#because my family loves puzzles and space is cool
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
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He successfully defeated the neverseen with the power of his new harness and now he is tired
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[ID: A slightly blurry photo of a black and brownish cat rubbing her head while splayed out on a table. She’s laying on top of a space puzzle and displacing several pieces, some nearly pushed off the table. She’s very clearly in the way. /End ID]
i am so so proud of your dog for successfully defeating the Neverseen! And I return for the pet picture I am sharing one of my own from when Sammie decided I should stop puzzling (this puzzle is of the central area of the Milky Way) and pay attention to only her.
your pet seems much more productive than mine
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isa-beenme · 11 months
Hello!! Do you think you could right a sort of enemies to lovers relationship with Azriel? Maybe where he and the reader get into a heated argument, and the bond snaps when the tension hits its peak? If this doesn’t inspire you, please don’t feel as though you have to accept my request! This is my first attempt at making a request, so I apologize if I did it incorrectly. Also, I wanted to note that your writing style is one of my favorites, and I hope you are proud of your work! That’s all, thank you for your time!!
Listen to it please thank you
Loved your request, darling, it's actually much better when you send the whole story, I usually struggle when I try to think of a whole story alone (I swear I'm creative but it's hard to get things in your head out of nothing)
I try to be proud of my work as much as I can, thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
THIS WORK was sooooooo fun to do, I swear at some moment while I was writing this I laughed at my own story, super cool
I thought: "I'm gonna make this super serious" amd ended up with this, which is much better
This Is Love
Your family always meant everything to you. Being Rhysand's cousin meant you would be inserted in everything he did. Being his second in command meant you would be involved in every plan. And being all of that meant you would be part of his Inner Circle, which automatically involved you in everything they did together. From training, to family dinner and trips around the Courts for the meetings, you did all together. And you loved it. Again, your family meant everything to you, and spending time with them was on your top list of favorite things to do. I mean, when a certain Shadowsinger wasn't completely involved.
Working with Azriel was always fine, perfectly fine, actually. Rhysand often paired you up together to work because everything fell into place with the two of you. Your mind always seemed to think like one. But that teamwork only made itself present when the topic was your position towards the court and your job. Outside that, you both were a mess. Training with him was a dread, from him pinpointing each - non-existent - mistake, to you lashing yourself on him each time he made you angry, it's been more than 250 years of both of you trying to win one another in the training. It never happened.
Family dinner was also horrible since both of you had very different visions in every single topic someone started, not just that, somehow, no matter how many times you and Azriel changed seats with someone, it doesn't take a week until you find yourselves seated next to each other again. On top of that, you and he possess the ability to winnow, yet, Rhysand always thought it was necessary for you to winnow together. No matter how many times you said it wasn't necessary, Rhys only ignored you, the necessity of traveling with him making you hate your life just a little bit more.
But if spending time with your family was on your top favorite things to do, game night with Azriel was on your top things to make yourself miserable. It was a common scene for the rest of the Inner Circle to see you and him screaming at each other at some point. Sometimes one of you thought the other was cheating. Sometimes you started saying the other was winning too many times and should be taken out of the game. Sometimes it was the complete opposite, "if you lose so much, maybe you should step back and stop occupying space". Tonight it wasn't different, your favorite fight was ready to start as Azriel explained the rules to the new game.
Besides the usual crackling tension between you and Azriel, this night seemed to be at its worst peak. For weeks now, both of you seemed to be on the edge with one another, even in work, your usual camaraderie was replaced with sharp remarks and piercing glares. Everyone around the table exchanged puzzled looks, uncertain of what exactly had caused this escalating feud.
Azriel couldn't understand why every word from you grated on his nerves, nor could you fathom why Azriel's mere presence felt suffocating. The build-up of unresolved emotions and unspoken desires had been simmering for days, and now, it was about to reach its boiling point.
The Night Court's game night had started off innocently enough with your usual truth or drink game, something to light up tension (or build it, in your and Azriel's case), but as the evening wore on, the tension between you and Azriel became palpable as the Shadowsinger tried to introduce a new idea to the table. It began with a harmless disagreement over the rules of a card game, but it quickly escalated into a heated argument once the match started.
Azriel's patience was wearing thin as you challenged every decision he made during the game, the cards he dropped and the ones he chose, everything seemed horrible in your eyes. The other way around too, your matches weren't valid, you couldn't pick certain cards and no, it wasn't your turn yet. His usually calm demeanor was now strained, and he couldn't help but feel irritated by your persistent need to question him.
-I don't understand why you always have to question everything I do - Azriel snapped at some point, his shadows flickering around him as a testament to his growing frustration.
-Maybe if you didn't act like you knew everything, I wouldn't have to. "Boo, I'm Azriel and I don't let people play the game because I invented it and none of you understand how to play it" - You quickly shot back, their voice laced with sarcasm
The room fell silent, and your friends exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the mounting tension between the two of you. But there was no going back now; the floodgates had opened, and all the pent-up emotions were rushing to the surface.
-I don't act like I know everything, and I don't talk like that - Azriel retorted, his voice tight with anger - I just wish you'd stop acting like you have all the answers! Sometimes it is okay to listen to help because, guess what? I indeed invented the game and there's no way of you learning how to play it, if you don't listen to the rules!
-Well, forgive me for not blindly following you like everyone else. I'm not afraid to question things when they don't make sense! - Your eyes narrowed, jaw clenching as you shot back.
-And I'm not afraid to take action instead of endlessly debating every damn decision! - Azriel's temper flared, his wings twitching in agitation.
-I think what you're really good at is fucking my life! - Your family gasped at your words, shocked by the intensity.
-It's just a payback for every headache you give me every time you breathe near me - They quickly turned their heads to Azriel, equally shocked by his response.
The words hung in the air, and for a moment, it seemed as if you were both about to explode. Your family exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to intervene in the escalating argument. But just as the situation reached its breaking point, a strange shift occurred. As Azriel locked eyes with you, an unexpected intensity replaced your anger. It was as if the universe itself had decided to step in, forcing you to confront the undeniable truth.
The room seemed to blur around you as you stood there, chests heaving from the heated exchange. The fight had reached its peak, and in that very moment, the mating bond snapped into place. The sudden connection was overwhelming, a rush of emotions and sensations that neither of you could comprehend. Your anger dissolved into confusion and shock as you felt an unexplainable pull towards each other.
Azriel's wings, once tense and defensive, now softened, as if beckoning every step you unknowingly took closer. Your guard came down as well, replaced by a mix of vulnerability and curiosity.
Your friends watched in astonishment as two adversaries stood there, seemingly lost in a world of their own. The room is filled with a charged silence, the kind that accompanies a revelation that changes everything. Even if none of them knew exactly what revelation was going on at that moment.
But as the realization set in, Rhysand and Feyre exchanged knowing smiles. It was no secret for them that you and Azriel had an underlying connection, a bond waiting to be acknowledged. They had witnessed the chemistry and unspoken feelings simmering between the two of you, and now, it seemed the universe had decided to intervene.
Your eyes met Azriel's once again, and this time, there was no irritation or hostility. Instead, there was an undeniable spark of understanding and attraction, a recognition of the emotions that you had been hiding from each other. Neither of you spoke a word, yet you communicated on a deeper level, the mating bond solidifying your connection at each passing second. It was as if all the walls you had built around your heart came crashing down, leaving you exposed and vulnerable to him.
As the reality of the mating bond settled in, your heart raced with confusion and fear. You couldn't understand why fate would choose someone you had built such animosity towards to be your mate. Feeling overwhelmed and unable to face the truth, you turned around and ran, needing time and space to process the whirlwind of emotions inside you.
Azriel, though taken aback and hurt by the sudden rejection, couldn't ignore the pull of the bond drawing him to you. With determination, he chased after your steps, his heart heavy with worry and longing. He caught up to you as you were getting closer to your room. Gently reaching out to touch your shoulder, you recoiled as if his touch burned.
-Please, let's talk - Azriel pleaded, his voice tinged with sadness - I never wanted to hurt you. The fights... They were a defense mechanism, a way to hide my own feelings and protect myself from the pain of loving someone who seemed to hate me. You started this, I just… Thought I should defend myself.
-But why you? Why did it have to be you? - You whispered, voice breaking with emotion. Azriel's eyes softened, and he took a step closer, his hand hovering near your face, yearning for the connection you both feared and desired.
-I wish I had an answer for that. All I know is that the bond doesn't choose who we love, it just binds us to our other half. And for some inexplicable reason, it chose us - He could see the pain in your eyes and knew that he needed to be honest, to show vulnerability despite his fears of rejection - The truth is, the more you fought me, the more I fell for you. Your fire, your strength, everything about you drew me in. But I was terrified of what it meant, so I pushed you away.
-I didn't know what to do with my feelings either - You admitted, opening a place in your heart that you swear to never look at again - I tried to convince myself that I hated you, but it only made things worse. Every fight, every argument, it was just a way to hide how much I… I wanted to be by your side. Everything was simple with them but you? You made me feel things and I didn't want it - Azriel's heart ached at your words, and he took a step closer, finally touching your cheek gently.
-We can figure this out together. I don't want to fight anymore. I want to be here for you, to understand you, and for you to understand me - Tears finally spilled from your eyes, as you looked into Azriel's soulful gaze, feeling the sincerity of his words.
-It won't be easy, but maybe we can try - You gave in, hugging him tightly, filling the void in your soul that you ignored for so long.
You and Azriel knew that you had a journey ahead, to step down from the fights and finally accept the truth that maybe, just maybe, you both were meant to be. Even in disagreement you found a way to each other. Although you would definitely keep your provocations going and Azriel would stay at your feet for anything you did, that was your way of loving and for the first time you were fine knowing what tomorrow would bring.
[Post-Credit Scene]
The Inner Circle sat around the table, looking perplexed and bewildered after the explosive game night that had just taken place. None of them could quite wrap their heads around what had unfolded. Nestha glanced at Cassjan, who raised an eyebrow, silently communicating his own confusion. Feyre and Rhysand seemed to be the only ones who understood the situation, but none of them made a move to say something as they kept talking to each other in their minds.
-So, did anyone understand what just happened? I mean, they are usually weird around each other but… This weird? It's worrying - The general scratched his head and finally gathered the courage to say something.
-Beats me. The brute is right. But I have to admit, seeing them argue like that is always quite entertaining. It's the only reason I've been coming for the past centuries, honestly - Amren replied with a snarl, eyes rolling as she threw her cards on the table.
-Oh, for sure! It was like watching a drama unfold right in front of us every week. But I can't believe they just bolted like that. Do you think they're okay? - Mor inquired, a mix of amusement and worry kicking in.
-If I had to bet I would say they are killing each other - Cassian said, playing with the deck of cards.
-Or fucking - Nestha chimed in with a laugh - I mean, when I didn't accept the mating bond with Cassian I acted exactly like them. If you don't understand the feeling you might as well hurt the person you hold those feelings for - Everyone seemed to agree as the bets started to grow around the table.
-Knowing those two, they probably needed some time alone to sort things out. Maybe it's an understanding finally kicking in - Rhysand leaned back in his chair, his eyes twinkling with mischief - The group exchanged curious glances, trying to understand their High Lord.
-Well, whatever it is, we can't say it was unimportant. That was probably the most explosive family game night we've ever had - Feyre couldn't help but add with a grin.
Just then, the door to the game room creaked open, and you walked in with Azriel by your side, hand in hand, with smiles on your faces. The Inner Circle's jaws dropped in disbelief as they took in the sight in front of them.
-What the...? How did you...? What? - Cassian sputtered, at a loss for words.
-You know, it's funny how things work out sometimes - Azriel looked around at their stunned faces and chuckled.
-Yeah, we had a little heart-to-heart and sorted some things out. Turns out, we had a lot of misunderstandings to clear up - You and Azriel smiled at each other, making the whole Inner Circle shocked.
-So, you two aren't going to be at each other's throats anymore? - Amren raised an eyebrow, a sly grin forming.
-Oh, we definitely will - You said when you looked back at them, your head finding its way to Azriel's shoulder.
-Just not today - He said and kissed you head, hearing some gasps from the table.
-Are we witnessing a truce? - Mor whispered to the General, who just shuddered, as confused as her.
-Let's just say we have a newfound understanding of each other - Azriel replied, you and him sharing a knowing look.
-Well, that's a relief! We were starting to wonder if you two were going to start a war right here in the Night Court - Feyre laughed, reaching out for her mate's hand.
-Glad to see you've made up. Just... maybe tone it down during future game nights? - Rhysand smiled after clearly speaking mind to mind with the Shadowsinger.
-Okay, so… the rules of the game? - Nestha questioned, her cards still secured in her hands.
-It doesn't matter right now, you can choose it - Az said, making everyone turn their eyes to him. Shock covered every face in the room. Never, in their lives, do they think Azriel would give up on something. They turned their eyes to you, expecting some remark.
-Yeah, you guys can keep going - A wave of gasps and terrorized looks were exchanged between your family - I think Az might be hungry, aren't you?
-I might be. Will you make me something? - He asked, getting so close to you that your noses almost touched.
-It will be my pleasure - You said before dragging him towards the kitchen, not even noticing the mouths of the Inner Circle opened.
-Uh uh, no. I prefer the war. Tell them to come back and fight again, I don't like the way things worked - Mor leaned back in her chair, disbelief covering her posture.
-You know what? I think this interaction was more scary than the Cauldron - Amren said, finally giving up her cards as she threw them on the table.
-Come on, it can't be that bad, right? - All of the older members looked at Nestha with scared faces, even Rhysand, who knew exactly what happened between the two of you - Okay, apparently it is.
-What do we do now? - Feyre finally asked after silence filled the room.
-We hope that this Court doesn't crumble down - That was all that Rhysand said as he began separating the cards again, a whole new game starting that night.
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astra-galaxie · 28 days
hello idk if ur still doing them but for the ask thing,, can i rq ★☆■♡♥♦☯▼ൠ with celine georges 🙏 super random character ik she is my absolute lifeline and seeing new takes of her is rlly fricking cool
I’m always open to coming up with some headcanons! That being said, let’s see what I have for Celine…
★ - sad headcanon
Celine was rejected from several universities when she was trying to pursue her education in science and inventing. She kept being denied because people didn’t believe a woman should be working in such a field and that she would be better suited staying home and supporting her husband. But Celine didn't want a husband or to become a housewife, so she continued applying to every university possible until she was eventually accepted. However, the anger she felt from the discrimination never left her, especially not when she continued to face it throughout her schooling.
☆ - happy headcanon
After defeating the Chessmaton, Isaac assisted Celine in developing a new program cylinder for it. While he might not understand the science behind the machine, he does understand chess and how to win. He played many games against Celine to help her adapt the program to create an unbeatable version. The two also enjoyed playing a few rounds for fun when not working on the Chessmaton.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Celine keeps her spaces relatively clean and organized. Of course, there are occasions when messes can pile up, but she always makes time to clean them up. When it comes to displaying her inventions, she takes pride in everything looking its best by ensuring her machines shine and don’t have a screw out of place!
♡ - romantic headcanon
Celine’s biggest regret was letting her jealousy over losing to Greta overshadow her love for the other woman. Of course, Celine was upset that she had lost the World Exhibition, but she was happy that Greta had won. Unfortunately, Celine’s jealousy took over after the winner was announced, and she regretted everything she said to Greta, ultimately destroying their friendship. Celine spent a long time trying to come up with the right words to apologize to Greta, but nothing ever felt right, and sadly, she never got the chance to make amends for her past mistakes and show Greta what she really meant to her.
♥ - family headcanon
She has older brothers, some of whom also became inventors. They used to leave their textbooks around the house, and Celine would read them. She loved learning about mechanics and science. Eventually, her brothers started letting her help them with some of their smaller projects, and Celine knew she wanted to become an inventor one day and show the world that women could do things just as well as (if not better than) men.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Celine loves masking puzzle boxes. Some are simple enough for children to solve, while others could take adults hours. She enjoys challenging herself to make the next box more complex than the last. She also makes other brain-teasing puzzles, some of which no one has been able to solve.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Heels, corsets, big dresses… Really, anything that’s uncomfortable for her to wear
▼ - childhood headcanon
Growing up, Celine was the biggest tomboy. She was never drawn to “girly” things like dresses, dolls, or tea parties. She’d much rather be outside playing in the dirt, riding her bike, and playing sports with other kids in her neighbourhood. Her mother always tried to get her to dress up and look pretty, but the efforts wouldn't last long, and more than one dress was ruined beyond repair. Eventually, her mother gave up trying to make Celine look like a princess and let her wear what she wanted.
ൠ - random headcanon
Oh! I’ve got the perfect answer for this one! Finally, I have a reason to tell it!
Charlie and Maddie’s son is named after her. I always wondered where the name “George” could have come from, and one day, when I was revisiting old MotP cases, I remembered Celine’s last name was “Georges.” This led me to make the headcanon that Charlie picked the name George for his son to honour his lost friend and fellow inventor, Celine.
It's fitting that this character was requested since I will soon start writing Century Mile in my story. I have always liked Celine’s character, and she was one of my favourite inventors at the World Exhibition. Thank you for the request, and I hope you enjoyed the headcanons!
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awellreadkitten · 18 days
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your followers (positivity is cool, so do it) 😎
- My eyes. I hated them growing up because they were so dark! That and no one else in my family seemed to have eyes like mine. They were either hazel, green, or blue. My eyes though? Deep and rich, almost black until they're in sunlight. The second the sun hits them it's like rich maple syrup. So beautiful and sweet.
- My smile. I've had braces and my teeth still aren't perfect, but everyone tells me I have a great smile, that it lights up a room. I've been told it's often the best accessory I wear. Something I find absolutely adorable is that I have one dimple when I smile. Symmetry is ideal, but there's just something so beautiful about how perfectly imperfect having one dimple is.
- My crazy analytical ADHD brain. It drives me absolutely insane, it rarely stops, and it scares some people. It also provides me the opportunity to have five reads going at any given time, study several languages, finish puzzles quickly, see things differently than others would, and appreciate the beauty in everything. So even though my brain keeps me awake late into the night, and doesn't ever really slow down or stop unless I'm sleeping or fucking, I wouldn't have it any other way.
- My sense of humor. I have dark, twisted, sometimes deadpan humor! I am usually great at making people laugh around me and lightening the mood when needed. I feel like it's always important to be able to do that!
- My kindhearted nature. I have a big ol' heart full of lots of love and support. It took me a long time to realize that isn't a bad thing! I'm a hopeless romantic and always will be. I love offering love and comfort to people important to me-platonic and romantic. I pride myself on being the mom friend and offering everyone a safe space. I'm unapologetically falling in love with how big my heart is.
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Grow up absolutely loved and cherished.
You always had space to be yourself and be confident in your ways.
Reluctantly on your part joined the Batbrats but they treat you like family.
Alfred helping you stitch up after a mission since your moms are at home binging the pottery wars or something.
"Uncle A, I got shot again." "Sit down child."
"Don't worry he looks much worse than me." "I don't doubt it."
"What will my moms say?" "They'll go on a bounty huny if not already on one." "Right, Ma talks with plants like me." "Hmm."
Bruce secretly adores your.
"Hey uncle B." "Can I help you?"
Dick sees you as an annoying little sister. "Hey Mr Glutes." "It's weird because your moms also call me that." "Suck it up."
Batgirl is like your big sister that Harlivy easily get annoyed with. But let's it slide cuz she's a good influence on you.
"BG, how you been?" "Hey you! How's training going?"
Damien is confused but not repulsed by your company.
"Batbrat stop with acting like you're a sweet potato pie." "I don't have to act. I just am."
Best schools attended. Genius child. Duh look at your moms.
Gymnastic training. Variety of martial arts training. How to connect with the green training.
Gardening with Ivy and anti-heroing with Harley.
You're 70% Anti-hero.
The other 30% dislikes humans.
Missions goes something like this...
Nightwing: "Give it up Riddler we solved the puzzle."
Riddler: "No. You cheated."
Y/n: "Uncle R, why don't you come in peacefully and I'll show you the unsolvable puzzle book collection I got for my birthday?"
Riddler: "Unsolvable?"
Y/n: "So I've been told."
Riddler: "Fine, lemme see it."
Most of the Rogues are actually just like your aunts and uncles. They're your family but you have no problem with kicking their asses if need be.
"Aunty L, you coming for dinner?" "I should be out by Friday kid." "See you then."
You, weirdly enough, get spoiled by Joker much to Ivy and Harley's dismay.
"Hey J, I got your present and I like it. Thanks." "Anytime."
No one knows why he cares but people suspect it was his wife's doing.
Harley and Ivy can be hard on you wanting you to be your best version of yourself. But you still have many rants with them knowing they won't judge and feeling comfortable with them.
You tend to seek comfort from Ivy but when you need a cry you'll go to Harley she's much better at comforting you.
Ivy doesn't do good with tears, but atleast she's learned hugging works so if you start crying she just hugs you letting you cry into her shoulder.
May the gods have mercy on whoever hurts you because your moms sure as hell won't.
You got 2 cats from Selina who's like your cool wine aunt.
The others are confused at how much Selina adores you but your moms love it.
"I'll name them Bruce Jnr and Selina Jnr." "Just like your mom, you suck at naming animals." "You named your cat Isis, Aunty Sel, you can't judge."
Kingshark is your favourite uncle/babysitter.
"And to hack the govermen is easy." He teaches you how to hack like a pro.
Shark hugs all around.
Clayface would always morph into you and you'd be fascinated by the sudden appearance of a twin.
Clayface loves taking you on shopping sprees even if you don't like it as much you enjoy seeing him try on outfits and rant about what characters it fitted. You loved letting and watching him delve onto his creative mind. Often asking more about the characters letting Clayface get lost in his world of imagination.
The Justice League has recruited you but you didn't like being associated with them but always help out when they need it. You're on their 'Phone In Case Of Emergency' list.
Bane is your favourite uncle.
"Big B, are we going to the dog show next month?" "You bet we are!"
Sometimes you take him to the spa for a day to just relax or go to the gym with him to blow off some steam.
Beware any creeps that stare at you for too long. "Bane sees you staring at my gym partner!" He doesn't care if everyone hears and looks over.
Lex has tried recruiting you for The Legion Of Doom but Ivy made it clear just how she disapproved of his choices. Harley made sure to also give him a piece of her mind.
You live a free and wild life but you have protection around every corner on every side. The Batfamily. The Rogeus. All your family.
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daiki98 · 10 months
been playing honkai starrail and im so much into this shit already and I needed to do a recap by advertising the game in my way
spoilers ahead
oh, wow! you were just born! do you remember anything besides hot mommy kafka putting a bomb inside you? nothing? well then, let's throw you into battle right now!
let Herta Space Station welcome you by using your newly aquainted powers to beat up a bunch of monsters and save the station. also, befriend the diligent, shopping-addicted Asta, the one puppy man she can't resist, and kurukuru with her boring simulations.
when you're ready, hop on the astral express and start a journey of miracles and madness to save worlds and seal Stellarons, chase the Stellaron Hunters, and simp for characters that do not exist in real life! starring the insuffering Pom-Pom, Manic Pixie Dream Girl with no memories of who she is, the silent-but-deadly traitor of the Xianzhou Loufu, Himeko (alive this time!), Otto's worst nightmare, and you, the Trailblazer!
set foot on the freezing lands of Belobog and flirt with the most beautiful of trash cans! but don't try to get too comfortable: you'll be welcomed by a enormously pleasant order to arrest you and your companions after you've just woken up. run from the Silvermane guards, get drugged&dragged into the Underworld by the the hottest&shadiest, blue, tall and most handsome of conmans and search for infos about the Stellaron; go around playing hide and seek with a cute deadly kid, help big booba do- Natasha with her clinic, negotiate with an ancient robot who only listens to a little girl in red who walks FOOTLESS on the FREEZING GROUND and also witness a true lesbian enemies to lovers trope come to life! oh, no! one of the lesbians' mother is actually evil and, under the influence of the stellaron, is dedicated to erase the current world to create a new one! Well, it's time to make another child an orphan!
(Do not worry, your adventures in Belobog aren't over! You'll get to run errands for kids, do a minecart puzzle like 100 times, make a grave in the snow, manage an entire museum, help families reunite, track down criminals with a nerd twink, and witness Serval get over her manic ex!)
get a call from the hottest of criminals and get persuaded by her to stop at the Xianzhou Loufu while one of your companions dreams about his ex-husband stabbing him! this is just the beginning of your adventure at the Loufu, where you'll be welcomed by the hottest of furries and dragged around by her. meet the one and only hotshot general who tells you to track down Kafka, who gets brainwashed by the most annoying and arrogant pink twink (who has the smartest of subordinates, i love you qingque) and tells you that you and your friends are just pawns obediently following the destiny a random guy named Elio chose, that you guys are here to get the Loufu in debt with you so they'll help us when we'll have to fight the literal god of destruction! Witness an insane group of immortality-seeking maniacs resurrect a forbidden tree from the ground while your friend Dan Heng decides to come looking for you with a girl, her chicken and Otto-but-not-him because he knows his ex is up to no good! shocking news! your totally normal friend is actually the High Elder of the Vydiadahra, a long-life dragon species which reincarnates over and over till the end of time. he has insane powers, can part the waters and gets to beat up a child with his ex husband and reunite with his other husband. Also, the hot furry is actually evil and dies in a very hot way, revealing that the immortality maniacs used the Stellaron to resurrect the tree, only to learn that they were being used by the Antimatter Legion and one of their leaders aka EVIL BOOBS to destroy the entire Alliance! how cool is that!
Meet up with Dan Heng and have absolutely NO REACTION about him being a dragon and help the pink diviner twink&the hotshot general kill EVIL BOOBS and save the world once again.
make friends along the way, spend money on stupid banners ans get the best relics and light cones just to have your favourite character not crit. it's all in the name of honkai star railing those bitches!
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naamahdarling · 11 months
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Some people call bunnies Vegan Cats, so I was wondering if you would provide some professions for these two fluffs even though their servant (aka Mommy, aka me) didn’t follow directions?
Morphi is the white bunny with eyeliner and beauty mark- cuddled between his two loves: bowl and DeDe. Short for Morpheus Lord of Dreams He is a bit…stupid - usually has nothing but elevator music playing between his ears. Occasionally his two brain cells align and he is a mad genius until he inevitably moves and they fall out of alignment. He’s also a picky bitch and turns his nose up at certain greens and fruits. And expects humans to move out of his way when he is on the move. If you don’t do what he wants he will box you and then nip you. Methodically gets treats out of puzzles but will just stare blankly at you when you first offer him one from your hand. The vet and vet techs call him a little angel because he is so chill when they have to examine him or clip his nails.
DeDe is short for Death. She is a criminal mastermind with PTSD from having a rough kithood when she was dumped in a green space near our old house. We got her to a rescue and then adopted her when we moved in to our current place. She can tell time and will come get us if we are late for meals. She has claimed a large decorative knife I placed on a low shelf (she rubs her chin on it whenever she walks by). Dislikes having her picture taken. She loves Morphi but is a huge asshole to him (chases him, steals his treats and toys, kicks him out of their tent). It takes two vet techs to examine her or trim her nails, and has scratched the hell out of me for daring to pick her up. But she loves her manservant (aka Daddy, aka my partner), and will let him pick her up, comb her, and pet her.
They both love to hide behind furniture and pestered the ouija board box so much I had to remove said board and let them go hogwild on the box. Morphi likes to eat my clothes off the drying racks and DeDe eats any and all wires while I am rescuing my underwear. I love them with every inch of my being.
Morphi is the boy sidekick of the tough and plucky girl protagonist. Without him, plots would not advance and she would have nobody to confide in. Critically, while not the protagonist, the book is from his point of view, and his narration is so charming that the reader does not realize until some way in that he's a bit of a himbo. Were it not for Plot happening, he would be a househusband (husbun?), but would have some stuff going on the side. Like a really successful Youtube channel or something, where he shows off some sort of cool hobby like time lapse puzzle assembly or model railroading, or he might play the synthesizer and do off-genre covers of classical music.
DeDe is the supposed villain of the week, until she crops up in Season 3 as a real badass. She's not quite there yet, but is readying herself to make her play. That said, her rough background makes me feel like she isn't merely a villain, that perhaps she comes around, and joins the heroes' side. She is formidable, her methods are questionable, but she gets results. I'm seeing her as some sort of rogue or thief or cat burglar. Vegan Catwoman, almost. Someone who moves around stealthily or infiltrates by deception. She is hard to catch off-guard but can be very affectionate with those she has adopted for her own. Don't mess with her found family.
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talenlee · 2 months
Game Pile: Murdle
At its core, Murdle is just a little daily puzzle game in the same vein as Wordle. It’s a game where an investigator gets a bunch of simple logical clues and you put them all in a grid and then you arrive at a solution for the murder mystery that’s coherent, compliant with the clues and often enough, wrong. It’s great fun. I want to talk to you about how much fun I have with a pencil and a tiny silly murder mystery a day.
Okay, back in the day there were these things called Newspapers. The news was scribed on trees, then those trees were rolled out really flat, so as to make pages, that could then be folded together and rolled up again and thrown at people’s front lawns by children on charmingly raggedy bicycles, as my Newspapers were supported in part by the advertising of goods and services in their pages, like people could just tell the newspaper, ‘hey, I got things to sell, here they are,’ or ‘there are services I can do’ or even ‘I’m looking for work,’ and the newspaper would take a modest fee and present that information to the public. There was a time, I cannot make this clear enough, but there was a time when newspapers were really normal, and even something centralising for the lives of kids and parents.
Like, an adult would get the newspaper, and they’d want it for some reason; the current events on the front page, or the TV guide in the middle of it, or the sports on the back, or the classifieds next to the sports, but none of that mattered to me, growing up. What mattered to me was the one page which had comics on it, which also had the horoscopes (satan’s devilry), and over on one half of it, the games.
There were bridge games. There were crosswords – you know those things you watch smart people solve on Youtube now? – and towards the end of the 90s, we saw this new ‘Sudoku’ thing.
Sudoku is a great game. May not be your flavour, but Sudoku at its core is a game about methodically working out a sequence of related puzzles, closing off a large possibility space with smaller and smaller qualifications of what does or does not matter to it. I love Sudoku, which is how you know I turned forty recently.
Murdle is a cousin of the kind of game of Sudoku. If you’ve played Dishonored 2, you know that riddle that is so annoying it drives the heart of a level, to look for a solution? Turns out that type of riddle is its own thing! And that type of riddle is a logical grid puzzle, which is based on developing exclusions.
And okay, look, you can just play Murdle. It’s a game available on the internet, with a daily release in the same vein as Wordle. It loads nice and fast too, because all its graphics are actually done with Web Materiel – the characters are icons of unicode and emoji, the grids are all tables. This does mean that there’s a certain procedurality to everything – you’re not going to be dealing with puzzles that feel tailored or specific.
But okay, so I played Murdle for a few months on the website. The daily pattern of a single puzzle every day was just a tiny bit frustration, and what was worse was that sometimes I’d get confused or distracted from the game and realise I wanted to restart. Resetting the website is actually hard, because you have to click all the slots into neutral. What if only there was some way, get this, some way to make Murdle but to make it so it’s not a website? Something more reasonable, something more low-tech.
You know, something like paper?
For Christmas that year, my sister got me the two books of Murdle mysteries, and y’know what? Y’know what’s great?
You can just rub all the puzzles out. You can get halfway through it, you can make a mistake, you can realise you’ve gotten confused, and then, with this type of website stylus, a pencil, I can make my own reasonings in the puzzles there. I can share pictures of the puzzle over discord with my family to see if they can solve it. I can even get some use out of my erasable friction markers! How cool is that?
Weirdly, I don’t want to do Sudoku with a pencil. Too many pencil marks.
Now, there’s nothing remarkable about this. Material objects have an appeal to them; a book is disconnected from my computer, and that means that time spent sitting on the sofa with a book and an erasable pen is time not spent in front of a screen, looking at light, and resting in the same chair I so often do. It’s a chance to disconnect, and it’s also something I can do as much as I want to do – no waiting for the rests of the website, and no sense of urgency of a clock in my eyeline.
People like me, especially people in their Boring Years, the Elder Millenial Class, make a whole point of how much we value our time away from computers after merely spending fourteen hours a day on the computer give or take breaks to go get a drink or a snack or whatever, and it’s a pretty tedious point by now. Get a load of us, noticing how we’ve created a bad habit and now we’re discovering ways to change that bad habit! Next thing you know we’ll be talking about how it’s a good idea to get to bed at a consistent time every night!
It is, by the way.
Anyway, Murdle is an interesting thing to me because it’s something where the lower-tech version of it is more fun to me than the high-tech one. The one that is less convenient works for me better. The one that I don’t want to use where I use everything, the one that breaks differently, the one I have to look up to make it work, that is the one that I like better.
That’s not to say it’s better.
It’s to say that it’s showing me something about me I like better.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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vergilsama922 · 1 year
Hope Universe Chronicles: Makoto and Tenko's First Date!
Hello everyone, recently these past few weeks, well actually since last month I've been working on this little story of mine. Really it's because I'm inspired by people like @putaindeplagieur and @pyropsychiccollector who are great writers. Hell, even @makoto-naegi-stud-and-friends is incredible with his smut and he's a fellow brother-in-arms as a Naegi shipper! (Check him out!) But I also wanted to showcase some of the more rare ships or crack ships and try my hardest to sell the romance. Usually I'll just throw a couple of pics and call it a day but eh, some things can't escape my brain XD Please also keep in mind I'm not a writer (even though @pyropsychiccollector insists I should write more XDDD) so I want honest reactions! Also Hope Universe Chronicles are....snapshots of different moments in time of the hope universe. It can range from class 78-A first month to their graduation to weddings to baby showers and even kids going to school. Like my family bonding stuff it's just a...it's like a picture book of a giant family album. Or in this case a story. Maybe a story Tenko tells to her kids, or maybe a story Makoto tells to his kids about when he first fell in love with Tenko. Who knows? Anyway, without further ado enjoy~
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Makoto and Tenko arrived at the park for their first date get-together, enjoying the cool breeze and the rustling of the leaves. The sound of birds chirping and the soft sunlight filtering through the trees made it feel like a peaceful sanctuary from the rest of the world. A haven away from the madness and chaos of Hope's Peak with Tenko's eyes lighting up at the sight of the open space. "Wow, this is such a great place for training," she said with excitement.
Makoto chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Well, we're not here to train, we're here to have fun and get to know each other."
Tenko nodded and smiled, "Right, I'm sorry. I'm just really passionate about martial arts."
Makoto smiled back, "No need to apologize. I think it's great that you're so passionate about something."
As they walked through the park, they talked about their interests and hobbies. Tenko shared stories about her experiences training in martial arts preferably how amazing Neo Aikidio is over everything else, while Makoto told her about his love for detective work and solving mysteries.
Tenko's eyes widened with admiration, "Wow, you must be really smart to be into that detective stuff!" Well...It didn't exactly hurt that he's been helping Kyoko, Mikoto, Sachi, Mekuru...wait a minute. Isn't that way too many people? Probably not.
Makoto chuckled, "I'm not sure about that, but I do enjoy solving puzzles and mysteries."
Tenko looked at Makoto with a newfound admiration, "You know, you're really cool. Not just because you're a detective, but because you're a really kind person. I kinda feel terrible for calling you a degenerate when he first met....W-Wait! What am I saying?! All degenerates are bad, you're just the exemption!"
Makoto blushed, "Thanks, Tenko. You're pretty cool too, with your martial arts skills and your ability to read people's emotions even if you have an uh....unique way of doing so." Yeah. Tenko was STRONG. And who ever heard of tossing someone in order to read their emotions??? That was something you'd see out of a shonen manga!
Tenko beamed, "Really? You think so? Sometimes I worry that I come off too strong. I also know you're not comfortable with me calling....the "others" degenerates." Ah. He could visibly see her shiver in disgust when she brought up talking about guys. Still, she HAS been trying to make progress! Seriously! I mean now she only tosses guys after three sentences instead of one!
Makoto reassured her, "No, not at all. I think it's great that you're so passionate about something, and your ability to read people's emotions is really impressive."
Tenko's face lit up with joy and a blush, "Thank you, Makoto. That...means a lot actually." Crap. Makoto could see Tenko's cute side. She was still at the end of the day a normal girl (minus everything else of course).
Makoto noticed Tenko's blush and felt his own cheeks heat up. He cleared his throat and changed the subject, "So, what else do you like to do besides martial arts?"
Tenko's expression shifted to one of contemplation, "Hmm, well, I like to spend time with my friends and mentor, and I also enjoy meditating to clear my mind."
Makoto nodded, "That's really cool. I've always been interested in meditation, but I've never really tried it myself." Mostly because Makoto Naegi's daily life was never peaceful. Never. Whether it was dealing with the more extreme personalities like Junko, Kanade, or Ibuki or hell even just getting constant death stares from every guy in the school, Makoto knew his life was only just going to get more hectic. Meditation was definitely something he would love Tenko to teach him
Tenko smiled, "I can show you sometime if you'd like. It's really helpful for clearing your thoughts and focusing your mind."
Makoto smiled back, "I'd like that, thanks."
They continued walking through the park, enjoying each other's company and the peaceful surroundings. Tenko's eyes sparkled as she saw a group of people practicing martial arts in the distance, "Oh, can we go watch them for a bit?"
Makoto nodded and followed her over to the group. They watched in awe as the martial artists performed various techniques and forms, and Tenko even joined in for a bit, demonstrating some of her Neo Aikido moves. Of course, given that Tenko is well...an Ultimate she clearly was ten, no twenty steps above the rest. It also didn't hurt that Tenko was not only very fluid but incredibly graceful in her movements.
Makoto was impressed, no. Awestruck. She looked so stunning when she was going through her Kata's and showing off her stance and movements to the others. He was seriously falling for her. "Wow, you're really talented! Have you ever considered teaching martial arts?" I mean
Tenko's face lit up with excitement, How did Makoto have this natural ability to pick up on things like that? "Actually, I have! I've always wanted to share my passion with others and help them learn self-defense against dege---uhh....Bad guys! Y-Yeah! That's what I meant!"
Makoto smiled and sweatdropped a bit (She WAS trying at least), "I think that's a great idea. I'm sure you'd be an amazing teacher."
Tenko beamed with pride and gratitude, but more importantly, she was trying her best to hide a blush from the compliment. Why now? Why all of a sudden?! It was just a harmless, simple praise so *WHY* did it make her heart beat so suddenly? Was it the fact that she saw how Makoto looked at her like she was the most perfect thing in existence when she was teaching that random group some of her moves? Was it the fact that he always brought out the good in her and even others? Was it even because out of all the deg...."others" that he truly CARED? No. He genuinely respected her and shared in her passion. She couldn't deny it. She was seriously falling for him.
As they continued walking, Makoto noticed Tenko seemed lost in thought. "Is everything okay?" he asked, concerned. He hoped he didn't say or do anything to mess up this moment together. He knew why Tenko had such disdain towards other guys, hell every guy beside him and there was a part of him that was afraid that he upset her somehow.
Tenko shook her head, "Yeah, everything's fine. I was just thinking about something." Keep it cool. Just don't reveal that you're falling for Makoto. Simple.
Makoto smiled, "Well, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here to listen."
Tenko's heart skipped a beat at his words. She had never felt this way about anyone before. It was like Makoto could read her thoughts and knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. She was falling for him hard and fast. Her master didn't teach her how to navigate the hardest challenge ever. Love.
They walked side by side, enjoying the comfortable silence between each other when Tenko suddenly stumbled over a tree root and lost her balance.
Makoto quickly grabbed her arm to steady her, but in the process, they both lost their footing and fell to the ground in a heap. They both laughed as they dusted themselves off, and that's when Makoto noticed something.
"Tenko, your face is red," he said, concerned. She wasn't hurt was she? Or maybe she was angry? Crap. Did touching her by accident make her super uncomfortable? A thousand scenarios were running through his mind, he didn't want to upset everything with his new friend.
Tenko quickly tried to hide her blush, "I-I'm fine! It's just a little hot out." Honestly, she knew it was flimsy but she at least had to try something. Makoto could be pretty oblivious so she was hoping against all hope that this was one of those moments
Makoto didn't buy it, why NOW of all times did he become super observant?!?! "Are you sure? Your face is really red. Maybe we should sit down for a bit."
Tenko couldn't help but feel flustered. Why was she getting so embarrassed over something so small AGAIN? "No, no, I'm fine, really." Another bad lie and she knew it was just a matter of time. Why did couldn't she just tell him how she feels? Why didn't her master teach her how to navigate this? What if Makoto doesn't love her like he loves the others? Was she too manly? Was she too forceful with her anti-male rhetoric? More importantly, what if he said "No." With a hundred different thoughts turning into a whirlpool of negative energy, Tenko decided to do what she promised to teach Makoto. Meditate. She needed to purge these insecurities and figure out the best course of action! At the end of the day it was no different from sparring right? Learn your opponent's weakness while taking advantage of your strength. These thoughts needed to simply be beaten.
Makoto didn't push the matter any further, but he couldn't help but feel like there was something else going on with Tenko. They continued walking in silence for a few moments which felt like an eternity between the two until Tenko finally spoke up. This....she was gambling everything on this. She finally figured out that the best course of action was to be direct. To go on the offensive!
"Hey Makoto," she said, her voice a little quieter than usual.
Makoto turned to her, "Yeah, what's up?"
Tenko took a deep breath, "I just wanted to say...thank you. For being such a good friend to me."
Makoto smiled, "Of course, Tenko. You're a great person and a great martial artist. It's an honor to be your friend."
Tenko smiled back, but her heart was racing. She knew she couldn't keep her feelings bottled up anymore. She took another deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. This was it. The decisive moment. The indescribable situation like when both fighters know someone will win or lose.
"Makoto...I don't just see you as a friend. I-I have feelings for you," she blurted out, her face turning even redder than before.
Makoto's eyes widened in surprise, but then a smile spread across his face. "Tenko, I feel the same way. I've been trying to figure out how to tell you for a while now." Was it when he agreed to help be the manager of her Aikido club with only the two of them as members? Was it when she protected him from a group of bullies due to their jealousy? Or was it that very first day Class 79-A first enrolled and they met eyes that one Tuesday morning after homeroom?
Tenko couldn't believe it. She had been so afraid that Makoto didn't feel the same way, but now he was telling her that he liked her too. And her mind was truly empty. She.....She didn't know what to say or do at this moment. Her confession was accepted yes, but she never prepared for what to do after. They just stared at each other, Warm-Green meeting Hazel. Engulfing each other in the middle of the day in some random park they decided to go to.
But that perfect moment with neither saying anything yet understanding everything was softly coming to its conclusion.
Makoto leaned in and gently kissed her, and Tenko's heart skipped a beat. It was a soft, sweet kiss that made her feel like she was floating on air. She wrapped her arms around Makoto's neck and deepened the kiss, savoring the feeling of being with someone she cared about so deeply. She never in a million years, no a trillion would believe she could fall in love with a guy. But here she was. Tenko initially thought Makoto was nothing more than a creepy playboy who for some reason had tons of girls fawning over him. Of course, she blamed him for that but as the days passed, even she had to admit there was something *DIFFERENT* about him.
And yet....Tenko knew now. It was that day after all. Her first week of being enrolled was when she looked into his eyes on that Tuesday morning after homeroom. That's when she finally understood that she truly liked him.
When they finally pulled away, they both had huge smiles on their faces. They knew that this was just the beginning of something special, something that could be even stronger than their friendship. They both were in love with each other.
They both found hope in each other.
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thessalian · 3 months
Thess vs Firegleam
So I spent awhile backtracking just for kicks. Some of it was worth it. Some of it ... not so much.
There is supposed to be a big chunk of green shiny out by Sylens' lab but I cannot get up there to find out. I will look later when I don't have so much firegleam to ignite. But lemme see what's over actually behind that firegleam deposit in Sylens' 'lab space', for lack of a better word.
Well, mildly underwhelming, but hey. Lemme just grab a campfire in the area and...
Oh. That's a noise. Talanah! And Longlegs! Friend and needed parts! Okay, the firegleam can wait!
Ah. Another Carja trying to find friends, family, or Other Important Person in the West. Cool, we can deal with that. A little bit out of my way, but what're friends for?
...I am missing out on so much hunting, Talanah...
A ... Shellsnapper. That's new. Okay, you brought me Longlegs and a whole new unfeasibly big thing to kill. All is forgiven. Now, lemme see ... scanned, logged, and that's a vulnerable bit but lemme hunker because that thing can probably take a huge amount of--
.........Did ... did I just one-shot Robo-Atuin?
Apparently, yes I did. I guess I worried for nothing.
Ah. Now there is a mountain in the way and not even I can feasibly climb it. I guess we find a way around or through. Yeah, yeah, we'll probably meet again when circumstances demand. For now, though ... I should be saving the world but apparently that will wait for me to ignite a lot of firegleam.
Right. Start from the Daunt, work my way down. This one at this old dig site might be worth looking at.
...Vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Next!
Huh. This lets me into that tower I couldn't get into. Now, what wonders will we find within?
...A ... codex entry and more vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Next!
............Dude, HOW ARE YOU STILL PULLING ON THAT POOR DEAD OSERAM?!? There really should be a function whereby, if you complete a quest, the quest giver can ... like, go away, do something else? Something other than pulling on the ankle on the same Oseram corpse for, like, three in-game days?
Please let this climb and ridiculousness be worth it...
Moooooooore vendor trash. Okay. Fine. Someone's going to love me when I finally get back to Plainsong for the main quest because I'm going to have so much vendor trash...
(Wow. Really glad I'm not playing BG3 like this. Imagine encumberance rules in this game...)
Right. Okay. How about this one just by Barren Light, at the edge of No Man's Land. That's got to have something worthwhile ... right?
GREEN SHINY! ...And nothing to spend it on so far. Ah well.
Okay. This is in an Old World ruin. This has to be something worthwhile.
This ... is a lateral thinking jumping puzzle. Right. Okay. Hoboy.
So ... I have a battery I can't jump with, a body of water I can't cross, and over there, a crate. Hrm.
So the only way over there is gliding. I think I see why they mapped everything to space bar, now. Guess I'm going to have to rebind some keys here or I won't time it right.
Okay, so ... can't jump on the crate while holding battery. So how... Wait. Can we use the pullcaster on this thing?
.........Oh. Ooooooooh. You sneaky bastards.
No, the ramps won't do it because it'll just slide off when the crate's at an angle. And that's where the nearly perfect dock comes in.
BATTERY FERRIED. Now, up. More crate-dragging. Wheee!
So ... that's another toucan ball. And this one's ... oh, those weren't clovers on the first ones - they were clubs, like the card suit. Because this one's giving off spades. Huh. The Old World was weird.
On that note, I should probably consider something that resembles food. Today's probably going to be a bit of a Forbidden West binge. The Saturday Shenanigans group is on a two-week hiatus between mini-campaigns - this week because I wanted a break, next week because @hyperewok1 is away and we don't have enough players on a Saturday to play when we're a person short. Plus, I really could use a little bit more of a break too. I mean, that'll mean that I have a whole weekend next weekend, just for me! (Not that I don't love my every-other-Sunday D&D group - I really seriously do. Just a whole weekend with nothing to plan for or set up for people feels ... decadent and lovely, somehow.)
Anyway, then I have to decide between going for that drone near Plainsong (which means dealing with Blight, yay), or dealing with the Rebel outposting also near Plainsong. Either way, going to stick around Plainsong at least a bit. But all of that will be easier on a full stomach. So ... food.
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pearlcscent · 1 year
☆ ana luisa fun facts
libra sun leo moon, my venusian fiery girl
her family moved to the usa before she was born; her parents were able to secure great jobs but they require a lot of travel/commitment so ana doesn’t see them very often.
she was raised in a brazilian community, and she had relatives that would watch her after school from time to time.
she became close with her neighbours and often hung out with them and their kids.
as ana’s interest in singing grew, her parents got her a vocal coach at age 9 that ended up mentoring her up until recently.
ana took a “break” a while after seven left; she just needed some time off and hasn’t gone back. she started smoking then.
her vocal coach is still very present in her life, acting almost like an aunt to her. she’s one of ana’s closest friends and probably the biggest mother figure in her life.
ana was quite a lonely child although she could mask it very well; on the outside she was a happy girl with a big smile on her face, always down to play, as charming and friendly as can be; she did everything in her power to fit in and be liked (still does).
i haven’t settled on how seven and ana met although i know she befriended him much to his dismay.
she looked at seven and saw herself in him, so she had to get to know him the way she wanted to be known herself.
ana was definitely annoying at first, always sticking by him regardless of his disregard for her. she didn’t ask a lot of questions at first because she knew she’d find out why and how and what eventually. she talked to him like they had known each other for years, treating him like an imaginary friend who was supposed to know all of her trauma and experiences since day 1. it led to seven asking questions and overall curiosity, which lead to regular conversation, which lead to them becoming actual best friends
eventually you would never see one without the other and they’d spend hours and hours just talking. they’d spend nights together on the roof of ana’s apartment with snacks and eventually alcohol, talking. some days just being in each other’s company was enough, and it was nice.
one day seven heard ana singing and it blew him away. she hadn’t shown that part of herself to him yet and it was the final puzzle piece she was  holding onto. something about sharing that with him felt very scary, since all that people would praise her for or pay attention to her was her singing. she didn’t want to perform for seven in order for him to like her. she wanted him to like her for just who she was so she never sang around him or mentioned she was part of the choir in her church.
ana grew up religious; relying on God for comfort and company. all of her community was very involved in the church, and the most time her and her parents would hang out together would be at church. she was part of the choir and she adored being on stage; it was the only time her parents seemed to pay attention to her and they’d parade her to show off the precious doll they call daughter. this was the start of her superiority complex but also need to be constantly performing in order to get an ounce of attention.
her relationship with God changed once she and seven became closer. suddendly religion was in his voice and mind, then his stare, his touch, his company and loyalty… she didn’t need God anymore, she had seven. and once he left, her sense of faith crumbled and i think she’s still trying to figure that out.
ana thrifts a lot! she also has diy-ed quite a lot of the stuff in her room. she loves to find antique and cool looking items, she loves clutter and making her room look lived in in contrast to other spaces in the house. ana has painted her room a million different times.
she bagged a job at her local thrift shop after going there so much and helping out people in the store (her friendliness and charming smile make her very good at costumer service) despite not having any openings at the moment. the lady that runs it grew a liking to her.
i think ana is looking for a seven replacement unconsciously, and g is the one for the job. we’ll see how that goes for her <3 
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saucy-mesothelioma · 1 year
Ranking Outer Wilds Planets (And Some Other Stuff)
This was bound to happen one way or another because I absolutely adore Outer Wilds, so might as well do it now. Spoilers (obviously) for both Outer Wilds and the DLC Echoes of the Eye.
Ash Twin Pros: •The Warp Towers have pretty cool designs Cons: •It took me so damn long to figure out the fucking warp pads •The fucking sand •Not really fun to be on because it's just so stressful to try to be at the right place at the right time and then just missing it by the bare minimum Total: 2/10
Ember Twin Pros: •Had the most fun quantum puzzle in my opinion •Chert's Existential Crisis™️ Cons: •Sunless City was a pain in the ass to explore because of the goddamn sand •Just overall pretty boring Total: 4/10 Timber Hearth Pros: •One of the most beautiful planets by far; my family and I go to the Smoky Mountains a lot, and I was reminded of that place the minute I explored the village •The caves with the rocks that look like stars when you turn out your lights I could literally spend an entire loop there with Timber Hearth's theme playing in the background •Geysers are fun to play with Cons: •Took me way too long to realize there was actually stuff there to explore Total: 8/10 The Attlerock Pros: •My boi Ekser who can do no wrong ever • Like most people, I went there first and it was a wonderful opener to everything the game has to offer Cons: •Not a lot to do there, but it is just a moon Total: 6/10 Brittle Hollow Pros: •So damn beautiful that it's my second favorite planet design •Coolest Nomai ruins; I spent a loop or two just admiring how damn cool everything looked, especially the Hanging City •Gravity crystals were loads of fun even though they gave me a headache •By far the most fun planet to explore Cons: •Didn't understand how to get to the Southern Observatory and spent like 5 loops trying to figure it out via attempting to wedge my ship between the ice •Jumped off of the Black Hole Forge around 3 times because I didn't realize that I was upside down •Had no clue how to get to the Tower of Quantum Knowledge until I got stuck at the white hole with almost no oxygen and found it at the last minute •I hate that black hole with a passion it's caused me so much pain I hate it I hate it I hate it Total: 9/10 (I love it but I'm just an idiot) Giant's Deep Pros: •Hands down my favorite planet design I love it so much •I could listen to the Giant's Deep theme for hours on end •Not gonna lie, I love watching the islands getting catapulted into space •Jellyfish be vibin •Watching the supernova through the cloudy atmosphere is honestly so cool to me Cons: •Too little to explore there in my opinion, but understandable since it's a water planet •The gravity is such a huge pain in the ass Total: 10/10 Dark Bramble Pros: •I actually like the theme for it a lot •Feldspar's camp is the coolest •That Nomai grave got to me dude •Scary but still more fun than the Hourglass Twins to me, that being said- Cons: •I DON'T FUCK WITH THOSE ANGLERFISH FUCK THAT SHIT SO HARD I HATE THEM MORE THAN THE BLACK HOLE AND THAT'S SAYING A LOT
Total: 5/10 The Interloper Pros: •The reveal that the Interloper was where the ghost matter came from and was the reason all of the Nomai died really hit me in the feels; I had to take a moment Cons: •I know it's basically a comet, but it was pretty boring Total: 3/10 Quantum Moon Pros: •Best girl Solanum •I love all of the various designs for the moon •The theme is nice Cons: •Still not a lot to explore there, but it's understandable Total: 3/10
The Stranger (Based purely on looks to be fair since it's half of the DLC) Pros: •Holy shit I love the atmosphere of it so much those cypress-looking trees, everything •The architecture is fucking GORGEOUS •The reels. Beautiful. Enough said. •I could spend the rest of my life on the Stranger I love it so much •Dare I say it, I kinda like the DLC ost more than the original; still love them both to death, though Cons: •Honestly expected there to be more shit under the water? Not sure why but I did Total: 10/10
The Stranger's Dream World Pros: •Again, everything the DLC gave us is visually stunning I'm in love with the design •Owlks are pure baby those little hoots are so cute Cons: •Owlks are also fuckin scary Jesus Christ •The alarm bells give me so much stress even when I know how they work •Took me the longest time out to bypass the "death glitch" to open the Vault, but as stated before, I'm also very stupid Total: 10/10
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newbornwhumperfly · 1 year
How would each member of the team decorate their rooms, given infinite resources?
oops this answer is...years late but the lovely thoughtfulness of the question still captivates me, it was so thrilling to think about this and thank you so much for your sweet early interest in my world, @much-ado-about-whumping 💖😍💖
Brax - As you know, Brax is an eminently fancy human, so they’d be very stylish and luxurious in making their quarters like their old apartment. Brax’s tastes run…expensive, since they appreciate high-quality things. Silk sheets, scented candles, rich jewel-toned velvet couches and foot-stools - they would especially invest in their collection of books. Being a massive bookworm, they would prefer shelf upon shelf of finely bound books surrounding them at all times. They would invest in some dimming lights. They would also invest in a more orthopedic chair for their desk (because hours of paperwork is a bitch and a half on one’s neck), honestly, Tyrus Legion bases have poor taste in chairs, in their personal opinion. 
Cobi - His first change would be adding a nice big window you can actually open, cause he’s an outdoorsy boy and needs a lot more natural sunshine in his personal space. Cobi would add lots more goofy queer decor, banners and throw pillows and stuff. Cobi would also add little bright and colorful bits and bobs cause he’s a little magpie - souvenirs, prizes he won at fairs, photographs of pals and family, just…would like lots of room to scatter his stuff. A big space to live his big life in his big body. He would also have little things for pets since Cobi loves pets! So, towers for cats, beds for dogs, all the amenities for his furry friends. Speaking of friends, Cobi would appreciate big couches and deep-sinking-into chairs, floofy poofs to sit on, lots of surfaces for friends to sit down on and just chill. Oh, he’d also have so many mini-fridges and snack-bars, just a multitude of every kind of food-stuff a loved one would enjoy. 
Claudia - While Claud certainly is a sporty gal and a very tough butch, she is also a nerd at heart and wants her sanctum sanctorum to be a place of goofing and security. It’s harder for her to invest in creature comforts unless she’s being very indulgent, but given the resources, she’d have a real little nerd-cave! She’s extremely into video games, so when she’s not doing jock shit, Claud likes to turn off her brain by focusing on a nice little puzzle task that’s also fun. Her room would have a nice little gaming console set up, one of those cool gaming desk chairs, the whole shebang. Claud would do cool neons and interesting mood-lighting, with cool blues and greens to give a underwater glow vibe to the room. She would also buy lots of organizing furniture (like shoe racks or hat hooks) that neaten the space up but still keeps her stuff on display. She would put up a lot of posters of the video games and action films she likes best, especially the vintage dorky ones from the 80’s/90’s. 
Sarai - One thing Sarai takes very, very seriously is softness and permission to be soft. So her personal space is an area she has tried her utmost to cultivate that softness. Because of her disabilities, Sarai would prefer to make anything and everything as accessible as possible. She is still in the process of shedding shame over needing assistance, so she would have railings and grabbable-things to help with standing and walking around, plenty of room for her chair, etc. She would have one of those fancy motorized beds, a large bathtub with jets and stairs and shit. Sarai is also a very luxurious person at heart and an aesthete, so she would splurge on gorgeous silky throw blankets and tasseled pillows, painted lampshades, elaborately embroidered drapes for the windows and doorways, just every surface alight with warm, ripe-fruit colors. Deep, soft, sheepskin rugs on every surface so every step is warm and soft. Just deep indulgence to remind herself she deserves rest and softness, a refuge for when she forgets. 
Jorah - In general, Jorah is kind of…straightforward and spartan in his personal tastes, super uhhh CisHet Guy oops more like he has sunk deep into a persona of being as Normie and Unobjectionable As Possible but that is neither here nor there. He doesn’t have a lot of personal touches in his home decor, for lack of a better word, and since he’s literally on a military base, he would prefer to let his Job Aesthetic dominate his personal space (it’s to help Compartmentalize, shh, think nothing of it.) So, you will see a lot of greytone…Adidas-esque aesthetics. Plain, hotel-esque bedclothes and furniture, expensive enough to be good quality but not unique, really? He doesn’t really care, as long as none of the style hokey or faux pas. Nice, respectable, businessman chic. Jorah would maybe splurge on some bougie exercise gear, nice shoes, good selection of athleisure, etc. He isn’t much the type to decorate a room, more his body. But he would probably invest in a nice fucking shower with perks, jets and all, because, damnit, this job is stressful sometimes and hey, decompressing lets him do his job better and high water pressure sure helps him relax and gets the blood out from under his nails.
thank you again, bel, what a thoughtful and delightful ask! 💖💖💖
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atlaskrr · 11 months
I am a mosaic of everyone I've ever loved.
I love fuzzy clothes because I used to lay om my mom's fuzzy rug that she used for photography. I love doodling in the corner of pages ever since I read tom gates as a kid. My favorite color is blue because after a bad friend group split only one of them stayed a friend and their favorite color is blue. I love puzzles because my parents and extended family would get me them when they traveled without me. I love saturn because of a kindergarten project I did on it. I love drawing because I learned to try and stay friends with my childhood friend who was drifting away. I scrunch my nose like my dad and his side of the family do. I love artic monkeys because my friend who's gone now played it om repeat when I sat next to them. I love writing because my cousin introduced me to fanfiction and we co wrote a fic together. I eat every grain of rice whenever I get the chance to because my grandma told me they would cry if I didn't when I was a kid. I love hoodies with zippers because my childhood crush liked the fuzzy pink one I wore. I know so much and am the accepting person I am today because of the amazing people I love who raised me on the internet. I have a great knowledge of tropes and know so many songs because I was a gacha kid after I decided to ask my old best friend how they made those cool short videos. I take a moment to appreciate the small things because of a fanfic which emphasized it. I love morally grey characters and have my world view shaped based on another. I sleep facing the empty space on my bed because a cousin told me that if I didn't tell pme of those chain messages to x amount of people a ghost would sleep behind my back in bed. I'm not scared of the dark dark because a family friend showed her schoolmates insta which said "when you worship hecate the dark will be afraid of you". I love collecting boxes for storage because my mom would give me any she didn't use. I press thumbs with people because me and my brother do it when we are impressed with something the both of us worked on together. I love salty foods because my mom's side of the family always cooked it extra salty for me.
But I'm also sad sometimes because of it. I don't want to have mood swings like my dad or 🍲side-al thoughts like my mom. I don't want to help my brother close his ears like he does on him own already. I don't want to be petty like my toxic old friends or turn into a hypocrite. There's so much more and it hurts because I am a mosaic of everyone I've ever loved. Sometimes I realize the shit in others and I stop loving them. But then I become them.
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messydiabolical · 2 years
50 questions: Keahi Shepard (they/he)
This post is ridiclously long, because I cannot do brevity to save my life! So i’ve put the Q&A under the cut :)
​ <3 original questions can be found here
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1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
Keahi was a fantastic archer as soon as he was old enough to hold a bow, a skill he learnt from his amazing mum Rita. When Mindoir was attacked and Anderson effectively became their surrogate dad an early way for them to bond was through Keahi teaching Anderson archery, and Anderson teaching them rifle skills in return. Turned out, Keahi was even better with a sniper rifle than the bow, and also very good at teaching and tactical planning.
Keahi was not especially attached to the idea of military life per se, but did feel a debt towards Anderson and no real passion for anything else (Mindoir happened when they'd be making life decisions and derailed things a lot). Also, broke AF, no inheritence, their parents life savings were all tied up in Mindoir.
They do not always agree with the Alliances decisions, but for the most part has managed to do things his own way by sticking to the infiltration track and working in smaller squadrons. While it was good for the galaxy that Shepard became more prominent within the Alliance, it leads to a growing contention, and ultimately Keahi will leave the Alliance (either at the end of ME2 after Aratoht/arrival, which is my main headcanon, or after the war if we go game canon).
2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
Keahi loves Kelly. They know she works for Cerberus, like duh, but heck, she's so open about herself in some ways (job aside) and such a quirky little oddball that it doesn't phase him really, and it's kind of fun chatting with her and throwing in random curveballs to see how she'll react. He loves thinking about what her reports back to the illusive man must look like, lol.
She picks up on this and they end up having a very funny, if odd, relationship of one upping each other in weirdness and bullshittery.
Traynor? Bestie. He's never playing strip chess against her again though, that was a dumb move on his part.
3. What’s their relationship with Anderson?
He's my dad- boogie woogie woogie 
4. Is your Shepard any good at poker?
Deceptively good, as they seem like they have tells (lots of giggling, blushing and badly contained smiles) BUT they are strategicly used ;)
5. How well does Shepard know their crew? Not just the companions, but the folks making up the Normandy
Keahi gets to know people and tries to always see things from their perspective almost to a fault; sometimes their 'empathising with the enemy' attitude can seem quite frustrating, but he still has a strong moral compass and ultimately won't let people sway them, it's all part of his methodology. Some people can find it extremely annoying though.
When it comes to the crew, it is one of his greatest strengths as leader; getting to know everyone personally, relating to them, knowing how they tick to help facilitate a healthy, well working crew dynamic (even if he doesn't personally approve of every characteristic another person has, they will try to work with it as best they can). He did struggle a little with the some of the Cerberus crew; he will always call out bigotry and not let it continue. Thankfully, most of the crew had more nuance than you'd expect for cerberus. (He did give a few lectures on xenophobia to really make things clear that it would NOT be tolerated).
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?
Fascinated, if a little weary only because he doesn't trust TIM and can't be sure how much EDI is TIM's (all those confidential files about his own ship that EDI won't talk through raises their hackles a little). Over time as trust builds Keahi see's EDI as another valued crewmember, and then a dear friend.
7. Does their love interest move into their quarters?
Yes, one on one time with Thane in the cabin is one of Keahi's happy places. That said, the cabin also often ends up hosting others as well. Everyone on the Normandy has fallen asleep on Keahi Shepards couch or bed at some point. He's big on late night chats and blanket snuggles.
8. What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?
pretty angry, if he's honest with himself. Angry that they were left to mop up geth remnants while the council was busy glossing over the real reaper threat, even with evidence literally on their doorstep. Angry that, two years later, that's still the case, and all these people they knew and cared for died in a fight the galaxy doesn't understand or take seriously.
Afterwards? Exhausted. Introverted. He needs a few days of isolation and introspection after that one. Crewmembers slowly bring him around with one on one time, just sitting with them and letting them be quiet but showing that they are there when he's ready, just the way Keahi would do for them.
9. What type of fighter is your shepard? Do they fight with honor, or do they fight dirty?
Keahi will give all enemies a chance to do the right thing wherever possible, try negotiation and such if the situation allows, but that often isn't the case and then he's a fiersome enemy to make and an extremely good infiltrator, which some might see as dirty I guess? shadow tactics, poisons, surpise attacks kind of thing? Depends on your definition of dirty I guess. He will use shadow tactics and kill people before they know he's coming if it'll utimately end the mission effectively. Part of why they relate and gets on with Thane so well is perhaps this almost battlesleep like attitude to missions.
10. Does Shepard keep any pets? The hamster, fish, something else?
One day exploring an alien market with Thane he spots a little green lizard and gets super excited, then worries that might seem a tad offensive to Thane so tries to rein it in, but Thane notices and hatches a plan.
The crew keep Keahi distracted all day after that and Thane has 'things to attend to' suddenly. When Keahi finaly gets back to the cabin, the formerly empty fishtank is now a terrarium, with little 'Not Thane' in there.
11. What order does Shepard pick up companions in me2?
No super specific order, but he does try to visit friends first, so Citadel to see Anderson (Kasumi) and Illium to see Liara (Thane and Samara) happen very early on compared to game lore. Then Omega as they know Mordin's research will be important. They would have gone for Garrus first if they'd known it was their friend and they were in trouble. Lowkey shade towards Cerberus for not figuring that one out tbh, and perhaps even a little suss.
12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?
Often gets shortened to Kay, which they are fine with. Siha is obvously his fave though ;) In fact his nearest and dearest can't help but notice how much siha turns them to mush, so sometimes they also call him siha to catch them off guard (Garrus and Joker especially).
13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing?
very cool with it, and can give back just as good and then some.
14. Any good at flirting?
They can playfully flirt and tease as part of a conversation if that's the tone set by the other person, but it's like a game and not serious. When he's actually seriously interested in someone romantically they prefer to have a good open heart to heart, lay it all out and be clear, before getting into flirting, as they know the what ifs and doubts will bug them otherwise. Keahi is demisexual; deep connections are essenial to them.
15. What colors does Shepard prefer for their armor?
Whatever is best for infiltrating the location.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety?
Not much of a drinker except socially, but does enjoy edibles and chill during rare time off. Thane’s venom can be a lot of fun. He has used stims for longer infiltration ops before and has made it a point to only ever keep minimal amounts around, as they were a little too good and they can see that becoming a dangerous habit if they let it. If Thane met his canon fate Keahi would for sure abuse stims to get him through the following war :( not today satan >:| Thane lives mofos
17. How does Shepard react to attention? Do they enjoy it?
Small groups and found family are the best kind of attention and can be tolerated for longer periods; large crowds and riled up parties not so fond of. Decompression time is essential. And fame fucking sucks- it's like the worst thing for an infiltrator, how you supposed to be sluething and working from behind the scenes with that kind of focus? Genuinely puzzles Keahi why the Alliance would want to make him a prominent person.
There's a reason Keahi is an infiltrator, leads specialised squads, has a smaller stealth ship and was a good candiadate for being a specter. He's all about the close knit found family angle.
In terms of romatically, Keahi really loves it when they get one on one attention from Thane, but even moreso, LOVES lavishing attention on Thane. Thane is so naturally worshipful, but so is Keahi. They have to take turns, just slathering each other in love. Those around them find them sickeningly adorable (and a little hilarious how absolutely gone on each other they are)
18. Who’s the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with and why?
They are known for putting together all sniping squads when they can, a move that some tacticians would think unwise, but somehow Keahi makes it work very effectively, it's like their signature move. So Garrus, Thane or Zaeed often end up in their squad for this purpose. It’s Keahi’s life’s mission to make Zaeed giggle and blush >:3 one day. One day. That said, they try to rotate squads and play to everyone's strengths, mission depending, and give everyone a fair shot to flex their skills.
19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to?
Keahi just see's differences as a challenge to work on, but will be more personally closed off if the vibes are too off and stick to professionalism.
20. Does Shepard enjoy looking for resources and upgrading gear, or do they see it as a chore?
He can get really hyperfixated on things, especially his rifle. Keahi loves having long nerdy talks with Tali, Thane, Garrus, Jacob and Cortez about upgrades and infiltration tech. He finds vehicle talk kinda dull if he's honest, but will try to be politely attentive. Engineering tends to sail over their head but they love seeing other people be enthusiastic so will just coast on the vibes even if the info is not sticking.
21. Do you have any AUs for your shepard?
My main headcanon for Keahi is, ah, Everything after ME2 is AU lol. I am doing an ME3 playthrough though, but to me THAT is the AU, lol.
At the end of ME2, Keahi is so done. Done with Cerberus (not that he was ever really on the same page as them, but did like using their cool stuff).  Done with the council (he keeps sending them evidence throughout me2 of collector and reaper stuff and is constantly ignored).
Done with the Alliance, post Alchera they're on thin ice (pun not intended), then Aratoht happens and their reaction seals it. He does NOT hand himself in, and instead teams up with shadow broker Liara and forms a rogue shadow specter Normandy crew, who will prepare the galaxy for the reapers their own way whether they want it or not.
And also done with keprals. I got the powers of Miranda and Mordin bitch, my space husband aint dying.
22. What’s the last thing Shepard ate before the final reaper showdown?
It’s time to pull out all the secret stash foods and share with the crew. Keahi shares their last precious jar of jerk sauce and makes chicken, and a bag of fizzy gummy worms, in the canteen, Soon everyone on board is pulling out their own personal stashes, creating an extremely confusing but love filled meal.
24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with?
Everyone! That's the good part of taking time to get to know everyone; so many skill sets and strengths. Keahi thinks there's something to learn from everyone.
Also they try hard not to gossip themselves as the commander, but if they happen to hear some tea, well, as long as they maintain a good poker face who's to know how much they secretly love it eh?
Thane is Keahi's best friend, heart and soul. Everything will always get run by Thane. And in private, they can gossip, discreetly.
25. How emotionally articulate is your Shepard? Do they emote well?
Professionally they are stoic when they need to be. Personally? Heart on their sleeve, just a big mushy bag of emotions. Everything is written on their face to almost comical levels. If you met Keahi in a personal setting you would never guess this person is an infiltration and epsionage specialist. They can flip it like a switch for work.
26. Does your Shepard have a romance? Who are they, and what drew Shep to them?
Thane. Keahi always works so hard to get to know other people, to make them feel welcome and understood. Thane is the first person who was genuinely interested in getting to know Keahi on a personal level right from the get go, not just to work well together, not because of any hero worship, but because he liked who Keahi was and wanted to know him better. They also have a shared background of infiltration, sniper skills, and enjoy spending long stretches just being together, quiet and calm, a sanctuary within each other in between their busy bursts of life.
27. Do they have any pet peeves?
Poor communication, mean spirited people, general willful rudeness. And who keeps setting the showers to scalding?!
28. What about hyperfixations? What’s the topic that will get Shepard rolling no matter the person or place
Sniper rifles and bows Certain books and movies and the fandoms around them like Lord of the Rings (Keahi is known to suddenly belt out 'salted pork!' at any good smelling food Gimli style, much to the confusion of many). Speculating on former cultures and planet histories- he and Liara can really geek out on that for hours at a time.
29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime?
Keahi is not as beefcakey as the default mshep body. They work out as needed to weild their heavy rifle, and loves to swim when that's possible, but they aren't all about that weightlift life. They do like inventing ridiculous sports though; low G volleyball anyone? One time they decided to up it- low G volleyball, with inertial dampeners to minimal while Joker drove around. Chakwas had to put her foot down on that one.
30. What will always make them laugh? AND 31. Who can always make them laugh?
He loves a bit of sass and sarcastic humour, especially as they have to be quite diplomatic as leader a lot of the time. He can be pretty sarcastic and darkly funny himself, and LOVES it when people recognise that and join in.
Memes and silly vids are always fun too! There's a great Normandy group chat.
Thane's dry wit and sometimes dark humour is his fave, because of course. In the privacy of the cabin, they can become quite the morbidly hilarious and sassy salty little queens. When Thane said to the biotic god ‘go now and dream of little round women’ Keahi thought they might actually die. He still isn’t sure how he got through the rest of that mission but he’s sure the asari he fought in the next room thought he was taking the piss out of her because they couldn’t stop chuckling.
32. What do they do when they have hit their limit angry, just incandescent with rage
The diplomatic Keahi is dropped and he becomes cold, ruthless even, and reckless compared to his usual careful measured approach to things. It's very rare they get that bad, but quite the thing to behold.
33. What skills do they have that are a surprise to the people around them?
Really nice cursive writing. He often gives people gifts of their favourite quotes written in various languages in beautiful hand writing.
They can also crochet and has made little figurines of all their friends. There are lil crochet things all over the Normandy, hidden for people to find.
34. Got any tattoos?
yes. But I haven't designed them yet shhhh
35. Which companions have they lost? How do they cope with it?
Ash. Whenever he is feeling angry with the Alliance in general, he tries to temper it remembering what a great and dedicated soldier she was, an example of how great their best can be. It really hurts him when they leave the Alliance wondering if she'd have been upset, but ultimately they hope she would have respected their decision.
36. Do they like to style their hair, wear makeup and jewlery? How do they feel about getting dressed up?
His hair is very important to him; he has shoulder length natural curls with an auburn/red hue (Keahi means fire, and is also the name of a tree with red bark, Keahi was born with a mop of red curls and the name was chosen on the spot). They keep it tied back in a bun to work and let it loose in downtime. They also always wear a little black eyeliner, and would probably wear more if he had the time and weren't military. Post Alliance Keahi starts experimenting more with makeup. They love nail polish, and paint Kolyat’s claws in fancy designs as a stepdad-son bonding time.
37. Got any bad habits?
Cracking bones all the time (not just knuckles, everything gets cracked. He's very proud of a spine triple popper). leaving clothes laying around all over the place, wearing any clothes he comes across, eating off of questionable surfaces (5 second rule more like 5 day rule).
"Siha you have worked with poisons, you understand the risks of ingesting unknown substances. How can you possibly think eating that is a good idea?"
"Ug hungry"
Keahi gets hangry easy.
38. Does Shepard do any activities with the companions and crew during downtime?
All the time. Movie nights, group cooking, treasure hunts, hide and seek, the mail slot shield fort down in the hangar bay... Keahi has a childish streak and is very good at getting others to join in
39. Do they keep around any sentimental items? AND 40. Does your Shepard actually like to collect model ships? If not, what do they display?
Shep collects things everywhere they go, and that is what fills their shelves. Rocks, pebbles, leaves, dried flowers, local arts, scraps, you name it. He also likes to find rare print books for Thane.
41. How is Shepard with a gun? What about hand to hand?
Keahi is scarily good with a gun. No offence to Garrus but there is no way he's ever gonna beat Keahi at that shot, even Thane has to conceed, Keahi is THE ultimate shot.
They can do hand to hand if they need to but only basics. Thane and Garrus are teaching them to get better but it'll never be their strength.
42. Favorite weapon?
Widow. Sniper rifle go Pew. Just one. PEW. It’s called Gandalf.
43. Which version of the Normandy do they like best?
The one they create post ME2 with Liara, a hybrid broker base battleship that also has much better casual areas for the very tight knit rogue crew. Everyone gets their own bed in partitioned off areas (they are very small, but at least everyone gets somewhere), the cafeteria becomes more like a family kitchen, the bathrooms become mixed gender, with walled off toilets and showers. And someone turns the damn lights on. Also they move the armory down to the bay like in ME3 because no shade Jacob, but dafuq? why would it be up there?!
45. Do they approve of curing the genophage?
Your damn straight they do. Keahi be like 'Mordin, buddy, I love you you little war criminal you, but you better do good or i'm gonna get mad'. :p
In seriousness, getting the genophage cured is always on Keahi's mind from the moment he learns more about it, they know they will always fight to help make that an end goal however they can. Actually getting to be involved personally on it means so much to them, and is one of thier proudest achievements.
46. Does Shepard allow the rachni to live in me1?
Yes, they consider it carefully but their first instinct is 'I can't commit genocide' and anaylysing the situation and talking to the queen only reinforces that decision.
47. Does Shepard practice any kind of self-care?
Tending to their hair is a daily me time activity.
Knowing that sometimes it's okay to say to the crew 'i'm gonna get some alone time now, see you later' (though that one is something he has to remind himself of regularly as they want to be there for everyone all the time).
48. What abilities do they rely on the most in a fight?
Excellent observational skills, body language analysis and spatial awareness. Anything that gives them an edge with their rifle or tactical cloak, essentially.
49. What is Shepard’s happy ending? What’s the dream that keeps em going
Doing good while surrounded by loved ones. Marrying Thane, being a good step dad to Kolyat, guiding their son Grunt well in life, helping and loving his friends. If they can save the galaxy along the way, well hell, that'd be nice wouldn't it?
50. Is your Shepard indoctrinated
You clearly have not understood how fluffy I am. ;p
(+1: what does Shepard smell like?)
Shea butter leave in conditioner and Thane >:3
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mermaidsstory · 1 year
For a long time, basically my entire life, I felt like I didn’t know who I was. I don’t know if it’s because I was young and naive or what. But even all throughout high school and my first year of college, I just didn’t know where I was supposed to belong. I feel like I’ve been acting in a play where I didn’t know who my character was. I didn’t know what my motives were, what role I had with my friends and family, I barely even had any passions.
I wish I could thoroughly explain what it feels like to not know yourself and not trust who you are, because it’s not obvious. I was living my everyday life, hanging out with friends, going to work, doing school... but it kinda just felt like I was I was just floating in space or something. The best way to describe it is that I felt like a loose puzzle piece just waiting for its spot to be found.
And what’s cool is, my spot has been found. I know who my character is. And I fucking love her.
I don’t know if it’s just quarantine or maybe just because I’m in college now or probably both honestly, but I feel like I finally understand who I am and who I want to be. And I wanna write it down dammit.
I am a fiery woman. I realized that my sun, moon and rising signs are all fire, and for a long time I think I’ve been trying to keep the fire out because it had burned people and myself in the past. But I think I know how to channel that fiery energy now, mostly into passion, creativity and leadership.
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