#currently have a pirate puzzle rn tho
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
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He successfully defeated the neverseen with the power of his new harness and now he is tired
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[ID: A slightly blurry photo of a black and brownish cat rubbing her head while splayed out on a table. She’s laying on top of a space puzzle and displacing several pieces, some nearly pushed off the table. She’s very clearly in the way. /End ID]
i am so so proud of your dog for successfully defeating the Neverseen! And I return for the pet picture I am sharing one of my own from when Sammie decided I should stop puzzling (this puzzle is of the central area of the Milky Way) and pay attention to only her.
your pet seems much more productive than mine
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morkofday · 3 months
get to know me 🌻
got tagged by zey @thasorns a long time ago ♥ thank you and sorry for taking a while! i think now is a good time to do this tho bc am avoiding things haha
do you make your bed? - every morning. obsessively. i think i might've forgotten to make it only once or twice in my whole life haha
what's your favourite number? - 3 (tho i don't really have a favourite)
what is your job? - currently studying so no job. was working at a gas station last year part-time and did my internship at the children's literature institution last fall tho
If you could go back to school would you? - really depends tbh. i am still in school, technically, but if i had to go back to primary school – which i consider the most school a school can be – then not really. not even if i miss some of the ppl from there
can you parallel park? - in theory yes. i have a driver's license so i should know how to parallel park lol but if you told me to do it rn? probably no
a job you had that would surprise people? - uuh i've only ever had odd summer jobs but i worked in parks for a couple of summers and then "worked" as the lights technician at a smaller theater a couple of years ago which i considered personally really random
do you think aliens are real? - might as well be
can you drive a manual car? - yeah. in theory. learned to drive manual but i never really got the hang of it...
what's your guilty pleasure? - umm. idk? can't really say.
tattoos? - nope. but would love to get one of those watercolor flowers or something like that
favourite colour? - (pastel) purple and baby blue
favourite type of music? - anything really but i listen to a lot of indie, usually slower songs. melancholic, deep, dark. it's quite a change compared to how i used to listen to a lot of house and dubstep/nightstep at some point :'D
do you like puzzles? - absolutely adore them. i do not know anything better tbh but i rarely have time or space for those bc i now only want to do the big ones
any phobias? - not really but i freak out over centipedes
favourite childhood sport? - basketball. and badminton! tho i still adore that
do you talk to yourself? - quite often yeah. mostly without even noticing and sometimes it feels embarrassing if i realize that someone heard me hhhh
what movie(s) do you adore? - rurouni kenshin, the whole series. the yin-yang master: dream of eternity. the handmaiden. brokeback mountain. dew the movie. fast & furious movies. pirates of the caribbean (og trilogy). am probably forgetting a huge amount but these are the ones i've watched several times
coffee or tea? - tea. i cannot stand coffee
first thing you wanted to be growing up - i think it was either a vet or a police officer
tagging: @hils79 @jimmysea @icouldhyperfixatehim @i-got-the-feels @ongsasun @ongsasuns @moonkhao @chinzhilla ♥
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fishy-lava · 3 months
🌌Get To Know Me🌌
Tagged by @bunnakit :)
do you make your bed?💜 if ive just washed my bedding then yes but otherwise no
what's your favorite number?💜 47
what is your job?💜 dont have one rn
if you could go back to school would you?💜 i would rather die
can you parallel park?💜 ive never tried so no
a job you had that would surprise people?💜 nothing ive done so far but i sometimes fantasize about being a groundskeeper at a cemetery
do you think aliens are real?💜 yeah but in like a kinda apathetic way like the universe is far too big for us to be the only ones out there but that doesnt actually affect me in any way
can you drive a manual car?💜 i cant drive lol cars scare me
what's your guilty pleasure?💜 uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk maybe watching videos about/reading fanfic for media i never actually watched/read
tattoos?💜 not yet because tattoos are expensive and im afraid of strangers and being touched by them but i have a list of things i want as tattoos that is currently at 47 things (im just trying to decide which one to start with lol)
favorite color?💜 any shade of purple
favorite type of music?💜 i dont really have one? ill listen to pretty much anything and what i enjoy most depends on the day and my mood
do you like puzzles?💜 yes! pretty much any kind
any phobias?💜 well if im not medicated then i just kinda stop going outside or touching people because it makes me panic so probably some level of agoraphobia and germaphobia also trypophobia and whatever you call being afraid of reptiles and frogs
favorite childhood sport?💜 i didnt play any sports but i did take ice skating lessons as a child and i miss it every day
do you talk to yourself?💜 frequently. nearly every day
what movie(s) do you adore?💜 the breakfast club, if i had wings, howl's moving castle, treasure planet, pride and prejudice, Utsukushii Kare: Eternal, D.E.B.S.
coffee or tea?💜 i dont like coffee and while ive found some teas i can tolerate i still havent found any i actually like
first thing you wanted to be growing up💜 pirate mermaid. i still wanna be a pirate mermaid
Thanks for the tag!
Tagging: @ommited-miscellaneously @morathicain @buckystilinski (no pressure tho)
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merrigelblogs · 1 year
Hell yeah, thanks for the tag @alienjaes !! ✨
1. Are you named after anyone? - Oooghgh boring but not that I know of? So I’ll sub in something similar but funnier- I’ve gone by Kat since the 8th grade because my username on the fockin Animal Crossing Forums that I loved as a child was katelynkat and thus got shortened to Kat, and I liked it so much I brought it to the meatspace LMAO
2. When was the last time you cried? - Bro I just moved internationally and am now Extremely far away from p much every not-my-gf person I love, I Shrimply cannot have this question posed to me rn (like. two days ago.)
3. Do you have kids? - Nah, but we might adopt someday!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? - Yeeaahhh,,, I try not to be Mean about it but being a little asshat runs in my blood, my whole family is like this!!
5. What is the first thing you notice about a person? - Usually their hairstyle, or if they have any really striking clothing/jewelry! They’re my go-tos for compliments since they’re things that people like... Choose, y’know? So they usually seem happy to be complimented on ‘em!
6. What’s your eye color? - Blue! 
7. Scary movie or happy ending? - Yes! This is a wild dichotomy! I’m a weenie tho so it depends on how scary the movie is
8. Any special talents? - Uhhh define special? I uh... I can do :3 irl!
9. Where were you born? - North Carolina babey!
10. What are your hobbies? - Oh goddamn. E. everything. Reading (mostly fantasy/thrillers), playing video games, drawing (ironically less now that it’s my job but y’know), playing dungeons and dragons with my best buds, whatever craft I can get my grubby little mitts on the materials for, doing puzzles, baking, etc etc etc! 
11. Do you have any pets? - Noooo but we wanna get a cat sometime soon!! After we do our travels this year maybe! In the meantime, our dearly departed family dog Finn is forever in my heart
12. What sports do you/have you played? - Okay so I’m an uncoordinated and outta shape lil shit, but I used to LOVE sprinting and (hilarious bc I was So Small) basketball! Ohh badminton too... Nothin’ now tho, got no time or energy or place to go or-
13. How tall are you? - 5′5″, 5′6″ish? Somewhere in there!
14. Favo(u)rite subject in school? - Love that lil concession to the british there LMAO, uhh obviously I loved art but! I also really enjoyed english and psychology! I actually gave myself a bit of a headache in college bc I tried to do all my science credits in psychology and accidentally went past the “this will not count do a class in another subject” limit LMFAO
15. Dream Job? - I mean... I just recently kinda Got it? I’m currently doing my first job as a storyboard artist!! Though the reality is it’s been... Well. Got kind of a tough gig for my first one! Anyhoo, I truthfully do not dream of labor, but if I must then the best thing would be to make enough to live on by FINALLY making that graphic novel of our pirate DnD campaign that I’ve been wanting to do for YEARSSS
Bonus: any significance to your blog's name - Yes and no! No in that it’s a nonsense word, yes in that it’s a nonsense word I made up out of a mishmash of silly references to my favorite things- mer for the sea, and rigel for a star out of my favorite constellation!! Append “blogs” to it to tie this to my art blog (since this is my Main Spot) and badaboom! A personal brand that’s always available bc who else would use this username!
Ooohh tags.... If y’all wanna, I’ll hit up @ramblerogue , @frenchy-and-the-sea , @in-a-hat , @tricklesnitz , and anyone else who wants to!!​
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giant-goldfish · 6 years
4, 20, 25 and 26?
this got long sorry :~( i just love dindy
4. Your current campaignit started when a volcano on a small island near a port town erupted, cracking the island in half and revealing an entire sunken temple under it.the party was then hired by magic historian/stay at home archaeologist Salim to go in there and see if they can find this one dagger he read about. it was a pretty basic puzzle dungeon and they did find that dagger, which salim payed them a ton of money for and also baked them cookies.the thing is that temple was for one of the ancient gods, lautan goddess of seas and storms aka “terror of sailors”. this world has two pantheons - the ancient gods and the new gods who took their place. the ancient gods were worshiped out of fear, while the new ones r worshiped out of gratitude.so these three fools stole a bunch of shit from this temple for a long dead goddess and sold it to some guy. turns out lautan is back, which is what made Her Volcano erupt in the first place. that night they got a fun nightmare vision and lautans clearly after them now.every adventure after that is salim hiring these guys to find some magical relics he could study, while lautan is trying to kill them in the bg. we havent played in a while (and were actually doing a halloween one shot tomorrow shh dont tell them) so the whole threat of Ancient Goddess Trying To Kill You is a bit less relevant rn but its cool. she still hates them.the gist of it is basically the old gods all coming back one by one and getting revenge. not that were gonna get there any time soon
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?i havent been playing that long!! i first got into dindy through taz bc im basic like that. i didnt rlly get this deep into dming until i started fatt tho. nothing gives u motivation 2 write like gay gods..
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?to get to that temple and back they got a very overpriced ship ride from salims ex-pirate merchant friend Kale'a, who on the way back tried to attack them. i waited all day for that fun plot twist + cool ship battle and then our wizard uses the shape water cantrip i shouldnt have agreed to give her in this underwater adventure, freezes some sea water and rides back to town on a little block of ice. it was really good
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your charactersthat scene where kale'a turned on them bc i love this bitch, but also two scenes they havent seen yet :~) theyll have a fun time tomorrow im sure.
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