#currently laundering boops
blitzisms · 6 months
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likeswallowstosea · 6 months
//Okay so I'm probably not gonna be around too much today writing wise (dealing with a bunch health wise), but I'll 100% be around for the booping because I want the badges >.>
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s0lace-1n-s0l1tude · 6 months
I am currently boop laundering by booping myslef
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sylisuppose · 6 months
currently boop laundering
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spnorwhatever · 3 years
Niche interesting-to-me-and-idk-who-else sort of free-form ramble/discussion on 1901 Castiel’s fashion to follow:
okay so 1901 Castiel isn’t very height-of-fashion-trends 1901, HOWEVER I don’t mind that it’s a bit more late 1890s, since the average person doesn’t just suddenly change all their clothes once the decade turns over, and (if we’re going by the actress’ age) the vessel would be like.. 20? at the time. I found a handful of fashion plates, ranging from 1893 to 1898, which look similar in silhouette/cut to what they put Castiel in. This one in particular, I think, probably was a strong influence/strongly resembles the coat the put her in, down to the darts and the pockets: https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O606532/fashion-plate/
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They put Benjamin in something very similar, if not the same, so I imagine that they just modified Castiel’s to make it double-breasted [edit: JUST KIDDING it’s not double-breasted? just looks it bc it’s pulled over asymmetrically] (these ones are double-breasted: https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O606621/fashion-plate/ ; https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O606507/fashion-plate/ ; https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O606598/fashion-plate/ ; here’s another one with a jaunty hat from 1896, titled “Latest styles in hunting costumes” https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O606538/fashion-plate/ ‘ here’s some actual photos, it looks like, of coats from 1899. the sleeve is much slimmer than what they did on the show https://libmma.contentdm.oclc.org/digital/collection/p15324coll12/id/8800 ). some of these other examples, though, have a clearly contrasting skirt, and I honestly like that better. Also, for the period, the hat would have been worn square on the head, NOT at a jaunty angle lmao. But like... okay at least they had them in hats lmao, as would have been proper for the time.
I do want to give props to the costuming department, because it does look like they at least did SOME research, and I can see their references to the late Victorian era, if not an exact time, even if the fit is not stunning. Like, I would have nipped in the sleeve a bit more (you can see above that the sleeves do go fitted thru the elbow to wrist, and they didn’t do that which is why she looks so chunky from the 3/4 angle), and done something else with the skirt, since having the skirt in the same sort of suiting fabric for an unembellished tan-on-tan look is... not very stunning. also they altered it so it was long, but with an asymmetrical/cutaway kind of opening? That’s odd. And I think makes the tone-on-tone look weirder, bc clearly it’s a COAT coat, not just a like dress bodice made to look coat-like. Benjamin’s, in contrast, works a bit better bc it looks like it goes no farther than, like, mid-thigh? knee? I saw some long coats, but like the front would meet in the middle and the hem ended just above the skirt hem (more like ankle-length), not be full floor-length like the skirt would be. Which makes sense, you’re not going to launder your coat as much, it makes less sense to make your coat foor-length where it’ll drag on the floor & in the dirt and through everything. Actually, in the full-length shot from the show you can see the skirt & the coat (rip) darkened at the hem from damp lmao.
Like, yes, bodices would match skirts as like suit sets, but the thing is that Castiel’s top looks to be more of a coat than, say, a bodice of a suit set, so it makes less sense for me to have it match.  Also wish they’d done a different design for Castiel, because Castiel and Benjamin look to be in the same/similar kind of look, and idk... it just makes it feel a bit too mass-produced. Like. they cooould have just happen to have the same kind of look. But they’re not really fashionable for the era either, especially not in that color/fabric, so it doesn’t suuuper make sense to me. Another also is, wish they’d put like a tie/cravat on her. Could have been a pop of color that hearkens to his current tie. I just feel like it’s missing a little.. something so it’s not just tan on tan.
Anyway I was digging around for colorized fashion plates, and so here’s some other ones in the rough period (1890-1900) that I like and kind of wish they’d done more instead of just like tan-on-tan: 
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(the attribution for the above I found said 1899) like I think a black skirt would have been nice with a coat like this, it would have looked smart, and would have hearkened to his suit he wears under the coat. Yes it’s not a long coat, but.. idk I think this works.
Another alternative
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(attributed just as “late Victorian”?) like I think this one’s great, it looks like a plaly on menswear, so you have a little something that even looks similar to a modern tie, and it’s a bit more interesting than just unembellished tan on tan
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this one looks like she’s wearing a tie/cravat kind of deal, so again, modern tie reference. The lapels can be adapted, and the embellishment on the skirt give the illusion of a long coat without it being an actual long coat.
I mean. I don’t mind the long coat, or even necessarily the fabric (though to my eye the fabric looks a biiit heavy to make the skirt out of also)
Here’s an extant suit in about the same color: https://thedreamstress.com/2016/11/rate-the-dress-tailored-details-in-1900/
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but I think what makes it work is the like... shorter top, embellished skirt, and like. better fit sleeves lmao. Also, again, Castiel’s isn’t a suit set, so like that, plus the ill-fitting sleeves, really makes it kind of unflattering? Especially at the 3/4 angle, the way the sleeve blocks against her little bustle/bustle pad. Which is a shame, because from the front, it looks like they either have her in proper period underpinnings, or faked it well enough. edit: I do also want to say she looks rather.. deflated. Like, the fashionable silhouette of this era wasn’t achieved solely by corsets & lacing lmao, it was also done with padding, esp in the area between the bustline and the shoulder to really smooth out that area & fill it out, and the sleeves. And like, her coat clearly isn’t padded where it should be to really create that fashionable late-Victorian silhouette (and neither is Benjamin).
This is really roughly edited, but just imagine if we’d gotten a cute little neck thing, and a black skirt, and lmfao.. a coat that wasn’t fckn... floor-length (like, even just a midi-length like his modern coat, but worn open-ish towards the bottom or whatever):
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Honestly even just a tiny. boop of blue at the collar is a HUGE improvement. Like, c’mon, it was perioddddd. Pls.
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