as stupid as you both."
Urchinpaw let out a snort, while Otterpaw gave him an indignat look.
"Hazepaw..." Whisperkit mewed in a warning but wary tone. Hazepaw wanted nothing more than to continue making fun of the other apprentices. To make them pay for their attempt at bullying. But that wasn't what he'd originally planned to do. He was trying to cheer up Whisperkit; and it was clear she wasn't having as much fun with being a jerk as he was. So, when he heard her tone, he dropped the conversation, returning his attention to the little gray tabby.
As the day grew older, dark foreboding clouds gathered in the sky. The once warm, inviting afternoon turned into a cold, windy evening. A few drops of rain began to trickle through the roof over Oceanclan's head. Warriors hurried back to camp as the weather grew violent just outside their sheltered home. It would be too dangerous to fish now, with the ocean's waves crashing in the storm. And the rain seemed to come down in sheets like ice over a river. It was hard for a cat to see past their own nose out there.
Hazepaw fluffed up his pelt as he made his way to the apprentice's den. He squeezed his way past the two large boulders, and down the small slope to where his nest was placed. The clan's other apprentices were there as well, settling down for the evening. A rumble of vocal commotion echoed off the den's walls, as the young cats spoke of adventures and accomplishments earned in the day. Urchinpaw and Otterpaw were being particularly obnoxious. But they silenced themselves once Hazepaw came into the den. They shot him indignat glares; waiting for him to lay down before continuing their conversation. Their voices became hushed, and their eyes drifted on occasion back towards the fluffy white tom. It was obvious they were talking about him, from the giggles they made after each glance. Hazepaw huffed, tucking his face beneath his tail, trying to block the pair of annoying furballs out. He was relieved when sleep came to him. Only the sound of rain echoed in his mind as he drifted off into a dreamless slumber.
When he awoke the next morning, the loud thrum of the downpour remained overhead. A few claps of thunder sounded, nearly shaking the den Hazepaw laid in. With a hardy stretch, the white tom rose to his paws and pushed his way into the camp. Outside, the sand underpaw was soaked. The camp looked to have turned into a giant puddle overnight. The salt in the air made it obvious that the ocean had a part to play in it. It must have flooded while everyone was asleep. And the rhythmic push and pull of the tides sounded closer to home than ever before. If he were to venture out, Hazepaw bet he could spot the waves lapping at the edges of the Twoleg Settlement Bridge.
"Let all cats strong enough to brace the ocean's waves gather here beneath the Mighty Dune for a clan meeting," Wavestar called, his voice muffled beneath another rumble of thunder. Hazepaw practically had to wade to make his way to the meeting. By the time he reached the dune's base, his underbelly was heavy and soaked. But he stood tall, listening to what his leader had to say.
"As we get further into the season of Newleaf, so too do we enter one of the hardest times of year for our clan. I can tell by the churning of the waves and the darkness overheard, that things will become more dangerous for Oceanclan. And so, I have decided that we will be moving to the Forest Patch, until the worst of the storms have blown over."
"When will we make the move?" Ripplesnout, one of the senior warriors asked.
"We must evacuate at once. Apprentices need to help the elders along the journey. All available and former queens will be carrying the clan's kits."
Oceanclan was moving? Hazepaw was shocked to say the least. He'd never heard of the clan retreating to the Forest Patch for more than a day or two to escape the storms. But from the sounds of it, Wavestar planned for the clan to stay in the woods until the end of the season. But that would be moons from now. And they were Oceanclan, for Silverpelt's sake! They weren't meant to live among the foliage and trees like most of the other clans did. How would the warriors fish, being so far away from the ocean? Would they be expected to eat land prey all the time now? Hazepaw didn't like the thought of that.
"Let's go, Hazepaw!" Samson, one of the older apprentices caterwauled, pulling Hazepaw out of his thoughts. "We can't be wasting time daydreaming while the weather's getting worse. Sandybreeze wants you to walk with Tunafin on the journey."
Hazepaw resisted the urge to bristle. He didn't want to take orders from another apprentice; muchless a former kittypet. But Samson said the orders were from Sandybreeze. And if that were true, Hazepaw knew he'd be in trouble if he ignored them. So, with a huff, the fluffy white tom splashed his way over to the elder's den. All while wondering why his mentor couldn't come talk to him herself.
As he padded along, Hazepaw spotted Sandybreeze by the nursery. With one paw on the edge of the deceased car, she waited as Richfur passed along kits to be set aside and taken to the new camp. Hazepaw instantly understood why his mentor had to delegate instructions to others to pass along. She was doing her job as a deputy. Protecting the clan, while ensuring everything ran smoothly. Hazepaw hoped to have the same opportunity one day.
Wasting no more time, Hazepaw ducked his head beneath the overturned boat to find the elder, Tunafin. The old tom was still curled up in his nest, sound asleep. He hadn't heard Wavestar's announcement, likely dozing through the entire meeting.
"Ey, Tunafin!" Hazepaw called, only to be met with snores. "Tunafiiiin!"
The old silver tabby stirred with a cough, shooting an angry glare over his shoulder, before tucking himself back into his nest. Hazepaw growled in frustration. He moved under the den, grabbing the old cat by his scruff.
"Wavestar's ordered an evacuation. Let's go!"
Tunafin jolted, swinging around with unsheathed claws. He aimed for Hazepaw, striking him in the muzzle. The white tom dropped the elder at once with a yelp.
"What'stha big idea handlin' me like that, ya lil' barnacle?" Tunafin snapped with nostrils flared.
"You wouldn't get up!" Hazepaw argued backed.
"Ya couldn't 'ave one of ma denmates come an' wake me instead of ya rude self?"
"No! Sandybreeze told me I have to be your escort. It's too dangerous for an old gull like you to travel alone. Besides, the other elders are being moved to the Forest Patch already. It's just you an' me now."
"Ya don' say?" Tunafin mused. He gave his pelt a shake, then stood as tall as he could. He gave another cough then drew himself toward Hazepaw. "Ya know ya could'a just said that earlier. A'right then, youngin'. Let's get a move on."
Finally, Hazepaw wanted to sigh with relief. Instead, he flanked Tunafin, helping the elder make his way out of the den and into the camp.
The remaining members of the clan were there, gathered by the edge of the clearing. They braced themselves for the journey across the territory, with fur fluffed. Then, bravely, they made their way into the storm. Oh great, we're probably the last cats to leave, Hazepaw griped in his mind, following the tail of Puddlefur as he nearly slipped from sight.
"Good gracious! Ah haven' seen a storm as narly as this since ah was a 'Paw!" Tunafin piped, an eye closed and ears flat as the rain assaulted him. Hazepaw, too, cringed in the face of the storm. The raindrops struck hard in the whipping wind, searing the skin beneath his thick pelt. His ears tingled from the stinging cold; sight blurry in the poor conditions. Sediment and rain slaptter created a fine mist all around them, making navigation difficult. Only the warmth of the elder by his side, and the silhouettes of his clanmates ahead, made Hazepaw push through.
"Has anybody seen Shellsplash?" Kinkfoot called, pausing to whip her head around and search the faces of her clanmates.
"Wasn't she with Puddlefur?" Caterwauled Clamleg in reply as he passed, head lowered.
"Yeah! She went on the hunting patrol!" Seaweedfang chimed in.
"I didn't see her come back," Puddlefur answered. "But she mentioned wanting to stay out later. Maybe she's still hunting?"
"In this weather? She's crazy!" Scoffed Kinkfoot with a disapproving pelt shake.
"It doesn't matter. We'll have to look for her later," Clamleg decided, with the other warriors grunting in agreement.
At Hazepaw's side, Tunafin began to pant. His body shook, tongue sticking out of his mouth. Despite the cold, the old tom appeared to be overheating. Or fatigued.
"You ok?" Hazepaw asked the elder.
Tunafin glanced at him the best he could, eyes dull. "A bit worn already. But ah'll make it," he answered back simply. But his movements were growing more sluggish by the heartbeat. Tunafin began coughing once again, the sound rattling in his ribcage. I hope you're right, Hazepaw held back the words, allowing the old tom to lean against him more.
Ahead, just past the edge of the beach, a barely visible wall appeared. It became clearer with each step taken, and the shape of trees grew more defined. They'd nearly made it to the Forest Patch. It was only a couple of tree-lenths away now.
The ground squished uncomfortably underpaw as Hazepaw took his first steps into the woods. But the rain suddenly felt ordinary as stood beneath the cover of leaves. And tree trunks blocked the worst of the wind, making the storm much more tolerable. The discomfort he felt upon arrival had become quashed by an overwhelming sense of relief. No wonder why Treeclan loves the forest so much. Maybe the next few moons wouldn't be so bad.
"We're almost to the camp!" Hazepaw heard a warrior announce along the winding path ahead.
"You hear that, Tunafin?" Hazepaw checked. But the elder shook his head. He stopped suddenly, sitting down in the mulch.
"Yeah. Jus'-Jus'...gimme a moment," he requested, his panting turned into labored breaths. Hazepaw paused beside him, watching Tunafin go from his seated position to a lay in a few heartbeats. His head lowered to his paws; propped in an awkward position. He was starting to smell strange; like sickness.
"Maybe I should go on ahead?" Hazepaw wondered aloud. "You need to be seen by a medicine cat. I can get one."
Tunafin shrugged, prompting Hazepaw to go through with his plan.
"Keep an eye on Tunafin for me," he asked Seaweedfang as he passed by with urgency in his step. "I need to get Curlear." Hazepaw wasted no time to listen for the warrior's response. He sprinted past a few other clanmates, searching for a healer.
At the entrance to the temporary camp, Bluesky and Sharktooth stood, taking a count of each cat who came through. They each greeted Hazepaw as he approached, a bit confused by his rush.
"Tunafin needs assistance," Hazepaw told Bluesky, turning on his paws immediately to lead him to the elder. Bluesky and Sharktooth shared a glance before the blue-gray tom followed to see his new patient.
As the pair approached where Tunafin was settled, Seaweedfang padded over to meet them. A grim expression was set on her face, and Hazepaw could feel his heartbeat pounding. Bluesky nodded his head, following the warrior to the old tom's side. Tunafin was laying on his flank now, his mouth agape slightly. Yet no breath came in or out. His eyes were still open, glazed over with a telltale sign of his passing.
"Did he say anything?" Was all that the medicine cat asked.
"He said 'I'm so tired.'" Seaweedfang replied, voice low.
And that was it? Hazepaw thought, trying to stop his legs from trembling. This would be his first encounter with death. Hazepaw had never thought a cat would treat it so casually. Yet Bluesky and Seaweedfang seemed hardened to the sight of it. Perhaps it was because Tunafin's demise could be considered "peaceful", compared to many other cats. Perhaps the older cats were used to seeing corpses. But Hazepaw felt sick at the sight. Tunafin had been fine a short while ago. And now?
"Go ahead of us, Hazepaw. Give the news to Wavestar. Seaweedfang and I will bring Tunafin home." Bluesky rested his tail on the younger cats shoulders. It was clear the healer had taken notice of the young tom's discomfort. "Maybe speak to the queens, as well."
Hazepaw almost felt relieved being sent ahead. It gave him some time to process what he had seen. As he entered into the temporary camp, he could hear Urchinpaw's voice calling to him. Yet it sounded so distant, even as the black tom approached him.
"What's gotten into you? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Urchinpaw teased, tapping Hazepaw's shoulder with a paw. Hazepaw gave back a hollow glare, then kept moving. Urchinpaw seemed to pause at this, and Hazepaw could feel his heavy gaze baring into the back of his head.
"Hazepaw?" Wavestar questioned, as he noticed the look the young apprentice wore. He glanced over his shoulder, probably to Urchinpaw, then gave his attention back to the other tom as he approached.
"Tunafin died on the journey here. Bluesky and Seaweedfang are bringing him to camp," he stated, voice monotone. Hazepaw didn't know how to feel in that moment. But whatever emotion it was, it wasn't pleasant. He hadn't been close to Tunafin in the slightest. But he'd never wanted to see him dead either. He didn't want to see any cat dead.
Wavestar grunted. "I knew he was not long for this world. But...I didn't think it would happen this soon. Thank you for informing me." Hazepaw nodded numbly, turning around to settle himself somewhere relatively isolated and dry. He laid on his belly, setting his chin upon his paws. If he closed his eyes, he could see the blank stare of the elder; the light that had been present only moments before, gone. Hazepaw shivered. Then, he felt warmth against his side. Hazepaw nearly jumped out of his fur, settling as Otterpaw fixed him with an odd look.
"I overheard the news you shared with Wavestar," she explained. "I'm sorry you had to experience that. Its always hard to lose a clanmate. Even if you aren't close with them." Otterpaw sounded wise beyond her years. Hazepaw wondered what she had gone through in her time living with Grassclan.
By the camp's entrance, Hazepaw spotted Bluesky and Seaweedfang dragging Tunafin's body. They set the old tom in a dry spot in the clearing, then went back to their assigned duties. Only Wavestar came to sit beside the elder, along with Sharktooth. But the two kept a respectful dictance, only bowing their heads to honor the old warrior.
"Was Tunafin not well liked?" Otterpaw piped suddenly, her eyes trained on the body of the silver tabby.
"He was highly respected," was Hazepaw's response.
"Then why isn't anyone sitting vigil?" Questioned Otterpaw, her voice low.
"I don't think he has any living kin." Hazepaw shrugged, licking his shoulder fur.
"Is that how it works here? Only those related will mourn the loss of a dead cat?" Otterpaw scoffed, rising to her paws. "Oceanclan is so strange." With that, she padded over to where Tunafin laid. She bowed her head next to his, speaking something into the elder's ear that Hazepaw couldn't hear. She remained with Tunafin for a good few heartbeats. Then she gave the old silver tabby a respectful lick on the shoulder before returning to Hazepaw's side.
Hazepaw stared at her, perplexed. Why had she gone over to Tunafin like that? He wasn't anything to Otterpaw.
"He was our clanmate. He deserved to be wished well on his journey to Starclan," she answered his unspoken question. Hazepaw grunted, trying his hardest to seem understanding of her actions. But an awkward silence fell over the pair. In it, Hazepaw's thoughts began to drift towards darkness; of the future, of the fate of the cats around him. But before he could spiral too deep into despair, Otterpaw spoke once more;
"Yknow, at times like this, we should look on the bright side of things. That's what my foster father taught me. Tunafin lived a long life. And the clan is strong, thanks to his seasons of dedication. Life will go on, because he gave his."
Hazepaw hummed thoughtfully. He'd never considered things that way before. As he glanced around, deep in his contemplation, Hazepaw realized that Otterpaw was right.
Den Keepers were busy constructing shelters from surrounding shrubs and tree branches. Curlear sat beneath a lopsided birch sorting through whatever herbs he'd brought to the new camp. Currentkit and Stonekit were playing tag, getting under warriors' paws. Across the way, Bluesky was checking Sunnystream's belly, with Whisperkit watching attentively. The two mewed with delight as they discovered a litter of kits would soon join Oceanclan's ranks. Life indeed went on. And though a heaviness still sat in Hazepaw's chest, a blossom of hope grew in his heart. The future wasn't so dim. And the odd feeling in his belly from yesterday finally dissolved.
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runningrunning AU lore so far;
Runningwind and Runningnose are mates and the two have four kits [how is purely headcanon];
Swiftshadow is a demiboy who uses it/he pronouns. He's bisexual.
Dashtail is a trans molly who uses she/they pronouns. She's pan.
Runningwing is a cis molly who uses any pronouns. She's bi.
Pouncepad is a cis tom who uses he/him pronouns. He thinks he's straight but has a coming out as aro-ace arc.
Runningwing likes to pick fights because they're a good fighter and she knows she'll win any fight they're in.
Dashtail actively flirts with Splashdawn of WindClan, who is the nonbinary child of Barkface and Mudfur.
Splashdawn as a poor relationship with their half sister, Leopardfur, who doesn't like that Mudfur cares for someone who isn't Brightsky. They used to be a medicine cat but hated it. They are now a warrior.
They're aware of both of their fathers and has a good relationship with both of them, even if they didn't follow in the footsteps of becoming a medicine cat.
Dashtail and Splashdawn end up finding and adopting five kits that they find abandoned;
the kits are named Flashkit, Gustkit, Currentkit, Bogkit, and Sunkit. These five are distantly related to Spiderstar, the last leader of SkyClan, and are destined to help repair SkyClan.
- maybe even bring them back to the forest, though that's entirely optional.
when these kits grow up they earn the names Flashstorm, Gustleap, Currentstripe, Bogdusk, and Sunwatcher [chooses the name in honor of Skywatcher].
Flash moves to ThunderClan, Gust stays in WindClan, Current moves to RiverClan, Bog moves to ShadowClan, and Sun wants to stay with SkyClan
Dappletail and Foxheart are in a relationship - they had Cherrypaw [tortoiseshell] and Chestnutkit [ginger] in one litter and Featherkit [albino] and Cricketkit [tortoiseshell] in another
halfClan relationships are also very political, though they are allowed unless two or more Clans are angry and place marriage bans
and with their kits being around during the Brokenstar times
Runningnose and Runningwind have to jump a lot of hoops not to let it slip that they're married despite the ban against ShadowClan
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esevoire · 3 years
Crow’s Carrion cast~
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  i guess i must have forgotten to post this one, i think???, but here are a few characters from my new fanfic, "crow's carrion"
in order, they are: ripplestar, eveningshell, riverflower, and eelmask!
i planned on doing a page full of these, and wanted to do all of the rushclan cast, but im not sure ill get to that now ;,)
read about them below!
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Ripplestar //
Daughter to Brambletuft (of BlazeClan) and Minnowbrook, sister to Reedtuft and Sleekthistle, she’s the oldest cat in RushClan. She’s spent most of her leadership fixing the political relationships that the previous leader, Wolfstar destroyed. She's also, sort of, the adoptive mother of Darkshadow and Runningblaze!
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Eveningshell //
Daughter to Lilypetal and Waspcatcher (of NightClan), sister to Daceclaw, Eveningshell (or “Eve”) is the current deputy of RushClan. She’s rather young at only 37 moons old and hasn’t yet had an apprentice, but virtually everyone approves of her deputyship.
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Riverflower //
Daughter of Mudbreath and Clancy, sister to Lilypetal and Webheart, Riverflower is the current healer of RushClan. She’s also the mother of Poolkit and Currentkit, who Wavedance has helped raise. Some of the warriors say she’s looking for an apprentice, as the conflict with NightClan has made her duties hard to keep up with alone.
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Eelmask //
Eelmask is one of the eldest warriors at only 40 moons old. She’s the only child of Pebblestream, and as such is the only direct descendant of Wolfstar, though she hates to bring it up. She likes to bring fish and trinkets to the kits in the nursery.
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Hello again! Coming in with another ask haha! Can I have hypothetical kits for Smokewhisp- Large dark ginger she-cat with a wishbone-shaped scar on her face and amber eyes and Plumtalon- Dark grey she-cat with one floppy ear and blue eyes. On Smokewhisp's side, cream is the dominant color and ginger patches are common, full ginger is recessive. Hope that last piece helps some!
Guppykit: a large, mostly blue dilute torbie kit.  they have a cream colored tail, cream freckles on their face and a larger smudge of cream on the left side of their face.  they have light blue eyes that are often compared to a stream.
Shallowkit: a dark torbie she-kit with large ginger patches.  her entire face is ginger colored and she has a large ginger patch on her back.  she has dark amber colored eyes and both of her ears are floppy. 
Currentkit:  a blue furred tom-kit with extremely pale stripes that almost blend in with the rest of his pelt.  the tip of his right ear is slightly floppy although it’s hardly noticeable.  he has bright amber coloured eyes.            
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swanbelly · 6 years
10, 59 for Reedpaw / 19, 41 for Sparrowheart / 24, 26 for Firefang
10. Would your character ever kill someone?
Yes. Whether to protect his family or his Clan or himself, he would kill someone - but never out of cold blood, or anything, even if he often says he would. When it would come down to it, Reedpaw couldn’t kill someone for no reason. Revenge would be possible, though.
59: What is your least favorite thing about your character?
He won’t CALM DOWN. The event recently was supposed to FINALLY give him some positive development, but because of last-minute dramatic changes, he’s almost a completely different character and is going to turn into my least favorite of other ocs can’t intervene. This wasn’t what I wanted for him, but it’s what’s now IC for him. Remember to not back out of events if it would mess up so many people’s ocs while the event is happening, kids.
19: What is your character’s deepest, darkest secret?
After fighting for his place in the Clan for so long, he contemplated leaving at one point. After the flood, after he lost so many cats that were dear to him, he felt lost. He had come to the Clan searching for his last kin, and now he had no more kin. Though he’s deputy now, he still feels like his place in the Clan can be flipped over too quickly - especially if he reveals his feelings for Poppycloud.
41: Would your character want to have any children?
At one time, he thought so, but now... he’s not so sure. He has kits, though they aren’t really his, and he has always felt so strange around them. He loved Beetlekit, Currentkit, and Shellkit, so he’s unsure why his actual blood-related kits made him feel this way. And now that he loves a medicine cat, he knows that he would never willingly subject her to something like that.
24: What prejudices does your character have?
Typical Clan stuff - NettleClan are untrustworthy, JaggedClan are high-and-mighty, kittypets are lazy, rogues are dangerous, loners are fickle... But cats always have the opportunity to prove themselves. She holds her prejudices, but she will admit when a cat has earned her respect.
26: What is your favorite headcanon for your character?
She loved Ashbreeze all along, even when they were growing up - it was just a different kind of love than the infatuation she had with Nightwhisker. It took her a long while to realize it, but it was a more pure, innocent love that morphed into something unconditional. Something real, more mature than what she had felt for her first mate.
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mercuryclan · 6 months
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Moon 2 of MercuryClan! Not half as much drama as last moon!
Let's hope Palestar takes Lakewater's advice in the future...that hair trigger needs to be put to bed.
More importantly, lesbians? Lesbians.
Other events:
Lakewater found more lungwort, and Snailshell missed a mouse. Lake also gained the Great Speaker trait? Good for him.
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"... So the second parts of their names are either for appearance, or for a skill, or their personality..." Petunia meowed, ears perked up with interest. "Huh. That actually sounds rather nice."
Speckle, at Finchstar's other side, was quiet. He looked to be deep in thought. Finchstar glanced over to him, frowning. "You okay, Speckle?"
"... I had those dreams, before you joined me." He mumbled. "But- ancestors interacting with our every move? I don't know if I like that." Speckle glanced up to Finchstar, and his fur caught the sun for a moment. "But I do have... some knowledge of herbs." Speckle frowned, once again out of the light. "Not sure if I quite have enough, though..."
"You'll learn." Finchstar said, brushing past a bush. With that, they were near her den- and near the camp. Finchstar could see why this was once used in the past, even with some of the dens no longer being there. She smiled, hopping up the tree that made up her den. "Alright, clan cats! Come and gather!"
Daisy, the cream she-cat with a single darker stripe down her back, who had taken the kits from Finchstar when informed of what their parents had done, pulled the kits along with her. The black and white kit with mismatched eyes, Riverkit, cuddled up to Daisy, and the speckled pale tom with copper eyes, Currentkit, stared up at where Finchstar was.
There was a sparkly presence at her side. Finchstar focused in front of her, ignoring it. "We are gathered here, in our future Clan's camp. Thank you for sticking with me through... all of that." A few laughs from the small crowd. "Today, we become a part of a whole. Today... I'm granting you your new names."
"Shouldn't we name the clan?" Lightning said, loudly. Lichen's tail stuck straight up.
"Maybe. But what I want to do is to name ourselves first, then name our clan, making our first step as a clan as our new selves. Yeah?" Finchstar nodded. "Yeah. So... first off... our kits."
Daisy used her tail to nudge the kits forward a little. "Their mothers should be ashamed of themselves." She spat. "Leaving River and Current behind?"
"They will be Riverkit and Currentkit. Our young will have those names." Finchstar nodded to Lichen next. "Those of..."
A whisper. Six moons.
"Six moons and older, and training under another are our Apprentices. Apprentices..." Finchstar met eyes with Lichen. "Have the second part of their names be paw. Lichen, you are Lichenpaw, and you will still be training under me."
Lichenpaw nodded, smiling.
Finchstar glanced at the other two cats who were young, but not kit age young. Lightning, the orange cat with a striped tail, and Holly, a pale gray dappled tom who stared up with amber eyes.
"Lightning, you are now Lightningpaw. You will train under..." Her eyes met with Whisker, the white and gray spotted tom. "Whisker.
Lightningpaw blinked, then padded over to Whisker. The two of them stared for a bit, before Whisker touched noses with him. Whisker purred. "A pleasure, Finchstar."
"Holly. You are Hollypaw." Hollypaw stood to attention. "You will train under Daisy."
She seemed reliable and caring. Hollypaw, taking from Lightningpaw's lead, stumbled over to Daisy and touched noses with her. He then moved to sit beside the kits. 
"Now, our fighters." Finchstar lashed her tail. "You will be more complicated." She stood up. "After all, I just met some of you last moon!" She laughed. Whisker and Petunia both laughed as well. Daisy just tilted her head. Speckle sighed. "But I will try my best to name all of you."
"Petunia. You will be Petuniaclaw." Finchstar hopped down from one branch. "Whisker, you will be Whiskershadow. Daisy, Daisyshadow."
"Why are we sharing names." Daisyshadow said, curt.
"Both of you surprised me when we met." Finchstar said, and Whiskershadow snorted. Daisyshadow rolled her eyes. "Besides, it's only a part of your name. The whole is different." Another hop down a branch. "Speckle... You will be Speckleback."
Speckleback glanced at his back. Then back to Finchstar. "Clever...?"
"I know, I am." Finchstar responded, back down on even ground with the others. "Everyone can rest for today. Tomorrow, we wake up a new clan... and we can think of what we're named."
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mercuryclan · 6 months
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Aaaand our final three founding members! The starting moon will be posted soon as such!
Mistlepaw: A young cat who has endured a great deal of tragedy for their young age. Born in the midst of disasters striking DaisyClan, their kithood was full of fretting adults worrying when the next meal will come. The constant worries made Mistlekit more of a quiet fellow, not wanting to cause any more of a fuss and make everyone upset. Not long after they and their brother became apprentices, the latter got lost in the territory. Their mother hastily went back to find him, promising Mistlepaw they'd both return soon.....They never did. When Palestripe announced her leaving, Mistlepaw followed, close behind their mentor, Glowfish - their last remaining attachment. At least in another location, they won't keep looking at the camp entrance for cats who will never come home.
Swampstripe: A sharp-minded older tom who was a close peer of Palestripe within DaisyClan. He was highly regarded as a voice of reason in the clan, a natural tactician and trusted advisor. However, during the recent rise of Beetlestar, he found himself being sought out less and less, gradually ushered to the sidelines. Was he truly not needed? Surely he could help the young, inexperienced leader figure out what to do in these times of stress? .....Perhaps not. A recent single father to Currentkit, his mate passing during the birth, he could not stand to raise his daughter in a clan seemingly running itself into the ground. Palestripe was smart, her plan to found a new group would work wonderfully. He took his daughter and made the trek to the new MercuryClan, where he's already seeing glimpses of improvement.
Currentkit: MercuryClan's youngest member, she doesn't know anything but her current home. Okay, she remembers bits of walking and being carried, but not much else! MercuryClan is all she knows, and she already thinks it's the best place ever! She is Swampstripe's daughter, and is spoiled rotten!
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mercuryclan · 5 months
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Moon 3! And what's this! A new face?
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Behold Cherryleaf! A former "mouser" on a boat, he's eager to show MercuryClan what he's capable of! He won't say what happened to his old twolegs or boat, but he refuses to take his collar off. (40 Moons at arrival!)
Other events, not of consequence:
Mistlepaw and Swampstripe played a prank on Glowfish.
Snailshell caught a bird.
Rainbowpath and Snailshell made small talk while eating.
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"Finchstar?" A voice said at the entrance to her den, and Finchstar glanced up from her meal to see her deputy. 
The clan had slowly started to figure out where everyone would go. The kits even had their own den, even if Finchstar could clearly see the two of them playing outside of the logs that formed the bridge between the apprentice and warrior dens.
Petuniaclaw. Finchstar's ears twitched, and she got to her paws. "Is there something you need?"
"I'm about to send out the next patrols, and I can't find Daisyshadow in camp." Petuniaclaw asked, frowning. "Any idea where she could possibly be?"
Daisyshadow, a gleeful look on her face, leaning in close. "I've got a date with a handsome loner. I know I'm not supposed to, but... you can let it slide for a moon, right?"
"She's out training." Finchstar lied, and Petuniaclaw nodded. "You know how she gets sometimes."
"Oh, I do. A shame." Petuniaclaw sighed. "I guess Hollypaw is going to go hunting with Whiskershadow, then."
"Has Speckleback gotten back from looking for herbs?"
"Not ye-"
"Whatcha talkin' about?" Currentkit popped up from behind Petuniaclaw, surprising the both of them. The dark gray tom's ears were pinned to his head, and Finchstar's fur was spiked up. Currentkit didn't seem to care that much.
"Boring clan things." Finchstar said, and Petuniaclaw sighed, but he was smiling. The small pale spotted kit continued to sit there. Riverkit was still nowhere in sight.
"Please tell me? How does one do deputy things! Tell me!"
Petuniaclaw laughed, shifting to face the small kit. "Okay, okay. I'm about as new to this as you are to life."
"No way! You took to it like... like..." Currentkit frowned. "Like... a bird to wings?"
"Wingclan would be better."
"Let it rest, Finchstar." Petuniaclaw deadpanned, and Finchstar giggled. Currentkit tilted his head. "So, what deputies do..."
At the entrance of the den, behind a root, sat Riverkit. She was still, listening in.
Events Referenced: Finchstar covered Daisyshadow for something minor. Currentkit chats with Finchstar and Petuniaclaw.
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mercuryclan · 6 months
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MercuryClan Moon 1!
While the new clan is doing well gaining resources and are getting stronger, tensions are already high...
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